- /* FluidSynth - A Software Synthesizer
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003 Peter Hanappe and others.
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
- * 02111-1307, USA
- */
- /* This module: 3/2002
- * Author: Markus Nentwig, nentwig@users.sourceforge.net
- */
- #define PrintErrorMessage -1
- #include "fluidsynth_priv.h"
- #ifdef LADSPA
- #include <assert.h>
- /* Dynamic library functions */
- #include <dlfcn.h>
- #include "fluid_ladspa.h"
- #include "fluid_synth.h"
- /* Logging to stdout. */
- //#define L(x) x;printf("n");
- #define L(x);
- fluid_LADSPA_FxUnit_t* new_fluid_LADSPA_FxUnit(fluid_synth_t* synth){
- fluid_LADSPA_FxUnit_t* FxUnit=FLUID_NEW(fluid_LADSPA_FxUnit_t);
- assert(FxUnit);
- assert(synth);
- /* The default state is 'bypassed'. The Fx unit has to be turned on explicitly by the user. */
- /* Those settings have to be done in order to allow fluid_LADSPA_clean. */
- FxUnit->Bypass=fluid_LADSPA_Bypassed;
- FxUnit->NumberNodes=0;
- FxUnit->NumberPlugins=0;
- FxUnit->NumberLibs=0;
- FxUnit->NumberCommands=0;
- FxUnit->NumberUserControlNodes=0;
- FxUnit->synth=synth;
- pthread_cond_init(&FxUnit->cond,NULL);
- return FxUnit;
- };
- /* Purpose:
- * Creates the system nodes to get data into and out of the Fx unit.
- */
- void fluid_LADSPA_CreateSystemNodes(fluid_LADSPA_FxUnit_t* FxUnit){
- char str[99];
- int nr_input_nodes;
- int nr_fx_input_nodes;
- int nr_output_nodes;
- int temp;
- int i;
- /* Retrieve the number of synth / audio out / Fx send nodes */
- assert(fluid_settings_getint(FxUnit->synth->settings, "synth.audio-groups", &temp));
- nr_input_nodes=(int) temp;
- printf("%i audio groupsn", nr_input_nodes);
- assert(fluid_settings_getint(FxUnit->synth->settings, "synth.audio-channels", &temp));
- nr_output_nodes=temp;
- assert(fluid_settings_getint(FxUnit->synth->settings, "synth.effects-channels", &temp));
- nr_fx_input_nodes=temp;
- /* Create regular input nodes (associated with audio groups) */
- for (i=0; i < nr_input_nodes; i++){
- sprintf(str, "in%i_L",(i+1));
- fluid_LADSPA_CreateNode(FxUnit, str, fluid_LADSPA_node_is_audio | fluid_LADSPA_node_is_source);
- sprintf(str, "in%i_R",(i+1));
- fluid_LADSPA_CreateNode(FxUnit, str, fluid_LADSPA_node_is_audio | fluid_LADSPA_node_is_source);
- };
- /* Create effects send nodes (for example reverb, chorus send) */
- for (i=0; i < nr_fx_input_nodes; i++){
- sprintf(str, "send%i_L",(i+1));
- fluid_LADSPA_CreateNode(FxUnit, str, fluid_LADSPA_node_is_audio | fluid_LADSPA_node_is_source);
- sprintf(str, "send%i_R",(i+1));
- fluid_LADSPA_CreateNode(FxUnit, str, fluid_LADSPA_node_is_audio | fluid_LADSPA_node_is_source);
- };
- /* Create output nodes (usually towards the sound card) */
- for (i=0; i < nr_input_nodes; i++){
- sprintf(str, "out%i_L",(i+1));
- fluid_LADSPA_CreateNode(FxUnit, str, fluid_LADSPA_node_is_audio | fluid_LADSPA_node_is_sink);
- sprintf(str, "out%i_R",(i+1));
- fluid_LADSPA_CreateNode(FxUnit, str, fluid_LADSPA_node_is_audio | fluid_LADSPA_node_is_sink);
- };
- };
- /* Purpose:
- * Creates predeclared nodes for control of the Fx unit during operation.
- */
- void fluid_LADSPA_CreateUserControlNodes(fluid_LADSPA_FxUnit_t* FxUnit){
- int i;
- fluid_LADSPA_Node_t* CurrentNode;
- for (i=0; i<FxUnit->NumberUserControlNodes; i++){
- CurrentNode=fluid_LADSPA_CreateNode(FxUnit,FxUnit->UserControlNodeNames[i],fluid_LADSPA_node_is_control);
- assert(CurrentNode);
- CurrentNode->buf[0]=FxUnit->UserControlNodeValues[i];
- CurrentNode->InCount++; /* The constant counts as input */
- CurrentNode->flags=fluid_LADSPA_node_is_source | fluid_LADSPA_node_is_user_ctrl; /* It is a user control node */
- };
- };
- /* Purpose:
- * Returns the pointer to the shared library loaded using 'LibraryFilename' (if it has been loaded).
- * Return NULL otherwise.
- * If not: Clear Fx and abort.
- */
- void * fluid_LADSPA_RetrieveSharedLibrary(fluid_LADSPA_FxUnit_t* FxUnit, char * LibraryFilename){
- void * CurrentLib=NULL;
- int LibCount;
- for (LibCount=0; LibCount<FxUnit->NumberLibs; LibCount++){
- assert(FxUnit->ppvPluginLibNames[LibCount]);
- if (FLUID_STRCMP(FxUnit->ppvPluginLibNames[LibCount],LibraryFilename)==0){
- CurrentLib=FxUnit->ppvPluginLibs[LibCount];
- };
- };
- return CurrentLib;
- };
- /* Purpose:
- * Loads a shared LADSPA library.
