- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Unit Name: ASPIUnit
- Author: Sergey Kabikov
- Purpose: ASPI Functions
- History: Functions by Sergey Kabikov based on his code ASPI Library
- Rewritten by Dancemammal for the burning code
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- unit ASPIUnit;
- interface
- uses Windows, wnaspi32, Registry, SCSIDefs, SCSITypes, SysUtils;
- type
- {CDB types for Aspi commands}
- TCDB12 = array[0..11] of BYTE;
- TCDB10 = array[0..9] of BYTE;
- TCDB6 = array[0..5] of BYTE;
- TScsiInt13info = packed record
- Support,
- DosSupport: BOOLEAN;
- DriveNumber,
- Heads,
- Sectors: BYTE;
- end;
- type
- TAspiDeviceEnumCallBack
- = function(Caller: pointer; Device: TCDBurnerInfo; FoundName: string):
- boolean;
- type
- TScsiDeviceType = (TSDDisk, TSDTape, TSDPrinter, TSDProcessor,
- TSDChanger, TSDCommunication,
- TSDInvalid, TSDAny, TSDOther);
- var
- TScsiDeviceTypeName: array[TScsiDeviceType] of string = ('Disk Drive',
- 'Tape Drive', 'Printer', 'Processor', 'WORM Drive', 'CD-ROM Drive',
- 'Scanner', 'Optical Drive', 'Changer', 'Communication Device',
- 'Invalid', 'Any Type Device', 'Other Type Device');
- function ScatterCDDevice(CDDevice: DWORD; var Adapter, Target, Lun: byte): char;
- function CDDevicetoLetter(CDDevice: DWORD): char;
- procedure ScatterDWORD(Arg: DWORD; var b3, b2, b1, b0: byte);
- function GatherDeviceID(Adapter, Target, Lun: byte; Letter: char): TBurnerID;
- procedure FillWORD(Src: WORD; var Dst: BYTE);
- procedure FillDWORD(Src: DWORD; var Dst: BYTE);
- function AttachLUN(var Arg: BYTE; DeviceID: TBurnerID): BYTE;
- function ScatterDeviceID(DeviceID: TBurnerID;
- var Adapter, Target, Lun: byte): char;
- function AspiEnumDevices(CallBack: TAspiDeviceEnumCallBack; Caller: pointer):
- integer;
- function AspiCheck(Err: TScsiError): boolean;
- function AspiInstalled: Integer;
- function GetAdapterNumbers: Integer;
- function ASPIhaInquiry(HaId: BYTE; var sh: TScsiHAinfo): TScsiError;
- function GetCDRegName(ID, Target, LUN: Integer): string;
- function BigEndianW(Arg: WORD): WORD;
- function BigEndianD(Arg: DWORD): DWORD;
- procedure BigEndian(const Source; var Dest; Count: integer);
- function GatherWORD(b1, b0: byte): WORD;
- function GatherDWORD(b3, b2, b1, b0: byte): DWORD;
- procedure ASPIstrCopy(Src: PChar; var Dst: ShortString; Leng: Integer);
- procedure ASPIsetDeviceIDflag(var DeviceID: TBurnerID;
- Flag: TAspiDeviceIDflag; Value: boolean);
- function ASPIgetDeviceType(DeviceID: TBurnerID;
- var DeviceType: TScsiDeviceType): TScsiError;
- function ASPIgetDriveInt13info(DeviceID: TBurnerID;
- var Info: TScsiInt13info): TScsiError;
- function ASPIgetDeviceIDflag(DeviceID: TBurnerID;
- Flag: TAspiDeviceIDflag): boolean;
- function GetAspiErrorSense(Status, HaStat, TargStat: BYTE;
- Sense: PscsiSenseInfo): TScsiError;
- procedure ASPIabortCommand(HaId: BYTE; Psrb: pointer);
