- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Unit Name: AudioACM
- Author: Dancemammal
- Purpose: Wave Utils and conversion functions
- History: First release
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- unit AudioACM;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, Classes, SysUtils, mmSystem;
- const
- // addons for extra codecs
- WAVE_FORMAT_MSG723 = 66;
- type
- // Milliseconds to string format specifiers
- TMS2StrFormat = (
- msHMSh, // Hour:Minute:Second.Hunderdth
- msHMS, // Hour:Minute:Second
- msMSh, // Minute:Second.Hunderdth
- msMS, // Minute:Second
- msSh, // Second.Hunderdth
- msS, // Second
- msAh, // Best format with hunderdth of second
- msA); // Best format without hunderdth of second
- // Standard PCM Audio Format
- TPCMChannel = (cMono, cStereo);
- TPCMSamplesPerSec = (ss8000Hz, ss11025Hz, ss22050Hz, ss44100Hz, ss48000Hz);
- TPCMBitsPerSample = (bs8Bit, bs16Bit);
- TPCMFormat = (nonePCM, Mono8Bit8000Hz, Stereo8bit8000Hz, Mono16bit8000Hz,
- Stereo16bit8000Hz, Mono8bit11025Hz, Stereo8bit11025Hz, Mono16bit11025Hz,
- Stereo16bit11025Hz, Mono8bit22050Hz, Stereo8bit22050Hz, Mono16bit22050Hz,
- Stereo16bit22050Hz, Mono8bit44100Hz, Stereo8bit44100Hz, Mono16bit44100Hz,
- Stereo16bit44100Hz, Mono8bit48000Hz, Stereo8bit48000Hz, Mono16bit48000Hz,
- Stereo16bit48000Hz);
- // TMP3Bitrates = (96kBits,112kBits,128kBits,160kBits,192kBits,224kBits,256kBits,320kBits)
- // Wave Device Supported PCM Formats
- TWaveDeviceFormats = set of TPCMFormat;
- // Wave Out Device Supported Features
- TWaveOutDeviceSupport = (dsVolume, dsStereoVolume, dsPitch, dsPlaybackRate, dsPosition, dsAsynchronize, dsDirectSound);
- TWaveOutDeviceSupports = set of TWaveOutDeviceSupport;
- // Wave Out Options
- TWaveOutOption = (woSetVolume, woSetPitch, woSetPlaybackRate);
- TWaveOutOptions = set of TWaveOutOption;
- // Wave Audio Exceptions
- EWaveAudioError = class(Exception);
- EWaveAudioSysError = class(EWaveAudioError);
- EWaveAudioInvalidOperation = class(EWaveAudioError);
- function GetWaveAudioInfo(mmIO: HMMIO; out pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx;
- out DataSize, DataOffset: DWORD): Boolean;
- function CreateWaveAudio(mmIO: HMMIO; const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx;
- out ckRIFF, ckData: TMMCKInfo): Boolean;
- procedure CloseWaveAudio(mmIO: HMMIO; var ckRIFF, ckData: TMMCKInfo);
- function GetStreamWaveAudioInfo(Stream: TStream; out pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx;
- out DataSize, DataOffset: DWORD): Boolean;
- function CreateStreamWaveAudio(Stream: TStream; const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx;
- out ckRIFF, ckData: TMMCKInfo): HMMIO;
- function OpenStreamWaveAudio(Stream: TStream): HMMIO;
- function CalcWaveBufferSize(const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx; Duration: DWORD): DWORD;
- function GetWaveAudioFormat(const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx): String;
- function GetWaveAudioLength(const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx; DataSize: DWORD): DWORD;
- function GetWaveAudioBitRate(const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx): DWORD;
- function GetWaveAudioPeakLevel(const Data: Pointer; DataSize: DWORD;
- BitsPerSample: WORD): Integer;
- procedure InvertWaveAudio(const Data: Pointer; DataSize: DWORD;
- BitsPerSample: WORD);
- procedure SilenceWaveAudio(const Data: Pointer; DataSize: DWORD;
- BitsPerSample: WORD);
- procedure ChangeWaveAudioVolume(const Data: Pointer; DataSize: DWORD;
- BitsPerSample: WORD; Percent: Integer);
- function ConvertWaveFormat(const srcFormat: PWaveFormatEx; srcData: Pointer; srcDataSize: DWORD;
- const dstFormat: PWaveFormatEx; out dstData: Pointer; out dstDataSize: DWORD): Boolean;
- procedure SetPCMAudioFormat(const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx; Channels: TPCMChannel;
- SamplesPerSec: TPCMSamplesPerSec; BitsPerSample: TPCMBitsPerSample);
