- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Copyright (C) 2004 MySQL AB
- --
- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- -- (at your option) any later version.
- --
- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- -- GNU General Public License for more details.
- --
- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @file MigrationScript.lua
- -- @brief Script that handles a migration process
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- MySQL Migration Toolkit - Migration script
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mig = {
- version= "1.1.9exp",
- sourceConn= nil,
- targetConn= nil,
- sourceSchemataNames= nil,
- selectedSchemataNames= nil,
- sourceObjects= nil,
- migrationMethods= nil,
- objTypes= nil
- }
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- The run method that is called to perform the migration
- function Mig:run()
- self:printTitle("MySQL Migration Toolkit - Script Version " .. self.version)
- self:init()
- -- Source connection
- self:printTitle(_("Source database connection."), 1)
- self.sourceConn= self:getConnection("db.mgmt.JdbcDriver")
- if self.sourceConn == nil then
- return -1
- end
- -- Target connection
- self:printTitle(_("Target database connection."), 1)
- self.targetConn= self:getConnection("db.mgmt.JdbcDriver", {"TransformationModule"})
- if self.targetConn == nil then
- return -1
- end
- grtV.setGlobal("/migration/targetConnection", self.sourceConn)
- -- Get schemata list
- self:printTitle(_("Fetching source schemata."), 1)
- self.sourceSchemataNames= self:getSourceSchemata()
- if self.sourceSchemataNames == nil then
- return -1
- end
- grtV.setGlobal("/migration/sourceSchemataNames", self.sourceSchemataNames)
- -- Selected schemata
- self:printTitle(_("Schema selection."), 1)
- self.selectedSchemataNames= self:chooseSourceSchemata()
- if self.selectedSchemataNames == nil then
- return -1
- end
- grtV.setGlobal("/migration/selectedSchemataNames", self.selectedSchemataNames)
- -- Reverse engineering
- self:printTitle(_("Reverse engineering."), 1)
- local catalog= self:reverseEngineering()
- if catalog == nil then
- return -1
- end
- grtV.setGlobal("/migration/sourceCatalog", catalog)
- -- Get migration methods
- self:printTitle(_("Get migration methods."), 1)
- self.migrationMethods= self:getMigrationMethods()
- if self.migrationMethods == nil then
- return -1
- end
- grtV.setGlobal("/migration/migrationMethods", self.migrationMethods)
- -- Let the user setup the ignore list
- self:printTitle(_("Setup ignore list."), 1)
- local ignoreList= self:getIgnoreList()
- if ignoreList == nil then
- return -1
- end
- grtV.setGlobal("/migration/ignoreList", ignoreList)
- -- Do migration
- self:printTitle(_("Performing migration."), 1)
- if not(self:doMigration()) then
- return -1
- end
- -- Generate objects
- self:printTitle(_("Generate target objects"), 1)
- if not(self:generateObjects()) then
- return -1
- end
- -- Bulk data transfer
- self:printTitle(_("Bulk data transfer"), 1)
- if not(self:bulkDataTransfer()) then
- return -1
- end
- self:printTitle(_("Migration finished."))
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Initialize the migration environment
- function Mig:init()
- print(_("Initializing migration environment..."))
- Migration:initMigration()
- print(_("Initialisation complete."))
- self.root = grtV.getGlobal("/")
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Print a title
- function Mig:printTitle(title, style)
- if style ~= 1 then
- print("")
- print(title)
- print(string.rep("-", string.len(title)))
- else
- print("")
- print(string.rep("*", string.len(title) + 4))
- print("* " .. title .. " *")
- print(string.rep("*", string.len(title) + 4))
- end
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Print an error
- function Mig:printError(msg)
- if grtError ~= nil then
- print(msg)
- print(grtError.error)
- if grtError.detail ~= nil then
- print(grtError.detail)
- end
- end
- end
- function Mig:inputNumber(caption)
- local res= tonumber(input(caption))
- if res == nil then
- print("")
- print(_("Incorrect input. Please enter a number."))
