



  1. EurekaLog 5.1.3
  2. Application:
  3. ---------------------------------------------------------
  4.   1.1 Start Date      : Mon, 9 Mar 2009 08:18:02 +0800
  5.   1.2 Name/Description: Delphi-32 Development Environment
  6.   1.3 Version Number  :
  7.   1.4 Parameters      : 
  8.   1.5 Compilation Date: 
  9. Exception:
  10. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11.   2.1 Date   : Mon, 9 Mar 2009 09:16:25 +0800
  12.   2.2 Address: 170C469B
  13.   2.3 Module : HtmlEditD7.bpl
  14.   2.4 Type   : EAccessViolation
  15.   2.5 Message: Access violation at address 170C469B in module 'HtmlEditD7.bpl'. Read of address 00000000.
  16. Active Controls:
  17. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18.   3.1 Form Class   : TTabDockHostForm
  19.   3.2 Form Text    : Project Manager, ModelMaker Code Explorer, Object Inspector, Object TreeView
  20.   3.3 Control Class: TPropInspEdit
  21.   3.4 Control Text : True
  22. Computer:
  23. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  24.   4.1 Name          : CAT1
  25.   4.2 User          : Administrator
  26.   4.3 Total Memory  : 1919 Mb
  27.   4.4 Free Memory   : 1294 Mb
  28.   4.5 Total Disk    : 74.51 Gb
  29.   4.6 Free Disk     : 67.29 Gb
  30.   4.7 System Up Time: 1 hour, 0 minute, 56 seconds
  31.   4.8 Processor     : Pentium(R) Dual-Core  CPU      E5200  @ 2.50GHz
  32.   4.9 Display Mode  : 1360 x 768, 32 bit
  33. Operating System:
  34. ------------------------------------
  35.   5.1 Type    : Microsoft Windows XP
  36.   5.2 Build # : 2600
  37.   5.3 Update  : Service Pack 3
  38.   5.4 Language: Chinese
  39. Network:
  40. ---------------------------------
  41.   6.1 IP Address:
  42.   6.2 Submask   :
  43.   6.3 Gateway   :
  44.   6.4 DNS 1     :
  45.   6.5 DNS 2     :
  46.   6.6 DHCP      : ON             
  47. Call Stack Information:
  48. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. |Address |Module        |Unit              |Class       |Procedure/Method      |Line|
  50. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. | Exception Thread: ID=3820; Priority=0; Class=; [Main]                             |
  52. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
  53. |170C469B|HtmlEditD7.bpl|uHtmlEdit.pas     |THtmlEdit   |GetHTML               |784 |
  54. |40027E60|rtl70.bpl     |Typinfo.pas       |            |GetWideStrProp        |    |
  55. |40038674|rtl70.bpl     |Classes.pas       |            |IsDefaultPropertyValue|    |
  56. |007B5E84|vcl70.bpl     |Graphics.pas      |TFont       |SetColor              |    |
  57. |009D6ADC|vclide70.bpl  |Ideinsplistbox.pas|TInspListBox|DrawPropItem          |    |
  58. |7C92EC9A|ntdll.dll     |                  |            |RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN|    |
  59. |00831910|vcl70.bpl     |Controls.pas      |TControl    |WndProc               |    |
  60. |00831844|vcl70.bpl     |Controls.pas      |TControl    |Perform               |    |
  61. |77D2B3C6|user32.dll    |                  |            |CallNextHookEx        |    |
  62. |77D2929A|user32.dll    |                  |            |SendMessageW          |    |
  63. |77D2A97D|user32.dll    |                  |            |CallWindowProcA       |    |
  64. |77D2B3C6|user32.dll    |                  |            |CallNextHookEx        |    |
  65. |77D2AEAB|user32.dll    |                  |            |UpdateWindow          |    |
  66. |009D7630|vclide70.bpl  |Ideinsplistbox.pas|TInspListBox|SetUpdateState        |    |
  67. |009D75F8|vclide70.bpl  |Ideinsplistbox.pas|TInspListBox|EndUpdate             |    |
  68. |009D4434|vclide70.bpl  |Ideinsplistbox.pas|TInspListBox|SetPropValue          |    |
  69. |40005EF0|rtl70.bpl     |System.pas        |            |_CallDynaInst         |    |
  70. |00834A18|vcl70.bpl     |Controls.pas      |TWinControl |ControlAtPos          |    |
  71. |00831910|vcl70.bpl     |Controls.pas      |TControl    |WndProc               |    |
  72. |00834B40|vcl70.bpl     |Controls.pas      |TWinControl |WndProc               |    |
  73. |400469B4|rtl70.bpl     |Contnrs.pas       |TObjectList |GetItem               |    |
  74. |4002F684|rtl70.bpl     |Classes.pas       |TList       |IndexOf               |    |
  75. |400469C8|rtl70.bpl     |Contnrs.pas       |TObjectList |IndexOf               |    |
  76. |77D196B8|user32.dll    |                  |            |DispatchMessageA      |    |
  77. |00855608|vcl70.bpl     |Forms.pas         |TApplication|ProcessMessage        |    |
  78. |008556B8|vcl70.bpl     |Forms.pas         |TApplication|HandleMessage         |    |
  79. |0085585C|vcl70.bpl     |Forms.pas         |TApplication|Run                   |    |
  80. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  81. Modules Information:
  82. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. |Handle  |Name                             |Description                                                   |Version         |Size   |Modified           |Path                                                                                                |
  84. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  85. |00390000|vclactnband70.bpl                |Borland Component Package                                     |       |276480 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  86. |003E0000|BRCIDE.DLL                       |RC Compiler Interface                                         |       |78848  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  87. |00400000|delphi32.exe                     |Delphi-32 Development Environment                             |         |545792 |2004-04-23 22:01:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  88. |00490000|coreide70.bpl                    |Core Integrated Development Environment                       |         |3186688|2004-04-23 22:01:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  89. |007B0000|vcl70.bpl                        |Borland Component Package                                     |         |1383936|2004-04-23 22:01:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  90. |00910000|designide70.bpl                  |Borland IDE Designer Package                                  |         |625664 |2004-04-23 22:01:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  91. |009B0000|vclide70.bpl                     |Integrated Development Environment Specific Components        |       |708608 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  92. |00A70000|tlib70.bpl                       |Borland Type Library Exporter                                 |         |486912 |2004-04-23 22:01:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  93. |00AF0000|dcc70.dll                        |                                                              |         |843264 |2004-04-23 22:01:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  94. |00C40000|delphide70.bpl                   |Core Delphi Integrated Development Environment                |       |473088 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  95. |00D20000|borlndmm.dll                     |Borland Memory Manager                                        |       |22528  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  96. |01A20000|htmlide70.bpl                    |HTML Integrated Development Environment Package               |       |178688 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  97. |01A50000|inetdb70.bpl                     |Borland Internet DB Component Package                         |       |37888  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  98. |01A60000|stride70.bpl                     |String Resource Editor IDE Package                            |       |93696  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  99. |01FC0000|webdsnap70.bpl                   |Borland Web Midas Components                                  |       |268288 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  100. |02010000|dbrtl70.bpl                      |Borland Database Component Package                            |         |258560 |2004-04-23 22:01:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  101. |02060000|proide70.bpl                     |Core Professional Integrated Development Environment          |       |848896 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  102. |02140000|delphipro70.bpl                  |Delphi Professional Integrated Development Environment        |       |357376 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  103. |021A0000|designdgm70.bpl                  |Borland IDE Diagram Package                                   |       |424960 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  104. |02210000|delphient70.bpl                  |Delphi Enterprise Integrated Development Environment          |       |63488  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  105. |02230000|delphiclxide70.bpl               |Core Delphi CLX IDE Package                                   |       |139264 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  106. |02260000|qtintf70.dll                     |Delphi-Qt2.x Interface Library                                |       |4082688|2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  107. |02650000|clxdesigner70.bpl                |Borland IDE CLX Designer Package                              |       |249856 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  108. |02AA0000|direct70.bpl                     |Developer Direct News Module                                  |       |105984 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  109. |02AC0000|delphivclide70.bpl               |Core Delphi VCL IDE Package                                   |       |139264 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  110. |02AF0000|vcldesigner70.bpl                |Borland IDE VCL Designer Package                              |       |167424 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  111. |02B30000|CastaliaDelphiIntf7.bpl          |                                                              |         |143872 |2005-04-28 13:21:34|E:DInstCastalia 3                                                                                 |
  112. |02B70000|Castalia7.bpl                    |                                                              |         |790016 |2005-04-28 13:21:32|E:DInstCastalia 3                                                                                 |
  113. |02C90000|CastaliaAutoSave7.bpl            |                                                              |         |27648  |2005-04-28 13:21:36|E:DInstCastalia 3                                                                                 |
  114. |02CA0000|CastaliaClipboard7.bpl           |                                                              |         |57856  |2005-04-28 13:21:36|E:DInstCastalia 3                                                                                 |
  115. |02CD0000|CastaliaCodeTemplates7.bpl       |                                                              |         |98304  |2005-04-28 13:21:34|E:DInstCastalia 3                                                                                 |
  116. |02D50000|CastaliaErrorBalloons7.bpl       |                                                              |         |55808  |2005-04-28 13:21:34|E:DInstCastalia 3                                                                                 |