- procedure SetPCMAudioFormatS(const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx; PCMFormat: TPCMFormat);
- function GetPCMAudioFormat(const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx): TPCMFormat;
- procedure SetMP3AudioFormatS(const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx; PCMFormat: TPCMFormat);
- function GetMP3AudioFormat(const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx): TPCMFormat;
- function MS2Str(Milliseconds: DWORD; Fmt: TMS2StrFormat): String;
- function WaitForSyncObject(SyncObject: THandle; Timeout: DWORD): DWORD;
- function mmioStreamProc(lpmmIOInfo: PMMIOInfo; uMsg, lParam1, lParam2: DWORD): LRESULT; stdcall;
- implementation
- const
- // acmStreamConvert flags
- // acmStreamOpen flags
- // acmStreamSize flags
- type
- // ACM Driver Handle
- // ACM Stream Handle
- // ACM Stream Header
- TACMSTREAMHEADER = packed record
- cbStruct: DWORD;
- fdwStatus: DWORD;
- dwUser: DWORD;
- pbSrc: PBYTE;
- cbSrcLength: DWORD;
- cbSrcLengthUsed: DWORD;
- dwSrcUser: DWORD;
- pbDst: PBYTE;
- cbDstLength: DWORD;
- cbDstLengthUsed: DWORD;
- dwDstUser: DWORD;
- dwReservedDriver: array[0..9] of DWORD;
- end;
- // ACM Wave Filter
- TWAVEFILTER = packed record
- cbStruct: DWORD;
- dwFilterTag: DWORD;
- fdwFilter: DWORD;
- dwReserved: array[0..4] of DWORD;
- end;
- function acmStreamOpen(var phas: HACMSTREAM; had: HACMDRIVER;
- dwCallback: DWORD; dwInstance: DWORD; fdwOpen: DWORD): MMRESULT; stdcall;
- external 'msacm32.dll';
- function acmStreamClose(has: HACMSTREAM; fdwClose: DWORD): MMRESULT; stdcall;
- external 'msacm32.dll';
- function acmStreamPrepareHeader(has: HACMSTREAM; var pash: TACMSTREAMHEADER;
- fdwPrepare: DWORD): MMRESULT; stdcall;
- external 'msacm32.dll';
- function acmStreamUnprepareHeader(has: HACMSTREAM; var pash: TACMSTREAMHEADER;
- fdwUnprepare: DWORD): MMRESULT; stdcall;
- external 'msacm32.dll';
- function acmStreamConvert(has: HACMSTREAM; var pash: TACMSTREAMHEADER;
- fdwConvert: DWORD): MMRESULT; stdcall;
- external 'msacm32.dll';
- function acmStreamSize(has: HACMSTREAM; cbInput: DWORD;
- var pdwOutputBytes: DWORD; fdwSize: DWORD): MMRESULT; stdcall;
- external 'msacm32.dll';
- { Global Procedures }
- // To open a stream using mmIO API functions, use the following code sample:
- //
- // FillChar(mmioInfo, SizeOf(mmioInfo), 0);
- // mmioInfo.pIOProc := @mmioStreamProc;
- // mmioInfo.adwInfo[0] := DWORD(your_stream_instance);
- // mmIO := mmioOpen(nil, @mmioInfo, dwOpenFlags);
- //
- // The flags specified by the dwOpenFlags parameter of mmioOpen function can
- // be only one of MMIO_READ, MMIO_WRITE, and MMIO_READWRITE flags. If you use
- // another flags, simply they will be ignored by this user defined function.
- function mmIOStreamProc(lpmmIOInfo: PMMIOInfo; uMsg, lParam1, lParam2: DWORD): LRESULT; stdcall;
- var
- Stream: TStream;
- begin
- if Assigned(lpmmIOInfo) and (lpmmIOInfo^.adwInfo[0] <> 0) then
- begin
- Stream := TStream(lpmmIOInfo^.adwInfo[0]);
- case uMsg of
- begin
- if TObject(lpmmIOInfo^.adwInfo[0]) is TStream then
- begin
- Stream.Seek(0, SEEK_SET);
- lpmmIOInfo^.lDiskOffset := 0;
- end
- else
- Result := -1;
- end;
- try
- if lParam2 = SEEK_CUR then
- Stream.Seek(lpmmIOInfo^.lDiskOffset, SEEK_SET);
- Result := Stream.Seek(lParam1, lParam2);
- lpmmIOInfo^.lDiskOffset := Result;
- except
- Result := -1;
- end;
- try
- Stream.Seek(lpmmIOInfo^.lDiskOffset, SEEK_SET);
- Result := Stream.Read(Pointer(lParam1)^, lParam2);
- lpmmIOInfo^.lDiskOffset := Stream.Seek(0, SEEK_CUR);
- except
- Result := -1;
- end;
- try
- Stream.Seek(lpmmIOInfo^.lDiskOffset, SEEK_SET);
- Result := Stream.Write(Pointer(lParam1)^, lParam2);
- lpmmIOInfo^.lDiskOffset := Stream.Seek(0, SEEK_CUR);
- except
- Result := -1;
- end
- else
- end;
- end
- else
- Result := -1;
- end;
- // Retrieves format, size, and offset of the wave audio for an open mmIO
- // handle. On success when the the function returns true, it is the caller
- // responsibility to free the memory allocated for the Wave Format structure.