- * Return NULL, if failed.
- */
- void * fluid_LADSPA_LoadSharedLibrary(fluid_LADSPA_FxUnit_t* FxUnit, char * LibraryFilename){
- void * LoadedLib;
- assert(LibraryFilename);
- LoadedLib=dlopen(LibraryFilename,RTLD_NOW);
- if (!LoadedLib){
- return NULL;
- };
- FxUnit->ppvPluginLibs[FxUnit->NumberLibs]=LoadedLib;
- FxUnit->ppvPluginLibNames[FxUnit->NumberLibs]=FLUID_STRDUP(LibraryFilename);
- FxUnit->NumberLibs++;
- return LoadedLib;
- };
- /* Purpose:
- * Retrieves a descriptor to the plugin labeled 'PluginLabel' from the shared library.
- */
- const LADSPA_Descriptor * fluid_LADSPA_Retrieve_Plugin_Descriptor(void * CurrentLib, char * PluginLabel){
- LADSPA_Descriptor_Function pfDescriptorFunction;
- unsigned long lPluginIndex=0;
- const LADSPA_Descriptor * psDescriptor;
- pfDescriptorFunction = (LADSPA_Descriptor_Function)dlsym(CurrentLib,"ladspa_descriptor");
- while (pfDescriptorFunction(lPluginIndex)){
- psDescriptor = pfDescriptorFunction(lPluginIndex);
- if (FLUID_STRCMP(psDescriptor->Label, PluginLabel) == 0){
- return psDescriptor;
- };
- lPluginIndex++;
- };
- return NULL;
- };
- /* Purpose:
- * Finds out, if 'PortName' starts with 'PluginPort'.
- * Spaces and underscore mean the same.
- * The comparison is not case sensitive.
- * The result distinguishes between a full match (strings are equal), and a partial match (PortName starts with Plugin_Port, but is longer).
- */
- fluid_LADSPA_Stringmatch_t fluid_LADSPA_Check_SubString_Match(const char * Plugin_Port, const char * PortName){
- unsigned int CharCount;
- char a;
- char b;
- for(CharCount=0; CharCount<FLUID_STRLEN(Plugin_Port); CharCount++){
- a=PortName[CharCount];
- b=Plugin_Port[CharCount];
- if (a>='a' && a <='z'){a-=32;}
- if (b>='a' && b <='z'){b-=32;}
- if (a == ' '){a='_';};
- if (b == ' '){b='_';};
- if ( a != b){
- return fluid_LADSPA_NoMatch;
- };
- };
- if (FLUID_STRLEN(Plugin_Port) == FLUID_STRLEN(PortName)){
- return fluid_LADSPA_FullMatch;
- };
- return fluid_LADSPA_PartialMatch;
- };
- /* Purpose:
- * Load the plugins added with 'ladspa_add' and then start the Fx unit.
- */
- int
- fluid_LADSPA_handle_start(fluid_synth_t* synth, int ac, char** av, fluid_ostream_t out){
- fluid_LADSPA_FxUnit_t* FxUnit;
- int CommandLineCount;
- char * LibraryFilename;
- char * PluginLabel;
- char ** TokenSequence;
- void * CurrentLib;
- int NodeCount; //x
- int IngoingSignalCount; // Count signals going into LADSPA Fx section
- int OutgoingSignalCount; // Count signals going out of LADSPA Fx section
- int ReturnVal=FLUID_OK; /* If warnings occur, this is set to -1. */
- char * LADSPA_Path = getenv("LADSPA_PATH");
- L(fluid_ostream_printf(out,"ladspa_start: starting..."));
- assert(synth);
- FxUnit=synth->LADSPA_FxUnit; assert(FxUnit);
- /* When calling fluid_ladspastart, the Fx unit must be 'cleared' (no plugins, no libs, no nodes). Verify this here. */
- if (FxUnit->NumberPlugins || FxUnit->NumberLibs){
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Error006***n"
- "Fx unit is currently in use!n"
- "Please run the ladspa_clear command before attempting to use ladspa_add!n");
- /* In this case do _not_ clear the Fx unit. */
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- if (!FxUnit->NumberCommands){
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Error007***n"
- "Refusing to start the Fx unit without any plugin.n"
- "Use ladspa_add first!n");
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- /* Create predefined nodes */
- L(fluid_ostream_printf(out,"ladspa_start: creating predefined nodes..."));
- fluid_LADSPA_CreateSystemNodes(FxUnit);
- /* Create predeclared nodes, that will allow to control the Fx unit during operation */
- L(fluid_ostream_printf(out,"ladspa_start: creating user control nodes..."));
- fluid_LADSPA_CreateUserControlNodes(FxUnit);
- L(fluid_ostream_printf(out,"ladspa_start: Processing command lines..."));
- for (CommandLineCount=0; CommandLineCount<FxUnit->NumberCommands; CommandLineCount++){
- int CurrentPlugin_PortConnected[FLUID_LADSPA_MaxTokens/3]; /* For example: 100 tokens corresponds to roughly 30 ports. */
- char LibFullPath[FLUID_LADSPA_MaxPathLength];
- const LADSPA_Descriptor * CurrentPluginDescriptor;
- LADSPA_Handle CurrentPlugin;
- unsigned long PortCount;
- int TokenCount=0;
- char * Search;
- int HasASlash=0;
- if (FxUnit->NumberPlugins>=FLUID_LADSPA_MaxPlugins){
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Error003***n"
- "Too many plugins at the same time (%i).n"
- "Change FLUID_LADSPA_MaxPlugins!n",
- FxUnit->NumberPlugins);
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- L(fluid_ostream_printf(out,"Processing plugin nr. %i",FxUnit->NumberPlugins));
- TokenSequence=FxUnit->LADSPA_Command_Sequence[CommandLineCount];
- assert(TokenSequence);
- /* Check, if the library is already loaded. If not, load. */
- LibraryFilename=TokenSequence[TokenCount++]; assert(LibraryFilename);
- L(fluid_ostream_printf(out,"Library name from ladspa_add: %s",LibraryFilename));
- /* A slash-free filename refers to the LADSPA_PATH directory. Add that path, if needed. */
- /* Determine, if the library filename contains a slash.
