- package com.mysql.grt.modules;
- import java.sql.*;
- import com.mysql.grt.*;
- import com.mysql.grt.base.*;
- import com.mysql.grt.db.mysql.*;
- /**
- * GRT Migration Class
- *
- * @author MikeZ
- * @version 1.0, 01/25/05
- *
- */
- public class TransformationMysqlJdbc {
- /**
- * Static function to return information about this class to the GRT
- * environment
- *
- * @return returns a GRT XML string containing the infos about this class
- */
- public static String getModuleInfo() {
- return Grt.getModuleInfoXml(TransformationMysqlJdbc.class, "");
- }
- /**
- * Generates all SQL create statements for the given catalog. The SQL
- * statement will be set in each database object, e.g. schemata, tables,
- * views, ...
- *
- * @param catalog
- * the catalog object to create the SQL for
- */
- public static void generateSqlCreateStatements(Catalog catalog,
- GrtHashMap options) {
- GrtList args = new GrtList();
- args.addObject(catalog);
- args.addObject(options);
- try {
- Grt.getInstance().callGrtFunction("TransformationMysql",
- "generateSqlCreateStatements", args);
- } catch (RuntimeException e) {
- // generate sql for tables
- Grt.getInstance().addMsg(
- "The following error occured while "
- + "creating the SQL code: " + e.getMessage());
- Grt.getInstance().flushMessages();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Generates the SQL create code for the given object
- *
- * @param obj
- * the database object to create the SQL for
- * @return the SQL create code as String
- */
- public static String getSqlScript(Catalog catalog, GrtHashMap options) {
- String sql = "";
- GrtList args = new GrtList();
- args.addObject(catalog);
- args.addObject(options);
- try {
- sql = (String) Grt.getInstance().callGrtFunction(
- "TransformationMysql", "getSqlScript", args);
- } catch (RuntimeException e) {
- Grt.getInstance().addMsg(
- "The following error occured while "
- + "creating the SQL code: " + e.getMessage());
- Grt.getInstance().flushMessages();
- }
- return sql;
- }
- /**
- * Generates the SQL create code for the given object
- *
- * @param obj
- * the database object to create the SQL for
- * @return the SQL create code as String
- */
- public static String getSqlCreate(com.mysql.grt.db.DatabaseObject obj) {
- String sql;
- try {
- sql = (String) Grt.getInstance().callGrtFunction(
- "TransformationMysql", "getSqlCreate", obj);
- } catch (RuntimeException e) {
- sql = "/*" + e.getMessage() + "*/";
- }
- return sql;
- }
- /**
- * Generates the SQL create code for the given object
- *
- * @param obj
- * the database object to create the SQL for
- * @return the SQL create code as String
- */
- public static String getSqlDrop(com.mysql.grt.db.DatabaseObject obj) {
- String sql;
- try {
- sql = (String) Grt.getInstance().callGrtFunction(
- "TransformationMysql", "getSqlDrop", obj);
- } catch (RuntimeException e) {
- sql = "/*" + e.getMessage() + "*/";
- }
- return sql;
- }
- /**
- * Generates the SQL create code for the given object
- *
- * @param obj
- * the database object to create the SQL for
- * @return the SQL create code as String
- */
- public static String getSqlMerge(com.mysql.grt.db.DatabaseObject obj) {
- String sql;
- try {
- sql = (String) Grt.getInstance().callGrtFunction(
- "TransformationMysql", "getSqlMerge", obj);
- } catch (RuntimeException e) {
- sql = "/*" + e.getMessage() + "*/";
- }
- return sql;
- }
- /**
- * Execute all SQL statements for all objects in the given catalog. The SQL
- * statement is taken from the object's sql member
- *
- * @param jdbcDriver
- * class name of the jdbc driver
- * @param jdbcConnectionString
- * jdbc connection string to the target database
- * @param catalog
- * the catalog to process
- */
- public static void executeSqlStatements(
- com.mysql.grt.db.mgmt.Connection dbConn, Catalog catalog,
- ObjectLogList logList) throws Exception {
- new TransformationMysqlJdbc().doExecuteSqlStatements(dbConn, catalog,
- logList);
- }
- protected void doExecuteSqlStatements(
- com.mysql.grt.db.mgmt.Connection dbConn, Catalog catalog,
- ObjectLogList logList) throws Exception {
- Connection conn = ReverseEngineeringGeneric.establishConnection(dbConn);
- String sql;
- // Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
- try {
- sql = (String) Grt.getInstance().callGrtFunction(
