资源名称:QuakeBsp.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #ifndef _QUAKE3BSP_H
- #define _QUAKE3BSP_H
- // This is the number that is associated with a face that is of type "polygon"
- #define FACE_POLYGON 1
- #define TYPE_RAY 0 // This is the type for tracing a RAY
- #define TYPE_SPHERE 1 // This is the type for tracing a SPHERE
- #define TYPE_BOX 2 // This is the type for tracing a AABB (BOX)
- const float kEpsilon = 0.03125f; // This is our small number to compensate for float errors
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- // We need to have a gravity and jump acceleration for our simple physics
- const float kGravity = 9.8f;
- const float kJumpAcceleration = 4;
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- // This is our integer vector structure
- struct tVector3i
- {
- int x, y, z; // The x y and z position of our integer vector
- };
- // This is our BSP header structure
- struct tBSPHeader
- {
- char strID[4]; // This should always be 'IBSP'
- int version; // This should be 0x2e for Quake 3 files
- };
- // This is our BSP lump structure
- struct tBSPLump
- {
- int offset; // The offset into the file for the start of this lump
- int length; // The length in bytes for this lump
- };
- // This is our BSP vertex structure
- struct tBSPVertex
- {
- CVector3 vPosition; // (x, y, z) position.
- CVector2 vTextureCoord; // (u, v) texture coordinate
- CVector2 vLightmapCoord; // (u, v) lightmap coordinate
- CVector3 vNormal; // (x, y, z) normal vector
- byte color[4]; // RGBA color for the vertex
- };
- // This is our BSP face structure
- struct tBSPFace
- {
- int textureID; // The index into the texture array
- int effect; // The index for the effects (or -1 = n/a)
- int type; // 1=polygon, 2=patch, 3=mesh, 4=billboard
- int startVertIndex; // The starting index into this face's first vertex
- int numOfVerts; // The number of vertices for this face
- int startIndex; // The starting index into the indices array for this face
- int numOfIndices; // The number of indices for this face
- int lightmapID; // The texture index for the lightmap
- int lMapCorner[2]; // The face's lightmap corner in the image
- int lMapSize[2]; // The size of the lightmap section
- CVector3 lMapPos; // The 3D origin of lightmap.
- CVector3 lMapVecs[2]; // The 3D space for s and t unit vectors.
- CVector3 vNormal; // The face normal.
- int size[2]; // The bezier patch dimensions.
- };
- // This is our BSP texture structure
- struct tBSPTexture
- {
- char strName[64]; // The name of the texture w/o the extension
- int flags; // The surface flags (unknown)
- int textureType; // The type of texture (solid, water, slime, etc..) (type & 1) = 1 (solid)
- };
- // This is our BSP lightmap structure which stores the 128x128 RGB values
- struct tBSPLightmap
- {
- byte imageBits[128][128][3]; // The RGB data in a 128x128 image
- };
- // This stores a node in the BSP tree
- struct tBSPNode
- {
- int plane; // The index into the planes array
- int front; // The child index for the front node
- int back; // The child index for the back node
- tVector3i min; // The bounding box min position.
- tVector3i max; // The bounding box max position.
- };
- // This stores a leaf (end node) in the BSP tree
- struct tBSPLeaf
- {
- int cluster; // The visibility cluster
- int area; // The area portal
- tVector3i min; // The bounding box min position
- tVector3i max; // The bounding box max position
- int leafface; // The first index into the face array
- int numOfLeafFaces; // The number of faces for this leaf
- int leafBrush; // The first index for into the brushes
- int numOfLeafBrushes; // The number of brushes for this leaf
- };
- // This stores a splitter plane in the BSP tree
- struct tBSPPlane
- {
- CVector3 vNormal; // Plane normal.
