- import java.awt.*;
- public class player implements Actor{
- public final int UP = 0;
- public final int DOWN = 1;
- public final int LEFT = 2;
- public final int RIGHT = 3;
- public final int size = 12;
- public final Rectangle map = new Rectangle(35, 35, 452, 452);
- public int scores;
- public String type;
- public int life;
- public int speed;
- public int direction;
- public int InvulnerableTime;
- public int freezed;
- public int freezedTime;
- public boolean moveUp;
- public boolean moveDown;
- public boolean moveLeft;
- public boolean moveRight;
- public boolean fire;
- public int numberOfBullet;
- public int coolDownTime;
- public int status;
- public int health;
- public int xPos, yPos, xVPos, yVPos;
- public Rectangle border;
- public Image standardImage;
- public Image[] textures;
- public ServerModel gameModel;
- public player(String type, ServerModel gameModel){
- this.type = type;
- life = 3;
- direction = UP;
- status = 1;
- health = 1;
- numberOfBullet = 1;
- InvulnerableTime = 150;
- this.gameModel = gameModel;
- //setup textures
- textures = new Image[4];
- if(type.equals( "1P")){
- //startup posistion of 1P
- xPos = 198;
- yPos = 498;
- //images of 1P
- for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
- textures[i] = gameModel.textures[54+i];
- standardImage = textures[0];
- }else{
- //startup posistion of 2P
- xPos = 323;
- yPos = 498;
- //images of 2P
- for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
- textures[i] = gameModel.textures[72+i];
- standardImage = textures[0];
- }
- xVPos = xPos;
- yVPos = yPos;
- border = new Rectangle(xPos - size, yPos - size, 25, 25);
- }
- public void move(){
- if(gameModel.gamePaused){
- writeToOutputLine();
- return;
- }
- if(coolDownTime > 0)
- coolDownTime--;
- if(InvulnerableTime > 0)
- InvulnerableTime--;
- if(freezed == 1){
- writeToOutputLine();
- return;
- }
- //if the player is holding the "fire" key, and the fire condition is satisfied, then create a bullet objects (i.e fire a bullet)
- if(fire && coolDownTime == 0 && numberOfBullet > 0){
- //make bullet direction
- int c = direction;
- //make bullet position
- int a, b;
- if(direction == UP){
- a = xPos; b = yPos - size;
- }else if(direction == DOWN){
- a = xPos; b = yPos + size;
- }else if(direction == LEFT){
- a = xPos - size; b = yPos;
- }else{
- a = xPos + size; b = yPos;
- }
- //make bullet speed
- int d;
- if(status == 1){
- numberOfBullet = 1;
- d = 7;
- }else{
- d = 12;
- }
- //make bullet power
- int e;
- if(status == 4){
- e = 2;
- }else{
- e = 1;
- }
- //add bullet
- gameModel.addActor(new bullet(a,b,c,d,e, this, gameModel));
- //coolDownTime is the time you have to wait until you can fire a second bullet. (same ides as in warcraft 3)
- if(status> 2)
- coolDownTime = 5;
- else
- coolDownTime = 8;
- //decrease the number of bullet that is avaliable by 1, the numberOfBullet will increase when the bullet fired
- //by player's tank hits the target(eg, walls, enemy tanks, etc...);
- numberOfBullet--;
- }
- //save current position information, if the new move is determined not valid later, then change
- //the position back
- int xPosTemp = xPos;
- int yPosTemp = yPos;
- Rectangle borderTemp = new Rectangle(xPosTemp - size, yPosTemp - size, 25,25);
- //defind the next border of the player's tank according to player's input, assume its next move is valid;
- boolean notMoving = false;
- if(moveUp){
- if(direction != UP && direction != DOWN)
- xPos = xVPos;
- yPos-=speed;
- direction = UP;
- }else if(moveDown){
- if(direction != UP && direction != DOWN)
- xPos = xVPos;
- yPos+=speed;
- direction = DOWN;
- }else if(moveLeft){
- if(direction != LEFT && direction != RIGHT)
- yPos = yVPos;
- xPos-=speed;
- direction = LEFT;
- }else if(moveRight){
- if(direction != LEFT && direction != RIGHT)
- yPos = yVPos;
- xPos+=speed;
- direction = RIGHT;
- }else{
- notMoving = true;
- }
- if(notMoving){
- if(speed > 0)
- speed--;
- }else{
- if(speed < 3)
- speed++;
- }
- //update border
- border.y = yPos - size;
- border.x = xPos - size;
- //check if the next border will intersect with map border, if does then dont move to any where
- if(!border.intersects(map)){
- xPos = xVPos; yPos = yVPos;
- border.x = xPos - size; border.y = yPos - size;
- writeToOutputLine();
- return;
- }
- //check if the next border intersects with other objects in the map, eg, player controled tank, wall, powerUps, etc...
