资源名称:QuakeBsp.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #include "Main.h"
- #include "Camera.h"
- #include "Quake3Bsp.h"
- #include "Frustum.h"
- // This is our maximum height that the user can climb over
- const float kMaxStepHeight = 10.0f;
- // We use the camera in our TryToStep() function so we extern the global camera
- extern CCamera g_Camera;
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- // This is our global frustum class, which is used to cull BSP leafs
- extern CFrustum g_Frustum;
- // This will store how many faces are drawn and are seen by the camera
- extern int g_VisibleFaces;
- // This tells us if we want to render the lightmaps
- extern bool g_bLightmaps;
- // This holds the gamma value that was stored in the config file
- extern float g_Gamma;
- // This tells us if we want to render the textures
- extern bool g_bTextures;
- //////////////////////////// CQUAKE3BSP \\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- /////
- ///// This is our object's constructor to initial all it's data members
- /////
- //////////////////////////// CQUAKE3BSP \\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- CQuake3BSP::CQuake3BSP()
- {
- // Here we simply initialize our member variables to 0
- m_numOfVerts = 0;
- m_numOfFaces = 0;
- m_numOfIndices = 0;
- m_numOfTextures = 0;
- m_numOfLightmaps = 0;
- m_numOfNodes = 0;
- m_numOfLeafs = 0;
- m_numOfLeafFaces = 0;
- m_numOfPlanes = 0;
- m_numOfBrushes = 0;
- m_numOfBrushSides = 0;
- m_numOfLeafBrushes = 0;
- m_traceRatio = 0;
- m_traceType = 0;
- m_traceRadius = 0;
- bool m_bCollided = false;
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- // Initialize our variables to start off
- bool m_bGrounded = false;
- bool m_bTryStep = false;
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- // We need to initialize our Min and Max and Extent variables
- m_vTraceMins = CVector3(0, 0, 0);
- m_vTraceMaxs = CVector3(0, 0, 0);
- m_vExtents = CVector3(0, 0, 0);
- // This will store the normal of the plane we collided with
- m_vCollisionNormal = CVector3(0, 0, 0);
- // Initialize all the dynamic BSP data pointers to NULL
- m_pVerts = NULL;
- m_pFaces = NULL;
- m_pIndices = NULL;
- m_pNodes = NULL;
- m_pLeafs = NULL;
- m_pPlanes = NULL;
- m_pLeafFaces = NULL;
- memset(&m_clusters, 0, sizeof(tBSPVisData));
- // Here we initialize our dynamic arrays of data for the brush information of the BSP
- m_pBrushes = NULL;
- m_pBrushSides = NULL;
- m_pTextures = NULL;
- m_pLeafBrushes = NULL;
- }
- //////////////////////////// CHANGE GAMMA \\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- /////
- ///// This manually changes the gamma of an image
- /////
- //////////////////////////// CHANGE GAMMA \\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- void CQuake3BSP::ChangeGamma(byte *pImage, int size, float factor)
- {
- // Go through every pixel in the lightmap
- for(int i = 0; i < size / 3; i++, pImage += 3)
- {
- float scale = 1.0f, temp = 0.0f;
- float r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
- // extract the current RGB values
- r = (float)pImage[0];
- g = (float)pImage[1];
- b = (float)pImage[2];
- // Multiply the factor by the RGB values, while keeping it to a 255 ratio
- r = r * factor / 255.0f;
- g = g * factor / 255.0f;
- b = b * factor / 255.0f;
- // Check if the the values went past the highest value
- if(r > 1.0f && (temp = (1.0f/r)) < scale) scale=temp;
- if(g > 1.0f && (temp = (1.0f/g)) < scale) scale=temp;
- if(b > 1.0f && (temp = (1.0f/b)) < scale) scale=temp;
- // Get the scale for this pixel and multiply it by our pixel values
- scale*=255.0f;
- r*=scale; g*=scale; b*=scale;
- // Assign the new gamma'nized RGB values to our image
- pImage[0] = (byte)r;
- pImage[1] = (byte)g;
- pImage[2] = (byte)b;
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////// CREATE LIGHTMAP TEXTURE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- /////
- ///// This creates a texture map from the light map image bits
- /////
- ////////////////////////////// CREATE LIGHTMAP TEXTURE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- void CQuake3BSP::CreateLightmapTexture(UINT &texture, byte *pImageBits, int width, int height)
- {
- // Generate a texture with the associative texture ID stored in the array
- glGenTextures(1, &texture);
- // This sets the alignment requirements for the start of each pixel row in memory.
- glPixelStorei (GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
- // Bind the texture to the texture arrays index and init the texture
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
- // Change the lightmap gamma values by our desired gamma
- ChangeGamma(pImageBits, width*height*3, g_Gamma);
- // Build Mipmaps (builds different versions of the picture for distances - looks better)
- gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 3, width, height, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pImageBits);
- //Assign the mip map levels
- }
- //////////////////////////// FIND TEXTURE EXTENSION \\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- /////
- ///// This attaches the image extension to the texture name, if found
- /////
- //////////////////////////// FIND TEXTURE EXTENSION \\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- void CQuake3BSP::FindTextureExtension(char *strFileName)
- {
- char strJPGPath[MAX_PATH] = {0};
- char strTGAPath[MAX_PATH] = {0};
- FILE *fp = NULL;
- // Get the current path we are in
- GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, strJPGPath);
- // Add on a '' and the file name to the end of the current path.
