- /**
- * @file llgesturemgr.cpp
- * @brief Manager for playing gestures on the viewer
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2004&license=viewergpl$
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2004-2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
- * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
- * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
- * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
- * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
- * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2
- *
- * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
- * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
- * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
- * online at
- * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception
- *
- * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
- * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
- * and agree to abide by those obligations.
- *
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
- #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
- #include "llgesturemgr.h"
- // system
- #include <functional>
- #include <algorithm>
- // library
- #include "lldatapacker.h"
- #include "llinventory.h"
- #include "llmultigesture.h"
- #include "llnotificationsutil.h"
- #include "llstl.h"
- #include "llstring.h" // todo: remove
- #include "llvfile.h"
- #include "message.h"
- // newview
- #include "llagent.h"
- #include "lldelayedgestureerror.h"
- #include "llinventorymodel.h"
- #include "llviewermessage.h"
- #include "llvoavatarself.h"
- #include "llviewerstats.h"
- #include "llnearbychatbar.h"
- #include "llappearancemgr.h"
- // Longest time, in seconds, to wait for all animations to stop playing
- const F32 MAX_WAIT_ANIM_SECS = 30.f;
- // If this gesture is a link, get the base gesture that this link points to,
- // otherwise just return this id.
- static const LLUUID& get_linked_uuid(const LLUUID& item_id);
- // Lightweight constructor.
- // init() does the heavy lifting.
- LLGestureManager::LLGestureManager()
- : mValid(FALSE),
- mPlaying(),
- mActive(),
- mLoadingCount(0)
- {
- mRetryIfMissing = true;
- gInventory.addObserver(this);
- }
- // We own the data for gestures, so clean them up.
- LLGestureManager::~LLGestureManager()
- {
- item_map_t::iterator it;
- for (it = mActive.begin(); it != mActive.end(); ++it)
- {
- LLMultiGesture* gesture = (*it).second;
- delete gesture;
- gesture = NULL;
- }
- gInventory.removeObserver(this);
- }
- void LLGestureManager::init()
- {
- // TODO
- }
- void LLGestureManager::changed(U32 mask)
- {
- LLInventoryFetchObserver::changed(mask);
- if (mask & LLInventoryObserver::GESTURE)
- {
- // If there was a gesture label changed, update all the names in the
- // active gestures and then notify observers
- if (mask & LLInventoryObserver::LABEL)
- {
- for(item_map_t::iterator it = mActive.begin(); it != mActive.end(); ++it)
- {
- if(it->second)
- {
- LLViewerInventoryItem* item = gInventory.getItem(it->first);
- if(item)
- {
- it->second->mName = item->getName();
- }
- }
- }
- notifyObservers();
- }
- // If there was a gesture added or removed notify observers
- // STRUCTURE denotes that the inventory item has been moved
- // In the case of deleting gesture, it is moved to the trash
- else if(mask & LLInventoryObserver::ADD ||
- mask & LLInventoryObserver::REMOVE ||
- mask & LLInventoryObserver::STRUCTURE)
- {
- notifyObservers();
- }
- }
- }
- // Use this version when you have the item_id but not the asset_id,
- // and you KNOW the inventory is loaded.
