资源名称:celp32c.rar [点击查看]
- /*==========================================================================
- *
- *
- *===========================================================================
- *
- *
- * ifile.spd input file
- *
- * ifile_ofile.sg_data input and output file
- * 'ifile' 'ifile_hp' 'ofile_npf' 'ofile_pf'
- * 'ofile_hpf'
- *
- * channel.sg_data 4800 bps bit stream
- * 'stream'
- *
- * stream_error.sg_data 4800 bps bit stream with errors
- * 'stream' 'stream_error' 'stream_error_s'
- * 'error'
- *
- * lsp1.sg_data line spectral pairs file on a frame basis
- * comparing unquantized and quantized
- * 'lsp 1' 'lsp 2' ... 'lsp10' ...
- * 'qlsp 1' ... 'qlsp10'
- * 'qslsp 1' ... 'qslsp10'
- *
- * lsp2.sg_data line spectral pairs file on a subframe
- * basis comparing analysis and synthesis
- * 'lsp_analy 1' 'lsp_analy 2' ...
- * 'lsp_synth 1' 'lsp_synth 2' ...
- *
- * pitch.sg_data pitch variables
- * 'match' 'tau' tau_synth' 'ir'
- * 'gain' 'qgain' 'qgain_synth'
- *
- * constrain.sg_data constrained excitation data
- * 'gain', 'ccor', 'dbcon'
- *
- * codebook.sg_data codebook variables
- * 'match' 'index' 'index_synth' 'exc' 'ir'
- * 'gain' 'qgain' 'qgain_synth'
- *
- * error.sg_data error signals
- * 'fndpp_e0' 'fndpp_v0' 'fndex_e0'
- *
- * rc.sg_data reflection coeficients
- * 'rc 1' 'rc2' ... 'rc10' ...
- *
- *=======================================================================*/
- /* *** open files and define variables in sungraph format */
- /* * disable disk_io auto error reporting */
- disk_io_erh(0);
- /* * open input speech file */
- input_fid = open_var_channel(ifile,"speech_data");
- if (input_fid < 0)
- read_error(input_fid, "open input_fid");
- /* * open input_output speech file (4 variables) */
- ifile_ofile_fid = open_file("ifile_ofile", 1);
- if (ifile_ofile_fid < 0)
- write_error(ifile_ofile_fid, "open ifile_ofile_fid");
- /* * define input_output speech variables */
- ifile_vid = def_variable(ifile_ofile_fid, "ifile", R4, ll, &s_zero);
- if (ifile_vid < 0)
- write_error(ifile_vid, "define ifile_vid");
- ifile_hp_vid = def_variable(ifile_ofile_fid, "ifile_hp", R4, ll, &f_zero);
- if (ifile_hp_vid < 0)
- write_error(ifile_hp_vid, "define ifile_hp_vid");
- ofile_npf_vid = def_variable(ifile_ofile_fid, "ofile_npf",I2,ll,&s_zero);
- if (ofile_npf_vid < 0)
- write_error(ofile_npf_vid, "define ofile_npf_vid");
- ofile_pf_vid = def_variable(ifile_ofile_fid, "ofile_pf", I2, ll, &s_zero);
- if (ofile_pf_vid < 0)
- write_error(ofile_pf_vid, "define ofile_pf_vid");
- ofile_hpf_vid = def_variable(ifile_ofile_fid, "ofile_hpf", I2, ll, &s_zero);
- if (ofile_hpf_vid < 0)
- write_error(ofile_hpf_vid, "define ofile_hpf_vid");
- /* * open channel file */
- channel_fid = open_file("channel", 1);
- if (channel_fid < 0)
- write_error(channel_fid, "open channel_fid");
- /* * define channel variable */
- channel_vid = def_variable(channel_fid, "stream", 1, STREAMBITS, &s_zero);
- if (channel_vid < 0)
- write_error(channel_vid, "define channel_vid");
- /* * open stream_error file */
