- =====================================================================
- ======
- ======
- WEKA 3.4.12
- 19 Dec 2007
- Java Programs for Machine Learning
- Copyright (C) 1998-2007 University of Waikato
- web:
- =====================================================================
- Contents:
- ---------
- 1. Using one of the graphical user interfaces in Weka
- 2. The Weka data format (ARFF)
- 3. Using Weka from the command line
- - Classifiers
- - Association rules
- - Filters
- 4. Database access
- 5. The Experiment package (and tutorial)
- 6. Explorer guide
- 7. Source code
- 8. Credits
- 9. Submission of code and bug reports
- 10. Copyright
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Using one of the graphical user interfaces in Weka:
- ------------------------------------------------------
- This assumes that the Weka archive that you have downloaded has been
- extracted into a directory containing this README and that you haven't
- used an automatic installer (e.g. the one provided for Windows).
- Weka 3.4 requires Java 1.4 or higher. Depending on your platform you
- may be able to just double-click on the weka.jar icon to run the
- graphical user interfaces for Weka. Otherwise, from a command-line
- (assuming you are in the directory containing weka.jar), type
- java -jar weka.jar
- or if you are using Windows use
- javaw -jar weka.jar
- Note:
- Using "-jar" overrides your CLASSPATH variable! If you need to
- use classes specified in the CLASSPATH, use the following command
- instead:
- java -classpath $CLASSPATH:weka.jar weka.gui.Main
- or if you are using Windows use
- javaw -classpath "%CLASSPATH%;weka.jar" weka.gui.Main
- This will start a small graphical user interface (GUIChooser) from
- which you can select the SimpleCLI interface or the more sophisticated
- Explorer, Experimenter, and Knowledge Flow interfaces. SimpleCLI just
- acts like a simple command shell. The Explorer is currently the main
- interface for data analysis using Weka. The Experimenter can be used
- to compare the performance of different learning algorithms across
- various datasets. The Knowledge Flow provides a component-based
- alternative to the Explorer interface.
- Example datasets that can be used with Weka are in the sub-directory
- called "data", which should be located in the same directory as this
- README file.
- The Weka user interfaces provide extensive built-in help facilities
- (tool tips, etc.). Documentation for the Explorer can be found in
- ExplorerGuide.pdf (also in the same directory as this
- You can also start the GUIChooser from within weka.jar:
- java -classpath weka.jar:$CLASSPATH weka.gui.GUIChooser
- or if you are using Windows use
- javaw -classpath weka.jar;$CLASSPATH weka.gui.GUIChooser
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2. The Weka data format (ARFF):
- -------------------------------
- Datasets for WEKA should be formatted according to the ARFF
- format. (However, there are several converters included in WEKA that
- can convert other file formats to ARFF. The Weka Explorer will use
- these automatically if it doesn't recognize a given file as an ARFF
- file.) Examples of ARFF files can be found in the "data" subdirectory.
- What follows is a short description of the file format. A more
- complete description is available from the Weka web page.
- A dataset has to start with a declaration of its name:
- @relation name
- followed by a list of all the attributes in the dataset (including
- the class attribute). These declarations have the form
- @attribute attribute_name specification
- If an attribute is nominal, specification contains a list of the
- possible attribute values in curly brackets:
- @attribute nominal_attribute {first_value, second_value, third_value}
- If an attribute is numeric, specification is replaced by the keyword
- numeric: (Integer values are treated as real numbers in WEKA.)
- @attribute numeric_attribute numeric
- In addition to these two types of attributes, there also exists a
- string attribute type. This attribute provides the possibility to
- store a comment or ID field for each of the instances in a dataset:
- @attribute string_attribute string
- After the attribute declarations, the actual data is introduced by a
- @data
- tag, which is followed by a list of all the instances. The instances
- are listed in comma-separated format, with a question mark
- representing a missing value.
- Comments are lines starting with % and are ignored by Weka.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3. Using Weka from the command line:
- ------------------------------------
- If you want to use Weka from your standard command-line interface
- (e.g. bash under Linux):
- a) Set WEKAHOME to be the directory which contains this README.
