- {*****************************************************}
- { }
- { Varian Component Workshop }
- { }
- { Varian Software NL (c) 1996-2000 }
- { All Rights Reserved }
- { }
- {*****************************************************}
- unit VrSysUtils;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Classes, SysUtils, Graphics, Controls, Messages,
- VrTypes, Forms;
- type
- TVrGradDirection = (gdUpDown, gdLeftRight, gdChord1, gdChord2);
- function SolveForX(Y, Z: Longint): Longint;
- function SolveForY(X, Z: Longint): Longint;
- procedure FreeObject(AObject: TObject);
- function MinIntVal(X, Y: Integer): Integer;
- function MaxIntVal(X, Y: Integer): Integer;
- function InRange(Value, X, Y: Integer): boolean;
- procedure AdjustRange(var Value: Integer; X, Y: Integer);
- function Percent(a, b: Integer): Integer;
- function WidthOf(const R: TRect): Integer;
- function HeightOf(const R: TRect): Integer;
- procedure AllocateBitmaps(var Items: array of TBitmap);
- procedure DeallocateBitmaps(var Items: array of TBitmap);
- function Color2RGB(Color: TColor): Longint;
- function AdjustColor(Color: TColor; Value:Integer): TColor;
- procedure ClearBitmapCanvas(R: TRect; Bitmap: TBitmap; Color: TColor);
- procedure DrawShape(Canvas: TCanvas; Shape: TVrShapeType; X, Y, W, H: Integer);
- procedure CalcTextBounds(Canvas: TCanvas; const Client: TRect;
- var TextBounds: TRect; const Caption: string);
- procedure DrawButtonText(Canvas: TCanvas; const Caption: string;
- TextBounds: TRect; Enabled: Boolean);
- function CreateDitherPattern(Light, Face: TColor): TBitmap;
- procedure CalcImageTextLayout(Canvas: TCanvas; const Client: TRect;
- const Offset: TPoint; const Caption: string; Layout: TVrImageTextLayout;
- Margin, Spacing: Integer; ImageSize: TPoint; var ImagePos: TPoint;
- var TextBounds: TRect);
- procedure DrawOutline3D(Canvas: TCanvas; var Rect: TRect;
- TopColor, BottomColor: TColor; Width: Integer);
- procedure DrawFrame3D(Canvas: TCanvas; var Rect: TRect;
- TopColor, BottomColor: TColor; Width: Integer);
- procedure GetRGB(Color: TColor; var R, G, B: Byte);
- procedure DrawGradient(Canvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect; StartColor,
- TargetColor: TColor; Orientation: TVrOrientation; LineWidth: Integer);
- procedure DrawGradientExt(Canvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect; StartColor,
- EndColor: TColor; Direction: TVrGradDirection; ColorWidth: Integer);
- procedure CopyParentImage(Control: TControl; Dest: TCanvas);
- function GetOwnerControl(Component: TComponent): TComponent;
- procedure SetCanvasTextAngle(Canvas: TCanvas; Angle: Word);
- procedure CanvasTextOutAngle(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer;
- Angle: Word; const Text: string);
- function GetTextSize(Canvas: TCanvas; const Text: string): TPoint;
- procedure Draw3DText(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer; const Text: String;
- HighEdge, LowEdge: TColor);
- procedure DrawShadowTextExt(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y : Integer;
- const Text: string; ShadowColor: TColor; SX, SY: Integer);
- procedure StretchPaintOnText(Dest: TCanvas; DestRect: TRect; X, Y: Integer;
- const Text: string; Bitmap: TBitmap; Angle: Word);
- procedure DrawOutlinedText(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y : Integer;
- const Text: string; Color: TColor; Depth: Integer);
- procedure DrawRasterPattern(Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- ForeColor, BackColor: TColor; PixelSize, Spacing: Integer);
- procedure StretchPaintOnRasterPattern(Dest: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Image: TBitmap;