- for(int i = 0; i < gameModel.actors.length; i++){
- if(gameModel.actors[i] != null){
- if(this != gameModel.actors[i] ){
- if(border.intersects(gameModel.actors[i].getBorder())){
- //with powerUps
- if(gameModel.actors[i].getType().equals("powerUp")){
- scores+=50;
- powerUp temp = (powerUp)gameModel.actors[i];
- int function = temp.function;
- if(function == 0){ //white star power up
- upgrade();
- }else if(function == 1){ //steel wall base
- base tempe = (base)gameModel.actors[4];
- tempe.steelWallTime = 600;
- }else if(function == 2){ // kill all enemy tank
- for(int j = 0; j < gameModel.actors.length; j++)
- if(gameModel.actors[j] != null)
- if(gameModel.actors[j].getType().equals("enemy")){
- enemy tempe = (enemy)gameModel.actors[j];
- gameModel.addActor(new bomb(tempe.xPos, tempe.yPos, "big", gameModel));
- gameModel.removeActor(gameModel.actors[j]);
- }
- level.NoOfEnemy = 0;
- level.deathCount = 20 - level.enemyLeft;
- }else if(function == 3){ //Invulnerable
- InvulnerableTime = 300 + (int)Math.random()*400;
- }else if(function == 4){ //freeze all enemy tank
- enemy.freezedTime = 300 + (int)Math.random()*400;
- enemy.freezedMoment = ServerModel.gameFlow;
- }else if(function == 5){ //super star power up
- if(status < 3)
- numberOfBullet++;
- status =4;
- health = 2;
- if(type.equals("1P"))
- for(int j = 0; j < 4; j ++)
- textures[j] = gameModel.textures[66+j];
- else
- for(int j = 0; j < 4; j ++)
- textures[j] = gameModel.textures[84+j];
- }else if(function == 6){ // add one more life
- life++;
- }
- gameModel.removeActor(gameModel.actors[i]);
- }
- //with static objects, eg walls, rivers
- else if(gameModel.actors[i].getType().equals("steelWall") || gameModel.actors[i].getType().equals("wall")){
- if(!gameModel.actors[i].walldestoried()){
- for(int j = 0;j < gameModel.actors[i].getDetailedBorder().length; j++){
- if( gameModel.actors[i].getDetailedBorder()[j] != null){
- if(gameModel.actors[i].getDetailedBorder()[j].intersects(border)){
- xPos = xVPos; yPos = yVPos;
- border.x = xPos - size; border.y = yPos - size;
- writeToOutputLine();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if(gameModel.actors[i].getType().equals("river") || gameModel.actors[i].getType().equals("base")){
- xPos = xVPos; yPos = yVPos;
- border.x = xPos - size; border.y = yPos - size;
- writeToOutputLine();
- return;
- }
- //with moving objects, eg enemy tanks
- else if(gameModel.actors[i].getType().equals("enemy") || gameModel.actors[i].getType().equals("Player") ){
- if(!borderTemp.intersects(gameModel.actors[i].getBorder()) || gameModel.actors[i].getType().equals("enemy")){
- xPos = xPosTemp;
- yPos = yPosTemp;
- border.x = xPos - size; border.y = yPos - size;
- writeToOutputLine();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //find the virtual position of the tank, virtual position is used to adjust tank 's real position when it makes a 90 degrees turning.
- int a = (xPos - 10)/25;
- int b = (xPos - 10)%25;
- if(b < 7)
- b = 0;
- if(b > 18)
- b = 25;
- if((b < 19 && b > 6) || xPos < 17 || xPos > 492)
- b = 13;
- xVPos = a*25 + b + 10;
- int c = (yPos - 10)/25;
- int d = (yPos - 10)%25;
- if(d < 7)
- d = 0;
- if(d > 18)
- d = 25;
- if((d < 19 && d > 6) || yPos < 17 || yPos > 492)
- d = 13;
- yVPos = c*25 + d + 10;
- writeToOutputLine();
- }
- public void writeToOutputLine(){
- //write changes to outputLine
- gameModel.outputLine+="n"+ xPos + "," + yPos + ",";
- int textureIndex = 0;
- if(type.equals("1P")){
- if(status == 1)
- textureIndex = 54 + direction;
- else if (status == 2)
- textureIndex = 58 + direction;
- else if(status == 3)
- textureIndex = 62 + direction;
- else
- textureIndex = 66 + direction;
- }else{
- if(status == 1)
- textureIndex = 72 + direction;
- else if (status == 2)
- textureIndex = 76 + direction;
- else if(status == 3)
- textureIndex = 80 + direction;
- else
- textureIndex = 84 + direction;
- }
- gameModel.outputLine+= "" + textureIndex + ";";
- if(InvulnerableTime > 0)
- gameModel.outputLine+="i"+ xPos + "," + yPos + ";";
- }
- public void draw(Graphics g){
- //draw player
- g.drawImage(textures[direction], xPos - size, yPos - size, null);
- if(InvulnerableTime > 0){
- g.setColor(;
- g.drawRect(xPos - 12, yPos - 12, 25,25);
- g.drawRect(xPos - 11, yPos - 11, 23,23);
- }
- //darw other information about the player, e,g, scores, lives...