- function ASPIsendScsiCommand(DeviceID: TCDBurnerInfo;
- Pcdb: pointer; CdbLen: DWORD;
- Pbuf: pointer; BufLen: DWORD;
- Direction: DWORD; var Sdf: TScsiDefaults): TScsiError;
- function ASPIsend6CDB(DeviceID: TCDBurnerInfo; CDB: TCDB6; Pbuf: pointer;
- BufLen: DWORD;
- Direction: DWORD; var Sdf: TScsiDefaults): TScsiError;
- function ASPIsend10CDB(DeviceID: TCDBurnerInfo; CDB: TCDB10; Pbuf: pointer;
- BufLen: DWORD;
- Direction: DWORD; var Sdf: TScsiDefaults): TScsiError;
- function ASPIsend12CDB(DeviceID: TCDBurnerInfo; CDB: TCDB12; Pbuf: pointer;
- BufLen: DWORD;
- Direction: DWORD; var Sdf: TScsiDefaults): TScsiError;
- implementation
- uses SCSIUnit;
- function AspiInstalled: Integer;
- var
- AspiStatus: Cardinal;
- begin
- begin
- AspiStatus := GetASPI32SupportInfo;
- if HIBYTE(LOWORD(AspiStatus)) = SS_COMP then
- begin
- // get number of host installed on the system
- Result := LOBYTE(LOWORD(AspiStatus));
- end
- else
- Result := -1
- end
- else
- Result := -1
- end;
- function GetAspiError(Status, HaStat, TargStat: BYTE): TScsiError;
- begin
- result := Err_Unknown;
- case Status of
- 0, 1: result := Err_None;
- 2, 3: result := Err_Aborted;
- $80: result := Err_InvalidRequest;
- $81: result := Err_InvalidHostAdapter;
- $82: result := Err_NoDevice;
- $E0: result := Err_InvalidSrb;
- $E1: result := Err_BufferAlign;
- $E5: result := Err_AspiIsBusy;
- $E6: result := Err_BufferTooBig;
- 4: case HaStat of
- $09: result := Err_CommandTimeout;
- $0B: result := Err_SrbTimeout;
- $0D: result := Err_MessageReject;
- $0E: result := Err_BusReset;
- $0F: result := Err_ParityError;
- $10: result := Err_RequestSenseFailed;
- $11: result := Err_SelectionTimeout;
- $12: result := Err_DataOverrun;
- $13: result := Err_UnexpectedBusFree;
- $14: result := Err_BusPhaseSequence;
- $00: case TargStat of
- 0, 2: result := Err_CheckCondition;
- $08: result := Err_TargetBusy;
- $18: result := Err_TargetReservationConflict;
- $28: result := Err_TargetQueueFull;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function AttachLUN(var Arg: BYTE; DeviceID: TBurnerID): BYTE;
- var
- i, j, Lun: BYTE;
- begin
- ScatterDeviceID(DeviceID, i, j, Lun);
- Result := ((Lun and 7) shl 5) or (Arg and $1F);
- end;
- procedure FillWORD(Src: WORD; var Dst: BYTE);
- begin
- BigEndian(Src, Dst, 2);
- end;
- procedure FillDWORD(Src: DWORD; var Dst: BYTE);
- begin
- BigEndian(Src, Dst, 4);
- end;
- procedure ASPIstrCopy(Src: PChar; var Dst: ShortString; Leng: Integer);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- i := 0;
- while (i < Leng) and (Src[i] >= ' ') do
- begin
- Dst[i + 1] := Src[i];
- inc(i);
- end;
- while (i > 0) and (Dst[i] = ' ') do
- Dec(i); // Trim it Right
- Dst[0] := CHR(i);
- end;
- procedure ScatterDWORD(Arg: DWORD; var b3, b2, b1, b0: byte);
- begin
- b3 := (Arg shr 24) and $FF;
- b2 := (Arg shr 16) and $FF;
- b1 := (Arg shr 8) and $FF;
- b0 := Arg and $FF;
- end;