- stream_error_fid = open_file("stream_error", 1);
- if (stream_error_fid < 0)
- write_error(stream_error_fid, "open stream_error_fid");
- /* * define stream_error variables */
- stream_vid = def_variable(stream_error_fid,
- "stream", 1, STREAMBITS, &s_zero);
- if (stream_vid < 0)
- write_error(stream_vid, "define stream_vid");
- stream_error_vid = def_variable(stream_error_fid,
- "stream_error", 1, STREAMBITS, &s_zero);
- if (stream_error_vid < 0)
- write_error(stream_error_vid, "define stream_error_vid");
- stream_error_s_vid = def_variable(stream_error_fid,
- "stream_error_s", 1, STREAMBITS, &s_zero);
- if (stream_error_s_vid < 0)
- write_error(stream_error_s_vid, "define stream_error_s_vid");
- bit_error_vid = def_variable(stream_error_fid,
- "bit_error", 1, STREAMBITS, &s_zero);
- if (bit_error_vid < 0)
- write_error(bit_error_vid, "define bit_error_vid");
- /* * open lsp1 file (number of variables = order) */
- lsp1_fid = open_file("lsp1", 1);
- if (lsp1_fid < 0)
- write_error(lsp1_fid, "open lsp1_fid");
- /* * define lsp and qlsp variables */
- for (i = 0; i < no; i++)
- {
- sprintf(str,"lsp%2d",i+1);
- lsp_vid[i] = def_variable(lsp1_fid, str, R4, 1, &f_zero);
- if (lsp_vid[i] < 0)
- write_error(lsp_vid[i], "define lsp_vid");
- sprintf(str,"qlsp%2d",i+1);
- qlsp_vid[i] = def_variable(lsp1_fid, str, R4, 1, &f_zero);
- if (qlsp_vid[i] < 0)
- write_error(qlsp_vid[i], "define qlsp_vid");
- }
- /* * open lsp2 file (number of variables = order) */
- lsp2_fid = open_file("lsp2" ,1);
- if (lsp2_fid < 0)
- write_error(lsp2_fid, "open lsp2_fid");
- /* * define qlsp variables */
- for (i = 0; i < no; i++)
- {
- sprintf(str,"lsp_analy%2d",i+1);
- lsp_analy_vid[i] = def_variable(lsp2_fid, str, R4, nn, &f_zero);
- if (lsp_analy_vid[i] < 0)
- write_error(lsp_analy_vid[i], "define lsp_analy_vid");
- sprintf(str,"lsp_synth%2d",i+1);
- lsp_synth_vid[i] = def_variable(lsp2_fid, str, R4, nn, &f_zero);
- if (lsp_synth_vid[i] < 0)
- write_error(lsp_synth_vid[i], "define lsp_synth_vid");
- }
- /* *open pitch file */
- pitch_fid = open_file("pitch", 1);
- if (pitch_fid < 0)
- write_error(pitch_fid, "open pitch_fid");
- /* *define pitch variables */
- pitch_match_vid = def_variable(pitch_fid,
- "match", R4, nn*plevel1, &f_zero);
- if (pitch_match_vid < 0)
- write_error(pitch_match_vid, "define pitch_match_vid");
- pitch_tau_vid = def_variable(pitch_fid,
- "tau" , R4, nn, &s_zero);
- if (pitch_tau_vid < 0)
- write_error(pitch_tau_vid, "define pitch_tau_vid");
- pitch_tau_synth_vid = def_variable(pitch_fid,
- "tau_synth", R4, nn, &s_zero);
- if (pitch_tau_synth_vid < 0)
- write_error (pitch_tau_synth_vid,"define pitch_tau_synth_vid");
- pitch_gain_vid = def_variable(pitch_fid,
- "gain", R4, nn, &f_zero);
- if (pitch_gain_vid < 0)
- write_error(pitch_gain_vid, "define pitch_gain_vid");
- pitch_qgain_vid = def_variable(pitch_fid,
- "qgain", R4, nn, &f_zero);
- if (pitch_qgain_vid < 0)
- write_error(pitch_qgain_vid, "define pitch_qgain_vid");
- pitch_qgain_synth_vid = def_variable(pitch_fid,
- "qgain_synth", R4, nn, &f_zero);
- if (pitch_qgain_synth_vid < 0)
