C++ Builder
- /**
- * @file llmotioncontroller.cpp
- * @brief Implementation of LLMotionController class.
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
- * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
- * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
- * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
- * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
- * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2
- *
- * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
- * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
- * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
- * online at
- * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception
- *
- * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
- * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
- * and agree to abide by those obligations.
- *
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Header Files
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include "linden_common.h"
- #include "llmemtype.h"
- #include "llmotioncontroller.h"
- #include "llkeyframemotion.h"
- #include "llmath.h"
- #include "lltimer.h"
- #include "llanimationstates.h"
- #include "llstl.h"
- const U32 MAX_MOTION_INSTANCES = 32;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Constants and statics
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LLMotionRegistry LLMotionController::sRegistry;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // LLMotionRegistry class
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // LLMotionRegistry()
- // Class Constructor
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LLMotionRegistry::LLMotionRegistry()
- {
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ~LLMotionRegistry()
- // Class Destructor
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LLMotionRegistry::~LLMotionRegistry()
- {
- mMotionTable.clear();
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // addMotion()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL LLMotionRegistry::registerMotion( const LLUUID& id, LLMotionConstructor constructor )
- {
- // llinfos << "Registering motion: " << name << llendl;
- if (!is_in_map(mMotionTable, id))
- {
- mMotionTable[id] = constructor;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // markBad()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionRegistry::markBad( const LLUUID& id )
- {
- mMotionTable[id] = LLMotionConstructor(NULL);
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // createMotion()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LLMotion *LLMotionRegistry::createMotion( const LLUUID &id )
- {
- LLMotionConstructor constructor = get_if_there(mMotionTable, id, LLMotionConstructor(NULL));
- LLMotion* motion = NULL;
- if ( constructor == NULL )
- {
- // *FIX: need to replace with a better default scheme. RN
- motion = LLKeyframeMotion::create(id);
- }
- else
- {
- motion = constructor(id);
- }
- return motion;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // LLMotionController class
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // LLMotionController()
- // Class Constructor
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LLMotionController::LLMotionController()
- : mTimeFactor(1.f),
- mCharacter(NULL),
- mAnimTime(0.f),
- mPrevTimerElapsed(0.f),
- mLastTime(0.0f),
- mHasRunOnce(FALSE),
- mPaused(FALSE),
- mPauseTime(0.f),
- mTimeStep(0.f),
- mTimeStepCount(0),
- mLastInterp(0.f)
- {
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ~LLMotionController()
- // Class Destructor
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LLMotionController::~LLMotionController()
- {
- deleteAllMotions();
- }
- void LLMotionController::incMotionCounts(S32& num_motions, S32& num_loading_motions, S32& num_loaded_motions, S32& num_active_motions, S32& num_deprecated_motions)
- {
- num_motions += mAllMotions.size();
- num_loading_motions += mLoadingMotions.size();
- num_loaded_motions += mLoadedMotions.size();
- num_active_motions += mActiveMotions.size();
- num_deprecated_motions += mDeprecatedMotions.size();
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // deleteAllMotions()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionController::deleteAllMotions()
- {
- mLoadingMotions.clear();
- mLoadedMotions.clear();
- mActiveMotions.clear();
- for_each(mAllMotions.begin(), mAllMotions.end(), DeletePairedPointer());
- mAllMotions.clear();
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // purgeExcessMotion()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionController::purgeExcessMotions()
- {
- if (mLoadedMotions.size() > MAX_MOTION_INSTANCES)
