- import*;
- import*;
- import java.awt.event.*;
- import java.awt.*;
- //Download:
- public class ServerModel implements ActionListener{
- //a reference of view
- public ServerView view;
- //connection variables
- public ServerSocket serverSocket;
- public Socket clientSocket;
- public PrintWriter out;
- public BufferedReader in;
- public String inputLine, outputLine;
- //server status
- public boolean serverCreated;
- public boolean clientConnected;
- public boolean gameStarted;
- public boolean gamePaused;
- public boolean gameOver;
- public boolean serverVoteYes, serverVoteNo;
- public boolean clientVoteYes, clientVoteNo;
- public boolean pausePressed;
- //game message
- public String[] messageQueue;
- public int messageIndex;
- public String playerTypedMessage = "";
- //the actual game is running on this thread, while the main thread listen to user's input
- public Ticker t;
- //textures
- public Image[] textures;
- //game vaiables
- public static int gameFlow;
- public Actor[] actors;
- public player P1; //the tank controled by the server player
- public player P2; //the tank controled by the client player
- public ServerModel(ServerView thisview){
- view = thisview;
- messageQueue = new String[8];
- view.mainPanel.messageQueue = messageQueue;
- addMessage("欢迎来到坦克大战主机端! 请点击"建立主机"按钮开始游戏" );
- t = new Ticker(1000);
- t.addActionListener(this);
- }
- public void createServer(){
- addMessage("正在建立主机(端口4321)");
- try {
- serverSocket = new ServerSocket(4321);
- serverCreated = true;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- addMessage("无法建立主机,请确认端口4321没有被别的程序使用");
- System.out.println(e);
- t.stop();
- return;
- }
- addMessage("建立完成,等待玩家连接");
- try {
- clientSocket = serverSocket.accept();
- clientConnected = true;
- out = new PrintWriter(clientSocket.getOutputStream(), true);
- in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
- clientSocket.getInputStream()));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- addMessage("连接中出现错误,请重新建立主机");
- serverCreated = false;
- clientConnected = false;
- t.stop();
- //when something goes wrong, destory evertthing that has been created
- try{
- serverSocket.close();
- clientSocket.close();
- out.close();
- in.close();
- }catch(Exception ex){}
- return;
- }
- view.messageField.setEnabled(true);
- addMessage("玩家已连接上,开始载入游戏");
- //once the clinet is connected, then tell client computer to start loading the game
- out.println("L1;");
- //load game texture
- textures = new Image[88];
- for(int i = 1; i < textures.length+1; i++)
- textures[i-1] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("image\" + i + ".jpg");
- //setup the first level
- actors = new Actor[400];
- level.loadLevel(this);
- P1 = new player("1P", this);
- addActor(P1);
- P2 = new player("2P", this);
- addActor(P2);
- gameStarted = true;
- view.mainPanel.actors = actors;
- view.mainPanel.gameStarted = true;
- addMessage("载入完毕,游戏开始了!");
- }
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
- createServer();
- //if the program fail to create server then do nothing
- if(!serverCreated)
- return;
- //the game logic loop,
- try{
- while((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null){
- //process feedback message from the client
- feedbackHandler.handleInstruction(this, inputLine);
- outputLine = "";
- if(!gamePaused)
- gameFlow++;
- if(pausePressed){
- if(!gamePaused){
- outputLine+= "x0;";
- }else{
- outputLine+= "x1;";
- }
- pausePressed = false;
- }
- if(gameOver || ( == 0 && == 0)){
- if(P1.freezed != 1)
- outputLine+="a;";
- if((P1.freezed != 1 || messageIndex == 1) && serverVoteYes){
- addMessage("等待用户端玩家的回应...");
- }
- if(P1.freezed != 1 || messageIndex == 0){
- addMessage("GAME OVER ! 想再玩一次吗 ( y / n ) ?");
- }
- gameOver = true;
- P1.freezed = 1;
- P2.freezed = 1;
- if(serverVoteNo && !serverVoteYes)
- System.exit(0);