- void LLGestureManager::activateGesture(const LLUUID& item_id)
- {
- LLViewerInventoryItem* item = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
- if (!item) return;
- LLUUID asset_id = item->getAssetUUID();
- mLoadingCount = 1;
- mDeactivateSimilarNames.clear();
- const BOOL inform_server = TRUE;
- const BOOL deactivate_similar = FALSE;
- activateGestureWithAsset(item_id, asset_id, inform_server, deactivate_similar);
- }
- void LLGestureManager::activateGestures(LLViewerInventoryItem::item_array_t& items)
- {
- // Load up the assets
- S32 count = 0;
- LLViewerInventoryItem::item_array_t::const_iterator it;
- for (it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it)
- {
- LLViewerInventoryItem* item = *it;
- if (isGestureActive(item->getUUID()))
- {
- continue;
- }
- else
- { // Make gesture active and persistent through login sessions. -spatters 07-12-06
- activateGesture(item->getUUID());
- }
- count++;
- }
- mLoadingCount = count;
- mDeactivateSimilarNames.clear();
- for (it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it)
- {
- LLViewerInventoryItem* item = *it;
- if (isGestureActive(item->getUUID()))
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Don't inform server, we'll do that in bulk
- const BOOL no_inform_server = FALSE;
- const BOOL deactivate_similar = TRUE;
- activateGestureWithAsset(item->getUUID(), item->getAssetUUID(),
- no_inform_server,
- deactivate_similar);
- }
- // Inform the database of this change
- LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem;
- BOOL start_message = TRUE;
- for (it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it)
- {
- LLViewerInventoryItem* item = *it;
- if (isGestureActive(item->getUUID()))
- {
- continue;
- }
- if (start_message)
- {
- msg->newMessage("ActivateGestures");
- msg->nextBlock("AgentData");
- msg->addUUID("AgentID", gAgent.getID());
- msg->addUUID("SessionID", gAgent.getSessionID());
- msg->addU32("Flags", 0x0);
- start_message = FALSE;
- }
- msg->nextBlock("Data");
- msg->addUUID("ItemID", item->getUUID());
- msg->addUUID("AssetID", item->getAssetUUID());
- msg->addU32("GestureFlags", 0x0);
- if (msg->getCurrentSendTotal() > MTUBYTES)
- {
- gAgent.sendReliableMessage();
- start_message = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (!start_message)
- {
- gAgent.sendReliableMessage();
- }
- }
- struct LLLoadInfo
- {
- BOOL mInformServer;
- BOOL mDeactivateSimilar;
- };
- // If inform_server is true, will send a message upstream to update
- // the user_gesture_active table.
- /**
- * It will load a gesture from remote storage
- */
- void LLGestureManager::activateGestureWithAsset(const LLUUID& item_id,
- const LLUUID& asset_id,
- BOOL inform_server,
- BOOL deactivate_similar)
- {
- const LLUUID& base_item_id = get_linked_uuid(item_id);
- if( !gAssetStorage )
- {
- llwarns << "LLGestureManager::activateGestureWithAsset without valid gAssetStorage" << llendl;
- return;
- }
- // If gesture is already active, nothing to do.
- if (isGestureActive(item_id))
- {
- llwarns << "Tried to loadGesture twice " << item_id << llendl;
- return;
- }
- // if (asset_id.isNull())
- // {
- // llwarns << "loadGesture() - gesture has no asset" << llendl;
- // return;
- // }
- // For now, put NULL into the item map. We'll build a gesture
- // class object when the asset data arrives.
- mActive[base_item_id] = NULL;
- // Copy the UUID
- if (asset_id.notNull())
- {
- LLLoadInfo* info = new LLLoadInfo;
- info->mItemID = base_item_id;
- info->mInformServer = inform_server;
- info->mDeactivateSimilar = deactivate_similar;
- const BOOL high_priority = TRUE;
- gAssetStorage->getAssetData(asset_id,
- LLAssetType::AT_GESTURE,
- onLoadComplete,
- (void*)info,
- high_priority);
- }
- else
- {
- notifyObservers();
- }
- }
- void LLGestureManager::deactivateGesture(const LLUUID& item_id)
- {
- const LLUUID& base_item_id = get_linked_uuid(item_id);
- item_map_t::iterator it = mActive.find(base_item_id);
- if (it == mActive.end())
- {
- llwarns << "deactivateGesture for inactive gesture " << item_id << llendl;
- return;
- }
- // mActive owns this gesture pointer, so clean up memory.