- {
- // clean up deprecated motions
- for (motion_set_t::iterator deprecated_motion_it = mDeprecatedMotions.begin();
- deprecated_motion_it != mDeprecatedMotions.end(); )
- {
- motion_set_t::iterator cur_iter = deprecated_motion_it++;
- LLMotion* cur_motionp = *cur_iter;
- if (!isMotionActive(cur_motionp))
- {
- // Motion is deprecated so we know it's not cannonical,
- // we can safely remove the instance
- removeMotionInstance(cur_motionp); // modifies mDeprecatedMotions
- mDeprecatedMotions.erase(cur_iter);
- }
- }
- }
- std::set<LLUUID> motions_to_kill;
- if (mLoadedMotions.size() > MAX_MOTION_INSTANCES)
- {
- // too many motions active this frame, kill all blenders
- mPoseBlender.clearBlenders();
- for (motion_set_t::iterator loaded_motion_it = mLoadedMotions.begin();
- loaded_motion_it != mLoadedMotions.end();
- ++loaded_motion_it)
- {
- LLMotion* cur_motionp = *loaded_motion_it;
- // motion isn't playing, delete it
- if (!isMotionActive(cur_motionp))
- {
- motions_to_kill.insert(cur_motionp->getID());
- }
- }
- }
- // clean up all inactive, loaded motions
- for (std::set<LLUUID>::iterator motion_it = motions_to_kill.begin();
- motion_it != motions_to_kill.end();
- ++motion_it)
- {
- // look up the motion again by ID to get canonical instance
- // and kill it only if that one is inactive
- LLUUID motion_id = *motion_it;
- LLMotion* motionp = findMotion(motion_id);
- if (motionp && !isMotionActive(motionp))
- {
- removeMotion(motion_id);
- }
- }
- if (mLoadedMotions.size() > 2*MAX_MOTION_INSTANCES)
- {
- LL_WARNS_ONCE("Animation") << "> " << 2*MAX_MOTION_INSTANCES << " Loaded Motions" << llendl;
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // deactivateStoppedMotions()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionController::deactivateStoppedMotions()
- {
- // Since we're hidden, deactivate any stopped motions.
- for (motion_list_t::iterator iter = mActiveMotions.begin();
- iter != mActiveMotions.end(); )
- {
- motion_list_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
- LLMotion* motionp = *curiter;
- if (motionp->isStopped())
- {
- deactivateMotionInstance(motionp);
- }
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // setTimeStep()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionController::setTimeStep(F32 step)
- {
- mTimeStep = step;
- if (step != 0.f)
- {
- // make sure timestamps conform to new quantum
- for (motion_list_t::iterator iter = mActiveMotions.begin();
- iter != mActiveMotions.end(); ++iter)
- {
- LLMotion* motionp = *iter;
- F32 activation_time = motionp->mActivationTimestamp;
- motionp->mActivationTimestamp = (F32)(llfloor(activation_time / step)) * step;
- BOOL stopped = motionp->isStopped();
- motionp->setStopTime((F32)(llfloor(motionp->getStopTime() / step)) * step);
- motionp->setStopped(stopped);
- motionp->mSendStopTimestamp = (F32)llfloor(motionp->mSendStopTimestamp / step) * step;
- }
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // setTimeFactor()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionController::setTimeFactor(F32 time_factor)
- {
- mTimeFactor = time_factor;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // setCharacter()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionController::setCharacter(LLCharacter *character)
- {
- mCharacter = character;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // registerMotion()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL LLMotionController::registerMotion( const LLUUID& id, LLMotionConstructor constructor )
- {
- return sRegistry.registerMotion(id, constructor);
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // removeMotion()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionController::removeMotion( const LLUUID& id)
- {
- LLMotion* motionp = findMotion(id);
- mAllMotions.erase(id);
- removeMotionInstance(motionp);
- }
- // removes instance of a motion from all runtime structures, but does
- // not erase entry by ID, as this could be a duplicate instance
- // use removeMotion(id) to remove all references to a given motion by id.
- void LLMotionController::removeMotionInstance(LLMotion* motionp)
- {
- if (motionp)
- {
- llassert(findMotion(motionp->getID()) != motionp);
- if (motionp->isActive())
- motionp->deactivate();
- mLoadingMotions.erase(motionp);
- mLoadedMotions.erase(motionp);
- mActiveMotions.remove(motionp);
- delete motionp;
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // createMotion()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LLMotion* LLMotionController::createMotion( const LLUUID &id )
- {
- // do we have an instance of this motion for this character?