- ForeColor, BackColor: TColor; PixelSize, Spacing: Integer);
- procedure BitmapToLCD(Dest: TBitmap; Source: TBitmap;
- ForeColor, BackColor: TColor; PixelSize, Spacing: Integer);
- procedure DrawTiledBitmap(Canvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect; Glyph: TBitmap);
- function BitmapRect(Bitmap: TBitmap): TRect;
- procedure ChangeBitmapColor(Bitmap: TBitmap; FromColor, ToColor: TColor);
- procedure DrawBitmap(Canvas: TCanvas; DestRect: TRect;
- Bitmap: TBitmap; SourceRect: TRect; Transparent: Boolean; TransColor: TColor);
- implementation
- { This function solves for x in the equation "x is y% of z". }
- function SolveForX(Y, Z: Longint): Longint;
- begin
- Result := Trunc( Z * (Y * 0.01) );
- end;
- { This function solves for y in the equation "x is y% of z". }
- function SolveForY(X, Z: Longint): Longint;
- begin
- if Z = 0 then Result := 0
- else Result := Trunc( (X * 100.0) / Z );
- end;
- procedure FreeObject(AObject: TObject);
- begin
- if AObject <> nil then
- begin
- AObject.Free;
- AObject := nil;
- end;
- end;
- function MinIntVal(X, Y: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := X;
- if X > Y then Result := Y;
- end;
- function MaxIntVal(X, Y: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := Y;
- if X > Y then Result := X;
- end;
- function InRange(Value, X, Y: Integer): boolean;
- begin
- Result := (Value >= X) and (Value <= Y);
- end;
- procedure AdjustRange(var Value: Integer; X, Y: Integer);
- begin
- if Value < X then Value := X
- else if Value > Y then Value := Y;
- end;
- function Percent(a, b: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := Trunc((a / b)*100);
- end;
- function WidthOf(const R: TRect): Integer;
- begin
- Result := R.Right - R.Left;
- end;
- function HeightOf(const R: TRect): Integer;
- begin
- Result := R.Bottom - R.Top;
- end;
- procedure AllocateBitmaps(var Items: array of TBitmap);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- for I := Low(Items) to High(Items) do
- Items[I] := TBitmap.Create;
- end;
- procedure DeallocateBitmaps(var Items: array of TBitmap);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- for I := Low(Items) to High(Items) do
- if Items[I] <> nil then
- begin
- Items[I].Free;
- Items[I] := nil;
- end;
- end;
- type
- TRGBMap = packed record
- case boolean of
- FALSE: (Red, Green, Blue, Unused: byte);
- end;
- TParentControl = class(TWinControl);
- { CorrectColor }
- function CorrectColor(C: Real) : Integer;
- begin
- Result := Round(C);
- if Result > 255 then Result := 255
- else if Result < 0 then Result := 0;
- end;
- { ERGB }
- function ERGB(R, G, B: Real): TColor;
- begin
- Result := RGB(CorrectColor(R), CorrectColor(G), CorrectColor(B));
- end;
- { Color2RGB }
- function Color2RGB(Color: TColor): Longint;
- begin
- if Color < 0 then
- Result := GetSysColor(Color and $000000FF)
- else Result := Color;
- end;
- { AdjustColor }
- function AdjustColor(Color: TColor; Value:Integer): TColor;
- var
- R, G, B: integer;
- begin
- R := GetRValue(ColorToRGB(Color));
- G := GetGValue(ColorToRGB(Color));
- B := GetBValue(ColorToRGB(Color));
- if Value > 0 then
- begin
- if R + Value > 255 then R := 254 else Inc(R, Value);
- if G + Value > 255 then G := 254 else Inc(G, Value);
- if B + Value > 255 then B := 254 else Inc(B, Value);
- end else
- begin
- if R + Value < 0 then R := 1 else Inc(R, Value);
- if G + Value < 0 then G := 1 else Inc(G, Value);
- if B + Value < 0 then B := 1 else Inc(B, Value);
- end;
- Result := RGB(R, G, B);
- end;
- { DrawGradientHorizontal }
- procedure DrawGradientHorizontal(Canvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect;
- R1, G1, B1, R2, G2, B2: Integer; LineWidth: Integer);
