- Xtra iiwu
- Version 2.7
- October 2002
- --- Introduction
- The iiwu Xtra integrates the iiwusynth synthesizer into Director.
- The iiwusynth software synthesizer has been designed by Peter Hanappe,
- and is available under the LGPL licence. It emulates in software the
- SoundFont 2.01 Specifications (http://www.soundfont.com) designed by
- Creative Labs (SoundBlaster maker). It is basically a small, fast and
- robust wavetable synthesizer, with a MIDI-like interface and
- integrated sequencer. For more information on the iiwu synthesizer :
- http://www.iiwu.org/iiwusynth
- The iiwu Xtra has been developped as part of the "infiniteCD Author"
- project managed by Antoine Schmitt and Hyptique, with support from the
- PRIAM funds from the French government.
- For more information on the infiniteCD Author project :
- http://www.infiniteCD.org/
- http://www.hyptique.com/
- http://www.gratin.org/as/
- --- Licencing
- The Version 2.7 of the iiwu Xtra is beta. Do not distribute without
- permission. Eventually, the Xtra will be part of the iiwu project,
- and thus will conform to the LGPL licence.
- --- Release notes
- Version 2.0.1 : first beta version - October 2002
- Version 2.0.1 : first beta version - October 2002
- Version 2.5 : second beta - November 2002
- Version 2.6 : third beta - November 2002
- Version 2.7 : fourth beta - November 2002
- --- Technical Requirements
- OS:
- - Macintosh >= MacOS8.6.1 < MacOSX
- - Windows >= 95
- Director 8.5.1
- Sound Card
- --- Installation
- Drop the folder "iiwuXtraFolder" into the Xtras folder of Director.
- -----------------
- --- Documentation
- -----------------
- - Calls
- All function calls are done using lingo's call syntax:
- object.func(args...)
- or
- func(object, args...)
- Where object is the instance of the Xtra created with the 'new'
- method. All functions return either a value, which can be 0 (zero),
- meaning that the function executed without errors, either a negative
- number, meaning that an error occurred. If an error occured, the
- function 'getError' returns a human-readable string describing the
- error.
- - Instances
- Many instances of the Xtra may coexist at the same time.
- Instances are created with the 'new' function, and deleted by assigning
- the lingo variable to VOID, as usual for Xtra instances.
- - SoundFont file, stack, presets
- A SoundFont bank is typically stored in a file, called a SoundFont
- file, of extension .sf2. In the following documentation, we will refer
- to the SoundFont file or SoundFont bank by the term
- 'SoundFont'. Please note that the term 'bank' will always refer to a
- MIDI bank, not a SoundFont bank.
- A SoundFont has a name and contains 'presets'. A preset represents a
- way to play a sound, as a combination of sample data and parameters on
- how to play it. The preset is the fundamental sound object of the
- SoundFont format.
- A preset has a name, and is defined uniquely by a MIDI bank number and
- a preset number in the bank. The MIDI bank number ranges from 0 to
- 16383 and the preset number from 0 to 127. Thus a SoundFont file may
- contain up to 128x16384=2097152 presets.
- SoundFont files may be loaded in the synthesizer, using the
- 'loadSoundFont' function, thus making its presets available for
- playing. A SoundFont may be unloaded using the 'unloadSoundFont'
- function.
- If more than one SoundFont file is loaded, the SoundFonts are stacked
- in the synthesizer : when a preset is requested by the 'programChange'
- function, it is looked up in all succcessive SoundFonts, from first to
- last, until the preset with the right preset number and bank number is
- found. The SoundFont stack may be examined but not changed : the
- SoundFonts are stacked in inverse loading order: the last loaded
- SoundFont is the first searched.
- A special SoundFont is maintained by the synthesizer, corresponding to
- user-defined presets, built from user-provided samples. These presets
- are defined using the 'loadSample' and 'loadSoundMember'
- functions. This user SoundFont is inserted in the SoundFont stack at
- the first call of one of these functions. All subsequent calls to one
- of these functions will insert the created preset in the same user
- SoundFont.