- function GetWaveAudioInfo(mmIO: HMMIO; out pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx;
- out DataSize, DataOffset: DWORD): Boolean;
- function GetWaveFormat(const ckRIFF: TMMCKInfo): Boolean;
- var
- ckFormat: TMMCKInfo;
- begin
- Result := False;
- ckFormat.ckid := mmioStringToFOURCC('fmt', 0);
- if (mmioDescend(mmIO, @ckFormat, @ckRIFF, MMIO_FINDCHUNK) = MMSYSERR_NOERROR) and
- (ckFormat.cksize >= SizeOf(TWaveFormat)) then
- begin
- if ckFormat.cksize < SizeOf(TWaveFormatEx) then
- begin
- GetMem(pWaveFormat, SizeOf(TWaveFormatEx));
- FillChar(pWaveFormat^, SizeOf(TWaveFormatEx), 0);
- end
- else
- GetMem(pWaveFormat, ckFormat.cksize);
- Result := (mmioRead(mmIO, PChar(pWaveFormat), ckFormat.cksize) = Integer(ckFormat.cksize));
- end;
- end;
- function GetWaveData(const ckRIFF: TMMCKInfo): Boolean;
- var
- ckData: TMMCKInfo;
- begin
- Result := False;
- ckData.ckid := mmioStringToFOURCC('data', 0);
- if (mmioDescend(mmIO, @ckData, @ckRIFF, MMIO_FINDCHUNK) = MMSYSERR_NOERROR) then
- begin
- DataSize := ckData.cksize;
- DataOffset := ckData.dwDataOffset;
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- var
- ckRIFF: TMMCKInfo;
- OrgPos: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- OrgPos := mmioSeek(mmIO, 0, SEEK_CUR);
- try
- mmioSeek(mmIO, 0, SEEK_SET);
- ckRIFF.fccType := mmioStringToFOURCC('WAVE', 0);
- if (mmioDescend(mmIO, @ckRIFF, nil, MMIO_FINDRIFF) = MMSYSERR_NOERROR) then
- begin
- pWaveFormat := nil;
- if GetWaveFormat(ckRIFF) and GetWaveData(ckRIFF) then
- Result := True
- else if Assigned(pWaveFormat) then
- ReallocMem(pWaveFormat, 0);
- end
- finally
- mmioSeek(mmIO, OrgPos, SEEK_SET);
- end;
- end;
- // Initializes a new wave RIFF format in an open mmIO handle. The previous
- // content of mmIO will be lost.
- function CreateWaveAudio(mmIO: HMMIO; const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx;
- out ckRIFF, ckData: TMMCKInfo): Boolean;
- var
- ckFormat: TMMCKInfo;
- FormatSize: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- FormatSize := SizeOf(TWaveFormatEx) + pWaveFormat^.cbSize;
- mmIOSeek(mmIO, 0, SEEK_SET);
- FillChar(ckRIFF, SizeOf(TMMCKInfo), 0);
- ckRIFF.fccType := mmioStringToFOURCC('WAVE', 0);
- if mmioCreateChunk(mmIO, @ckRIFF, MMIO_CREATERIFF) = MMSYSERR_NOERROR then
- begin
- FillChar(ckFormat, SizeOf(TMMCKInfo), 0);
- ckFormat.ckid := mmioStringToFOURCC('fmt', 0);
- if (mmioCreateChunk(mmIO, @ckFormat, 0) = MMSYSERR_NOERROR) and
- (mmioWrite(mmIO, PChar(pWaveFormat), FormatSize) = FormatSize) and
- (mmioAscend(mmIO, @ckFormat, 0) = MMSYSERR_NOERROR) then
- begin
- FillChar(ckData, SizeOf(TMMCKInfo), 0);
- ckData.ckid := mmioStringToFOURCC('data', 0);
- Result := (mmioCreateChunk(mmIO, @ckData, 0) = MMSYSERR_NOERROR);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // Updates the chunks and closes an mmIO handle.
- procedure CloseWaveAudio(mmIO: HMMIO; var ckRIFF, ckData: TMMCKInfo);
- begin
- mmioAscend(mmIO, @ckData, 0);
- mmioAscend(mmIO, @ckRIFF, 0);
- mmioClose(mmIO, 0);
- end;
- // Retrieves format, size, and offset of the wave audio for a stream. On
- // success when the the function returns true, it is the caller responsibility
- // to free the memory allocated for the Wave Format structure.
- function GetStreamWaveAudioInfo(Stream: TStream; out pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx;
- out DataSize, DataOffset: DWORD): Boolean;
- var
- mmIO: HMMIO;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if Stream.Size <> 0 then
- begin
- mmIO := OpenStreamWaveAudio(Stream);
- if mmIO <> 0 then
- try
- Result := GetWaveAudioInfo(mmIO, pWaveFormat, DataSize, DataOffset);
- finally
- mmioClose(mmIO, MMIO_FHOPEN);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // Initializes wave RIFF format in a stream and returns the mmIO handle.
- // After calling this function, the previous content of the stream will be lost.