- var
- R, G, B: Real;
- Width, Height, I: Integer;
- ColorRect: TRect;
- begin
- Width := WidthOf(Rect);
- Height := HeightOf(Rect);
- ColorRect := Bounds(Rect.Left, Rect.Top, LineWidth, Height);
- R := R1; G := G1; B := B1;
- I := 0;
- while I <= Width do
- begin
- Canvas.Brush.Color := ERGB(R, G, B);
- Canvas.FillRect(ColorRect);
- OffsetRect(ColorRect, LineWidth, 0);
- Inc(I, LineWidth);
- R := R + R2 / Width * LineWidth;
- G := G + G2 / Width * LineWidth;
- B := B + B2 / Width * LineWidth;
- end;
- end;
- { DrawGradientVertical }
- procedure DrawGradientVertical(Canvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect;
- R1, G1, B1, R2, G2, B2: Integer; LineWidth: Integer);
- var
- R, G, B: Real;
- Width, Height, I: Integer;
- ColorRect: TRect;
- begin
- Width := WidthOf(Rect);
- Height := HeightOf(Rect);
- ColorRect := Bounds(Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Width, LineWidth);
- R := R1; G := G1; B := B1;
- I := 0;
- while I <= Height do
- begin
- Canvas.Brush.Color := ERGB(R, G, B);
- Canvas.FillRect(ColorRect);
- OffsetRect(ColorRect, 0, LineWidth);
- Inc(I, LineWidth);
- R := R + R2 / Height * LineWidth;
- G := G + G2 / Height * LineWidth;
- B := B + B2 / Height * LineWidth;
- end;
- end;
- { DrawGradient }
- procedure DrawGradient(Canvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect; StartColor,
- TargetColor: TColor; Orientation: TVrOrientation; LineWidth: Integer);
- var
- R1,G1,B1: Integer;
- R2,G2,B2: Integer;
- begin
- //Implement Top Color
- StartColor := Color2RGB(StartColor);
- R1 := GetRValue(StartColor);
- G1 := GetGValue(StartColor);
- B1 := GetBValue(StartColor);
- //Implement Bottom Color
- TargetColor := Color2RGB(TargetColor);
- R2 := GetRValue(TargetColor) - R1;
- G2 := GetGValue(TargetColor) - G1;
- B2 := GetBValue(TargetColor) - B1;
- case Orientation of
- voVertical:
- DrawGradientVertical(Canvas, Rect, R1, G1, B1, R2, G2, B2, LineWidth);
- voHorizontal:
- DrawGradientHorizontal(Canvas, Rect, R1, G1, B1, R2, G2, B2, LineWidth);
- end;
- end;
- procedure GetRGB(Color: TColor; var R, G, B: Byte);
- begin
- Color := Color2RGB(Color);
- R := GetRValue(Color);
- G := GetGValue(Color);
- B := GetBValue(Color);
- end;
- procedure DrawGradientExt(Canvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect; StartColor,
- EndColor: TColor; Direction: TVrGradDirection; ColorWidth: Integer);
- var
- I, LoopEnd: Integer;
- ColorRect: TRect;
- R, G, B: Byte;
- R1, G1, B1, R2, G2, B2: Byte;
- P: TPoint;
- DC: HDC;
- begin
- P.X := WidthOf(Rect);
- P.Y := HeightOf(Rect);
- GetRGB(StartColor, R1, G1, B1);
- GetRGB(EndColor, R2, G2, B2);
- case Direction of
- gdLeftRight:
- begin
- ColorRect := Bounds(Rect.Left, Rect.Top, ColorWidth, P.Y);
- I := 0;
- while I <= P.X do
- begin
- R := R1 + I * (R2 - R1) div P.X;
- G := G1 + I * (G2 - G1) div P.X;
- B := B1 + I * (B2 - B1) div P.X;
- Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(R, G, B);
- FillRect(Canvas.Handle, ColorRect, Canvas.Brush.Handle);
- OffsetRect(ColorRect, ColorWidth, 0);
- Inc(I, ColorWidth);
- end;
- end;
- gdUpDown:
- begin
- ColorRect := Bounds(Rect.Left, Rect.Top, P.X, ColorWidth);
- I := 0;
- while I <= P.Y do
- begin
- R := R1 + I * (R2 - R1) div P.Y;
- G := G1 + I * (G2 - G1) div P.Y;
- B := B1 + I * (B2 - B1) div P.Y;
- Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(R, G, B);
- FillRect(Canvas.Handle, ColorRect, Canvas.Brush.Handle);
- OffsetRect(ColorRect, 0, ColorWidth);
- Inc(I, ColorWidth);
- end;
- end;
- gdChord1:
- begin
- LoopEnd := P.X + P.Y;
- I := 0;
- Canvas.Pen.Width := ColorWidth;
- while I <= LoopEnd do
- begin
