- /**
- * @file lltextureview.cpp
- * @brief LLTextureView class implementation
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
- * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
- * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
- * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
- * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
- * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2
- *
- * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
- * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
- * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
- * online at
- * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception
- *
- * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
- * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
- * and agree to abide by those obligations.
- *
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
- #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
- #include <set>
- #include "lltextureview.h"
- #include "llrect.h"
- #include "llerror.h"
- #include "lllfsthread.h"
- #include "llui.h"
- #include "llimageworker.h"
- #include "llrender.h"
- #include "lltooltip.h"
- #include "llappviewer.h"
- #include "llselectmgr.h"
- #include "lltexlayer.h"
- #include "lltexturecache.h"
- #include "lltexturefetch.h"
- #include "llviewercontrol.h"
- #include "llviewerobject.h"
- #include "llviewertexture.h"
- #include "llviewertexturelist.h"
- #include "llvovolume.h"
- extern F32 texmem_lower_bound_scale;
- LLTextureView *gTextureView = NULL;
- LLTextureSizeView *gTextureSizeView = NULL;
- LLTextureSizeView *gTextureCategoryView = NULL;
- //static
- std::set<LLViewerFetchedTexture*> LLTextureView::sDebugImages;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static std::string title_string1a("Tex UUID Area DDis(Req) DecodePri(Fetch) [download] pk/max");
- static std::string title_string1b("Tex UUID Area DDis(Req) Fetch(DecodePri) [download] pk/max");
- static std::string title_string2("State");
- static std::string title_string3("Pkt Bnd");
- static std::string title_string4(" W x H (Dis) Mem");
- static S32 title_x1 = 0;
- static S32 title_x2 = 460;
- static S32 title_x3 = title_x2 + 40;
- static S32 title_x4 = title_x3 + 50;
- static S32 texture_bar_height = 8;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class LLTextureBar : public LLView
- {
- public:
- LLPointer<LLViewerFetchedTexture> mImagep;
- S32 mHilite;
- public:
- struct Params : public LLInitParam::Block<Params, LLView::Params>
- {
- Mandatory<LLTextureView*> texture_view;
- Params()
- : texture_view("texture_view")
- {
- mouse_opaque(false);
- }
- };
- LLTextureBar(const Params& p)
- : LLView(p),
- mHilite(0),
- mTextureView(p.texture_view)
- {}
- virtual void draw();
- virtual BOOL handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask);
- virtual LLRect getRequiredRect(); // Return the height of this object, given the set options.
- // Used for sorting
- struct sort
- {
- bool operator()(const LLView* i1, const LLView* i2)
- {
- LLTextureBar* bar1p = (LLTextureBar*)i1;
- LLTextureBar* bar2p = (LLTextureBar*)i2;
- LLViewerFetchedTexture *i1p = bar1p->mImagep;
- LLViewerFetchedTexture *i2p = bar2p->mImagep;
- F32 pri1 = i1p->getDecodePriority(); // i1p->mRequestedDownloadPriority
- F32 pri2 = i2p->getDecodePriority(); // i2p->mRequestedDownloadPriority
- if (pri1 > pri2)
- return true;
- else if (pri2 > pri1)
- return false;
- else
- return i1p->getID() < i2p->getID();
- }
- };
- struct sort_fetch
- {
- bool operator()(const LLView* i1, const LLView* i2)
- {
- LLTextureBar* bar1p = (LLTextureBar*)i1;
- LLTextureBar* bar2p = (LLTextureBar*)i2;
- LLViewerFetchedTexture *i1p = bar1p->mImagep;
- LLViewerFetchedTexture *i2p = bar2p->mImagep;
- U32 pri1 = i1p->getFetchPriority() ;
- U32 pri2 = i2p->getFetchPriority() ;
- if (pri1 > pri2)
- return true;
- else if (pri2 > pri1)
- return false;
- else
- return i1p->getID() < i2p->getID();
- }
- };
- private:
- LLTextureView* mTextureView;
- };
- void LLTextureBar::draw()
- {
- if (!mImagep)
- {
- return;
- }
- LLColor4 color;
- if (mImagep->getID() == LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->mDebugID)
- {
- color = LLColor4::cyan2;
- }
- else if (mHilite)
- {
- S32 idx = llclamp(mHilite,1,3);
- if (idx==1) color = LLColor4::orange;
- else if (idx==2) color = LLColor4::yellow;
- else color = LLColor4::pink2;
- }
- else if (mImagep->mDontDiscard)
- {
- color = LLColor4::green4;
- }
- else if (mImagep->getBoostLevel() > LLViewerTexture::BOOST_NONE)
- {
- color = LLColor4::magenta;
- }
- else if (mImagep->getDecodePriority() <= 0.0f)
- {
- color = LLColor4::grey; color[VALPHA] = .7f;
- }
- else
- {
- color = LLColor4::white; color[VALPHA] = .7f;
- }
- // We need to draw:
- // The texture UUID or name
- // The progress bar for the texture, highlighted if it's being download
- // Various numerical stats.