  117. |02D70000|CastaliaFormDesign7.bpl          |                                                              |         |41472  |2005-04-28 13:21:36|E:DInstCastalia 3                                                                                 |
  118. |02D80000|CastaliaNavTools7.bpl            |                                                              |         |99840  |2005-04-28 13:21:36|E:DInstCastalia 3                                                                                 |
  119. |02DA0000|CastaliaRefactoringD7.bpl        |                                                              |         |256512 |2005-04-28 13:21:36|E:DInstCastalia 3                                                                                 |
  120. |02DF0000|CastaliaStats7.bpl               |                                                              |         |47104  |2005-04-28 13:21:34|E:DInstCastalia 3                                                                                 |
  121. |02E10000|CastaliaSyntaxCheck7.bpl         |                                                              |         |36864  |2005-04-28 13:21:32|E:DInstCastalia 3                                                                                 |
  122. |02E20000|CastaliaTokenMatch7.bpl          |                                                              |         |491520 |2005-04-28 13:21:34|E:DInstCastalia 3                                                                                 |
  123. |02EA0000|CastaliaLineNumbers7.bpl         |                                                              |         |41472  |2005-04-28 13:21:36|E:DInstCastalia 3                                                                                 |
  124. |02EB0000|CastaliaFlyout7.bpl              |                                                              |         |44032  |2005-04-28 13:21:34|E:DInstCastalia 3                                                                                 |
  125. |03000000|DFWEDIT.DLL                      |                                                              |                |99872  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  126. |034A0000|FindUnit70.dll                   |                                                              |         |74752  |2002-11-30 21:16:18|C:Program FilesUnitExpert                                                                         |
  127. |034E0000|JclRepositoryExpertDLL70.dll     |JCL Package containing repository wizards                     |    |28160  |2009-02-17 17:01:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  128. |03500000|MidexD7.dll                      |ModelMaker Code Explorer                                      |      |2979840|2009-02-16 14:18:08|C:Program FilesModelMakerToolsMidex4.05                                                         |
  129. |039F0000|CnWizards_D7.dll                 |CnWizards For Delphi 7                                        |       |3470848|2008-12-09 19:52:26|C:Program FilesCnPackCnWizards                                                                   |
  130. |03D50000|CnWizRes.dll                     |CnWizards Resource DLL                                        |       |435200 |2008-12-09 19:54:14|C:Program FilesCnPackCnWizards                                                                   |
  131. |03DE0000|xpsp2res.dll                     |Service Pack 2 Messages                                       |5.1.2600.5512   |5535744|2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  132. |04AF0000|MMD7Expt.dll                     |ModelMaker 6 Delphi 7 integration expert                      |        |250880 |2002-08-09 14:59:38|D:Program Filesbin                                                                                |
  133. |04EB0000|iteide70.bpl                     |Borland Integrated Translation Environment                    |       |18944  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  134. |04EC0000|itecore70.bpl                    |Borland Integrated Translation Environment                    |       |735744 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  135. |05740000|dcldbxcds70.bpl                  |Borland Local DBX ClientDataSet Components                    |       |32768  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  136. |057A0000|rc70.bpl                         |Borland Integrated Translation Environment                    |       |62464  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  137. |058D0000|bdertl70.bpl                     |Borland BDE DB Component Package                              |       |222208 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  138. |05910000|dbexpress70.bpl                  |Borland DBExpress Component Package                           |         |131584 |2004-04-23 22:01:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  139. |05940000|dcldb70.bpl                      |Borland Database Components                                   |         |196096 |2004-04-23 22:01:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  140. |05980000|vcldb70.bpl                      |Borland Database Component Package                            |         |264704 |2004-04-23 22:01:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  141. |059D0000|dsnapcon70.bpl                   |Borland MIDAS Component Package                               |         |101888 |2004-04-23 22:01:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  142. |059F0000|soaprtl70.bpl                    |Borland SOAP Runtime Support                                  |       |528384 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  143. |05A80000|dbxcds70.bpl                     |Borland Local DBX Client DataSet Component Package            |       |40960  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  144. |05A90000|DBWEBXPRT.BPL                    |Borland Web Wizard                                            |       |139776 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  145. |05AC0000|DCLIB70.bpl                      |Interbase Express Design Package                              |       |181248 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  146. |05B00000|teedb70.bpl                      |Borland TeeChart DB Component Package                         |       |43520  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  147. |05B10000|dclclxstd70.bpl                  |Borland Standard Components                                   |       |252416 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  148. |05B60000|dclsmpedit70.bpl                 |Borland Sample Editor Enhancments Package                     |       |64512  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  149. |05B80000|applet70.bpl                     |Borland Control Panel Wizard                                  |       |55808  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  150. |05BA0000|dclmlwiz70.bpl                   |IDE Wizards for Markup Languages                              |       |32256  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  151. |05BB0000|ibevnt70.bpl                     |Delphi Interbase Component Package                            |       |38912  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  152. |05BC0000|dclshlctrls70.bpl                |Borland Win32 Shell Controls                                  |         |32256  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  153. |05BD0000|vclshlctrls70.bpl                |Borland Win32 Shell Controls                                  |         |90624  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  154. |05BF0000|dclIntraweb_50_70.bpl            |                                                              |         |160256 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  155. |05C20000|Intraweb_50_70.bpl               |                                                              |         |423936 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  156. |05C90000|IntrawebDB_50_70.bpl             |                                                              |         |92672  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  157. |05CB0000|dclRave70.bpl                    |                                                              |                |66560  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7bin                                                                |
  158. |05CD0000|Rave50VCLBE70.bpl                |                                                              |                |892928 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  159. |05DB0000|Rave50CLXBE70.bpl                |                                                              |                |897536 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  160. |05EA0000|dclofficexp70.bpl                |Borland Sample ActiveX Server Components                      |       |2512896|2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  161. |06110000|dclIndyCore70.bpl                |                                                              |                |520192 |2004-06-03 18:18:02|C:Program FilesIndy 10LibD7                                                                      |
  162. |061A0000|IndySystem70.bpl                 |                                                              |                |101376 |2004-06-03 18:17:54|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  163. |061C0000|IndyCore70.bpl                   |                                                              |                |220672 |2004-06-03 18:17:56|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  164. |06200000|dclIndyProtocols70.bpl           |                                                              |                |293888 |2004-06-03 18:18:12|C:Program FilesIndy 10LibD7                                                                      |
  165. |06250000|IndyProtocols70.bpl              |                                                              |                |1620480|2004-06-03 18:18:08|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  166. |063F0000|ExceptionExpert7.bpl             |                                                              |         |851456 |2006-03-02 09:31:02|C:Program FilesEurekaLog 5Delphi7                                                                |
  167. |064E0000|BorDebug.dll                     |Borland debugger dll                                          |       |89088  |2000-02-24 11:03:02|C:Program FilesEurekaLog 5                                                                        |
  168. |06500000|CSP20IDsgn70.bpl                 |CodeSite Design Package                                       |         |158720 |2002-09-16 02:00:00|C:Program FilesRaizeCS2Bin                                                                      |
  169. |06530000|CSP20I70.bpl                     |CodeSite Interface Package                                    |         |82432  |2002-09-16 02:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  170. |06550000|CS20Comps70.bpl                  |                                                              |         |628224 |2002-09-16 02:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  171. |06690000|RaizeComponentsVcl_Design70.bpl  |Raize Components 4 Package                                    |         |1569280|2007-11-04 04:00:00|C:Program FilesRaizeRC4Bin                                                                      |