- R := R1 + I * (R2 - R1) div LoopEnd;
- G := G1 + I * (G2 - G1) div LoopEnd;
- B := B1 + I * (B2 - B1) div LoopEnd;
- Canvas.Pen.Color := RGB(R, G, B);
- DC := Canvas.Handle;
- MoveToEx(DC, I, 0, nil);
- LineTo(DC, -1, I);
- Inc(I, ColorWidth);
- end;
- end;
- gdChord2:
- begin
- LoopEnd := P.X + P.Y;
- I := 0;
- Canvas.Pen.Width := ColorWidth;
- while I <= LoopEnd do
- begin
- R := R1 + I *(R2 - R1) div LoopEnd;
- G := G1 + I *(G2 - G1) div LoopEnd;
- B := B1 + I *(B2 - B1) div LoopEnd;
- Canvas.Pen.Color := RGB(R, G, B);
- DC := Canvas.Handle;
- MoveToEx(DC, 0, P.Y - I, nil);
- LineTo(DC, I, P.Y);
- Inc(I, ColorWidth);
- end;
- end;
- end; //case
- end;
- { DrawShape }
- procedure DrawShape(Canvas: TCanvas; Shape: TVrShapeType; X, Y, W, H: Integer);
- var
- S: Integer;
- begin
- with Canvas do
- begin
- if Pen.Width = 0 then
- begin
- Dec(W);
- Dec(H);
- end;
- if W < H then S := W else S := H;
- if Shape in [stSquare, stRoundSquare, stCircle] then
- begin
- Inc(X, (W - S) div 2);
- Inc(Y, (H - S) div 2);
- W := S;
- H := S;
- end;
- case Shape of
- stRectangle, stSquare:
- Rectangle(X, Y, X + W, Y + H);
- stRoundRect, stRoundSquare:
- RoundRect(X, Y, X + W, Y + H, S div 4, S div 4);
- stCircle, stEllipse:
- Ellipse(X, Y, X + W, Y + H);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- { CalcTextBounds }
- procedure CalcTextBounds(Canvas: TCanvas; const Client: TRect;
- var TextBounds: TRect; const Caption: string);
- var
- X, Y: Integer;
- TextSize: TPoint;
- begin
- TextBounds := Rect(0, 0, Client.Right - Client.Left, 0);
- DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(Caption), Length(Caption), TextBounds, DT_CALCRECT);
- TextSize := Point(TextBounds.Right - TextBounds.Left,
- TextBounds.Bottom - TextBounds.Top);
- X := (WidthOf(Client) - TextSize.X + 1) div 2;
- Y := (HeightOf(Client) - TextSize.Y + 1) div 2;
- OffsetRect(TextBounds, Client.Left + X, Client.Top + Y);
- end;
- { DrawButtonText }
- procedure DrawButtonText(Canvas: TCanvas; const Caption: string;
- TextBounds: TRect; Enabled: Boolean);
- begin
- with Canvas do
- begin
- Brush.Style := bsClear;
- if not Enabled then
- begin
- OffsetRect(TextBounds, 1, 1);
- Font.Color := clBtnHighlight;
- DrawText(Handle, PChar(Caption), Length(Caption), TextBounds, 0);
- OffsetRect(TextBounds, -1, -1);
- Font.Color := clBtnShadow;
- DrawText(Handle, PChar(Caption), Length(Caption), TextBounds, 0);
- end else
- DrawText(Handle, PChar(Caption), Length(Caption), TextBounds,
- end;
- end;
- { ClearBitmapCanvas }
- procedure ClearBitmapCanvas(R: TRect; Bitmap: TBitmap; Color: TColor);
- begin
- Bitmap.Width := WidthOf(R);
- Bitmap.Height := HeightOf(R);
- with Bitmap.Canvas do
- begin
- Brush.Color := Color;
- Brush.Style := bsSolid;
- FillRect(R);
- end;
- end;
- { CreateDitherPattern }
- function CreateDitherPattern(Light, Face: TColor): TBitmap;
- var
- X, Y: Integer;
- begin
- Result := TBitmap.Create;
- Result.Width := 8;
- Result.Height := 8;
- with Result.Canvas do
- begin
- Brush.Color := Face;
- Brush.Style := bsSolid;
- FillRect(Rect(0, 0, Result.Width, Result.Height));
- for Y := 0 to 7 do
- for X := 0 to 7 do
- if (Y mod 2) = (X mod 2) then Pixels[X, Y] := Light;
- end;
- end;
- { CalcImageTextLayout }
- procedure CalcImageTextLayout(Canvas: TCanvas; const Client: TRect;
- const Offset: TPoint; const Caption: string; Layout: TVrImageTextLayout;
- Margin, Spacing: Integer; ImageSize: TPoint; var ImagePos: TPoint;
- var TextBounds: TRect);
- var
- TextPos: TPoint;
- ClientSize, TextSize: TPoint;
- TotalSize: TPoint;
- begin
- ClientSize := Point(Client.Right - Client.Left, Client.Bottom -
- Client.Top);
