- unit UElasticBody;
- interface
- {$I ......SourcePhysics2D.inc}
- uses
- UMain,
- UPhysics2DTypes,
- UPhysics2D,
- SysUtils;
- type
- TElasticBody = class(TTester)
- private
- procedure Process;
- procedure AddSpringForce(bA: Tb2Body; const localA: TVector2;
- bB: Tb2Body; const localB: TVector2; const k, friction, desiredDist: Float);
- public
- bodies: array[0..63] of Tb2Body;
- m_ground: Tb2Body;
- m_elev: Tb2Body;
- m_joint_elev: Tb2PrismaticJoint;
- constructor Create; override;
- procedure Step(var settings: TSettings; timeStep: Float); override;
- end;
- implementation
- { TElasticBody }
- constructor TElasticBody.Create;
- const
- startpoint: TVector2 = (X: 30.0; Y: 20.0);
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- sd: Tb2PolygonDef;
- cd: Tb2CircleDef;
- bd: Tb2BodyDef;
- g, body, rightmotor, hammerleft, hammerright, pusher: Tb2Body;
- jr: Tb2RevoluteJointDef;
- jd: Tb2DistanceJointDef;
- jp: Tb2PrismaticJointDef;
- begin
- inherited;
- /// Bottom static body
- begin
- sd := Tb2PolygonDef.Create;
- sd.SetAsBox(50.0, 2.0);
- sd.friction := 0.1;
- sd.restitution := 0.1;
- bd := Tb2BodyDef.Create;
- bd.position.SetValue(-1.0, -7.5);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, -1.0, -7.5);
- {$ENDIF}
- m_ground := m_world.CreateBody(bd);
- m_ground.CreateShape(sd);
- end;
- /// Upper static body
- begin
- sd := Tb2PolygonDef.Create;
- sd.SetAsBox(20.0, 0.50, MakeVector(0.0, 0.0), 0.047 * Pi);
- sd.friction := 0.01;
- sd.restitution := 0.001;
- bd := Tb2BodyDef.Create;
- bd.position.SetValue(-20.0, 93.0);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, -20.0, 93.0);
- {$ENDIF}
- g := m_world.CreateBody(bd);
- g.CreateShape(sd, False);
- sd.SetAsBox(15.0, 0.50, MakeVector(-15.0, 12.5), 0.0);
- g.CreateShape(sd, False);
- sd.SetAsBox(20.0, 0.5, MakeVector(0.0, -25.0), -0.5);
- g.CreateShape(sd);
- end;
- /// Left channel left wall
- begin
- sd := Tb2PolygonDef.Create;
- sd.SetAsBox(0.7, 55.0);
- sd.friction := 0.1;
- sd.restitution := 0.1;
- bd := Tb2BodyDef.Create;
- bd.position.SetValue(-49.3, 50.0);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, -49.3, 50.0);
- {$ENDIF}
- g := m_world.CreateBody(bd);
- g.CreateShape(sd);
- end;
- /// Right wall
- begin
- sd := Tb2PolygonDef.Create;
- sd.SetAsBox(0.7, 55.0);
- sd.friction := 0.1;
- sd.restitution := 0.1;
- bd := Tb2BodyDef.Create;
- bd.position.SetValue(45.0, 50.0);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, 45.0, 50.0);
- {$ENDIF}
- g := m_world.CreateBody(bd);
- g.CreateShape(sd);
- end;
- /// Left channel right upper wall
- begin
- sd := Tb2PolygonDef.Create;
- sd.SetAsBox(0.5, 20.0);
- sd.friction := 0.05;
- sd.restitution := 0.01;
- bd := Tb2BodyDef.Create;
- bd.position.SetValue(-42.0, 70.0);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, -42.0, 70.0);
- {$ENDIF}
- bd.angle := -0.03 * Pi;
- g := m_world.CreateBody(bd);
- g.CreateShape(sd);
- end;
- /// Left channel right lower wall
- begin
- sd := Tb2PolygonDef.Create;
- sd.SetAsBox(0.50, 23.0);
- sd.friction := 0.05;
- sd.restitution := 0.01;
- bd := Tb2BodyDef.Create;
- bd.position.SetValue(-44.0, 27.0);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, -44.0, 27.0);
- {$ENDIF}
- g := m_world.CreateBody(bd, False);
- g.CreateShape(sd, False);
- /// Bottom motors
- cd := Tb2CircleDef.Create;
- cd.radius := 3.0;
- cd.density := 15.0;
- cd.friction := 1.0;
- cd.restitution := 0.2;
- /// 1.