- std::string tex_str;
- S32 left, right;
- S32 top = 0;
- S32 bottom = top + 6;
- LLColor4 clr;
- LLGLSUIDefault gls_ui;
- // Name, pixel_area, requested pixel area, decode priority
- std::string uuid_str;
- mImagep->mID.toString(uuid_str);
- uuid_str = uuid_str.substr(0,7);
- if (mTextureView->mOrderFetch)
- {
- tex_str = llformat("%s %7.0f %d(%d) 0x%08x(%8.0f)",
- uuid_str.c_str(),
- mImagep->mMaxVirtualSize,
- mImagep->mDesiredDiscardLevel,
- mImagep->mRequestedDiscardLevel,
- mImagep->mFetchPriority,
- mImagep->getDecodePriority());
- }
- else
- {
- tex_str = llformat("%s %7.0f %d(%d) %8.0f(0x%08x)",
- uuid_str.c_str(),
- mImagep->mMaxVirtualSize,
- mImagep->mDesiredDiscardLevel,
- mImagep->mRequestedDiscardLevel,
- mImagep->getDecodePriority(),
- mImagep->mFetchPriority);
- }
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(tex_str, 0, title_x1, getRect().getHeight(),
- color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- // State
- // Hack: mirrored from lltexturefetch.cpp
- struct { const std::string desc; LLColor4 color; } fetch_state_desc[] = {
- { "---", LLColor4::red }, // INVALID
- { "INI", LLColor4::white }, // INIT
- { "DSK", LLColor4::cyan }, // LOAD_FROM_TEXTURE_CACHE
- { "DSK", LLColor4::blue }, // CACHE_POST
- { "NET", LLColor4::green }, // LOAD_FROM_NETWORK
- { "SIM", LLColor4::green }, // LOAD_FROM_SIMULATOR
- { "REQ", LLColor4::yellow },// SEND_HTTP_REQ
- { "HTP", LLColor4::green }, // WAIT_HTTP_REQ
- { "DEC", LLColor4::yellow },// DECODE_IMAGE
- { "DEC", LLColor4::green }, // DECODE_IMAGE_UPDATE
- { "WRT", LLColor4::purple },// WRITE_TO_CACHE
- { "WRT", LLColor4::orange },// WAIT_ON_WRITE
- { "END", LLColor4::red }, // DONE
- #define LAST_STATE 12
- { "CRE", LLColor4::magenta }, // LAST_STATE+1
- { "FUL", LLColor4::green }, // LAST_STATE+2
- { "BAD", LLColor4::red }, // LAST_STATE+3
- { "MIS", LLColor4::red }, // LAST_STATE+4
- { "---", LLColor4::white }, // LAST_STATE+5
- };
- const S32 fetch_state_desc_size = (S32)LL_ARRAY_SIZE(fetch_state_desc);
- S32 state =
- mImagep->mNeedsCreateTexture ? LAST_STATE+1 :
- mImagep->mFullyLoaded ? LAST_STATE+2 :
- mImagep->mMinDiscardLevel > 0 ? LAST_STATE+3 :
- mImagep->mIsMissingAsset ? LAST_STATE+4 :
- !mImagep->mIsFetching ? LAST_STATE+5 :
- mImagep->mFetchState;
- state = llclamp(state,0,fetch_state_desc_size-1);
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(fetch_state_desc[state].desc, 0, title_x2, getRect().getHeight(),
- fetch_state_desc[state].color,
- gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE);
- // Draw the progress bar.
