C++ Builder
- /**
- * @file llappviewermacosx.cpp
- * @brief The LLAppViewerMacOSX class definitions
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewergpl$
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2007-2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
- * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
- * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
- * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
- * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
- * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2
- *
- * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
- * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
- * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
- * online at
- * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception
- *
- * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
- * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
- * and agree to abide by those obligations.
- *
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
- #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
- #if !defined LL_DARWIN
- #error "Use only with Mac OS X"
- #endif
- #include "llappviewermacosx.h"
- #include "llcommandlineparser.h"
- #include "llmemtype.h"
- #include "llviewernetwork.h"
- #include "llviewercontrol.h"
- #include "llmd5.h"
- #include "llurlsimstring.h"
- #include "llfloaterworldmap.h"
- #include "llurldispatcher.h"
- #include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
- #include "lldir.h"
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h> // for systemwide mute
- class LLMediaCtrl; // for LLURLDispatcher
- namespace
- {
- // The command line args stored.
- // They are not used immediately by the app.
- int gArgC;
- char** gArgV;
- bool sCrashReporterIsRunning = false;
- OSErr AEQuitHandler(const AppleEvent *messagein, AppleEvent *reply, long refIn)
- {
- OSErr result = noErr;
- LLAppViewer::instance()->userQuit();
- return(result);
- }
- }
- int main( int argc, char **argv )
- {
- LLMemType mt1(LLMemType::MTYPE_STARTUP);
- #if LL_SOLARIS && defined(__sparc)
- asm ("tat6"); // NOTE: Make sure memory alignment is enforced on SPARC
- #endif
- // Set the working dir to <bundle>/Contents/Resources
- if (chdir(gDirUtilp->getAppRODataDir().c_str()) == -1)
- {
- llwarns << "Could not change directory to "
- << gDirUtilp->getAppRODataDir() << ": " << strerror(errno)
- << llendl;
- }
- LLAppViewerMacOSX* viewer_app_ptr = new LLAppViewerMacOSX();
- viewer_app_ptr->setErrorHandler(LLAppViewer::handleViewerCrash);
- // Store off the command line args for use later.
- gArgC = argc;
- gArgV = argv;
- bool ok = viewer_app_ptr->init();
- if(!ok)
- {
- llwarns << "Application init failed." << llendl;
- return -1;
- }
- // Run the application main loop
- if(!LLApp::isQuitting())
- {
- viewer_app_ptr->mainLoop();
- }
- if (!LLApp::isError())
- {
- //
- // We don't want to do cleanup here if the error handler got called -
- // the assumption is that the error handler is responsible for doing
- // app cleanup if there was a problem.
- //
- viewer_app_ptr->cleanup();
- }
- delete viewer_app_ptr;
- viewer_app_ptr = NULL;
- return 0;
- }
- LLAppViewerMacOSX::LLAppViewerMacOSX()
- {
- }
- LLAppViewerMacOSX::~LLAppViewerMacOSX()
- {
- }
- bool LLAppViewerMacOSX::init()
- {
- return LLAppViewer::init();
- }
- // MacOSX may add and addition command line arguement for the process serial number.
- // The option takes a form like '-psn_0_12345'. The following method should be able to recognize
- // and either ignore or return a pair of values for the option.
- // look for this method to be added to the parser in parseAndStoreResults.
- std::pair<std::string, std::string> parse_psn(const std::string& s)
- {
- if (s.find("-psn_") == 0)
- {
- // *FIX:Mani Not sure that the value makes sense.
- // fix it once the actual -psn_XXX syntax is known.
- return std::make_pair("psn", s.substr(5));
- }
- else
- {
- return std::make_pair(std::string(), std::string());
- }
- }
- bool LLAppViewerMacOSX::initParseCommandLine(LLCommandLineParser& clp)
- {
- // The next two lines add the support for parsing the mac -psn_XXX arg.
- clp.addOptionDesc("psn", NULL, 1, "MacOSX process serial number");
- clp.setCustomParser(parse_psn);
- // First read in the args from arguments txt.
- const char* filename = "arguments.txt";
- llifstream ifs(filename, llifstream::binary);
- if (!ifs.is_open())
- {
- llwarns << "Unable to open file" << filename << llendl;
- return false;
- }
- if(clp.parseCommandLineFile(ifs) == false)
- {
- return false;
- }
- // Then parse the user's command line, so that any --url arg can appear last
- // Succesive calls to clp.parse... will NOT override earlier options.