- bd.position.SetValue(-40.0, 2.5);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, -40.0, 2.5);
- {$ENDIF}
- body := m_world.CreateBody(bd, False);
- body.CreateShape(cd, False);
- body.SetMassFromShapes;
- jr := Tb2RevoluteJointDef.Create;
- jr.Initialize(g, body, body.GetWorldCenter + MakeVector(0.0, 1.0));
- {$ELSE}
- jr.Initialize(g, body, Add(body.GetWorldCenter, MakeVector(0.0, 1.0)));
- {$ENDIF}
- jr.maxMotorTorque := 30000.0;
- jr.enableMotor := True;
- jr.motorSpeed := 20.0;
- m_world.CreateJoint(jr, False);
- /// 1. left down
- bd.position.SetValue(-46.0, -2.5);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, -46.0, -2.5);
- {$ENDIF}
- cd.radius := 1.5;
- jr.motorSpeed := -20.0;
- body := m_world.CreateBody(bd, False);
- body.CreateShape(cd, False);
- sd.SetAsBox(2.0, 0.50);
- body.CreateShape(sd, False);
- body.SetMassFromShapes;
- jr.Initialize(g, body, body.GetWorldCenter);
- m_world.CreateJoint(jr, False);
- /// 2.
- cd.radius := 3.0;
- jr.motorSpeed := 20.0;
- bd.position.SetValue(-32.0, 2.5);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, -32.0, 2.5);
- {$ENDIF}
- body := m_world.CreateBody(bd, False);
- body.CreateShape(cd, False);
- body.SetMassFromShapes;
- jr.Initialize(g, body, body.GetWorldCenter + MakeVector(0.0, 1.0));
- {$ELSE}
- jr.Initialize(g, body, Add(body.GetWorldCenter, MakeVector(0.0, 1.0)));
- {$ENDIF}
- m_world.CreateJoint(jr, False);
- /// 3.
- jr.motorSpeed := 20.0;
- bd.position.SetValue(-24.0, 1.5);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, -24.0, 1.5);
- {$ENDIF}
- body := m_world.CreateBody(bd, False);
- body.CreateShape(cd, False);
- body.SetMassFromShapes;
- jr.Initialize(g, body, body.GetWorldCenter + MakeVector(0.0, 1.0));
- {$ELSE}
- jr.Initialize(g, body, Add(body.GetWorldCenter, MakeVector(0.0, 1.0)));
- {$ENDIF}
- m_world.CreateJoint(jr, False);
- /// 4.
- bd.position.SetValue(-16.0, 0.8);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, -16.0, 0.8);
- {$ENDIF}
- body := m_world.CreateBody(bd, False);
- body.CreateShape(cd, False);
- body.SetMassFromShapes;
- jr.Initialize(g, body, body.GetWorldCenter + MakeVector(0.0, 1.0));
- {$ELSE}
- jr.Initialize(g, body, Add(body.GetWorldCenter, MakeVector(0.0, 1.0)));
- {$ENDIF}
- m_world.CreateJoint(jr, False);
- /// 5.
- bd.position.SetValue(-8.0, 0.5);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, -8.0, 0.5);
- {$ENDIF}
- body := m_world.CreateBody(bd, False);
- body.CreateShape(cd, False);
- body.SetMassFromShapes;
- jr.Initialize(g, body, body.GetWorldCenter + MakeVector(0.0, 1.0));
- {$ELSE}
- jr.Initialize(g, body, Add(body.GetWorldCenter, MakeVector(0.0, 1.0)));
- {$ENDIF}
- m_world.CreateJoint(jr, False);
- /// 6.
- bd.position.SetValue(0.0, 0.1);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, 0.0, 0.1);
- {$ENDIF}
- body := m_world.CreateBody(bd, False);
- body.CreateShape(cd, False);
- body.SetMassFromShapes;
- jr.Initialize(g, body, body.GetWorldCenter + MakeVector(0.0, 1.0));
- {$ELSE}
- jr.Initialize(g, body, Add(body.GetWorldCenter, MakeVector(0.0, 1.0)));
- {$ENDIF}
- m_world.CreateJoint(jr, False);
- /// 7.
