- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Copyright (C) 2004 MySQL AB
- --
- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- -- (at your option) any later version.
- --
- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- -- GNU General Public License for more details.
- --
- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @file _library.lua
- -- @brief A collection of common auxiliary functions that is loaded when the Lua loader
- -- gets initialized
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- grt= {GrtLuaLibraryVersion= "1.0"}
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @brief dummy implemenation for _()
- --
- -- This is a placeholder till a real _() function is implemented
- --
- -- Example:
- -- print(_("test"))
- --
- -- @param txt the text that has to be translated
- --
- -- @return the original text
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function _(txt)
- return txt
- end
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @brief Prepares a return value
- --
- -- Every function that is exposed to the Grt needs to return its value in a dict that
- -- has a "value" entry. Use this function to prepare the result values. The function can
- -- also be called without a parameter. In that case 1 will be returned to the Grt.
- --
- -- Example:
- -- function calcDouble(args)
- -- return _success(args[1] * 2)
- -- end
- --
- -- @param result the result value that should be returned to the Grt.
- --
- -- @return the result value prepared to be returned to the Grt
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function grt.success(result)
- return result and {value= result} or {value= 1}
- end
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @brief Returns an error to the Grt
- --
- -- Use this function to pass an error message back to the Grt.
- --
- -- Example:
- -- function calcDouble(args)
- -- return args[1] and
- -- grt.success(args[1] * 2) or
- -- grt.error("You need to pass a number as argument")
- -- end
- --
- -- @param errorText the error message
- -- @param errorDetails detailed information about the error
- --
- -- @return the error prepared to be returned to the Grt
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function grt.error(errorText, errorDetails)
- return {error= errorText, detail= errorDetails}
- end
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @brief Prints the error message if a GRT module function call failed
- --
- -- Checks if the grtError and prints the error if it is set. Passes the result back
- --
- -- @param result the result from a GRT module function call
- --
- -- @return the result
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function grt.getRes(result)
- if (grtError ~= nil) then
- print(grtError.error)
- if (grtError.detail ~= nil) then
- print(grtError.detail)
- end
- end
- return result
- end
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @brief Extracts the return value of a Grt function as a Lua value
- --
- -- A Grt function returns its result as a dict in the "value" entry. This function
- -- extracts the value and converts it to a Lua value
- --
- -- @return the result converted to a Lua object
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function grt.getResLua(result)
- return grtV.toLua(grt.getRes(result))
- end
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @brief Checks if an GRT error has occured and if so, prints the error adn exits
- --
- -- Checks if the grtError and prints the error if it is set. Exists with error code 1
- --
- -- @param errorString the error string that will be printed before the error message
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function grt.exitOnError(errorString)
- if (grtError ~= nil) then
- print("ERROR: " .. errorString)
- print(grtError.error)
- if (grtError.detail ~= nil) then
- print(grtError.detail)
- end
- exit(1)
- end
- end
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @brief Returns a new generated GUID
- --
- -- Calls the Grt function getGuid() from the module Base to retrieve a GUID. The Grt
- -- function result is then converted to a Lua string
- --
- -- @return a new generated GUID as lua string
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function grt.newGuid()
- return grt.getResLua(Base:getGuid())
- end
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @brief Checks if a files exists
- --
- -- Tries to open the file. If the file exists it will close the file again and
- -- return true. If it does not exists it will return false (as Lua will return false
- -- when nothing is returned explicitly
- --
- -- @param filename the file to check
- --
- -- @return true if the files exists, false if not
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function grt.fileExists(filename)
- local f = io.open(filename, "r")
- if f then
- f:close()
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @brief Splits a Lua string into a list of Lua strings.
- --
- -- Splits the given string based on the separator and puts the tokens into a list
- --
- -- @param str the string to split
- -- @param sep the separator character
- --
- -- @return returns the list of tokens
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function grt.split(str, sep)
- local t= {}
- local function helper(token) table.insert(t, token) end
- helper((string.gsub(str, "(.-)(" .. sep .. ")", helper)))
- return t
- end
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @brief Aligns the given string to the left and adds blanks.
- --
- -- Splits the given string based on the separator and puts the tokens into a list
- --
- -- @param str the string to align left
- -- @param width the length of the new string
- --
- -- @return returns the aligned string
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function grt.alignLeft(str, width)
- local s
- if str == nil then
- s= string.rep(" ", width)
- else
- local l= string.len(str)
- if l < width then
- s= str .. string.rep(" ", width - l)
- elseif l > width then
- s= string.sub(str, 1, width)
- else
- s= str
- end
- end
- return s
- end
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @brief Invoke a remote agent function and wait it to finish.
- --
- -- Invokes a remote function, polling the agent until it is finished.
- -- Once finished, it will return the exit status and result value.
- --
- -- The first parameter has to be a table {hostname= "", port= 12345}
- --
- -- Example:
- -- agent= {hostname= "", port= 12345}
- -- res= grt.callRemoteFunction(agent, "BaseJava", "engineVersion", nil, false)
- --
- -- @param agent a table with connection information, e.g. {hostname= "", port= 12345}
- -- @param module name of the module to call
- -- @param funcname name of the module function to call
- -- @param argument the arguments to pass to the module function (have to be in a list)
- -- @param syncGlobals if true the global object trees are synced on both sides
- --
- -- @return {error : error_status, result : result_value }
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function grt.callRemoteFunction(agent, module, funcname, argument, syncGlobals)
- local session= grtA.connect(agent.hostname, agent.port)
- local result= nil
- if session then
- if syncGlobals then
- grtA.setGlobal(session)
- end
- if grtA.invoke(session, module, funcname, argument) == 0 then
- while 1 do
- print("checking")
- st= grtA.check(session)
- if st == 0 then -- nothing executing!?
- grtA.close(session)
- print("Unexpected state in remote agent.")
- break
- elseif st == 2 then -- executing
- sleep(50)
- grtA.messages(session)
- elseif st == 3 then -- finished
- result= grtA.finish(session)
- break
- else -- anything else
- grtA.close(session)
- print("Error waiting remote function to finish.")
- return nil
- end
- end
- else
- print("Error invoking remote method.")
- grtA.close(session)
- return nil
- end
- print("sync globals")
- if syncGlobals then
- grtA.getglobal(session)
- end
- grtA.close(session)
- end
- return result
- end
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @brief Checks if a module exists
- --
- -- Goes through the list of modules to see if the module with the given name exists
- --
- -- @param moduleName the name of the module
- --
- -- @return returns true if the module exists
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function grt.moduleExists(moduleName)
- local moduleList= grtM.get()
- local i
- for i= 1, table.getn(moduleList) do
- if moduleList[i] == moduleName then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end