- S32 bar_width = 100;
- S32 bar_left = 260;
- left = bar_left;
- right = left + bar_width;
- gGL.color4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.75f);
- gl_rect_2d(left, top, right, bottom);
- F32 data_progress = mImagep->mDownloadProgress;
- if (data_progress > 0.0f)
- {
- // Downloaded bytes
- right = left + llfloor(data_progress * (F32)bar_width);
- if (right > left)
- {
- gGL.color4f(0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.75f);
- gl_rect_2d(left, top, right, bottom);
- }
- }
- S32 pip_width = 6;
- S32 pip_space = 14;
- S32 pip_x = title_x3 + pip_space/2;
- // Draw the packet pip
- const F32 pip_max_time = 5.f;
- F32 last_event = mImagep->mLastPacketTimer.getElapsedTimeF32();
- if (last_event < pip_max_time)
- {
- clr = LLColor4::white;
- }
- else
- {
- last_event = mImagep->mRequestDeltaTime;
- if (last_event < pip_max_time)
- {
- clr = LLColor4::green;
- }
- else
- {
- last_event = mImagep->mFetchDeltaTime;
- if (last_event < pip_max_time)
- {
- clr = LLColor4::yellow;
- }
- }
- }
- if (last_event < pip_max_time)
- {
- clr.setAlpha(1.f - last_event/pip_max_time);
- gGL.color4fv(clr.mV);
- gl_rect_2d(pip_x, top, pip_x + pip_width, bottom);
- }
- pip_x += pip_width + pip_space;
- // we don't want to show bind/resident pips for textures using the default texture
- if (mImagep->hasGLTexture())
- {
- // Draw the bound pip
- last_event = mImagep->getTimePassedSinceLastBound();
- if (last_event < 1.f)
- {
- clr = mImagep->getMissed() ? LLColor4::red : LLColor4::magenta1;
- clr.setAlpha(1.f - last_event);
- gGL.color4fv(clr.mV);
- gl_rect_2d(pip_x, top, pip_x + pip_width, bottom);
- }
- }
- pip_x += pip_width + pip_space;
- {
- LLGLSUIDefault gls_ui;
- // draw the packet data
- // {
- // std::string num_str = llformat("%3d/%3d", mImagep->mLastPacket+1, mImagep->mPackets);
- // LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(num_str, 0, bar_left + 100, getRect().getHeight(), color,
- // LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- // }
- // draw the image size at the end
- {
- std::string num_str = llformat("%3dx%3d (%d) %7d", mImagep->getWidth(), mImagep->getHeight(),
- mImagep->getDiscardLevel(), mImagep->hasGLTexture() ? mImagep->getTextureMemory() : 0);
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(num_str, 0, title_x4, getRect().getHeight(), color,
- }
- }
- }
- BOOL LLTextureBar::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- {
- {
- LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->mDebugID = mImagep->getID();
- return TRUE;
- }
- return LLView::handleMouseDown(x,y,mask);
- }
- LLRect LLTextureBar::getRequiredRect()
- {
- LLRect rect;
- rect.mTop = texture_bar_height;
- return rect;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class LLGLTexMemBar : public LLView
- {
- public:
- struct Params : public LLInitParam::Block<Params, LLView::Params>
- {
- Mandatory<LLTextureView*> texture_view;
- Params()
- : texture_view("texture_view")
- {
- S32 line_height = (S32)(LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->getLineHeight() + .5f);
- rect(LLRect(0,0,100,line_height * 4));
- }
- };
- LLGLTexMemBar(const Params& p)
- : LLView(p),
- mTextureView(p.texture_view)
- {}
- virtual void draw();
- virtual BOOL handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask);
- virtual LLRect getRequiredRect(); // Return the height of this object, given the set options.
- private:
- LLTextureView* mTextureView;
- };
- void LLGLTexMemBar::draw()
- {
- S32 bound_mem = BYTES_TO_MEGA_BYTES(LLViewerTexture::sBoundTextureMemoryInBytes);
- S32 max_bound_mem = LLViewerTexture::sMaxBoundTextureMemInMegaBytes;
- S32 total_mem = BYTES_TO_MEGA_BYTES(LLViewerTexture::sTotalTextureMemoryInBytes);
- S32 max_total_mem = LLViewerTexture::sMaxTotalTextureMemInMegaBytes;
- F32 discard_bias = LLViewerTexture::sDesiredDiscardBias;
- F32 cache_usage = (F32)BYTES_TO_MEGA_BYTES(LLAppViewer::getTextureCache()->getUsage()) ;
- F32 cache_max_usage = (F32)BYTES_TO_MEGA_BYTES(LLAppViewer::getTextureCache()->getMaxUsage()) ;
- S32 line_height = (S32)(LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->getLineHeight() + .5f);
- S32 v_offset = (S32)((texture_bar_height + 2.5f) * mTextureView->mNumTextureBars + 2.5f);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LLGLSUIDefault gls_ui;
- LLColor4 text_color(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.75f);
- LLColor4 color;
- std::string text;
- text = llformat("GL Tot: %d/%d MB Bound: %d/%d MB Raw Tot: %d MB Bias: %.2f Cache: %.1f/%.1f MB",
- total_mem,
- max_total_mem,
- bound_mem,
- max_bound_mem,
- LLImageRaw::sGlobalRawMemory >> 20, discard_bias,
- cache_usage, cache_max_usage);
- //, cache_entries, cache_max_entries