- LLMultiGesture* gesture = (*it).second;
- // Can be NULL gestures in the map
- if (gesture)
- {
- stopGesture(gesture);
- delete gesture;
- gesture = NULL;
- }
- mActive.erase(it);
- gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::LABEL, base_item_id);
- // Inform the database of this change
- LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem;
- msg->newMessage("DeactivateGestures");
- msg->nextBlock("AgentData");
- msg->addUUID("AgentID", gAgent.getID());
- msg->addUUID("SessionID", gAgent.getSessionID());
- msg->addU32("Flags", 0x0);
- msg->nextBlock("Data");
- msg->addUUID("ItemID", item_id);
- msg->addU32("GestureFlags", 0x0);
- gAgent.sendReliableMessage();
- LLAppearanceManager::instance().removeCOFItemLinks(base_item_id, false);
- notifyObservers();
- }
- void LLGestureManager::deactivateSimilarGestures(LLMultiGesture* in, const LLUUID& in_item_id)
- {
- const LLUUID& base_in_item_id = get_linked_uuid(in_item_id);
- std::vector<LLUUID> gest_item_ids;
- // Deactivate all gestures that match
- item_map_t::iterator it;
- for (it = mActive.begin(); it != mActive.end(); )
- {
- const LLUUID& item_id = (*it).first;
- LLMultiGesture* gest = (*it).second;
- // Don't deactivate the gesture we are looking for duplicates of
- // (for replaceGesture)
- if (!gest || item_id == base_in_item_id)
- {
- // legal, can have null pointers in list
- ++it;
- }
- else if ((!gest->mTrigger.empty() && gest->mTrigger == in->mTrigger)
- || (gest->mKey != KEY_NONE && gest->mKey == in->mKey && gest->mMask == in->mMask))
- {
- gest_item_ids.push_back(item_id);
- stopGesture(gest);
- delete gest;
- gest = NULL;
- mActive.erase(it++);
- gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::LABEL, item_id);
- }
- else
- {
- ++it;
- }
- }
- // Inform database of the change
- LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem;
- BOOL start_message = TRUE;
- std::vector<LLUUID>::const_iterator vit = gest_item_ids.begin();
- while (vit != gest_item_ids.end())
- {
- if (start_message)
- {
- msg->newMessage("DeactivateGestures");
- msg->nextBlock("AgentData");
- msg->addUUID("AgentID", gAgent.getID());
- msg->addUUID("SessionID", gAgent.getSessionID());
- msg->addU32("Flags", 0x0);
- start_message = FALSE;
- }
- msg->nextBlock("Data");
- msg->addUUID("ItemID", *vit);
- msg->addU32("GestureFlags", 0x0);
- if (msg->getCurrentSendTotal() > MTUBYTES)
- {
- gAgent.sendReliableMessage();
- start_message = TRUE;
- }
- ++vit;
- }
- if (!start_message)
- {
- gAgent.sendReliableMessage();
- }
- // Add to the list of names for the user.
- for (vit = gest_item_ids.begin(); vit != gest_item_ids.end(); ++vit)
- {
- LLViewerInventoryItem* item = gInventory.getItem(*vit);
- if (!item) continue;
- mDeactivateSimilarNames.append(item->getName());
- mDeactivateSimilarNames.append("n");
- }
- notifyObservers();
- }
- BOOL LLGestureManager::isGestureActive(const LLUUID& item_id)
- {
- const LLUUID& base_item_id = get_linked_uuid(item_id);
- item_map_t::iterator it = mActive.find(base_item_id);
- return (it != mActive.end());
- }
- BOOL LLGestureManager::isGesturePlaying(const LLUUID& item_id)
- {
- const LLUUID& base_item_id = get_linked_uuid(item_id);
- item_map_t::iterator it = mActive.find(base_item_id);
- if (it == mActive.end()) return FALSE;
- LLMultiGesture* gesture = (*it).second;
- if (!gesture) return FALSE;
- return gesture->mPlaying;
- }
- BOOL LLGestureManager::isGesturePlaying(LLMultiGesture* gesture)
- {
- if(!gesture)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- return gesture->mPlaying;
- }
- void LLGestureManager::replaceGesture(const LLUUID& item_id, LLMultiGesture* new_gesture, const LLUUID& asset_id)
- {
- const LLUUID& base_item_id = get_linked_uuid(item_id);
- item_map_t::iterator it = mActive.find(base_item_id);
- if (it == mActive.end())
- {
- llwarns << "replaceGesture for inactive gesture " << base_item_id << llendl;
- return;
- }
- LLMultiGesture* old_gesture = (*it).second;
- stopGesture(old_gesture);
- mActive.erase(base_item_id);
- mActive[base_item_id] = new_gesture;
- delete old_gesture;
- old_gesture = NULL;
- if (asset_id.notNull())
- {
- mLoadingCount = 1;
- mDeactivateSimilarNames.clear();
- LLLoadInfo* info = new LLLoadInfo;
- info->mItemID = base_item_id;
- info->mInformServer = TRUE;
- info->mDeactivateSimilar = FALSE;
- const BOOL high_priority = TRUE;
- gAssetStorage->getAssetData(asset_id,
- LLAssetType::AT_GESTURE,
- onLoadComplete,
- (void*)info,
- high_priority);
- }
- notifyObservers();
- }
- void LLGestureManager::replaceGesture(const LLUUID& item_id, const LLUUID& new_asset_id)
- {
- const LLUUID& base_item_id = get_linked_uuid(item_id);
- item_map_t::iterator it = LLGestureManager::instance().mActive.find(base_item_id);
- if (it == mActive.end())
- {
- llwarns << "replaceGesture for inactive gesture " << base_item_id << llendl;
- return;
- }
- // mActive owns this gesture pointer, so clean up memory.
