- function pd = pd_swerling2 (nfa, np, snrbar)
- % This function is used to calculate the probability of detection
- % for Swerling 2 targets.
- format long
- snrbar = 10.0^(snrbar/10.);
- eps = 0.00000001;
- delmax = .00001;
- delta =10000.;
- % Calculate the threshold Vt
- pfa = np * log(2) / nfa;
- sqrtpfa = sqrt(-log10(pfa));
- sqrtnp = sqrt(np);
- vt0 = np - sqrtnp + 2.3 * sqrtpfa * (sqrtpfa + sqrtnp - 1.0);
- vt = vt0;
- while (abs(delta) >= vt0)
- igf = incomplete_gamma(vt0,np);
- num = 0.5^(np/nfa) - igf;
- temp = (np-1) * log(vt0+eps) - vt0 - factor(np-1);
- deno = exp(temp);
- vt = vt0 + (num / (deno+eps));
- delta = abs(vt - vt0) * 10000.0;
- vt0 = vt;
- end
- if (np <= 50)
- temp = vt / (1.0 + snrbar);
- pd = 1.0 - incomplete_gamma(temp,np);
- return
- else
- temp1 = snrbar + 1.0;
- omegabar = sqrt(np) * temp1;
- c3 = -1.0 / sqrt(9.0 * np);
- c4 = 0.25 / np;
- c6 = c3 * c3 /2.0;
- V = (vt - np * temp1) / omegabar;
- Vsqr = V *V;
- val1 = exp(-Vsqr / 2.0) / sqrt( 2.0 * pi);
- val2 = c3 * (V^2 -1.0) + c4 * V * (3.0 - V^2) - ...
- c6 * V * (V^4 - 10. * V^2 + 15.0);
- q = 0.5 * erfc (V/sqrt(2.0));
- pd = q - val1 * val2;
- end
- return