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, 0, v_offset + line_height*3,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #if 0
- S32 bar_left = 400;
- S32 bar_width = 200;
- S32 top = line_height*3 - 2 + v_offset;
- S32 bottom = top - 6;
- S32 left = bar_left;
- S32 right = left + bar_width;
- F32 bar_scale;
- gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE);
- // GL Mem Bar
- left = bar_left;
- text = "GL";
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, left, line_height*3,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- left = bar_left+20;
- right = left + bar_width;
- gGL.color4f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.75f); // grey
- gl_rect_2d(left, top, right, bottom);
- bar_scale = (F32)bar_width / (max_total_mem * 1.5f);
- right = left + llfloor(total_mem * bar_scale);
- right = llclamp(right, bar_left, bar_left + bar_width);
- color = (total_mem < llfloor(max_total_mem * texmem_lower_bound_scale)) ? LLColor4::green :
- (total_mem < max_total_mem) ? LLColor4::yellow : LLColor4::red;
- color[VALPHA] = .75f;
- glColor4fv(color.mV);
- gl_rect_2d(left, top, right, bottom); // red/yellow/green
- //
- bar_left += bar_width + bar_space;
- //top = bottom - 2; bottom = top - 6;
- // Bound Mem Bar
- left = bar_left;
- text = "GL";
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, left, line_height*3,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- left = bar_left + 20;
- right = left + bar_width;
- gGL.color4f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.75f);
- gl_rect_2d(left, top, right, bottom);
- color = (bound_mem < llfloor(max_bound_mem * texmem_lower_bound_scale)) ? LLColor4::green :
- (bound_mem < max_bound_mem) ? LLColor4::yellow : LLColor4::red;
- color[VALPHA] = .75f;
- glColor4fv(color.mV);
- gl_rect_2d(left, top, right, bottom);
- #else
- S32 left = 0 ;
- #endif
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- text = llformat("Textures: %d Fetch: %d(%d) Pkts:%d(%d) Cache R/W: %d/%d LFS:%d RAW:%d HTP:%d DEC:%d CRE:%d",
- gTextureList.getNumImages(),
- LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->getNumRequests(), LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->getNumDeletes(),
- LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->mPacketCount, LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->mBadPacketCount,
- LLAppViewer::getTextureCache()->getNumReads(), LLAppViewer::getTextureCache()->getNumWrites(),
- LLLFSThread::sLocal->getPending(),
- LLImageRaw::sRawImageCount,
- LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->getNumHTTPRequests(),
- LLAppViewer::getImageDecodeThread()->getPending(),
- gTextureList.mCreateTextureList.size());
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, 0, v_offset + line_height*2,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- left = 550;
- F32 bandwidth = LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->getTextureBandwidth();
- F32 max_bandwidth = gSavedSettings.getF32("ThrottleBandwidthKBPS");
- color = bandwidth > max_bandwidth ? LLColor4::red : bandwidth > max_bandwidth*.75f ? LLColor4::yellow : text_color;
- color[VALPHA] = text_color[VALPHA];
- text = llformat("BW:%.0f/%.0f",bandwidth, max_bandwidth);
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, left, v_offset + line_height*2,
- color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- S32 dx1 = 0;
- if (LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->mDebugPause)
- {
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(std::string("!"), 0, title_x1, v_offset + line_height,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- dx1 += 8;
- }
- if (mTextureView->mFreezeView)
- {
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(std::string("*"), 0, title_x1, v_offset + line_height,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- dx1 += 8;
- }
- if (mTextureView->mOrderFetch)
- {
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(title_string1b, 0, title_x1+dx1, v_offset + line_height,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- }
- else
- {
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(title_string1a, 0, title_x1+dx1, v_offset + line_height,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- }
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(title_string2, 0, title_x2, v_offset + line_height,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(title_string3, 0, title_x3, v_offset + line_height,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(title_string4, 0, title_x4, v_offset + line_height,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- }
- BOOL LLGLTexMemBar::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- LLRect LLGLTexMemBar::getRequiredRect()