- function ScatterDeviceID(DeviceID: TBurnerID;
- var Adapter, Target, Lun: byte): char;
- var
- Res: BYTE;
- begin
- ScatterDWORD(DeviceID, Adapter, Target, Lun, Res);
- Result := CHR((Lun and $1F) or $40);
- Lun := (Lun shr 5) and 7;
- end;
- function ScatterCDDevice(CDDevice: DWord; var Adapter, Target, Lun: byte): char;
- var
- Res: BYTE;
- begin
- ScatterDWORD(CDDevice, Adapter, Target, Lun, Res);
- Result := CHR((Lun and $1F) or $40);
- Lun := (Lun shr 5) and 7;
- end;
- function BigEndianW(Arg: WORD): WORD;
- begin
- result := ((Arg shl 8) and $FF00) or
- ((Arg shr 8) and $00FF);
- end;
- function BigEndianD(Arg: DWORD): DWORD;
- begin
- result := ((Arg shl 24) and $FF000000) or
- ((Arg shl 8) and $00FF0000) or
- ((Arg shr 8) and $0000FF00) or
- ((Arg shr 24) and $000000FF);
- end;
- procedure BigEndian(const Source; var Dest; Count: integer);
- var
- pSrc, pDst: PChar;
- i: integer;
- begin
- pSrc := @Source;
- pDst := PChar(@Dest) + Count;
- for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
- begin
- Dec(pDst);
- pDst^ := pSrc^;
- Inc(pSrc);
- end;
- end;
- function GatherWORD(b1, b0: byte): WORD;
- begin
- result := ((WORD(b1) shl 8) and $FF00) or
- ((WORD(b0)) and $00FF);
- end;
- function GatherDWORD(b3, b2, b1, b0: byte): DWORD;
- begin
- result := ((LongInt(b3) shl 24) and $FF000000) or
- ((LongInt(b2) shl 16) and $00FF0000) or
- ((LongInt(b1) shl 8) and $0000FF00) or
- ((LongInt(b0)) and $000000FF);
- end;
- function CDDevicetoLetter(CDDevice: DWord): char;
- var
- Adapter, Target, Lun: byte;
- begin
- Result := ScatterCDDevice(CDDevice, Adapter, Target, Lun);
- end;
- function AspiCheck(Err: TScsiError): boolean;
- begin
- Result := Err in [Err_None, Err_DataOverrun, Err_SenseRecoveredError];
- end;
- function GatherDeviceID(Adapter, Target, Lun: byte; Letter: char): TBurnerID;
- begin
- Result := GatherDWORD(Adapter, Target,
- ((Lun and 7) shl 5) or (ORD(Letter) and $1F), 0);
- end;
- function ASPIgetDeviceIDflag(DeviceID: TBurnerID;
- Flag: TAspiDeviceIDflag): boolean;
- begin
- Result := (DeviceID and (1 shl ORD(Flag))) <> 0;
- end;
- function GetAdapterNumbers: Integer;
- var
- AspiStatus: DWord;
- Adaptors: Byte;
- begin
- try
- AspiStatus := GetASPI32SupportInfo;
- Adaptors := Lo(loword(AspiStatus));
- Result := Adaptors;
- except
- Result := 0;
- end;
- end;
- function GetCDRegName(ID, Target, LUN: Integer): string;
- var
- DEVName: string;
- Registry: TRegistry;
- Root2000: string;
- Root98: string;
- FormatKey: string;
- begin
- DEVName := 'Cannot Find Name';
- Root2000 := 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE';
- Root98 := 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEEnumScsi';
- FormatKey := 'HARDWAREDEVICEMAPScsiScsi Port ' + inttostr(ID) +
- 'Scsi Bus 0Target Id ' + inttostr(Target) + 'Logical Unit Id ' +
- inttostr(LUN);
- Registry := TRegistry.Create;
- Registry.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