- LLMotion *motion = findMotion(id);
- // if not, we need to create one
- if (!motion)
- {
- // look up constructor and create it
- motion = sRegistry.createMotion(id);
- if (!motion)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- // look up name for default motions
- const char* motion_name = gAnimLibrary.animStateToString(id);
- if (motion_name)
- {
- motion->setName(motion_name);
- }
- // initialize the new instance
- LLMotion::LLMotionInitStatus stat = motion->onInitialize(mCharacter);
- switch(stat)
- {
- case LLMotion::STATUS_FAILURE:
- llinfos << "Motion " << id << " init failed." << llendl;
- sRegistry.markBad(id);
- delete motion;
- return NULL;
- case LLMotion::STATUS_HOLD:
- mLoadingMotions.insert(motion);
- break;
- case LLMotion::STATUS_SUCCESS:
- // add motion to our list
- mLoadedMotions.insert(motion);
- break;
- default:
- llerrs << "Invalid initialization status" << llendl;
- break;
- }
- mAllMotions[id] = motion;
- }
- return motion;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // startMotion()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL LLMotionController::startMotion(const LLUUID &id, F32 start_offset)
- {
- // do we have an instance of this motion for this character?
- LLMotion *motion = findMotion(id);
- // motion that is stopping will be allowed to stop but
- // replaced by a new instance of that motion
- if (motion
- && !mPaused
- && motion->canDeprecate()
- && motion->getFadeWeight() > 0.01f // not LOD-ed out
- && (motion->isBlending() || motion->getStopTime() != 0.f))
- {
- deprecateMotionInstance(motion);
- // force creation of new instance
- motion = NULL;
- }
- // create new motion instance
- if (!motion)
- {
- motion = createMotion(id);
- }
- if (!motion)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- //if the motion is already active and allows deprecation, then let it keep playing
- else if (motion->canDeprecate() && isMotionActive(motion))
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- // llinfos << "Starting motion " << name << llendl;
- return activateMotionInstance(motion, mAnimTime - start_offset);
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // stopMotionLocally()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL LLMotionController::stopMotionLocally(const LLUUID &id, BOOL stop_immediate)
- {
- // if already inactive, return false
- LLMotion *motion = findMotion(id);
- return stopMotionInstance(motion, stop_immediate);
- }
- BOOL LLMotionController::stopMotionInstance(LLMotion* motion, BOOL stop_immediate)
- {
- if (!motion)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- // If on active list, stop it
- if (isMotionActive(motion) && !motion->isStopped())
- {
- motion->setStopTime(mAnimTime);
- if (stop_immediate)
- {
- deactivateMotionInstance(motion);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- else if (isMotionLoading(motion))
- {
- motion->setStopped(TRUE);
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // updateRegularMotions()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionController::updateRegularMotions()
- {
- updateMotionsByType(LLMotion::NORMAL_BLEND);
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // updateAdditiveMotions()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionController::updateAdditiveMotions()
- {
- updateMotionsByType(LLMotion::ADDITIVE_BLEND);
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // resetJointSignatures()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionController::resetJointSignatures()
- {
- memset(&mJointSignature[0][0], 0, sizeof(U8) * LL_CHARACTER_MAX_JOINTS);
- memset(&mJointSignature[1][0], 0, sizeof(U8) * LL_CHARACTER_MAX_JOINTS);
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // updateIdleMotion()
- // minimal updates for active motions
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionController::updateIdleMotion(LLMotion* motionp)
- {
- if (motionp->isStopped() && mAnimTime > motionp->getStopTime() + motionp->getEaseOutDuration())
- {
- deactivateMotionInstance(motionp);
- }
- else if (motionp->isStopped() && mAnimTime > motionp->getStopTime())
- {
- // is this the first iteration in the ease out phase?