- {
- LLRect rect;
- rect.mTop = 8;
- return rect;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class LLGLTexSizeBar
- {
- public:
- LLGLTexSizeBar(S32 index, S32 left, S32 bottom, S32 right, S32 line_height)
- {
- mIndex = index ;
- mLeft = left ;
- mBottom = bottom ;
- mRight = right ;
- mLineHeight = line_height ;
- mTopLoaded = 0 ;
- mTopBound = 0 ;
- mScale = 1.0f ;
- }
- void setTop(S32 loaded, S32 bound, F32 scale) {mTopLoaded = loaded ; mTopBound = bound; mScale = scale ;}
- void draw();
- BOOL handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL set_pick_size) ;
- private:
- S32 mIndex ;
- S32 mLeft ;
- S32 mBottom ;
- S32 mRight ;
- S32 mTopLoaded ;
- S32 mTopBound ;
- S32 mLineHeight ;
- F32 mScale ;
- };
- BOOL LLGLTexSizeBar::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL set_pick_size)
- {
- if(y > mBottom && (y < mBottom + (S32)(mTopLoaded * mScale) || y < mBottom + (S32)(mTopBound * mScale)))
- {
- LLImageGL::setCurTexSizebar(mIndex, set_pick_size);
- }
- return TRUE ;
- }
- void LLGLTexSizeBar::draw()
- {
- LLGLSUIDefault gls_ui;
- if(LLImageGL::sCurTexSizeBar == mIndex)
- {
- F32 text_color[] = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.75f};
- std::string text;
- text = llformat("%d", mTopLoaded) ;
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, mLeft, mBottom + (S32)(mTopLoaded * mScale) + mLineHeight,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- text = llformat("%d", mTopBound) ;
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, (mLeft + mRight) / 2, mBottom + (S32)(mTopBound * mScale) + mLineHeight,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- }
- F32 loaded_color[] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.75f};
- F32 bound_color[] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.75f};
- gl_rect_2d(mLeft, mBottom + (S32)(mTopLoaded * mScale), (mLeft + mRight) / 2, mBottom, loaded_color) ;
- gl_rect_2d((mLeft + mRight) / 2, mBottom + (S32)(mTopBound * mScale), mRight, mBottom, bound_color) ;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- LLTextureView::LLTextureView(const LLTextureView::Params& p)
- : LLContainerView(p),
- mFreezeView(FALSE),
- mOrderFetch(FALSE),
- mPrintList(FALSE),
- mNumTextureBars(0)
- {
- setVisible(FALSE);
- setDisplayChildren(TRUE);
- mGLTexMemBar = 0;
- }
- LLTextureView::~LLTextureView()
- {
- // Children all cleaned up by default view destructor.
- delete mGLTexMemBar;
- mGLTexMemBar = 0;
- }
- typedef std::pair<F32,LLViewerFetchedTexture*> decode_pair_t;
- struct compare_decode_pair
- {
- bool operator()(const decode_pair_t& a, const decode_pair_t& b)
- {
- return a.first > b.first;
- }
- };
- void LLTextureView::draw()
- {
- if (!mFreezeView)
- {
- // LLViewerObject *objectp;
- // S32 te;
- for_each(mTextureBars.begin(), mTextureBars.end(), DeletePointer());
- mTextureBars.clear();
- delete mGLTexMemBar;
- mGLTexMemBar = 0;
- typedef std::multiset<decode_pair_t, compare_decode_pair > display_list_t;
- display_list_t display_image_list;
- if (mPrintList)
- {
- llinfos << "IDtMEMtBOOSTtPRItWIDTHtHEIGHTtDISCARD" << llendl;
- }
- for (LLViewerTextureList::image_priority_list_t::iterator iter = gTextureList.mImageList.begin();
- iter != gTextureList.mImageList.end(); )
- {
- LLPointer<LLViewerFetchedTexture> imagep = *iter++;
- S32 cur_discard = imagep->getDiscardLevel();
- S32 desired_discard = imagep->mDesiredDiscardLevel;
- if (mPrintList)
- {
- S32 tex_mem = imagep->hasGLTexture() ? imagep->getTextureMemory() : 0 ;
- llinfos << imagep->getID()
- << "t" << tex_mem
- << "t" << imagep->getBoostLevel()
- << "t" << imagep->getDecodePriority()
- << "t" << imagep->getWidth()
- << "t" << imagep->getHeight()
- << "t" << cur_discard
- << llendl;
- }
- if (imagep->getID() == LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->mDebugID)
- {
- static S32 debug_count = 0;
- ++debug_count; // for breakpoints
- }
- #if 0
- if (imagep->getDontDiscard())
- {
- continue;
- }
- if (imagep->isMissingAsset())
- {
- continue;
- }
- #endif
- #define HIGH_PRIORITY 100000000.f
- F32 pri;
- if (mOrderFetch)
- {
- pri = ((F32)imagep->mFetchPriority)/256.f;
- }
- else
- {
- pri = imagep->getDecodePriority();
- }
- pri = llclamp(pri, 0.0f, HIGH_PRIORITY-1.f);
- if (sDebugImages.find(imagep) != sDebugImages.end())
- {
- pri += 4*HIGH_PRIORITY;
- }
- if (!mOrderFetch)
- {
- #if 1
- if (pri < HIGH_PRIORITY && LLSelectMgr::getInstance())
- {
- struct f : public LLSelectedTEFunctor
- {
- LLViewerFetchedTexture* mImage;
- f(LLViewerFetchedTexture* image) : mImage(image) {}
- virtual bool apply(LLViewerObject* object, S32 te)
- {
- return (mImage == object->getTEImage(te));
- }