- if(type.equals("1P")){
- g.setColor(Color.yellow);
- g.drawImage(standardImage, 520, 380, null );
- g.drawString("x", 555, 395);
- g.drawString(life + "", 565, 396);
- String SCORE = "000000000" + scores;
- g.drawString(type +" 得分:" + "", 515, 370);
- g.drawString(SCORE.substring(SCORE.length() - 7, SCORE.length()) + "", 566, 370);
- }
- if(type.equals("2P")){
- g.setColor(;
- g.drawImage(standardImage, 520, 460, null );
- g.drawString("x", 555, 475);
- g.drawString(life + "", 565, 476);
- String SCORE = "000000000" + scores;
- g.drawString(type +" 得分:" + "", 515, 450);
- g.drawString(SCORE.substring(SCORE.length() - 7, SCORE.length()) + "", 566, 450);
- }
- }
- public Rectangle getBorder(){
- return border;
- }
- public String getType(){
- return "Player";
- }
- public void hurt(){
- if(InvulnerableTime != 0)
- return;
- //if the tank has only 1 health, then the play lose one life, If the player has no life left, then he lose the game
- //the player tank will have 2 health only whene the player eats a "super star",
- if(health == 1){
- gameModel.addActor(new bomb(xPos, yPos, "big", gameModel));
- life--;
- if(life == 0){
- xPos = 100000; yPos = 100000; //this will make the player never come back to the main screen, thus looks like "dead"
- border = new Rectangle(xPos - size, yPos - size, 25, 25);
- xVPos = xPos; yVPos = yPos;
- return;
- }else{
- direction = UP;
- status = 1;
- health = 1;
- numberOfBullet = 1;
- InvulnerableTime = 150;
- if(type.equals( "1P")){
- xPos = 198;
- yPos = 498;
- border = new Rectangle(xPos - size, yPos - size, 25, 25);
- xVPos = xPos; yVPos = yPos;
- for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
- textures[i] = gameModel.textures[54+i];
- }else{
- xPos = 323;
- yPos = 498;
- border = new Rectangle(xPos - size, yPos - size, 25, 25);
- xVPos = xPos; yVPos = yPos;
- for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
- textures[i] = gameModel.textures[72+i];
- }
- }
- }else{
- health--;
- status = 3;
- if(type.equals( "1P")){
- for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
- textures[i] = gameModel.textures[62+i];
- }else{
- for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
- textures[i] = gameModel.textures[80+i];
- }
- }
- }
- public void upgrade(){
- //when the player's tank eats a normal "star", its fire power will be upgraged to a higher status, and the tank will have new looks
- if(type.equals( "1P")){
- if(status == 1){
- status = 2;
- for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
- textures[i] = gameModel.textures[58+i];
- }else if(status == 2){
- status = 3;
- numberOfBullet ++;
- for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
- textures[i] = gameModel.textures[62+i];
- }else if(status == 3){
- status = 4;
- for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
- textures[i] = gameModel.textures[66+i];
- }
- }else{
- if(status == 1){
- status = 2;
- for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
- textures[i] = gameModel.textures[76+i];
- }else if(status == 2){
- status = 3;
- numberOfBullet ++;
- for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
- textures[i] = gameModel.textures[80+i];
- }else if(status == 3){
- status = 4;
- for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
- textures[i] = gameModel.textures[84+i];
- }
- }
- }
- public void reset(){
- direction = UP;
- InvulnerableTime = 150;
- if(type.equals( "1P")){
- xPos = 198;
- yPos = 498;
- }else{
- xPos = 323;
- yPos = 498;
- }
- xVPos = xPos;
- yVPos = yPos;
- border = new Rectangle(xPos - size, yPos - size, 25, 25);
- }
- //unused method
- public Rectangle[] getDetailedBorder(){return null;}
- public boolean walldestoried(){return false;}
- }