  172. |06820000|RaizeComponentsVcl70.bpl         |Raize Components 4 Package                                    |         |1646592|2007-11-04 04:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  173. |069C0000|RaizeComponentsVclDb70.bpl       |Raize Components 4 Package                                    |         |342016 |2007-11-04 04:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  174. |06A30000|dxPScxScheduler2LnkD7.bpl        |ExpressPrinting System ReportLink for ExpressScheduler 2      |        |512512 |2009-02-17 11:37:06|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  175. |06AC0000|cxLibraryVCLD7.bpl               |Express Cross Platform Library (VCL Edition)                  |        |750080 |2009-02-17 11:36:40|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  176. |06B80000|dxThemeD7.bpl                    |Express XP Theme Manager                                      |        |49664  |2009-02-17 11:36:38|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  177. |06BA0000|dxGDIPlusD7.bpl                  |ExpressGDI+ Library                                           |        |48128  |2009-02-17 11:36:40|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  178. |06BC0000|cxSchedulerVCLD7.bpl             |ExpressScheduler 2 (VCL Edition)                              |        |997888 |2009-02-17 11:36:50|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  179. |06CC0000|cxDataD7.bpl                     |ExpressDataController                                         |        |402944 |2009-02-17 11:36:42|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  180. |06D30000|cxEditorsVCLD7.bpl               |ExpressEditors Library 5 (VCL Edition)                        |        |1592832|2009-02-17 11:36:44|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  181. |06EC0000|cxExtEditorsVCLD7.bpl            |ExpressExtendedEditors Library 5 (VCL Edition)                |        |963584 |2009-02-17 11:36:44|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  182. |06FC0000|cxExportVCLD7.bpl                |Express Cross Platform Export Library (VCL Edition)           |        |97280  |2009-02-17 11:36:48|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  183. |06FE0000|dxPSCoreD7.bpl                   |ExpressPrinting System                                        |        |2110976|2009-02-17 11:37:02|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  184. |071F0000|dxPScxCommonD7.bpl               |ExpressPrinting System Cross Platform Library                 |        |244224 |2009-02-17 11:37:04|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  185. |07240000|dxPSLnksD7.bpl                   |ExpressPrinting System ReportLinks (Standard)                 |        |355328 |2009-02-17 11:37:02|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  186. |078F0000|dxPSdxDBOCLnkD7.bpl              |ExpressPrinting System ReportLinks for ExpressDBOrgChart      |        |43008  |2009-02-17 11:37:08|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  187. |07930000|dclcxLibraryVCLD7.bpl            |                                                              |         |282112 |2009-02-17 11:44:38|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  188. |07980000|dxPScxSSLnkD7.bpl                |ExpressPrinting System ReportLink for ExpressSpreadSheet      |        |133120 |2009-02-17 11:37:06|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  189. |079B0000|cxSpreadSheetVCLD7.bpl           |ExpressSpreadSheet (VCL Edition)                              |        |414720 |2009-02-17 11:36:52|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  190. |07A20000|dxPSdxOCLnkD7.bpl                |ExpressPrinting System ReportLinks for ExpressOrgChart        |        |66048  |2009-02-17 11:37:08|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  191. |07A40000|dxorgcD7.bpl                     |ExpressOrgChart                                               |        |69632  |2009-02-17 11:36:54|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  192. |07A60000|dxdborD7.bpl                     |ExpressDBOrgChart                                             |        |44032  |2009-02-17 11:36:54|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  193. |07A80000|dxPSdxDBTVLnkD7.bpl              |ExpressPrinting System ReportLink for ExpressDBTree           |        |48640  |2009-02-17 11:37:08|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  194. |07AA0000|dxdbtrD7.bpl                     |ExpressDBTree                                                 |        |122368 |2009-02-17 11:36:40|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  195. |07AD0000|dxComnD7.bpl                     |ExpressCommonLibrary                                          |        |39424  |2009-02-17 11:36:40|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  196. |07AE0000|dxPSdxFCLnkD7.bpl                |ExpressPrinting System ReportLinks for ExpressFlowChart       |        |71680  |2009-02-17 11:37:08|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  197. |07B00000|dxFlowChartD7.bpl                |ExpressFlowChart                                              |        |84992  |2009-02-17 11:36:52|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  198. |07B20000|dxPSdxLCLnkD7.bpl                |ExpressPrinting System ReportLink for ExpressLayoutControl    |        |120832 |2009-02-17 11:37:08|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  199. |07B50000|dxLayoutControlD7.bpl            |ExpressLayout Control                                         |        |228352 |2009-02-17 11:36:44|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  200. |07B90000|dxPSdxMVLnkD7.bpl                |ExpressPrinting System ReportLink for ExpressMasterView       |        |157184 |2009-02-17 11:37:08|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  201. |07BC0000|dxMasterViewD7.bpl               |ExpressMasterView                                             |        |286208 |2009-02-17 11:36:46|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  202. |07C10000|dxSkinscxPCPainterD7.bpl         |ExpressSkins Library Painter for PageControl                  |        |36864  |2009-02-17 11:37:02|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  203. |07C20000|cxPageControlVCLD7.bpl           |Express Cross Platform PageControl (VCL Edition)              |        |232448 |2009-02-17 11:36:46|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  204. |07C60000|dxSkinsCoreD7.bpl                |ExpressSkins Library                                          |        |3194368|2009-02-17 11:37:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  205. |09280000|dxSkinscxSchedulerPainterD7.bpl  |ExpressSkins Library Painter for Scheduler                    |        |40448  |2009-02-17 11:37:02|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  206. |09290000|dxSkinsdxBarPainterD7.bpl        |ExpressSkins Library Painter for Bars                         |        |91648  |2009-02-17 11:37:00|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  207. |092B0000|dxBarD7.bpl                      |ExpressBars                                                   |        |1066496|2009-02-17 11:36:56|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  208. |093D0000|dxSkinsdxDLPainterD7.bpl         |ExpressSkins Library Painter for Docking Library              |        |50688  |2009-02-17 11:37:00|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  209. |093F0000|dxDockingD7.bpl                  |ExpressDocking Library                                        |        |301056 |2009-02-17 11:36:42|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  210. |09440000|dxSkinsdxLCPainterD7.bpl         |ExpressSkins Library Painter for LayoutControl                |        |46080  |2009-02-17 11:37:00|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  211. |09460000|dxSkinsdxNavBarPainterD7.bpl     |ExpressSkins Library Painter for NavBar                       |        |70144  |2009-02-17 11:37:00|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  212. |09480000|dxNavBarD7.bpl                   |ExpressNavBar                                                 |        |343552 |2009-02-17 11:36:46|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  213. |094E0000|dxSkinsdxRibbonPainterD7.bpl     |ExpressSkins Library Painter for Ribbon                       |        |59904  |2009-02-17 11:37:00|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  214. |09500000|dxRibbonD7.bpl                   |ExpressBars Ribbon controls                                   |        |805888 |2009-02-17 11:36:56|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  215. |095D0000|dcldxBarDBNavD7.bpl              |                                                              |         |39936  |2009-02-17 11:39:46|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  216. |095E0000|dxBarDBNavD7.bpl                 |ExpressBars DBNavigator                                       |        |45056  |2009-02-17 11:36:56|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  217. |095F0000|dcldxBarExtDBItemsD7.bpl         |                                                              |         |27648  |2009-02-17 11:40:02|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  218. |0A700000|dxBarExtDBItemsD7.bpl            |ExpressBars extended DB items                                 |        |68608  |2009-02-17 11:36:56|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  219. |0A720000|dclcxEditorsVCLD7.bpl            |                                                              |         |156672 |2009-02-17 11:47:18|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  220. |0A750000|dcldxOrgCD7.bpl                  |                                                              |         |45056  |2009-02-17 11:49:06|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  221. |0A770000|dcldxDBOrD7.bpl                  |                                                              |         |24576  |2009-02-17 11:49:28|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  222. |0A780000|dcldxmdsD7.bpl                   |ExpressMemData                                                |        |54784  |2009-02-17 11:36:40|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  223. |0A7A0000|dxmdsD7.bpl                      |ExpressMemData                                                |        |80384  |2009-02-17 11:36:38|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  224. |0A7C0000|dcldxtrmdD7.bpl                  |ExpressTreePrintedDataSet                                     |        |17920  |2009-02-17 11:36:40|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  225. |0A7D0000|dxtrmdD7.bpl                     |ExpressTreePrintedDataSet                                     |        |31744  |2009-02-17 11:36:40|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  226. |0A7E0000|dcldxdbtrD7.bpl                  |ExpressDBTree                                                 |        |24576  |2009-02-17 11:36:40|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  227. |0A7F0000|dcldxDockingD7.bpl               |ExpressDocking Library                                        |        |29696  |2009-02-17 11:36:42|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  228. |0A800000|dclcxExtEditorsVCLD7.bpl         |ExpressExtendedEditors Library 5 (VCL Edition)                |        |142848 |2009-02-17 11:36:44|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  229. |0A850000|dcldxLayoutControlD7.bpl         |ExpressLayout Control                                         |        |73728  |2009-02-17 11:36:46|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  230. |0A870000|dcldxMasterViewD7.bpl            |ExpressMasterView                                             |        |89600  |2009-02-17 11:36:46|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  231. |0A890000|dcldxNavBarD7.bpl                |ExpressNavBar                                                 |        |220672 |2009-02-17 11:36:46|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  232. |0A8D0000|dclcxPivotGridD7.bpl             |ExpressPivotGrid (VCL Edition)                                |        |136192 |2009-02-17 11:36:48|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  233. |0A900000|cxPivotGridD7.bpl                |ExpressPivotGrid (VCL Edition)                                |        |344576 |2009-02-17 11:36:48|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  234. |0A960000|dclcxGridD7.bpl                  |ExpressQuantumGrid 6                                          |        |480768 |2009-02-17 11:36:50|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  235. |0A9E0000|cxGridD7.bpl                     |ExpressQuantumGrid 6                                          |        |1978880|2009-02-17 11:36:48|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  236. |0ABD0000|dclcxSchedulerVCLD7.bpl          |ExpressScheduler 2 (VCL Edition)                              |        |64000  |2009-02-17 11:36:52|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  237. |0AC00000|dclcxTreeListVCLD7.bpl           |ExpressQuantumTreeList 4 (VCL Edition)                        |        |257536 |2009-02-17 11:36:50|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  238. |0AC50000|cxTreeListVCLD7.bpl              |ExpressQuantumTreeList 4 (VCL Edition)                        |        |481280 |2009-02-17 11:36:50|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  239. |0ACD0000|dcldxSBD7.bpl                    |ExpressSideBar                                                |        |86016  |2009-02-17 11:36:52|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  240. |0ACF0000|dxsbD7.bpl                       |ExpressSideBar                                                |        |161280 |2009-02-17 11:36:52|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  241. |0AD20000|dclcxSpreadSheetVCLD7.bpl        |ExpressSpreadSheet (VCL Edition)                              |        |27648  |2009-02-17 11:36:52|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  242. |0AD30000|dcldxFlowChartD7.bpl             |ExpressFlowChart                                              |        |167424 |2009-02-17 11:36:54|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  243. |0AD60000|dclcxVerticalGridVCLD7.bpl       |ExpressVerticalGrid (VCL Edition)                             |        |183296 |2009-02-17 11:36:54|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  244. |0ADA0000|cxVerticalGridVCLD7.bpl          |ExpressVerticalGrid (VCL Edition)                             |        |462336 |2009-02-17 11:36:54|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  245. |0AE20000|dcldxBarD7.bpl                   |ExpressBars                                                   |        |83456  |2009-02-17 11:36:58|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  246. |0AE40000|dcldxRibbonD7.bpl                |ExpressBars Ribbon controls                                   |        |57856  |2009-02-17 11:36:58|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  247. |0AE60000|dcldxBarExtItemsD7.bpl           |ExpressBars extended items                                    |        |44032  |2009-02-17 11:36:58|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  248. |0AE70000|dxBarExtItemsD7.bpl              |ExpressBars extended items                                    |        |199680 |2009-02-17 11:36:58|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  249. |0AED0000|dcldxSkinsCoreD7.bpl             |ExpressSkins Library                                          |        |29696  |2009-02-17 11:37:00|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  250. |0AEE0000|dcldxPSCoreD7.bpl                |ExpressPrinting System                                        |        |237056 |2009-02-17 11:37:02|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  251. |0AF40000|dxPScxGrid6LnkD7.bpl             |ExpressPrinting System ReportLink for ExpressQuantumGrid 6    |        |584192 |2009-02-17 11:37:04|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  252. |0AFE0000|dxPScxPivotGridLnkD7.bpl         |ExpressPrinting System ReportLink for ExpressPivotGrid        |        |240640 |2009-02-17 11:37:04|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  253. |0B030000|dxPscxTLLnkD7.bpl                |ExpressPrinting System ReportLink for ExpressQuantumTreeList 4|        |282112 |2009-02-17 11:37:06|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  254. |0B080000|dxPScxVGridLnkD7.bpl             |ExpressPrinting System ReportLink for ExpressVerticalGrid     |        |283136 |2009-02-17 11:37:06|C:Program FilesDevExpressLib                                                                     |
  255. |0B0D0000|JclVcl70.bpl                     |JEDI Code Library VCL package                                 |    |125952 |2009-02-17 17:01:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  256. |0B100000|JvStdCtrlsD7R.bpl                |JVCL Standard Controls Runtime Package                        |        |1299456|2009-02-17 17:02:14|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  257. |0B250000|JvDlgsD7R.bpl                    |JVCL Dialog Components Runtime Package                        |        |446464 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  258. |0B2D0000|JvCryptD7R.bpl                   |JVCL Encryption and Compression Runtime Package               |        |71680  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  259. |0B400000|JvDotNetCtrlsD7R.bpl             |JVCL DotNet Controls Runtime Package                          |        |90112  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  260. |0B420000|JvInterpreterD7D.bpl             |JVCL Interpreter Components                                   |        |37888  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  261. |0B530000|JvJansD7D.bpl                    |JVCL Jans Components                                          |        |101888 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  262. |0B550000|OALib_TLB_D7.bpl                 |                                                              |         |30720  |2009-02-19 17:42:38|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  263. |0B560000|DclRxDb70.bpl                    |RX Library Database Components                                |         |35840  |2009-02-24 10:54:02|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  264. |0B580000|JvMMD7D.bpl                      |JVCL Multimedia and Image Components                          |        |241664 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  265. |0B5C0000|JvUIBD7R.bpl                     |JVCL Unified Interbase Components Runtime Package             |        |521728 |2009-02-17 17:02:14|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  266. |0B650000|JvXPCtrlsD7R.bpl                 |JVCL XP Controls Runtime Package                              |        |148992 |2009-02-17 17:02:14|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  267. |0B680000|dclrx70.bpl                      |RX Library Controls and Tools                                 |         |219136 |2009-02-24 10:53:40|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  268. |0B6C0000|rxctl70.bpl                      |RX Library Component and Tools Package                        |         |879104 |2009-02-24 10:54:14|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  269. |0B7A0000|rxdb70.bpl                       |RX Library DB Component Package                               |         |258560 |2009-02-24 10:55:32|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  270. |0B7F0000|dclrxbd70.bpl                    |RX Library BDE Database Components                            |         |51200  |2009-02-24 10:55:02|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  271. |0B810000|rxbde70.bpl                      |RX Library BDE DB Component Package                           |         |197120 |2009-02-24 10:54:08|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  272. |0B850000|dfs.bpl                          |                                                              |         |108544 |2009-02-24 11:04:30|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  273. |0B880000|Phoenix6and7.bpl                 |                                                              |         |83968  |2009-02-24 11:07:24|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  274. |0B8A0000|EasyRegD4.bpl                    |                                                              |         |33280  |2009-02-24 18:17:12|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  275. |0B8B0000|dclLVw7.bpl                      |                                                              |                |261632 |2009-02-24 18:19:50|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  276. |0B900000|GriphEh.bpl                      |                                                              |         |300032 |2009-02-25 14:33:42|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  277. |0B950000|CoolTrayIcon_D6plus.bpl          |                                                              |                |45568  |2009-02-26 11:21:22|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  278. |0B960000|regex.bpl                        |                                                              |         |47616  |2009-02-26 11:32:04|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  279. |0B980000|TMail2000.bpl                    |                                                              |                |103936 |2009-02-26 13:14:38|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  280. |0B9A0000|EmbeddedWebBrowser_D7.bpl        |                                                              |                |2168320|2009-02-27 17:41:40|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  281. |0BBD0000|DSPackDesign_D7.bpl              |                                                              |                |94208  |2009-02-27 17:43:20|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  282. |0BBF0000|DSPack_D7.bpl                    |                                                              |                |414720 |2009-02-27 17:43:26|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  283. |0BC80000|DirectX9_D7.bpl                  |                                                              |                |266752 |2009-02-27 17:43:30|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  