- LLMultiGesture* gesture = (*it).second;
- LLGestureManager::instance().replaceGesture(base_item_id, gesture, new_asset_id);
- }
- void LLGestureManager::playGesture(LLMultiGesture* gesture)
- {
- if (!gesture) return;
- // Reset gesture to first step
- gesture->mCurrentStep = 0;
- // Add to list of playing
- gesture->mPlaying = TRUE;
- mPlaying.push_back(gesture);
- // And get it going
- stepGesture(gesture);
- notifyObservers();
- }
- // Convenience function that looks up the item_id for you.
- void LLGestureManager::playGesture(const LLUUID& item_id)
- {
- const LLUUID& base_item_id = get_linked_uuid(item_id);
- item_map_t::iterator it = mActive.find(base_item_id);
- if (it == mActive.end()) return;
- LLMultiGesture* gesture = (*it).second;
- if (!gesture) return;
- playGesture(gesture);
- }
- // Iterates through space delimited tokens in string, triggering any gestures found.
- // Generates a revised string that has the found tokens replaced by their replacement strings
- // and (as a minor side effect) has multiple spaces in a row replaced by single spaces.
- BOOL LLGestureManager::triggerAndReviseString(const std::string &utf8str, std::string* revised_string)
- {
- std::string tokenized = utf8str;
- BOOL found_gestures = FALSE;
- BOOL first_token = TRUE;
- typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > tokenizer;
- boost::char_separator<char> sep(" ");
- tokenizer tokens(tokenized, sep);
- tokenizer::iterator token_iter;
- for( token_iter = tokens.begin(); token_iter != tokens.end(); ++token_iter)
- {
- const char* cur_token = token_iter->c_str();
- LLMultiGesture* gesture = NULL;
- // Only pay attention to the first gesture in the string.
- if( !found_gestures )
- {
- // collect gestures that match
- std::vector <LLMultiGesture *> matching;
- item_map_t::iterator it;
- for (it = mActive.begin(); it != mActive.end(); ++it)
- {
- gesture = (*it).second;
- // Gesture asset data might not have arrived yet
- if (!gesture) continue;
- if (LLStringUtil::compareInsensitive(gesture->mTrigger, cur_token) == 0)
- {
- matching.push_back(gesture);
- }
- gesture = NULL;
- }
- if (matching.size() > 0)
- {
- // choose one at random
- {
- S32 random = ll_rand(matching.size());
- gesture = matching[random];
- playGesture(gesture);
- if (!gesture->mReplaceText.empty())
- {
- if( !first_token )
- {
- if (revised_string)
- revised_string->append( " " );
- }
- // Don't muck with the user's capitalization if we don't have to.
- if( LLStringUtil::compareInsensitive(cur_token, gesture->mReplaceText) == 0)
- {
- if (revised_string)
- revised_string->append( cur_token );
- }
- else
- {
- if (revised_string)
- revised_string->append( gesture->mReplaceText );
- }
- }
- found_gestures = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!gesture)
- {
- // This token doesn't match a gesture. Pass it through to the output.