- if(serverVoteYes){
- outputLine+="j;";
- if(clientVoteYes){
- addMessage("用户端玩家决定再玩一次,游戏重新开始了...");
- //restart game
- P1 = new player("1P", this);
- P2 = new player("2P", this);
- level.reset();
- level.loadLevel(this);
- gameOver = false;
- serverVoteYes = false;
- clientVoteYes = false;
- serverVoteNo = false;
- enemy.freezedMoment = 0;
- enemy.freezedTime = 0;
- gameFlow = 0;
- //tell the client program to restart the game
- outputLine+="L1;";
- }
- }
- }
- if(level.deathCount == 20 && !gameOver){
- level.winningCount++;
- if(level.winningCount == 120){
- P1.freezed = 1;
- P2.freezed = 1;
- }
- if(level.winningCount == 470){
- if( > 0)
- P1.reset();
- if( > 0)
- P2.reset();
- level.loadLevel(this);
- //tell the client program to load the next level
- outputLine+="L" +(1 + (level.currentLevel-1)%8) + ";";
- }
- if(level.winningCount == 500){
- P1.freezed = 0;
- P2.freezed = 0;
- level.deathCount = 0;
- level.winningCount = 0;
- }
- }
- //spawn enemy tanks
- if(!gamePaused)
- level.spawnEnemy(this);
- for(int i = 0; i < actors.length; i++){
- if(actors[i] != null)
- actors[i].move();
- }
- //delete one message from the message queue every 10 secs, (if there is any)
- if(gameFlow%300 == 0)
- removeMessage();
- //write player and level information to the outputLine
- outputLine+="p" + level.enemyLeft + "," + level.currentLevel + "," + + "," + P1.scores + "," + + "," + P2.scores +";";
- outputLine+="g" + level.winningCount + ";";
- //wtire player typed message to the outputLine
- if(!playerTypedMessage.equals("")){
- outputLine+=playerTypedMessage;
- playerTypedMessage = "";
- }
- //send the final instruction-string to the client program
- out.println(outputLine);
- //call view to repaint itself
- view.mainPanel.repaint();
- //if the player switch to dialoge mode, then stop all tank actions
- if(!view.mainPanel.hasFocus()){
- P1.moveLeft = false;
- P1.moveUp = false;
- P1.moveDown = false;
- P1.moveRight = false;
- = false;
- }
- Thread.sleep(30);
- }
- }catch(Exception ex){
- ex.printStackTrace();
- view.messageField.setEnabled(false);
- serverVoteYes= false;
- serverVoteNo = false;
- clientVoteYes = false;
- serverCreated = false;
- gameStarted = false;
- gameOver = false;
- gameFlow = 0;
- enemy.freezedTime = 0;
- enemy.freezedMoment = 0;
- view.mainPanel.gameStarted = false;
- t.stop();
- addMessage("玩家退出了,请重新建立主机");
- //when something goes wrong in the middle of the game, destory any thing that has been created, include game variables
- try{
- out.close();
- in.close();
- clientSocket.close();
- serverSocket.close();
- }catch(Exception exc){}
- //destory game data
- P1 = null;
- P2 = null;
- level.reset();
- }
- }
- //add a game object (eg, tanks, bullet etc...) to the game system
- public void addActor(Actor actor){
- for(int i = 0; i < actors.length; i ++ )
- if(actors[i] == null){
- actors[i] = actor;
- break;
- }
- }
- //remove a game object from the game system
- public void removeActor(Actor actor){
- for(int i = 0; i < actors.length; i ++ )
- if(actors[i] == actor){
- actors[i] = null;
- break;
- }
- }
- //display a line of message on the screen
- public void addMessage(String message){
- if(messageIndex < 8){
- messageQueue[messageIndex] = message;
- messageIndex++;
- }
- else{
- for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
- messageQueue[i] = messageQueue[i+1];
- messageQueue[7] = message;
- }
- //call view to repaint the screen if game has't started
- if(!gameStarted)
- view.mainPanel.repaint();
- }
- //remove the earliest message on the screen
- public void removeMessage(){
- if(messageIndex == 0)
- return;
- messageIndex--;
- for(int i = 0; i < messageIndex; i++)
- messageQueue[i] = messageQueue[i+1];
- messageQueue[messageIndex] = null;
- //call view to repaint the screen if game hasn't started
- if(!gameStarted)
- view.mainPanel.repaint();
- }
- }