- /**
- * @file WLCloudsF.glsl
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2005-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc.
- * $License$
- */
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // The fragment shader for the sky
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- varying vec4 vary_CloudColorSun;
- varying vec4 vary_CloudColorAmbient;
- varying float vary_CloudDensity;
- uniform sampler2D cloud_noise_texture;
- uniform vec4 cloud_pos_density1;
- uniform vec4 cloud_pos_density2;
- uniform vec4 gamma;
- /// Soft clips the light with a gamma correction
- vec3 scaleSoftClip(vec3 light) {
- //soft clip effect:
- light = 1. - clamp(light, vec3(0.), vec3(1.));
- light = 1. - pow(light,;
- return light;
- }
- void main()
- {
- // Set variables
- vec2 uv1 = gl_TexCoord[0].xy;
- vec2 uv2 = gl_TexCoord[1].xy;
- vec4 cloudColorSun = vary_CloudColorSun;
- vec4 cloudColorAmbient = vary_CloudColorAmbient;
- float cloudDensity = vary_CloudDensity;
- vec2 uv3 = gl_TexCoord[2].xy;
- vec2 uv4 = gl_TexCoord[3].xy;
- // Offset texture coords
- uv1 += cloud_pos_density1.xy; //large texture, visible density
- uv2 += cloud_pos_density1.xy; //large texture, self shadow
- uv3 += cloud_pos_density2.xy; //small texture, visible density
- uv4 += cloud_pos_density2.xy; //small texture, self shadow
- // Compute alpha1, the main cloud opacity
- float alpha1 = (texture2D(cloud_noise_texture, uv1).x - 0.5) + (texture2D(cloud_noise_texture, uv3).x - 0.5) * cloud_pos_density2.z;
- alpha1 = min(max(alpha1 + cloudDensity, 0.) * 10. * cloud_pos_density1.z, 1.);
- // And smooth
- alpha1 = 1. - alpha1 * alpha1;
- alpha1 = 1. - alpha1 * alpha1;
- // Compute alpha2, for self shadowing effect
- // (1 - alpha2) will later be used as percentage of incoming sunlight
- float alpha2 = (texture2D(cloud_noise_texture, uv2).x - 0.5);
- alpha2 = min(max(alpha2 + cloudDensity, 0.) * 2.5 * cloud_pos_density1.z, 1.);
- // And smooth
- alpha2 = 1. - alpha2;
- alpha2 = 1. - alpha2 * alpha2;
- // Combine
- vec4 color;
- color = (cloudColorSun*(1.-alpha2) + cloudColorAmbient);
- color *= 2.;
- /// Gamma correct for WL (soft clip effect).
- gl_FragColor.rgb = scaleSoftClip(color.rgb);
- gl_FragColor.a = alpha1;
- }