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- <p>
- <!--#include file="yksb.asp"-->
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- <%
- dim id,page
- tid=request.QueryString("tid")
- if tid="" then tid="0"
- page=request.QueryString("page")
- if page="" or page<1 then page=1
- set mtrs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
- mtrsql="select * from mtjl where CStr(mid)=" & myid & " and CStr(tid)="&tid
- mtrsql,conn,1,2
- if mtrs.recordcount=0 then
- mmid="0"
- else
- mmid="1"
- end if
- mtrs.close
- set mtrs=nothing
- cw=request.QueryString("cw")
- if cw="1" then
- response.write("错误:您没有这个权利!<br/>")
- end if
- if cw="2" then
- response.write("错误:该帖子已经在本版了!<br/>")
- end if
- if cw="3" then
- response.write("错误:您已经为本帖献过花了!不要太痴迷嘛!<br/>")
- end if
- if cw="4" then
- response.write("错误:您已经砸了一个臭便便了!有什么深仇大恨么!<br/>")
- end if
- if cw="5" then
- response.write("错误:钱很多吗?反复购买?<br/>")
- end if
- if cw="6" then
- response.write("没钱还想看帖?哼。没门。。<br/>")
- end if
- if cw="7" then
- response.write("喂,喂。捣乱呀?你已经回复过啦?<br/>")
- end if
- sql="update lttz set rc=rc+1 Where CStr(id)='" & tid & "'"
- conn.Execute(sql)
- dim rs,tsstr
- set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
- rsstr="select * from lttz where id=" & tid
- rsstr,conn,1,2
- if rs.recordcount=0 then
- response.write("没有这个帖子呀!<br/><a href='lt_list.asp?cnscu="&cnscu&"&ltid="<id&"'>回到论坛</a><br/><br/></p></card></wml>")
- rs.close
- set rs=nothing
- conn.close
- set conn=nothing
- response.end
- else
- ltid=rs("ltid")
- dim pageWordNum,StartWord,Content,Length,PageAll,i
- pageWordNum=8000
- StartWord = 1
- Content=rs("txt")
- Length=len(Content)
- PageAll=(Length+PageWordNum-1)PageWordNum
- i=request("i")
- if isnull(i) or i="" then i=0
- Content = mid(Content,StartWord+i*PageWordNum,PageWordNum)
- if rs("st")="0" then
- if PageAll>1 then
- response.write("<a href='lt_view.asp?myid=" & myid & "&id11=" & id11 & "&idss=" & idss & "&ltid=" & ltid & "&id=" & id & "'>[分页查看]</a><br/>")
- end if%>
- 主题:<%=ubb(rs("name"))%><br/>
- 作者:<a href='gr_zl.asp?id=<%=ubb(rs("fid"))%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>'><%=ubb(rs("fname"))%></a>(ID:<%=ubb(rs("fid"))%>)<br/>
- <%=ubb(rs("tm"))%><br/>
- ----------<br/>
- <%if len(rs("touu"))>3 then%><img src="<%=rs("touu")%>" alt="加载表情。"/><%end if%>
- <%if rs("mtjg")="0" or mmid="1" then%>
- <%=ubb2(content)%> <br/>
- <%else%>
- 本帖价格:<%=rs("mtjg")%><br/>
- <a href='mymt.asp?cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&tid=<%=tid%>'>我要购买</a>
- <%end if%>
- <%if rs("vote")<>"" then
- if rs("vote")<>"" then vote=split(utf8(rs("vote")),"")
- if rs("addvote")<>"" then addvote=split(utf8(rs("addvote")),"")
- if rs("voteid")<>"" then voteid=split(utf8(rs("voteid")),"")
- if rs("voteid")<>"" then
- for i=0 to ubound(voteid)
- if voteid(i)<>"" then
- if cint(voteid(i))=session("myid") then votesa="true"
- end if
- next
- end if
- for i=0 to ubound(addvote)
- if addvote(i)<>"" then
- votecoun=votecoun+cint(addvote(i))
- end if
- next
- if votesa<>"true" then%>
- <select name="voteid" value="0"><%
- for i=0 to ubound(vote)
- if vote(i)<>"" then %>
- <option value="<%=i%>"><%=vote(i)%></option>