- if(clp.parseCommandLine(gArgC, gArgV) == false)
- {
- return false;
- }
- // Get the user's preferred language string based on the Mac OS localization mechanism.
- // To add a new localization:
- // go to the "Resources" section of the project
- // get info on "language.txt"
- // in the "General" tab, click the "Add Localization" button
- // create a new localization for the language you're adding
- // set the contents of the new localization of the file to the string corresponding to our localization
- // (i.e. "en", "ja", etc. Use the existing ones as a guide.)
- CFURLRef url = CFBundleCopyResourceURL(CFBundleGetMainBundle(), CFSTR("language"), CFSTR("txt"), NULL);
- char path[MAX_PATH];
- if(CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(url, false, (UInt8 *)path, sizeof(path)))
- {
- std::string lang;
- if(_read_file_into_string(lang, path)) /* Flawfinder: ignore*/
- {
- LLControlVariable* c = gSavedSettings.getControl("SystemLanguage");
- if(c)
- {
- c->setValue(lang, false);
- }
- }
- }
- CFRelease(url);
- return true;
- }
- // *FIX:Mani It would be nice to provide a clean interface to get the
- // default_unix_signal_handler for the LLApp class.
- extern void default_unix_signal_handler(int, siginfo_t *, void *);
- bool LLAppViewerMacOSX::restoreErrorTrap()
- {
- // This method intends to reinstate signal handlers.
- // *NOTE:Mani It was found that the first execution of a shader was overriding
- // our initial signal handlers somehow.
- // This method will be called (at least) once per mainloop execution.
- // *NOTE:Mani The signals used below are copied over from the
- // setup_signals() func in LLApp.cpp
- // LLApp could use some way of overriding that func, but for this viewer
- // fix I opt to avoid affecting the server code.
- // Set up signal handlers that may result in program termination
- //
- struct sigaction act;
- struct sigaction old_act;
- act.sa_sigaction = default_unix_signal_handler;
- sigemptyset( &act.sa_mask );
- act.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
- unsigned int reset_count = 0;
- #define SET_SIG(S) sigaction(SIGABRT, &act, &old_act);
- if((unsigned int)act.sa_sigaction != (unsigned int) old_act.sa_sigaction)
- ++reset_count;
- // Synchronous signals
- // Asynchronous signals that are normally ignored
- // Asynchronous signals that result in attempted graceful exit
- // Asynchronous signals that result in core
- #undef SET_SIG
- return reset_count == 0;
- }
- void LLAppViewerMacOSX::handleSyncCrashTrace()
- {
- // do nothing
- }
- static OSStatus CarbonEventHandler(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef,
- EventRef inEvent,
- void* inUserData)
- {
- ProcessSerialNumber psn;
- GetEventParameter(inEvent,
- kEventParamProcessID,
- typeProcessSerialNumber,
- sizeof(psn),
- &psn);
- if( GetEventKind(inEvent) == kEventAppTerminated )
- {
- Boolean matching_psn = FALSE;
- OSErr os_result = SameProcess(&psn, (ProcessSerialNumber*)inUserData, &matching_psn);
- if(os_result >= 0 && matching_psn)
- {
- sCrashReporterIsRunning = false;
- }
- }
- return noErr;
- }
- void LLAppViewerMacOSX::handleCrashReporting(bool reportFreeze)
- {
- // This used to use fork&exec, but is switched to LSOpenApplication to
- // Make sure the crash reporter launches in front of the SL window.
- std::string command_str;
- //command_str = "open Second Life.app/Contents/Resources/mac-crash-logger.app";
- command_str = "mac-crash-logger.app/Contents/MacOS/mac-crash-logger";
- FSRef appRef;
- Boolean isDir = 0;
- OSStatus os_result = FSPathMakeRef((UInt8*)command_str.c_str(),
- &appRef,
- &isDir);
- if(os_result >= 0)
- {
- LSApplicationParameters appParams;
- memset(&appParams, 0, sizeof(appParams));
- appParams.version = 0;
- appParams.flags = kLSLaunchNoParams | kLSLaunchStartClassic;
- appParams.application = &appRef;
- if(reportFreeze)
- {
- // Make sure freeze reporting launches the crash logger synchronously, lest
- // Log files get changed by SL while the logger is running.