- // We create 2 seperate strings to test each image extension.
- strcat(strJPGPath, "\");
- strcat(strJPGPath, strFileName);
- strcpy(strTGAPath, strJPGPath);
- // Add the extensions on to the file name and path
- strcat(strJPGPath, ".jpg");
- strcat(strTGAPath, ".tga");
- // Check if there is a jpeg file with the texture name
- if((fp = fopen(strJPGPath, "rb")) != NULL)
- {
- // If so, then let's add ".jpg" onto the file name and return
- strcat(strFileName, ".jpg");
- return;
- }
- // Check if there is a targa file with the texture name
- if((fp = fopen(strTGAPath, "rb")) != NULL)
- {
- // If so, then let's add a ".tga" onto the file name and return
- strcat(strFileName, ".tga");
- return;
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////// LOAD BSP \\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- /////
- ///// This loads in all of the .bsp data for the level
- /////
- //////////////////////////// LOAD BSP \\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- bool CQuake3BSP::LoadBSP(const char *strFileName)
- {
- FILE *fp = NULL;
- int i = 0;
- // Check if the .bsp file could be opened
- if((fp = fopen(strFileName, "rb")) == NULL)
- {
- // Display an error message and quit if the file can't be found.
- MessageBox(g_hWnd, "Could not find BSP file!", "Error", MB_OK);
- return false;
- }
- // Initialize the header and lump structures
- tBSPHeader header = {0};
- tBSPLump lumps[kMaxLumps] = {0};
- // Read in the header and lump data
- fread(&header, 1, sizeof(tBSPHeader), fp);
- fread(&lumps, kMaxLumps, sizeof(tBSPLump), fp);
- // Now we know all the information about our file. We can
- // then allocate the needed memory for our member variables.
- // Allocate the vertex memory
- m_numOfVerts = lumps[kVertices].length / sizeof(tBSPVertex);
- m_pVerts = new tBSPVertex [m_numOfVerts];
- // Allocate the face memory
- m_numOfFaces = lumps[kFaces].length / sizeof(tBSPFace);
- m_pFaces = new tBSPFace [m_numOfFaces];
- // Allocate the index memory
- m_numOfIndices = lumps[kIndices].length / sizeof(int);
- m_pIndices = new int [m_numOfIndices];
- // Allocate memory to read in the texture information.
- m_numOfTextures = lumps[kTextures].length / sizeof(tBSPTexture);
- m_pTextures = new tBSPTexture [m_numOfTextures];
- // Allocate memory to read in the lightmap data.
- m_numOfLightmaps = lumps[kLightmaps].length / sizeof(tBSPLightmap);
- tBSPLightmap *pLightmaps = new tBSPLightmap [m_numOfLightmaps ];
- // Seek to the position in the file that stores the vertex information
- fseek(fp, lumps[kVertices].offset, SEEK_SET);
- // Go through all of the vertices that need to be read and swap axis's
- for(i = 0; i < m_numOfVerts; i++)
- {
- // Read in the current vertex
- fread(&m_pVerts[i], 1, sizeof(tBSPVertex), fp);
- // Swap the y and z values, and negate the new z so Y is up.
- float temp = m_pVerts[i].vPosition.y;
- m_pVerts[i].vPosition.y = m_pVerts[i].vPosition.z;
- m_pVerts[i].vPosition.z = -temp;
- }
- // Seek to the position in the file that stores the index information
- fseek(fp, lumps[kIndices].offset, SEEK_SET);
- // Read in all the index information
- fread(m_pIndices, m_numOfIndices, sizeof(int), fp);
- // Seek to the position in the file that stores the face information
- fseek(fp, lumps[kFaces].offset, SEEK_SET);
- // Read in all the face information
- fread(m_pFaces, m_numOfFaces, sizeof(tBSPFace), fp);
- // Seek to the position in the file that stores the texture information
- fseek(fp, lumps[kTextures].offset, SEEK_SET);
- // Read in all the texture information
- fread(m_pTextures, m_numOfTextures, sizeof(tBSPTexture), fp);
- // Go through all of the textures
- for(i = 0; i < m_numOfTextures; i++)
- {
- // Find the extension if any and append it to the file name
- FindTextureExtension(m_pTextures[i].strName);
- // Create a texture from the image
- CreateTexture(m_textures[i], m_pTextures[i].strName);
- }
- // Seek to the position in the file that stores the lightmap information
- fseek(fp, lumps[kLightmaps].offset, SEEK_SET);
- // Go through all of the lightmaps and read them in
- for(i = 0; i < m_numOfLightmaps ; i++)
- {
- // Read in the RGB data for each lightmap
- fread(&pLightmaps[i], 1, sizeof(tBSPLightmap), fp);
- // Create a texture map for each lightmap that is read in. The lightmaps
- // are always 128 by 128.
