- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Unit Name: CDBufferedStream
- Author: Dancemammal
- Purpose: create a buffer for the file stream, Buffered Read No buffer for write
- History: First code release
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- unit CDBufferedStream;
- interface
- uses Classes, Types, sysutils, windows, Messages;
- const
- BufferMax = 1000; // 1000 * sectorsize = about 2 meg buffer
- DefSectorSize = 2048;
- FILE_END = 2;
- type
- TCDBufferedStream = class
- private
- FBuffer: PChar;
- FBufferSize: Integer;
- FBufEnd: longint;
- FBufPos: longint;
- FBytesRead: Longint;
- //BytesInMem : LongInt;
- FSize: longint;
- FFileHandle: file;
- FSectorSize: Integer;
- FSectorCount: Integer;
- ISOSizeOK: Boolean;
- FBytesLeft: Integer;
- FSectorsLeft: Integer;
- FFileName: string;
- FPosition: Int64;
- FileMode: Word;
- function GetSize: Int64;
- function GetFilePosition: Int64;
- protected
- function ReadBufferFromFile: boolean;
- procedure SetSectorSize(Sector: Integer);
- procedure ResetBufferSize(SectorSize: integer);
- function GetSectorsleft: Integer;
- function SeekFile(Offset: LongInt; Origin: Word): LongInt;
- public
- constructor Create(const FileName: string; Mode: Word);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure FlushBuffer;
- function ReadBuffer(var Buffer; Count: longint): longint;
- function Read(var Buffer; Count: longint): longint;
- function WriteBuffer(const Buffer; Count: LongInt): LongInt;
- function Write(const Buffer; Count: longint): longint;
- function CopyFrom(Source: TStream; Count: Int64): Int64;
- function Seek(Offset: longint; Origin: word): longint;
- function BufferPercentFull: Integer;
- property Position: int64 read GetFilePosition;
- property Size: int64 read GetSize;
- property SectorCount: integer read FSectorCount;
- property SectorSize: integer write SetSectorSize;
- property SectorsLeft: integer read GetSectorsleft;
- property BytesLeft: integer read FBytesLeft;
- property ISOSectorSizeOK: Boolean read ISOSizeOK;
- end;
- implementation
- function GetFileSize(const FileName: string): LongInt;
- var
- SearchRec: TSearchRec;
- begin
- try
- if FindFirst(ExpandFileName(FileName), faAnyFile, SearchRec) = 0 then
- begin
- Result := SearchRec.Size;
- end
- else
- Result := -1;
- finally
- SysUtils.FindClose(SearchRec);
- end;
- end;
- function TCDBufferedStream.GetSize: Int64;
- begin
- if (FSize = 0) and FileExists(FFileName) then
- FSize := GetFileSize(FFilename);
- result := FSize;
- end;
- function TCDBufferedStream.GetFilePosition: Int64;
- begin
- FPosition := (FilePos(FFileHandle) - FBufEnd) + FBufPos; //Result := PositionOfFile - End of Buffer + PositionOfBuffer
- Result := FPosition;
- end;
- procedure TCDBufferedStream.ResetBufferSize(SectorSize: integer);
- begin
- if (FBuffer <> nil) then FreeMem(FBuffer, FBufferSize);
- FBufferSize := (BufferMax * SectorSize) - 1;
- GetMem(FBuffer, FBufferSize);
- FillChar(FBuffer^, FBufferSize, 0);
- end;
- {
- fmCreate Create a file with the given name. If a file with the given name exists, open the file in write mode.
- fmOpenRead Open the file for reading only.
- fmOpenWrite Open the file for writing only. Writing to the file completely replaces the current contents.
- fmOpenReadWrite Open the file to modify the current contents rather than replace them.
- }
- constructor TCDBufferedStream.Create(const FileName: string; Mode: Word);
- begin
- AssignFile(FFileHandle, Filename);
- if ((Mode = fmOpenRead) or (Mode = fmOpenReadWrite)) and FileExists(Filename) then
- Reset(FFileHandle, 1)
- else
- if ((Mode = fmOpenWrite) or (Mode = fmCreate)) and (not FileExists(Filename)) then
- ReWrite(FFileHandle, 1)
- else //error --> readonly and not fileexists
- raise Exception.Create('Could not open file.');
- FileMode := Mode;
- ResetBufferSize(DefSectorSize); // align buffer to sector size
- FFileName := FileName;
- ISOSizeOK := False;
- FPosition := 0;
- FSize := 0;
- FBytesLeft := Size;
- end;
- destructor TCDBufferedStream.Destroy;
- begin
- if (FileMode <> fmOpenRead) then FlushBuffer;
- CloseFile(FFileHandle);
- if (FBuffer <> nil) then FreeMem(FBuffer, FBufferSize);
- end;
- procedure TCDBufferedStream.SetSectorSize(Sector: Integer);
- begin
- FSectorSize := Sector;
- ResetBufferSize(FSectorSize); // reset buff to align to new sector size
- FSectorCount := (Size div FSectorSize);
- {work out if ISO image is the right size}
- ISOSizeOK := (Size mod FSectorSize) = 0;
- FSectorsLeft := FSectorCount;
- end;