- function CreateStreamWaveAudio(Stream: TStream; const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx;
- out ckRIFF, ckData: TMMCKInfo): HMMIO;
- begin
- Result := OpenStreamWaveAudio(Stream);
- if Result <> 0 then
- begin
- Stream.Size := 0;
- if not CreateWaveAudio(Result, pWaveFormat, ckRIFF, ckData) then
- begin
- mmioClose(Result, MMIO_FHOPEN);
- Result := 0;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // Opens wave RIFF format in a stream for read and write operations and returns
- // the mmIO handle.
- function OpenStreamWaveAudio(Stream: TStream): HMMIO;
- var
- begin
- FillChar(mmIOInfo, SizeOf(mmIOInfo), 0);
- mmIOInfo.pIOProc := @mmIOStreamProc;
- mmIOInfo.adwInfo[0] := DWORD(Stream);
- Result := mmioOpen(nil, @mmIOInfo, MMIO_READ or MMIO_WRITE);
- end;
- // Claculates the wave buffer size for the specified duration.
- function CalcWaveBufferSize(const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx; Duration: DWORD): DWORD;
- var
- Alignment: DWORD;
- begin
- Result := MulDiv(Duration, pWaveFormat^.nAvgBytesPerSec, 1000);
- if pWaveFormat^.nBlockAlign <> 0 then
- begin
- Alignment := Result mod pWaveFormat^.nBlockAlign;
- if Alignment <> 0 then Inc(Result, pWaveFormat^.nBlockAlign - Alignment);
- end;
- end;
- // Returns the string representation of a wave audio format.
- function GetWaveAudioFormat(const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx): String;
- const
- Channels: array[1..2] of String = ('Mono', 'Stereo');
- begin
- with pWaveFormat^ do
- begin
- if nChannels in [1..2] then
- Result := Format('%.3f kHz, %d Bit, %s', [nSamplesPerSec / 1000,
- wBitsPerSample, Channels[nChannels]])
- else
- Result := Format('%.3f kHz, %d Bit, %d Ch', [nSamplesPerSec / 1000,
- wBitsPerSample, nChannels]);
- if wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM then
- Result := 'PCM ' + Result;
- end;
- end;
- // Returns the wave's length in milliseconds.
- function GetWaveAudioLength(const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx; DataSize: DWORD): DWORD;
- begin
- with pWaveFormat^ do
- if nAvgBytesPerSec <> 0 then
- Result := MulDiv(1000, DataSize, nAvgBytesPerSec)
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- // Returns the wave's bit rate in kbps (kilo bits per second).
- function GetWaveAudioBitRate(const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx): DWORD;
- begin
- with pWaveFormat^ do
- Result := MulDiv(nSamplesPerSec, nChannels * wBitsPerSample, 1000);
- end;
- // Returns the wave data peak level in percent (PCM format only).
- function GetWaveAudioPeakLevel(const Data: Pointer; DataSize: DWORD;
- BitsPerSample: WORD): Integer;
- function GetAudioPeakLevel8Bit: Integer;
- var
- pSample: PByte;
- Max: Byte;
- begin
- Max := 0;
- pSample := Data;
- while DataSize > 0 do
- begin
- if pSample^ > Max then
- Max := pSample^;
- Inc(pSample);
- Dec(DataSize);
- end;
- if ByteBool(Max and $80) then
- Max := Max and $7F
- else
- Max := 0;
- Result := (100 * Max) div $7F;
- end;
- function GetAudioPeakLevel16Bit: Integer;
- var
- pSample: PSmallInt;
- Max: SmallInt;
- begin
- Max := 0;
- pSample := Data;
- while DataSize > 0 do
- begin
- if pSample^ > Max then
- Max := pSample^;
- Inc(pSample);
- Dec(DataSize, 2);
- end;
- Result := (100 * Max) div $7FFF;
- end;
- begin
- case BitsPerSample of
- 8: Result := GetAudioPeakLevel8Bit;
- 16: Result := GetAudioPeakLevel16Bit;
- else
- Result := -1;
- end;
- end;
- // Inverts the wave data (PCM format only).
- procedure InvertWaveAudio(const Data: Pointer; DataSize: DWORD;
- BitsPerSample: WORD);
- procedure Invert8Bit;
- var
- pStart, pEnd: PByte;
- begin
- pStart := Data;
- pEnd := PByte(DWORD(pStart) + DataSize - SizeOf(Byte));
- while DWORD(pStart) < DWORD(pEnd) do
- begin
- pStart^ := pStart^ xor pEnd^;
- pEnd^ := pStart^ xor pEnd^;
- pStart^ := pStart^ xor pEnd^;
- Inc(pStart);
- Dec(pEnd);
- end;
- end;
- procedure Invert16Bit;
- var
- pStart, pEnd: PSmallInt;
- begin
- pStart := Data;
- pEnd := PSmallInt(DWORD(pStart) + DataSize - SizeOf(SmallInt));
- while DWORD(pStart) < DWORD(pEnd) do
- begin
- pStart^ := pStart^ xor pEnd^;
- pEnd^ := pStart^ xor pEnd^;
- pStart^ := pStart^ xor pEnd^;
- Inc(pStart);
- Dec(pEnd);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- case BitsPerSample of
- 8: Invert8Bit;
- 16: Invert16Bit;
- end;
- end;
- // Fills the wave data with silence
- procedure SilenceWaveAudio(const Data: Pointer; DataSize: DWORD;
- BitsPerSample: WORD);
- begin
- case BitsPerSample of
- 8: FillChar(Data^, DataSize, $7F);
- 16: FillChar(Data^, DataSize, 0);
- end;
- end;
- // Increases/Decreases the wave data volume by the specified percentage (PCM format only).