- if( !first_token )
- {
- if (revised_string)
- revised_string->append( " " );
- }
- if (revised_string)
- revised_string->append( cur_token );
- }
- first_token = FALSE;
- gesture = NULL;
- }
- return found_gestures;
- }
- BOOL LLGestureManager::triggerGesture(KEY key, MASK mask)
- {
- std::vector <LLMultiGesture *> matching;
- item_map_t::iterator it;
- // collect matching gestures
- for (it = mActive.begin(); it != mActive.end(); ++it)
- {
- LLMultiGesture* gesture = (*it).second;
- // asset data might not have arrived yet
- if (!gesture) continue;
- if (gesture->mKey == key
- && gesture->mMask == mask)
- {
- matching.push_back(gesture);
- }
- }
- // choose one and play it
- if (matching.size() > 0)
- {
- U32 random = ll_rand(matching.size());
- LLMultiGesture* gesture = matching[random];
- playGesture(gesture);
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- S32 LLGestureManager::getPlayingCount() const
- {
- return mPlaying.size();
- }
- struct IsGesturePlaying : public std::unary_function<LLMultiGesture*, bool>
- {
- bool operator()(const LLMultiGesture* gesture) const
- {
- return gesture->mPlaying ? true : false;
- }
- };
- void LLGestureManager::update()
- {
- S32 i;
- for (i = 0; i < (S32)mPlaying.size(); ++i)
- {
- stepGesture(mPlaying[i]);
- }
- // Clear out gestures that are done, by moving all the
- // ones that are still playing to the front.
- std::vector<LLMultiGesture*>::iterator new_end;
- new_end = std::partition(mPlaying.begin(),
- mPlaying.end(),
- IsGesturePlaying());
- // Something finished playing
- if (new_end != mPlaying.end())
- {
- // Delete the completed gestures that want deletion
- std::vector<LLMultiGesture*>::iterator it;
- for (it = new_end; it != mPlaying.end(); ++it)
- {
- LLMultiGesture* gesture = *it;
- if (gesture->mDoneCallback)
- {
- gesture->mDoneCallback(gesture, gesture->mCallbackData);
- // callback might have deleted gesture, can't
- // rely on this pointer any more
- gesture = NULL;
- }
- }
- // And take done gestures out of the playing list
- mPlaying.erase(new_end, mPlaying.end());
- notifyObservers();
- }
- }
- // Run all steps until you're either done or hit a wait.
- void LLGestureManager::stepGesture(LLMultiGesture* gesture)
- {
- if (!gesture)
- {
- return;
- }
- LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject();
- if (!avatar) return;
- // Of the ones that started playing, have any stopped?
- std::set<LLUUID>::iterator gest_it;
- for (gest_it = gesture->mPlayingAnimIDs.begin();
- gest_it != gesture->mPlayingAnimIDs.end();
- )
- {
- // look in signaled animations (simulator's view of what is
- // currently playing.
- LLVOAvatar::AnimIterator play_it = avatar->mSignaledAnimations.find(*gest_it);
- if (play_it != avatar->mSignaledAnimations.end())
- {
- ++gest_it;
- }
- else
- {
- // not found, so not currently playing or scheduled to play
- // delete from the triggered set
- gesture->mPlayingAnimIDs.erase(gest_it++);
- }
- }
- // Of all the animations that we asked the sim to start for us,
- // pick up the ones that have actually started.
- for (gest_it = gesture->mRequestedAnimIDs.begin();
- gest_it != gesture->mRequestedAnimIDs.end();
- )
- {
- LLVOAvatar::AnimIterator play_it = avatar->mSignaledAnimations.find(*gest_it);
- if (play_it != avatar->mSignaledAnimations.end())
- {
- // Hooray, this animation has started playing!
- // Copy into playing.
- gesture->mPlayingAnimIDs.insert(*gest_it);
- gesture->mRequestedAnimIDs.erase(gest_it++);
- }
- else
- {
- // nope, not playing yet
- ++gest_it;
- }
- }
- // Run the current steps
- BOOL waiting = FALSE;
- while (!waiting && gesture->mPlaying)
- {
- // Get the current step, if there is one.
- // Otherwise enter the waiting at end state.
- LLGestureStep* step = NULL;
- if (gesture->mCurrentStep < (S32)gesture->mSteps.size())
- {
- step = gesture->mSteps[gesture->mCurrentStep];
- llassert(step != NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- // step stays null, we're off the end
- gesture->mWaitingAtEnd = TRUE;
- }
- // If we're waiting at the end, wait for all gestures to stop
- // playing.