- "TransformationMysql", "getScriptHeader", null);
- executeSqlStatements(conn, sql, "Execute script header commands.");
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- // tollerate exception
- }
- // Create schemata
- for (int i = 0; i < catalog.getSchemata().size(); i++) {
- Schema schema = (Schema) catalog.getSchemata().get(i);
- // Create schema
- executeSqlStatement(conn, schema, "Creating schema "
- + schema.getName() + " ...", logList);
- // Create tables
- Grt.getInstance().addMsg("Creating tables ...");
- for (int j = 0; j < schema.getTables().size(); j++) {
- Table table = (Table) schema.getTables().get(j);
- Grt.getInstance().addProgress(
- "Creating table " + table.getName(),
- (j * 100) / schema.getTables().size());
- Grt.getInstance().flushMessages();
- executeSqlStatement(conn, table, "Creating table "
- + table.getName() + " ...", logList);
- }
- // Create views
- Grt.getInstance().addMsg("Creating views ...");
- for (int j = 0; j < schema.getViews().size(); j++) {
- View view = (View) schema.getViews().get(j);
- Grt.getInstance().addProgress(
- "Creating view " + view.getName(),
- (j * 100) / schema.getViews().size());
- Grt.getInstance().flushMessages();
- executeSqlStatement(conn, view, "Creating view "
- + view.getName() + " ...", logList);
- }
- // Create procedures
- Grt.getInstance().addMsg("Creating procedures ...");
- for (int j = 0; j < schema.getRoutines().size(); j++) {
- Routine proc = (Routine) schema.getRoutines().get(j);
- Grt.getInstance().addProgress(
- "Creating view " + proc.getName(),
- (j * 100) / schema.getRoutines().size());
- Grt.getInstance().flushMessages();
- executeSqlStatement(conn, proc, "Creating procedure "
- + proc.getName() + " ...", logList);
- }
- // Hide progress bar
- Grt.getInstance().addProgress("", -1);
- Grt.getInstance().flushMessages();
- }
- try {
- sql = (String) Grt.getInstance().callGrtFunction(
- "TransformationMysql", "getScriptFooter", null);
- executeSqlStatements(conn, sql, "Execute script footer commands.");
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- // tollerate exception
- }
- conn.close();
- }
- private void executeSqlStatement(Connection conn,
- com.mysql.grt.db.DatabaseObject obj, String action,
- ObjectLogList logList) {
- // generate a new object log
- ObjectLog objectLog = new ObjectLog(logList.getOwner());
- objectLog.setLogObject(obj);
- try {
- executeSqlStatements(conn, obj.getSql(), action);
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- ObjectLogEntry entry = new ObjectLogEntry(objectLog);
- entry.setName(e.getMessage());
- entry.setEntryType(2);
- objectLog.getEntries().add(entry);
- } finally {
- logList.add(objectLog);
- }
- }
- protected void executeSqlStatements(Connection conn, String sql,
- String action) throws SQLException {
- GrtStringList cmds;
- cmds = (GrtStringList) Grt.getInstance().callGrtFunction(
- "TransformationMysql", "splitSqlCommands", sql);
- for (int i = 0; i < cmds.size(); i++)
- executeSqlStatement(conn, cmds.get(i), action);
- }
- private void executeSqlStatement(Connection conn, String sql, String action)
- throws SQLException {
- // check if there is a SQL statement to execute
- if ((sql != null) && (!sql.equals(""))) {
- Grt.getInstance().addMsg(action);
- Grt.getInstance().addMsgDetail(sql);
- PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- try {
- stmt.execute();
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- Grt.getInstance().addMsg(
- "An error occured while executing the SQL statement.");
- Grt.getInstance().addMsgDetail(e.getMessage());
- throw (e);
- } finally {
- if (stmt != null)
- stmt.close();
- }
- }
- }
- public static com.mysql.grt.db.DatabaseObject getScriptHeader(
- GrtHashMap options) {
- com.mysql.grt.db.DatabaseObject header;
- try {
- header = (com.mysql.grt.db.DatabaseObject) Grt.getInstance()
- .callGrtFunction("TransformationMysql", "getScriptHeader",
- options);
- } catch (RuntimeException e) {
- header = null;
- }
- return header;
- }
- public static com.mysql.grt.db.DatabaseObject getScriptFooter(
- GrtHashMap options) {
- com.mysql.grt.db.DatabaseObject footer;
- try {
- footer = (com.mysql.grt.db.DatabaseObject) Grt.getInstance()
- .callGrtFunction("TransformationMysql", "getScriptFooter",
- null);
- } catch (RuntimeException e) {
- footer = null;
- }
- return footer;
- }
- }