284. |0BCD0000|TntUnicodeVcl_D70_DATASNAP.bpl   |                                                              |         |31232  |2009-02-27 17:46:40|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  285. |0BCE0000|TntUnicodeVcl_R70.bpl            |                                                              |         |785920 |2009-02-27 17:47:16|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  286. |0BDB0000|TntUnicodeVcl_D70.bpl            |                                                              |         |116224 |2009-02-27 17:47:08|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  287. |0BDE0000|xpmenudpk.bpl                    |                                                              |         |58880  |2009-03-02 15:40:36|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  288. |0BE00000|ZDbView6.bpl                     |                                                              |         |44544  |2009-03-03 11:37:06|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  289. |0BE20000|ZComponentDesign70.bpl           |                                                              |                |1575424|2009-03-03 11:39:54|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  290. |0BFB0000|SynEdit_D7.bpl                   |                                                              |                |95744  |2009-03-05 14:49:02|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  291. |0BFD0000|SynEdit_R7.bpl                   |                                                              |                |1690624|2009-03-05 14:48:44|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  292. |0C1B0000|wplabeldpk.bpl                   |                                                              |         |24064  |2009-03-07 13:12:42|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  293. |105A0000|winabc.ime                       |智能ABC输入法 5.0 版                                          |5.1.2600.5512   |98304  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  294. |10B00000|unires.dll                       |Unidrv 打印机驱动程序资源 DLL                                 |0.3.6000.16386  |761344 |2007-05-15 01:08:54|C:WINDOWSSystem32spoolDRIVERSW32X863                                                          |
  295. |11D00000|SOGOUPY.IME                      |搜狗拼音输入法                                                |         |1238320|2008-06-06 00:00:40|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  296. |131A0000|SgImeWord.dll                    |搜狗拼音输入法 酷字                                           |         |267568 |2008-06-06 00:00:56|C:Program FilesSogouInputPlugin                                                                  |
  297. |13810000|RLINK32.DLL                      |                                                              |       |59904  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  298. |13C40000|BORdbk70.dll                     |Borland Debugger Kernel                                       |      |738816 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:Program FilesCommon FilesBorland SharedDebugger                                               |
  299. |170C0000|HtmlEditD7.bpl                   |                                                              |         |54272  |2009-03-09 09:15:04|D:MailcomponentRegister_HTMLEdit_v0.01Lib                                                       |
  300. |20000000|xpsp3res.dll                     |Service Pack 3 Messages                                       |5.1.2600.5512   |1121280|2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  301. |27000000|MsgInfo70.bpl                    |Additional Compiler Messages Module                           |       |105472 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  302. |40000000|rtl70.bpl                        |Borland Component Package                                     |         |783360 |2004-04-23 22:01:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  303. |40220000|vclx70.bpl                       |Borland Extended Component Package                            |       |215040 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  304. |40260000|vcljpg70.bpl                     |Borland JPEG Imaging Package                                  |       |97792  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  305. |40280000|vclie70.bpl                      |WebBrowser Components                                         |       |227328 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  306. |402C0000|vclhie70.bpl                     |Browser Hosting Support                                       |       |23552  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  307. |40370000|xmlrtl70.bpl                     |Borland XML Component Package                                 |       |853504 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  308. |40450000|visualclx70.bpl                  |                                                              |                |1289728|2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  309. |40590000|websnap70.bpl                    |Borland WebSnap Component Package                             |       |750592 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  310. |40650000|inet70.bpl                       |Borland Internet Component Package                            |       |111616 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  311. |406A0000|dsnap70.bpl                      |Borland Local Provider Component Package                      |         |209408 |2004-04-23 22:01:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  312. |40700000|adortl70.bpl                     |Borland ADO DB Component Package                              |         |149504 |2004-04-23 22:01:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  313. |40860000|VclSmp70.bpl                     |Delphi Sample Component Package                               |       |64512  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  314. |40890000|dbx70.bpl                        |Borland Database Explorer UI & engine package                 |       |611328 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  315. |40930000|vcldbx70.bpl                     |Borland Extended DB Component Package                         |       |78336  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  316. |40950000|ibxpress70.bpl                   |Interbase Express Run-time Package                            |       |403456 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  317. |40A40000|tee70.bpl                        |Borland TeeChart Component Package                            |       |371712 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  318. |40AA0000|teeui70.bpl                      |Borland TeeChart UI Package                                   |       |254976 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  319. |40AF0000|dss70.bpl                        |Borland Decision Cube Component Package                       |       |308736 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  320. |40B50000|visualdbclx70.bpl                |Borland Database Component Package                            |       |223744 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  321. |40BB0000|inetdbbde70.bpl                  |Borland Internet DB BDE Component Package                     |       |16384  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  322. |40BC0000|inetdbxpress70.bpl               |Borland Internet DBxpress Component Package                   |       |16384  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  323. |40C30000|dfm70.bpl                        |Borland Integrated Translation Environment                    |         |194560 |2004-04-23 22:01:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  324. |48000000|Jcl70.bpl                        |JEDI Code Library RTL package                                 |    |2112512|2009-02-17 17:00:58|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  325. |49020000|JvAppFrmD7R.bpl                  |JVCL Application and Form Components Runtime Package          |        |107008 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  326. |49040000|JvBandsD7R.bpl                   |JVCL Band Objects Runtime Package                             |        |60416  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  327. |49060000|JvBDED7R.bpl                     |JVCL BDE Components Runtime Package                           |        |226816 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  328. |490A0000|JvCmpD7R.bpl                     |JVCL Non-Visual Components Runtime Package                    |        |193024 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  329. |490E0000|JvCoreD7R.bpl                    |JVCL Core Components Runtime Package                          |        |1555456|2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  330. |49280000|JvCtrlsD7R.bpl                   |JVCL Visual Controls Runtime Package                          |        |761856 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  331. |49340000|JvCustomD7R.bpl                  |JVCL Custom Controls Runtime Package                          |        |964608 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  332. |49440000|JvDBD7R.bpl                      |JVCL Database Components Runtime Package                      |        |987136 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  333. |495A0000|JvDockingD7R.bpl                 |JVCL Docking Components Runtime Package                       |        |509440 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  334. |49640000|JvEDID7R.bpl                     |JVCL EDI Components Runtime Package                           |        |40960  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  335. |49660000|JvGlobusD7R.bpl                  |JVCL Globus Components Runtime Package                        |        |504832 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  336. |49700000|JvHMID7R.bpl                     |JVCL HMI Controls Runtime Package                             |        |120320 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  337. |49740000|JvInterpreterD7R.bpl             |JVCL Interpreter Components Runtime Package                   |        |813056 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  338. |49820000|JvJansD7R.bpl                    |JVCL Jans Components Runtime Package                          |        |583680 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  339. |498C0000|JvManagedThreadsD7R.bpl          |JVCL Managed Threads Runtime Package                          |        |58880  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  340. |49900000|JvMMD7R.bpl                      |JVCL Multimedia and Image Components Runtime Package          |        |598016 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  341. |499A0000|JvNetD7R.bpl                     |JVCL Network Components Runtime Package                       |        |166912 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  342. |499E0000|JvPageCompsD7R.bpl               |JVCL Page Style Components Runtime Package                    |        |172544 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  343. |49A20000|JvPluginD7R.bpl                  |JVCL Plugin Components Runtime Package                        |        |37888  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  344. |49A40000|JvPrintPreviewD7R.bpl            |JVCL Print Preview Components Runtime Package                 |        |86016  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  345. |49A60000|JvRuntimeDesignD7R.bpl           |JVCL Runtime Design Components Runtime Package                |        |349696 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  346. |49C00000|JvSystemD7R.bpl                  |JVCL System Components Runtime Package                        |        |516608 |2009-02-17 17:02:14|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  347. |49CA0000|JvTimeFrameworkD7R.bpl           |JVCL Time Framework Runtime Package                           |        |384512 |2009-02-17 17:02:14|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  348. |49DA0000|JvValidatorsD7R.bpl              |JVCL Validators and Error Provider Components Runtime Package |        |53248  |2009-02-17 17:02:14|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  349. |49DC0000|JvWizardD7R.bpl                  |JVCL Wizard Runtime Package                                   |        |108032 |2009-02-17 17:02:14|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  350. |4A000000|JvAppFrmD7D.bpl                  |JVCL Application and Form Components                          |        |86528  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  351. |4A020000|JvBandsD7D.bpl                   |JVCL Band Objects                                             |        |45568  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  352. |4A040000|JvBDED7D.bpl                     |JVCL BDE Components                                           |        |67584  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  353. |4A060000|JvCmpD7D.bpl                     |JVCL Non-Visual Components                                    |        |103936 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  354. |4A080000|JvCoreD7D.bpl                    |JVCL Core Components                                          |        |308736 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  355. |4A0E0000|JvCryptD7D.bpl                   |JVCL Encryption and Compression                               |        |34304  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  356. |4A100000|JvCtrlsD7D.bpl                   |JVCL Visual Controls                                          |        |190464 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  357. |4A140000|JvCustomD7D.bpl                  |JVCL Custom Controls                                          |        |177152 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  358. |4A180000|JvDBD7D.bpl                      |JVCL Database Components                                      |        |175104 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  359. |4A1C0000|JvDlgsD7D.bpl                    |JVCL Dialog Components                                        |        |141824 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  360. |4A200000|JvDockingD7D.bpl                 |JVCL Docking Components                                       |        |43008  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  361. |4A220000|JvDotNetCtrlsD7D.bpl             |JVCL DotNet Controls                                          |        |65536  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  362. |4A240000|JvEDID7D.bpl                     |JVCL EDI Components                                           |        |26112  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  363. |4A260000|JvGlobusD7D.bpl                  |JVCL Globus Components                                        |        |374784 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  364. |4A2C0000|JvManagedThreadsD7D.bpl          |JVCL Managed Threads                                          |        |30720  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  365. |4A2E0000|JvHMID7D.bpl                     |JVCL HMI Controls                                             |        |57344  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  366. |4A320000|JvNetD7D.bpl                     |JVCL Network Components                                       |        |82432  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  367. |4A340000|JvPageCompsD7D.bpl               |JVCL Page Style Components                                    |        |119808 |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  368. |4A380000|JvPluginD7D.bpl                  |JVCL Plugin Components                                        |        |50176  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  369. |4A3A0000|JvPrintPreviewD7D.bpl            |JVCL Print Preview Components                                 |        |38912  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  370. |4A3C0000|JvRuntimeDesignD7D.bpl           |JVCL Runtime Design Components                                |        |29696  |2009-02-17 17:02:12|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  371. |4A3E0000|JvStdCtrlsD7D.bpl                |JVCL Standard Controls                                        |        |207360 |2009-02-17 17:02:14|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  372. |4A420000|JvSystemD7D.bpl                  |JVCL System Components                                        |        |146432 |2009-02-17 17:02:14|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  373. |4A450000|JvTimeFrameworkD7D.bpl           |JVCL Time Framework                                           |        |50688  |2009-02-17 17:02:14|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  374. |4A470000|JvUIBD7D.bpl                     |JVCL Unified Interbase Components                             |        |31232  |2009-02-17 17:02:14|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  375. |4A480000|JvValidatorsD7D.bpl              |JVCL Validators and Error Provider Components                 |        |70144  |2009-02-17 17:02:14|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  376. |4A4A0000|JvWizardD7D.bpl                  |JVCL Wizard                                                   |        |78336  |2009-02-17 17:02:14|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  377. |4A4C0000|JvXPCtrlsD7D.bpl                 |JVCL XP Controls                                              |        |48640  |2009-02-17 17:02:14|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  378. |4AE90000|gdiplus.dll                      |Microsoft GDI+                                                |5.1.3102.5581   |1724416|2008-04-16 01:47:48|C:WINDOWSWinSxSx86_Microsoft.Windows.GdiPlus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.2600.5581_x-ww_dfbc4fc4        |
  379. |4B640000|d3d9.dll                         |Microsoft Direct3D                                            |5.3.2600.5512   |1689088|2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  380. |4CA50000|winpy.ime                        |全拼输入法 5.0 版                                             |5.1.2600.5512   |156672 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  381. |50010000|dclado70.bpl                     |Borland ADO DB Components                                     |       |84992  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  382. |50060000|dclstd70.bpl                     |Borland Standard Components                                   |       |311808 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  383. |500B0000|dclbde70.bpl                     |Borland BDE DB Components                                     |       |351232 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  384. |50140000|dclmid70.bpl                     |Borland Local Provider Components                             |       |106496 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  385. |50180000|dcltee70.bpl                     |Borland TeeChart Components                                   |       |93184  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  386. |501A0000|dcldss70.bpl                     |Borland Decision Cube Components                              |       |78336  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  387. |501D0000|dclclxdb70.bpl                   |Borland CLX Database Components                               |         |81920  |2004-04-23 22:01:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  388. |50230000|dclmcn70.bpl                     |Borland Midas Components                                      |       |54272  |2002-08-09 14:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  389. |50250000|dclemacsedit70.bpl               |Borland EMACS Keybindings Example Package                     |       |42496  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  390. |50260000|dclact70.bpl                     |Borland ActionBar Components                                  |       |99840  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  391. |50280000|dcl31w70.bpl                     |Borland Windows 3.1 Components                                |       |44544  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  392. |50290000|dclsoap70.bpl                    |Borland Soap Components                                       |       |488448 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  393. |50310000|dclnet70.bpl                     |Borland Internet Components                                   |       |373760 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  394. |503B0000|dclwbm70.bpl                     |Borland Web Midas Components Designers                        |       |167936 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  395. |503E0000|dclie70.bpl                      |Delphi-32 Development Environment                             |       |15872  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  396. |503F0000|dclwebsnap70.bpl                 |Borland WebSnap Design Package                                |         |298496 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  397. |50440000|dclocx70.bpl                     |Borland Sample Imported ActiveX Controls                      |       |162816 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  398. |50470000|dclite70.bpl                     |Borland Integrated Translation Environment                    |       |275456 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  399. |504C0000|dcldbx70.bpl                     |Borland DBExpress Components                                  |         |120320 |2004-04-23 22:01:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  400. |50550000|dclsmp70.bpl                     |Delphi Sample Components                                      |       |17920  |2002-08-09 22:00:00|c:program filesborlanddelphi7Bin                                                                |
  401. |50950000|EXPTDEMO.DLL                     |                                                              |                |626176 |2002-08-09 22:00:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7Bin                                                                |
  402. |50C00000|RaizeComponentsVclDB_Design70.bpl|Raize Components 4 Package                                    |         |102400 |2007-11-04 04:00:00|C:Program FilesRaizeRC4Bin                                                                      |