- - Channels
- According to the MIDI format and protocol, the synthesizer has a fixed
- number of channels. This is the maximum number of presets that may be
- playing at the same time. At all times, one given channel plays at
- most one preset (but can play many notes from this preset). A preset
- is associated to a channel using the 'programChange' function. The
- number of channels of the synthesizer is defined at init time using
- the 'new' function. A given preset may be associated to many
- channels.
- -----------------
- -- Initialization
- -----------------
- new(Xtra"iiwusynth")
- new(Xtra"iiwusynth", plist initParams)
- -----------------
- ex : iiwuObj = new(Xtra "iiwusynth", [#channels: 32])
- Creates a new instance of the iiwu Xtra.
- The optional initParams argument is a propert-list
- of key-value paris defining initialization parameters.
- Only one key is currently defined:
- - #channels : int > 0 : the number of channels allocated by the
- synthesizer. If omitted, the default number of channels is set to 64.
- Version 2.0.1 : This is not implemented yet : the number of channels is always 64.
- To destroy the synthesizer, simply set its variable to VOID.
- Returns an error code (unable to create, hardware error, bad arguments).
- getChannelsCount(object me)
- -----------------
- ex : nbchan = getChannelsCount(iiwuObj)
- Returns the number of channels of the synthesizer. By default, there are 64 channels.
- Returns an error code (no synth).
- getMasterGain(object me)
- -----------------
- ex : gain = getMasterGain(iiwuObj)
- Returns the master gain of the synthesizer. By default the gain is 1.0 (full volume).
- The gain is between 0.0 and 2.0.
- Returns an error code (no synth).
- setMasterGain(object me, float gain)
- -----------------
- ex : setMasterGain(iiwuObj, 0.5)
- Sets the master gain of the synthesizer. By default the gain is 1.0.
- The gain should between 0.0 and 2.0.
- Gains superior to 1.0 (full volume, no attenuation) should be handled
- carefully, as distortion may happen.
- Returns an error code (no synth).
- -----------------
- -- Reverb/Chorus
- -----------------
- setReverb(object me)
- setReverb(object me, int onOrOff)
- -----------------
- ex : setReverb(iiwuObj)
- ex : setReverb(iiwuObj, FALSE)
- Sets the reverb module of the synthesizer on or off.
- Returns an error code (no synth, bad arguments).
- getReverb(object me)
- -----------------
- ex : revOn = getReverb(iiwuObj)
- Return 1 of the reverb module is on (default), 0 if it is off.
- Returns an error code (no synth, bad arguments).
- setReverbProp(object me, symbol prop, float value)
- -----------------
- ex : setReverbProp(iiwuObj, #roomsize, 0.9)
- ex : setReverbProp(iiwuObj, #level, 0.2)
- Sets the value of a property of the reverb module.
- Accepted properties are:
- - #level : the level of the reverb (0.0 = no reverb, 1.0 = full reverb).
- - #roomsize : the size of the room. 0.0 means a very small room, 1.0 means outerspace.
- - #width : the spatial width of the reverb. 0.0 means a very narrow reverb, 1.0 a wide one.
- - #damping : how much power is lost at each reverberation. 1.0 : mostly lost, 0.0 : full reverberation.
- All values are between 0.0 and 1.0.
- Returns an error code (no synth, bad arguments).
- getReverbProp(object me, symbol prop)
- -----------------
- ex : roomsiz = getReverbProp(iiwuObj, #roomsize)
- ex : damping = getReverbProp(iiwuObj, #damping)
- Returns the float value of the given property of the reverb module. Accepted properties are listed above.
- Returns an error code (no synth, bad arguments).
- setChorus(object me)
- setChorus(object me, int onOrOff)
- -----------------
- ex : setChorus(iiwuObj)
- ex : setChorus(iiwuObj, FALSE)
- Sets the chorus module of the synthesizer on or off.
- Returns an error code (no synth, bad arguments).
- getChorus(object me)
- -----------------
- ex : chorusOn = getChorus(iiwuObj)
- Return 1 of the chorus module is on (default), 0 if it is off.
- Returns an error code (no synth, bad arguments).
- setChorusProp(object me, symbol prop, float value)
- -----------------
- ex : setChorusProp(iiwuObj, #number, 3)
- ex : setChorusProp(iiwuObj, #level, 0.2)
- Sets the value of a property of the chorus module.