- CreateLightmapTexture(m_lightmaps[i],
- (unsigned char *)pLightmaps[i].imageBits, 128, 128);
- }
- // Delete the image bits because we are already done with them
- delete [] pLightmaps;
- // Store the number of nodes and allocate the memory to hold them
- m_numOfNodes = lumps[kNodes].length / sizeof(tBSPNode);
- m_pNodes = new tBSPNode [m_numOfNodes];
- // Seek to the position in the file that hold the nodes and store them in m_pNodes
- fseek(fp, lumps[kNodes].offset, SEEK_SET);
- fread(m_pNodes, m_numOfNodes, sizeof(tBSPNode), fp);
- // Store the number of leafs and allocate the memory to hold them
- m_numOfLeafs = lumps[kLeafs].length / sizeof(tBSPLeaf);
- m_pLeafs = new tBSPLeaf [m_numOfLeafs];
- // Seek to the position in the file that holds the leafs and store them in m_pLeafs
- fseek(fp, lumps[kLeafs].offset, SEEK_SET);
- fread(m_pLeafs, m_numOfLeafs, sizeof(tBSPLeaf), fp);
- // Now we need to go through and convert all the leaf bounding boxes
- // to the normal OpenGL Y up axis.
- for(i = 0; i < m_numOfLeafs; i++)
- {
- // Swap the min y and z values, then negate the new Z
- int temp = m_pLeafs[i].min.y;
- m_pLeafs[i].min.y = m_pLeafs[i].min.z;
- m_pLeafs[i].min.z = -temp;
- // Swap the max y and z values, then negate the new Z
- temp = m_pLeafs[i].max.y;
- m_pLeafs[i].max.y = m_pLeafs[i].max.z;
- m_pLeafs[i].max.z = -temp;
- }
- // Store the number of leaf faces and allocate the memory for them
- m_numOfLeafFaces = lumps[kLeafFaces].length / sizeof(int);
- m_pLeafFaces = new int [m_numOfLeafFaces];
- // Seek to the leaf faces lump, then read it's data
- fseek(fp, lumps[kLeafFaces].offset, SEEK_SET);
- fread(m_pLeafFaces, m_numOfLeafFaces, sizeof(int), fp);
- // Store the number of planes, then allocate memory to hold them
- m_numOfPlanes = lumps[kPlanes].length / sizeof(tBSPPlane);
- m_pPlanes = new tBSPPlane [m_numOfPlanes];
- // Seek to the planes lump in the file, then read them into m_pPlanes
- fseek(fp, lumps[kPlanes].offset, SEEK_SET);
- fread(m_pPlanes, m_numOfPlanes, sizeof(tBSPPlane), fp);
- // Go through every plane and convert it's normal to the Y-axis being up
- for(i = 0; i < m_numOfPlanes; i++)
- {
- float temp = m_pPlanes[i].vNormal.y;
- m_pPlanes[i].vNormal.y = m_pPlanes[i].vNormal.z;
- m_pPlanes[i].vNormal.z = -temp;
- }
- // Seek to the position in the file that holds the visibility lump
- fseek(fp, lumps[kVisData].offset, SEEK_SET);
- // Check if there is any visibility information first
- if(lumps[kVisData].length)
- {
- // Read in the number of vectors and each vector's size
- fread(&(m_clusters.numOfClusters), 1, sizeof(int), fp);
- fread(&(m_clusters.bytesPerCluster), 1, sizeof(int), fp);
- // Allocate the memory for the cluster bitsets
- int size = m_clusters.numOfClusters * m_clusters.bytesPerCluster;
- m_clusters.pBitsets = new byte [size];
- // Read in the all the visibility bitsets for each cluster
- fread(m_clusters.pBitsets, 1, sizeof(byte) * size, fp);
- }
- // Otherwise, we don't have any visibility data (prevents a crash)
- else
- m_clusters.pBitsets = NULL;
- // Like we do for other data, we read get the size of brushes and allocate memory
- m_numOfBrushes = lumps[kBrushes].length / sizeof(int);
- m_pBrushes = new tBSPBrush [m_numOfBrushes];
- // Here we read in the brush information from the BSP file
- fseek(fp, lumps[kBrushes].offset, SEEK_SET);
- fread(m_pBrushes, m_numOfBrushes, sizeof(tBSPBrush), fp);
- // Get the size of brush sides, then allocate memory for it
- m_numOfBrushSides = lumps[kBrushSides].length / sizeof(int);
- m_pBrushSides = new tBSPBrushSide [m_numOfBrushSides];
- // Read in the brush sides data
- fseek(fp, lumps[kBrushSides].offset, SEEK_SET);
- fread(m_pBrushSides, m_numOfBrushSides, sizeof(tBSPBrushSide), fp);
- // Read in the number of leaf brushes and allocate memory for it
- m_numOfLeafBrushes = lumps[kLeafBrushes].length / sizeof(int);
- m_pLeafBrushes = new int [m_numOfLeafBrushes];
- // Finally, read in the leaf brushes for traversing the bsp tree with brushes
- fseek(fp, lumps[kLeafBrushes].offset, SEEK_SET);
- fread(m_pLeafBrushes, m_numOfLeafBrushes, sizeof(int), fp);
- // Close the file
- fclose(fp);
- // Here we allocate enough bits to store all the faces for our bitset
- m_FacesDrawn.Resize(m_numOfFaces);
- // Return a success
- return true;
- }
- //////////////////////////// FIND LEAF \\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- /////
- ///// This returns the leaf our camera is in
- /////
- //////////////////////////// FIND LEAF \\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- int CQuake3BSP::FindLeaf(const CVector3 &vPos)
- {
- int i = 0;
- float distance = 0.0f;
- // Continue looping until we find a negative index
- while(i >= 0)
- {
- // Get the current node, then find the slitter plane from that
- // node's plane index. Notice that we use a constant reference
- // to store the plane and node so we get some optimization.
