



  1. object XPDUnitSetupForm: TXPDUnitSetupForm
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  38.       Caption = 'Behaviour'
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  41.       object TestProject: TGroupBox
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  59.       end
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  83.             Caption = 'Current IDE unit :'
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  86.           object Label5: TLabel
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  92.             Caption = 'Current IDE unit global-scoped classes :'
  93.             Layout = tlCenter
  94.           end
  95.           object AddCurrentToTestProjectUses: TCheckBox
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  104.           object AddCurrentToTestModuleUses: TCheckBox
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  109.             Caption = 'A&dd to TestModule "&uses" clause'
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  111.             OnClick = AddCurrentToTestModuleUsesClick
  112.           end
  113.           object ModuleAddPublishedMethods: TCheckBox
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  115.             Top = 132
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  118.             Caption = 'Add PUBLISHED method tests'
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  120.             OnClick = ModuleAddPublishedMethodsClick
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  122.           object ModuleAddPublicMethods: TCheckBox
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  125.             Width = 212
  126.             Height = 17
  127.             Caption = 'Add PUBLIC method tests'
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  129.             OnClick = ModuleAddPublicMethodsClick
  130.           end
  131.           object ModuleAddProtectedMethods: TCheckBox
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  137.             TabOrder = 4
  138.             OnClick = ModuleAddProtectedMethodsClick
  139.           end
  140.         end
  141.         object NewTestClass: TGroupBox
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  148.           Caption = 'New TestClass'
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  150.           object Label7: TLabel
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  156.             Caption = 'Selected class in current IDE unit:'
  157.             Layout = tlCenter
  158.           end
  159.           object ClassAddPublishedMethods: TCheckBox
  160.             Left = 24
  161.             Top = 57
  162.             Width = 204
  163.             Height = 17
  164.             Caption = 'Add PUBLISHED method tests'
  165.             TabOrder = 0
  166.             OnClick = ClassAddPublishedMethodsClick
  167.           end
  168.           object ClassAddPublicMethods: TCheckBox
  169.             Left = 24
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  171.             Width = 204
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  173.             Caption = 'Add PUBLIC method tests'
  174.             TabOrder = 1
  175.             OnClick = ClassAddPublicMethodsClick
  176.           end
  177.           object ClassAddProtectedMethods: TCheckBox
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  180.             Width = 204
  181.             Height = 17
  182.             Caption = 'Add PROTECTED method tests'
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  184.             OnClick = ClassAddProtectedMethodsClick
  185.           end
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  191.             Caption = 'Add PRIVATE method tests'
  192.             TabOrder = 3
  193.             OnClick = ClassAddPrivateMethodsClick
  194.           end
  195.         end
  196.       end
  197.     end
  198.     object ParametersPage: TTabSheet
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  207.         Caption = 'Code skeleton Parameter templates'
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  215.           Caption = '&Select parameter...'
  216.           FocusControl = ParameterList
  217.         end
  218.         object Label3: TLabel
  219.           Left = 13
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  224.           Caption = 'Description'
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  226.         end
  227.         object ParameterList: TListBox
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  255.           object label12: TLabel
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  264.           end
  265.           object Label2: TLabel
  266.             Left = 176
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  271.             Caption = 'Description'
  272.             Layout = tlCenter
  273.           end
  274.           object ParameterTemplate: TEdit
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  276.             Top = 27
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  278.             Height = 21
  279.             Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
  280.             TabOrder = 0
  281.             OnChange = ParameterTemplateChange
  282.             OnExit = ParameterTemplateExit
  283.             OnKeyPress = ParameterTemplateKeyPress
  284.           end
  285.           object MacroList: TListBox
  286.             Left = 10
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  288.             Width = 156
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  291.             ItemHeight = 13
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  293.             OnClick = MacroListClick
  294.           end
  295.           object InsertMacro: TButton
  296.             Left = 39
  297.             Top = 223
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  300.             Action = InsertMacroAction
  301.             Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
  302.             TabOrder = 3
  303.           end
  304.           object MacroDescription: TMemo
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  311.             Color = clBtnFace
  312.             ReadOnly = True
  313.             TabOrder = 2
  314.           end
  315.         end
  316.         object ParameterDescription: TMemo
  317.           Left = 13
  318.           Top = 198
  319.           Width = 134
  320.           Height = 75
  321.           TabStop = False
  322.           Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akBottom]
  323.           Color = clBtnFace
  324.           ReadOnly = True
  325.           TabOrder = 1
  326.         end
  327.       end
  328.     end
  329.   end
  330.   object Buttons: TPanel
  331.     Left = 0
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  336.     BevelOuter = bvNone
  337.     TabOrder = 1
  338.     object RestoreDefaults: TButton
  339.       Left = 138
  340.       Top = 2
  341.       Width = 93
  342.       Height = 28
  343.       Action = RestoreDefaultsAction
  344.       Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
  345.       TabOrder = 0
  346.     end
  347.     object CancelChanges: TButton
  348.       Left = 235
  349.       Top = 2
  350.       Width = 93
  351.       Height = 28
  352.       Action = CancelAction
  353.       Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
  354.       Cancel = True
  355.       TabOrder = 1
  356.     end
  357.     object ApplyChanges: TButton
  358.       Left = 332
  359.       Top = 2
  360.       Width = 93
  361.       Height = 28
  362.       Hint = 'Save changes to disk'
  363.       Action = ApplyAction
  364.       Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
  365.       Caption = '&Apply'
  366.       TabOrder = 2
  367.     end
  368.     object CloseForm: TButton
  369.       Left = 429
  370.       Top = 2
  371.       Width = 93
  372.       Height = 28
  373.       Hint = 'Close dialog. Changes since last Apply are *not* saved'
  374.       Action = CloseAction
  375.       Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
  376.       Default = True
  377.       TabOrder = 3
  378.     end
  379.   end
  380.   object ActionList1: TActionList
  381.     Left = 233
  382.     Top = 1
  383.     object ApplyAction: TAction
  384.       Caption = 'Apply'
  385.       OnExecute = ApplyActionExecute
  386.       OnUpdate = ApplyActionUpdate
  387.     end
  388.     object CancelAction: TAction
  389.       Caption = 'Disca&rd'
  390.       Hint = 'Lose any changes since last apply'
  391.       OnExecute = CancelActionExecute
  392.       OnUpdate = CancelActionUpdate
  393.     end
  394.     object CloseAction: TAction
  395.       Caption = '&Close'
  396.       Hint = #39'Close dialog. Changes since last Apply are *not* saved'#39
  397.       OnExecute = CloseActionExecute
  398.     end
  399.     object InsertMacroAction: TAction
  400.       Caption = '&Insert'
  401.       Hint = 'Insert selected Macro into Template at last cursor position'
  402.       OnExecute = InsertMacroActionExecute
  403.     end
  404.     object SelectNameAction: TAction
  405.     end
  406.     object RestoreDefaultsAction: TAction
  407.       Caption = '&Defaults'
  408.       Hint = 'Discard all changes and saved settings.'
  409.       OnExecute = RestoreDefaultsActionExecute
  410.     end
  411.   end
  412. end