- Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
- Public Class Class1
- 'For PInvoke: Contains information about an entry in the Internet cache
- Public Structure FILETIME
- Dim dwLowDateTime As Integer
- Dim dwHighDateTime As Integer
- End Structure
- Public Declare Function FileTimeToLocalFileTime Lib "KERNEL32" (ByRef lpFileTime As FILETIME, ByRef lpLocalFileTime As FILETIME) As Integer
- Public Declare Function FileTimeToSystemTime Lib "KERNEL32" (ByRef lpFileTime As FILETIME, ByRef lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME) As Integer
- Public Structure SYSTEMTIME
- Dim wYear As Short
- Dim wMonth As Short
- Dim wDayOfWeek As Short
- Dim wDay As Short
- Dim wHour As Short
- Dim wMinute As Short
- Dim wSecond As Short
- Dim wMilliseconds As Short
- End Structure
- Public Shared Function FileTime2SystemTime(ByRef FileT As FILETIME) As Date
- FileTimeToLocalFileTime(FileT, FileT)
- FileTimeToSystemTime(FileT, SysT)
- FileTime2SystemTime = System.DateTime.FromOADate(TimeSerial(SysT.wHour, SysT.wMinute, SysT.wSecond).ToOADate + DateSerial(SysT.wYear, SysT.wMonth, SysT.wDay).ToOADate)
- End Function
- <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size:=80)> _
- <FieldOffset(0)> Public dwStructSize As UInt32
- <FieldOffset(4)> Public lpszSourceUrlName As IntPtr
- <FieldOffset(8)> Public lpszLocalFileName As IntPtr
- <FieldOffset(12)> Public CacheEntryType As UInt32
- <FieldOffset(16)> Public dwUseCount As UInt32
- <FieldOffset(20)> Public dwHitRate As UInt32
- <FieldOffset(24)> Public dwSizeLow As UInt32
- <FieldOffset(28)> Public dwSizeHigh As UInt32
- <FieldOffset(32)> Public LastModifiedTime As FILETIME
- <FieldOffset(40)> Public ExpireTime As FILETIME
- <FieldOffset(48)> Public LastAccessTime As FILETIME
- <FieldOffset(56)> Public LastSyncTime As FILETIME
- <FieldOffset(64)> Public lpHeaderInfo As IntPtr
- <FieldOffset(68)> Public dwHeaderInfoSize As UInt32
- <FieldOffset(72)> Public lpszFileExtension As IntPtr
- <FieldOffset(76)> Public dwReserved As UInt32
- <FieldOffset(76)> Public dwExemptDelta As UInt32
- End Structure
- 'For PInvoke: Initiates the enumeration of the cache groups in the Internet cache
- <DllImport("wininet.dll", SetLastError:=True, _
- CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, _
- EntryPoint:="FindFirstUrlCacheGroup", _
- CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _
- Shared Function FindFirstUrlCacheGroup( _
- ByVal dwFlags As Int32, _
- ByVal dwFilter As Integer, _
- ByVal lpSearchCondition As IntPtr, _
- ByVal dwSearchCondition As Int32, _
- ByRef lpGroupId As Long, _
- ByVal lpReserved As IntPtr) As IntPtr
- End Function
- 'For PInvoke: Retrieves the next cache group in a cache group enumeration
- <DllImport("wininet.dll", _
- SetLastError:=True, _
- CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, _
- EntryPoint:="FindNextUrlCacheGroup", _
- CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _
- Shared Function FindNextUrlCacheGroup( _
- ByVal hFind As IntPtr, _
- ByRef lpGroupId As Long, _
- ByVal lpReserved As IntPtr) As Boolean
- End Function
- 'For PInvoke: Releases the specified GROUPID and any associated state in the cache index file
- <DllImport("wininet.dll", _
- SetLastError:=True, _
- CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, _
- EntryPoint:="DeleteUrlCacheGroup", _
- CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _
- Shared Function DeleteUrlCacheGroup( _
- ByVal GroupId As Long, _
- ByVal dwFlags As Int32, _
- ByVal lpReserved As IntPtr) As Boolean
- End Function
- 'For PInvoke: Begins the enumeration of the Internet cache
- <DllImport("wininet.dll", _
- SetLastError:=True, _
- CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, _
- EntryPoint:="FindFirstUrlCacheEntryA", _
- CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _
- Shared Function FindFirstUrlCacheEntry( _
- <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)> ByVal lpszUrlSearchPattern As String, _
- ByVal lpFirstCacheEntryInfo As IntPtr, _
- ByRef lpdwFirstCacheEntryInfoBufferSize As Int32) As IntPtr
- End Function
- 'For PInvoke: Retrieves the next entry in the Internet cache
- <DllImport("wininet.dll", _
- SetLastError:=True, _
- CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, _
- EntryPoint:="FindNextUrlCacheEntryA", _
- CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _
- Shared Function FindNextUrlCacheEntry( _
- ByVal hFind As IntPtr, _
- ByVal lpNextCacheEntryInfo As IntPtr, _
- ByRef lpdwNextCacheEntryInfoBufferSize As Integer) As Boolean
- End Function
- 'For PInvoke: Removes the file that is associated with the source name from the cache, if the file exists
- <DllImport("wininet.dll", _
- SetLastError:=True, _
- CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, _
- EntryPoint:="DeleteUrlCacheEntryA", _
- CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _
- Shared Function DeleteUrlCacheEntry( _
- ByVal lpszUrlName As IntPtr) As Boolean
- End Function
- End Class