- procedure ChangeWaveAudioVolume(const Data: Pointer; DataSize: DWORD;
- BitsPerSample: WORD; Percent: Integer);
- procedure ChangeVolume8Bit;
- var
- pSample: PByte;
- Value: Integer;
- begin
- pSample := Data;
- while DataSize > 0 do
- begin
- Value := pSample^ + (pSample^ * Percent) div 100;
- if Value > High(Byte) then
- Value := High(Byte)
- else if Value < 0 then
- Value := 0;
- pSample^ := Value;
- Inc(pSample);
- Dec(DataSize, SizeOf(Byte));
- end;
- end;
- procedure ChangeVolume16Bit;
- var
- pSample: PSmallInt;
- Value: Integer;
- begin
- pSample := Data;
- while DataSize > 0 do
- begin
- Value := pSample^ + (pSample^ * Percent) div 100;
- if Value > High(SmallInt) then
- Value := High(SmallInt)
- else if Value < -High(SmallInt) then
- Value := -High(SmallInt);
- pSample^ := Value;
- Inc(pSample);
- Dec(DataSize, SizeOf(SmallInt));
- end;
- end;
- begin
- case BitsPerSample of
- 8: ChangeVolume8Bit;
- 16: ChangeVolume16Bit;
- end;
- end;
- // Converts the wave data to the specified format. The caller is responsible to
- // release the memory allocated for the converted wave data buffer.
- function ConvertWaveFormat(const srcFormat: PWaveFormatEx; srcData: Pointer; srcDataSize: DWORD;
- const dstFormat: PWaveFormatEx; out dstData: Pointer; out dstDataSize: DWORD): Boolean;
- var
- hStream: HACMSTREAM;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if acmStreamOpen(hStream, 0, srcFormat, dstFormat, nil, 0, 0, ACM_STREAMOPENF_NONREALTIME) = 0 then
- begin
- try
- if acmStreamSize(hStream, srcDataSize, dstDataSize, ACM_STREAMSIZEF_SOURCE) = 0 then
- begin
- dstData := nil;
- FillChar(Header, SizeOf(Header), 0);
- ReallocMem(dstData, dstDataSize);
- try
- Header.cbStruct := SizeOf(Header);
- Header.pbSrc := srcData;
- Header.cbSrcLength := srcDataSize;
- Header.pbDst := dstData;
- Header.cbDstLength := dstDataSize;
- if acmStreamPrepareHeader(hStream, Header, 0) = 0 then
- try
- Result := (acmStreamConvert(hStream, Header, ACM_STREAMCONVERTF_START or ACM_STREAMCONVERTF_END) = 0);
- finally
- acmStreamUnprepareHeader(hStream, Header, 0);
- end;
- finally
- ReallocMem(dstData, Header.cbDstLengthUsed);
- dstDataSize := Header.cbDstLengthUsed;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- acmStreamClose(hStream, 0);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // Initializes a standard MP3 wave format header. The size of memory referenced
- // by the pWaveFormat parameter must not be less than the size of TWaveFormatEx
- // record.
- procedure SetMP3AudioFormat(const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx;
- Channels: TPCMChannel; SamplesPerSec: TPCMSamplesPerSec;
- BitsPerSample: TPCMBitsPerSample);
- begin
- {
- .nChannels = wfxIN.nChannels
- .nSamplesPerSec = wfxIN.nSamplesPerSec
- with pWaveFormat^ do
- begin
- case Channels of
- cMono: nChannels := 1;
- cStereo: nChannels := 2;
- end;
- case SamplesPerSec of
- ss8000Hz: nSamplesPerSec := 8000;
- ss11025Hz: nSamplesPerSec := 11025;
- ss22050Hz: nSamplesPerSec := 22050;
- ss44100Hz: nSamplesPerSec := 44100;
- ss48000Hz: nSamplesPerSec := 48000;
- end;
- { case BitsPerSample of
- bs8Bit: wBitsPerSample := 8;
- bs16Bit: wBitsPerSample := 16;
- end;
- nBlockAlign := MulDiv(nChannels, wBitsPerSample, 8);
- nAvgBytesPerSec := nSamplesPerSec * nBlockAlign;
- cbSize := 0; }
- end;
- end;
- // Initializes a standard MP3 wave format header (shorcut form). The size of
- // memory referenced by the pWaveFormat parameter must not be less than the
- // size of TWaveFormatEx record.