- if Length(Caption) > 0 then
- begin
- TextBounds := Rect(0, 0, Client.Right - Client.Left, 0);
- DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(Caption), Length(Caption), TextBounds, DT_CALCRECT);
- TextSize := Point(TextBounds.Right - TextBounds.Left, TextBounds.Bottom -
- TextBounds.Top);
- end
- else
- begin
- TextBounds := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- TextSize := Point(0,0);
- end;
- if Layout in [ImageLeft, ImageRight] then
- begin
- ImagePos.Y := (ClientSize.Y - ImageSize.Y + 1) div 2;
- TextPos.Y := (ClientSize.Y - TextSize.Y + 1) div 2;
- end
- else
- begin
- ImagePos.X := (ClientSize.X - ImageSize.X + 1) div 2;
- TextPos.X := (ClientSize.X - TextSize.X + 1) div 2;
- end;
- if (TextSize.X = 0) or (ImageSize.X = 0) then
- Spacing := 0;
- if Margin = -1 then
- begin
- if Spacing = -1 then
- begin
- TotalSize := Point(ImageSize.X + TextSize.X, ImageSize.Y + TextSize.Y);
- if Layout in [ImageLeft, ImageRight] then
- Margin := (ClientSize.X - TotalSize.X) div 3
- else
- Margin := (ClientSize.Y - TotalSize.Y) div 3;
- Spacing := Margin;
- end
- else
- begin
- TotalSize := Point(ImageSize.X + Spacing + TextSize.X, ImageSize.Y +
- Spacing + TextSize.Y);
- if Layout in [ImageLeft, ImageRight] then
- Margin := (ClientSize.X - TotalSize.X + 1) div 2
- else
- Margin := (ClientSize.Y - TotalSize.Y + 1) div 2;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- if Spacing = -1 then
- begin
- TotalSize := Point(ClientSize.X - (Margin + ImageSize.X), ClientSize.Y -
- (Margin + ImageSize.Y));
- if Layout in [ImageLeft, ImageRight] then
- Spacing := (TotalSize.X - TextSize.X) div 2
- else
- Spacing := (TotalSize.Y - TextSize.Y) div 2;
- end;
- end;
- case Layout of
- ImageLeft:
- begin
- ImagePos.X := Margin;
- TextPos.X := ImagePos.X + ImageSize.X + Spacing;
- end;
- ImageRight:
- begin
- ImagePos.X := ClientSize.X - Margin - ImageSize.X;
- TextPos.X := ImagePos.X - Spacing - TextSize.X;
- end;
- ImageTop:
- begin
- ImagePos.Y := Margin;
- TextPos.Y := ImagePos.Y + ImageSize.Y + Spacing;
- end;
- ImageBottom:
- begin
- ImagePos.Y := ClientSize.Y - Margin - ImageSize.Y;
- TextPos.Y := ImagePos.Y - Spacing - TextSize.Y;
- end;
- end;
- with ImagePos do
- begin
- Inc(X, Client.Left + Offset.X);
- Inc(Y, Client.Top + Offset.Y);
- end;
- OffsetRect(TextBounds, TextPos.X + Client.Left + Offset.X,
- TextPos.Y + Client.Top + Offset.X);
- end;
- { Draw3DOutline - BottomLeft.X correction disabled }
- procedure DrawOutline3D(Canvas: TCanvas; var Rect: TRect;
- TopColor, BottomColor: TColor; Width: Integer);
- procedure DoRect;
- var
- TopRight, BottomLeft: TPoint;
- begin
- with Canvas, Rect do
- begin
- TopRight.X := Right;
- TopRight.Y := Top;
- BottomLeft.X := Left;
- BottomLeft.Y := Bottom;
- Pen.Color := TopColor;
- PolyLine([BottomLeft, TopLeft, TopRight]);
- Pen.Color := BottomColor;
- PolyLine([TopRight, BottomRight, BottomLeft]);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- Dec(Rect.Bottom); Dec(Rect.Right);
- while Width > 0 do
- begin
- Dec(Width);
- DoRect;
- InflateRect(Rect, -1, -1);
- end;
- Inc(Rect.Bottom); Inc(Rect.Right);
- end;
- { DrawFrame3D }
- procedure DrawFrame3D(Canvas: TCanvas; var Rect: TRect;
- TopColor, BottomColor: TColor; Width: Integer);
- procedure DoRect;
- var
- TopRight, BottomLeft: TPoint;
- begin
- with Canvas, Rect do
- begin
- TopRight.X := Right;
- TopRight.Y := Top;
- BottomLeft.X := Left;
- BottomLeft.Y := Bottom;
- Pen.Color := TopColor;
- PolyLine([BottomLeft, TopLeft, TopRight]);
- Pen.Color := BottomColor;
- Dec(BottomLeft.X);
- PolyLine([TopRight, BottomRight, BottomLeft]);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- Dec(Rect.Bottom); Dec(Rect.Right);