- if (mLastTime <= motionp->getStopTime())
- {
- // store residual weight for this motion
- motionp->mResidualWeight = motionp->getPose()->getWeight();
- }
- }
- else if (mAnimTime > motionp->mSendStopTimestamp)
- {
- // notify character of timed stop event on first iteration past sendstoptimestamp
- // this will only be called when an animation stops itself (runs out of time)
- if (mLastTime <= motionp->mSendStopTimestamp)
- {
- mCharacter->requestStopMotion( motionp );
- stopMotionInstance(motionp, FALSE);
- }
- }
- else if (mAnimTime >= motionp->mActivationTimestamp)
- {
- if (mLastTime < motionp->mActivationTimestamp)
- {
- motionp->mResidualWeight = motionp->getPose()->getWeight();
- }
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // updateIdleActiveMotions()
- // Call this instead of updateMotionsByType for hidden avatars
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionController::updateIdleActiveMotions()
- {
- for (motion_list_t::iterator iter = mActiveMotions.begin();
- iter != mActiveMotions.end(); )
- {
- motion_list_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
- LLMotion* motionp = *curiter;
- updateIdleMotion(motionp);
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // updateMotionsByType()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionController::updateMotionsByType(LLMotion::LLMotionBlendType anim_type)
- {
- BOOL update_result = TRUE;
- U8 last_joint_signature[LL_CHARACTER_MAX_JOINTS];
- memset(&last_joint_signature, 0, sizeof(U8) * LL_CHARACTER_MAX_JOINTS);
- // iterate through active motions in chronological order
- for (motion_list_t::iterator iter = mActiveMotions.begin();
- iter != mActiveMotions.end(); )
- {
- motion_list_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
- LLMotion* motionp = *curiter;
- if (motionp->getBlendType() != anim_type)
- {
- continue;
- }
- BOOL update_motion = FALSE;
- if (motionp->getPose()->getWeight() < 1.f)
- {
- update_motion = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- // NUM_JOINT_SIGNATURE_STRIDES should be multiple of 4
- for (S32 i = 0; i < NUM_JOINT_SIGNATURE_STRIDES; i++)
- {
- U32 *current_signature = (U32*)&(mJointSignature[0][i * 4]);
- U32 test_signature = *(U32*)&(motionp->mJointSignature[0][i * 4]);
- if ((*current_signature | test_signature) > (*current_signature))
- {
- *current_signature |= test_signature;
- update_motion = TRUE;
- }
- *((U32*)&last_joint_signature[i * 4]) = *(U32*)&(mJointSignature[1][i * 4]);
- current_signature = (U32*)&(mJointSignature[1][i * 4]);
- test_signature = *(U32*)&(motionp->mJointSignature[1][i * 4]);
- if ((*current_signature | test_signature) > (*current_signature))
- {
- *current_signature |= test_signature;
- update_motion = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!update_motion)
- {
- updateIdleMotion(motionp);
- continue;
- }
- LLPose *posep = motionp->getPose();
- // only filter by LOD after running every animation at least once (to prime the avatar state)
- if (mHasRunOnce && motionp->getMinPixelArea() > mCharacter->getPixelArea())
- {
- motionp->fadeOut();
- //should we notify the simulator that this motion should be stopped (check even if skipped by LOD logic)
- if (mAnimTime > motionp->mSendStopTimestamp)
- {
- // notify character of timed stop event on first iteration past sendstoptimestamp
- // this will only be called when an animation stops itself (runs out of time)
- if (mLastTime <= motionp->mSendStopTimestamp)
- {
- mCharacter->requestStopMotion( motionp );
- stopMotionInstance(motionp, FALSE);
- }
- }
- if (motionp->getFadeWeight() < 0.01f)
- {
- if (motionp->isStopped() && mAnimTime > motionp->getStopTime() + motionp->getEaseOutDuration())
- {
- posep->setWeight(0.f);
- deactivateMotionInstance(motionp);
- }
- continue;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- motionp->fadeIn();
- }
- //**********************
- //**********************
- if (motionp->isStopped() && mAnimTime > motionp->getStopTime() + motionp->getEaseOutDuration())
- {
- // this motion has gone on too long, deactivate it
- // did we have a chance to stop it?
