- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * smoothcbgain
- *
- *
- * smooth cbgain values when two errors detected in
- * Hamming block
- *
- * smoothcbgain(cbgain,twoerror,syndavg, gains, subframe)
- *
- * formal
- * data I/O
- * name type type function
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------
- * cbgain float i/o input cbgain
- * twoerror int i two error flag
- * syndavg float i error rate estimation parameter
- * gains float i vector of gains to calculate variance
- * subframe int i subframe number
- *
- * external
- * data I/O
- * name type type function
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------
- * frame int i
- *
- ***************************************************************************
- *
- *
- * Smoothing routine to smooth cbgain when errors are detected:
- *
- * If the variance of past cbgain values is within the range VARLIMIT,
- * the validity of the current cbgain value is tested. If the current
- * value of cbgain is within the range CBGAINLIMIT, cbgain is passed.
- * If CBGAIN is not within the range CBGAINLIMIT it is reset to the
- * average value of the surrounding cbgain values.
- *
- * The array OLDCBGAIN contains past values of cbgain. The array
- * GAINS contains current and future values of cbgain. The array
- * VECTOR is constructed from the arrays OLDCBGAIN and GAINS
- * depending on the current subframe. CBGAIN is smoothed based on
- * the statistics of VECTOR, which contains the nearest four
- * surrounding cbgain values, both past and future values, except
- * where future values are not available (subframes 3 and 4).
- *
- * NOTE: The smoothing parameters should be capable of adapting
- * to various bit error rate estimates. For example, different
- * values of SYNDAVG should select different levels of CBGAINLIMIT,
- *
- ***************************************************************************
- *
- *
- * celp
- *
- *
- * variance
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- #define CBGAINLIMIT 300.0
- #define VARLIMIT 30000.0
- #define SGAINLIMIT 9.0
- #define SVARLIMIT 10.0
- #define AVGLIMIT 6.0
- #define SYNDLIMIT 0.04
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #include <math.h>
- #include "ccsub.h"
- extern int frame;
- smoothcbgain(cbgain, twoerror, syndavg, gains, subframe)
- int twoerror, subframe;
- float *cbgain, syndavg, gains[];
- {
- int i, sign;
- static int enable;
- float avg, var, abscbgain, vector[4];
- static float oldcbgain[CBGAINHISTORY];
- abscbgain = fabs(*cbgain);
- if (subframe != 4)
- enable = TRUE;
- if ((twoerror || syndavg > SYNDLIMIT) && enable)
- {
- if (subframe == 1)
- {
- vector[0] = oldcbgain[0];
- vector[1] = oldcbgain[1];
- vector[2] = fabs(gains[1]);
- vector[3] = fabs(gains[2]);
- }
- else if (subframe == 2)
- {
- vector[0] = oldcbgain[0];
- vector[1] = oldcbgain[1];
- vector[2] = fabs(gains[2]);
- vector[3] = fabs(gains[3]);
- }
- else if (subframe == 3)
- {
- vector[0] = oldcbgain[0];
- vector[1] = oldcbgain[1];
- vector[2] = oldcbgain[2];
- vector[3] = fabs(gains[3]);
- }
- else if (subframe == 4)
- {
- vector[0] = oldcbgain[0];
- vector[1] = oldcbgain[1];
- vector[2] = oldcbgain[2];
- vector[3] = oldcbgain[3];
- }
- else
- printf("smoothcbgain: Error in subframe numbern");
- variance(vector, 4, &var, &avg);
- sign = nint(*cbgain / fabs(*cbgain));
- if (var < VARLIMIT &&
- (abscbgain > avg + CBGAINLIMIT || abscbgain < avg - CBGAINLIMIT))
- {
- abscbgain = avg;
- printf("smoothcbgain: cbgain value reset to avg cbgains at frame %d subframe %dn", frame, subframe);
- *cbgain = sign * abscbgain;
- if (subframe == 3)
- {
- enable = FALSE;
- printf("smoothcbgain: smoothing disabled for subframe 4n");
- }
- }
- if (var < SVARLIMIT && abscbgain > SGAINLIMIT &&
- avg < AVGLIMIT && enable)
- {
- abscbgain = avg;
- *cbgain = sign * abscbgain;
- printf("smoothcbgain: %s at frame %d subframe %dn",
- "cbgain value reset to avg cbgains (silence?)", frame, subframe);
- if (subframe == 3)
- {
- enable = FALSE;
- printf("smoothcbgain: smoothing disabled for subframe 4n");
- }
- }
- }
- for (i = CBGAINHISTORY - 1; i > 0; i--)
- oldcbgain[i] = oldcbgain[i - 1];
- oldcbgain[0] = abscbgain;
- }