- while Width > 0 do
- begin
- Dec(Width);
- DoRect;
- InflateRect(Rect, -1, -1);
- end;
- Inc(Rect.Bottom); Inc(Rect.Right);
- end;
- procedure CopyParentImage(Control: TControl; Dest: TCanvas);
- var
- I, Count, X, Y, SaveIndex: Integer;
- DC: HDC;
- R, SelfR, CtlR: TRect;
- begin
- if (Control = nil) or (Control.Parent = nil) then Exit;
- Count := Control.Parent.ControlCount;
- DC := Dest.Handle;
- with Control.Parent do ControlState := ControlState + [csPaintCopy];
- try
- with Control do
- begin
- SelfR := Bounds(Left, Top, Width, Height);
- X := -Left; Y := -Top;
- end;
- { Copy parent control image }
- SaveIndex := SaveDC(DC);
- try
- SetViewportOrgEx(DC, X, Y, nil);
- IntersectClipRect(DC, 0, 0, Control.Parent.ClientWidth,
- Control.Parent.ClientHeight);
- with TParentControl(Control.Parent) do
- begin
- Perform(WM_ERASEBKGND, DC, 0);
- PaintWindow(DC);
- end;
- finally
- RestoreDC(DC, SaveIndex);
- end;
- { Copy images of graphic controls }
- for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin
- if Control.Parent.Controls[I] = Control then Break
- else if (Control.Parent.Controls[I] <> nil) and
- (Control.Parent.Controls[I] is TGraphicControl) then
- begin
- with TGraphicControl(Control.Parent.Controls[I]) do
- begin
- CtlR := Bounds(Left, Top, Width, Height);
- if Bool(IntersectRect(R, SelfR, CtlR)) and Visible then
- begin
- ControlState := ControlState + [csPaintCopy];
- SaveIndex := SaveDC(DC);
- try
- SetViewportOrgEx(DC, Left + X, Top + Y, nil);
- IntersectClipRect(DC, 0, 0, WidthOf(R), HeightOf(R));
- Perform(WM_PAINT, DC, 0);
- finally
- RestoreDC(DC, SaveIndex);
- ControlState := ControlState - [csPaintCopy];
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- with Control.Parent do ControlState := ControlState - [csPaintCopy];
- end;
- end;
- { GetOwnerControl }
- function GetOwnerControl(Component: TComponent): TComponent;
- var
- AOwner: TComponent;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- AOwner := Component.Owner;
- while (AOwner <> nil) and (AOwner is TWinControl) do
- begin
- Result := AOwner;
- AOwner := Result.Owner;
- end;
- end;
- { SetCanvasTextAngle }
- procedure SetCanvasTextAngle(Canvas: TCanvas; Angle: Word);
- var
- begin
- GetObject(Canvas.Font.Handle, SizeOf(LogRec), Addr(LogRec));
- LogRec.lfEscapement := Angle * 10;
- Canvas.Font.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(LogRec);
- end;
- { CanvasTextOutAngle }
- procedure CanvasTextOutAngle(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer;
- Angle: Word; const Text: string);
- var
- OldFontHandle,
- NewFontHandle: HFONT;
- begin
- GetObject(Canvas.Font.Handle, SizeOf(LogRec), Addr(LogRec));
- LogRec.lfEscapement := Angle * 10;
- NewFontHandle := CreateFontIndirect(LogRec);
- OldFontHandle := SelectObject(Canvas.Handle, NewFontHandle);
- Canvas.TextOut(X, Y, Text);
- NewFontHandle := SelectObject(Canvas.Handle, OldFontHandle);
- DeleteObject(NewFontHandle);
- end;
- { GetTextSize }
- function GetTextSize(Canvas: TCanvas; const Text: string): TPoint;
- var
- TextBounds: TRect;
- begin
- TextBounds := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(Text), Length(Text), TextBounds, DT_CALCRECT);
- Result := Point(TextBounds.Right - TextBounds.Left,
- TextBounds.Bottom - TextBounds.Top);
- end;
- { Draw3DText }
- procedure Draw3DText(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer; const Text: String;
- HighEdge, LowEdge: TColor);
- var
- OrgColor: TColor;
- begin
- with Canvas do
- begin
- OrgColor := Font.Color;
- Brush.Style := bsClear;
- Font.Color := LowEdge;
- TextOut(X + 1, Y + 1, Text);
- Font.Color := HighEdge;
