- unit Unit1;
- interface
- {==============================================================================}
- { Demo: }
- { 1. how to load RVF file saved in demo editor. }
- { 2. HTML export with custom saving of images }
- { (uses free Anders Melander's TGifImage: }
- { http://www.torry.net/vcl/graphics/gif/gifimage.exe) }
- { http://www.trichview.com/resources/thirdparty/gifimage.zip (update) }
- { but can be modified to work with other GIF implementations }
- { supporting assignment from other graphic formats) }
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Note: Gif images have 256 colors or less. Some pictures may lose quality }
- { when converting to Gifs }
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Sergey Tkachenko }
- {==============================================================================}
- {$I RV_Defs.inc}
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- RVScroll, RichView, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, RVStyle, OleCtnrs,
- ImgList,
- {$ENDIF}
- ComCtrls, CRVData, CRVFData, RVTable, GifImage;
- type
- TForm1 = class(TForm)
- RichView1: TRichView;
- OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog;
- Panel1: TPanel;
- Button1: TButton;
- StatusBar1: TStatusBar;
- Button2: TButton;
- CheckBox1: TCheckBox;
- SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog;
- Label1: TLabel;
- Edit1: TEdit;
- Label2: TLabel;
- Edit2: TEdit;
- ImageList1: TImageList;
- RVStyle1: TRVStyle;
- procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
- procedure RichView1RVFImageListNeeded(Sender: TCustomRichView;
- ImageListTag: Integer; var il: TCustomImageList);
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure RichView1RVMouseMove(Sender: TObject; id: Integer);
- procedure RichView1Jump(Sender: TObject; id: Integer);
- procedure RichView1HTMLSaveImage(Sender: TCustomRichView;
- RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo: Integer; const Path: String;
- BackgroundColor: TColor; var Location: String;
- var DoDefault: Boolean);
- procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
- procedure RichView1SaveComponentToFile(Sender: TCustomRichView; Path: string;
- SaveMe: TPersistent; SaveFormat: TRVSaveFormat; var OutStr: string);
- procedure RichView1SaveHTMLExtra(Sender: TCustomRichView;
- Area: TRVHTMLSaveArea; CSSVersion: Boolean; var HTMLCode: String);
- procedure RichView1WriteHyperlink(Sender: TCustomRichView; id: Integer;
- RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo: Integer; SaveFormat: TRVSaveFormat;
- var Target, Extras: String);
- private
- { Private declarations }
- public
- { Public declarations }
- end;
- var
- Form1: TForm1;
- implementation
- {$R *.DFM}
- {==================== Notes about loading from RVF files:=======================
- 1. In simplest cases you can just write: RichView1.LoadRVF(<file name>);
- 2. If file contains inserted Delphi Controls, these controls must be registered
- with RegisterClasses functions before loading (see FormCreate below)
- 3. If file contains images from image lists, you need to process
- OnRVFImageListNeeded event (see RichView1RVFImageListNeeded below)
- If you have several image lists, you can distinguish them using
- ImageListTag parameter of this event.
- 4. You must have the same (or compatible) TRVStyle object assigned to
- RichView1.Style as in editor.
- Otherwise, you need to set option "Allow adding styles dynamically"
- both in richview which saves and in richview which loads RVF
- (right-click RichView in Delphi, choose "Settings" in the context menu)
- 5. If some items in RVF file have character strings associated as items' tags
- (rvoTagsArePChars was in editor's Options), you need also set rvoTagsArePChars
- in RichView1.Options.
- ===============================================================================}
- {===================== Notes about HTML export =================================
- 1. There are 2 methods for saving HTML files:
- a) SaveHTML - saving HTML file, where formatting is made by <FONT>,<B>,
- <I> tags, etc.
- b) SaveHTMLEx - saving HTML file, where formatting is made by Cascading
- Style Sheet
- 2. Images are saved in separate files in JPG-files (or in BMP-files for Delphi2,
- or if RVDONOTUSEJPEGIMAGE directive is defined)
- 3. By default, images are saved in the same directory as HTML file, and have
- names built as Prefix + Number + .JPG.
