- function [ambig] = barker_ambig(uinput)
- % Compute and plot the ambiguity function for a Barker code
- %Compute the ambiguity function
- % by utilizing the FFT through combining multiple range cuts
- N = size(uinput,2);
- tau = N;
- Barker_code = uinput;
- samp_num = size(Barker_code,2) *10;
- n = ceil(log(samp_num) / log(2));
- nfft = 2^n;
- u(1:nfft) = 0;
- j = 0;
- for index = 1:10:samp_num
- index;
- j = j+1;
- u(index:index+10-1) = Barker_code(j);
- end
- v = u;
- delay = linspace(-tau, tau, nfft);
- freq_del = 12 / tau /100;
- j = 0;
- vfft = fft(v,nfft);
- for freq = -6/tau:freq_del:6/tau;
- j = j+1;
- exf = exp(sqrt(-1) * 2. * pi * freq .* delay);
- u_times_exf = u .* exf;
- ufft = fft(u_times_exf,nfft);
- prod = ufft .* conj(vfft);
- ambig(:,j) = fftshift(abs(ifft(prod))');
- end
- freq = -6/tau:freq_del:6/tau;
- delay = linspace(-N,N,nfft);
- figure (1)
- mesh(freq,delay,ambig ./ max(max(ambig)))
- colormap([.5 .5 .5])
- colormap(gray)
- axis tight
- xlabel('frequency')
- ylabel('delay')
- zlabel('ambiguity function')
- figure (2)
- value = 10 * N ;
- plot(delay,ambig(:,51)/value,'k')
- xlabel('delay')
- ylabel('normalized amibiguity cut for f=0')
- grid
- axis tight
- figure (3)
- contour(freq,delay,ambig ./ max(max(ambig)))
- colormap([.5 .5 .5])
- colormap (gray)
- xlabel('frequency')
- ylabel('delay')
- grid on
- return