- function TCDBufferedStream.GetSectorsleft: Integer;
- var
- BytesToGo: Integer;
- begin
- BytesToGo := (size - Position);
- FSectorsLeft := (BytesToGo div FSectorSize);
- FBytesLeft := BytesToGo;
- Result := FSectorsLeft;
- end;
- function TCDBufferedStream.BufferPercentFull: Integer;
- var
- Percent, Divisor: Integer;
- begin
- Divisor := (FBufferSize div 100);
- Percent := ((FBufferSize - FBufPos) div Divisor);
- if (Percent < 0) then Percent := 0;
- if (Percent > 100) then Percent := 100;
- Result := Percent;
- end;
- procedure TCDBufferedStream.FlushBuffer;
- begin
- if FBufPos > 0 then //if there's anyting in the buffer lets clean it
- BlockWrite(FFileHandle, FBuffer^, FBufPos);
- FBufPos := 0;
- FBytesRead := 0;
- end;
- function TCDBufferedStream.ReadBufferFromFile: boolean;
- begin
- {read the next bufferful from the stream}
- BlockRead(FFileHandle, FBuffer^, FBufferSize, FBufEnd);
- FBufPos := 0;
- {return true if at least one byte read, false otherwise}
- Result := FBufEnd <> FBufPos;
- end;
- function TCDBufferedStream.ReadBuffer(var Buffer; Count: longint): longint;
- var
- UserBuf: PChar;
- BytesToGo: longint;
- BytesToRead: longint;
- begin
- UserBuf := @Buffer; {reference the buffer as a PChar}
- Result := 0; {start the counter for the number of bytes read}
- if (FBufPos = FBufEnd) then {if needed, fill internal buffer from underlying stream}
- if not ReadBufferFromFile then Exit;
- BytesToGo := Count; {calculate number of bytes to copy from internal buffer}
- BytesToRead := FBufEnd - FBufPos;
- if (BytesToRead > BytesToGo) then BytesToRead := BytesToGo;
- Move(FBuffer[FBufPos], UserBuf^, BytesToRead); {copy bytes from internal buffer to user buffer}
- inc(FBufPos, BytesToRead); {adjust the counters}
- dec(BytesToGo, BytesToRead);
- inc(Result, BytesToRead);
- while (BytesToGo <> 0) do
- begin {while there are more bytes to copy, do so}
- inc(UserBuf, BytesToRead);
- if not ReadBufferFromFile then Exit; {fill the internal buffer from the underlying stream}
- BytesToRead := FBufEnd - FBufPos; {calculate number of bytes to copy from internal buffer}
- if (BytesToRead > BytesToGo) then BytesToRead := BytesToGo;
- Move(FBuffer^, UserBuf^, BytesToRead); {copy bytes from internal buffer to user buffer}
- inc(FBufPos, BytesToRead);
- dec(BytesToGo, BytesToRead);
- inc(Result, BytesToRead);
- end;
- end;
- function TCDBufferedStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: longint): longint;
- begin
- Result := ReadBuffer(Buffer, Count);
- end;
- function TCDBufferedStream.SeekFile(Offset: LongInt; Origin: Word): LongInt;
- var
- StartPosition, FinishPosition: Longint;
- begin
- StartPosition := Position;
- case Origin of
- soFromCurrent: StartPosition := Position;
- soFromEnd: StartPosition := FileSize(FFileHandle); { get file size }
- soFromBeginning: StartPosition := 0;
- end;
- Result := Position; //just in case the user wants a offset that doesnt exist we stay where we are
- //FlushBuffer;
- FinishPosition := StartPosition + Offset;
- if FinishPosition > FileSize(FFileHandle) then exit; //if the user wants to go to a aofsset that doesn't exist get out
- System.Seek(FFileHandle, FinishPosition);
- ReadBufferFromFile;
- Result := FinishPosition;
- end;
- function TCDBufferedStream.WriteBuffer(const Buffer; Count: LongInt): LongInt;
- var
- BytesWritten: longint;
- UserBuf: PChar;
- begin
- UserBuf := @Buffer; {reference the buffer as a PChar}
- BlockWrite(FFileHandle, UserBuf^, Count, BytesWritten);
- Result := BytesWritten;
- end;
- function TCDBufferedStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: LongInt): LongInt;
- begin
- Result := WriteBuffer(Buffer, Count);
- end;
- function TCDBufferedStream.Seek(Offset: longint; Origin: word): longint;
- begin
- Result := SeekFile(Offset, Origin);
- end;
- function TCDBufferedStream.CopyFrom(Source: TStream; Count: Int64): Int64;
- const
- MaxBufferSize = 1024; // 1 meg buffer
- var
- BytesWritten,BufWrite: longint;
- UserBuf: PChar;
- BufferCount: Integer;
- begin
- GetMem(Userbuf, MaxBufferSize);
- FillChar(Userbuf^, MaxBufferSize, 0);
- try
- BufferCount := MaxBufferSize;
- BytesWritten := 0;
- BufWrite := 0;
- if BufferCount > Count then BufferCount := Count;
- repeat
- if ((BytesWritten + BufferCount) > Count) then
- BufferCount := (Count - (BytesWritten - 1));
- Source.Read(UserBuf^, BufferCount);
- BlockWrite(FFileHandle, UserBuf^, BufferCount, BufWrite);
- inc(BytesWritten,BufWrite);
- until (BytesWritten >= Count);
- finally
- FreeMem(Userbuf);
- end;
- Result := BytesWritten;
- end;
- end.