- const tBSPNode& node = m_pNodes[i];
- const tBSPPlane& plane = m_pPlanes[node.plane];
- // Use the Plane Equation (Ax + by + Cz + D = 0) to find if the
- // camera is in front of or behind the current splitter plane.
- distance = plane.vNormal.x * vPos.x +
- plane.vNormal.y * vPos.y +
- plane.vNormal.z * vPos.z - plane.d;
- // If the camera is in front of the plane
- if(distance >= 0)
- {
- // Assign the current node to the node in front of itself
- i = node.front;
- }
- // Else if the camera is behind the plane
- else
- {
- // Assign the current node to the node behind itself
- i = node.back;
- }
- }
- // Return the leaf index (same thing as saying: return -(i + 1)).
- return ~i; // Binary operation
- }
- //////////////////////////// IS CLUSTER VISIBLE \\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- /////
- ///// This tells us if the "current" cluster can see the "test" cluster
- /////
- //////////////////////////// IS CLUSTER VISIBLE \\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- inline int CQuake3BSP::IsClusterVisible(int current, int test)
- {
- // Make sure we have valid memory and that the current cluster is > 0.
- // If we don't have any memory or a negative cluster, return a visibility (1).
- if(!m_clusters.pBitsets || current < 0) return 1;
- // Use binary math to get the 8 bit visibility set for the current cluster
- byte visSet = m_clusters.pBitsets[(current*m_clusters.bytesPerCluster) + (test / 8)];
- // Now that we have our vector (bitset), do some bit shifting to find if
- // the "test" cluster is visible from the "current" cluster, according to the bitset.
- int result = visSet & (1 << ((test) & 7));
- // Return the result ( either 1 (visible) or 0 (not visible) )
- return ( result );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////// DOT \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- /////
- ///// This computers the dot product of 2 vectors
- /////
- /////////////////////////////////// DOT \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- float Dot(CVector3 vVector1, CVector3 vVector2)
- {
- // (V1.x * V2.x + V1.y * V2.y + V1.z * V2.z)
- return ( (vVector1.x * vVector2.x) + (vVector1.y * vVector2.y) + (vVector1.z * vVector2.z) );
- }
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- /////////////////////////////////// TRY TO STEP \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- /////
- ///// This checks a bunch of different heights to see if we can step up
- /////
- /////////////////////////////////// TRY TO STEP \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- CVector3 CQuake3BSP::TryToStep(CVector3 vStart, CVector3 vEnd)
- {
- // In this function we loop until we either found a reasonable height
- // that we can step over, or find out that we can't step over anything.
- // We check 10 times, each time increasing the step size to check for
- // a collision. If we don't collide, then we climb over the step.
- // Go through and check different heights to step up
- for(float height = 1.0f; height <= kMaxStepHeight; height++)
- {
- // Reset our variables for each loop interation
- m_bCollided = false;
- m_bTryStep = false;
- // Here we add the current height to our y position of a new start and end.
- // If these 2 new start and end positions are okay, we can step up.
- CVector3 vStepStart = CVector3(vStart.x, vStart.y + height, vStart.z);
- CVector3 vStepEnd = CVector3(vEnd.x, vStart.y + height, vEnd.z);
- // Test to see if the new position we are trying to step collides or not
- CVector3 vStepPosition = Trace(vStepStart, vStepEnd);
- // If we didn't collide, we can step!
- if(!m_bCollided)
- {
- // Here we get the current view, then increase the y value by the current height.
- // This makes it so when we are walking up the stairs, our view follows our step
- // height and doesn't sag down as we walk up the stairs.
- CVector3 vNewView = g_Camera.View();
- g_Camera.SetView(CVector3(vNewView.x, vNewView.y + height, vNewView.z));
- // Return the current position since we stepped up somewhere
- return vStepPosition;
- }
- }
- // If we can't step, then we just return the original position of the collision
- return vStart;
- }
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- /////////////////////////////////// TRACE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- /////
- ///// This takes a start and end position (general) to test against the BSP brushes
- /////
- /////////////////////////////////// TRACE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- CVector3 CQuake3BSP::Trace(CVector3 vStart, CVector3 vEnd)
- {
- // Initially we set our trace ratio to 1.0f, which means that we don't have
- // a collision or intersection point, so we can move freely.
- m_traceRatio = 1.0f;
- // We start out with the first node (0), setting our start and end ratio to 0 and 1.
- // We will recursively go through all of the nodes to see which brushes we should check.
- CheckNode(0, 0.0f, 1.0f, vStart, vEnd);
- // If the traceRatio is STILL 1.0f, then we never collided and just return our end position
- if(m_traceRatio == 1.0f)
- {
- return vEnd;
- }
- else // Else COLLISION!!!!
- {
- // Set our new position to a position that is right up to the brush we collided with
- CVector3 vNewPosition = vStart + ((vEnd - vStart) * m_traceRatio);
- // Get the distance from the end point to the new position we just got
- CVector3 vMove = vEnd - vNewPosition;
- // Get the distance we need to travel backwards to the new slide position.
- // This is the distance of course along the normal of the plane we collided with.
- float distance = Dot(vMove, m_vCollisionNormal);
- // Get the new end position that we will end up (the slide position).