- bd.position.SetValue(8.0, -0.5);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, 8.0, -0.5);
- {$ENDIF}
- body := m_world.CreateBody(bd, False);
- body.CreateShape(cd, False);
- sd.SetAsBox(3.7, 0.5);
- body.CreateShape(sd, False);
- body.SetMassFromShapes;
- jr.Initialize(g, body, body.GetWorldCenter + MakeVector(0.0, 1.0));
- {$ELSE}
- jr.Initialize(g, body, Add(body.GetWorldCenter, MakeVector(0.0, 1.0)));
- {$ENDIF}
- m_world.CreateJoint(jr, False);
- /// 8. right rotator
- sd.SetAsBox(5.0, 0.5);
- sd.density := 2.0;
- bd.position.SetValue(18.0, 1.0);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, 18.0, 1.0);
- {$ENDIF}
- rightmotor := m_world.CreateBody(bd, False);
- rightmotor.CreateShape(sd, False);
- sd.SetAsBox(4.5, 0.5, b2Vec2_Zero, Pi / 3.0);
- rightmotor.CreateShape(sd, False);
- sd.SetAsBox(4.5, 0.5, b2Vec2_Zero, Pi * 2.0 / 3.0);
- rightmotor.CreateShape(sd, False);
- cd.radius := 4.2;
- rightmotor.CreateShape(cd, False);
- rightmotor.SetMassFromShapes;
- jr.Initialize(g, rightmotor, rightmotor.GetWorldCenter);
- jr.maxMotorTorque := 70000.0;
- jr.motorSpeed := -4.0;
- m_world.CreateJoint(jr, False);
- /// 9. left rotator
- sd.SetAsBox(8.5, 0.5);
- sd.density := 2.0;
- bd.position.SetValue(-34.0, 17.0);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, -34.0, 17.0);
- {$ENDIF}
- body := m_world.CreateBody(bd, False);
- body.CreateShape(sd, False);
- sd.SetAsBox(8.5, 0.5, MakeVector(0.0, 0.0), Pi / 2);
- body.CreateShape(sd, False);
- cd.radius := 7.0;
- cd.friction := 0.9;
- body.CreateShape(cd);
- body.SetMassFromShapes;
- jr.Initialize(g, body, body.GetWorldCenter);
- jr.maxMotorTorque := 100000.0;
- jr.motorSpeed := -5.0;
- m_world.CreateJoint(jr);
- /// big compressor
- sd.SetAsBox(3.0, 4.0);
- sd.density := 10.0;
- bd.position.SetValue(-16.0, 17.0);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, -16.0, 17.0);
- {$ENDIF}
- hammerleft := m_world.CreateBody(bd, False);
- hammerleft.CreateShape(sd, False);
- hammerleft.SetMassFromShapes;
- jd := Tb2DistanceJointDef.Create;
- jd.Initialize(body, hammerleft, body.GetWorldCenter + MakeVector(0.0, 6.0), hammerleft.GetWorldCenter);
- {$ELSE}
- jd.Initialize(body, hammerleft, Add(body.GetWorldCenter, MakeVector(0.0, 6.0)), hammerleft.GetWorldCenter);
- {$ENDIF}
- m_world.CreateJoint(jd, False);
- bd.position.SetValue(4.0, 17.0);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, 4.0, 17.0);
- {$ENDIF}
- hammerright := m_world.CreateBody(bd, False);
- hammerright.CreateShape(sd, False);
- hammerright.SetMassFromShapes;
- jd.Initialize(body, hammerright, body.GetWorldCenter - MakeVector(0.0, 6.0), hammerright.GetWorldCenter);
- {$ELSE}
- jd.Initialize(body, hammerright, Subtract(body.GetWorldCenter, MakeVector(0.0, 6.0)), hammerright.GetWorldCenter);
- {$ENDIF}
- m_world.CreateJoint(jd, False);
- /// pusher
- sd.SetAsBox(6.0, 0.75);
- bd.position.SetValue(-21.0, 9.0);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, -21.0, 9.0);
- {$ENDIF}
- pusher := m_world.CreateBody(bd);
- pusher.CreateShape(sd, False);
- sd.SetAsBox(2.0, 1.5, MakeVector(-5.0, 0.0), 0.0);
- pusher.SetMassFromShapes;
