- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Unit Name: CDSizer
- Author: Dancemammal
- Purpose: Visual guide to CD / DVD Usage
- History: First Code Release
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- unit CDSizer;
- interface
- uses Classes, Controls, Forms, Graphics, Messages, SysUtils,
- WinProcs, WinTypes;
- { Unit-wide declarations }
- { type }
- { . . . }
- { var }
- { . . . }
- type
- TCDSize = class(TGraphicControl)
- private
- { Private fields of TCDSize }
- { Storage for property BarColour }
- FBarColour : TColor;
- { Storage for property IsHorizontal }
- FIsHorizontal : Boolean;
- { Storage for property MaxCDSize }
- FMaxCDSize : Integer;
- { Storage for property MaxMemory }
- FMaxMemory : Integer;
- { Storage for property OverBurnColour }
- FOverBurnColour : TColor;
- { Storage for property PercentShaded }
- FMEMShaded : Integer;
- { Storage for property TickColour }
- FTickColour : TColor;
- { Pointer to application's OnOverBurn handler, if any }
- FOnOverBurn : TNotifyEvent;
- { Storage for property BarColour }
- FMEMBarColour : TColor;
- FGap : Integer;
- { Private methods of TCDSize }
- { Method to set variable and property values and create objects }
- procedure AutoInitialize;
- { Method to free any objects created by AutoInitialize }
- procedure AutoDestroy;
- { Read method for property BarColour }
- function GetBarColour : TColor;
- { Write method for property BarColour }
- procedure SetBarColour(Value : TColor);
- { Read method for property BarColour }
- function GetMemBarColour : TColor;
- { Write method for property BarColour }
- procedure SetMemBarColour(Value : TColor);
- { Read method for property MaxCDSize }
- function GetMaxCDSize : Integer;
- { Write method for property MaxCDSize }
- procedure SetMaxCDSize(Value : Integer);
- { Read method for property MaxMemory }
- function GetMaxMemory : Integer;
- { Write method for property MaxMemory }
- procedure SetMaxMemory(Value : Integer);
- { Read method for property OverBurnColour }
- function GetOverBurnColour : TColor;
- { Write method for property OverBurnColour }
- procedure SetOverBurnColour(Value : TColor);
- { Write method for property PercentShaded }
- procedure SetPercentShaded(Value : Integer);
- { Read method for property TickColour }
- function GetTickColour : TColor;
- { Write method for property TickColour }
- procedure SetTickColour(Value : TColor);
- protected
- { Protected fields of TCDSize }
- TickCount : double;
- { Protected methods of TCDSize }
- { Method to generate OnOverBurn event }
- procedure OverBurn(Sender : TObject); virtual;
- procedure Paint; override;
- public
- { Public fields and properties of TCDSize }
- { Orientation of the progress bar (read-only) }
- property IsHorizontal : Boolean read FIsHorizontal;
- { Public methods of TCDSize }
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- published
- property Align;
- { Published properties of TCDSize }
- property OnOverBurn : TNotifyEvent read FOnOverBurn write FOnOverBurn;
- property BarColour : TColor
- read GetBarColour write SetBarColour
- default clSilver;
- property MemBarColour : TColor
- read GetMemBarColour write SetMemBarColour
- default clSilver;
- Property ProgressGap : Integer read FGap write FGap default 2;
- property Height default 20;
- { CD Max Size }
- property MaxCDSize : Integer
- read GetMaxCDSize write SetMaxCDSize
- default 650;
- property MaxMemory : Integer
- read GetMaxMemory write SetMaxMemory
- default 750;
- { Colour After Size }
- property OverBurnColour : TColor
- read GetOverBurnColour write SetOverBurnColour
- default clRed;
- { Percentage of the progress bar shaded }
- property MemShaded : Integer
- read FMEMShaded write SetPercentShaded
- default 0;
- property TickColour : TColor
- read GetTickColour write SetTickColour
- default clBlack;
- property Width default 90;
- end;
- implementation
- { Method to set variable and property values and create objects }
- procedure TCDSize.AutoInitialize;
- begin
- TickCount := 5.0;
- FBarColour := clSilver;
- Height := 20;
- FMaxCDSize := 650;
- FMaxMemory := 750;
- FOverBurnColour := clRed;
- FMEMShaded := 0;
- FTickColour := clBlack;
- Width := 90;
- end; { of AutoInitialize }
- { Method to free any objects created by AutoInitialize }
- procedure TCDSize.AutoDestroy;
- begin
- { No objects from AutoInitialize to free }
- end; { of AutoDestroy }
- { Read method for property BarColour }
- function TCDSize.GetBarColour : TColor;
- begin
- Result := FBarColour;
- end;
- { Write method for property BarColour }
- procedure TCDSize.SetBarColour(Value : TColor);
- begin
- FBarColour := Value;
- { If changing this property affects the appearance of
- the component, call Invalidate here so the image will be
- updated. }
- Invalidate;
- end;
- function TCDSize.GetMemBarColour : TColor;
- begin
- Result := FMEMBarColour;
- end;
- { Write method for property BarColour }
- procedure TCDSize.SetMemBarColour(Value : TColor);
- begin
- FMEMBarColour := Value;
- { If changing this property affects the appearance of
- the component, call Invalidate here so the image will be
- updated. }
- Invalidate;
- end;