- Accepted properties are:
- - #level : the level of the chorus. Min is 0.0, maximum accepted is 10.0.
- - #number : the number of secondary voices. Maximum is 99.
- - #modulation : the amplitude of the frequency modulation, in Hz. Min is 0.29, max is 5.0.
- - #delay : the maximum delay between secondary voices, in ms. Min is 0, maximum is 100.0.
- Returns an error code (no synth, bad arguments).
- getChorusProp(object me, symbol prop)
- -----------------
- ex : number = getChorusProp(iiwuObj, #number)
- ex : modulation = getChorusProp(iiwuObj, #modulation)
- Returns the float value of the given property of the chorus module. Accepted properties are listed above.
- Returns an error code (no synth, bad arguments).
- -----------------
- -- Sound Data
- -----------------
- loadSoundFont(object me, string filePath)
- -----------------
- ex : soundFontID = loadSoundFont(iiwuObj, the moviePath & "MySoundFonts.sf2")
- Loads a SoundFonts file in the synthesizer and places it at the top of
- the SoundFont stack : it will be the first searched when looking for a
- preset.
- The path is absolute, and should be expressed with the local file
- system conventions.
- The loaded soundFont will be of type #file.
- Returns an ID, an interger uniquely idenfiying the SoundFont in the stack, or an error
- code (no synth, no file, bad file format, not enough
- memory).
- createSoundFont(object me)
- createSoundFont(object me, string name)
- -----------------
- ex : soundFontID = createSoundFont(iiwuObj)
- ex : soundFontID = createSoundFont(iiwuObj, "mysoundfont in memory")
- Creates an empty SoundFont in memory (type #ram) and places it at the top of
- the SoundFont stack : it will be the first searched when looking for a
- preset.
- The returned soundFontID can be used in the #soundFont property of the loadSampleFile or
- loadSampleMember functions.
- The created soundFont can be removed from memory, using the unloadSoundFont function.
- The 'name' argument is optional and defaults to EMPTY (the empty string).
- Returns an ID, an interger uniquely idenfiying the SoundFont in the stack, or an error
- code (no synth, no file, bad file format, not enough
- memory).
- unloadSoundFont(object me)
- unloadSoundFont(object me, int soundFontID)
- -----------------
- ex : unloadSoundFont(iiwuObj, 1)
- ex : unloadSoundFont(iiwuObj)
- Unloads the SoundFont of the given ID of the SoundFont stack.
- The soundFontID argument is optional, and defaults to the first searched
- SoundFont (the last loaded).
- All types of soundFonts can be unloaded from memory.
- Returns an error code (no synth, bad ID).
- reloadSoundFont(object me)
- reloadSoundFont(object me, int soundFontID)
- -----------------
- ex : reloadSoundFont(iiwuObj, 1)
- ex : reloadSoundFont(iiwuObj)
- Version 2.0.1 : Not Yet Implemented.
- Reloads the SoundFont of the given ID of the SoundFont stack.
- The soundFontID argument is optional, and defaults to the first searched
- SoundFont (the last loaded).
- This is useful when a soundFont is known to have changed outside
- the synthesizer.
- Only SoundFonts of type #file can be reloaded.
- Returns an error code (no synth, bad ID).
- getSoundFontsStack(object me)
- -----------------
- ex : aList = getSoundFontsStack(iiwuObj)
- Returns a lingo list containing all the IDs of the SoundFonts in the stack, sorted from first searched to last searched (last loded to first loaded).
- May return an error code (no synth).
- getSoundFontInfo(object me)
- getSoundFontInfo(object me, int soundFontID)
- -----------------
- ex : nam = getSoundFontInfo(iiwuObj)
- Returns information about the SoundFont of the given soundFontID of the SoundFont stack.
- The soundFontID argument is optional, and defaults to the first searched
- SoundFont (the last loaded).
- The information is returned in the form of a lingo property-list,
- containing key-value pairs describing the SoundFont: its name, and
- info about its presets (name, preset number and bank number):
- [
- #name:"SoundFontName",
- #type:#file or #ram,
- #presets:
- [
- [#name:"preset1Name", #bank:preset1bankNb, #number:preset1Number],
- [#name:"preset2Name", #bank:preset2bankNb, #number:preset2Number],
- ...