- CVector3 vEndPosition = vEnd - m_vCollisionNormal*distance;
- // Since we got a new position for our sliding vector, we need to check
- // to make sure that new sliding position doesn't collide with anything else.
- vNewPosition = Trace(vNewPosition, vEndPosition);
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- //
- if(m_vCollisionNormal.y > 0.2f || m_bGrounded)
- m_bGrounded = true;
- else
- m_bGrounded = false;
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- // Return the new position to be used by our camera (or player)
- return vNewPosition;
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////// TRACE RAY \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- /////
- ///// This takes a start and end position (ray) to test against the BSP brushes
- /////
- /////////////////////////////////// TRACE RAY \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- CVector3 CQuake3BSP::TraceRay(CVector3 vStart, CVector3 vEnd)
- {
- // We don't use this function, but we set it up to allow us to just check a
- // ray with the BSP tree brushes. We do so by setting the trace type to TYPE_RAY.
- m_traceType = TYPE_RAY;
- // Run the normal Trace() function with our start and end
- // position and return a new position
- return Trace(vStart, vEnd);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////// TRACE SPHERE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- /////
- ///// This tests a sphere around our movement vector against the BSP brushes for collision
- /////
- /////////////////////////////////// TRACE SPHERE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- CVector3 CQuake3BSP::TraceSphere(CVector3 vStart, CVector3 vEnd, float radius)
- {
- // Here we initialize the type of trace (SPHERE) and initialize other data
- m_traceType = TYPE_SPHERE;
- m_bCollided = false;
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- // Here we initialize our variables for a new round of collision checks
- m_bTryStep = false;
- m_bGrounded = false;
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- m_traceRadius = radius;
- // Get the new position that we will return to the camera or player
- CVector3 vNewPosition = Trace(vStart, vEnd);
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- // Let's check to see if we collided with something and we should try to step up
- if(m_bCollided && m_bTryStep)
- {
- // Try and step up what we collided with
- vNewPosition = TryToStep(vNewPosition, vEnd);
- }
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- // Return the new position to be changed for the camera or player
- return vNewPosition;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////// TRACE BOX \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- /////
- ///// This takes a start and end position to test a AABB (box) against the BSP brushes
- /////
- /////////////////////////////////// TRACE BOX \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- CVector3 CQuake3BSP::TraceBox(CVector3 vStart, CVector3 vEnd, CVector3 vMin, CVector3 vMax)
- {
- m_traceType = TYPE_BOX; // Set the trace type to a BOX
- m_vTraceMaxs = vMax; // Set the max value of our AABB
- m_vTraceMins = vMin; // Set the min value of our AABB
- m_bCollided = false; // Reset the collised flag
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- // Here we initialize our variables for a new round of collision checks
- m_bTryStep = false;
- m_bGrounded = false;
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- // Grab the extend of our box (the largest size for each x, y, z axis)
- m_vExtents = CVector3(-m_vTraceMins.x > m_vTraceMaxs.x ? -m_vTraceMins.x : m_vTraceMaxs.x,
- -m_vTraceMins.y > m_vTraceMaxs.y ? -m_vTraceMins.y : m_vTraceMaxs.y,
- -m_vTraceMins.z > m_vTraceMaxs.z ? -m_vTraceMins.z : m_vTraceMaxs.z);
- // Check if our movement collided with anything, then get back our new position
- CVector3 vNewPosition = Trace(vStart, vEnd);
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- // Let's check to see if we collided with something and we should try to step up
- if(m_bCollided && m_bTryStep)
- {
- // Try and step up what we collided with
- vNewPosition = TryToStep(vNewPosition, vEnd);
- }
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- // Return our new position
- return vNewPosition;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////// CHECK NODE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- /////
- ///// This traverses the BSP to find the brushes closest to our position
- /////
- /////////////////////////////////// CHECK NODE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- void CQuake3BSP::CheckNode(int nodeIndex, float startRatio, float endRatio, CVector3 vStart, CVector3 vEnd)
- {
- // Check if the next node is a leaf
- if(nodeIndex < 0)
- {
- // If this node in the BSP is a leaf, we need to negate and add 1 to offset
- // the real node index into the m_pLeafs[] array. You could also do [~nodeIndex].
- tBSPLeaf *pLeaf = &m_pLeafs[-(nodeIndex + 1)];
- // We have a leaf, so let's go through all of the brushes for that leaf
- for(int i = 0; i < pLeaf->numOfLeafBrushes; i++)
- {
- // Get the current brush that we going to check
- tBSPBrush *pBrush = &m_pBrushes[m_pLeafBrushes[pLeaf->leafBrush + i]];
- // Check if we have brush sides and the current brush is solid and collidable
- if((pBrush->numOfBrushSides > 0) && (m_pTextures[pBrush->textureID].textureType & 1))
- {
- // Now we delve into the dark depths of the real calculations for collision.
- // We can now check the movement vector against our brush planes.
- CheckBrush(pBrush, vStart, vEnd);
- }
- }
- // Since we found the brushes, we can go back up and stop recursing at this level
- return;
- }
- // Grad the next node to work with and grab this node's plane data
- tBSPNode *pNode = &m_pNodes[nodeIndex];
- tBSPPlane *pPlane = &m_pPlanes[pNode->plane];
- // Here we use the plane equation to find out where our initial start position is
- // according the the node that we are checking. We then grab the same info for the end pos.
