- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- MySQL Migration Toolkit - Migration script
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Initialize the migration environment
- Migration:initMigration()
- -- set options
- doWriteCreateScript= false
- doWriteInsertScript= false
- grtV.setGlobal("/migration/applicationData/reverseEngineerOnlyTableObjects", %reverseEngineerOnlyTableObjects%)
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- checkpoint 0
- -- Set source and target connection
- do
- -- Set source connection
- print("Set source connection.")
- grtV.setGlobal("/migration/sourceConnection", %sourceConnection%);
- -- set struct and types
- grtS.set(grtV.getGlobal("/migration/sourceConnection"), "db.mgmt.Connection")
- grtV.setContentType(grtV.getGlobal("/migration/sourceConnection/parameterValues"), "string")
- grtV.setContentType(grtV.getGlobal("/migration/sourceConnection/modules"), "string")
- sourceConn= grtV.getGlobal("/migration/sourceConnection")
- sourceRdbmsName= grtV.toLua(sourceConn.driver.owner.name)
- -- Set target connection
- print("Set target connection.")
- grtV.setGlobal("/migration/targetConnection", %targetConnection%);
- -- set struct and types
- grtS.set(grtV.getGlobal("/migration/targetConnection"), "db.mgmt.Connection")
- grtV.setContentType(grtV.getGlobal("/migration/targetConnection/parameterValues"), "string")
- grtV.setContentType(grtV.getGlobal("/migration/targetConnection/modules"), "string")
- targetConn= grtV.getGlobal("/migration/targetConnection")
- targetRdbmsName= grtV.toLua(targetConn.driver.owner.name)
- -- Test connections
- print("Test source connection to " .. sourceRdbmsName .. " ...")
- res= grtM.callFunction(grtV.toLua(sourceConn.modules.ReverseEngineeringModule), "getVersion", sourceConn)
- grt.exitOnError("The connection to the source " .. sourceRdbmsName .. " database could not be established.")
- print("Test target connection to " .. targetRdbmsName .. " ...")
- res= grtM.callFunction(grtV.toLua(targetConn.modules.ReverseEngineeringModule), "getVersion", targetConn)
- grt.exitOnError("The connection to the target " .. targetRdbmsName .. " database could not be established.")
- -- store target version for the migration process
- grtV.setGlobal("/migration/targetVersion", res)
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- checkpoint 1
- -- Do the reverse engineering
- do
- print("Reverse engineering " .. sourceRdbmsName .. " ...")
- res= grtM.callFunction(grtV.toLua(sourceConn.modules.ReverseEngineeringModule), "reverseEngineer",
- {sourceConn, {%sourceSchemataList%}}
- )
- grt.exitOnError("The source " .. sourceRdbmsName .. " database could not be reverse engineered")
- grtV.setGlobal("/migration/sourceCatalog", res)
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- checkpoint 2
- -- Migration methods and ignore list
- do
- print("Get available migration methods.")
- res= grtM.callFunction(grtV.toLua(sourceConn.modules.MigrationModule), "migrationMethods", nil)
- grt.exitOnError("The migration methods cannot be fetched.")
- grtV.setGlobal("/migration/migrationMethods", res)
- -- generate an ignore list
- print("Setting up ignore list.")
- grtV.setGlobal("/migration/ignoreList", {%ignoreList%})
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- checkpoint 3
- -- Set object mappings and to migration
- do
- print("Set object mappings.")
- grtV.setGlobal("/migration/mappingDefaults", %mappingDefaults%)
- grtV.setContentType(grtV.getGlobal("/migration/mappingDefaults"), "dict", "db.migration.Mapping")
- %mappingDefaultsStructs%
- -- update _ids
- local mappingDefaults= grtV.getGlobal("/migration/mappingDefaults")
- local migrationMethods= grtV.getGlobal("/migration/migrationMethods")
- for i= 1, grtV.getn(mappingDefaults) do
- for j= 1, grtV.getn(migrationMethods) do
- if grtV.toLua(mappingDefaults[i].moduleName) == grtV.toLua(migrationMethods[j].moduleName) and
- grtV.toLua(mappingDefaults[i].moduleName) == grtV.toLua(migrationMethods[j].moduleName) then
- mappingDefaults[i].method= migrationMethods[j]
- end
- end
- end
- print("Do the migration.")
- grtM.callFunction(
- grtV.toLua(sourceConn.modules.MigrationModule), "migrate",
- {"global::/migration", "global::/rdbmsMgmt/rdbms/" .. grtV.toLua(targetConn.driver.owner.name),
- "global::/migration/targetVersion"
- }
- )
- grt.exitOnError("The source objects cannot be migrated.")
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- checkpoint 4
- -- Generate and execute sql create statements
- do
- print("Generate sql create statements.")
- -- Set migration options.
- %objectCreationParams%
- grtM.callFunction(
- grtV.toLua(targetConn.modules.TransformationModule), "generateSqlCreateStatements",
- {"global::/migration/targetCatalog",
- grtV.getGlobal("/migration/objectCreationParams")
- }
- )
- grt.exitOnError("The SQL create statements cannot be created.")
- -- write sql create script to file
- if doWriteCreateScript then
- print("Write create script.")
- res= grtM.callFunction(
- grtV.toLua(targetConn.modules.TransformationModule), "getSqlScript",
- {"global::/migration/targetCatalog"}
- )
- grt.exitOnError("The SQL create script cannot be created.")
- local f= io.open("creates.sql", "w+")
- if f ~= nil then
- f:write(grtV.toLua(res))
- f:flush()
- f:close()
- end
- end
- -- create database objects online
- print("Create database objects.")
- grtM.callFunction(
- grtV.toLua(targetConn.modules.TransformationModule), "executeSqlStatements",
- {targetConn, "global::/migration/targetCatalog", "global::/migration/creationLog"}
- )
- grt.exitOnError("The SQL create script cannot be executed.")
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- checkpoint 5
- -- Bulk data transfer
- do
- -- set transfer parameters
- grtV.setGlobal("/migration/dataBulkTransferParams", {
- CreateScript= doWriteInsertScript and "yes" or "no",
- ScriptFileName="inserts.sql"
- }
- )
- grtV.setContentType(grtV.getGlobal("/migration/dataBulkTransferParams"), "string")
- print("Execute bulk data transfer")
- grtM.callFunction(
- grtV.toLua(sourceConn.modules.MigrationModule), "dataBulkTransfer",
- {sourceConn, "global::/migration/sourceCatalog",
- targetConn, "global::/migration/targetCatalog",
- "global::/migration/dataBulkTransferParams",
- "global::/migration/dataTransferLog"
- }
- )
- grt.exitOnError("The bulk data transfer returned an error.")
- print("Migration completed.")
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- checkpoint 6
- -- End of script