- b) Add $WEKAHOME/weka.jar to your CLASSPATH environment variable.
- c) Bookmark $WEKAHOME/doc/packages.html in your web browser.
- Alternatively you can try using the SimpleCLI user interface available
- from the GUI chooser discussed above.
- In the following, the names of files assume use of a unix command-line
- with environment variables. For other command-lines (including
- SimpleCLI) you should substitute the name of the directory where
- weka.jar lives for $WEKAHOME. If your platform uses something other
- character than / as the path separator, also make the appropriate
- substitutions.
- ===========
- Classifiers
- ===========
- Try:
- java weka.classifiers.trees.J48 -t $WEKAHOME/data/iris.arff
- This prints out a decision tree classifier for the iris dataset
- and ten-fold cross-validation estimates of its performance. If you
- don't pass any options to the classifier, WEKA will list all the
- available options. Try:
- java weka.classifiers.trees.J48
- The options are divided into "general" options that apply to most
- classification schemes in WEKA, and scheme-specific options that only
- apply to the current scheme---in this case J48. WEKA has a common
- interface to all classification methods. Any class that implements a
- classifier can be used in the same way as J48 is used above. WEKA
- knows that a class implements a classifier if it extends the
- Classifier class in weka.classifiers. Almost all classes in
- weka.classifiers fall into this category. Try, for example:
- java weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayes -t $WEKAHOME/data/labor.arff
- Here is a list of some of the classifiers currently implemented in
- weka.classifiers:
- a) Classifiers for categorical prediction:
- weka.classifiers.lazy.IBk: k-nearest neighbour learner
- weka.classifiers.trees.J48: C4.5 decision trees
- weka.classifiers.rules.PART: rule learner
- weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayes: naive Bayes with/without kernels
- weka.classifiers.rules.OneR: Holte's OneR
- weka.classifiers.functions.SMO: support vector machines
- weka.classifiers.functions.Logistic: logistic regression
- weka.classifiers.meta.AdaBoostM1: AdaBoost
- weka.classifiers.meta.LogitBoost: logit boost
- weka.classifiers.trees.DecisionStump: decision stumps (for boosting)
- etc.
- b) Classifiers for numeric prediction:
- weka.classifiers.functions.LinearRegression: linear regression
- weka.classifiers.trees.M5P: model trees
- weka.classifiers.rules.M5Rules: model rules
- weka.classifiers.lazy.IBk: k-nearest neighbour learner
- weka.classifiers.lazy.LWL: locally weighted learning
- =================
- Association rules
- =================
- Next to classification schemes, there is some other useful stuff in
- WEKA. Association rules, for example, can be extracted using the
- Apriori algorithm. Try
- java weka.associations.Apriori -t $WEKAHOME/data/weather.nominal.arff
- =======
- Filters
- =======
- There are also a number of tools that allow you to manipulate a
- dataset. These tools are called filters in WEKA and can be found
- in weka.filters.
- weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Discretize: discretizes numeric data
- weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove: deletes/selects attributes
- etc.
- Try:
- java weka.filters.supervised.attribute.Discretize -i
- $WEKAHOME/data/iris.arff -c last
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4. Database access:
- -------------------
- In terms of database connectivity, you should be able to use any
- database with a Java JDBC driver. When using classes that access a
- database (e.g. the Explorer), you will probably want to create a
- properties file that specifies which JDBC drivers to use, where to
- find the database, and specify a mapping for the data types. This file
- should reside in your home directory or the current directory and be
- called "DatabaseUtils.props". An example is provided in
- weka/experiment (you need to expand wek.jar to be able to look a this
- file). Note that the settings in this file are used unless they are
- overidden by settings in the DatabaseUtils.props file in your home
- directory or the current directory (in that order).