- // TODO: Wait for all sounds to complete as well.
- if (gesture->mWaitingAtEnd)
- {
- // Neither do we have any pending requests, nor are they
- // still playing.
- if ((gesture->mRequestedAnimIDs.empty()
- && gesture->mPlayingAnimIDs.empty()))
- {
- // all animations are done playing
- gesture->mWaitingAtEnd = FALSE;
- gesture->mPlaying = FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- waiting = TRUE;
- }
- continue;
- }
- // If we're waiting on our animations to stop, poll for
- // completion.
- if (gesture->mWaitingAnimations)
- {
- // Neither do we have any pending requests, nor are they
- // still playing.
- if ((gesture->mRequestedAnimIDs.empty()
- && gesture->mPlayingAnimIDs.empty()))
- {
- // all animations are done playing
- gesture->mWaitingAnimations = FALSE;
- gesture->mCurrentStep++;
- }
- else if (gesture->mWaitTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() > MAX_WAIT_ANIM_SECS)
- {
- // we've waited too long for an animation
- llinfos << "Waited too long for animations to stop, continuing gesture."
- << llendl;
- gesture->mWaitingAnimations = FALSE;
- gesture->mCurrentStep++;
- }
- else
- {
- waiting = TRUE;
- }
- continue;
- }
- // If we're waiting a fixed amount of time, check for timer
- // expiration.
- if (gesture->mWaitingTimer)
- {
- // We're waiting for a certain amount of time to pass
- LLGestureStepWait* wait_step = (LLGestureStepWait*)step;
- F32 elapsed = gesture->mWaitTimer.getElapsedTimeF32();
- if (elapsed > wait_step->mWaitSeconds)
- {
- // wait is done, continue execution
- gesture->mWaitingTimer = FALSE;
- gesture->mCurrentStep++;
- }
- else
- {
- // we're waiting, so execution is done for now
- waiting = TRUE;
- }
- continue;
- }
- // Not waiting, do normal execution
- runStep(gesture, step);
- }
- }
- void LLGestureManager::runStep(LLMultiGesture* gesture, LLGestureStep* step)
- {
- switch(step->getType())
- {
- {
- LLGestureStepAnimation* anim_step = (LLGestureStepAnimation*)step;
- if (anim_step->mAnimAssetID.isNull())
- {
- gesture->mCurrentStep++;
- }
- if (anim_step->mFlags & ANIM_FLAG_STOP)
- {
- gAgent.sendAnimationRequest(anim_step->mAnimAssetID, ANIM_REQUEST_STOP);
- // remove it from our request set in case we just requested it
- std::set<LLUUID>::iterator set_it = gesture->mRequestedAnimIDs.find(anim_step->mAnimAssetID);
- if (set_it != gesture->mRequestedAnimIDs.end())
- {
- gesture->mRequestedAnimIDs.erase(set_it);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- gAgent.sendAnimationRequest(anim_step->mAnimAssetID, ANIM_REQUEST_START);
- // Indicate that we've requested this animation to play as
- // part of this gesture (but it won't start playing for at
- // least one round-trip to simulator).
- gesture->mRequestedAnimIDs.insert(anim_step->mAnimAssetID);
- }
- gesture->mCurrentStep++;
- break;
- }
- case STEP_SOUND:
- {
- LLGestureStepSound* sound_step = (LLGestureStepSound*)step;
- const LLUUID& sound_id = sound_step->mSoundAssetID;
- const F32 volume = 1.f;
- send_sound_trigger(sound_id, volume);
- gesture->mCurrentStep++;
- break;
- }
- case STEP_CHAT:
- {
- LLGestureStepChat* chat_step = (LLGestureStepChat*)step;
- std::string chat_text = chat_step->mChatText;
- // Don't animate the nodding, as this might not blend with
- // other playing animations.