- You can specify your own prefix as a parameter of SaveHTML[Ex].
- You can include subdirectory in prefix (such as 'imagesimg'), but this
- subdirectory will NOT be created automatically.
- 4. JPEG/BMP do not support transparency. Transparent color (of metafiles,
- icons, imagelist images) is replaced with the current background color
- (of RichView or table cell or paragraph background)
- 5. By default, images from imagelists (bullets and hotspot) are saved like
- other images, but the same image saved only one time (next occurrences
- point to the same image file, if they have the same background color)
- 6. You can save images yourself using OnHTMLSaveImage event (new in v1.4).
- You need to store image to file and return its location in 'Location'
- parameter.
- This demo shows
- a) how to save images in GIF-files
- b) how to save bullets in a way allowing to use the same image files for
- all HTML document generated by your application.
- 7. By default hypertext is not saved.
- You can specify destinations of [some/all] hypertext jumps
- using OnWriteHyperlink event.
- 8. By default inserted controls are not saved.
- You can save them using OnSaveComponentToFile event
- 9. You can save additional information in OnSaveHTMLExtra.
- ===============================================================================}
- procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- RegisterClasses([TButton, TEdit, TOleContainer]);
- end;
- {============================== RVF loading ===================================}
- procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if OpenDialog1.Execute then begin
- if not RichView1.LoadRVF(OpenDialog1.FileName) then
- Application.MessageBox('Error Loading File', nil, MB_OK);
- RichView1.Format;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TForm1.RichView1RVFImageListNeeded(Sender: TCustomRichView;
- ImageListTag: Integer; var il: TCustomImageList);
- begin
- il := ImageList1;
- end;
- {============================ Hypertext testing ===============================}
- procedure TForm1.RichView1RVMouseMove(Sender: TObject; id: Integer);
- var RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData;
- ItemNo: Integer;
- begin
- if id=-1 then
- StatusBar1.SimpleText := ''
- else begin
- RichView1.GetJumpPointLocation(id, RVData, ItemNo);
- StatusBar1.SimpleText := PChar(RVData.GetItemTag(ItemNo));
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TForm1.RichView1Jump(Sender: TObject; id: Integer);
- var RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData;
- ItemNo: Integer;
- begin
- RichView1.GetJumpPointLocation(id, RVData, ItemNo);
- StatusBar1.SimpleText := PChar(RVData.GetItemTag(ItemNo));
- Application.MessageBox(PChar(StatusBar1.SimpleText),'Click', 0);
- end;
- {============================ SAVING TO HTML ==================================}
- procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
- var SaveOptions: TRVSaveOptions;
- var r: Boolean;
- begin
- if SaveDialog1.Execute then begin
- Screen.Cursor := crHourglass;
- if Checkbox1.Checked then
- SaveOptions := [rvsoOverrideImages]
- else
- SaveOptions := [];
- case SaveDialog1.FilterIndex of
- 1:
- r := RichView1.SaveHTML(SaveDialog1.FileName,'Demo File',Edit2.Text, SaveOptions);
- 2:
- r := RichView1.SaveHTMLEx(SaveDialog1.FileName,'Demo File',Edit1.Text,
- '','','',SaveOptions);
- else
- r := False;
- end;
- Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
- if not r then
- Application.MessageBox('Error during saving', 'Error', 0);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- // Event: overriding default saving of images: saving as Gifs
- procedure TForm1.RichView1HTMLSaveImage(Sender: TCustomRichView;
- RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo: Integer; const Path: String;
- BackgroundColor: TColor; var Location: String; var DoDefault: Boolean);
- var gif: TGifImage;
- wmf: TMetafile;
- gr: TGraphic;
- s: String;
- AVAlign: TRVVAlign;
- ATag: Integer;
- ImageList: TCustomImageList;
- ImageIndex: Integer;
- Canvas: TMetafileCanvas;
- begin
- // Parameters:
- // Saving item is defined by pair (RVData, ItemNo).
- // It is the ItemNo-th item in RVData object.
- // RVData may be RichView.RVData, or cell, or RVData of cell inplace editor.
- // Path - destination directory of HTML file.