- ]
- ]
- (More information may be added in future versions of the Xtra)
- Can return an error code (no synth, bad soundFontID).
- loadSampleFile(object me, string filePath, plist presetInfo)
- loadSampleFile(object me, string filePath, int number)
- -----------------
- Version 2.0.1 : Not Yet Implemented.
- ex : loadSampleFile(iiwuObj, the moviePath&"MidPiano.aiff",
- [#name:"piano", #bank:0, #number:1, #rootKey:60, #keyrange:[50, 70]])
- ex : loadSampleFile(iiwuObj, the moviePath&"Piano.aiff", [#number:2])
- ex : loadSampleFile(iiwuObj, the moviePath&"Piano.aiff", 2)
- Loads a sample file from filePath and creates a preset from it. This
- is a simple way of creating a preset from a specific sample.
- The 'filePath' is absolute, and should be expressed with the local
- file system conventions. Accepted sample formats are : wav, and aiff.
- The preset is added to a ram (memory) SoundFont (type #ram).
- This SoundFont is either specified using the #soundFont property (see below),
- either the highest soundfont in the stack is used if it is a ram soundfont,
- either it is created on the fly in memory, in which case it is placed at the top
- of the SoundFont stack of the synthesizer.
- The preset is created according to the 'presetInfo'
- lingo property-list. This plist is a combination of key-value pairs
- describing the preset. The following keys are taken into account:
- - #number : integer, mandatory. Between 0 and 127 : the preset number in the bank
- If this preset number (and bank if set) was already in use, the sample is added
- to the already preset samples of this preset. This is a handy way to define
- a keyRange for a preset.
- - #bank : integer, optional (default = 0). Between 0 and 16383: the number
- of the MIDI bank that will be assigned to the preset.
- - #soundFont : integer, optional. Specifies the soundFontID of the SoundFont
- in which the preset will be created. If specified, it should be a
- soundFont of type #ram. If not specified, the first soundfont on the stack
- will be used if it is of type #ram. If not, a new SoundFont
- is created on the fly.
- - #name : string : the name of the preset - optional
- - #rootKey : int between 0 and 127 : the key at which the sample will
- be played 'as is' - optional : if omitted, 60 (middle-C) is used.
- - #keyRangeStart : integer, optional (default = 0).
- Defines the first of two keys between which the sample should be
- played (the comparison is inclusive).
- If a noteon asks for a key outside this range, the sample is not
- played. If omitted, the whole range [0, 127] is used.
- - #keyRangeEnd : integer, optional (default = 127). See keyRangeStart.
- - #loop : boolean, optional. Specifies that the sample should be played
- as a loop. Default is FALSE.
- - #attack : float, optional (default = 0.0). Duration, in milliseconds of
- the attack phase of the sound, i.e. the time for the sample to reach peak volume
- after a noteon is issued.
- - #decay : float, optional (default = 0.0). Duration, in milliseconds of
- the decay phase of the sound, i.e. the time for the sample to reach sustain volume
- after the attack.
- - #sustainlevel : float, optional (default = 0.0). Level, in dB relative to the
- peak level, of the sustain level. A sustainlevel of 0 means the same level than
- the peak level. A sustainlevel of 10 mean peak-10dB, which is very low.
- A sustainlevel of 100dB conventionnaly means full attenuation.
- - #release : float, optional (default = 0.0). Duration, in milliseconds of
- the release phase of the sound, i.e. the time for the sample to reach silence
- after a noteoff.
- Note that in one preset, two different samples may be used for two
- different key ranges.
- example :
- loadSampleFile(iiwuObj, the moviePath&"PianoLo.aiff", [#name:"piano",
- #bank:0, #number:1, #rootKey:30, #keyrange:[0, 60]])
- loadSampleFile(iiwuObj, the moviePath&"PianoHi.aiff", [#name:"piano",
- #bank:0, #number:1, #rootKey:90, #keyrange:[61, 127]])
- This example defines two samples for two ranges of the same preset.
- A preset may not be unloaded ; only the whole user SoundFont may be
- unloaded from the SoundFont stack, using the 'unloadSoundFont'
- function.
