- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Unit Name: Devices
- Author: Paul Fisher / Andrew Semack
- Purpose: Container Class for TDevice
- History:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- unit Devices;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Classes, Device, DeviceNotifier, DeviceTypes, DeviceHelper,
- SCSITypes, SysUtils;
- type
- TDevices = class
- private
- FOnDeviceInstalledEvent: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnDeviceRemovedEvent: TNotifyEvent;
- FDeviceList: TList;
- FDeviceNotifier: TDeviceNotifier;
- function GetDeviceCount: integer;
- function GetDevice(Index: integer): TDevice;
- protected
- procedure ClearDeviceList;
- procedure FormatDeviceList;
- procedure DeviceInstalled(Sender: TObject);
- procedure DeviceRemoved(Sender: TObject);
- public
- procedure Refresh;
- property Count: integer read GetDeviceCount;
- property Items[Index: integer]: TDevice read GetDevice;
- property OnDeviceInstalled: TNotifyEvent read FOnDeviceInstalledEvent write
- FOnDeviceInstalledEvent;
- property OnDeviceRemoved: TNotifyEvent read FOnDeviceRemovedEvent write
- FOnDeviceRemovedEvent;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- implementation
- { TDevices }
- constructor TDevices.Create;
- begin
- FDeviceNotifier := TDeviceNotifier.Create(nil);
- with FDeviceNotifier do
- begin
- OnUSBArrival := DeviceInstalled;
- OnUSBRemove := DeviceRemoved;
- end;
- FDeviceList := TList.Create;
- Refresh;
- end;
- function TDevices.GetDevice(Index: integer): TDevice;
- begin
- Result := TDevice(FDeviceList[Index])
- end;
- procedure TDevices.Refresh;
- begin
- ClearDeviceList;
- FormatDeviceList;
- end;
- function TDevices.GetDeviceCount: integer;
- begin
- Result := FDeviceList.Count;
- end;
- procedure TDevices.ClearDeviceList;
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- for i := FDeviceList.Count - 1 downto 0 do
- GetDevice(i).Free;
- FDeviceList.Clear;
- end;
- destructor TDevices.Destroy;
- begin
- ClearDeviceList;
- FDeviceNotifier.Free;
- FDeviceList.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TDevices.FormatDeviceList;
- var
- Info: PCDBurnerInfo;
- index: integer;
- SPTICDs: TSPTIWriters;
- begin
- GetSPTICdRomDrives(SPTICDs);
- for index := 0 to SPTICDs.CdRomCount - 1 do
- begin
- New(Info);
- Info.VendorSpec := SPTICDs.CdRom[index].VendorSpec;
- Info.Revision := SPTICDs.CdRom[index].Revision;
- Info.VendorID := trim(SPTICDs.CdRom[index].Vendor);
- Info.ProductID := trim(SPTICDs.CdRom[index].ProductId);
- Info.VendorName := Format('%s %s', [Info.VendorID, Info.ProductID]);
- Info.DriveLetter := SPTICDs.CdRom[index].DriveLetter;
- Info.DriveID := GatherDeviceID(SPTICDs.CdRom[index].HaId,
- SPTICDs.CdRom[index].Target, SPTICDs.CdRom[index].Lun,
- SPTICDs.CdRom[index].DriveLetter);
- Info.Lun := SPTICDs.CdRom[index].Lun;
- Info.HaId := SPTICDs.CdRom[index].HaId;
- Info.Target := SPTICDs.CdRom[index].Target;
- Info.DriveIndex := index;
- Info.SptiHandle := SPTICDs.CdRom[index].DriveHandle;
- FDeviceList.Add(TDevice.Create(Info));
- end;
- end;
- procedure TDevices.DeviceRemoved(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if assigned(FOnDeviceRemovedEvent) then
- FOnDeviceRemovedEvent(Self);
- end;
- procedure TDevices.DeviceInstalled(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if assigned(FOnDeviceInstalledEvent) then
- FOnDeviceInstalledEvent(Self);
- end;
- end.