- * If no, try to retrieve the environment variable LADSPA_PATH.
- * If that fails, signal error.
- * Otherwise leave the filename as it is.
- */;
- /* Determine, if the library name is just the filename, or a path (including a slash) */
- Search=LibraryFilename;
- while (*Search != ' ') {
- if ((*Search)== '/'){
- HasASlash=1;
- };
- Search++;
- };
- if (!HasASlash){
- if (!LADSPA_Path){
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Error018***n"
- "The library file name %s does not include a path.n"
- "The environment variable LADSPA_PATH is not set.n"
- "- Use an absolute path (i.e. /home/myself/mylib.so)n"
- "- For the current directory use ./mylib.son"
- "- set the environment variable LADSPA_PATH (export LADSPA_PATH=/usr/lib/ladspa)n"
- "- depending on your shell, try 'setenv' instead of 'export'n",
- LibraryFilename);
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- }; /* if no LADSPA_PATH */
- snprintf(LibFullPath,FLUID_LADSPA_MaxPathLength,"%s/%s",LADSPA_Path,LibraryFilename);
- /* If no slash in filename */
- } else {
- snprintf(LibFullPath,FLUID_LADSPA_MaxPathLength,"%s",LibraryFilename);
- };
- L(fluid_ostream_printf(out,"Full Library path name: %s",LibFullPath));
- CurrentLib=fluid_LADSPA_RetrieveSharedLibrary(FxUnit, LibFullPath);
- if (!CurrentLib){
- LADSPA_Descriptor_Function pfDescriptorFunction;
- L(fluid_ostream_printf(out,"Library %s not yet loaded. Loading.",LibFullPath));
- if (FxUnit->NumberLibs>=FLUID_LADSPA_MaxLibs){
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Error004***n"
- "Too many libraries open (%i)n"
- "Change FLUID_LADSPA_MaxLibs",FxUnit->NumberPlugins);
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- /* Load a LADSPA plugin library and store it for future use.*/
- CurrentLib=fluid_LADSPA_LoadSharedLibrary(FxUnit, LibFullPath);
- if (!CurrentLib){
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Error008***n"
- "Failed to load plugin library %s.",
- LibraryFilename);
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- dlerror();
- pfDescriptorFunction = (LADSPA_Descriptor_Function)dlsym(CurrentLib,"ladspa_descriptor");
- if (!pfDescriptorFunction) {
- const char * pcError = dlerror();
- if (!pcError) {pcError="Huh?! No error from lib!";};
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Error015***n"
- "Unable to find ladspa_descriptor() function in plugin library file "%s": %s.n"
- "Are you sure this is a LADSPA plugin file?n",
- LibraryFilename,
- pcError);
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- L(fluid_ostream_printf(out,"Library loaded."));
- };
- PluginLabel=TokenSequence[TokenCount++]; assert(PluginLabel);
- L(fluid_ostream_printf(out,"Plugin Label from ladspa_add: %s",PluginLabel));
- /* Retrieve a 'plugin descriptor' from the library. */
- L(fluid_ostream_printf(out,"Looking for the plugin labeled %s",PluginLabel));
- CurrentPluginDescriptor=fluid_LADSPA_Retrieve_Plugin_Descriptor(CurrentLib, PluginLabel);
- /* Check, that the plugin was actually found.*/
- if (CurrentPluginDescriptor==NULL){
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Error016***n"
- "Unable to find the plugin labeled "%s" in plugin library file "%s".n"
- "Hint: run analyzeplugin %s from the command line to get a list of valid plugin labels.n",
- PluginLabel,
- LibraryFilename,
- LibraryFilename);
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- /* Create an instance of the plugin type from the descriptor */
- L(fluid_ostream_printf(out,"instantiating plugin %s",PluginLabel));
- CurrentPlugin=CurrentPluginDescriptor
- ->instantiate(CurrentPluginDescriptor,44100); /* Sample rate hardcoded */
- assert(CurrentPlugin);
- /* The descriptor ("type of plugin") and the instance are stored for each plugin instantiation.
- If one plugin type is instantiated several times, they will have the same descriptor, only
- different instances.*/
- FxUnit->PluginDescriptorTable[FxUnit->NumberPlugins]=CurrentPluginDescriptor;
- FxUnit->PluginInstanceTable[FxUnit->NumberPlugins]=CurrentPlugin;
- /*
- *
- * Wire up the inputs and outputs
- *
- */
- /* List for checking, that each plugin port is exactly connected once */
- for (PortCount=0; PortCount<CurrentPluginDescriptor->PortCount; PortCount++){
- CurrentPlugin_PortConnected[PortCount]=0;
- };
- /* Note: There are three NULL tokens at the end. The last condition may be evaluated even if the first one already detects the end. */
- while (TokenSequence[TokenCount] && TokenSequence[TokenCount+1] && TokenSequence[TokenCount+2]){
- int CurrentPort_StringMatchCount;
- LADSPA_PortDescriptor CurrentPort_Descriptor;
- char * Plugin_Port=TokenSequence[TokenCount++];
- char * Direction=TokenSequence[TokenCount++];
- char * FLUID_Node=TokenSequence[TokenCount++];
- fluid_LADSPA_Node_t* Current_Node;
- const char * PortName=NULL;
- int CurrentPort_Index=-1;
- fluid_LADSPA_Stringmatch_t StringMatchType=fluid_LADSPA_NoMatch;
- fluid_LADSPA_Stringmatch_t CurrentPort_StringMatchType=fluid_LADSPA_NoMatch;
- CurrentPort_StringMatchCount=0;
- L(fluid_ostream_printf(out,"Wiring %s %s %s",Plugin_Port, Direction, FLUID_Node));
- /* Find the port number on the plugin, that belongs to "Plugin_Port".