- } func(imagep);
- const bool firstonly = true;
- bool match = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->applyToTEs(&func, firstonly);
- if (match)
- {
- pri += 3*HIGH_PRIORITY;
- }
- }
- #endif
- #if 1
- if (pri < HIGH_PRIORITY && (cur_discard< 0 || desired_discard < cur_discard))
- {
- LLSelectNode* hover_node = LLSelectMgr::instance().getHoverNode();
- if (hover_node)
- {
- LLViewerObject *objectp = hover_node->getObject();
- if (objectp)
- {
- S32 tex_count = objectp->getNumTEs();
- for (S32 i = 0; i < tex_count; i++)
- {
- if (imagep == objectp->getTEImage(i))
- {
- pri += 2*HIGH_PRIORITY;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- #if 1
- if (pri > 0.f && pri < HIGH_PRIORITY)
- {
- if (imagep->mLastPacketTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() < 1.f ||
- imagep->mFetchDeltaTime < 0.25f)
- {
- pri += 1*HIGH_PRIORITY;
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- if (pri > 0.0f)
- {
- display_image_list.insert(std::make_pair(pri, imagep));
- }
- }
- if (mPrintList)
- {
- mPrintList = FALSE;
- }
- static S32 max_count = 50;
- S32 count = 0;
- mNumTextureBars = 0 ;
- for (display_list_t::iterator iter = display_image_list.begin();
- iter != display_image_list.end(); iter++)
- {
- LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep = iter->second;
- S32 hilite = 0;
- F32 pri = iter->first;
- if (pri >= 1 * HIGH_PRIORITY)
- {
- hilite = (S32)((pri+1) / HIGH_PRIORITY) - 1;
- }
- if ((hilite || count < max_count-10) && (count < max_count))
- {
- if (addBar(imagep, hilite))
- {
- count++;
- }
- }
- }
- if (mOrderFetch)
- sortChildren(LLTextureBar::sort_fetch());
- else
- sortChildren(LLTextureBar::sort());
- LLGLTexMemBar::Params tmbp;
- tmbp.name("gl texmem bar");
- tmbp.texture_view(this);
- mGLTexMemBar = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLGLTexMemBar>(tmbp);
- addChild(mGLTexMemBar);
- reshape(getRect().getWidth(), getRect().getHeight(), TRUE);
- /*
- count = gTextureList.getNumImages();
- std::string info_string;
- info_string = llformat("Global Info:nTexture Count: %d", count);
- mInfoTextp->setText(info_string);
- */
- for (child_list_const_iter_t child_iter = getChildList()->begin();
- child_iter != getChildList()->end(); ++child_iter)
- {
- LLView *viewp = *child_iter;
- if (viewp->getRect().mBottom < 0)
- {
- viewp->setVisible(FALSE);
- }
- }
- }
- LLContainerView::draw();
- }
- BOOL LLTextureView::addBar(LLViewerFetchedTexture *imagep, S32 hilite)
- {
- llassert(imagep);
- LLTextureBar *barp;
- LLRect r;
- mNumTextureBars++;
- LLTextureBar::Params tbp;
- tbp.name("texture bar");
- tbp.rect(r);
- tbp.texture_view(this);
- barp = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLTextureBar>(tbp);
- barp->mImagep = imagep;
- barp->mHilite = hilite;
- addChild(barp);
- mTextureBars.push_back(barp);
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL LLTextureView::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- {
- {
- mPrintList = TRUE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- {
- LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->mDebugPause = !LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->mDebugPause;
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (mask & MASK_SHIFT)
- {
- mFreezeView = !mFreezeView;
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (mask & MASK_CONTROL)
- {
- mOrderFetch = !mOrderFetch;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return LLView::handleMouseDown(x,y,mask);
- }
- BOOL LLTextureView::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- BOOL LLTextureView::handleKey(KEY key, MASK mask, BOOL called_from_parent)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- LLTextureSizeView::LLTextureSizeView(const LLTextureSizeView::Params& p) : LLContainerView(p)
- {
- setVisible(FALSE) ;
- mTextureSizeBarWidth = 30 ;
- }
- LLTextureSizeView::~LLTextureSizeView()
- {
- if(mTextureSizeBar.size())
- {
- for(U32 i = 0 ; i < mTextureSizeBar.size() ; i++)
- {
- delete mTextureSizeBar[i] ;
- }
- mTextureSizeBar.clear() ;
- }
- }
- void LLTextureSizeView::draw()
- {
- {
- drawTextureSizeGraph();
- }
- else
- {
- drawTextureCategoryGraph() ;
- }
- LLView::draw();
- }
- BOOL LLTextureSizeView::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- {
- if(x > mTextureSizeBarRect.mLeft && x < mTextureSizeBarRect.mRight)
- {
- mTextureSizeBar[(x - mTextureSizeBarRect.mLeft) / mTextureSizeBarWidth]->handleHover(x, y, mask, (mType == TEXTURE_MEM_OVER_SIZE)) ;
- }
- return TRUE ;
- }
- //draw real-time texture mem bar over size
- void LLTextureSizeView::drawTextureSizeGraph()
- {
- if(mTextureSizeBar.size() == 0)
- {
- S32 line_height = (S32)(LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->getLineHeight() + .5f);