  403. |51000000|dclusr70.bpl                     |                                                              |         |69120  |2009-02-19 17:35:56|c:program filesborlanddelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  404. |58000000|JclBaseExpert70.bpl              |JCL Package containing common units for JCL Experts           |    |97792  |2009-02-17 17:01:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  405. |58020000|JclDebugExpertDLL70.dll          |JCL Debug IDE extension                                       |    |52736  |2009-02-17 17:01:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  406. |58040000|JclFavoriteFoldersExpertDLL70.dll|JCL Open and Save IDE dialogs with favorite folders           |    |31744  |2009-02-17 17:01:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  407. |58060000|JclProjectAnalysisExpertDLL70.dll|JCL Project Analyzer                                          |    |70144  |2009-02-17 17:01:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  408. |58080000|JclSIMDViewExpertDLL70.dll       |JCL Debug Window of XMM registers                             |    |79872  |2009-02-17 17:01:02|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  409. |580C0000|JclUsesExpertDLL70.dll           |JCL Uses Wizard                                               |    |60928  |2009-02-17 17:01:00|C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBpl                                                       |
  410. |58A00000|Wship6.dll                       |IPv6 Helper DLL                                               |5.1.2600.5512   |14336  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  411. |58FB0000|AcGenral.DLL                     |Windows Compatibility DLL                                     |5.1.2600.5512   |1852928|2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSAppPatch                                                                                 |
  412. |5ADC0000|UxTheme.dll                      |Microsoft UxTheme Library                                     |6.0.2900.5512   |216064 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  413. |5B0F0000|umdmxfrm.dll                     |Unimodem Tranform Module                                      |5.1.2600.0      |13312  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  414. |5CC30000|ShimEng.dll                      |Shim Engine DLL                                               |5.1.2600.5512   |65024  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  415. |5CE30000|serwvdrv.dll                     |Unimodem Serial Wave driver                                   |5.1.2600.0      |14848  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  416. |5D170000|comctl32.dll                     |Common Controls Library                                       |5.82.2900.5512  |617472 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  417. |5EFE0000|olepro32.dll                     |                                                              |5.1.2600.5512   |84992  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  418. |5FDD0000|NETAPI32.dll                     |Net Win32 API DLL                                             |5.1.2600.5694   |337408 |2008-10-16 00:35:20|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  419. |60FD0000|hnetcfg.dll                      |Home Networking Configuration Manager                         |5.1.2600.5512   |333824 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  420. |62C20000|LPK.DLL                          |Language Pack                                                 |5.1.2600.5512   |22016  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  421. |68BF0000|HHCTRLui.dll                     |Microsoft (R) HTML 帮助控件                                   |4.74.9273.0     |87552  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32mui804                                                                        |
  422. |6C520000|DUSER.dll                        |Windows DirectUser Engine                                     |5.1.2600.5512   |304128 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  423. |6DD20000|d3d8thk.dll                      |Microsoft Direct3D OS Thunk Layer                             |5.3.2600.5512   |8192   |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  424. |70000000|POPFAXBD.DLL                     |Popfax Bitmap Driver                                          |         |32768  |2009-01-28 18:28:20|C:WINDOWSSystem32spoolDRIVERSW32X863                                                          |
  425. |71800000|shdoclc.dll                      |Shell Doc Object and Control Library                          |6.0.2900.5512   |498176 |2008-04-13 18:53:26|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  426. |719C0000|mswsock.dll                      |Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider                |5.1.2600.5625   |240640 |2008-06-21 01:43:08|C:WINDOWSSystem32                                                                                 |
  427. |71A00000|wshtcpip.dll                     |Windows Sockets Helper DLL                                    |5.1.2600.5512   |19456  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSSystem32                                                                                 |
  428. |71A10000|WS2HELP.dll                      |Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT                      |5.1.2600.5512   |19968  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  429. |71A20000|WS2_32.dll                       |Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL                                 |5.1.2600.5512   |82432  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  430. |71A40000|wsock32.dll                      |Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL                                     |5.1.2600.5512   |28672  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  431. |71A90000|mpr.dll                          |Multiple Provider Router DLL                                  |5.1.2600.5512   |59904  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  432. |71B70000|SAMLIB.dll                       |SAM Library DLL                                               |5.1.2600.5512   |64000  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  433. |71D10000|url.dll                          |Internet Shortcut Shell Extension DLL                         |6.0.2900.5512   |37888  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  434. |72240000|sensapi.dll                      |SENS Connectivity API DLL                                     |5.1.2600.5512   |7168   |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  435. |72AB0000|appwiz.cpl                       |Shell Application Manager                                     |5.1.2600.5512   |538112 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  436. |72C80000|msacm32.drv                      |Microsoft Sound Mapper                                        |5.1.2600.0      |20480  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  437. |72C90000|wdmaud.drv                       |WDM Audio driver mapper                                       |5.1.2600.5512   |23552  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  438. |72F70000|winspool.drv                     |Windows Spooler Driver                                        |5.1.2600.5512   |145920 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  439. |73640000|msctfime.ime                     |Microsoft Text Frame Work Service IME                         |5.1.2600.5512   |177152 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  440. |73AC0000|AVIFIL32.DLL                     |Microsoft AVI File support library                            |5.1.2600.5512   |84992  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  441. |73AF0000|AVICAP32.DLL                     |AVI Capture window class                                      |5.1.2600.0      |64000  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  442. |73B40000|MSVFW32.dll                      |Microsoft Video for Windows DLL                               |5.1.2600.5512   |120320 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  443. |73E70000|dsound.dll                       |DirectSound                                                   |5.3.2600.5512   |367616 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  444. |73FA0000|USP10.dll                        |Uniscribe Unicode script processor                            |1.420.2600.5512 |406016 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  445. |74620000|msls31.dll                       |Microsoft Line Services library file                          |3.10.349.0      |146432 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  446. |74650000|msimtf.dll                       |Active IMM Server DLL                                         |5.1.2600.5512   |159232 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  447. |74680000|MSCTF.dll                        |MSCTF Server DLL                                              |5.1.2600.5512   |296960 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  448. |74BE0000|oleacc.dll                       |Active Accessibility Core Component                           |4.2.5406.0      |163328 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  449. |74C90000|oledlg.dll                       |Microsoft Windows(TM) OLE 2.0 User Interface Support          |5.1.2600.5512   |116736 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  450. |74CF0000|MLANG.dll                        |Multi Language Support DLL                                    |6.0.2900.5512   |586240 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  451. |74D90000|RICHED20.DLL                     |Rich Text Edit Control, v3.0                                  |    |433664 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  452. |753B0000|mshtmled.dll                     |Microsoft (R) HTML Editing Component                          |6.0.2900.5512   |449024 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  453. |75430000|CRYPTUI.dll                      |Microsoft Trust UI Provider                                   |5.131.2600.5512 |449024 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  454. |759D0000|USERENV.dll                      |Userenv                                                       |5.1.2600.5512   |708608 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  455. |75C60000|URLMON.DLL                       |OLE32 Extensions for Win32                                    |6.0.2900.5694   |612352 |2008-10-16 09:03:38|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  456. |75E00000|SXS.DLL                          |Fusion 2.5                                                    |5.1.2600.5512   |705024 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  457. |75FF0000|MSVCP60.dll                      |Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library                             |6.2.3104.0      |413696 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  458. |76060000|SETUPAPI.dll                     |Windows Setup API                                             |5.1.2600.5512   |1389568|2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  459. |762F0000|msimg32.dll                      |GDIEXT Client DLL                                             |5.1.2600.5512   |4608   |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  460. |76300000|IMM32.DLL                        |Windows XP IMM32 API Client DLL                               |5.1.2600.5512   |110080 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  461. |76320000|comdlg32.dll                     |Common Dialogs DLL                                            |6.0.2900.5512   |269824 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  462. |76570000|CSCDLL.dll                       |Offline Network Agent                                         |5.1.2600.5512   |99840  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSSystem32                                                                                 |