- <%end if
- next%>
- </select><br/>
- <anchor>投他一票
- <go href="ttpp.asp?tid=<%=tid%>&ltid=<%=ltid%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>" method="post">
- <postfield name="voteid" value="$(voteid)" />
- </go>
- </anchor><br/>
- <%end if
- votesa=""%>
- 投票结果:<%=votecoun%>票<br/>
- <%for i=0 to ubound(vote)
- if vote(i)<>"" then
- if votecoun<>0 then%>
- <%=vote(i)%>:<%=addvote(i)%>票<%=round(cint(addvote(i))*100/votecoun,0)%>%<br/>
- <%end if
- end if
- next%>
- <%end if%>
- <%
- if 0<=i<PageAll then
- Response.Write "<br/>"
- if cint(i)<cint(PageAll)-1 then
- Response.Write "<a href='lt_view.asp?cnscu="&cnscu&"&tid="&tid&"&ltid="<id&"&i=" & i+1 & "&page=" & page & "'>下一页</a>"
- End if
- if cint(i)>0 then
- Response.Write " " & "<a href='lt_view.asp?cnscu="&cnscu&"&tid="&tid&"&ltid="<id&"&i=" & i-1 & "&page=" & page & "'>上一页</a><br/>"
- End if
- End if
- if PageAll>1 then
- response.write "<br/>(" & i+1 & "/" & PageAll & ")"
- %>
- <br/>
- 跳到第<input name="i<%=minute(now)%><%=second(now)%>" title="页码" type="text" format="*N" emptyok="true" size="3" value="<%response.write(i+1)%>" maxlength="3"/>页
- <anchor>[GO]
- <go href="view.asp?myid=<%=myid%>&id11=<%=id11%>&idss=<%=idss%>&ltid=<%=ltid%>&id=<%=id%>&page=<%=page%>" accept-charset='utf-8'>
- <postfield name="i" value="$(i<%=minute(now)%><%=second(now)%>)"/>
- </go>
- </anchor><br/>
- <%
- end if
- if rs("gtm")<>rs("tm") then
- response.write("最后修改时间:" & rs("gtm") & "<br/>")
- end if
- else
- response.write "本文已被锁定,可能含有非法内容,如果你是原作者请你修改好后,再发表评论说明。<br/>"
- end if
- end if
- response.write("<a href='xh.asp?sid=" & myid & "&cnscu="&cnscu&"&tid="&tid&"&ltid="<id&"'><img src='xianhua.gif' alt='送花'/>("&ubb(rs("x"))&")</a>**<a href='zd.asp?cnscu="&cnscu&"&tid="&tid&"&ltid="<id&"'><img src='dabian.gif' alt='便便'/>("&ubb(rs("d"))&")</a><br/>")
- %>
- <%if ltmybz=rs("ltid") then%>
- <%if rs("jj")="1" then%><a href='tzjj.asp?tid=<%=rs("id")%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&ltid=<%=rs("ltid")%>&cc=0'>解精</a><%end if%><%if rs("jj")="0" then%><a href='tzjj.asp?tid=<%=rs("id")%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&ltid=<%=rs("ltid")%>&cc=1'>加精</a><%end if%>|<%if rs("dgtm")<>"2100-10-10 12:12:12" then%><a href="tzzd.asp?tid=<%=rs("id")%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&ltid=<%=rs("ltid")%>&cc=0">置顶</a><%end if%><%if rs("dgtm")="2100-10-10 12:12:12" then%><a href="tzzd.asp?tid=<%=rs("id")%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&ltid=<%=rs("ltid")%>&cc=1">解顶</a><%end if%>|<%if rs("dgtm")<>"2000-10-10 12:12:12" then%><a href="tzgd.asp?tid=<%=rs("id")%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&ltid=<%=rs("ltid")%>&cc=0">固底</a><%end if%><%if rs("dgtm")="2000-10-10 12:12:12" then%><a href="tzgd.asp?tid=<%=rs("id")%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&ltid=<%=rs("ltid")%>&cc=1">解固</a><%end if%>|<%if rs("st")="0" then%><a href="tzfs.asp?tid=<%=rs("id")%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&ltid=<%=rs("ltid")%>&cc=1">封锁</a><%end if%><%if rs("st")="1" then%><a href="tzfs.asp?tid=<%=rs("id")%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&ltid=<%=rs("ltid")%>&cc=0">解锁</a><%end if%><br/>