- mTextureSizeBar.resize(LLImageGL::sTextureLoadedCounter.size()) ;
- mTextureSizeBarRect.set(700, line_height * 2 + 400, 700 + mTextureSizeBar.size() * mTextureSizeBarWidth, line_height * 2) ;
- for(U32 i = 0 ; i < mTextureSizeBar.size() ; i++)
- {
- mTextureSizeBar[i] = new LLGLTexSizeBar(i, mTextureSizeBarRect.mLeft + i * mTextureSizeBarWidth ,
- line_height * 2, mTextureSizeBarRect.mLeft + (i + 1) * mTextureSizeBarWidth, line_height) ;
- }
- }
- F32 size_bar_scale = drawTextureSizeDistributionGraph() ;
- for(U32 i = 0 ; i < mTextureSizeBar.size() ; i++)
- {
- mTextureSizeBar[i]->setTop(LLImageGL::sTextureLoadedCounter[i], LLImageGL::sTextureBoundCounter[i], size_bar_scale) ;
- mTextureSizeBar[i]->draw() ;
- }
- LLImageGL::resetCurTexSizebar();
- }
- //draw background of texture size bar graph
- F32 LLTextureSizeView::drawTextureSizeDistributionGraph()
- {
- //scale
- F32 scale = 1.0f ;
- LLGLSUIDefault gls_ui;
- {
- S32 count = 0 ;
- for(U32 i = 0 ; i < LLImageGL::sTextureLoadedCounter.size() ; i++)
- {
- if(LLImageGL::sTextureLoadedCounter[i] > count)
- {
- count = LLImageGL::sTextureLoadedCounter[i] ;
- }
- }
- if(count > mTextureSizeBarRect.getHeight())
- {
- scale = (F32)mTextureSizeBarRect.getHeight() / count ;
- }
- }
- S32 line_height = (S32)(LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->getLineHeight() + .5f);
- S32 left = mTextureSizeBarRect.mLeft ;
- S32 bottom = mTextureSizeBarRect.mBottom ;
- S32 right = mTextureSizeBarRect.mRight ;
- S32 top = mTextureSizeBarRect.mTop ;
- gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE);
- //background rect
- gl_rect_2d(left - 25, top + 30, right + 100, bottom - 25, LLColor4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.25f)) ;
- //--------------------------------------------------
- gGL.color4f(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.75f);
- gl_line_2d(left, bottom, right, bottom) ; //x axis
- gl_line_2d(left, bottom, left, top) ; //y axis
- //ruler
- //--------------------------------------------------
- gGL.color4f(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
- for(S32 i = bottom + 50 ; i <= top ; i += 50)
- {
- gl_line_2d(left, i, right, i) ;
- }
- //texts
- //--------------------------------------------------
- F32 text_color[] = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.75f};
- std::string text;
- //-------
- //x axis: size label
- text = llformat("%d", 0) ;
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, left + 12, bottom - line_height / 2,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- for(U32 i = 1 ; i < mTextureSizeBar.size() ; i++)
- {
- text = llformat("%d", (1 << (i / 2)) + ((i & 1) ? ((1 << (i / 2)) >> 1) : 0)) ;
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, left + i * mTextureSizeBarWidth + 12, bottom - line_height / 2,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- }
- text = llformat("(w + h)/2") ;
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, right + 10, bottom - line_height / 2,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- //-------
- //y axis: number label
- for(S32 i = bottom + 50 ; i <= top ; i += 50)
- {
- text = llformat("%d", (S32)((i - bottom) / scale)) ;
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, left - 20, i + line_height / 2 ,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, right + 5, i + line_height / 2 ,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------
- F32 loaded_color[] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.75f};
- gl_rect_2d(left + 70, top + line_height * 2, left + 90, top + line_height, loaded_color) ;
- text = llformat("Loaded") ;
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, left + 100, top + line_height * 2,
- loaded_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- F32 bound_color[] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.75f};
- gl_rect_2d(left + 170, top + line_height * 2, left + 190, top + line_height, bound_color) ;
- text = llformat("Bound") ;
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, left + 200, top + line_height * 2,
- bound_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- //--------------------------------------------------
- //title
- text = llformat("Texture Size Distribution") ;
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, left + 250, top + line_height * 3,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- return scale ;
- }
- //draw real-time texture mem bar over category
- void LLTextureSizeView::drawTextureCategoryGraph()
- {
- if(mTextureSizeBar.size() == 0)
- {
- S32 line_height = (S32)(LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->getLineHeight() + .5f);
