- /**************************************************************************************
- * *
- * This application contains code from OpenDivX and is released as a "Larger Work" *
- * under that license. Consistant with that license, this application is released *
- * under the GNU General Public License. *
- * *
- * The OpenDivX license can be found at: http://www.projectmayo.com/opendivx/docs.php *
- * The GPL can be found at: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html *
- * *
- * Copyright (c) 2001 - Project Mayo *
- * *
- * Authors: Damien Chavarria <adrc at projectmayo.com> *
- * *
- **************************************************************************************/
- #ifndef AVI_DECAPS_H
- #define AVI_DECAPS_H
- /*
- * includes
- */
- #include "InputMedia.h"
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <windowsx.h>
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- /*
- */
- #define AVI_MAX_LEN 2000000000
- #define HEADERBYTES 2048
- #define PAD_EVEN(x) ( ((x)+1) & ~1 )
- #define AVIIF_KEYFRAME 0x00000010L
- /*
- */
- typedef struct
- {
- long pos;
- long len;
- long flags;
- } video_index_entry;
- typedef struct
- {
- long pos;
- long len;
- long tot;
- } audio_index_entry;
- /*
- * Main Class
- */
- class AviDecaps {
- public:
- BITMAPINFOHEADER bitmapinfoheader;
- WAVEFORMATEX waveformatex;
- long width;
- long height;
- double fps;
- char compressor[8];
- long video_strn;
- long video_frames;
- char video_tag[4];
- long video_pos;
- long a_fmt;
- long a_chans;
- long a_rate;
- long a_bits;
- long audio_strn;
- long audio_bytes;
- long audio_chunks;
- char audio_tag[4];
- long audio_posc;
- long audio_posb;
- long pos;
- long n_idx;
- long max_idx;
- char (*idx)[16];
- video_index_entry *video_index;
- audio_index_entry *audio_index;
- long last_pos;
- long last_len;
- int must_use_index;
- long movi_start;
- HANDLE hIOMutex;
- int IsAVI();
- int FillHeader(int getIndex);
- int AddIndexEntry(char *tag,
- long flags,
- long pos,
- long len);
- BOOL isKeyframe(long frame);
- InputMedia *input;
- AviDecaps();
- ~AviDecaps();
- int Open(char *lpFilename, int type);
- int VideoStreams();
- int AudioStreams();
- int Width();
- int Height();
- BITMAPINFOHEADER *BitmapInfoHeader();
- int FrameSize(unsigned long frame_number);
- double FrameRate();
- long TotalFrames();
- int NextVideoFrame(char *buffer);
- int VideoSeek(long frame);
- int AudioSeek(long bytes);
- int NextKeyFrame();
- int PreviousKeyFrame();
- int Seek(int percent);
- int ReSeekAudio();
- int SampleSize();
- WAVEFORMATEX *WaveFormatEx();
- int ReadAudio(char *buffer, int size);
- int Rewind();
- double GetProgress();
- int GetBufferingState();
- int Close();
- };
- #endif