- const BOOL animate = FALSE;
- LLNearbyChatBar::getInstance()->sendChatFromViewer(chat_text, CHAT_TYPE_NORMAL, animate);
- gesture->mCurrentStep++;
- break;
- }
- case STEP_WAIT:
- {
- LLGestureStepWait* wait_step = (LLGestureStepWait*)step;
- if (wait_step->mFlags & WAIT_FLAG_TIME)
- {
- gesture->mWaitingTimer = TRUE;
- gesture->mWaitTimer.reset();
- }
- else if (wait_step->mFlags & WAIT_FLAG_ALL_ANIM)
- {
- gesture->mWaitingAnimations = TRUE;
- // Use the wait timer as a deadlock breaker for animation
- // waits.
- gesture->mWaitTimer.reset();
- }
- else
- {
- gesture->mCurrentStep++;
- }
- // Don't increment instruction pointer until wait is complete.
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // static
- void LLGestureManager::onLoadComplete(LLVFS *vfs,
- const LLUUID& asset_uuid,
- LLAssetType::EType type,
- void* user_data, S32 status, LLExtStat ext_status)
- {
- LLLoadInfo* info = (LLLoadInfo*)user_data;
- LLUUID item_id = info->mItemID;
- BOOL inform_server = info->mInformServer;
- BOOL deactivate_similar = info->mDeactivateSimilar;
- delete info;
- info = NULL;
- LLGestureManager& self = LLGestureManager::instance();
- self.mLoadingCount--;
- if (0 == status)
- {
- LLVFile file(vfs, asset_uuid, type, LLVFile::READ);
- S32 size = file.getSize();
- std::vector<char> buffer(size+1);
- file.read((U8*)&buffer[0], size);
- // ensure there's a trailing NULL so strlen will work.
- buffer[size] = '';
- LLMultiGesture* gesture = new LLMultiGesture();
- LLDataPackerAsciiBuffer dp(&buffer[0], size+1);
- BOOL ok = gesture->deserialize(dp);
- if (ok)
- {
- if (deactivate_similar)
- {
- self.deactivateSimilarGestures(gesture, item_id);
- // Display deactivation message if this was the last of the bunch.
- if (self.mLoadingCount == 0
- && self.mDeactivateSimilarNames.length() > 0)
- {
- // we're done with this set of deactivations
- LLSD args;
- args["NAMES"] = self.mDeactivateSimilarNames;
- LLNotificationsUtil::add("DeactivatedGesturesTrigger", args);
- }
- }
- LLViewerInventoryItem* item = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
- if(item)
- {
- gesture->mName = item->getName();
- }
- else
- {
- // Watch this item and set gesture name when item exists in inventory
- item_ref_t ids;
- ids.push_back(item_id);
- self.fetchItems(ids);
- }
- self.mActive[item_id] = gesture;
- // Everything has been successful. Add to the active list.
- gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::LABEL, item_id);
- if (inform_server)
- {
- // Inform the database of this change
- LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem;
- msg->newMessage("ActivateGestures");
- msg->nextBlock("AgentData");
- msg->addUUID("AgentID", gAgent.getID());
- msg->addUUID("SessionID", gAgent.getSessionID());
- msg->addU32("Flags", 0x0);
- msg->nextBlock("Data");
- msg->addUUID("ItemID", item_id);
- msg->addUUID("AssetID", asset_uuid);
- msg->addU32("GestureFlags", 0x0);
- gAgent.sendReliableMessage();
- }
- callback_map_t::iterator i_cb = self.mCallbackMap.find(item_id);
- if(i_cb != self.mCallbackMap.end())
- {
- i_cb->second(gesture);
- self.mCallbackMap.erase(i_cb);
- }
- self.notifyObservers();
- }
- else
- {
- llwarns << "Unable to load gesture" << llendl;
- self.mActive.erase(item_id);
- delete gesture;
- gesture = NULL;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- LLViewerStats::getInstance()->incStat( LLViewerStats::ST_DOWNLOAD_FAILED );
- LL_ERR_FILE_EMPTY == status)
- {
- LLDelayedGestureError::gestureMissing( item_id );
- }
- else
- {
- LLDelayedGestureError::gestureFailedToLoad( item_id );
- }
- llwarns << "Problem loading gesture: " << status << llendl;
- LLGestureManager::instance().mActive.erase(item_id);
- }
- }
- void LLGestureManager::stopGesture(LLMultiGesture* gesture)