- * Match the identifier specified by the user against the first characters
- * of the port name.
- *
- * If the given identifier matches several port names only partly, then the input is ambiguous, an error
- * message results.
- *
- * Example: cmt.so, limit_peak: This plugin uses the labels
- * - Output Envelope Attack (s)
- * - Output Envelope Decay (s)
- * - Output
- *
- * The user input 'Output' matches the first two labels partly, the third fully. This will be accepted.
- * The user input 'Out' matches all three only partly, this results in an error message.
- */
- for (PortCount=0; PortCount<CurrentPluginDescriptor->PortCount; PortCount++){
- PortName=CurrentPluginDescriptor->PortNames[PortCount];
- StringMatchType=fluid_LADSPA_Check_SubString_Match(Plugin_Port, PortName);
- /* If a full-string match has been found earlier, reject all partial matches. */
- if (StringMatchType==fluid_LADSPA_FullMatch ||
- (StringMatchType==fluid_LADSPA_PartialMatch && CurrentPort_StringMatchType != fluid_LADSPA_FullMatch)){
- if(StringMatchType==fluid_LADSPA_FullMatch && CurrentPort_StringMatchType==fluid_LADSPA_FullMatch){
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Error027***n"
- "While processing plugin %s: The port label %s appears more than once!n"
- "This is an error in the plugin itself. Please correct it or use another plugin.",PluginLabel, Plugin_Port);
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- CurrentPort_Index=PortCount;
- CurrentPort_StringMatchType=StringMatchType;
- CurrentPort_StringMatchCount++;
- }; /* if suitable match */
- }; /* For port count */
- /* Several partial matches? Then the identifier is not unique. */
- if (CurrentPort_StringMatchCount > 1 && CurrentPort_StringMatchType == fluid_LADSPA_PartialMatch){
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Error019***n"
- "While processing plugin %s: The identifier %s matches more than one plugin port.n"
- "Please use more letters for the port name. If needed, replace spaces with underscores (_).n"
- "This error will not occur, if you use the full name of a port.n",PluginLabel, Plugin_Port);
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- if (CurrentPort_Index<0){
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Error017***n"
- "Unable to find port '%s' on plugin %sn"
- "Port names are:n",Plugin_Port,PluginLabel);
- for (PortCount=0; PortCount<CurrentPluginDescriptor->PortCount; PortCount++){
- printf("- `%s'n",CurrentPluginDescriptor->PortNames[PortCount]);
- };
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- CurrentPort_Descriptor=CurrentPluginDescriptor->PortDescriptors[CurrentPort_Index];
- assert(CurrentPort_Descriptor);
- /* Retrieve the node with the right name. */
- Current_Node=fluid_LADSPA_RetrieveNode(FxUnit,FLUID_Node);
- #define PortIsAudio LADSPA_IS_PORT_AUDIO(CurrentPort_Descriptor) && !(LADSPA_IS_PORT_CONTROL(CurrentPort_Descriptor))
- #define PortIsControl LADSPA_IS_PORT_CONTROL(CurrentPort_Descriptor) && !(LADSPA_IS_PORT_AUDIO(CurrentPort_Descriptor))
- if (!Current_Node){
- /* Doesn't exist? Then create it. */
- if (FxUnit->NumberNodes>=FLUID_LADSPA_MaxNodes){
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Error005***n"
- "Too many nodes (%i)n"
- "Change FLUID_LADSPA_MaxNodes",FxUnit->NumberNodes);
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- if (PortIsAudio){
- Current_Node=fluid_LADSPA_CreateNode(FxUnit,FLUID_Node,fluid_LADSPA_node_is_audio);
- } else if (PortIsControl){
- Current_Node=fluid_LADSPA_CreateNode(FxUnit,FLUID_Node,fluid_LADSPA_node_is_control);
- } else {
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Error025***n"
- "Plugin port number %i is neither input nor output!n"
- "This is an error in the plugin.n"
- "Please check plugin sourcecode.n",
- CurrentPort_Index);
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- };
- assert(Current_Node);
- /*
- *
- * Check flowgraph for some possible errors.
- *
- */
- if (FLUID_STRCMP(Direction,"->")==0){
- /* Data from plugin to FLUID, into node
- *
- * *** Rule: ****
- * A node may not have more than one data source.*/
- if (Current_Node->InCount !=0){
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Error009***n"
- "Plugin %s tries to feed data from output %s into node %s, which is already connected to a data source.n",PluginLabel,Plugin_Port,FLUID_Node);
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- Current_Node->InCount++;
- } else if (FLUID_STRCMP(Direction,"<-")==0){
- /* Data from FLUID to plugin, out of node
- *
- * This check verifies the integrity of the flow graph:
- * *** Rule ***
- * The execution order of the plugins is the order, in which they are programmed.
- * The plugins must be ordered so, that the input of a plugin is already computed at the time of its execution.