- TextOut(X - 1, Y - 1, Text);
- Font.Color := OrgColor;
- TextOut(X, Y, Text);
- end;
- end;
- { DrawShadowTextExt }
- procedure DrawShadowTextExt(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y : Integer; const Text: string;
- ShadowColor: TColor; SX, SY: Integer);
- var
- OrgColor: TColor;
- begin
- with Canvas do
- begin
- OrgColor := Font.Color;
- Brush.Style := bsClear;
- Font.Color := ShadowColor;
- TextOut(X + SX, Y + SY, Text);
- Font.Color := OrgColor;
- TextOut(X, Y, Text);
- end;
- end;
- { StretchPaintOnText }
- procedure StretchPaintOnText(Dest: TCanvas; DestRect: TRect; X, Y : Integer;
- const Text: String; Bitmap: TBitmap; Angle: Word);
- var
- R: TRect;
- FMask, FStore: TBitmap;
- begin
- FMask := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- with FMask, FMask.Canvas do
- begin
- Monochrome := True;
- Font.Assign(Dest.Font);
- Font.Color := clBlack;
- Width := WidthOf(DestRect);
- Height := HeightOf(DestRect);
- SetCanvasTextAngle(FMask.Canvas, Angle);
- TextOut(X, Y, Text);
- end;
- FStore := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- with FStore do
- begin
- Width := FMask.Width;
- Height := FMask.Height;
- R := Rect(0, 0, Width, Height);
- with Canvas do
- begin
- CopyRect(R, Dest, Bounds(0, 0, Width, Height));
- CopyMode := cmSrcInvert;
- StretchDraw(R, Bitmap);
- CopyMode := cmSrcAnd;
- Draw(0, 0, FMask);
- CopyMode := cmSrcInvert;
- StretchDraw(R, Bitmap);
- end;
- end;
- Dest.Draw(0, 0, FStore);
- finally
- FStore.Free;
- end;
- finally
- FMask.Free;
- end;
- end;
- { DrawOutlinedText }
- procedure DrawOutlinedText(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y : Integer; const Text: String;
- Color: TColor; Depth: Integer);
- var
- I: Integer;
- Tmp: TColor;
- begin
- with Canvas do
- begin
- Tmp := Font.Color;
- Font.Color := Color;
- Brush.Style := bsClear;
- for I := 1 to Depth do
- begin
- TextOut(X + I, Y + I, Text);
- TextOut(X - I, Y + I, Text);
- TextOut(X - I, Y - I, Text);
- TextOut(X + I, Y - I, Text);
- end;
- Font.Color := Tmp;
- TextOut(X, Y, Text);
- end;
- end;
- { DrawRasterPattern }
- procedure DrawRasterPattern(Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- ForeColor, BackColor: TColor; PixelSize, Spacing: Integer);
- var
- R: TRect;
- X, Y: Integer;
- Bitmap: TBitmap;
- begin
- Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- Bitmap.Width := (PixelSize + Spacing) * 20;
- Bitmap.Height := Bitmap.Width;
- with Bitmap do
- begin
- Canvas.Brush.Color := BackColor;
- Canvas.FillRect(Rect);
- Canvas.Brush.Color := ForeColor;
- X := 0;
- while X <= Width do
- begin
- Y := 0;
- while Y <= Height do
- begin
- R := Bounds(X, Y, PixelSize, PixelSize);
- Canvas.FillRect(R);
- Inc(Y, PixelSize + Spacing);
- end;
- Inc(X, PixelSize + Spacing);
- end;
- end;
- with Canvas do
- begin
- X := Rect.Left;
- while X < Rect.Right do
- begin
- Y := Rect.Top;
- while Y < Rect.Bottom do
- begin
- Draw(X, Y, Bitmap);
- Inc(Y, Bitmap.Height);
- end;
- Inc(X, Bitmap.Width);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- Bitmap.Free;
- end;
- end;
- { StretchPaintOnText }
- procedure StretchPaintOnRasterPattern(Dest: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
- Image: TBitmap; ForeColor, BackColor: TColor; PixelSize, Spacing: Integer);
- var
- R: TRect;
- FMask, FStore: TBitmap;
- begin
- FMask := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- with FMask, FMask.Canvas do
- begin
- Width := WidthOf(Rect);
- Height := HeightOf(Rect);
- DrawRasterPattern(FMask.Canvas, Bounds(0, 0, Width, Height),
- clBlack, clWhite, PixelSize, Spacing);
- end;
- FStore := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- with FStore do