- float d; // The plane distance from origin
- };
- // This stores the cluster data for the PVS's
- struct tBSPVisData
- {
- int numOfClusters; // The number of clusters
- int bytesPerCluster; // The amount of bytes (8 bits) in the cluster's bitset
- byte *pBitsets; // The array of bytes that holds the cluster bitsets
- };
- // This stores the brush data
- struct tBSPBrush
- {
- int brushSide; // The starting brush side for the brush
- int numOfBrushSides; // Number of brush sides for the brush
- int textureID; // The texture index for the brush
- };
- // This stores the brush side data, which stores indices for the normal and texture ID
- struct tBSPBrushSide
- {
- int plane; // The plane index
- int textureID; // The texture index
- };
- // This is our lumps enumeration
- enum eLumps
- {
- kEntities = 0, // Stores player/object positions, etc...
- kTextures, // Stores texture information
- kPlanes, // Stores the splitting planes
- kNodes, // Stores the BSP nodes
- kLeafs, // Stores the leafs of the nodes
- kLeafFaces, // Stores the leaf's indices into the faces
- kLeafBrushes, // Stores the leaf's indices into the brushes
- kModels, // Stores the info of world models
- kBrushes, // Stores the brushes info (for collision)
- kBrushSides, // Stores the brush surfaces info
- kVertices, // Stores the level vertices
- kIndices, // Stores the level indices
- kShaders, // Stores the shader files (blending, anims..)
- kFaces, // Stores the faces for the level
- kLightmaps, // Stores the lightmaps for the level
- kLightVolumes, // Stores extra world lighting information
- kVisData, // Stores PVS and cluster info (visibility)
- kMaxLumps // A constant to store the number of lumps
- };
- // This is our bitset class for storing which face has already been drawn.
- // The bitset functionality isn't really taken advantage of in this version
- // since we aren't rendering by leafs and nodes.
- class CBitset
- {
- public:
- // Initialize all the data members
- CBitset() : m_bits(0), m_size(0) {}
- // This is our deconstructor
- ~CBitset()
- {
- // If we have valid memory, get rid of it
- if(m_bits)
- {
- delete m_bits;
- m_bits = NULL;
- }
- }
- // This resizes our bitset to a size so each face has a bit associated with it
- void Resize(int count)
- {
- // Get the size of integers we need
- m_size = count/32 + 1;
- // Make sure we haven't already allocated memory for the bits
- if(m_bits)
- {
- delete m_bits;
- m_bits = 0;
- }
- // Allocate the bits and initialize them
- m_bits = new unsigned int[m_size];
- ClearAll();
- }
- // This does the binary math to set the desired bit
- void Set(int i)
- {
- m_bits[i >> 5] |= (1 << (i & 31));
- }
- // This returns if the desired bit slot is a 1 or a 0
- int On(int i)
- {
- return m_bits[i >> 5] & (1 << (i & 31 ));
- }
- // This clears a bit to 0
- void Clear(int i)
- {
- m_bits[i >> 5] &= ~(1 << (i & 31));
- }
- // This initializes the bits to 0
- void ClearAll()
- {
- memset(m_bits, 0, sizeof(unsigned int) * m_size);
- }
- private:
- // Our private bit data that holds the bits and size
- unsigned int *m_bits;
- int m_size;
- };
- // This is our Quake3 BSP class
- class CQuake3BSP
- {
- public:
- // Our constructor
- CQuake3BSP();
- // Our deconstructor
- ~CQuake3BSP();
- // This loads a .bsp file by it's file name (Returns true if successful)
- bool LoadBSP(const char *strFileName);
- // This renders the level to the screen, currently the camera pos isn't being used
- void RenderLevel(const CVector3 &vPos);
- // This traces a single ray and checks collision with brushes
- CVector3 TraceRay(CVector3 vStart, CVector3 vEnd);
- // This traces a sphere along a ray to check for collision with the brushes
- CVector3 TraceSphere(CVector3 vStart, CVector3 vEnd, float radius);
- // This traces a axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) along a ray to check for collision
- CVector3 TraceBox(CVector3 vStart, CVector3 vEnd, CVector3 vMin, CVector3 vMax);
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- // This function tells us whether or not we are on the ground or still falling