- * If the user tries to read data out of a node that has not yet an input, then something is wrong.*/
- assert(Current_Node->InCount<=1);
- if (Current_Node->InCount !=1){
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Error010***n"
- "Plugin %s tries to read data through input %s from node %s.n"
- "But at this point there is no valid data at that node.n"
- "Please check the flowgraph and especially the execution order!n",PluginLabel,Plugin_Port,FLUID_Node);
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- Current_Node->OutCount++;
- } else {
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Error024***n"
- "Syntax error: Illegal `arrow' `%s', expecting -> or <-n",
- Direction);
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- /* In any case, there must be a valid data source for the port at this time. */
- assert(Current_Node->InCount==1);
- /* Keep track on the number of connections to each port.
- * This error occurs only, if an attempt is made to connect one port twice (i.e. ladspa_add libname pluginname port <- nodex port <- nodey) */
- if (CurrentPlugin_PortConnected[CurrentPort_Index]){
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Error011***n"
- "Refusing to connect twice to port %s on plugin %s.n",CurrentPluginDescriptor->PortNames[CurrentPort_Index], PluginLabel);
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- /*
- *
- * Connect the port
- *
- */
- L(fluid_ostream_printf(out,"Connecting %i",CurrentPort_Index));
- CurrentPluginDescriptor->connect_port
- (CurrentPlugin,
- CurrentPort_Index,
- Current_Node->buf
- );
- CurrentPlugin_PortConnected[CurrentPort_Index]++;
- }; /* While Tokensequence (more connections) */
- /*
- *
- * Check for left-over tokens
- *
- */
- if (TokenSequence[TokenCount]){
- char * T1="";char * T2="";char * T3="";
- if (TokenSequence[TokenCount]){T1=TokenSequence[TokenCount];};
- if (TokenSequence[TokenCount+1]){T2=TokenSequence[TokenCount+1];};
- if (TokenSequence[TokenCount+2]){T3=TokenSequence[TokenCount+2];};
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Error012***n"
- "Leftover tokens: %s %s %s...n",T1,T2,T3);
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- /*
- *
- * Check, that all plugin ports are connected
- *
- */
- L(fluid_ostream_printf(out,"Checking left-over ports"));
- assert(CurrentPluginDescriptor);
- for (PortCount=0; PortCount<CurrentPluginDescriptor->PortCount; PortCount++){
- assert(CurrentPlugin_PortConnected[PortCount] <=1);
- if (CurrentPlugin_PortConnected[PortCount] !=1){
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Error013***nPlugin: %s. Port %s is unconnected!n",PluginLabel, CurrentPluginDescriptor->PortNames[PortCount]);
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- };
- /*
- *
- *Run activate function on plugin, where possible
- *
- */
- if (CurrentPluginDescriptor->activate !=NULL){
- CurrentPluginDescriptor->activate(CurrentPlugin);
- };
- FxUnit->NumberPlugins++;
- }; /* For CommandLineCount: once for each new command (i.e. plugin instantiation request from user */
- /*
- *
- * Further flow graph checks
- *
- */
- L(fluid_ostream_printf(out,"Checking flow graph"));
- IngoingSignalCount=0;
- OutgoingSignalCount=0;
- for (NodeCount=0; NodeCount<FxUnit->NumberNodes; NodeCount++){
- fluid_LADSPA_Node_t* Current_Node;
- Current_Node=FxUnit->Nodelist[NodeCount];
- assert(Current_Node);
- if (Current_Node->flags & fluid_LADSPA_node_is_source){
- IngoingSignalCount+=Current_Node->OutCount;
- } else if (Current_Node->flags & fluid_LADSPA_node_is_sink){
- OutgoingSignalCount+=Current_Node->InCount;
- } else {
- /* A node without any input doesn't make sense.
- * The flow graph check aborts with an error. This case cannot happen.
- */
- if (Current_Node->InCount==0 && !Current_Node->flags & fluid_LADSPA_node_is_dummy){ /* There can only be one warning at a time. */
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Warning020***"
- "No input into node %s.n"
- "Use '_' as first char in nodename to suppress this warning.n"
- "Hint: Check for typos in the node name.n",Current_Node->Name);
- /* A warning can also be printed as an error message (check fluid_cmd.c). The only difference between
- the return values -1 and 0 is, that -1 prints the result. */
- };
- ReturnVal=PrintErrorMessage;
- };
- /* A node without any output doesn't make sense. */
- if (Current_Node->OutCount==0 && !Current_Node->flags & fluid_LADSPA_node_is_dummy){
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Warning021***n"
- "No output from node %s.n"
- "Use '_' as first char in nodename to suppress this warning.n"
- "Hint: Check for typos in the node name.n",Current_Node->Name);
- ReturnVal=PrintErrorMessage;
- };
- /* A free-flying node simply cannot happen. */
- assert(Current_Node->OutCount+Current_Node->InCount);
- }; /* Foreach node */
- /* Issue a warning, if no signal goes into the Fx section. */
- if (IngoingSignalCount==0){
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Warning022***n"
- "You have not connected anything to the synthesizer section (in1_L, in1_R).n");
- ReturnVal=PrintErrorMessage;
- };
- /* Issue a warning, if no signal leaves the Fx section. */
- if (OutgoingSignalCount==0){
- fluid_ostream_printf(out, "***Warning023***n"
- "You have not connected anything to the output (out1_L, out1_R).n");
- };
- /* Finally turn on the Fx unit. */
- FxUnit->Bypass=fluid_LADSPA_Active;
- L(fluid_ostream_printf(out,"LADSPA Init OK"));
- return(ReturnVal);
- };
- void
- fluid_LADSPA_run(fluid_LADSPA_FxUnit_t* FxUnit, fluid_real_t* left_buf[], fluid_real_t* right_buf[], fluid_real_t* fx_left_buf[], fluid_real_t* fx_right_buf[]){
- int i;
- int ii;
- int nr_audio_channels;
- int nr_fx_sends;
- int nr_groups;
- int byte_size = FLUID_BUFSIZE * sizeof(fluid_real_t);
- char str[99];
- fluid_LADSPA_Node_t* n;
- int temp;
- /* Retrieve the number of synth / audio out / Fx send nodes */
- assert(fluid_settings_getint(FxUnit->synth->settings, "synth.audio-groups", &temp));
- nr_groups=(int) temp;
- assert(fluid_settings_getint(FxUnit->synth->settings, "synth.audio-channels", &temp));
- nr_audio_channels=temp;
- assert(fluid_settings_getint(FxUnit->synth->settings, "synth.effects-channels", &temp));
- nr_fx_sends=temp;
- /* Fixme: Retrieving nodes via names is inefficient
- * (but not that bad, because the interesting nodes are always at the start of the list).