- procedure SetMP3AudioFormatS(const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx; PCMFormat: TPCMFormat);
- begin
- case PCMFormat of
- Mono8Bit8000Hz:
- SetMP3AudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cMono, ss8000Hz, bs8Bit);
- Mono8Bit11025Hz:
- SetMP3AudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cMono, ss11025Hz, bs8Bit);
- Mono8Bit22050Hz:
- SetMP3AudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cMono, ss22050Hz, bs8Bit);
- Mono8Bit44100Hz:
- SetMP3AudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cMono, ss44100Hz, bs8Bit);
- Mono8Bit48000Hz:
- SetMP3AudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cMono, ss48000Hz, bs8Bit);
- Mono16Bit8000Hz:
- SetMP3AudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cMono, ss8000Hz, bs16Bit);
- Mono16Bit11025Hz:
- SetMP3AudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cMono, ss11025Hz, bs16Bit);
- Mono16Bit22050Hz:
- SetMP3AudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cMono, ss22050Hz, bs16Bit);
- Mono16Bit44100Hz:
- SetMP3AudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cMono, ss44100Hz, bs16Bit);
- Mono16Bit48000Hz:
- SetMP3AudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cMono, ss48000Hz, bs16Bit);
- Stereo8bit8000Hz:
- SetMP3AudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cStereo, ss8000Hz, bs8Bit);
- Stereo8bit11025Hz:
- SetMP3AudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cStereo, ss11025Hz, bs8Bit);
- Stereo8bit22050Hz:
- SetMP3AudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cStereo, ss22050Hz, bs8Bit);
- Stereo8bit44100Hz:
- SetMP3AudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cStereo, ss44100Hz, bs8Bit);
- Stereo8bit48000Hz:
- SetMP3AudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cStereo, ss48000Hz, bs8Bit);
- Stereo16bit8000Hz:
- SetMP3AudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cStereo, ss8000Hz, bs16Bit);
- Stereo16bit11025Hz:
- SetMP3AudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cStereo, ss11025Hz, bs16Bit);
- Stereo16bit22050Hz:
- SetMP3AudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cStereo, ss22050Hz, bs16Bit);
- Stereo16bit44100Hz:
- SetMP3AudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cStereo, ss44100Hz, bs16Bit);
- Stereo16bit48000Hz:
- SetMP3AudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cStereo, ss48000Hz, bs16Bit);
- end;
- end;
- // Returns the standard MP3 format specifier of a wave format.
- function GetMP3AudioFormat(const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx): TPCMFormat;
- begin
- Result := nonePCM;
- with pWaveFormat^ do
- if wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_MPEGLAYER3 then
- begin
- if (nChannels = 1) and (nSamplesPerSec = 8000) and (wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- Result := Mono8Bit8000Hz
- else if (nChannels = 2) and (nSamplesPerSec = 8000) and (wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- Result := Stereo8Bit8000Hz
- else if (nChannels = 1) and (nSamplesPerSec = 8000) and (wBitsPerSample = 16) then
- Result := Mono16bit8000Hz
- else if (nChannels = 2) and (nSamplesPerSec = 8000) and (wBitsPerSample = 16) then
- Result := Stereo16Bit8000Hz
- else if (nChannels = 1) and (nSamplesPerSec = 11025) and (wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- Result := Mono8Bit11025Hz
- else if (nChannels = 2) and (nSamplesPerSec = 11025) and (wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- Result := Stereo8Bit11025Hz
- else if (nChannels = 1) and (nSamplesPerSec = 11025) and (wBitsPerSample = 16) then
- Result := Mono16bit11025Hz
- else if (nChannels = 2) and (nSamplesPerSec = 11025) and (wBitsPerSample = 16) then
- Result := Stereo16Bit11025Hz
- else if (nChannels = 1) and (nSamplesPerSec = 22050) and (wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- Result := Mono8Bit22050Hz
- else if (nChannels = 2) and (nSamplesPerSec = 22050) and (wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- Result := Stereo8Bit22050Hz
- else if (nChannels = 1) and (nSamplesPerSec = 22050) and (wBitsPerSample = 16) then
- Result := Mono16bit22050Hz
- else if (nChannels = 2) and (nSamplesPerSec = 22050) and (wBitsPerSample = 16) then
- Result := Stereo16Bit22050Hz
- else if (nChannels = 1) and (nSamplesPerSec = 44100) and (wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- Result := Mono8Bit44100Hz
- else if (nChannels = 2) and (nSamplesPerSec = 44100) and (wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- Result := Stereo8Bit44100Hz
- else if (nChannels = 1) and (nSamplesPerSec = 44100) and (wBitsPerSample = 16) then
- Result := Mono16bit44100Hz
- else if (nChannels = 2) and (nSamplesPerSec = 44100) and (wBitsPerSample = 16) then
- Result := Stereo16Bit44100Hz
- else if (nChannels = 1) and (nSamplesPerSec = 48000) and (wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- Result := Mono8Bit48000Hz
- else if (nChannels = 2) and (nSamplesPerSec = 48000) and (wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- Result := Stereo8Bit48000Hz
- else if (nChannels = 1) and (nSamplesPerSec = 48000) and (wBitsPerSample = 16) then
- Result := Mono16bit48000Hz
- else if (nChannels = 2) and (nSamplesPerSec = 48000) and (wBitsPerSample = 16) then
- Result := Stereo16Bit48000Hz
- end;
- end;
- // Initializes a standard PCM wave format header. The size of memory referenced
- // by the pWaveFormat parameter must not be less than the size of TWaveFormatEx
- // record.