  463. |76590000|cscui.dll                        |Client Side Caching UI                                        |5.1.2600.5512   |304128 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSSystem32                                                                                 |
  464. |765E0000|CRYPT32.dll                      |Crypto API32                                                  |5.131.2600.5512 |591872 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  465. |76680000|wininet.dll                      |Internet Extensions for Win32                                 |6.0.2900.5694   |652288 |2008-10-16 09:03:38|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  466. |76990000|ole32.dll                        |Microsoft OLE for Windows                                     |5.1.2600.5512   |1287168|2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  467. |76B10000|winmm.dll                        |MCI API DLL                                                   |5.1.2600.5512   |163840 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  468. |76BC0000|PSAPI.DLL                        |Process Status Helper                                         |5.1.2600.5512   |23040  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  469. |76C00000|WINTRUST.dll                     |Microsoft Trust Verification APIs                             |5.131.2600.5512 |175616 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  470. |76C60000|IMAGEHLP.DLL                     |Windows NT Image Helper                                       |5.1.2600.5512   |144384 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  471. |76CB0000|NTMARTA.DLL                      |Windows NT MARTA provider                                     |5.1.2600.5512   |116736 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  472. |76D30000|iphlpapi.dll                     |IP Helper API                                                 |5.1.2600.5512   |94208  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  473. |76D70000|appHelp.dll                      |Application Compatibility Client Library                      |5.1.2600.5512   |125952 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  474. |76DB0000|MSASN1.dll                       |ASN.1 Runtime APIs                                            |5.1.2600.5512   |57344  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  475. |76E50000|rtutils.dll                      |Routing Utilities                                             |5.1.2600.5512   |44032  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  476. |76E60000|rasman.dll                       |Remote Access Connection Manager                              |5.1.2600.5512   |61440  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  477. |76E80000|TAPI32.dll                       |Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) Telephony API Client DLL             |5.1.2600.5512   |181760 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  478. |76EB0000|RASAPI32.DLL                     |Remote Access API                                             |5.1.2600.5512   |236032 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  479. |76EF0000|DNSAPI.dll                       |DNS Client API DLL                                            |5.1.2600.5625   |147968 |2008-06-21 01:43:08|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  480. |76F30000|WLDAP32.dll                      |Win32 LDAP API DLL                                            |5.1.2600.5512   |170496 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  481. |76F90000|rasadhlp.dll                     |Remote Access AutoDial Helper                                 |5.1.2600.5512   |7680   |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  482. |76FA0000|CLBCATQ.DLL                      |                                                              |2001.12.4414.700|498688 |2007-06-01 08:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  483. |77020000|COMRes.dll                       |                                                              |2001.12.4414.700|615936 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  484. |770F0000|oleaut32.dll                     |                                                              |5.1.2600.5512   |551936 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  485. |77180000|comctl32.dll                     |User Experience Controls Library                              |6.0.2900.5512   |1054208|2007-06-01 08:00:00|C:WINDOWSWinSxSx86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.5512_x-ww_35d4ce83|
  486. |77BA0000|midimap.dll                      |Microsoft MIDI Mapper                                         |5.1.2600.5512   |18944  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  487. |77BB0000|MSACM32.dll                      |Microsoft ACM Audio Filter                                    |5.1.2600.5512   |71168  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  488. |77BD0000|version.dll                      |Version Checking and File Installation Libraries              |5.1.2600.5512   |18944  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  489. |77BE0000|msvcrt.dll                       |Windows NT CRT DLL                                            |7.0.2600.5512   |343040 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  490. |77C40000|msv1_0.dll                       |Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0                         |5.1.2600.5512   |132608 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  491. |77D10000|user32.dll                       |Windows XP USER API Client DLL                                |5.1.2600.5512   |574976 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  492. |77DA0000|advapi32.dll                     |Advanced Windows 32 Base API                                  |5.1.2600.5512   |674816 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  493. |77E50000|RPCRT4.dll                       |Remote Procedure Call Runtime                                 |5.1.2600.5512   |584704 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  494. |77EF0000|GDI32.dll                        |GDI Client DLL                                                |5.1.2600.5698   |286720 |2008-10-23 20:38:08|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  495. |77F40000|SHLWAPI.dll                      |Shell Light-weight Utility Library                            |6.0.2900.5512   |473088 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  496. |77FC0000|Secur32.dll                      |Security Support Provider Interface                           |5.1.2600.5512   |56320  |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  497. |7C800000|kernel32.dll                     |Windows NT BASE API Client DLL                                |5.1.2600.5512   |1150464|2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  498. |7C920000|ntdll.dll                        |NT Layer DLL                                                  |5.1.2600.5512   |589312 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  499. |7C9C0000|msi.dll                          |Windows Installer                                             |3.1.4001.5512   |2843136|2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  500. |7D590000|SHELL32.dll                      |Windows Shell Common Dll                                      |6.0.2900.5622   |8318976|2008-06-18 03:00:42|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  501. |7E210000|mshtml.dll                       |Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer                                     |6.0.2900.5726   |3088896|2008-12-13 01:14:18|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  502. |7E550000|SHDOCVW.dll                      |Shell Doc Object and Control Library                          |6.0.2900.5694   |1498624|2008-10-16 09:03:38|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  503. |7E6D0000|HHCTRL.OCX                       |Microsoft? HTML Help Control                                  |5.2.3790.4110   |545280 |2007-06-01 00:00:00|C:WINDOWSsystem32                                                                                 |
  504. |7E760000|UNIDRV.DLL                       |Unidrv Printer Driver                                         |0.3.6001.22116  |373248 |2008-04-13 19:13:50|C:WINDOWSSystem32spoolDRIVERSW32X863                                                          |
  505. |7E7C0000|UNIDRVUI.DLL                     |UniDriver 用户界面                                            |0.3.6000.20691  |744448 |2008-04-13 19:13:50|C:WINDOWSSystem32spoolDRIVERSW32X863                                                          |
  506. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  507. Registers:
  508. -----------------------------
  509. EAX: ????       EDI: ????    
  510. EBX: ????       ESI: ????    
  511. ECX: ????       ESP: ????    
  512. EDX: ????       EIP: ????    
  513. Stack:               Memory Dump:
  514. ------------------   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  515. 0013EC24: 0013F48C   170C469B: 8B 00 FF 90 F8 00 00 00 E8 F0 CA FF FF 33 C0 5A  .............3.Z
  516. 0013EC28: 06436F82   170C46AB: 59 59 64 89 10 68 C5 46 0C 17 8D 45 FC E8 BB CA  YYd..h.F...E....
  517. 0013EC2C: 0013EC50   170C46BB: FF FF C3 E9 DD C9 FF FF EB F0 5E 5B 59 5D C3 8B  ..........^[Y]..
  518. 0013EC30: 02F59290   170C46CB: C0 55 8B EC 6A 00 53 56 8B F2 8B D8 33 C0 55 68  .U..j.SV....3.Uh
  519. 0013EC34: 01761600   170C46DB: 2E 47 0C 17 64 FF 30 64 89 20 8B C6 E8 64 CA FF  .G..d.0d. ...d..
  520. 0013EC38: 00000000   170C46EB: FF 50 8D 45 FC E8 83 CA FF FF 50 8B 83 08 03 00  .P.E......P.....
  521. 0013EC3C: 00000000   170C46FB: 00 50 8B 00 FF 50 24 E8 91 CA FF FF 8B 45 FC 50  .P...P$......E.P
  522. 0013EC40: 00000000   170C470B: 8B 00 FF 90 00 01 00 00 E8 80 CA FF FF 33 C0 5A  .............3.Z
  523. 0013EC44: 00000000   170C471B: 59 59 64 89 10 68 35 47 0C 17 8D 45 FC E8 4B CA  YYd..h5G...E..K.
  524. 0013EC48: 00000000   170C472B: FF FF C3 E9 6D C9 FF FF EB F0 5E 5B 59 5D C3 8B  ....m.....^[Y]..
  525. 0013EC4C: 00000000   170C473B: C0 55 8B EC B9 05 00 00 00 6A 00 6A 00 49 75 F9  .U.......j.j.Iu.
  526. 0013EC50: 0013F4A8   170C474B: 53 89 55 FC 8B D8 8B 45 FC E8 D7 C9 FF FF 33 C0  S.U....E......3.
  527. 0013EC54: 008559C3   170C475B: 55 68 99 48 0C 17 64 FF 30 64 89 20 8D 45 F0 E8  Uh.H..d.0d. .E..
  528. 0013EC58: 00000000   170C476B: E1 C9 FF FF 50 8D 45 EC E8 00 CA FF FF 50 8B 83  ....P.E......P..
  529. 0013EC5C: 00834945   170C477B: 08 03 00 00 50 8B 00 FF 50 54 E8 0E CA FF FF 8B  ....P...PT......
  530. 0013EC60: 00834954   170C478B: 45 EC 50 8B 00 FF 50 28 E8 00 CA FF FF 8B 55 F0  E.P...P(......U.