- return self:inputNumber(caption)
- else
- return res
- end
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Select and test a connection
- function Mig:getConnection(driverStruct, requiredModules)
- local conn= self:selectConnection(driverStruct, requiredModules)
- if conn ~= nil then
- if self:testConnection(conn) ~= 1 then
- print("")
- local retry= self:inputNumber(_("Choose different connection: (1. Yes, 0. Abort) "))
- if retry == 0 then
- return nil
- else
- conn= self:getConnection(driverStruct, requiredModules)
- end
- end
- end
- return conn
- end
- function Mig:driverMeetsRequirements(driver, driverStruct, requiredModules)
- local allRequirementsMet= false
- -- check struct name
- if (driverStruct == nil) or (grtS.get(driver) == driverStruct) then
- -- check required modules
- if requiredModules ~= nil then
- local moduleFound
- local k
- for k= 1, table.getn(requiredModules) do
- local l
- moduleFound= false
- for l= 1, grtV.getn(driver.defaultModules) do
- local moduleName= grtV.toLua(driver.defaultModules[requiredModules[k]])
- if (moduleName ~= nil) and (moduleName ~= "") then
- moduleFound= true
- break
- end
- end
- if not(moduleFound) then
- break
- end
- end
- if (moduleFound) then
- allRequirementsMet= true
- end
- else
- allRequirementsMet= true
- end
- end
- return allRequirementsMet
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Ask user to select a connection
- function Mig:selectConnection(driverStruct, requiredModules)
- -- Let the user select the database system
- self:printTitle(_("Please choose a database system:"))
- local i
- local rdbms
- local rdbmsList= {}
- local count= 0;
- for i= 1, grtV.getn(self.root.rdbmsMgmt.rdbms) do
- local rdbms= self.root.rdbmsMgmt.rdbms[i]
- local driverCount= 0
- if (driverStruct == nil) and (requiredModules == nil) then
- allRequirementsMet= true
- else
- local j
- for j= 1, grtV.getn(rdbms.drivers) do
- local driver= rdbms.drivers[j]
- if self:driverMeetsRequirements(driver, driverStruct, requiredModules) then
- driverCount= driverCount + 1
- end
- end
- end
- if driverCount > 0 then
- table.insert(rdbmsList, rdbms)
- count= count + 1
- print(count .. ". " .. grtV.toLua(rdbms.caption))
- end
- end
- print(_("0. Abort"))
- print("")
- local rdbmsIndex= self:inputNumber(_("Source Database System: "))
- if (rdbmsIndex > 0) and (rdbmsIndex <= table.getn(rdbmsList)) then
- rdbms= rdbmsList[rdbmsIndex]
- else
- return nil
- end
- -- Let the user select a stored connection or to create a new one
- self:printTitle(_("Please choose a connection:"))
- print(_("1. Create new connection"))
- local connCount= 1
- local connList= {}
- for i= 1, grtV.getn(self.root.rdbmsMgmt.storedConns) do
- if grtV.toLua(self.root.rdbmsMgmt.storedConns[i].driver.owner._id) ==
- grtV.toLua(rdbms._id) then
- local conn= self.root.rdbmsMgmt.storedConns[i]
- if self:driverMeetsRequirements(conn.driver, driverStruct, requiredModules) then
- print(connCount + 1 .. ". " .. grtV.toLua(conn.name))
- table.insert(connList, conn)
- connCount= connCount + 1
- end
- end
- end
- print(_("0. Abort"))
- if connCount > 1 then
- print(_("-1.Delete a connection"))
- end
- print("")
- local connIndex= self:inputNumber(_("Connection: "))
- if connIndex == 0 then
- return nil
- elseif connIndex > 1 and connIndex <= connCount + 1 then
- -- display selected connection
- local conn= connList[connIndex - 1]
- self:printTitle(string.format(_("Selected connection: %s"), grtV.toLua(conn.name)))
- for i= 1, grtV.getn(conn.parameterValues) do
- local key= grtV.getKey(conn.parameterValues, i)
- if (key ~= "password") then
- print(key .. ": " .. grtV.toLua(conn.parameterValues[key]))
- else
- print(key .. ": ********")
- end
- end
- print("")
- local isCorrect= self:inputNumber(_("Accept connection: (1. Yes, 2. Choose another connection, 0. Abort) "))
- if isCorrect == 0 then
- return nil
- elseif isCorrect == 1 then
- return conn
- else
- return self:selectConnection(driverStruct, requiredModules)
- end
- elseif connIndex == -1 then
- -- Handle connection deletion
- local delIndex= self:inputNumber(string.format(_("Connection to delete: (2 - %d, 0 to cancel) "), connCount))
- if delIndex ~= 0 then
- grtV.remove(self.root.rdbmsMgmt.storedConns, delIndex - 1)
- RdbmsManagement:storeConns({self.root.rdbmsMgmt.storedConns})
- end
- return self:selectConnection(driverStruct, requiredModules)
- else
- -- create a new connection
- return Mig:newConnection(driverStruct, rdbms)
- end
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Ask user to select a connection
- function Mig:newConnection(driverStruct, rdbms)
- self:printTitle(string.format(_("Creating new connection to %s ..."), grtV.toLua(rdbms.caption)))
- print(_("Please enter the connection parameters."))