- Registry.OpenKey(FormatKey, False);
- DEVName := Registry.ReadString('Identifier');
- Registry.Free;
- Result := DEVName;
- end;
- function AspiEnumDevices(CallBack: TAspiDeviceEnumCallBack; Caller: pointer):
- integer;
- var
- DID: TCDBurnerInfo;
- DIDtype: TScsiDeviceType;
- Dadapter, Dtarget, Dlun, HAcount: BYTE;
- HAinfo: TScsiHAinfo;
- DevInfo: TScsiInt13info;
- CDName: string;
- // ModeSenseBuf: array[0..255] of BYTE;
- function TestModeSense: boolean;
- begin
- // Result := Not AspiCheck(SCSImodeSense(DID, $3F, @ModeSenseBuf, 255, SCSI_Def));
- end;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- HAcount := GetAdapterNumbers;
- if HAcount = 0 {// no ASPI hosts, no devices} then
- begin
- Result := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- for Dadapter := 0 to HAcount - 1 do
- if ASPIhaInquiry(Dadapter, HAinfo) = Err_None then
- for Dtarget := 0 to HAinfo.MaxTargetCount - 1 do
- for Dlun := 0 to 7 do
- begin
- DID.DriveID := GatherDeviceID(Dadapter, Dtarget, Dlun, #0);
- CDName := GetCDRegName(Dadapter, Dtarget, Dlun);
- if ASPIgetDeviceType(DID.DriveID, DIDtype) = Err_None then
- //if device exists
- if (DIDtype = TSDCDROM) then
- begin
- if (ASPIgetDriveInt13info(DID.DriveID, DevInfo) = Err_None)
- and (DevInfo.DriveNumber > 0) then
- DID.DriveID := GatherDeviceID(Dadapter, Dtarget, Dlun,
- CHR(DevInfo.DriveNumber + $41));
- if TestModeSense then
- begin
- ASPIsetDeviceIDflag(DID.DriveID, ADIDmodeSense6, True);
- if TestModeSense then
- begin
- ASPIsetDeviceIDflag(DID.DriveID, ADIDmodeSense6, False);
- ASPIsetDeviceIDflag(DID.DriveID, ADIDmodeSenseDBD, True);
- if TestModeSense then
- ASPIsetDeviceIDflag(DID.DriveID, ADIDmodeSense6, True);
- end;
- end;
- if not CallBack(Caller, DID, CDName) then
- exit;
- Inc(Result);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ASPIsetDeviceIDflag(var DeviceID: TBurnerID;
- Flag: TAspiDeviceIDflag; Value: boolean);
- begin
- if Value then
- DeviceID := DeviceID or (1 shl ORD(Flag))
- else
- DeviceID := DeviceID and not (1 shl ORD(Flag));
- end;
- function ASPIgetDeviceType(DeviceID: TBurnerID;
- var DeviceType: TScsiDeviceType): TScsiError;
- var
- Gsrb: SRB_GetDeviceType;
- begin
- FillChar(Gsrb, sizeof(Gsrb), 0);
- Gsrb.SRB_Cmd := 1;
- ScatterDeviceID(DeviceID, Gsrb.SRB_HaId, Gsrb.SRB_Target, Gsrb.SRB_Lun);
- SendASPI32Command(@Gsrb);
- Result := GetAspiError(Gsrb.SRB_Status, $FF, $FF);
- if (Result = Err_None) and (Gsrb.SRB_DeviceType < ORD(TSDInvalid)) then
- DeviceType := TScsiDeviceType(Gsrb.SRB_DeviceType)
- else
- DeviceType := TSDInvalid;
- end;
- function ASPIgetDriveInt13info(DeviceID: TBurnerID;
- var Info: TScsiInt13info): TScsiError;
- var
- Isrb: SRB_Int13info;
- begin
- FillChar(Isrb, sizeof(Isrb), 0);
- with Isrb do
- begin
- SRB_Cmd := 6;
- ScatterDeviceID(DeviceID, SRB_HaId, SRB_Target, SRB_Lun);
- end;
- SendASPI32Command(@Isrb);
- with Info, Isrb do
- begin