- There are also example DatabaseUtils.props files for several common
- databases available (also in weka/experiment):
- * HSQLDB: DatabaseUtils.props.hsql
- * MS SQL Server 2000: DatabaseUtils.props.mssqlserver
- * MS SQL Server 2005 Express Edition: DatabaseUtils.props.mssqlserver2005
- * MySQL: DatabaseUtils.props.mysql
- * ODBC: DatabaseUtils.props.odbc
- * Oracle:
- * PostgreSQL: DatabaseUtils.props.postgresql
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 5. The Experiment package (and tutorial):
- -----------------------------------------
- There is support for running experiments that involve evaluating
- classifiers on repeated randomizations of datasets, over multiple
- datasets (you can do much more than this, besides). The classes for
- this reside in the weka.experiment package. The basic architecture is
- that a ResultProducer (which generates results on some randomization
- of a dataset) sends results to a ResultListener (which is responsible
- for stating whether it already has the result, and otherwise storing
- results).
- Example ResultListeners include:
- weka.experiment.CSVResultListener: outputs results as
- comma-separated-value files.
- weka.experiment.InstancesResultListener: converts results into a set
- of Instances.
- weka.experiment.DatabaseResultListener: sends results to a database
- via JDBC.
- Example ResultProducers include:
- weka.experiment.RandomSplitResultProducer: train/test on a % split
- weka.experiment.CrossValidationResultProducer: n-fold cross-validation
- weka.experiment.AveragingResultProducer: averages results from another
- ResultPoducer
- weka.experiment.DatabaseResultProducer: acts as a cache for results,
- storing them in a database.
- The RandomSplitResultProducer and CrossValidationResultProducer make
- use of a SplitEvaluator to obtain actual results for a particular
- split, provided are ClassifierSplitEvaluator (for nominal
- classification) and RegressionSplitEvaluator (for numeric
- classification). Each of these uses a Classifier for actual results
- generation.
- So, you might have a DatabaseResultListener, that is sent results from
- an AveragingResultProducer, which produces averages over the n results
- produced for each run of an n-fold CrossValidationResultProducer,
- which in turn is doing nominal classification through a
- ClassifierSplitEvaluator, which uses OneR for prediction. Whew. But
- you can combine these things together to do pretty much whatever you
- want. You might want to write a LearningRateResultProducer that splits
- a dataset into increasing numbers of training instances.
- To run a simple experiment from the command line, try:
- java weka.experiment.Experiment -r -T datasets/UCI/iris.arff
- -D weka.experiment.InstancesResultListener
- -P weka.experiment.RandomSplitResultProducer --
- -W weka.experiment.ClassifierSplitEvaluator --
- -W weka.classifiers.rules.OneR
- (Try "java weka.experiment.Experiment -h" to find out what these
- options mean)
- If you have your results as a set of instances, you can perform paired
- t-tests using weka.experiment.PairedTTester (use the -h option to find
- out what options it needs).
- However, all this is much easier if you use the Experimenter GUI.
- Check out the tutorial at: $WEKAHOME/ExperimenterTutorial.pdf
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 6. Explorer guide:
- ------------------
- A guide on how to use the WEKA Explorer is in
- $WEKAHOME/ExplorerGuide.pdf. For an explanation on how to use the
- other user interfaces in WEKA you might want to take a look at the
- book "Data Mining" by Witten and Frank (2005) (see our web page).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 7. Source code:
- ---------------
- The source code for WEKA is in $WEKAHOME/weka-src.jar. To expand it,
- use the jar utility that's in every Java distribution.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 8. Credits:
- -----------
- Refer to the web page for a list of contributors:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 9. Call for code and bug reports:
- ---------------------------------
- If you have implemented a learning scheme, filter, application,
- visualization tool, etc., using the WEKA classes, and you think it
- should be included in WEKA, send us the code, and we can potentially
- put it in the next WEKA distribution.
- The conditions for new classifiers (schemes in general) are that,
- firstly, they have to be published in the proceedings of a renowned
- conference (e.g., ICML) or as an article of respected journal (e.g.,
- Machine Learning) and, secondly, that they outperform other standard
- schemes (e.g., J48/C4.5).
- If you find any bugs, send a bug report to the wekalist mailing list.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 10. Copyright:
- --------------
- WEKA is distributed under the GNU public license. Please read
- the file COPYING.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- $Revision: $