- Working file: weka/Makefile
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.13
- date: 1999/10/06 00:46:33; author: eibe; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2
- Makefile now puts link to Weka homepage into the on-line docs.
- =============================================================================
- Working file: weka/attributeSelection/AttributeSelection.java
- Working file: weka/attributeSelection/ExhaustiveSearch.java
- Working file: weka/attributeSelection/ForwardSelection.java
- Working file: weka/attributeSelection/GeneticSearch.java
- Working file: weka/attributeSelection/RandomSearch.java
- Working file: weka/attributeSelection/Ranker.java
- Working file: weka/attributeSelection/StartSetHandler.java
- ----------------------------
- date: 1999/10/05 23:02:09; author: mhall; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5
- Doc fix
- =============================================================================
- Working file: weka/classifiers/CheckClassifier.java
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.8
- date: 1999/09/22 08:21:01; author: trigg; state: Exp; lines: +115 -1
- - Added checks for whether the classifier looks at test class vals.
- =============================================================================
- Working file: weka/classifiers/CostMatrix.java
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.2
- date: 1999/10/01 09:32:42; author: trigg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -3
- - Added a copy constructor
- =============================================================================
- Working file: weka/classifiers/Evaluation.java
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.18
- date: 1999/10/01 09:33:42; author: trigg; state: Exp; lines: +19 -26
- - Made costs appear in confusion matrix, consolidated the
- Evaluation constructors.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.17
- date: 1999/09/23 09:51:53; author: trigg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1
- - Ooops, my last fix was broken. All better now :-)
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.16
- date: 1999/09/22 08:21:37; author: trigg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3
- - Fixed bug in equals()
- =============================================================================
- Working file: weka/classifiers/HyperPipes.java
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.4
- date: 1999/10/01 01:31:03; author: trigg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -13
- - Made the classifier a DistributionClassifier
- =============================================================================
- Working file: weka/classifiers/NaiveBayes.java
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.6
- date: 1999/09/22 08:34:20; author: trigg; state: Exp; lines: +48 -21
- - Made it so that NaiveBayes can be used Updateable for really big datasets.
- =============================================================================
- Working file: weka/classifiers/SMO.java
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.6
- date: 1999/10/06 07:28:41; author: eibe; state: Exp; lines: +68 -18
- Scaled instead of unscaled polynomial kernels.
- Textual output of classifiers was incorrect: threshold was added instead
- of subtracted.
- Bug in special case of optimization loop.
- =============================================================================
- Working file: weka/clusterers/ClusterEvaluation.java
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.7
- date: 1999/10/13 03:13:07; author: mhall; state: Exp; lines: +14 -12
- Changed so that original cluster numbers from the Cobweb tree are displayed
- in the clustering summary info.
- =============================================================================
- Working file: weka/clusterers/Cobweb.java
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.6
- date: 1999/10/13 03:13:07; author: mhall; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1
- Changed so that original cluster numbers from the Cobweb tree are displayed
- in the clustering summary info.
- =============================================================================
- Working file: weka/core/Attribute.java
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.6
- date: 1999/09/22 08:20:21; author: trigg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -8
- - Fixed bug in equals()
- =============================================================================
- Working file: weka/filters/NormalizationFilter.java
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.1
- date: 1999/10/06 23:55:22; author: eibe; state: Exp;
- branches: 1.1.2;
- Normalizes all numeric attributes to [0,1].
- =============================================================================
- Working file: weka/gui/GenericObjectEditor.props
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.5
- date: 1999/10/07 03:51:35; author: mhall; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1
- Added the NormalizationFilter
- =============================================================================
- Working file: weka/gui/ResultHistoryPanel.java
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.7
- date: 1999/10/13 02:41:14; author: mhall; state: Exp; lines: +18 -2
- Added getSelectedBuffer method.
- =============================================================================
- Working file: weka/gui/experiment/DatasetListPanel.java
- Working file: weka/gui/experiment/GeneratorPropertyIteratorPanel.java
- Working file: weka/gui/experiment/ResultsPanel.java
- Working file: weka/gui/experiment/RunPanel.java
- Working file: weka/gui/experiment/SetupPanel.java
- ----------------------------
- date: 1999/10/10 22:26:17; author: mhall; state: Exp; lines: +17 -4
- Changed spacing of buttons etc. to match those used in experimenter.
- =============================================================================
- Working file: weka/gui/explorer/AssociationsPanel.java
- Working file: weka/gui/explorer/AttributeSelectionPanel.java
- Working file: weka/gui/explorer/ClustererPanel.java
- ----------------------------
- date: 1999/10/12 02:56:47; author: mhall; state: Exp; lines: +56 -4
- Added a "Save Output" button.
- =============================================================================
- Working file: weka/gui/explorer/ClassifierPanel.java
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.15
- date: 1999/10/12 02:56:46; author: mhall; state: Exp; lines: +54 -8
- Added a "Save Output" button.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.14
- date: 1999/10/01 09:34:46; author: trigg; state: Exp; lines: +69 -19
- - Added the ability to evaluate w.r.t a cost matrix, and some other
- minor tidying.
- =============================================================================
- Working file: weka/gui/explorer/PreprocessPanel.java
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.9
- date: 1999/10/13 02:42:19; author: mhall; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4
- Slight cosmetic touch up.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.8
- date: 1999/10/10 05:56:37; author: mhall; state: Exp; lines: +112 -2
- Added "Open DB" button.
- =============================================================================
- Working file: weka/gui/explorer/VisualizePanel.java
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.5
- date: 1999/10/14 22:21:06; author: mhall; state: Exp; lines: +177 -40
- Changed so that nominal attribute values are displayed.
- =============================================================================