- # Contains the commands for running Weka either with a command prompt
- # ("cmd_console") or without the command prompt ("cmd_default").
- # One can also define custom commands, which can be used with the Weka
- # launcher "RunWeka.class". E.g., to run the launcher with a setup called
- # "custom1", you only need to specify a key "cmd_custom1" which contains the
- # command specification.
- #
- # Notes:
- # - This file is not a DOS ini file, but a Java properties file.
- # - The settings listed here are key-value pairs, separated by a "=". Every
- # key can only be listed ONCE.
- #
- # Author FracPete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz)
- # Version $Revision: $
- # setups (prefixed with "cmd_")
- cmd_default=javaw -Xmx#maxheap# -classpath "#wekajar#;#cp#" #mainclass#
- cmd_console=cmd.exe /K start cmd.exe /K "java -Xmx#maxheap# -classpath "#wekajar#;#cp#" #mainclass#"
- cmd_explorer=javaw -Xmx#maxheap# -classpath "#wekajar#;#cp#" weka.gui.explorer.Explorer
- # placeholders ("#bla#" in command gets replaced with content of key "bla")
- # Note: "#wekajar#" gets replaced by the launcher class, since that jar gets
- # provided as parameter
- maxheap=128m
- mainclass=weka.gui.GUIChooser
- # The classpath placeholder. Add any environment variables or jars to it that
- # you need for your Weka environment.
- # Example with an enviroment variable (e.g., THIRD_PARTY_LIBS):
- # Example with an extra jar (located at D:librarieslibsvm.jar):
- # cp=%CLASSPATH%;D:\\libraries\\libsvm.jar
- # Or in order to avoid quadrupled backslashes, you can also use slashes "/":
- # cp=%CLASSPATH%;D:/libraries/libsvm.jar