- */
- /* Input and output are processed via the same buffers. Therefore the effect is bypassed by just skipping everything else. */
- if (FxUnit->Bypass==fluid_LADSPA_Bypassed){
- return;
- };
- if (FxUnit->Bypass==fluid_LADSPA_BypassRequest){
- FxUnit->Bypass=fluid_LADSPA_Bypassed;
- pthread_mutex_lock(&FxUnit->mutex);
- pthread_cond_broadcast(&FxUnit->cond);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&FxUnit->mutex);
- L(printf("LADSPA_Run: Command line asked for bypass of Fx unit. Acknowledged."));
- return;
- };
- assert(FxUnit);
- /* Clear the output buffers, if they are not connected anywhere */
- for (ii=0; ii < nr_audio_channels; ii++){
- sprintf(str, "out%i_L",(ii+1));
- n=fluid_LADSPA_RetrieveNode(FxUnit, str); assert(n);
- if (n->InCount == 0){
- /* printf("Output node %s is not connected -> clear buffern", str); */
- FLUID_MEMSET(n->buf, 0, byte_size);
- };
- sprintf(str, "out%i_R",(ii+1));
- n=fluid_LADSPA_RetrieveNode(FxUnit, str); assert(n);
- if (n->InCount == 0){
- /* printf("Output node %s is not connected -> clear buffern", str); */
- FLUID_MEMSET(n->buf, 0, byte_size);
- };
- };
- /* Prepare the incoming data:
- * Convert fluid_real_t data type to LADSPA_Data type */
- for (ii=0; ii < nr_groups; ii++){
- fluid_real_t* src_buf=left_buf[ii];
- sprintf(str, "in%i_L",(ii+1));
- n=fluid_LADSPA_RetrieveNode(FxUnit, str); assert(n);
- assert(FLUID_BUFSIZE % 2 == 0);
- /* Add a very small high frequency signal. This avoids denormal number problems. */
- for (i=0; i<FLUID_BUFSIZE;){
- n->buf[i]=(LADSPA_Data)(src_buf[i]+1.e-15);
- i++;
- n->buf[i]=(LADSPA_Data)(src_buf[i]);
- i++;
- };
- src_buf=right_buf[ii];
- sprintf(str, "in%i_R",(ii+1));
- n=fluid_LADSPA_RetrieveNode(FxUnit, str); assert(n);
- /* Add a very small high frequency signal. This avoids denormal number problems. */
- for (i=0; i<FLUID_BUFSIZE;){
- n->buf[i]=(LADSPA_Data)(src_buf[i]+1.e-15);
- i++;
- n->buf[i]=(LADSPA_Data)(src_buf[i]);
- i++;
- };
- };
- /* Effect send paths */
- for (ii=0; ii < nr_fx_sends; ii++){
- sprintf(str, "send%i_L",(ii+1));
- n=fluid_LADSPA_RetrieveNode(FxUnit, str); assert(n);
- for (i=0; i<FLUID_BUFSIZE; i++){
- n->buf[i]=(LADSPA_Data)(fx_left_buf[ii][i]);
- };
- sprintf(str, "send%i_R",(ii+1));
- n=fluid_LADSPA_RetrieveNode(FxUnit, str); assert(n);
- for (i=0; i<FLUID_BUFSIZE; i++){
- n->buf[i]=(LADSPA_Data)(fx_right_buf[ii][i]);
- };
- };
- /* Run each plugin on a block of data.
- * The execution order has been checked during setup.*/
- for (i=0; i<FxUnit->NumberPlugins; i++){
- FxUnit->PluginDescriptorTable[i]->run(FxUnit->PluginInstanceTable[i],FLUID_BUFSIZE);
- };
- /* Copy the data from the output nodes back to the synth. */
- for (ii=0; ii < nr_audio_channels; ii++){
- fluid_real_t* dest_buf=left_buf[ii];
- sprintf(str, "out%i_L",(ii+1));
- n=fluid_LADSPA_RetrieveNode(FxUnit, str); assert(n);
- for (i=0; i<FLUID_BUFSIZE; i++){
- dest_buf[i]=(fluid_real_t)n->buf[i];
- };
- dest_buf=right_buf[ii];
- sprintf(str, "out%i_R",(ii+1));
- n=fluid_LADSPA_RetrieveNode(FxUnit, str); assert(n);
- for (i=0; i<FLUID_BUFSIZE; i++){
- dest_buf[i]=(fluid_real_t)n->buf[i];
- };
- };
- };
- fluid_LADSPA_Node_t*
- fluid_LADSPA_RetrieveNode(fluid_LADSPA_FxUnit_t* FxUnit, char * Name){
- int i=0;
- assert(FxUnit);assert(Name);
- for (i=0; i<FxUnit->NumberNodes; i++){
- assert(FxUnit->Nodelist[i]);
- if (FLUID_STRCMP(FxUnit->Nodelist[i]->Name,Name)==0){
- return FxUnit->Nodelist[i];
- };
- };
- return NULL;
- };
- /* Purpose:
- * Creates a new node from the node name given by the user.