- { Read method for property MaxCDSize }
- function TCDSize.GetMaxCDSize : Integer;
- begin
- Result := FMaxCDSize;
- end;
- { Write method for property MaxCDSize }
- procedure TCDSize.SetMaxCDSize(Value : Integer);
- begin
- FMaxCDSize := Value;
- { If changing this property affects the appearance of
- the component, call Invalidate here so the image will be
- updated. }
- { Invalidate; }
- end;
- { Read method for property MaxMemory }
- function TCDSize.GetMaxMemory : Integer;
- begin
- Result := FMaxMemory;
- end;
- { Write method for property MaxMemory }
- procedure TCDSize.SetMaxMemory(Value : Integer);
- begin
- FMaxMemory := Value;
- { If changing this property affects the appearance of
- the component, call Invalidate here so the image will be
- updated. }
- { Invalidate; }
- end;
- { Read method for property OverBurnColour }
- function TCDSize.GetOverBurnColour : TColor;
- begin
- Result := FOverBurnColour;
- end;
- { Write method for property OverBurnColour }
- procedure TCDSize.SetOverBurnColour(Value : TColor);
- begin
- FOverBurnColour := Value;
- { If changing this property affects the appearance of
- the component, call Invalidate here so the image will be
- updated. }
- { Invalidate; }
- end;
- { Write method for property PercentShaded }
- procedure TCDSize.SetPercentShaded(Value : Integer);
- begin
- FMEMShaded := Value;
- if FMEMShaded < 0 then
- FMEMShaded := 0
- else
- if FMEMShaded > FMaxMemory then
- FMEMShaded := FMaxMemory;
- { Update the display of the component }
- Invalidate
- end;
- { Read method for property TickColour }
- function TCDSize.GetTickColour : TColor;
- begin
- Result := FTickColour;
- end;
- { Write method for property TickColour }
- procedure TCDSize.SetTickColour(Value : TColor);
- begin
- FTickColour := Value;
- { If changing this property affects the appearance of
- the component, call Invalidate here so the image will be
- updated. }
- { Invalidate; }
- end;
- { Method to generate OnOverBurn event }
- procedure TCDSize.OverBurn(Sender : TObject);
- begin
- { Has the application assigned a method to the event, whether
- via the Object Inspector or a run-time assignment? If so,
- execute that method }
- if Assigned(FOnOverBurn) then
- FOnOverBurn(Sender);
- end;
- constructor TCDSize.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- { Call the Create method of the parent class }
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- { Set the initial values of variables and properties using }
- { AutoInitialize procedure, generated by Component Create }
- AutoInitialize;
- { Code to perform other tasks when the component is created }
- end;
- destructor TCDSize.Destroy;
- begin
- { AutoDestroy, which is generated by Component Create, frees any }
- { objects created by AutoInitialize. }
- AutoDestroy;
- { Here, free any other dynamic objects that the component methods }
- { created but have not yet freed. Also perform any other clean-up }
- { operations needed before the component is destroyed. }
- { Last, free the component by calling the Destroy method of the }
- { parent class. }
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TCDSize.Paint;
- var
- TickNumber :integer;
- TickIndex :Integer;
- Divisor :Integer;
- begin
- { Determine orientation; store it so it will
- be available in the IsHorizontal property }
- FIsHorizontal := (Width >= Height);
- Divisor := 10;
- if FMaxMemory > 1000 then Divisor := 100;
- TickNumber := round(FMaxMemory / Divisor);
- TickCount := (width / (FMaxMemory / Divisor));
- { Draw the framing rectangle }
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite;
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 0;
- Canvas.Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);
- { Draw the Main cd mem bar within }
- Canvas.Brush.Color := FBarColour;
- Canvas.Rectangle(0, 0, Round(Width * (FMaxCDSize/FMaxMemory))+1,(Height div 2));
- { Draw the progress bar within }
- if (FMEMShaded > FMaxCDSize) then
- Canvas.Brush.Color := FOverBurnColour
- else
- Canvas.Brush.Color := FMEMBarColour;
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 0;
- if FIsHorizontal then
- Canvas.Rectangle(2, FGap, Round(Width * (FMEMShaded/FMaxMemory))+1, (Height div 2)- FGap)
- else
- Canvas.Rectangle(FGap, FGap, Width, Round(Height * (FMEMShaded/FMaxMemory))-FGap);
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- Canvas.Pen.Color := TickColour;
- Canvas.Font.Color := TickColour;
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- for TickIndex := 1 to TickNumber do
- begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(round(TickIndex * TickCount),0);
- If (TickIndex mod 5) = 0 then // every 5
- begin
- If (TickIndex mod 10) = 0 then
- begin
- Canvas.LineTo(round(TickIndex * TickCount),Height); //every 10
- canvas.TextOut(round(TickIndex * TickCount)-20,(Height div 2)+2,inttostr(TickIndex*Divisor)+' mb');
- end
- else
- Canvas.LineTo(round(TickIndex * TickCount),(Height div 2)+3);
- end
- else
- Canvas.LineTo(round(TickIndex * TickCount),(Height div 2));
- end;
- if (FMEMShaded > FMaxCDSize) then
- if assigned(FOnOverBurn) then FOnOverBurn(nil);
- end;
- end.