- local i
- local driver
- local conn= grtV.newObj("db.mgmt.Connection", "newConnection", grt.newGuid(), "")
- -- Choose a driver
- if (grtV.getn(rdbms.drivers) == 1) then
- driver= rdbms.drivers[1]
- else
- print(_("Please choose a driver:"))
- local driverList= {}
- local count= 0
- for i= 1, grtV.getn(rdbms.drivers) do
- if (driverStruct == nil) or (grtS.get(rdbms.drivers[i]) == driverStruct) then
- count= count + 1
- table.insert(driverList, rdbms.drivers[i])
- print(count .. ". " .. grtV.toLua(rdbms.drivers[i].caption))
- end
- end
- print(_("0. Abort"))
- print("")
- local driverIndex= self:inputNumber(_("Driver: "))
- if (driverIndex > 0) and (driverIndex <= count) then
- driver= driverList[driverIndex]
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- conn.driver= driver
- print("")
- -- Get parameters
- for i= 1, grtV.getn(driver.parameters) do
- local param= driver.parameters[i]
- local paramDefault= grtV.toLua(param.defaultValue)
- local paramValue
- local paramLookup= ""
- if grtV.toLua(param.lookupValueModule) ~= "" then
- local j
- local lookupList= grtM.callFunction(grtV.toLua(param.lookupValueModule),
- grtV.toLua(param.lookupValueMethod), {conn}, 1)
- if lookupList ~= nil then
- for j= 1, grtV.getn(lookupList) do
- paramLookup= paramLookup .. grtV.toLua(lookupList[j])
- if j < grtV.getn(lookupList) then
- paramLookup= paramLookup .. ", "
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if paramDefault ~= "" then
- paramValue= input(grtV.toLua(param.caption) .. " [" .. paramDefault .. "] ")
- if paramValue == "" then
- paramValue= paramDefault
- end
- elseif paramLookup ~= "" then
- paramValue= input(grtV.toLua(param.caption) .. " (" .. paramLookup .. ") ")
- else
- paramValue= input(grtV.toLua(param.caption) .. " ")
- end
- conn.parameterValues[grtV.toLua(param.name)]= paramValue
- end
- -- Copy modules
- for i= 1, grtV.getn(driver.defaultModules) do
- local moduleName= grtV.getKey(driver.defaultModules, i)
- conn.modules[moduleName]= driver.defaultModules[moduleName]
- end
- print("")
- local connName= input(_("Connection name (leave blank not to store): "))
- if connName ~= "" then
- conn.name= connName
- grtV.insert(self.root.rdbmsMgmt.storedConns, conn)
- RdbmsManagement:storeConns({self.root.rdbmsMgmt.storedConns})
- end
- return conn
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Tests the connection
- function Mig:testConnection(conn)
- self:printTitle(string.format(_("Testing connection to %s ..."), grtV.toLua(conn.driver.owner.caption)))
- local res= grtM.callFunction(grtV.toLua(conn.modules["ReverseEngineeringModule"]), "getVersion", {conn})
- if res == nil then
- print(string.format(_("The connection to the %s database could not be established."),
- grtV.toLua(conn.driver.owner.caption))
- )
- self:printError(_("The following error occured."))
- return 0
- end
- -- store target version for the migration process
- grtV.setGlobal("/migration/targetVersion", res)
- print(_("Test completed successfully."))