- */
- fluid_LADSPA_Node_t*
- fluid_LADSPA_CreateNode(fluid_LADSPA_FxUnit_t* FxUnit, char * Name, int flags){
- int Dummy=0;
- fluid_LADSPA_Node_t* NewNode;
- assert(FxUnit);
- assert(Name);
- // printf("Flags is %in",flags);
- L(printf("Create node: %s",Name));
- if (FxUnit->NumberNodes>=FLUID_LADSPA_MaxNodes){
- printf( "***Error014***n"
- "Too many nodes (%i)n"
- "Change FLUID_LADSPA_MaxNodes.n",FxUnit->NumberNodes);
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return NULL;
- };
- /* Don't allow node names, which start with -, 0..9 */
- if (Name[0] == '-' || (Name[0]>='0' && Name[0]<='9')){
- printf( "***Error026***n"
- "The node name %s starts with a digit / minus sign!n"
- "Please use a letter to start a node name.n"
- "A constant node is created by using `#' as first character,n"
- "for example #-2.5.n",
- Name);
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return NULL;
- };
- /* A nodename starting with "_" is a possible dummy node, which may (but need not) act as a data sink or source (dummy node). */
- if (Name[0] == ' '){ /* ??? Should be '_' ??? */
- Dummy=1;
- };
- NewNode=FLUID_NEW(fluid_LADSPA_Node_t);assert(NewNode);
- if (flags && fluid_LADSPA_node_is_audio){
- /* Audio node contains buffer. */
- NewNode->buf=FLUID_ARRAY(LADSPA_Data, (FLUID_BUFSIZE));assert(NewNode->buf);
- /* It is permitted to use a dummy node without input. Therefore clear all node buffers at startup. */
- FLUID_MEMSET(NewNode->buf, 0, (FLUID_BUFSIZE*sizeof(LADSPA_Data)));
- } else if (flags & fluid_LADSPA_node_is_control){
- /* Control node contains single value. */
- NewNode->buf=FLUID_ARRAY(LADSPA_Data, 1);assert(NewNode->buf);
- } else {
- assert(0);
- };
- NewNode->Name=FLUID_STRDUP(Name);assert(NewNode->Name);
- if (Dummy){
- flags |= fluid_LADSPA_node_is_dummy;
- };
- NewNode->InCount=0;
- NewNode->OutCount=0;
- NewNode->flags=flags;
- /* A nodename starting with "#" means that the node holds a constant value. */
- if (NewNode->Name[0] == '#'){
- assert(flags & fluid_LADSPA_node_is_control);
- /* Skip the first character => +1 */
- NewNode->buf[0]=(LADSPA_Data)atof(NewNode->Name+1);
- NewNode->InCount++;
- };
- if (flags & fluid_LADSPA_node_is_source){
- NewNode->InCount++;
- // printf("****************************** Source!n");
- } else if (flags & fluid_LADSPA_node_is_sink){
- NewNode->OutCount++;
- };
- FxUnit->Nodelist[FxUnit->NumberNodes++]=NewNode;
- L(printf("Node %s created.",Name));
- return NewNode;
- };
- void fluid_LADSPA_clear(fluid_LADSPA_FxUnit_t* FxUnit){
- int i;
- int ii;
- L(printf("ladspa_clear"));
- assert(FxUnit);
- if (FxUnit->Bypass==fluid_LADSPA_Active){
- L(printf("clear: Requesting bypass from synthesis thread"));
- /* Bypass the Fx unit before anything else.
- * Reason: Not a good idea to release plugins, while another thread runs them.
- */
- FxUnit->Bypass=fluid_LADSPA_BypassRequest;
- pthread_mutex_lock(&FxUnit->mutex);
- pthread_cond_wait(&FxUnit->cond,&FxUnit->mutex);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&FxUnit->mutex);
- L(printf("clear: Synthesis thread has switched to bypass."));
- } else {
- L(printf("clear: Fx unit was already bypassed. No action needed."));
- };
- L(printf("Clear all user control node declarations"));
- for (i=0; i<FxUnit->NumberUserControlNodes; i++){
- FLUID_FREE(FxUnit->UserControlNodeNames[i]);
- };
- FxUnit->NumberUserControlNodes=0;
- L(printf("Clear all plugin instances"));
- for (i=0; i<FxUnit->NumberPlugins; i++){
- assert(FxUnit->PluginDescriptorTable[i]);
- assert(FxUnit->PluginInstanceTable[i]);
- /* Run deactivate function on plugin, if possible */
- if (FxUnit->PluginDescriptorTable[i]->deactivate){
- FxUnit->PluginDescriptorTable[i]->deactivate(FxUnit->PluginInstanceTable[i]);
- };
- FxUnit->PluginDescriptorTable[i]->cleanup(FxUnit->PluginInstanceTable[i]);
- };
- FxUnit->NumberPlugins=0;
- L(printf("Clear all nodes")); /* Only after removing plugins! */
- for (i=0; i<FxUnit->NumberNodes; i++){
- FLUID_FREE(FxUnit->Nodelist[i]->buf);
- FLUID_FREE(FxUnit->Nodelist[i]);
- };
- FxUnit->NumberNodes=0;
- L(printf("Clear all plugin libraries"));
- for (i=0; i<FxUnit->NumberLibs; i++){
- assert(FxUnit->ppvPluginLibs[i]);
- dlclose(FxUnit->ppvPluginLibs[i]);
- assert(FxUnit->ppvPluginLibNames[i]);
- FLUID_FREE(FxUnit->ppvPluginLibNames[i]);
- };
- FxUnit->NumberLibs=0;
- L(printf("Clear all command lines"));
- for (i=0; i<FxUnit->NumberCommands;i++){
- ii=0;
- assert(FxUnit->LADSPA_Command_Sequence[i]);
- while (FxUnit->LADSPA_Command_Sequence[i][ii]){
- FLUID_FREE(FxUnit->LADSPA_Command_Sequence[i][ii]);
- ii++;
- };
- FLUID_FREE(FxUnit->LADSPA_Command_Sequence[i]);
- };
- FxUnit->NumberCommands=0;
- };
- int fluid_LADSPA_handle_add(fluid_synth_t* synth, int ac, char** av, fluid_ostream_t out){
- int i;
- char * Token;
- char ** CommandLine;
- fluid_LADSPA_FxUnit_t* FxUnit;
- assert(synth);
- FxUnit=synth->LADSPA_FxUnit; assert(FxUnit);
- if (ac>=FLUID_LADSPA_MaxTokens){
- /* Can't be tested. fluidsynth limits the number of tokens. */
- printf("***Error001***n"
- "Too many ports.nChange FLUID_LADSPA_MaxTokens!");
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- if (ac<2){
- printf("***Error002***n"
- "ladspa_add needs at least two arguments - libname and plugin name!");
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- if (FxUnit->NumberCommands>=FLUID_LADSPA_MaxPlugins){
- printf("***Error032***n"
- "Too many plugins.nChange FLUID_LADSPA_MaxPlugins!");
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- /* CommandLine (token sequence) is terminated with NULL.