- procedure SetPCMAudioFormat(const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx;
- Channels: TPCMChannel; SamplesPerSec: TPCMSamplesPerSec;
- BitsPerSample: TPCMBitsPerSample);
- begin
- with pWaveFormat^ do
- begin
- wFormatTag := WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
- case Channels of
- cMono: nChannels := 1;
- cStereo: nChannels := 2;
- end;
- case SamplesPerSec of
- ss8000Hz: nSamplesPerSec := 8000;
- ss11025Hz: nSamplesPerSec := 11025;
- ss22050Hz: nSamplesPerSec := 22050;
- ss44100Hz: nSamplesPerSec := 44100;
- ss48000Hz: nSamplesPerSec := 48000;
- end;
- case BitsPerSample of
- bs8Bit: wBitsPerSample := 8;
- bs16Bit: wBitsPerSample := 16;
- end;
- nBlockAlign := MulDiv(nChannels, wBitsPerSample, 8);
- nAvgBytesPerSec := nSamplesPerSec * nBlockAlign;
- cbSize := 0;
- end;
- end;
- // Initializes a standard PCM wave format header (shorcut form). The size of
- // memory referenced by the pWaveFormat parameter must not be less than the
- // size of TWaveFormatEx record.
- procedure SetPCMAudioFormatS(const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx; PCMFormat: TPCMFormat);
- begin
- case PCMFormat of
- Mono8Bit8000Hz:
- SetPCMAudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cMono, ss8000Hz, bs8Bit);
- Mono8Bit11025Hz:
- SetPCMAudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cMono, ss11025Hz, bs8Bit);
- Mono8Bit22050Hz:
- SetPCMAudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cMono, ss22050Hz, bs8Bit);
- Mono8Bit44100Hz:
- SetPCMAudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cMono, ss44100Hz, bs8Bit);
- Mono8Bit48000Hz:
- SetPCMAudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cMono, ss48000Hz, bs8Bit);
- Mono16Bit8000Hz:
- SetPCMAudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cMono, ss8000Hz, bs16Bit);
- Mono16Bit11025Hz:
- SetPCMAudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cMono, ss11025Hz, bs16Bit);
- Mono16Bit22050Hz:
- SetPCMAudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cMono, ss22050Hz, bs16Bit);
- Mono16Bit44100Hz:
- SetPCMAudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cMono, ss44100Hz, bs16Bit);
- Mono16Bit48000Hz:
- SetPCMAudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cMono, ss48000Hz, bs16Bit);
- Stereo8bit8000Hz:
- SetPCMAudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cStereo, ss8000Hz, bs8Bit);
- Stereo8bit11025Hz:
- SetPCMAudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cStereo, ss11025Hz, bs8Bit);
- Stereo8bit22050Hz:
- SetPCMAudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cStereo, ss22050Hz, bs8Bit);
- Stereo8bit44100Hz:
- SetPCMAudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cStereo, ss44100Hz, bs8Bit);
- Stereo8bit48000Hz:
- SetPCMAudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cStereo, ss48000Hz, bs8Bit);
- Stereo16bit8000Hz:
- SetPCMAudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cStereo, ss8000Hz, bs16Bit);
- Stereo16bit11025Hz:
- SetPCMAudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cStereo, ss11025Hz, bs16Bit);
- Stereo16bit22050Hz:
- SetPCMAudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cStereo, ss22050Hz, bs16Bit);
- Stereo16bit44100Hz:
- SetPCMAudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cStereo, ss44100Hz, bs16Bit);
- Stereo16bit48000Hz:
- SetPCMAudioFormat(pWaveFormat, cStereo, ss48000Hz, bs16Bit);
- end;
- end;
- // Returns the standard PCM format specifier of a wave format.