- 谨慎操作,操作都有纪录!<br/>
- <%end if%>
- <%if ltmybz1=rs("ltid") then%>
- <a href="tzsc.asp?tid=<%=rs("id")%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&ltid=<%=rs("ltid")%>&tzname=<%=ubb(rs("name"))%>">删除</a>|<a href="tzzy.asp?tid=<%=rs("id")%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&ltid=<%=rs("ltid")%>">转移</a>|<a href="tzbj.asp?tid=<%=rs("id")%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&ltid=<%=rs("ltid")%>">编辑</a>|<%if rs("yc")="0" then%><a href="tzyc.asp?tid=<%=rs("id")%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&ltid=<%=rs("ltid")%>&cc=1">隐藏</a><%end if%><%if rs("yc")="1" then%><a href="tzyc.asp?tid=<%=rs("id")%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&ltid=<%=rs("ltid")%>&cc=0">解隐</a><%end if%><br/>
- <%end if%>
- --最新回复--<br/>
- <%
- pag=5
- set rsxl=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
- rspl="select * from lthf where CStr(tid)='"&tid&"' order by htm desc"
- rspl,conn,1,2
- if rsxl.eof then
- Response.write "暂无回复!"
- Else
- ppage=cint(request.QueryString("ppage"))
- if ppage="" or ppage<1 then ppage=1
- maxppage=int((rsxl.recordcount-1)/pag)+1
- if ppage>maxppage then ppage=maxppage
- rsxl.Move((ppage-1)*pag)
- dim j
- j=1
- do while ((not rsxl.EOF) and j <=cint(pag))
- hfid=rsxl("fid")
- hfname=rsxl("fni")
- tzbt=left(rsxl("nr"),15)
- if len(rsxl("nr"))>15 then
- tzbt=tzbt+"。。"
- end if
- %>
- <%=j%>.<a href='pl_view.asp?cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&id=<%=ubb(rsxl("id"))%>&ltid=<%=ubb(ltid)%>'><%=ubb(tzbt)%></a><%=hfname%>(ID:<%=hfid%>)<br/>
- <%
- rsxl.Movenext
- j=j+1
- loop
- if ppage*pag<rsxl.recordcount then response.write("<a href='lt_view.asp?cnscu="&cnscu&"&ltid="<id&"&tid="&tid&"&ppage="&ppage+1&"'>下一页</a>")
- if ppage>1 then response.write("<a href='lt_view.asp?cnscu="&cnscu&"&ltid="<id&"&tid="&tid&"&ppage="&ppage-1&"'>上一页</a>")
- end if
- %><br/>
- <select name="url" title="快速回复" value="快速回复">
- <option onpick='kshf.asp?tid=<%=tid%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&dgly=支持,不错!'>支持,不错!</option>
- <option onpick='kshf.asp?tid=<%=tid%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&dgly=反对不需要理!'>反对不需要理由</option>
- <option onpick='kshf.asp?tid=<%=tid%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&dgly=好贴,推荐一下'>好贴,推荐一下</option>
- <option onpick='kshf.asp?tid=<%=tid%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&dgly=~飘过~~~~~~~~~'>~飘过~~~~~~~~~</option>
- <option onpick='kshf.asp?tid=<%=tid%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&dgly=顶你,加油哦'>顶你,加油哦</option>
- </select><br/>
- <input name="dgly" emptyok="true" maxlength="100" value=""/><br/>
- <anchor title="快速回复">[快速回复]
- <go href="kshf.asp?tid=<%=tid%>&cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&ltid=<%=ltid%>" method="post" accept-charset='utf-8'>
- <postfield name="dgly" value="$(dgly)"/></go>
- </anchor><br/>
- <%
- rsxl.close
- set rsxl=nothing
- %>
- ----------<br/>
- <a href='lt_list.asp?cnscu=<%=cnscu%>&ltid=<%=ltid%>'>回到论坛</a><br/>
- <!--#include file="w.asp"-->
- </p>
- </card>
- </wml>
- <%
- rs.close
- set rs=nothing
- conn.close
- set conn=nothing
- %>