- {
- if (!gesture) return;
- // Stop any animations that this gesture is currently playing
- std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator set_it;
- for (set_it = gesture->mRequestedAnimIDs.begin(); set_it != gesture->mRequestedAnimIDs.end(); ++set_it)
- {
- const LLUUID& anim_id = *set_it;
- gAgent.sendAnimationRequest(anim_id, ANIM_REQUEST_STOP);
- }
- for (set_it = gesture->mPlayingAnimIDs.begin(); set_it != gesture->mPlayingAnimIDs.end(); ++set_it)
- {
- const LLUUID& anim_id = *set_it;
- gAgent.sendAnimationRequest(anim_id, ANIM_REQUEST_STOP);
- }
- std::vector<LLMultiGesture*>::iterator it;
- it = std::find(mPlaying.begin(), mPlaying.end(), gesture);
- while (it != mPlaying.end())
- {
- mPlaying.erase(it);
- it = std::find(mPlaying.begin(), mPlaying.end(), gesture);
- }
- gesture->reset();
- if (gesture->mDoneCallback)
- {
- gesture->mDoneCallback(gesture, gesture->mCallbackData);
- // callback might have deleted gesture, can't
- // rely on this pointer any more
- gesture = NULL;
- }
- notifyObservers();
- }
- void LLGestureManager::stopGesture(const LLUUID& item_id)
- {
- const LLUUID& base_item_id = get_linked_uuid(item_id);
- item_map_t::iterator it = mActive.find(base_item_id);
- if (it == mActive.end()) return;
- LLMultiGesture* gesture = (*it).second;
- if (!gesture) return;
- stopGesture(gesture);
- }
- void LLGestureManager::addObserver(LLGestureManagerObserver* observer)
- {
- mObservers.push_back(observer);
- }
- void LLGestureManager::removeObserver(LLGestureManagerObserver* observer)
- {
- std::vector<LLGestureManagerObserver*>::iterator it;
- it = std::find(mObservers.begin(), mObservers.end(), observer);
- if (it != mObservers.end())
- {
- mObservers.erase(it);
- }
- }
- // Call this method when it's time to update everyone on a new state.
- // Copy the list because an observer could respond by removing itself
- // from the list.
- void LLGestureManager::notifyObservers()
- {
- lldebugs << "LLGestureManager::notifyObservers" << llendl;
- std::vector<LLGestureManagerObserver*> observers = mObservers;
- std::vector<LLGestureManagerObserver*>::iterator it;
- for (it = observers.begin(); it != observers.end(); ++it)
- {
- LLGestureManagerObserver* observer = *it;
- observer->changed();
- }
- }
- BOOL LLGestureManager::matchPrefix(const std::string& in_str, std::string* out_str)
- {
- S32 in_len = in_str.length();
- item_map_t::iterator it;
- for (it = mActive.begin(); it != mActive.end(); ++it)
- {
- LLMultiGesture* gesture = (*it).second;
- if (gesture)
- {
- const std::string& trigger = gesture->getTrigger();
- if (in_len > (S32)trigger.length())
- {
- // too short, bail out
- continue;
- }
- std::string trigger_trunc = trigger;
- LLStringUtil::truncate(trigger_trunc, in_len);
- if (!LLStringUtil::compareInsensitive(in_str, trigger_trunc))
- {
- *out_str = trigger;
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- void LLGestureManager::getItemIDs(std::vector<LLUUID>* ids)
- {
- item_map_t::const_iterator it;
- for (it = mActive.begin(); it != mActive.end(); ++it)
- {
- ids->push_back(it->first);
- }
- }
- void LLGestureManager::done()
- {
- bool notify = false;
- for(item_map_t::iterator it = mActive.begin(); it != mActive.end(); ++it)
- {
- if(it->second && it->second->mName.empty())
- {
- LLViewerInventoryItem* item = gInventory.getItem(it->first);
- if(item)
- {
- it->second->mName = item->getName();
- notify = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if(notify)
- {
- notifyObservers();
- }
- }
- // static
- const LLUUID& get_linked_uuid(const LLUUID &item_id)
- {
- LLViewerInventoryItem* item = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
- if (item && item->getIsLinkType())
- {
- return item->getLinkedUUID();
- }
- return item_id;
- }