- %newton fractal
- %Note: this script takes about 7 seconds to complete the fractal
- %equation (z+1)*(z+1)^(-0.5+1.0i)
- %
- x = linspace(-1.5,1.5,700);
- y = linspace(-1.5,1.5,700);
- c = zeros(length(y),length(x));
- len_x = length(x);
- len_y = length(y);
- for n = 1:len_x
- c(n,:) = y(n)+i*x(:);
- end
- h_msg = msgbox(' Please Wait ',' ');
- zvalues = zeros(len_x,len_y);
- z = 0+i*0;
- rough = 0;
- rough1 = 0;
- rough2 = 0;
- m = 1;
- n = len_x*len_y;
- const = -0.5+1*i;
- tic
- for m=1:n
- k = 0;
- z = c(m);
- rough1 = 0.06;
- rough = 0;
- while ((k<=30)&&(abs(rough1)> 0.02))
- rough2= const/(z+1)+1/(z-1);
- z = z - 1/rough2;
- rough1 = z - rough;
- rough = z;
- k = k+1;
- end
- zvalues(m) = k;
- end
- toc
- close(h_msg);
- %you can also try any one of these colormaps
- %cmap = flipud(colormap(hsv));
- %cmap = flipud(colormap(copper));
- %cmap = flipud(colormap(hot));
- %cmap = flipud(colormap(gray));
- %cmap = flipud(colormap(jet));
- %cmap = flipud(colormap(summer));
- %cmap = flipud(colormap(winter));
- %cmap = flipud(colormap(spring));
- %cmap = flipud(colormap(bone));
- %cmap = colormap(hsv);
- %cmap = colormap(copper);
- %cmap = colormap(hot);
- %cmap = colormap(gray);
- %cmap = colormap(jet);
- %cmap = colormap(summer);
- %cmap = colormap(winter);
- %cmap = colormap(spring);
- %cmap = colormap(bone);
- cmap=flipud(colormap(jet));
- colormap(cmap);
- image(y,x,zvalues)
- axis tight square
- %remove comments '%' from 69-73 to save the image
- %clear x y c
- %zval8 = uint8(zvalues);
- %clear zvalues
- %rgb = ind2rgb8( zval8 , cmap );
- %imwrite(rgb ,'newton11.png','png') ;