- Result := GetAspiError(SRB_Status, $FF, $FF);
- Support := (Result = Err_None) and ((SRB_DriveFlags and 3) <> 0);
- DosSupport := (Result = Err_None) and ((SRB_DriveFlags and 1) <> 0);
- DriveNumber := SRB_Int13Drive;
- Heads := SRB_Heads;
- Sectors := SRB_Sectors;
- end;
- end;
- function ASPIhaInquiry(HaId: BYTE; var sh: TScsiHAinfo): TScsiError;
- var
- Isrb: SRB_Inquiry;
- begin
- FillChar(Isrb, sizeof(Isrb), 0);
- Isrb.SRB_Cmd := 0;
- Isrb.SRB_HaId := HaId;
- SendASPI32Command(@Isrb);
- with Isrb do
- begin
- Result := GetAspiError(SRB_Status, $FF, $FF);
- sh.ScsiId := SRB_HA_SCSIID;
- ASPIstrCopy(SRB_ManagerID, sh.ScsiManagerId, 16);
- ASPIstrCopy(SRB_AdapterID, sh.HostAdapterId, 16);
- sh.BufferAlignMask := SRB_BufAlign;
- sh.ResidualSupport := (SRB_Residual and 2) <> 0;
- if SRB_Targets = 0 then
- sh.MaxTargetCount := 8
- else
- sh.MaxTargetCount := SRB_Targets;
- sh.MaxTransferLength := SRB_TransfLen;
- end;
- end;
- function ResetAspi(ID, Target, LUN: Integer): Boolean;
- var
- AdaptorSRB: PSRB_GDEVBlock;
- // ASPI_Status: DWord;
- begin
- // result := False;
- New(AdaptorSRB);
- FillChar(AdaptorSRB^, Sizeof(SRB_HAInquiry), #0);
- AdaptorSRB^.SRB_Cmd := SC_RESET_DEV;
- AdaptorSRB^.SRB_HaId := ID;
- AdaptorSRB^.SRB_Target := Target;
- AdaptorSRB^.SRB_Lun := LUN;
- AdaptorSRB^.SRB_Flags := 0;
- AdaptorSRB^.SRB_Hdr_Rsvd := 0;
- // ASPI_Status :=
- SendASPI32Command(AdaptorSRB);
- if AdaptorSRB^.SRB_Status <> SS_COMP then
- result := False
- else
- result := True;
- Dispose(AdaptorSRB);
- end;
- function GetAdaptorName(ID: Integer): string;
- var
- AdaptorSRB: PSRB_HAInquiry;
- // ASPI_Status: DWord;
- Res: string;
- begin
- setlength(Res, 16);
- New(AdaptorSRB);
- FillChar(AdaptorSRB^, Sizeof(SRB_HAInquiry), #0);
- AdaptorSRB^.SRB_Cmd := SC_HA_INQUIRY;
- AdaptorSRB^.SRB_HaId := ID;
- AdaptorSRB^.SRB_Flags := 0;
- AdaptorSRB^.SRB_Hdr_Rsvd := 0;
- // ASPI_Status :=
- SendASPI32Command(AdaptorSRB);
- if AdaptorSRB^.SRB_Status <> SS_COMP then
- RES := 'Inquery Error'
- else
- begin
- Res := AdaptorSRB^.HA_Identifier;
- end;
- Result := Res;
- Dispose(AdaptorSRB);
- end;
- function GetAspiErrorSense(Status, HaStat, TargStat: BYTE;
- Sense: PscsiSenseInfo): TScsiError;
- begin
- Result := GetAspiError(Status, HaStat, TargStat);
- if (Result = Err_CheckCondition) and Assigned(Sense) then
- if Sense^[0] = 0 then
- Result := Err_None
- else if (Sense^[0] and $7E) <> $70 {// recognized values} then
- Result := Err_SenseUnknown
- else
- case (Sense^[2] and $0F) of
- 0:
- begin // Skey_NoSense
- if (Sense^[2] and $80) <> 0 {// FileMark flag} then
- Result := Err_SenseFileMark
- else if (Sense^[2] and $40) <> 0 {// EndOfMedia flag} then
- Result := Err_SenseEndOfMedia
- else if (Sense^[2] and $20) <> 0 {// IllegalLength flag} then
- Result := Err_SenseIllegalLength
- else if (Sense^[3] and $80) <> 0 {// ResidualCount < 0} then
- Result := Err_SenseIncorrectLength
- else