- write_error(pitch_qgain_synth_vid, "define pitch_qgain_synth_vid");
- pitch_ir_vid = def_variable(pitch_fid,
- "ir", R4, ll, &f_zero);
- if (pitch_ir_vid < 0)
- write_error(pitch_ir_vid, "define pitch_ir_vid");
- /* *open constrain file */
- constrain_fid = open_file("constrain", 1);
- if (constrain_fid < 0)
- write_error(constrain_fid, "open constrain_fid");
- /* *define constrain variables */
- gain_vid = def_variable(constrain_fid, "gain", R4, nn, &f_zero);
- if (gain_vid < 0)
- write_error(gain_vid, "define gain_vid");
- ccor_vid = def_variable(constrain_fid, "ccor", R4, nn, &s_zero);
- if (ccor_vid < 0)
- write_error(ccor_vid, "define ccor_vid");
- dbcon_vid = def_variable(constrain_fid, "dbcon", R4, nn, &s_zero);
- if (dbcon_vid < 0)
- write_error(dbcon_vid, "define dbcon_vid");
- /* *open codebook file */
- cb_fid = open_file("codebook", 1);
- if (cb_fid < 0)
- write_error(cb_fid, "open cb_fid");
- /* *define codebook variables */
- cb_match_vid = def_variable(cb_fid, "match", R4, nn*ncsize, &f_zero);
- if (cb_match_vid < 0)
- write_error(cb_match_vid, "define cb_match_vid");
- cb_index_vid = def_variable(cb_fid, "index", 2, nn, &s_zero);
- if (cb_index_vid < 0)
- write_error(cb_index_vid, "define cb_index_vid");
- cb_index_synth_vid = def_variable(cb_fid, "index_synth", 2, nn, &s_zero);
- if (cb_index_synth_vid < 0)
- write_error(cb_index_synth_vid, "define cb_index_synth_vid");
- cb_gain_vid = def_variable(cb_fid, "gain", R4, nn, &f_zero);
- if (cb_gain_vid < 0)
- write_error(cb_gain_vid, "define cb_gain_vid");
- cb_qgain_vid = def_variable(cb_fid, "qgain", R4, nn, &f_zero);
- if (cb_qgain_vid < 0)
- write_error(cb_qgain_vid, "define cb_qgain_vid");
- cb_qgain_synth_vid = def_variable(cb_fid, "qgain_synth", R4, nn, &f_zero);
- if (cb_qgain_synth_vid < 0)
- write_error(cb_qgain_synth_vid, "define cb_qgain_synth_vid");
- cb_exc_vid = def_variable(cb_fid, "exc", R4, ll, &f_zero);
- if (cb_exc_vid < 0)
- write_error (cb_exc_vid, "define cb_exc_vid");
- cb_ir_vid = def_variable(cb_fid, "ir", R4, ll, &f_zero);
- if (cb_ir_vid < 0)
- write_error(cb_ir_vid, "define cb_ir_vid");
- /* *open error file */
- error_fid = open_file("error", 1);
- if (error_fid < 0)
- write_error(error_fid, "open error_fid");
- /* *define error variables */
- fndpp_v0_vid = def_variable(error_fid, "fndpp_v0", R4, ll, &f_zero);
- if (fndpp_v0_vid < 0)
- write_error(fndpp_v0_vid, "define fndpp_v0_vid");
- fndpp_e0_vid = def_variable(error_fid, "fndpp_e0", R4, ll, &f_zero);
- if (fndpp_e0_vid < 0)
- write_error(fndpp_e0_vid, "define fndpp_e0_vid");
- fndex_e0_vid = def_variable(error_fid, "fndex_e0", R4, ll, &f_zero);
- if (fndex_e0_vid < 0)
- write_error(fndex_e0_vid, "define fndex_e0_vid");
- /* *open reflection coefficient file */
- rc_fid = open_file("rc", 1);
- if (rc_fid < 0)
- write_error(rc_fid, "open rc_fid");
- /* *define rc variables */
- for (i = 0; i < no; i++)
- {
- sprintf(str,"rc%2d",i+1);
- rc_vid[i] = def_variable(rc_fid, str, R4, 1, &f_zero);
- if (rc_vid[i] < 0)
- write_error(rc_vid[i], "define rc_vid");
- }