- return 1
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Get list of source schemata
- function Mig:getSourceSchemata()
- local schemaList= grtM.callFunction(grtV.toLua(self.sourceConn.modules["ReverseEngineeringModule"]),
- "getSchemata", {self.sourceConn}, 1
- )
- if schemaList ~= nil then
- print(_("List of source schemata fetched successfully."))
- print("")
- end
- return schemaList
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Let the use choose from the list of source schemata
- function Mig:chooseSourceSchemata()
- local schemaList= grtV.duplicate(self.sourceSchemataNames)
- self:printTitle(_("Choose the schemata to migrate ..."))
- local i
- for i= 1, grtV.getn(schemaList) do
- print(i .. ". " .. grtV.toLua(schemaList[i]))
- end
- print("0. Abort")
- print("")
- local selectedSchemataStr= self:inputNumber(_("Schemata: (ids seperate with ,) "))
- -- catch exit
- if selectedSchemataStr == 0 then
- return -1
- end
- local selectedSchemataIds= grt.split(selectedSchemataStr, ",")
- for i= grtV.getn(schemaList), 1, -1 do
- local key
- local value
- local selected= false
- for key, value in selectedSchemataIds do
- if i == value + 0 then
- selected= true
- break
- end
- end
- if not(selected) then
- grtV.remove(schemaList, i)
- end
- end
- print("")
- self:printTitle(_("Selected schema(ta):"))
- for i= 1, grtV.getn(schemaList) do
- print(grtV.toLua(schemaList[i]))
- end
- print("")
- local acceptIndex= self:inputNumber(_("Accept selection: (1. Yes, 2. Reselect, 0. Abort) "))
- if acceptIndex == 2 then
- schemaList= self:chooseSourceSchemata()
- end
- return schemaList
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Let the use choose from the list of source schemata
- function Mig:reverseEngineering()
- self:printTitle(string.format(_("Reverse engineering %s ..."), grtV.toLua(self.sourceConn.driver.owner.caption)))
- local catalog= grtM.callFunction(grtV.toLua(self.sourceConn.modules.ReverseEngineeringModule),
- "reverseEngineer", {self.sourceConn, self.selectedSchemataNames}
- )
- if catalog ~= nil then
- print("")
- print(_("Reverse engineering completed successfully."))
- print("")
- else
- print("")
- self:printError(_("The following error occured during reverse engineering."))
- end
- return catalog
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Get the available migration methods
- function Mig:getMigrationMethods()
- self:printTitle(_("Fetching available migration methods ..."))
- local methods= grtM.callFunction(grtV.toLua(self.sourceConn.modules.MigrationModule),
- "migrationMethods", nil
- )
- if methods == nil then
- print("")
- print(_("Could not fetch migration methods."))
- print("")
- else
- -- build source object list
- self.sourceObjects= {}
- self.objTypes= {}
- local schemaList= grtV.getGlobal("/migration/sourceCatalog/schemata")
- -- loop over all source schemata
- local i
- for i=1, grtV.getn(schemaList) do
- local schema= grtV.getGlobal("/migration/sourceCatalog/schemata/" .. i - 1)
- table.insert(self.objTypes, grtS.get(schema))
- local schemaStructMembers= grtS.getMembers(grtS.get(schema))
- local j
- for j= 1, table.getn(schemaStructMembers) do
- if grtS.getMemberType(grtS.get(schema), schemaStructMembers[j]) == "list" then
- local memberContentStruct= grtS.getMemberContentStruct(grtS.get(schema), schemaStructMembers[j])
- -- only take objects from lists, that hold db.DatabaseObject dicts
- if (memberContentStruct ~= nil) and
- (grtS.inheritsFrom(memberContentStruct, "db.DatabaseObject")) then
- local k
- for k= 1, grtV.getn(schema[schemaStructMembers[j]]) do
- table.insert(self.sourceObjects, schema[schemaStructMembers[j]][k])
- if k == 1 then
- table.insert(self.objTypes, grtS.get(schema[schemaStructMembers[j]][k]))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- add default mappings for all objTypes