- Returns the soundFontID of the SoundFont to which the sample has been added,
- or an error code (no synth, no file, bad file format, not enough
- memory, bad bank number, bad preset number, bad key).
- loadSampleMember(object me, obj member, plist presetInfo)
- -----------------
- ex : loadSampleMember(iiwuObj, member(3), [#name:"piano", #bank:0, #number:1])
- Version 2.0.1 : Not Yet Implemented.
- Loads a sample from the given Director sound cast member and creates a
- preset from it.
- The preset is created according to the 'presetInfo' lingo
- property-list. (see above for details on the presetInfo format).
- Returns the soundFontID of the SoundFont to which the sample has been added,
- or an error code (no synth, no member, bad member format, not enough memory,
- bad bank number, bad preset number, bad key, not a user soundFont).
- -----------------
- -- Event sequencer
- -----------------
- Introduction
- -----------------
- - Sequencer
- The API functions for playing music is derived from the MIDI
- protocol. This protocol defines the use of a number of presets for
- every synthesizer object. Application communicate with a preset in a
- synthesizer over a channel. The communication is event based (MIDI
- events). The API of the music functions (discussed below) can be
- thought of as sending an event over a channel to a preset.
- The music API functions includes the optional use of a sequencer. A
- sequencer is an object that assures the delivery of an event at a
- future time. To use the sequencer object, the events have to specify a
- time property. Two property key values can be used:
- - #date: specifies the time on an absolute time axis (the creation
- time of the synthesizer is used as time zero),
- - #delay: specifies the time relative to the sequencer's current time.
- The time is measured in 'ticks'. A 'tick' is an arbitrary unit that
- can be set by the application. See the sequencer API below.
- - Event destinations
- The API includes the use of several synthesizer objects. The property
- key '#dest' indicates the destination of the event. The destination
- value is the name of the synthesizer object. If no destination is
- specified, the event will be sent to the first known destination which
- is the default synthesizer.
- - Event sources
- Events can also specify an event source. This is useful when the
- sender of an event wants to cancel some time the event later. To use
- this feature, the event simply contains the key '#source' with a string
- as value.
- - Callbacks
- Lingo objects can ask the sequencer to schedule a callback function at
- a precise time. The callback is the name of a Lingo handler. The movie
- will have to call the poll function of the xtra regularly to receive
- the callbacks.
- - Sequencer API
- The following functions address the sequencer directly.
- setTimeUnit(object me, float ticksPerSecond)
- -----------------
- ex. setTimeUnit(iiwuObj, 10.0) -- 1 tick equals 100 millisecond
- Sets the tick unit of the sequencer.
- ticksPerSecond is a float > 0.
- Returns a error indication (bad initialization).
- getTimeUnit(object me)
- -----------------
- ex. getTimeUnit(iiwuObj)
- Returns the tick unit of the sequencer or an error indication (bad
- initialization).
- By default, the tick value is 1000.0 (1 tick = 1 millisecond).
- getTime(object me)
- -----------------
- ex. getTime(iiwuObj)
- Returns the time in tick from the start of the synthesizer, in tick units
- of the sequencer or an error indication (bad initialization).
- getDestinations(object me)
- -----------------
- ex. getDestinations(iiwuObj)
- Returns a list with all the names of possible event destinations.
- removeEvents(object me, plist filter)
- -----------------
- ex. removeEvents(iiwuObj, [#dest: "iiwusynth", #source: "DrumMachine"])
- ex. removeEvents(iiwuObj, [#source: "DrumMachine", #type: #note])
- Removes events that are queued for sending in the sequencer. The
- function takes property list as argument. The property list defines
- the events that should be filtered. Currently, any of the three
- following keys can be used:
- - #source: remove the events for the specified source (if not specified,
- removes all source)
- - #dest: remove the events sent by the specified destination (if not
- specified, removes all destination)
- - #type: remove the events according to this event type (if not
- specified, removes all events)
- Possible event types are:
- - #note
- - #noteon
- - #noteoff
- - #allsoundsoff
- - #allnotesoff
- - #programchange
- - #controlchange: includes all controlChange events (pitchbend, modulation,
- sustain, pan, volume, reverbsend, chorussend)
- - #pitchbend
- - #modulation
- - #sustain
- - #pan
- - #volume
- - #reverbsend
- - #chorussend
- - #callback
- Returns an error code (no sequencer, invalid argument).
