- function [theta,patternr,patterng] = linear_array(Nr,dolr,theta0,winid,win,nbits);
- % This function computes and returns the gain radiation pattern for a linear array
- % It uses the FFT to computes the pattern
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ********** INPUTS ************** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Nr ==> number of elements; dolr ==> element spacing (d) in lambda units divided by lambda
- % theta0 ==> steering angle in degrees; winid ==> use winid negative for no window, winid positive to enter your window of size(Nr)
- % win is input window, NOTE that win must be an NrX1 row vector; nbits ==> number of bits used in the pahse shifters
- % negative nbits mean no quantization is used
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *********** OUTPUTS ************* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % theta ==> real-space angle; patternr ==> array radiation pattern in dBs
- % patterng ==> array directive gain pattern in dBs
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ************************ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- eps = 0.00001;
- n = 0:Nr-1;
- i = sqrt(-1);
- %if dolr is > 0.5 then; choose dol = 0.25 and compute new N
- if(dolr <=0.5)
- dol = dolr;
- N = Nr;
- else
- ratio = ceil(dolr/.25);
- N = Nr * ratio;
- dol = 0.25;
- end
- % choose proper size fft, for minimum value choose 256
- Nrx = 10 * N;
- nfft = 2^(ceil(log(Nrx)/log(2)));
- if nfft < 256
- nfft = 256;
- end
- % convert steering angle into radians; and compute the sine of angle
- theta0 = theta0 *pi /180.;
- sintheta0 = sin(theta0);
- % detrmine and comupte quantized steering angle
- if nbits < 0
- phase0 = exp(i*2.0*pi .* n * dolr * sintheta0);
- else
- % compute and add the phase shift terms (WITH nbits quantization)
- % Use formula thetal = (2*pi*n*dol) * sin(theta0) divided into 2^nbits
- % and rounded to the nearest qunatization level
- levels = 2^nbits;
- qlevels = 2.0 * pi / levels; % compute quantization levels
- % compute the phase level and round it to the closest quantizatin level at each array element
- angleq = round(dolr .* n * sintheta0 * levels) .* qlevels; % vector of possible angles
- phase0 = exp(i*angleq);
- end
- % generate array of elements with or without window
- if winid < 0
- wr(1:Nr) = 1;
- else
- wr = win';
- end
- % add the phase shift terms
- wr = wr .* phase0;
- % determine if interpolation is needed (i.e N > Nr)
- if N > Nr
- w(1:N) = 0;
- w(1:ratio:N) = wr(1:Nr);
- else
- w = wr;
- end
- % compute the sine(theta) in real space sthat correspond to the FFT index
- arg = [-nfft/2:(nfft/2)-1] ./ (nfft*dol);
- idx = find(abs(arg) <= 1);
- sinetheta = arg(idx);
- theta = asin(sinetheta);
- % convert angle into degrees
- theta = theta .* (180.0 / pi);
- % Compute fft of w (radiation pattern)
- patternv = (abs(fftshift(fft(w,nfft)))).^2;
- % convert raditiona pattern to dBs
- patternr = 10*log10(patternv(idx) ./Nr + eps);
- % Compute directive gain pattern
- rbarr = 0.5 *sum(patternv(idx)) ./ (nfft * dol);
- patterng = 10*log10(patternv(idx) + eps) - 10*log10(rbarr + eps);
- return