- local defaultMappings= grtV.getGlobal("/migration/mappingDefaults")
- for i= 1, table.getn(self.objTypes) do
- local j
- local bestMethod= nil
- local bestMethodRating= -1
- for j=1, grtV.getn(methods) do
- local sourceStructName= grtV.toLua(methods[j].sourceStructName)
- local targetPackageName= grtV.toLua(methods[j].targetPackageName)
- local methodRating= tonumber(grtV.toLua(methods[j].rating))
- if (grtS.inheritsFrom(self.objTypes[i], sourceStructName) or
- (self.objTypes[i] == sourceStructName)) and
- (grtV.toLua(self.targetConn.driver.owner.databaseObjectPackage) == targetPackageName) and
- (bestMethodRating < methodRating) then
- bestMethod= methods[j]
- bestMethodRating= methodRating
- end
- end
- if bestMethod ~= nil then
- -- create mapping entry
- local mapping= grtV.newObj("db.migration.Mapping",
- "DefaultMapping" .. grtV.toLua(bestMethod.sourceStructName), grt.newGuid(), ""
- )
- mapping.sourceStructName= sourceStructName
- mapping.method= bestMethod
- mapping.methodName= bestMethod.name
- mapping.moduleName= moduleName
- mapping.params= bestMethod.paramGroups[1]
- grtV.insert(defaultMappings, mapping)
- end
- end
- end
- return methods
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Setting up ignore list
- function Mig:getIgnoreList(ignoreList)
- if ignoreList == nil then
- ignoreList= grtV.newList("string")
- end
- self:printTitle(_("Your current ignore list:"))
- local i
- local j
- local ignoreListIds= {}
- local totalCount= 0
- for j= 1, table.getn(self.objTypes) do
- local count= 0
- if not(grtS.inheritsFrom(self.objTypes[j], "db.Schema")) then
- print("")
- print(grtS.getCaption(self.objTypes[j]))
- for i= 1, grtV.getn(ignoreList) do
- if string.sub(grtV.toLua(ignoreList[i]), 1, string.len(self.objTypes[j])) == self.objTypes[j] then
- count= count + 1
- totalCount= totalCount + 1
- print(" " .. totalCount .. ". " .. string.sub(grtV.toLua(ignoreList[i]), string.len(self.objTypes[j]) + 2))
- table.insert(ignoreListIds, totalCount, i)
- end
- end
- if count == 0 then
- print(" " .. _("None"))
- end
- end
- end
- print("")
- print(_("1. Accept ignore list"))
- print(_("2. Add item to ignore list"))
- print(_("3. Delete item from ignore list"))
- print(_("0. Abort"))
- print("")
- local selection= self:inputNumber(_("Selection: "))
- if selection == 0 then
- return nil
- elseif selection == 1 then
- return ignoreList
- elseif selection == 2 then
- print("")
- -- ignore schema
- for j= 2, table.getn(self.objTypes) do
- print(j - 1 .. ". " .. grtS.getCaption(self.objTypes[j]))
- end
- print("")
- local objType= self:inputNumber(string.format(
- _("Please enter the object type: (1 - %d, 0. Abort) "), table.getn(self.objTypes) - 1)
- )
- if objType == 0 then
- ignoreList= self:getIgnoreList(ignoreList)
- else
- local i
- local s= ""
- local objs= {}
- local index= 0
- -- ignore schema
- objType= objType + 1
- for i= 1, grtV.getn(self.sourceObjects) do
- if grtS.get(self.sourceObjects[i]) == self.objTypes[objType] then
- local onIgnoreList= false
- local j
- -- check if obj is already on the ignore list
- for j= 1, grtV.getn(ignoreList) do
- objIgnoreStr= self.objTypes[objType] .. ":" .. grtV.toLua(self.sourceObjects[i].name)
- if grtV.toLua(Base:patternMatch({objIgnoreStr, grtV.toLua(ignoreList[j]), 1})) == 1 then
- onIgnoreList= true
- break
- end
- end
- -- if not, list it
- if not(onIgnoreList) then
- table.insert(objs, self.sourceObjects[i])
- index= index + 1
- s= s .. grt.alignLeft(index .. ". " .. grtV.toLua(self.sourceObjects[i].name) .. " ", 25)
- if math.mod(index, 4) == 0 then
- print(s)
- s= ""
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if s ~= "" then
- print(s)
- end
- print("")
- local ignoreObjs= input(_("Add to ignore list: (id or pattern - separate by , use no spaces) "))