- scheduleCallback(object me, plist callbackInfo)
- -----------------
- ex. scheduleCallback(iiwuObj, [#delay: 1200, #handler:"updateDrumMachine", #args: [1,2,3]])
- ex. scheduleCallback(iiwuObj, [#delay: 1200, #source:"drumMachine", #handler:"updateDrumMachine"])
- Schedules a callback event. When the event is reached, the lingo handler defined in
- the 'callbackInfo' propertylist is called back. Note that the callback happens during
- idle time.
- The 'callbackInfo' propertylist has the following possible properties:
- - #handler, string, mandatory. It is the lingo handler that will be called.
- - #args, a lingo list, optional. This list contains the arguments of the handler.
- The scheduleCallback function retains a pointer to this list but does not copy it,
- according to the lingo tradition. The lingo eventually executed is equivalent
- to "handler(args[1], args[2], ...)". If the first argument is a child object,
- the corresponding handler will be called on that object.
- - #delay/#date : integer, optional. Specifies the time of the callback. Defaults to #delay:0
- - #source : optional. Specifies the source. Useful for removing callbacks.
- - #dest : optional. Specifies the destination.
- To remove a scheduled callback, use removeEvents:
- ex : removeEvents(iiwuObj, [#source: "drumMachine", #type: #callback])
- ex : removeEvents(iiwuObj, [#type: #callback])
- Returns an error code (no sequencer, invalid argument).
- -----------------
- -- Playing music
- -----------------
- Most event functions accept an optional property list that describes
- the sequencing of the event. This is indicated by the 'seq' argument
- in the functions below. The following properties are recognized:
- - #date: the absolute time of the event
- - #delay: the time of the event relative to current time
- - #source: the event source
- - #dest: the event destination
- #date and #delay should not be specified together.
- programChange(object me, int channel, plist presetInfo, plist seq)
- programChange(object me, int channel, int presetNumber, plist seq)
- -----------------
- ex : programChange(iiwuObj, 1, [#bank:1, #number:3])
- ex : programChange(iiwuObj, 1, 3)
- Assigns the given preset of the SoundFont stack to the given channel
- of the synthethizer.
- The preset may be defined using a property-list defining its MIDI bank
- number and its preset number, using specific keys:
- - #bank : int between 0 and 16383: the number of the MIDI bank of the
- preset - optional : if #bank is not present, 0 is the default.
- - #number : int between 0 and 127 : the preset number in the bank -
- mandatory.
- The preset may also be defined by a unique int, wich is treated as
- the preset number, assuming that the MIDI bank is 0 (zero).
- In all cases, the preset is looked up in the SoundFont stack, starting
- from the first SoundFont up the stack, until a corresponding preset is
- found. The found preset is assigned to the channel. The maximum
- number of channels are defined using the 'new' method.
- If a preset was previoulsy assigned to that channel, it is forgotten,
- but all noteon finish normally.
- Returns an error code (no synth, no SoundFonts, bad
- channel, bad preset definition).
- getProgram(object me, int channel)
- -----------------
- ex : getProgram(iiwuObj, 0)
- Returns information about the preset assigned to the channel. The
- information is of the form : [#name:"presetName", #bank:presetBankNb,
- #number:presetNumber] The maximum number of channels are defined using
- the 'new' method.
- May return an error code (no synth, no preset
- assigned, bad channel number)
- note(object me, int channel, int key, float vel, int dur, plist seq)
- -----------------
- ex : note(iiwuObj, 1, 38, 1.0, 1000)
- Plays a note, using the specified 'channel' and 'key', with the
- specified velocity (strength). The duration 'dur' of the note is
- specified in ticks.
- 0.0 <= vel <= 1.0 (automatically limited if smaller or greater)
- 0 <= key <= 127
- The maximum number of channels are defined using the 'new' method.
- Returns an error code (no synth, no SoundFonts, bad
- channel, no preset assigned, bad key, bad vel).
- noteon(object me, int channel, int key, float vel, plist seq)
- -----------------
- ex : noteon(iiwuObj, 1, 38, 1.0)
- Starts a note, using the specified 'channel' and 'key', with the
- specified velocity (strength).
