- % this routine calculates the scattered electric field of an arbitrary
- % N-sided polygon located in the x-y plane.
- clear all
- frequency = 1.0e9; % desired radar frequency
- c = 299795645.0; % speed of light
- w = 2.0*pi*frequency; % radian frequency
- wavenumber = w/c; % free space wavenumber
- mu = 4.0*pi*1.0e-7; % free space permeability
- z_o = 376.7343; % free space wave impedance
- nsides = 3; % number of polygon sides
- vertices(1,:) = [0.0 0.0 0.0]; % vertexes of polygon (counterclockwise)
- vertices(2,:) = [1.0 0.5 0.0]; % vertexes of polygon (counterclockwise)
- vertices(3,:) = [1.5 0.0 0.0]; % vertexes of polygon (counterclockwise)
- for n = 1:nsides
- if n == nsides
- alpha_n(nsides,1) = vertices(1,1) - vertices(nsides,1);
- alpha_n(nsides,2) = vertices(1,2) - vertices(nsides,2);
- alpha_n(nsides,3) = vertices(1,3) - vertices(nsides,3);
- else
- alpha_n(n,1) = vertices(n+1,1) - vertices(n,1);
- alpha_n(n,2) = vertices(n+1,2) - vertices(n,2);
- alpha_n(n,3) = vertices(n+1,3) - vertices(n,3);
- end
- alpha_n(n, 1:3) = alpha_n(n, 1:3)/norm(alpha_n(n, 1:3));
- end
- normal_vect = [0 0 1]; % +z normal for x-y plane
- theta_points = 180; % number of points in theta
- phi_points = 1; % number of points in phi
- theta = linspace(-0.5*pi, 0.5*pi, theta_points);
- phi = linspace(0.0, 2.0*pi, phi_points);
- for i_theta = 1:theta_points
- for i_phi = 1:phi_points
- theta_vect(1) = cos(theta(i_theta))*cos(phi(i_phi));
- theta_vect(2) = cos(theta(i_theta))*sin(phi(i_phi));
- theta_vect(3) = -sin(theta(i_theta));
- phi_vect(1) = -sin(phi(i_phi));
- phi_vect(2) = cos(phi(i_phi));
- phi_vect(3) = 0.0;
- w_vect(1) = 2*wavenumber*sin(theta(i_theta))*cos(phi(i_phi));
- w_vect(2) = 2*wavenumber*sin(theta(i_theta))*sin(phi(i_phi));
- w_vect(3) = 0.0;
- s_term = 0.0;
- for n = 1:nsides
- expterm = exp(i*dot(w_vect, vertices(n,1:3)));
- if n == 1
- num = dot(cross(normal_vect, alpha_n(n,1:3)), alpha_n(nsides,1:3));
- denom = dot(w_vect, alpha_n(n,1:3))*dot(w_vect, alpha_n(nsides,1:3));
- else
- num = dot(cross(normal_vect, alpha_n(n,1:3)), alpha_n(n-1,1:3));
- denom = dot(w_vect, alpha_n(n,1:3))*dot(w_vect, alpha_n(n-1,1:3));
- end
- s_term = s_term + num*expterm/denom;
- end
- vect_term = dot(theta_vect, cross(phi_vect, normal_vect));
- es(i_theta, i_phi) = -j*w*mu/2.0/pi/z_o*vect_term*s_term;
- end
- end
- rcs = 20.0*log10(sqrt(4*pi)*abs(es));
- plot(180*theta/pi, rcs)
- axis([-90 90 -120 20])
- xlabel('Theta (degrees)')
- ylabel('RCS (dBsm')
- grid on
- title('Frequency = 1 GHz')