- bool IsOnGround() { return m_bGrounded; }
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- // This tells us if we have just collided
- bool Collided() { return m_bCollided; }
- // This destroys the level data
- void Destroy();
- private:
- // This manually changes the gamma levels of an image
- void ChangeGamma(byte *pImage, int size, float factor);
- // This creates a texture map from the lightmap image bits
- void CreateLightmapTexture(UINT &texture, byte *pImageBits, int width, int height);
- // This tells us if a cluster is visible or not
- int IsClusterVisible(int current, int test);
- // This finds a leaf in the BSP tree according to the position passed in
- int FindLeaf(const CVector3 &vPos);
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- // This checks to see if we can step up over a collision (like a step)
- CVector3 TryToStep(CVector3 vStart, CVector3 vEnd);
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- // This traverses the BSP tree to check our movement vector with the brushes
- CVector3 Trace(CVector3 vStart, CVector3 vEnd);
- // This recursively checks all the nodes until we find leafs that store the brushes
- void CheckNode(int nodeIndex, float startRatio, float endRatio, CVector3 vStart, CVector3 vEnd);
- // This checks our movement vector against the brush and it's sides
- void CheckBrush(tBSPBrush *pBrush, CVector3 vStart, CVector3 vEnd);
- // This attaches the correct extension to the file name, if found
- void FindTextureExtension(char *strFileName);
- // This renders a single face to the screen
- void RenderFace(int faceIndex);
- int m_numOfVerts; // The number of verts in the model
- int m_numOfFaces; // The number of faces in the model
- int m_numOfIndices; // The number of indices for the model
- int m_numOfTextures; // The number of texture maps
- int m_numOfLightmaps; // The number of light maps
- int m_numOfNodes; // The number of nodes in the BSP
- int m_numOfLeafs; // The number of leafs
- int m_numOfLeafFaces; // The number of faces
- int m_numOfPlanes; // The number of planes in the BSP
- int m_numOfBrushes; // The number of brushes in our world
- int m_numOfBrushSides; // The number of brush sides in our world
- int m_numOfLeafBrushes; // The number of leaf brushes
- int m_traceType; // This stores if we are checking a ray, sphere or a box
- float m_traceRatio; // This stores the ratio from our start pos to the intersection pt.
- float m_traceRadius; // This stores the sphere's radius for a collision offset
- bool m_bCollided; // This tells if we just collided or not
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- bool m_bGrounded; // This stores whether or not we are on the ground or falling
- bool m_bTryStep; // This tells us whether or not we should try to step over something
- /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
- CVector3 m_vTraceMins; // This stores the minimum values of the AABB (bottom corner)
- CVector3 m_vTraceMaxs; // This stores the maximum values of the AABB (top corner)
- CVector3 m_vExtents; // This stores the largest length of the box
- CVector3 m_vCollisionNormal; // This stores the normal of the plane we collided with
- int *m_pIndices; // The object's indices for rendering
- tBSPVertex *m_pVerts; // The object's vertices
- tBSPFace *m_pFaces; // The faces information of the object
- tBSPNode *m_pNodes; // The nodes in the BSP
- tBSPLeaf *m_pLeafs; // The leafs in the BSP
- tBSPPlane *m_pPlanes; // The planes in the BSP
- int *m_pLeafFaces; // The leaf faces in the BSP
- tBSPVisData m_clusters; // The cluster info for frustum culling and portals (PVS)
- tBSPTexture *m_pTextures; // This stores our texture info for each brush
- tBSPBrush *m_pBrushes; // This is our brushes
- tBSPBrushSide *m_pBrushSides; // This holds the brush sides
- int *m_pLeafBrushes; // The indices into the brush array
- UINT m_textures[MAX_TEXTURES]; // The texture array for the world
- UINT m_lightmaps[MAX_TEXTURES]; // The lightmap texture array
- CBitset m_FacesDrawn; // The bitset for the faces that have/haven't been drawn
- };
- #endif