- mTextureSizeBar.resize(LLViewerTexture::getTotalNumOfCategories()) ;
- mTextureSizeBarRect.set(700, line_height * 2 + 400, 700 + mTextureSizeBar.size() * mTextureSizeBarWidth, line_height * 2) ;
- for(U32 i = 0 ; i < mTextureSizeBar.size() ; i++)
- {
- mTextureSizeBar[i] = new LLGLTexSizeBar(i, mTextureSizeBarRect.mLeft + i * mTextureSizeBarWidth ,
- line_height * 2, mTextureSizeBarRect.mLeft + (i + 1) * mTextureSizeBarWidth, line_height) ;
- }
- }
- F32 size_bar_scale = drawTextureCategoryDistributionGraph() ;
- for(U32 i = 0 ; i < mTextureSizeBar.size() ; i++)
- {
- U32 k = LLViewerTexture::getIndexFromCategory(i) ;
- mTextureSizeBar[i]->setTop(LLImageGL::sTextureMemByCategory[k] >> 20, LLImageGL::sTextureMemByCategoryBound[k] >> 20, size_bar_scale) ;
- mTextureSizeBar[i]->draw() ;
- }
- LLImageGL::resetCurTexSizebar();
- }
- //draw background for TEXTURE_MEM_OVER_CATEGORY
- F32 LLTextureSizeView::drawTextureCategoryDistributionGraph()
- {
- //scale
- F32 scale = 4.0f ;
- LLGLSUIDefault gls_ui;
- {
- S32 count = 0 ;
- for(U32 i = 0 ; i < LLImageGL::sTextureMemByCategory.size() ; i++)
- {
- S32 tmp = LLImageGL::sTextureMemByCategory[i] >> 20 ;
- if(tmp > count)
- {
- count = tmp ;
- }
- }
- if(count > mTextureSizeBarRect.getHeight() * 0.25f)
- {
- scale = (F32)mTextureSizeBarRect.getHeight() * 0.25f / count ;
- }
- }
- S32 line_height = (S32)(LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->getLineHeight() + .5f);
- S32 left = mTextureSizeBarRect.mLeft ;
- S32 bottom = mTextureSizeBarRect.mBottom ;
- S32 right = mTextureSizeBarRect.mRight ;
- S32 top = mTextureSizeBarRect.mTop ;
- gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE);
- //background rect
- gl_rect_2d(left - 25, top + 30, right + 100, bottom - 25, LLColor4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.25f)) ;
- //--------------------------------------------------
- gGL.color4f(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.75f);
- gl_line_2d(left, bottom, right, bottom) ; //x axis
- gl_line_2d(left, bottom, left, top) ; //y axis
- //ruler
- //--------------------------------------------------
- gGL.color4f(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
- for(S32 i = bottom + 50 ; i <= top ; i += 50)
- {
- gl_line_2d(left, i, right, i) ;
- }
- //texts
- //--------------------------------------------------
- F32 text_color[] = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.75f};
- std::string text;
- //-------
- //x axis: size label
- static char category[LLViewerTexture::MAX_GL_IMAGE_CATEGORY][4] =
- {"Non", "Bak", "Av", "Cld", "Scp", "Hi", "Trn", "Slt", "Hud", "Bsf", "UI", "Pvw", "Map", "Mvs", "Slf", "Loc", "Scr", "Dyn", "Mdi", "ALT", "Oth" } ;
- text = llformat("%s", category[0]) ;
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, left + 12, bottom - line_height / 2,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- for(U32 i = 1 ; i < mTextureSizeBar.size() ; i++)
- {
- text = llformat("%s", category[i]) ;
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, left + i * mTextureSizeBarWidth + 12, bottom - line_height / 2,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- }
- //-------
- //y axis: number label
- for(S32 i = bottom + 50 ; i <= top ; i += 50)
- {
- text = llformat("%d", (S32)((i - bottom) / scale)) ;
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, left - 20, i + line_height / 2 ,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, right + 5, i + line_height / 2 ,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- }
- text = llformat("MB") ;
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, left - 20, top + line_height * 2 ,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- //--------------------------------------------------
- F32 loaded_color[] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.75f};
- gl_rect_2d(left + 70, top + line_height * 2, left + 90, top + line_height, loaded_color) ;
- text = llformat("Loaded") ;
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, left + 100, top + line_height * 2,
- loaded_color,
- F32 bound_color[] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.75f};
- gl_rect_2d(left + 170, top + line_height * 2, left + 190, top + line_height, bound_color) ;
- text = llformat("Bound") ;
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, left + 200, top + line_height * 2,
- bound_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- //--------------------------------------------------
- //title
- text = llformat("Texture Category Distribution") ;
- LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(text, 0, left + 250, top + line_height * 3,
- text_color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
- return scale ;
- }