- 0.0 <= vel <= 1.0 (automatically limited if smaller or greater)
- 0 <= key <= 127
- The maximum number of channels are defined using the 'new' method.
- Returns an error code (no synth, no SoundFonts, bad
- channel, no preset assigned, bad key, bad vel).
- noteoff(object me, int channel, int key, plist seq)
- -----------------
- ex : noteoff(iiwuObj, 1)
- Stops all playing notes on the given 'channel' and the given 'key'.
- The maximum number of channels are defined using the 'new' method.
- Returns an error code (no synth, no SoundFonts, bad
- channel, no preset assigned).
- controlChange(object me, int channel, plist controlParams, plist seq)
- -----------------
- ex:
- controlChange(obj, 1, [#pitchbend: 1.0, #sustain:1])
- controlChange(obj, 1, [#pan: -0.2, #sustain:1, #volume:0.5, #reverbsend:1.0])
- This function allow to change some control parameters of the given
- channel. The effect is immediate and allows for continuous
- modification of a sound.
- The 'controlParams' is a lingo property-list of key-value pairs, with
- the key describing the control parameter to affect, and the value
- specifying the amount of the change. For some keys, the value is not
- taken into account. The list of currently implemented keys is the
- following :
- - #pitchbend: float between -1.0 an 1.0: sets the pitchbend level
- 0.0 means no pitchbend.
- The pitchrange may be configured in the preset (for
- loaded SoundFonts), but the default range corresponds to 4 steps
- (one step = one semi-tone), so a value of -1.0 means two steps down,
- and a value of 1.0 means two steps up.
- - #pan: float between -1.0 an 1.0: sets the pan level.
- -1.0 is all sound on left channel, 1.0 is all sound on right channel
- 0.0 is sound in center.
- - #volume: float between 0.0 an 1.0: sets the volume level.
- 0.0 is silence, 1.0 is full volume.
- - #reverbsend: float between 0.0 an 1.0. Sets the volume of the auxiliary
- output send to the reverb module. 0.0 is no signal, 1.0 is full
- volume.
- - #chorussend: float between 0.0 an 1.0. Sets the volume of the auxiliary
- output send to the chorus module. 0.0 is no signal, 1.0 is full
- volume.
- - #sustain: int = 0 or 1: sets or removes the sustain from the
- channel.
- - #modulation: float between 0.0 an 1.0. Amplitude modulation.
- Vibrato.
- Returns an error code (no synth, no SoundFonts, bad
- channel, no preset assigned, unknown controlKey, bad controlValue).
- getControl(object me, int channel, symbol ctrl)
- -----------------
- ex. getControl(iiwuObj, 1, #volume)
- Returns the value of a controller.
- getControls(object me, int channel)
- -----------------
- ex. getControls(iiwuObj, 1)
- Returns a property list with the values of all controllers in the
- form: [#pan: 0.4, #sustain:1, #volume:0.8, #reverbsend:1.0, ...]
- allsoundsoff(object me, int channel, plist seq)
- -----------------
- Instantly stops all sound on the channel. The optional argument is
- the sequencer information. Returns an error code (no sequencer).
- allnotesoff(object me, int channel, plist seq)
- -----------------
- Sends a noteoff to all currently playing notes on the channel. The
- optional argument is the sequencer information. Returns an error code
- (no sequencer).
- ---------------------------
- -- Debug and maintenance
- ---------------------------
- debug(object me, string logFile)
- -----------------
- ex : debug(iiwuObj, the moviePath&"logfile")
- Sets the debug mode of the Xtra.
- If a logFile is provided, debug is set.
- If VOID is provided, debug is turned off.
- If debug is on, a log of all actions and errors is written in the logFile.
- Returns an error code (cannot open/create log file).
- getError(object me)
- -----------------
- ex : lastError = getError(iiwuObj)
- returns a human readable string describing the last error that occured
- in the Xtra.
- getCPUUsage(object me)
- -----------------
- ex : aPercent = getCPUusage(iiwuObj)
- returns a float representing the estimation of the percentage of CPU
- used by the synthesizer, or an error code (no synth).
- -------------------------------
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