- if (mLastTime <= motionp->getStopTime())
- {
- // if not, let's stop it this time through and deactivate it the next
- posep->setWeight(motionp->getFadeWeight());
- motionp->onUpdate(motionp->getStopTime() - motionp->mActivationTimestamp, last_joint_signature);
- }
- else
- {
- posep->setWeight(0.f);
- deactivateMotionInstance(motionp);
- continue;
- }
- }
- //**********************
- //**********************
- else if (motionp->isStopped() && mAnimTime > motionp->getStopTime())
- {
- // is this the first iteration in the ease out phase?
- if (mLastTime <= motionp->getStopTime())
- {
- // store residual weight for this motion
- motionp->mResidualWeight = motionp->getPose()->getWeight();
- }
- if (motionp->getEaseOutDuration() == 0.f)
- {
- posep->setWeight(0.f);
- }
- else
- {
- posep->setWeight(motionp->getFadeWeight() * motionp->mResidualWeight * cubic_step(1.f - ((mAnimTime - motionp->getStopTime()) / motionp->getEaseOutDuration())));
- }
- // perform motion update
- update_result = motionp->onUpdate(mAnimTime - motionp->mActivationTimestamp, last_joint_signature);
- }
- //**********************
- //**********************
- else if (mAnimTime > motionp->mActivationTimestamp + motionp->getEaseInDuration())
- {
- posep->setWeight(motionp->getFadeWeight());
- //should we notify the simulator that this motion should be stopped?
- if (mAnimTime > motionp->mSendStopTimestamp)
- {
- // notify character of timed stop event on first iteration past sendstoptimestamp
- // this will only be called when an animation stops itself (runs out of time)
- if (mLastTime <= motionp->mSendStopTimestamp)
- {
- mCharacter->requestStopMotion( motionp );
- stopMotionInstance(motionp, FALSE);
- }
- }
- // perform motion update
- update_result = motionp->onUpdate(mAnimTime - motionp->mActivationTimestamp, last_joint_signature);
- }
- //**********************
- //**********************
- else if (mAnimTime >= motionp->mActivationTimestamp)
- {
- if (mLastTime < motionp->mActivationTimestamp)
- {
- motionp->mResidualWeight = motionp->getPose()->getWeight();
- }
- if (motionp->getEaseInDuration() == 0.f)
- {
- posep->setWeight(motionp->getFadeWeight());
- }
- else
- {
- // perform motion update
- posep->setWeight(motionp->getFadeWeight() * motionp->mResidualWeight + (1.f - motionp->mResidualWeight) * cubic_step((mAnimTime - motionp->mActivationTimestamp) / motionp->getEaseInDuration()));
- }
- // perform motion update
- update_result = motionp->onUpdate(mAnimTime - motionp->mActivationTimestamp, last_joint_signature);
- }
- else
- {
- posep->setWeight(0.f);
- update_result = motionp->onUpdate(0.f, last_joint_signature);
- }
- // allow motions to deactivate themselves
- if (!update_result)
- {
- if (!motionp->isStopped() || motionp->getStopTime() > mAnimTime)
- {
- // animation has stopped itself due to internal logic
- // propagate this to the network
- // as not all viewers are guaranteed to have access to the same logic
- mCharacter->requestStopMotion( motionp );
- stopMotionInstance(motionp, FALSE);
- }
- }
- // even if onupdate returns FALSE, add this motion in to the blend one last time
- mPoseBlender.addMotion(motionp);
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // updateLoadingMotions()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionController::updateLoadingMotions()
- {
- // query pending motions for completion
- for (motion_set_t::iterator iter = mLoadingMotions.begin();
- iter != mLoadingMotions.end(); )
- {
- motion_set_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
- LLMotion* motionp = *curiter;
- if( !motionp)
- {
- continue; // maybe shouldn't happen but i've seen it -MG
- }
- LLMotion::LLMotionInitStatus status = motionp->onInitialize(mCharacter);
- if (status == LLMotion::STATUS_SUCCESS)
- {
- mLoadingMotions.erase(curiter);
- // add motion to our loaded motion list
- mLoadedMotions.insert(motionp);
- // this motion should be playing
- if (!motionp->isStopped())