- pusher.CreateShape(sd);
- jd.Initialize(rightmotor, pusher, rightmotor.GetWorldCenter + MakeVector(-8.0, 0.0),
- pusher.GetWorldCenter + MakeVector(5.0, 0.0));
- {$ELSE}
- jd.Initialize(rightmotor, pusher, Add(rightmotor.GetWorldCenter, MakeVector(-8.0, 0.0)),
- Add(pusher.GetWorldCenter, MakeVector(5.0, 0.0)));
- {$ENDIF}
- m_world.CreateJoint(jd);
- end;
- /// Static bodies above motors
- begin
- sd := Tb2PolygonDef.Create;
- cd := Tb2CircleDef.Create;
- sd.SetAsBox(9.0, 0.5);
- sd.friction := 0.05;
- sd.restitution := 0.01;
- bd := Tb2BodyDef.Create;
- bd.position.SetValue(-15.5, 12.0);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, -15.5, 12.0);
- {$ENDIF}
- bd.angle := 0.0;
- g := m_world.CreateBody(bd);
- g.CreateShape(sd, False);
- sd.SetAsBox(8.0, 0.5, MakeVector(23.0, 0.0), 0.0);
- g.CreateShape(sd, False);
- /// compressor statics
- sd.SetAsBox(7.0, 0.5, MakeVector(-2.0, 9.0), 0.0);
- g.CreateShape(sd, False);
- sd.SetAsBox(9.0, 0.5, MakeVector(22.0, 9.0), 0.0);
- g.CreateShape(sd, False);
- sd.SetAsBox(19.0, 0.5, MakeVector(-9.0, 15.0), -0.05);
- g.CreateShape(sd, False);
- sd.SetAsBox(4.7, 0.5, MakeVector(15.0, 11.5), -0.5);
- g.CreateShape(sd, False);
- /// below compressor
- sd.SetAsBox(26.0, 0.3, MakeVector(17.0, -4.4), -0.02);
- g.CreateShape(sd);
- cd.radius := 1.0;
- cd.friction := 1.0;
- cd.localPosition := MakeVector(29.0, -6.0);
- g.CreateShape(cd, False);
- cd.radius := 0.7;
- cd.localPosition := MakeVector(-2.0, -4.5);
- g.CreateShape(cd);
- end;
- /// Elevator
- begin
- bd := Tb2BodyDef.Create;
- cd := Tb2CircleDef.Create;
- sd := Tb2PolygonDef.Create;
- bd.position.SetValue(40.0, 4.0);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, 40.0, 4.0);
- {$ENDIF}
- m_elev := m_world.CreateBody(bd, False);
- sd.SetAsBox(0.5, 2.5, MakeVector(3.0, -3.0), 0.0);
- sd.density := 1.0;
- sd.friction := 0.01;
- m_elev.CreateShape(sd, False);
- sd.SetAsBox(7.0, 0.5, MakeVector(-3.5, -5.5), 0.0);
- m_elev.CreateShape(sd, False);
- sd.SetAsBox(0.5, 2.5, MakeVector(-11.0, -3.5), 0.0);
- m_elev.CreateShape(sd, False);
- m_elev.SetMassFromShapes;
- jp := Tb2PrismaticJointDef.Create;
- jp.Initialize(m_ground, m_elev, bd.position, MakeVector(0.0, 1.0));
- jp.lowerTranslation := 0.0;
- jp.upperTranslation := 100.0;
- jp.enableLimit := True;
- jp.enableMotor := True;
- jp.maxMotorForce := 10000.0;
- jp.motorSpeed := 0.0;
- m_joint_elev := Tb2PrismaticJoint(m_world.CreateJoint(jp));
- /// Korb
- sd.SetAsBox(2.3, 0.5, MakeVector(1.0, 0.0), 0.0);
- sd.density := 0.5;
- bd.position.SetValue(29.0, 6.5);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, 29.0, 6.5);
- {$ENDIF}
- body := m_world.CreateBody(bd, False);
- body.CreateShape(sd, False);
- sd.SetAsBox(2.5, 0.5, MakeVector(3.0, -2.0), Pi / 2.0);
- body.CreateShape(sd, False);
- sd.SetAsBox(4.6, 0.5, MakeVector(7.8, -4.0), 0.0);
- body.CreateShape(sd, False);
- sd.SetAsBox(0.5, 4.5, MakeVector(12.0, 0.0), 0.0);
- body.CreateShape(sd, False);
- sd.SetAsBox(0.5, 0.5, MakeVector(13.0, 4.0), 0.0);
- body.CreateShape(sd, False);
- cd.radius := 0.7;
- cd.density := 1.0;
- cd.friction := 0.01;
- cd.localPosition := MakeVector(0.0, 0.0);