- float startDistance = Dot(vStart, pPlane->vNormal) - pPlane->d;
- float endDistance = Dot(vEnd, pPlane->vNormal) - pPlane->d;
- float offset = 0.0f;
- // If we are doing sphere collision, include an offset for our collision tests below
- if(m_traceType == TYPE_SPHERE)
- offset = m_traceRadius;
- // Here we check to see if we are working with a BOX or not
- else if(m_traceType == TYPE_BOX)
- {
- // Get the distance our AABB is from the current splitter plane
- offset = (float)(fabs( m_vExtents.x * pPlane->vNormal.x ) +
- fabs( m_vExtents.y * pPlane->vNormal.y ) +
- fabs( m_vExtents.z * pPlane->vNormal.z ) );
- }
- // Here we check to see if the start and end point are both in front of the current node.
- // If so, we want to check all of the nodes in front of this current splitter plane.
- if(startDistance >= offset && endDistance >= offset)
- {
- // Traverse the BSP tree on all the nodes in front of this current splitter plane
- CheckNode(pNode->front, startDistance, endDistance, vStart, vEnd);
- }
- // If both points are behind the current splitter plane, traverse down the back nodes
- else if(startDistance < -offset && endDistance < -offset)
- {
- // Traverse the BSP tree on all the nodes in back of this current splitter plane
- CheckNode(pNode->back, startDistance, endDistance, vStart, vEnd);
- }
- else
- {
- // If we get here, then our ray needs to be split in half to check the nodes
- // on both sides of the current splitter plane. Thus we create 2 ratios.
- float Ratio1 = 1.0f, Ratio2 = 0.0f, middleRatio = 0.0f;
- CVector3 vMiddle; // This stores the middle point for our split ray
- // Start of the side as the front side to check
- int side = pNode->front;
- // Here we check to see if the start point is in back of the plane (negative)
- if(startDistance < endDistance)
- {
- // Since the start position is in back, let's check the back nodes
- side = pNode->back;
- // Here we create 2 ratios that hold a distance from the start to the
- // extent closest to the start (take into account a sphere and epsilon).
- float inverseDistance = 1.0f / (startDistance - endDistance);
- Ratio1 = (startDistance - offset - kEpsilon) * inverseDistance;
- Ratio2 = (startDistance + offset + kEpsilon) * inverseDistance;
- }
- // Check if the starting point is greater than the end point (positive)
- else if(startDistance > endDistance)
- {
- // This means that we are going to recurse down the front nodes first.
- // We do the same thing as above and get 2 ratios for split ray.
- float inverseDistance = 1.0f / (startDistance - endDistance);
- Ratio1 = (startDistance + offset + kEpsilon) * inverseDistance;
- Ratio2 = (startDistance - offset - kEpsilon) * inverseDistance;
- }
- // Make sure that we have valid numbers and not some weird float problems.
- // This ensures that we have a value from 0 to 1 as a good ratio should be :)
- if (Ratio1 < 0.0f) Ratio1 = 0.0f;
- else if (Ratio1 > 1.0f) Ratio1 = 1.0f;
- if (Ratio2 < 0.0f) Ratio2 = 0.0f;
- else if (Ratio2 > 1.0f) Ratio2 = 1.0f;
- // Just like we do in the Trace() function, we find the desired middle
- // point on the ray, but instead of a point we get a middleRatio percentage.
- middleRatio = startRatio + ((endRatio - startRatio) * Ratio1);
- vMiddle = vStart + ((vEnd - vStart) * Ratio1);
- // Now we recurse on the current side with only the first half of the ray
- CheckNode(side, startRatio, middleRatio, vStart, vMiddle);
- // Now we need to make a middle point and ratio for the other side of the node
- middleRatio = startRatio + ((endRatio - startRatio) * Ratio2);
- vMiddle = vStart + ((vEnd - vStart) * Ratio2);
- // Depending on which side should go last, traverse the bsp with the
- // other side of the split ray (movement vector).
- if(side == pNode->back)
- CheckNode(pNode->front, middleRatio, endRatio, vMiddle, vEnd);
- else
- CheckNode(pNode->back, middleRatio, endRatio, vMiddle, vEnd);
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////// CHECK BRUSH \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- /////
- ///// This checks our movement vector against all the planes of the brush
- /////
- /////////////////////////////////// CHECK BRUSH \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- void CQuake3BSP::CheckBrush(tBSPBrush *pBrush, CVector3 vStart, CVector3 vEnd)
- {
- float startRatio = -1.0f; // Like in BrushCollision.htm, start a ratio at -1
- float endRatio = 1.0f; // Set the end ratio to 1
- bool startsOut = false; // This tells us if we starting outside the brush
- // Go through all of the brush sides and check collision against each plane
- for(int i = 0; i < pBrush->numOfBrushSides; i++)
- {
- // Here we grab the current brush side and plane in this brush
- tBSPBrushSide *pBrushSide = &m_pBrushSides[pBrush->brushSide + i];
- tBSPPlane *pPlane = &m_pPlanes[pBrushSide->plane];
- // Let's store a variable for the offset (like for sphere collision)
- float offset = 0.0f;
- // If we are testing sphere collision we need to add the sphere radius
- if(m_traceType == TYPE_SPHERE)
- offset = m_traceRadius;
- // Test the start and end points against the current plane of the brush side.
- // Notice that we add an offset to the distance from the origin, which makes
- // our sphere collision work.