- * Add two more NULLs, so that a chunk of three tokens can be checked later without risk.*/
- CommandLine=FLUID_ARRAY(char*, (ac+3));assert(CommandLine);
- for (i=0; i<ac; i++){
- CommandLine[i]=FLUID_STRDUP(av[i]);assert(CommandLine[i]);
- };
- CommandLine[ac]=NULL;
- CommandLine[ac+1]=NULL;
- CommandLine[ac+2]=NULL;
- FxUnit->LADSPA_Command_Sequence[FxUnit->NumberCommands]=CommandLine;
- FxUnit->NumberCommands++;
- return(FLUID_OK);
- };
- int fluid_LADSPA_handle_declnode(fluid_synth_t* synth, int ac, char** av, fluid_ostream_t out){
- int i;
- char * Token;
- char ** CommandLine;
- char * NodeName;
- fluid_real_t NodeValue;
- fluid_LADSPA_FxUnit_t* FxUnit;
- assert(synth);
- FxUnit=synth->LADSPA_FxUnit; assert(FxUnit);
- if (ac<2){
- printf("***Error028***n"
- "ladspa_declnode needs two arguments - node name and value!n");
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- if (FxUnit->NumberUserControlNodes>=FLUID_LADSPA_MaxNodes){
- printf("***Error033***n"
- "Too many user-control nodes.nChange FLUID_LADSPA_MaxNodes!");
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- NodeName=FLUID_STRDUP(av[0]); assert(NodeName);
- NodeValue=atof(av[1]);
- FxUnit->UserControlNodeNames[FxUnit->NumberUserControlNodes]=NodeName;
- FxUnit->UserControlNodeValues[FxUnit->NumberUserControlNodes]=NodeValue;
- FxUnit->NumberUserControlNodes++;
- return(FLUID_OK);
- };
- int fluid_LADSPA_handle_setnode(fluid_synth_t* synth, int ac, char** av, fluid_ostream_t out){
- int i;
- char * Token;
- char * NodeName;
- fluid_real_t NodeValue;
- fluid_LADSPA_FxUnit_t* FxUnit;
- fluid_LADSPA_Node_t* CurrentNode;
- assert(synth);
- FxUnit=synth->LADSPA_FxUnit; assert(FxUnit);
- if (ac!=2){
- printf("***Error029***n"
- "ladspa_setnode needs two arguments - node name and value!n");
- /* Do not clear the Fx unit (no fluid_LADSPA_clear). */
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- NodeName=av[0]; assert(NodeName);
- NodeValue=atof(av[1]);
- CurrentNode=fluid_LADSPA_RetrieveNode(FxUnit,NodeName);
- if (!CurrentNode){
- printf("***Error030***n"
- "The node %s was not found. Please use the full name of a node, that wasn"
- "previously declared with ladspa_declnode.n",NodeName);
- /* Do not clear the Fx unit (no fluid_LADSPA_clear). */
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- if (!(CurrentNode->flags & fluid_LADSPA_node_is_user_ctrl)){
- printf("***Error031***n"
- "The node %s is an ordinary control node.n"
- "Only user control nodes can be modified with ladspa_setnode.n",NodeName);
- /* Do not clear the Fx unit (no fluid_LADSPA_clear). */
- return(PrintErrorMessage);
- };
- L(printf("ladspa_setnode: Assigning value %f",NodeValue));
- CurrentNode->buf[0]=NodeValue;
- return(FLUID_OK);
- };
- int fluid_LADSPA_handle_clear(fluid_synth_t* synth, int ac, char** av, fluid_ostream_t out){
- fluid_LADSPA_FxUnit_t* FxUnit;
- assert(synth);
- FxUnit=synth->LADSPA_FxUnit; assert(FxUnit);
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- return(FLUID_OK);
- };
- void fluid_LADSPA_shutdown(fluid_LADSPA_FxUnit_t* FxUnit){
- /* The synthesis thread is not running anymore.
- * Set the bypass switch, so that fluid_LADSPA_clear can proceed.*/
- FxUnit->Bypass=fluid_LADSPA_Bypassed;
- fluid_LADSPA_clear(FxUnit);
- pthread_cond_destroy(&FxUnit->cond); /* pro forma */
- };
- #endif /*LADSPA*/