- body.CreateShape(cd);
- body.SetMassFromShapes;
- jr := Tb2RevoluteJointDef.Create;
- jr.Initialize(m_elev, body, bd.position);
- jr.enableLimit := True;
- jr.lowerAngle := -0.2;
- jr.upperAngle := Pi * 1.1;
- jr.collideConnected := True;
- m_world.CreateJoint(jr);
- /// upper body exit
- sd.SetAsBox(14.0, 0.5, MakeVector(-3.5, -10.0), 0.0);
- bd.position.SetValue(17.5, 96.0);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, 17.5, 96.0);
- {$ENDIF}
- body := m_world.CreateBody(bd);
- body.CreateShape(sd);
- end;
- /// "Elastic body" 64 bodies - something like a lin. elastic compound
- /// connected via dynamic forces (springs)
- begin
- sd := Tb2PolygonDef.Create;
- bd := Tb2BodyDef.Create;
- sd.SetAsBox(0.55, 0.55);
- sd.density := 1.5;
- sd.friction := 0.01;
- sd.filter.groupIndex := -1;
- bd.isBullet := False;
- bd.allowSleep := false;
- for i := 0 to 7 do
- for j := 0 to 7 do
- begin
- bd.position.SetValue(j * 1.02, 2.51 + 1.02 * i);
- bd.position.AddBy(startpoint);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(bd.position, j * 1.02, 2.51 + 1.02 * i);
- AddBy(bd.position, startpoint);
- {$ENDIF}
- body := m_world.CreateBody(bd, False);
- bodies[8 * i + j] := body;
- body.CreateShape(sd, False);
- body.SetMassFromShapes;
- end;
- bd.Free;
- sd.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TElasticBody.Step(var settings: TSettings; timeStep: Float);
- begin
- settings.customedStep := True; // Use customed step method
- m_pointCount := 0;
- if not settings.realTime then
- timeStep := DefaultStep;
- if settings.pause then
- begin
- m_RemainTime := 0.0;
- if settings.singleStep then
- begin
- settings.singleStep := False;
- Inc(m_frameCount);
- end
- else
- timeStep := 0.0;
- DrawText('****PAUSED****');
- end
- else
- Inc(m_frameCount);
- if settings.realTime then // Make sure that every frame is processed using a time step pf 1/60s.
- begin
- timeStep := timeStep + m_RemainTime;
- while timeStep > DefaultStep do
- begin
- Process;
- timeStep := timeStep - DefaultStep;
- end;
- m_RemainTime := timeStep;
- end
- else
- Process;
- m_world.DrawDebugData;
- m_world.Validate;
- if Assigned(m_bomb) and m_bomb.IsFrozen then
- begin
- m_world.DestroyBody(m_bomb);
- m_bomb := nil;
- end;
- inherited; // Draw other objects, but do not Step
- end;
- procedure TElasticBody.Process;
- const
- spring = 500.0;
- damp = 5.0;
- down: TVector2 = (X: 0.0; Y: - 0.5);
- up: TVector2 = (X: 0.0; Y: 0.5);
- right: TVector2 = (X: 0.5; Y: 0.0);
- left: TVector2 = (X: -0.5; Y: 0.0);
- drdist = 1.4142135;
- drdist2 = 2 * drdist;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- ind, indr, indd, inddr, inddl: Int32;
- p1, p2, e: TVector2;
- begin
- m_world.Step(DefaultStep, 10, False);
- for i := 0 to 7 do
- for j := 0 to 7 do
- begin
- ind := i * 8 + j;
- indr := ind + 1;
- indd := ind + 8;
- if j < 7 then
- begin
- AddSpringForce(bodies[ind], b2Vec2_Zero, bodies[indr], b2Vec2_Zero, spring, damp, 1.0);
- AddSpringForce(bodies[ind], right, bodies[indr], left, 0.5 * spring, damp, 0.0);
- end;
- if i < 7 then
- begin
- AddSpringForce(bodies[ind], b2Vec2_Zero, bodies[indd], b2Vec2_Zero, spring, damp, 1.0);