- float startDistance = Dot(vStart, pPlane->vNormal) - (pPlane->d + offset);
- float endDistance = Dot(vEnd, pPlane->vNormal) - (pPlane->d + offset);
- // Store the offset that we will check against the plane
- CVector3 vOffset = CVector3(0, 0, 0);
- // If we are using AABB collision
- if(m_traceType == TYPE_BOX)
- {
- // Grab the closest corner (x, y, or z value) that is closest to the plane
- vOffset.x = (pPlane->vNormal.x < 0) ? m_vTraceMaxs.x : m_vTraceMins.x;
- vOffset.y = (pPlane->vNormal.y < 0) ? m_vTraceMaxs.y : m_vTraceMins.y;
- vOffset.z = (pPlane->vNormal.z < 0) ? m_vTraceMaxs.z : m_vTraceMins.z;
- // Use the plane equation to grab the distance our start position is from the plane.
- startDistance = Dot(vStart + vOffset, pPlane->vNormal) - pPlane->d;
- // Get the distance our end position is from this current brush plane
- endDistance = Dot(vEnd + vOffset, pPlane->vNormal) - pPlane->d;
- }
- // Make sure we start outside of the brush's volume
- if(startDistance > 0) startsOut = true;
- // Stop checking since both the start and end position are in front of the plane
- if(startDistance > 0 && endDistance > 0)
- return;
- // Continue on to the next brush side if both points are behind or on the plane
- if(startDistance <= 0 && endDistance <= 0)
- continue;
- // If the distance of the start point is greater than the end point, we have a collision!
- if(startDistance > endDistance)
- {
- // This gets a ratio from our starting point to the approximate collision spot
- float Ratio1 = (startDistance - kEpsilon) / (startDistance - endDistance);
- // If this is the first time coming here, then this will always be true,
- if(Ratio1 > startRatio)
- {
- // Set the startRatio (currently the closest collision distance from start)
- startRatio = Ratio1;
- m_bCollided = true; // Let us know we collided!
- // Store the normal of plane that we collided with for sliding calculations
- m_vCollisionNormal = pPlane->vNormal;
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- // This checks first tests if we actually moved along the x or z-axis,
- // meaning that we went in a direction somewhere. The next check makes
- // sure that we don't always check to step every time we collide. If
- // the normal of the plane has a Y value of 1, that means it's just the
- // flat ground and we don't need to check if we can step over it, it's flat!
- if((vStart.x != vEnd.x || vStart.z != vEnd.z) && pPlane->vNormal.y != 1)
- {
- // We can try and step over the wall we collided with
- m_bTryStep = true;
- }
- // Here we make sure that we don't slide slowly down walls when we
- // jump and collide into them. We only want to say that we are on
- // the ground if we actually have stopped from falling. A wall wouldn't
- // have a high y value for the normal, it would most likely be 0.
- if(m_vCollisionNormal.y >= 0.2f)
- m_bGrounded = true;
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Get the ratio of the current brush side for the endRatio
- float Ratio = (startDistance + kEpsilon) / (startDistance - endDistance);
- // If the ratio is less than the current endRatio, assign a new endRatio.
- // This will usually always be true when starting out.
- if(Ratio < endRatio)
- endRatio = Ratio;
- }
- }
- // If we didn't start outside of the brush we don't want to count this collision - return;
- if(startsOut == false)
- {
- return;
- }
- // If our startRatio is less than the endRatio there was a collision!!!
- if(startRatio < endRatio)
- {
- // Make sure the startRatio moved from the start and check if the collision
- // ratio we just got is less than the current ratio stored in m_traceRatio.
- // We want the closest collision to our original starting position.
- if(startRatio > -1 && startRatio < m_traceRatio)
- {
- // If the startRatio is less than 0, just set it to 0
- if(startRatio < 0)
- startRatio = 0;
- // Store the new ratio in our member variable for later
- m_traceRatio = startRatio;
- }
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////// RENDER FACE \\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- /////
- ///// This renders a face, determined by the passed in index
- /////
- //////////////////////////// RENDER FACE \\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- void CQuake3BSP::RenderFace(int faceIndex)
- {
- // Here we grab the face from the index passed in
- tBSPFace *pFace = &m_pFaces[faceIndex];
- // Assign our array of face vertices for our vertex arrays and enable vertex arrays
- glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(tBSPVertex), &(m_pVerts[pFace->startVertIndex].vPosition));
- glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
- // If we want to render the textures
- if(g_bTextures)
- {
- // Set the current pass as the first texture (For multi-texturing)
- glActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB);
- // Give OpenGL the texture coordinates for the first texture, and enable that texture
- glClientActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB);
- glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(tBSPVertex),
- &(m_pVerts[pFace->startVertIndex].vTextureCoord));
- // Set our vertex array client states for allowing texture coordinates
- glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
- // Turn on texture arrays for the first pass
- glClientActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB);
- // Turn on texture mapping and bind the face's texture map
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_textures[pFace->textureID]);
- }
- if(g_bLightmaps)
- {
- // Set the current pass as the second lightmap texture_
- glActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE1_ARB);
- // Turn on texture arrays for the second lightmap pass
- glClientActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE1_ARB);
- glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
- // Next, we need to specify the UV coordinates for our lightmaps. This is done
- // by switching to the second texture and giving OpenGL our lightmap array.
- glClientActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE1_ARB);
- glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(tBSPVertex),
- &(m_pVerts[pFace->startVertIndex].vLightmapCoord));
- // Turn on texture mapping and bind the face's lightmap over the texture
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_lightmaps[pFace->lightmapID]);
- }
- // Render our current face to the screen with vertex arrays
- glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, pFace->numOfIndices, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, &(m_pIndices[pFace->startIndex]) );
- }
- //////////////////////////// RENDER LEVEL \\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- /////
- ///// Goes through all of the faces and draws them if the type is FACE_POLYGON
- /////
- //////////////////////////// RENDER LEVEL \\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- void CQuake3BSP::RenderLevel(const CVector3 &vPos)
- {
- // Reset our bitset so all the slots are zero.
- m_FacesDrawn.ClearAll();
- // Grab the leaf index that our camera is in
- int leafIndex = FindLeaf(vPos);
- // Grab the cluster that is assigned to the leaf
- int cluster = m_pLeafs[leafIndex].cluster;
- // Initialize our counter variables (start at the last leaf and work down)
- int i = m_numOfLeafs;
- g_VisibleFaces = 0;
- // Go through all the leafs and check their visibility
- while(i--)
- {
- // Get the current leaf that is to be tested for visibility from our camera's leaf
- tBSPLeaf *pLeaf = &(m_pLeafs[i]);
- // If the current leaf can't be seen from our cluster, go to the next leaf
- if(!IsClusterVisible(cluster, pLeaf->cluster))
- continue;
- // If the current leaf is not in the camera's frustum, go to the next leaf
- if(!g_Frustum.BoxInFrustum((float)pLeaf->min.x, (float)pLeaf->min.y, (float)pLeaf->min.z,
- (float)pLeaf->max.x, (float)pLeaf->max.y, (float)pLeaf->max.z))
- continue;
- // If we get here, the leaf we are testing must be visible in our camera's view.
- // Get the number of faces that this leaf is in charge of.
- int faceCount = pLeaf->numOfLeafFaces;
- // Loop through and render all of the faces in this leaf
- while(faceCount--)
- {
- // Grab the current face index from our leaf faces array
- int faceIndex = m_pLeafFaces[pLeaf->leafface + faceCount];
- // Before drawing this face, make sure it's a normal polygon
- if(m_pFaces[faceIndex].type != FACE_POLYGON) continue;
- // Since many faces are duplicated in other leafs, we need to
- // make sure this face already hasn't been drawn.
- if(!m_FacesDrawn.On(faceIndex))
- {
- // Increase the rendered face count to display for fun
- g_VisibleFaces++;
- // Set this face as drawn and render it
- m_FacesDrawn.Set(faceIndex);
- RenderFace(faceIndex);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////// DESTROY \\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- /////
- ///// This cleans up our object and frees allocated memory
- /////
- //////////////////////////// DESTROY \\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- void CQuake3BSP::Destroy()
- {
- // If we still have valid memory for our vertices, free them
- if(m_pVerts)
- {
- delete [] m_pVerts; m_pVerts = NULL;
- }
- // If we still have valid memory for our faces, free them
- if(m_pFaces)
- {
- delete [] m_pFaces; m_pFaces = NULL;
- }
- // If we still have valid memory for our indices, free them
- if(m_pIndices)
- {
- delete [] m_pIndices;
- m_pIndices = NULL;
- }
- // If we still have valid memory for our nodes, free them
- if(m_pNodes)
- {
- delete [] m_pNodes; m_pNodes = NULL;
- }
- // If we still have valid memory for our leafs, free them
- if(m_pLeafs)
- {
- delete [] m_pLeafs; m_pLeafs = NULL;
- }
- // If we still have valid memory for our leaf faces, free them
- if(m_pLeafFaces)
- {
- delete [] m_pLeafFaces; m_pLeafFaces = NULL;
- }
- // If we still have valid memory for our planes, free them
- if(m_pPlanes)
- {
- delete [] m_pPlanes; m_pPlanes = NULL;
- }
- // If we still have valid memory for our clusters, free them
- if(m_clusters.pBitsets)
- {
- delete [] m_clusters.pBitsets; m_clusters.pBitsets = NULL;
- }
- // If we still have valid memory for our brushes, free them
- if(m_pBrushes)
- {
- delete [] m_pBrushes; m_pBrushes = NULL;
- }
- // If we still have valid memory for our brush sides, free them
- if(m_pBrushSides)
- {
- delete [] m_pBrushSides; m_pBrushSides = NULL;
- }
- // If we still have valid memory for our leaf brushes, free them
- if(m_pLeafBrushes)
- {
- delete [] m_pLeafBrushes; m_pLeafBrushes = NULL;
- }
- // If we still have valid memory for our BSP texture info, free it
- if(m_pTextures)
- {
- delete [] m_pTextures; m_pTextures = NULL;
- }
- // Free all the textures
- glDeleteTextures(m_numOfTextures, m_textures);
- // Delete the lightmap textures
- glDeleteTextures(m_numOfLightmaps, m_lightmaps);
- }
- //////////////////////////// ~CQUAKE3BSP \\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- /////
- ///// This is our deconstructor that is called when the object is destroyed
- /////
- //////////////////////////// ~CQUAKE3BSP \\\\\\\\\\\\\*
- CQuake3BSP::~CQuake3BSP()
- {
- // Call our destroy function
- Destroy();
- }