



  1. object frmMain: TfrmMain
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  63.       Caption = 'Position Correction'
  64.       Checked = True
  65.       State = cbChecked
  66.       TabOrder = 1
  67.       OnClick = SimulationOptionsChanged
  68.     end
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  70.       Left = 8
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  74.       Caption = 'Warm Starting'
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  76.       State = cbChecked
  77.       TabOrder = 2
  78.       OnClick = SimulationOptionsChanged
  79.     end
  80.     object chkTimeOfImpact: TCheckBox
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  85.       Caption = 'Time of Impact'
  86.       Checked = True
  87.       State = cbChecked
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  89.       OnClick = SimulationOptionsChanged
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  99.         'Shapes'
  100.         'Joints'
  101.         'Core Shapes'
  102.         'AABBs'
  103.         'OBBs'
  104.         'Pairs'
  105.         'Contact Points'
  106.         'Contact Normals'
  107.         'Contact Forces'
  108.         'Friction Forces'
  109.         'Center of Masses'
  110.         'Statistics'
  111.         'Key Information')
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  113.     end
  114.     object btnPause: TButton
  115.       Left = 7
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  120.       TabOrder = 5
  121.       OnClick = btnPauseClick
  122.     end
  123.     object btnSingleStep: TButton
  124.       Left = 82
  125.       Top = 439
  126.       Width = 75
  127.       Height = 25
  128.       Caption = 'Single Step'
  129.       TabOrder = 6
  130.       OnClick = btnSingleStepClick
  131.     end
  132.     object GroupBox1: TGroupBox
  133.       Left = 8
  134.       Top = 304
  135.       Width = 148
  136.       Height = 70
  137.       Caption = 'Gravity'
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  139.       object Label3: TLabel
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  146.       object Label4: TLabel
  147.         Left = 11
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  151.         Caption = 'Y'
  152.       end
  153.       object editGravityX: TEdit
  154.         Left = 20
  155.         Top = 18
  156.         Width = 51
  157.         Height = 21
  158.         TabOrder = 0
  159.       end
  160.       object editGravityY: TEdit
  161.         Left = 20
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  163.         Width = 51
  164.         Height = 21
  165.         TabOrder = 1
  166.       end
  167.       object btnConfirmGravity: TButton
  168.         Left = 80
  169.         Top = 16
  170.         Width = 63
  171.         Height = 25
  172.         Caption = 'Confirm'
  173.         TabOrder = 2
  174.         OnClick = btnConfirmGravityClick
  175.       end
  176.     end
  177.     object btnReset: TButton
  178.       Left = 7
  179.       Top = 464
  180.       Width = 75
  181.       Height = 25
  182.       Caption = 'Reset'
  183.       TabOrder = 8
  184.       OnClick = btnResetClick
  185.     end
  186.     object GroupBox2: TGroupBox
  187.       Left = 8
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  191.       Caption = 'Mode'
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  193.       object rdoRealTime: TRadioButton
  194.         Left = 8
  195.         Top = 16
  196.         Width = 113
  197.         Height = 17
  198.         Caption = 'Real Time'
  199.         Checked = True
  200.         TabOrder = 0
  201.         TabStop = True
  202.         OnClick = rdoRealTimeClick
  203.       end
  204.       object rdoFixedStep: TRadioButton
  205.         Left = 8
  206.         Top = 34
  207.         Width = 113
  208.         Height = 17
  209.         Caption = 'Fixed Step(1/60s)'
  210.         TabOrder = 1
  211.         OnClick = rdoFixedStepClick
  212.       end
  213.     end
  214.   end
  215. end