- // *NOTE:Mani A better way - make a copy of the data that the crash reporter will send
- // and let SL go about its business. This way makes the mac work like windows and linux
- // and is the smallest patch for the issue.
- sCrashReporterIsRunning = true;
- ProcessSerialNumber o_psn;
- static EventHandlerRef sCarbonEventsRef = NULL;
- static const EventTypeSpec kEvents[] =
- {
- { kEventClassApplication, kEventAppTerminated }
- };
- // Install the handler to detect crash logger termination
- InstallEventHandler(GetApplicationEventTarget(),
- (EventHandlerUPP) CarbonEventHandler,
- GetEventTypeCount(kEvents),
- kEvents,
- &o_psn,
- &sCarbonEventsRef
- );
- // Remove, temporarily the quit handler - which has *crash* behavior before
- // the mainloop gets running!
- AERemoveEventHandler(kCoreEventClass,
- kAEQuitApplication,
- NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEQuitHandler),
- false);
- // Launch the crash reporter.
- os_result = LSOpenApplication(&appParams, &o_psn);
- if(os_result >= 0)
- {
- EventRecord evt;
- while(sCrashReporterIsRunning)
- {
- while(WaitNextEvent(osMask, &evt, 0, NULL))
- {
- // null op!?!
- }
- }
- }
- // Re-install the apps quit handler.
- AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass,
- kAEQuitApplication,
- NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEQuitHandler),
- 0,
- false);
- // Remove the crash reporter quit handler.
- RemoveEventHandler(sCarbonEventsRef);
- }
- else
- {
- appParams.flags |= kLSLaunchAsync;
- clear_signals();
- ProcessSerialNumber o_psn;
- os_result = LSOpenApplication(&appParams, &o_psn);
- }
- }
- if(!reportFreeze)
- {
- _exit(1);
- }
- // Remove the crash stack log from previous executions.
- // Since we've started logging a new instance of the app, we can assume
- // The old crash stack is invalid for the next crash report.
- char path[MAX_PATH];
- FSRef folder;
- if(FSFindFolder(kUserDomain, kLogsFolderType, false, &folder) == noErr)
- {
- // folder is an FSRef to ~/Library/Logs/
- if(FSRefMakePath(&folder, (UInt8*)&path, sizeof(path)) == noErr)
- {
- std::string pathname = std::string(path) + std::string("/CrashReporter/");
- std::string mask = "Second Life*";
- std::string file_name;
- while(gDirUtilp->getNextFileInDir(pathname, mask, file_name, false))
- {
- LLFile::remove(pathname + file_name);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- std::string LLAppViewerMacOSX::generateSerialNumber()
- {
- char serial_md5[MD5HEX_STR_SIZE]; // Flawfinder: ignore
- serial_md5[0] = 0;
- // JC: Sample code from http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn/tn1103.html
- CFStringRef serialNumber = NULL;
- io_service_t platformExpert = IOServiceGetMatchingService(kIOMasterPortDefault,
- IOServiceMatching("IOPlatformExpertDevice"));
- if (platformExpert) {
- serialNumber = (CFStringRef) IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(platformExpert,
- CFSTR(kIOPlatformSerialNumberKey),
- kCFAllocatorDefault, 0);
- IOObjectRelease(platformExpert);
- }
- if (serialNumber)
- {
- char buffer[MAX_STRING]; // Flawfinder: ignore
- if (CFStringGetCString(serialNumber, buffer, MAX_STRING, kCFStringEncodingASCII))
- {
- LLMD5 md5( (unsigned char*)buffer );
- md5.hex_digest(serial_md5);
- }
- CFRelease(serialNumber);
- }
- return serial_md5;
- }
- static AudioDeviceID get_default_audio_output_device(void)
- {
- AudioDeviceID device = 0;
- UInt32 size;
- OSStatus err;
- size = sizeof(device);
- err = AudioHardwareGetProperty(kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice, &size, &device);
- if(err != noErr)
- {
- LL_DEBUGS("SystemMute") << "Couldn't get default audio output device (0x" << std::hex << err << ")" << LL_ENDL;
- }
- return device;
- }
- //virtual
- void LLAppViewerMacOSX::setMasterSystemAudioMute(bool new_mute)
- {
- AudioDeviceID device = get_default_audio_output_device();
- if(device != 0)
