- unit Unit1;
- {==============================================================================}
- { This demo shows how to read information about items in RichView }
- { Key methods and properties: }
- { - ItemCount, }
- { - GetItemStyle, }
- { - GetItemTextA, GetItemTags, GetBreakInfo, GetPictureInfo, GetControlInfo, }
- { GetBulletInfo, GetHotspotInfo }
- { This demo also shows "hotspots" }
- {==============================================================================}
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- StdCtrls, RVScroll, RichView, RVStyle, ImgList;
- type
- TForm1 = class(TForm)
- RVStyle1: TRVStyle;
- RichView1: TRichView;
- RichView2: TRichView;
- Label1: TLabel;
- Label2: TLabel;
- ImageList1: TImageList;
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- private
- { Private declarations }
- procedure FillLeftRichView;
- procedure FillRightRichView;
- public
- { Public declarations }
- end;
- var
- Form1: TForm1;
- implementation
- {$R *.DFM}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TForm1.FillLeftRichView;
- var bmp: TBitmap;
- btn: TButton;
- begin
- with RichView1 do begin
- AddNL('Reading information about items',1,1);
- AddBreakEx(2, rvbsLine, clRed);
- AddNL('Image: ',0,0);
- bmp := TBitmap.Create;
- bmp.Width := 60;
- bmp.Height := 40;
- bmp.Canvas.Pen.Color := clRed;
- bmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := clYellow;
- bmp.Canvas.Rectangle(0,0,60,40);
- AddPictureEx('Yellow box', bmp, -1, rvvaMiddle);
- AddBreak;
- AddNL('Bullet: ',0,0);
- AddBulletEx('Printer image',0, ImageList1, -1);
- AddBreak;
- AddNL('Hotspot: ',0,0);
- AddHotspotEx('Active printer image',1, 0, ImageList1, -1);
- AddNL('(move mouse to hotspot and you see picture changes;'+
- ' more information about hotspots will be in hypertext description)',
- 0,-1);
- AddBreak;
- AddNL('Button: ',0,0);
- btn := TButton.Create(nil);
- btn.Width := 100;
- btn.Caption := 'Out of order';
- AddControlEx('Button example', btn, -1, rvvaBaseline);
- Format;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TForm1.FillRightRichView;
- var
- i, ItemStyle: Integer;
- s: String;
- Tag: Integer;
- {.................................................................}
- procedure GetBreakInfo(ItemNo: Integer);
- var Width: Byte;
- Color: TColor;
- Style: TRVBreakStyle;
- Tag: Integer;
- ColorString: String;
- begin
- RichView1.GetBreakInfo(ItemNo, Width, Style, Color, Tag);
- if Color = clNone then
- ColorString := 'line has color of the 0-th text style'
- else
- ColorString := ColorToString(Color);
- RichView2.AddFmt('Item #%d: break. Color=%s; Width=%d',
- [ItemNo, ColorString, Integer(Width)], 0, 0);
- // Style is always rvbsLine in current version
- end;
- {.................................................................}
- procedure GetPictureInfo(ItemNo: Integer);
- var gr: TGraphic;
- VAlign: TRVValign;
- VAString: String;
- Name: String;
- Tag: Integer;
- begin
- RichView1.GetPictureInfo(ItemNo, Name, gr, VAlign, Tag);
- case VAlign of
- rvvaBaseline:
- VAString := 'text base line';
- rvvaMiddle:
- VAString := 'text middle';
- else
- VAString := '?'
- end;
- RichView2.AddFmt('Item #%d: image (%s, %dx%d); Vertical alignment: %s; Name="%s"',
- [ItemNo, gr.ClassName, gr.Width, gr.Height, VAString, Name],
- 0, 0);
- end;
- {.................................................................}
- procedure GetControlInfo(ItemNo: Integer);
- var ctrl: TControl;
- VAlign: TRVValign;
- VAString: String;
- Name: String;
- Tag: Integer;
- begin
- RichView1.GetControlInfo(ItemNo, Name, ctrl, VAlign, Tag);
- case VAlign of
- rvvaBaseline:
- VAString := 'text base line';
- rvvaMiddle:
- VAString := 'text middle';
- else
- VAString := '?'
- end;
- RichView2.AddFmt('Item #%d: control (%s, %dx%d); Vertical alignment: %s; Name="%s"',
- [ItemNo, ctrl.ClassName, ctrl.Width, ctrl.Height, VAString, Name],
- 0, 0);
- end;
- {.................................................................}
- procedure GetBulletInfo(ItemNo: Integer);
- var ImageList: TCustomImageList;
- Name: String;
- ImageIndex, Tag: Integer;
- begin
- RichView1.GetBulletInfo(ItemNo, Name, ImageIndex, ImageList, Tag);
- RichView2.AddFmt('Item #%d: bullet; ImageList="%s"; Image index=%d; Name="%s"',
- [ItemNo, ImageList.Name, ImageIndex, Name],
- 0, 0);
- end;
- {.................................................................}
- procedure GetHotspotInfo(ItemNo: Integer);
- var ImageList: TCustomImageList;
- Name: String;
- ImageIndex, HotImageIndex, Tag: Integer;
- begin
- RichView1.GetHotspotInfo(ItemNo, Name, ImageIndex, HotImageIndex, ImageList, Tag);
- RichView2.AddFmt('Item #%d: bullet; ImageList="%s"; Image index=%d, Hot image index=%d; Name="%s"',
- [ItemNo, ImageList.Name, ImageIndex, HotImageIndex, Name],
- 0, 0);
- end;
- {.................................................................}
- begin
- // Reading information about items
- for i := 0 to RichView1.ItemCount-1 do begin
- ItemStyle := RichView1.GetItemStyle(i);
- if ItemStyle>=0 then begin
- // Parameter of GetItemStyle - index of item (0..ItemCount).
- // If GetItemStyle returns zero or positive value,
- // this item is a text, and returned value is an index in
- // collection of styles (RVStyle.TextStyles)
- s := RichView1.GetItemTextA(i);
- Tag := RichView1.GetItemTag(i);
- RichView2.AddFmt('Item #%d: text. Value="%s". Style of text is "%s"',
- [i, s, RVStyle1.TextStyles[ItemStyle].StyleName],0,0);
- end
- else
- // If GetItemStyle returns negative value, this item is a non-text item
- case ItemStyle of
- rvsBreak:
- GetBreakInfo(i);
- rvsPicture:
- GetPictureInfo(i);
- rvsComponent:
- GetControlInfo(i);
- rvsBullet:
- GetBulletInfo(i);
- rvsHotspot:
- GetHotspotInfo(i);
- else
- RichView2.AddNL('Unknown item type', 0, 0);
- end;
- RichView2.AddBreak;
- end;
- RichView2.Format;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- FillLeftRichView;
- FillRightRichView;
- end;
- end.