资源名称:wap.rar [点击查看]
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN" "" >
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- <!--#include file=""-->
- <%set rss=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
- rsppls="select * from wap_jb where id=1"
- rsppls,conn,1,2
- nnn=rss("wap_name")
- wwww=rss("wap_logo")
- ggg=rss("wap_bm")
- hhjr=rss("wap_jr")
- hhzr=rss("wap_zr")
- hhzl=rss("wap_zl")
- hhdq=rss("wap_dq")
- zzzttt=rss("wap_zt")
- oooppp=rss("mmop")
- aaadd=rss("wap_bm")
- if aaadd="" then aaadd="left"
- yyymmm=rss("ym_zt")
- %>
- <%r=request("r")
- channelid=request("channelid")
- page=request("page")
- bbqq=request("bbqq")
- docid=request("docid")
- textpage=request("textpage")
- function getHTTPPage(url)
- dim Http
- set Http=server.createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
- "GET",url,false
- Http.send()
- if Http.readystate<>4 then
- exit function
- end if
- getHTTPPage=bytesToBSTR(Http.responseBody,"UTF-8")
- set http=nothing
- if err.number<>0 then err.Clear
- end function
- Function bytestobstr(body,CSET)
- SET OBJSTREAM = Server.CreateObject("")
- objstream.type = 1
- objstream.Mode = 3
- objstream.Open
- objstream.Write body
- objstream.Position = 0
- objstream.type = 2
- objstream.Charset=Cset
- bytesTobstr = objstream.readText
- objstream.close
- set objstream=nothing
- end function%>
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml;charset=UTF-8"/>
- <title><%=nnn%></title>
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- <body>
- <%
- if len(wwww)>7 then
- response.write("<img src='" & wwww & "' alt='"&nnn&"'/><br/>")
- end if
- if yyymmm<>"1" then
- response.write("" & rss("wap_ym") & "<br/>")
- end if
- %>
- <%if rss("mmop")=1 then%>
- <%browsers=Lcase(Left(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"),4))
- if browsers="oper" or browsers="winw" or browsers="wapi" or browsers="mc21" or browsers="up.b" or browsers="upg1" or browsers="upsi" or browsers="qwap" or browsers="jigs" or browsers="java" or browsers="alca" or browsers="wapj" or browsers="fetc" or browsers="r380" or browsers="winw" or browsers="mozi" or browsers="mozi" or browsers="m3ga" then
- response.redirect"sorr.asp"
- end if
- end if
- if rss("wap_zt")=1 then%>
- 站点升级维护中。。。。
- <%else%>
- <%set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
- rsppl="select * from wap_lm where lx<>500 and yc<>1 and did=0 order by pid asc"
- rsppl,conn,1,2
- if rs.eof then
- response.write("网站正在建设中。。<br/>")%>
- <%else
- rs.Move(0)
- dim j
- j=1
- do while ((not rs.EOF) and j <=500000)%>
- <%if rs("lx")="1" then%>
- <%=ubb(rs("txt"))%>
- <%elseif rs("lx")="2" then%>
- <a href="<%=ubb(rs("txt"))%>"><%=ubb(rs("nxn"))%></a>
- <%elseif rs("lx")="3" then%>
- <img src="<%=ubb(rs("url"))%>" alt="<%=ubb(rs("nxn"))%>"/>
- <%elseif rs("lx")="4" then%>
- <a href="<%=ubb(rs("url"))%>"><img src="<%=ubb(rs("txt"))%>" alt="<%=ubb(rs("nxn"))%>"/></a>
- <%elseif rs("lx")="5" then%>
- <a href="list.asp?id=<%=ubb(rs("id"))%>"><%=ubb(rs("nxn"))%></a>
- <%elseif rs("lx")="6" then%>
- <a href="view.asp?id=<%=ubb(rs("id"))%>"><%=ubb(rs("nxn"))%></a>
- <%elseif rs("lx")="7" then%>
- <a href="wml.asp?id=<%=rs("id")%>"><%=ubb(rs("nxn"))%></a>
- <%elseif rs("lx")="8" then%>
- <%=ubb2(rs("txt"))%>
- <%elseif rs("lx")="9" then%>
- <%=rs("txt")%>
- <%elseif rs("lx")="10" then%>
- <a href="wlist.asp?id=<%=ubb(rs("id"))%>&page=1"><%=ubb(rs("nxn"))%></a>
- <%elseif rs("lx")="11" then%>
- <a href="dowm.asp?id=<%=ubb(rs("id"))%>&page=1"><%=ubb(rs("nxn"))%></a>
- <%elseif rs("lx")="12" then%>
- <a href="soft.asp?id=<%=ubb(rs("id"))%>&page=1"><%=ubb(rs("nxn"))%></a>
- <%elseif rs("lx")="13" then%>
- <a href="piclist.asp?id=<%=ubb(rs("id"))%>&page=1"><%=ubb(rs("nxn"))%></a>
- <%end if%>
- <%if rs("dy")="1" then%>
- <!--#include file="xw.asp"-->
- <%end if%>
- <%if rs("dy")="2" then%>
- <br/><!--#include file="sy.asp"-->
- <%end if%>
- <%if rs("dy")="3" then%>
- <br/><!--#include file="ad.asp"-->
- <%end if%>
- <%if rs("dy")="4" then%>
- <br/><!--#include file="xt.asp"-->
- <%end if%>
- <%if rs("dy")="5" then%>
- <br/><!--#include file="yl.asp"-->
- <%end if%>
- <%if rs("dy")="6" then%>
- <br/><!--#include file="rt.asp"-->
- <%end if%>
- <%if rs("dy")="7" then%>
- <br/><!--#include file="zxwz.asp"-->
- <%end if%>
- <%if rs("dy")="8" then%>
- <br/><!--#include file="zrwz.asp"-->
- <%end if%>
- <%if rs("dy")="9" then%>
- <br/><!--#include file="zxsc.asp"-->
- <%end if%>
- <%if rs("brr")="1" then%><br/><%end if%>
- <%
- rs.MoveNext
- j=j+1
- loop
- end if
- %>
- <%end if%>
- <br/>
- </body>
- </html>