- Result := Err_SenseNoSense;
- end;
- 1: Result := Err_SenseRecoveredError; //Skey_RecoveredError
- 2: Result := Err_SenseNotReady; //Skey_NotReady
- 3: Result := Err_SenseMediumError; //Skey_MediumError
- 4: Result := Err_SenseHardwareError; //Skey_HardwareError
- 5: Result := Err_SenseIllegalRequest; //Skey_IllegalRequest
- 6: Result := Err_SenseUnitAttention; //Skey_UnitAttention
- 7: Result := Err_SenseDataProtect; //Skey_DataProtect
- 8: Result := Err_SenseBlankCheck; //Skey_BlankCheck
- 9: Result := Err_SenseVendorSpecific; // Skey_VendorSpecific
- 10: Result := Err_SenseCopyAborted; // Skey_CopyAborted
- 11: Result := Err_SenseAbortedCommand; // Skey_AbortedCommand
- 12: Result := Err_SenseEqual; // Skey_Equal
- 13: Result := Err_SenseVolumeOverflow; // Skey_VolumeOverflow
- 14: Result := Err_SenseMiscompare; // Skey_Miscompare
- 15: Result := Err_SenseReserved; // Skey_Reserved
- end;
- end;
- function ASPIsend12CDB(DeviceID: TCDBurnerInfo; CDB: TCDB12; Pbuf: pointer;
- BufLen: DWORD;
- Direction: DWORD; var Sdf: TScsiDefaults): TScsiError;
- begin
- if Assigned(Pbuf) and (Direction = SRB_DIR_IN) then
- FillChar(Pbuf^, BufLen, 0);
- Result := ASPIsendScsiCommand(DeviceID, @cdb, 12, Pbuf, BufLen, Direction,
- Sdf);
- end;
- function ASPIsend10CDB(DeviceID: TCDBurnerInfo; CDB: TCDB10; Pbuf: pointer;
- BufLen: DWORD;
- Direction: DWORD; var Sdf: TScsiDefaults): TScsiError;
- begin
- if Assigned(Pbuf) and (Direction = SRB_DIR_IN) then
- FillChar(Pbuf^, BufLen, 0);
- Result := ASPIsendScsiCommand(DeviceID, @cdb, 10, Pbuf, BufLen, Direction,
- Sdf);
- end;
- function ASPIsend6CDB(DeviceID: TCDBurnerInfo; CDB: TCDB6; Pbuf: pointer;
- BufLen: DWORD;
- Direction: DWORD; var Sdf: TScsiDefaults): TScsiError;
- begin
- if Assigned(Pbuf) and (Direction = SRB_DIR_IN) then
- FillChar(Pbuf^, BufLen, 0);
- Result := ASPIsendScsiCommand(DeviceID, @cdb, 6, Pbuf, BufLen, Direction,
- Sdf);
- end;
- function ASPIsend6(DeviceID: TCDBurnerInfo;
- OpCode: BYTE; Lba: DWORD; Byte4: BYTE;
- Pbuf: pointer; BufLen: DWORD;
- Direction: DWORD; var Sdf: TScsiDefaults): TScsiError;
- var
- cdb: array[0..5] of BYTE;
- begin
- if Assigned(Pbuf) and (Direction = SRB_DIR_IN) then
- FillChar(Pbuf^, BufLen, 0);
- cdb[5] := 0;
- cdb[4] := Byte4;
- FillDWORD(LBA, cdb[0]);
- cdb[1] := AttachLUN(cdb[1], DeviceID.DriveID);
- cdb[0] := OpCode;
- Result := ASPIsendScsiCommand(DeviceID, @cdb, 6, Pbuf, BufLen, Direction,
- Sdf);
- end;
- function ASPIsend10(DeviceID: TCDBurnerInfo; OpCode: BYTE;
- Byte1: BYTE; Lba: DWORD; Byte6: BYTE; Word7: WORD;
- Pbuf: pointer; BufLen: DWORD;
- Direction: DWORD; var Sdf: TScsiDefaults): TScsiError;
- var
- cdb: array[0..9] of BYTE;
- begin
- if Assigned(Pbuf) and (Direction = SRB_DIR_IN) then
- FillChar(Pbuf^, BufLen, 0);
- cdb[9] := 0;
- FillWORD(Word7, cdb[7]);
- cdb[6] := Byte6;
- FillDWORD(LBA, cdb[2]);
- cdb[1] := AttachLUN(Byte1, DeviceID.DriveID);