- AddSpringForce(bodies[ind], up, bodies[indd], down, 0.5 * spring, damp, 0.0);
- end;
- inddr := indd + 1;
- inddl := indd - 1;
- if (i < 7) and (j < 7) then
- AddSpringForce(bodies[ind], b2Vec2_Zero, bodies[inddr], b2Vec2_Zero, spring, damp, drdist);
- if (i < 7) and (j > 0) then
- AddSpringForce(bodies[ind], b2Vec2_Zero, bodies[inddl], b2Vec2_Zero, spring, damp, drdist);
- indr := ind + 2;
- indd := ind + 8 * 2;
- if j < 6 then
- AddSpringForce(bodies[ind], b2Vec2_Zero, bodies[indr], b2Vec2_Zero, spring, damp, 2.0);
- if i < 6 then
- AddSpringForce(bodies[ind], b2Vec2_Zero, bodies[indd], b2Vec2_Zero, spring, damp, 2.0);
- inddr := indd + 2;
- inddl := indd - 2;
- if (i < 6) and (j < 6) then
- AddSpringForce(bodies[ind], b2Vec2_Zero, bodies[inddr], b2Vec2_Zero, spring, damp, drdist2);
- if (i < 6) and (j > 1) then
- AddSpringForce(bodies[ind], b2Vec2_Zero, bodies[inddl], b2Vec2_Zero, spring, damp, drdist2);
- end;
- /// Check if bodies are near elevator
- /// Look if the body to lift is near the elevator
- p1 := bodies[0].GetWorldCenter;
- p2 := bodies[63].GetWorldCenter;
- /// m_elev: elevator prism. joint
- e := m_elev.GetWorldCenter + MakeVector(0.0, 7.0);
- {$ELSE}
- e := Add(m_elev.GetWorldCenter, MakeVector(0.0, 7.0));
- {$ENDIF}
- // maybe not the best way to do it...
- // Bodies reached the elevator side
- if (p1.x > e.x) or (p2.x > e.x) then // go up
- if ((p1.y < e.y) or (p2.y < e.y)) and (m_joint_elev.GetJointTranslation <= m_joint_elev.GetLowerLimit + 1.0) then
- m_joint_elev.m_motorSpeed := 20.0;
- // go down
- if (m_joint_elev.GetJointTranslation >= m_joint_elev.GetUpperLimit - 2.0) then
- m_joint_elev.m_motorSpeed := -15.0;
- end;
- procedure TElasticBody.AddSpringForce(bA: Tb2Body; const localA: TVector2;
- bB: Tb2Body; const localB: TVector2; const k, friction, desiredDist: Float);
- var
- diff, vA, vB, vdiff: TVector2;
- dx, vrel, forceMag: Float;
- begin
- diff := bB.GetWorldPoint(localB) - bA.GetWorldPoint(localA);
- //Find velocities of attach points
- vA := bA.GetLinearVelocity - b2Cross(bA.GetWorldVector(localA), bA.GetAngularVelocity);
- vB := bB.GetLinearVelocity - b2Cross(bB.GetWorldVector(localB), bB.GetAngularVelocity);
- vdiff := vB - vA;
- dx := diff.Normalize; //normalizes diff and puts length into dx
- {$ELSE}
- diff := Subtract(bB.GetWorldPoint(localB), bA.GetWorldPoint(localA));
- //Find velocities of attach points
- vA := Subtract(bA.GetLinearVelocity, b2Cross(bA.GetWorldVector(localA), bA.GetAngularVelocity));
- vB := Subtract(bB.GetLinearVelocity, b2Cross(bB.GetWorldVector(localB), bB.GetAngularVelocity));
- vdiff := Subtract(vB, vA);
- dx := Normalize(diff); //normalizes diff and puts length into dx
- {$ENDIF}
- vrel := vdiff.x * diff.x + vdiff.y * diff.y;
- forceMag := -k * (dx - desiredDist) - friction * vrel;
- diff := diff * forceMag;
- {$ELSE}
- diff := Multiply(diff, forceMag);
- {$ENDIF}
- bB.ApplyForce(diff, bA.GetWorldPoint(localA));
- diff := -diff;
- {$ELSE}
- diff := Negative(diff);
- {$ENDIF}
- bA.ApplyForce(diff, bB.GetWorldPoint(localB));
- end;
- initialization
- RegisterTestEntry('Elastic Body', TElasticBody);
- end.