- {
- activateMotionInstance(motionp, mAnimTime);
- }
- }
- else if (status == LLMotion::STATUS_FAILURE)
- {
- llinfos << "Motion " << motionp->getID() << " init failed." << llendl;
- sRegistry.markBad(motionp->getID());
- mLoadingMotions.erase(curiter);
- motion_set_t::iterator found_it = mDeprecatedMotions.find(motionp);
- if (found_it != mDeprecatedMotions.end())
- {
- mDeprecatedMotions.erase(found_it);
- }
- mAllMotions.erase(motionp->getID());
- delete motionp;
- }
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // call updateMotion() or updateMotionsMinimal() every frame
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // updateMotion()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionController::updateMotions(bool force_update)
- {
- BOOL use_quantum = (mTimeStep != 0.f);
- // Always update mPrevTimerElapsed
- F32 cur_time = mTimer.getElapsedTimeF32();
- F32 delta_time = cur_time - mPrevTimerElapsed;
- mPrevTimerElapsed = cur_time;
- mLastTime = mAnimTime;
- // Always cap the number of loaded motions
- purgeExcessMotions();
- // Update timing info for this time step.
- if (!mPaused)
- {
- F32 update_time = mAnimTime + delta_time * mTimeFactor;
- if (use_quantum)
- {
- F32 time_interval = fmodf(update_time, mTimeStep);
- // always animate *ahead* of actual time
- S32 quantum_count = llmax(0, llfloor((update_time - time_interval) / mTimeStep)) + 1;
- if (quantum_count == mTimeStepCount)
- {
- // we're still in same time quantum as before, so just interpolate and exit
- if (!mPaused)
- {
- F32 interp = time_interval / mTimeStep;
- mPoseBlender.interpolate(interp - mLastInterp);
- mLastInterp = interp;
- }
- updateLoadingMotions();
- return;
- }
- // is calculating a new keyframe pose, make sure the last one gets applied
- mPoseBlender.interpolate(1.f);
- clearBlenders();
- mTimeStepCount = quantum_count;
- mAnimTime = (F32)quantum_count * mTimeStep;
- mLastInterp = 0.f;
- }
- else
- {
- mAnimTime = update_time;
- }
- }
- updateLoadingMotions();
- resetJointSignatures();
- if (mPaused && !force_update)
- {
- updateIdleActiveMotions();
- }
- else
- {
- // update additive motions
- updateAdditiveMotions();
- resetJointSignatures();
- // update all regular motions
- updateRegularMotions();
- if (use_quantum)
- {
- mPoseBlender.blendAndCache(TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- mPoseBlender.blendAndApply();
- }
- }
- mHasRunOnce = TRUE;
- // llinfos << "Motion controller time " << motionTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() << llendl;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // updateMotionsMinimal()
- // minimal update (e.g. while hidden)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionController::updateMotionsMinimal()
- {
- // Always update mPrevTimerElapsed
- mPrevTimerElapsed = mTimer.getElapsedTimeF32();
- purgeExcessMotions();
- updateLoadingMotions();
- resetJointSignatures();
- deactivateStoppedMotions();
- mHasRunOnce = TRUE;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // activateMotionInstance()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL LLMotionController::activateMotionInstance(LLMotion *motion, F32 time)
- {
- // It's not clear why the getWeight() line seems to be crashing this, but
- // hopefully this fixes it.
- if (motion == NULL || motion->getPose() == NULL)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (mLoadingMotions.find(motion) != mLoadingMotions.end())
- {
- // we want to start this motion, but we can't yet, so flag it as started
- motion->setStopped(FALSE);
- // report pending animations as activated
- return TRUE;
- }
- motion->mResidualWeight = motion->getPose()->getWeight();
- // set stop time based on given duration and ease out time
- if (motion->getDuration() != 0.f && !motion->getLoop())
- {
- F32 ease_out_time;
- F32 motion_duration;
- // should we stop at the end of motion duration, or a bit earlier
- // to allow it to ease out while moving?