- {
- UInt32 mute = new_mute;
- OSStatus err = AudioDeviceSetProperty(device, NULL, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyMute, sizeof(mute), &mute);
- if(err != noErr)
- {
- LL_INFOS("SystemMute") << "Couldn't set audio mute property (0x" << std::hex << err << ")" << LL_ENDL;
- }
- }
- }
- //virtual
- bool LLAppViewerMacOSX::getMasterSystemAudioMute()
- {
- // Assume the system isn't muted
- UInt32 mute = 0;
- AudioDeviceID device = get_default_audio_output_device();
- if(device != 0)
- {
- UInt32 size = sizeof(mute);
- OSStatus err = AudioDeviceGetProperty(device, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyMute, &size, &mute);
- if(err != noErr)
- {
- LL_DEBUGS("SystemMute") << "Couldn't get audio mute property (0x" << std::hex << err << ")" << LL_ENDL;
- }
- }
- return (mute != 0);
- }
- OSErr AEGURLHandler(const AppleEvent *messagein, AppleEvent *reply, long refIn)
- {
- OSErr result = noErr;
- DescType actualType;
- char buffer[1024]; // Flawfinder: ignore
- Size size;
- result = AEGetParamPtr (
- messagein,
- keyDirectObject,
- typeCString,
- &actualType,
- (Ptr)buffer,
- sizeof(buffer),
- &size);
- if(result == noErr)
- {
- std::string url = buffer;
- // Safari 3.2 silently mangles secondlife:///app/ URLs into
- // secondlife:/app/ (only one leading slash).
- // Fix them up to meet the URL specification. JC
- const std::string prefix = "secondlife:/app/";
- std::string test_prefix = url.substr(0, prefix.length());
- LLStringUtil::toLower(test_prefix);
- if (test_prefix == prefix)
- {
- url.replace(0, prefix.length(), "secondlife:///app/");
- }
- LLMediaCtrl* web = NULL;
- const bool trusted_browser = false;
- LLURLDispatcher::dispatch(url, web, trusted_browser);
- }
- return(result);
- }
- OSStatus simpleDialogHandler(EventHandlerCallRef handler, EventRef event, void *userdata)
- {
- OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr;
- OSStatus err;
- UInt32 evtClass = GetEventClass(event);
- UInt32 evtKind = GetEventKind(event);
- WindowRef window = (WindowRef)userdata;
- if((evtClass == kEventClassCommand) && (evtKind == kEventCommandProcess))
- {
- HICommand cmd;
- err = GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(cmd), NULL, &cmd);
- if(err == noErr)
- {
- switch(cmd.commandID)
- {
- case kHICommandOK:
- QuitAppModalLoopForWindow(window);
- result = noErr;
- break;
- case kHICommandCancel:
- QuitAppModalLoopForWindow(window);
- result = userCanceledErr;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return(result);
- }
- void init_apple_menu(const char* product)
- {
- // Load up a proper menu bar.
- {
- OSStatus err;
- IBNibRef nib = NULL;
- // NOTE: DO NOT translate or brand this string. It's an internal name in the .nib file, and MUST match exactly.
- err = CreateNibReference(CFSTR("SecondLife"), &nib);
- if(err == noErr)
- {
- // NOTE: DO NOT translate or brand this string. It's an internal name in the .nib file, and MUST match exactly.
- SetMenuBarFromNib(nib, CFSTR("MenuBar"));
- }
- if(nib != NULL)
- {
- DisposeNibReference(nib);
- }
- }
- // Install a handler for 'gurl' AppleEvents. This is how secondlife:// URLs get passed to the viewer.
- if(AEInstallEventHandler('GURL', 'GURL', NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEGURLHandler),0, false) != noErr)
- {
- // Couldn't install AppleEvent handler. This error shouldn't be fatal.
- llinfos << "Couldn't install 'GURL' AppleEvent handler. Continuing..." << llendl;
- }
- // Install a handler for 'quit' AppleEvents. This makes quitting the application from the dock work.
- if(AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication, NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEQuitHandler),0, false) != noErr)
- {
- // Couldn't install AppleEvent handler. This error shouldn't be fatal.
- llinfos << "Couldn't install Quit AppleEvent handler. Continuing..." << llendl;
- }
- }