- local ignoreObjsIds= grt.split(ignoreObjs, ",")
- for i=1, table.getn(ignoreObjsIds) do
- local index= tonumber(ignoreObjsIds[i])
- if index ~= nil then
- grtV.insert(ignoreList, self.objTypes[objType] .. ":" .. grtV.toLua(objs[index].name))
- elseif (ignoreObjsIds[i] ~= nil) and (ignoreObjsIds[i] ~= "") then
- grtV.insert(ignoreList, self.objTypes[objType] .. ":" .. ignoreObjsIds[i])
- end
- end
- ignoreList= self:getIgnoreList(ignoreList)
- end
- elseif selection == 3 then
- print("")
- local index= self:inputNumber(_("Please enter the number of the entry to remove: (0 to cancel) "))
- if (index > 0) and (ignoreListIds[index] ~= nil) then
- grtV.remove(ignoreList, ignoreListIds[index])
- end
- ignoreList= self:getIgnoreList(ignoreList)
- end
- return ignoreList
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Perform migration
- function Mig:doMigration()
- print("")
- grtM.callFunction(
- grtV.toLua(self.sourceConn.modules.MigrationModule), "migrate",
- {"global::/migration", "global::/rdbmsMgmt/rdbms/" .. grtV.toLua(self.targetConn.driver.owner.name), "global::/migration/targetVersion"}
- )
- if grtError == nil then
- print(_("Migration completed successfully."))
- return true
- else
- self:printError(_("The following error occured during migration."))
- return false
- end
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Generate SQL
- function Mig:generateObjects()
- print("")
- local selection= self:inputNumber(
- _("Create object online or write a SQL create script? (1. online, 2. script, 3. both, 0. abort) ")
- )
- if selection == 0 then
- return false
- else
- if (selection == 2) or (selection == 3) then
- print("")
- grtM.callFunction(
- grtV.toLua(self.targetConn.modules.TransformationModule), "generateSqlCreateStatements",
- {"global::/migration/targetCatalog", "global::/migration/objectCreationParams"}
- )
- self:printError(_("The SQL create statements cannot be created."))
- -- write sql create script to file
- print("Write create script.")
- local script= grtM.callFunction(
- grtV.toLua(self.targetConn.modules.TransformationModule), "getSqlScript",
- {"global::/migration/targetCatalog", "global::/migration/objectCreationParams"}
- )
- self:printError(_("The SQL create script cannot be created."))
- local f= io.open("creates.sql", "w+")
- if f ~= nil then
- f:write(grtV.toLua(script))
- f:flush()
- f:close()
- end
- end
- if (selection == 1) or (selection == 3) then
- -- create database objects online
- print("Create database objects.")
- grtM.callFunction(
- grtV.toLua(self.targetConn.modules.TransformationModule), "executeSqlStatements",
- {self.targetConn, "global::/migration/targetCatalog", "global::/migration/creationLog"}
- )
- self:printError(_("The SQL create script cannot be executed."))
- end
- end
- return (grtError == nil)
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Generate SQL
- function Mig:bulkDataTransfer()
- print("")
- local selection= self:inputNumber(
- _("Write a SQL insert script? (1. yes, 2. no, 0. abort) ")
- )
- -- set transfer parameters
- grtV.setGlobal("/migration/dataBulkTransferParams", {
- CreateScript= (selection == 1) and "yes" or "no",
- TransferData= "no",
- ScriptFileName="inserts.sql"
- }
- )
- grtV.setContentType(grtV.getGlobal("/migration/dataBulkTransferParams"), "string")
- self:printTitle("Execute bulk data transfer")
- grtM.callFunction(
- grtV.toLua(self.sourceConn.modules.MigrationModule), "dataBulkTransfer",
- {self.sourceConn, "global::/migration/sourceCatalog",
- self.targetConn, "global::/migration/targetCatalog",
- "global::/migration/dataBulkTransferParams",
- "global::/migration/dataTransferLog"
- }
- )
- self:printError(_("The bulk data transfer returned an error."))
- return true
- end
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Start the Migration script
- Mig:run()