- ease_out_time = motion->getEaseOutDuration();
- // is the clock running when the motion is easing in?
- // if not (POSTURE_EASE) then we need to wait that much longer before triggering the stop
- motion_duration = llmax(motion->getDuration() - ease_out_time, 0.f);
- motion->mSendStopTimestamp = time + motion_duration;
- }
- else
- {
- motion->mSendStopTimestamp = F32_MAX;
- }
- if (motion->isActive())
- {
- mActiveMotions.remove(motion);
- }
- mActiveMotions.push_front(motion);
- motion->activate(time);
- motion->onUpdate(0.f, mJointSignature[1]);
- if (mAnimTime >= motion->mSendStopTimestamp)
- {
- motion->setStopTime(motion->mSendStopTimestamp);
- if (motion->mResidualWeight == 0.0f)
- {
- // bit of a hack; if newly activating a motion while easing out, weight should = 1
- motion->mResidualWeight = 1.f;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // deactivateMotionInstance()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL LLMotionController::deactivateMotionInstance(LLMotion *motion)
- {
- motion->deactivate();
- motion_set_t::iterator found_it = mDeprecatedMotions.find(motion);
- if (found_it != mDeprecatedMotions.end())
- {
- // deprecated motions need to be completely excised
- removeMotionInstance(motion);
- mDeprecatedMotions.erase(found_it);
- }
- else
- {
- // for motions that we are keeping, simply remove from active queue
- mActiveMotions.remove(motion);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- void LLMotionController::deprecateMotionInstance(LLMotion* motion)
- {
- mDeprecatedMotions.insert(motion);
- //fade out deprecated motion
- stopMotionInstance(motion, FALSE);
- //no longer canonical
- mAllMotions.erase(motion->getID());
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // isMotionActive()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool LLMotionController::isMotionActive(LLMotion *motion)
- {
- return (motion && motion->isActive());
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // isMotionLoading()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool LLMotionController::isMotionLoading(LLMotion* motion)
- {
- return (mLoadingMotions.find(motion) != mLoadingMotions.end());
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // findMotion()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LLMotion* LLMotionController::findMotion(const LLUUID& id) const
- {
- motion_map_t::const_iterator iter = mAllMotions.find(id);
- if(iter == mAllMotions.end())
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- return iter->second;
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // deactivateAllMotions()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionController::deactivateAllMotions()
- {
- for (motion_map_t::iterator iter = mAllMotions.begin();
- iter != mAllMotions.end(); iter++)
- {
- LLMotion* motionp = iter->second;
- deactivateMotionInstance(motionp);
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // flushAllMotions()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionController::flushAllMotions()
- {
- std::vector<std::pair<LLUUID,F32> > active_motions;
- active_motions.reserve(mActiveMotions.size());
- for (motion_list_t::iterator iter = mActiveMotions.begin();
- iter != mActiveMotions.end(); )
- {
- motion_list_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
- LLMotion* motionp = *curiter;
- F32 dtime = mAnimTime - motionp->mActivationTimestamp;
- active_motions.push_back(std::make_pair(motionp->getID(),dtime));
- motionp->deactivate(); // don't call deactivateMotionInstance() because we are going to reactivate it
- }
- mActiveMotions.clear();
- // delete all motion instances
- deleteAllMotions();
- // kill current hand pose that was previously called out by
- // keyframe motion
- mCharacter->removeAnimationData("Hand Pose");
- // restart motions
- for (std::vector<std::pair<LLUUID,F32> >::iterator iter = active_motions.begin();
- iter != active_motions.end(); ++iter)
- {
- startMotion(iter->first, iter->second);
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // pause()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionController::pauseAllMotions()
- {
- if (!mPaused)
- {
- //llinfos << "Pausing animations..." << llendl;
- mPaused = TRUE;
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // unpause()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LLMotionController::unpauseAllMotions()
- {
- if (mPaused)
- {
- //llinfos << "Unpausing animations..." << llendl;
- mPaused = FALSE;
- }
- }
- // End