- begin
- Width := FMask.Width;
- Height := FMask.Height;
- R := Classes.Rect(0, 0, Width, Height);
- DrawRasterPattern(Canvas, R, ForeColor, BackColor,
- PixelSize, Spacing);
- with Canvas do
- begin
- CopyMode := cmSrcInvert;
- StretchDraw(R, Image);
- CopyMode := cmSrcAnd;
- Draw(0, 0, FMask);
- CopyMode := cmSrcInvert;
- StretchDraw(R, Image);
- end;
- end;
- Dest.Draw(0, 0, FStore);
- finally
- FStore.Free;
- end;
- finally
- FMask.Free;
- end;
- end;
- { BitmapToLCD }
- procedure BitmapToLCD(Dest: TBitmap; Source: TBitmap;
- ForeColor, BackColor: TColor; PixelSize, Spacing: Integer);
- var
- R: TRect;
- FMask, FStore: TBitmap;
- begin
- Dest.Width := Source.Width * (PixelSize + Spacing);
- Dest.Height := Source.Height * (PixelSize + Spacing);
- FMask := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- with FMask, FMask.Canvas do
- begin
- Width := Dest.Width;
- Height := Dest.Height;
- DrawRasterPattern(FMask.Canvas, Bounds(0, 0, Width, Height),
- clBlack, clWhite, PixelSize, Spacing);
- end;
- FStore := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- with FStore do
- begin
- Width := FMask.Width;
- Height := FMask.Height;
- R := Classes.Rect(0, 0, Width, Height);
- DrawRasterPattern(Canvas, R, ForeColor, BackColor,
- PixelSize, Spacing);
- with Canvas do
- begin
- CopyMode := cmSrcInvert;
- StretchDraw(R, Source);
- CopyMode := cmSrcAnd;
- Draw(0, 0, FMask);
- CopyMode := cmSrcInvert;
- StretchDraw(R, Source);
- end;
- end;
- Dest.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, FStore);
- finally
- FStore.Free;
- end;
- finally
- FMask.Free;
- end;
- end;
- { DrawTiledBitmap - no clipping}
- procedure DrawTiledBitmap(Canvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect; Glyph: TBitmap);
- var
- X, Y: Integer;
- begin
- X := Rect.Left;
- while X < Rect.Right do
- begin
- Y := Rect.Top;
- while Y < Rect.Bottom do
- begin
- Canvas.Draw(X, Y, Glyph);
- Inc(Y, Glyph.Height);
- end;
- Inc(X, Glyph.Width);
- end;
- end;
- { BitmapRect }
- function BitmapRect(Bitmap: TBitmap): TRect;
- begin
- Result := Bounds(0, 0, Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height);
- end;
- { ChangeBitmapColor }
- procedure ChangeBitmapColor(Bitmap: TBitmap; FromColor, ToColor: TColor);
- const
- ROP_DSPDxax = $00E20746;
- var
- DestDC: HDC;
- DDB, MonoBmp: TBitmap;
- IWidth, IHeight: Integer;
- IRect: TRect;
- begin
- IWidth := Bitmap.Width;
- IHeight := Bitmap.Height;
- IRect := Rect(0, 0, IWidth, IHeight);
- MonoBmp := TBitmap.Create;
- DDB := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- DDB.Assign(Bitmap);
- DDB.HandleType := bmDDB;
- with Bitmap.Canvas do
- begin
- MonoBmp.Width := IWidth;
- MonoBmp.Height := IHeight;
- MonoBmp.Monochrome := True;
- { Convert white to clBtnHighlight }
- DDB.Canvas.Brush.Color := FromColor;
- MonoBmp.Canvas.CopyRect(IRect, DDB.Canvas, IRect);
- Brush.Color := ToColor;
- DestDC := Bitmap.Canvas.Handle;
- SetTextColor(DestDC, clBlack);
- SetBkColor(DestDC, clWhite);
- BitBlt(DestDC, 0, 0, IWidth, IHeight,
- MonoBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ROP_DSPDxax);
- end;
- finally
- DDB.Free;
- MonoBmp.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {DrawBitmap}
- procedure DrawBitmap(Canvas: TCanvas; DestRect: TRect;
- Bitmap: TBitmap; SourceRect: TRect; Transparent: Boolean; TransColor: TColor);
- begin
- with Canvas do
- begin
- if Transparent then
- begin
- Brush.Style := bsClear;
- BrushCopy(DestRect, Bitmap, SourceRect, TransColor);
- end
- else
- begin
- Brush.Style := bsSolid;
- StretchDraw(DestRect, Bitmap);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end.