- function GetPCMAudioFormat(const pWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx): TPCMFormat;
- begin
- Result := nonePCM;
- with pWaveFormat^ do
- if wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM then
- begin
- if (nChannels = 1) and (nSamplesPerSec = 8000) and (wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- Result := Mono8Bit8000Hz
- else if (nChannels = 2) and (nSamplesPerSec = 8000) and (wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- Result := Stereo8Bit8000Hz
- else if (nChannels = 1) and (nSamplesPerSec = 8000) and (wBitsPerSample = 16) then
- Result := Mono16bit8000Hz
- else if (nChannels = 2) and (nSamplesPerSec = 8000) and (wBitsPerSample = 16) then
- Result := Stereo16Bit8000Hz
- else if (nChannels = 1) and (nSamplesPerSec = 11025) and (wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- Result := Mono8Bit11025Hz
- else if (nChannels = 2) and (nSamplesPerSec = 11025) and (wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- Result := Stereo8Bit11025Hz
- else if (nChannels = 1) and (nSamplesPerSec = 11025) and (wBitsPerSample = 16) then
- Result := Mono16bit11025Hz
- else if (nChannels = 2) and (nSamplesPerSec = 11025) and (wBitsPerSample = 16) then
- Result := Stereo16Bit11025Hz
- else if (nChannels = 1) and (nSamplesPerSec = 22050) and (wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- Result := Mono8Bit22050Hz
- else if (nChannels = 2) and (nSamplesPerSec = 22050) and (wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- Result := Stereo8Bit22050Hz
- else if (nChannels = 1) and (nSamplesPerSec = 22050) and (wBitsPerSample = 16) then
- Result := Mono16bit22050Hz
- else if (nChannels = 2) and (nSamplesPerSec = 22050) and (wBitsPerSample = 16) then
- Result := Stereo16Bit22050Hz
- else if (nChannels = 1) and (nSamplesPerSec = 44100) and (wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- Result := Mono8Bit44100Hz
- else if (nChannels = 2) and (nSamplesPerSec = 44100) and (wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- Result := Stereo8Bit44100Hz
- else if (nChannels = 1) and (nSamplesPerSec = 44100) and (wBitsPerSample = 16) then
- Result := Mono16bit44100Hz
- else if (nChannels = 2) and (nSamplesPerSec = 44100) and (wBitsPerSample = 16) then
- Result := Stereo16Bit44100Hz
- else if (nChannels = 1) and (nSamplesPerSec = 48000) and (wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- Result := Mono8Bit48000Hz
- else if (nChannels = 2) and (nSamplesPerSec = 48000) and (wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- Result := Stereo8Bit48000Hz
- else if (nChannels = 1) and (nSamplesPerSec = 48000) and (wBitsPerSample = 16) then
- Result := Mono16bit48000Hz
- else if (nChannels = 2) and (nSamplesPerSec = 48000) and (wBitsPerSample = 16) then
- Result := Stereo16Bit48000Hz
- end;
- end;
- // Converts milliseconds to string
- function MS2Str(Milliseconds: DWORD; Fmt: TMS2StrFormat): String;
- var
- HSecs, Secs, Mins, Hours: DWORD;
- begin
- HSecs := Milliseconds div 10;
- Secs := HSecs div 100;
- Mins := Secs div 60;
- Hours := Mins div 60;
- if Fmt in [msAh, msA] then
- begin
- if Hours <> 0 then
- if Fmt = msAh then Fmt := msHMSh else Fmt := msHMS
- else if Mins <> 0 then
- if Fmt = msAh then Fmt := msMSh else Fmt := msMS
- else
- if Fmt = msAh then Fmt := msSh else Fmt := msS
- end;
- case Fmt of
- msHMSh:
- Result := Format('%u%s%2.2u%s%2.2u%s%2.2u',
- [Hours, TimeSeparator, Mins mod 60, TimeSeparator, Secs mod 60, DecimalSeparator, HSecs mod 100]);
- msHMS:
- Result := Format('%u%s%2.2u%s%2.2u',
- [Hours, TimeSeparator, Mins mod 60, TimeSeparator, Secs mod 60]);
- msMSh:
- Result := Format('%u%s%2.2u%s%2.2u',
- [Mins, TimeSeparator, Secs mod 60, DecimalSeparator, HSecs mod 100]);
- msMS:
- Result := Format('%u%s%2.2u',
- [Mins, TimeSeparator, Secs mod 60]);
- msSh:
- Result := Format('%u%s%2.2u',
- [Secs, DecimalSeparator, HSecs mod 100]);
- msS:
- Result := Format('%u', [Secs]);
- else
- Result := IntToStr(Milliseconds);
- end;
- end;
- // Waits for the scnchronize object while lets the caller thread processes
- // its messages.
- function WaitForSyncObject(SyncObject: THandle; Timeout: DWORD): DWORD;
- const
- var
- Msg: TMsg;
- StartTime: DWORD;
- EllapsedTime: DWORD;
- Handle: THandle;
- begin
- Handle := SyncObject;
- if (SyncObject = GetCurrentThread) or (SyncObject = GetCurrentProcess) then
- DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess, SyncObject, GetCurrentProcess, @Handle, SYNCHRONIZE, False, 0);
- try
- repeat
- StartTime := GetTickCount;
- Result := MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, Handle, False, Timeout, EVENTMASK);
- if Result = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 then
- begin
- while PeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) do
- begin
- if ((Msg.message < WM_KEYFIRST) or (Msg.message > WM_KEYLAST)) and
- ((Msg.message < WM_MOUSEFIRST) or (Msg.message > WM_MOUSELAST)) then
- begin
- TranslateMessage(Msg);
- DispatchMessage(Msg);
- if Msg.message = WM_QUIT then Exit;
- end;
- end;
- if Timeout <> INFINITE then
- begin
- EllapsedTime := GetTickCount - StartTime;
- if EllapsedTime < Timeout then
- Dec(Timeout, EllapsedTime)
- else
- Timeout := 0;
- end;
- end;
- until Result <> WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1;
- finally
- if SyncObject <> Handle then
- CloseHandle(Handle);
- end;
- end;
- end.