- cdb[0] := OpCode;
- Result := ASPIsendScsiCommand(DeviceID, @cdb, 10, Pbuf, BufLen, Direction,
- Sdf);
- end;
- function ASPIsend12(DeviceID: TCDBurnerInfo; OpCode: BYTE;
- Byte1: BYTE; Lba: DWORD; TLength: DWORD; Byte10: BYTE;
- Pbuf: pointer; BufLen: DWORD;
- Direction: DWORD; var Sdf: TScsiDefaults): TScsiError;
- var
- cdb: array[0..11] of BYTE;
- begin
- if Assigned(Pbuf) and (Direction = SRB_DIR_IN) then
- FillChar(Pbuf^, BufLen, 0);
- cdb[11] := 0;
- cdb[10] := Byte10;
- FillDWORD(TLength, cdb[6]);
- FillDWORD(LBA, cdb[2]);
- cdb[1] := AttachLUN(Byte1, DeviceID.DriveID);
- cdb[0] := OpCode;
- Result := ASPIsendScsiCommand(DeviceID, @cdb, 12, Pbuf, BufLen, Direction,
- Sdf);
- end;
- function ASPIsendScsiCommandInternal(DeviceID: TCDBurnerInfo;
- Pcdb: pointer; CdbLen: DWORD;
- Pbuf: pointer; BufLen: DWORD;
- Direction: DWORD; var Sdf: TScsiDefaults): TScsiError;
- var
- Esrb: SRB_ExecSCSICmd;
- hEvent: THandle;
- begin
- Result := Err_None;
- hEvent := CreateEvent(nil, true, false, nil); // event to notify completion
- if hEvent = 0 then
- begin
- Result := Err_NoEvent;
- exit;
- end;
- ResetEvent(hEvent);
- FillChar(Esrb, sizeof(Esrb), 0); // Scsi Request Block init
- with Esrb do
- begin
- SRB_Cmd := 2; // SC_EXEC_SCSI_CMD
- ScatterDeviceID(DeviceID.DriveID, SRB_HaId, SRB_Target, SRB_Lun);
- SRB_Flags := Direction or $40; // set SRB_EVENT_NOTIFY flag
- SRB_BufLen := BufLen;
- SRB_BufPtr := Pbuf;
- SRB_SenseLen := sizeof(TscsiSenseInfo) - 2;
- if CdbLen > 16 then
- SRB_CDBLen := 16
- else
- SRB_CDBLen := CdbLen;
- SRB_PostProc := hEvent;
- Move(Pcdb^, SRB_CDBByte, SRB_CDBLen);
- end;
- SendASPI32Command(@Esrb); // send command to aspi
- if Esrb.SRB_Status = 0 then
- begin // signaled SS_PENDING >> WAIT !
- if WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, Sdf.Timeout) <> WAIT_OBJECT_0 then
- begin
- Result := Err_NotifyTimeout;
- ASPIabortCommand(Esrb.SRB_HaId, @Esrb);
- end;
- end;
- if Esrb.SRB_Status <> 1 then
- Result := Err_NoDevice;
- CloseHandle(hEvent);
- if Result = Err_None then
- with Esrb do
- begin
- Sdf.Sense := SRB_Sense;
- Result := GetAspiErrorSense(SRB_Status, SRB_HaStat,
- SRB_TargStat, @SRB_Sense);
- end;
- end;
- function ASPIsendScsiCommand(DeviceID: TCDBurnerInfo;
- Pcdb: pointer; CdbLen: DWORD;
- Pbuf: pointer; BufLen: DWORD;
- Direction: DWORD; var Sdf: TScsiDefaults): TScsiError;
- begin
- // Result := Err_None;
- FillChar(Sdf.Sense, sizeof(TscsiSenseInfo), 0);
- Result := ASPIsendScsiCommandInternal(DeviceID,
- Pcdb, CdbLen, Pbuf, BufLen, Direction, Sdf);
- if Assigned(Sdf.fOnCommandSent) then
- Sdf.fOnCommandSent(DeviceID, Pcdb, CdbLen, Pbuf, BufLen, Direction, @Sdf,
- Result);
- end;
- procedure ASPIabortCommand(HaId: BYTE; Psrb: pointer);
- var
- Asrb: SRB_Abort;
- begin
- FillChar(Asrb, sizeof(Asrb), 0);
- Asrb.SRB_Cmd := 3;
- Asrb.SRB_HaId := HaId;
- Asrb.SRB_ToAbort := Psrb;
- SendASPI32Command(@Asrb);
- end;
- end.