- // BackgroundColor - color of background under this item. Not used here
- // because GIFs support true transparency.
- // Location - output parameter to specify filename of image file
- // DoDefault - set to false if you save this item as image yourself.
- if ItemNo<0 then begin
- // saving background
- gif := TGifImage.Create;
- try
- gif.ColorReduction := rmQuantize;
- if RVData is TRVTableCellData then
- gif.Assign(TRVTableCellData(RVData).BackgroundImage) // table cell background
- else
- gif.Assign(Sender.BackgroundBitmap); // document background
- Location := RVData.GetNextFileName(Edit2.Text, Path, '.gif', RichView1.imgSaveNo, Checkbox1.Checked);
- gif.SaveToFile(Location);
- Location := ExtractRelativePath(Path, Location);
- DoDefault := False;
- finally
- gif.Free;
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- gif := nil;
- case RVData.GetItemStyle(ItemNo) of
- rvsPicture, rvsHotPicture:
- begin
- // Assigning image to GIF and saving
- // (metafiles and icons will be saved with transparency)
- gif := TGifImage.Create;
- gif.ColorReduction := rmQuantize;
- RVData.GetPictureInfo(ItemNo, s, gr, AVAlign, ATag);
- gif.Assign(gr);
- Location := RVData.GetNextFileName(Edit2.Text, Path, '.gif', RichView1.imgSaveNo, Checkbox1.Checked);
- end;
- rvsTable:
- begin
- // Saving table background image
- gif := TGifImage.Create;
- gif.ColorReduction := rmQuantize;
- gif.Assign(TRVTableItemInfo(RVData.GetItem(ItemNo)).BackgroundImage);
- Location := RVData.GetNextFileName(Edit2.Text, Path, '.gif', RichView1.imgSaveNo, Checkbox1.Checked);
- end;
- rvsBullet, rvsHotspot:
- begin
- // This is not efficient way, because the same image will be
- // saved many times. In your application you can save bullets
- // before saving HTMLs, and here only return file name.
- RVData.GetBulletInfo(ItemNo, s, ImageIndex, ImageList, ATag);
- wmf := TMetafile.Create;
- try
- gif := TGifImage.Create;
- gif.ColorReduction := rmQuantize;
- // Drawing image from imagelist to metafile
- // This method allows to save transparency
- wmf.Width := TImageList(ImageList).Width;
- wmf.Height := TImageList(ImageList).Height;
- Canvas := TMetafileCanvas.Create(wmf, 0);
- ImageList.Draw(Canvas,0,0, ImageIndex);
- Canvas.Free;
- // Assigning metafile to GIF and saving
- gif.Assign(wmf);
- // Saving to Path + Bullets Prefix + ImageIndex + .gif
- Location := Format('%s%s%d.gif', [Path, Edit1.Text, ImageIndex]);
- finally
- wmf.Free;
- end;
- end;
- // List markers can also have pictures. Not processed in this demo
- end;
- if gif<>nil then begin
- gif.SaveToFile(Location);
- Location := ExtractRelativePath(Path, Location);
- DoDefault := False;
- gif.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- // Event: saving hyperlinks
- procedure TForm1.RichView1WriteHyperlink(Sender: TCustomRichView;
- id: Integer; RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo: Integer;
- SaveFormat: TRVSaveFormat; var Target, Extras: String);
- begin
- Target := PChar(RVData.GetItemTag(ItemNo));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- // Event: saving components
- procedure TForm1.RichView1SaveComponentToFile(Sender: TCustomRichView;
- Path: string; SaveMe: TPersistent; SaveFormat: TRVSaveFormat;
- var OutStr: string);
- begin
- case SaveFormat of
- rvsfHTML:
- begin
- if SaveMe is TButton then begin
- OutStr := '<INPUT type="button" value="'+TButton(SaveMe).Caption+'" '+
- 'onClick="alert(''Just a demo'')">';
- exit;
- end;
- if SaveMe is TEdit then begin
- OutStr := '<INPUT type="text" value="'+TEdit(SaveMe).Text+'">';
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- // Event: saving additional information
- procedure TForm1.RichView1SaveHTMLExtra(Sender: TCustomRichView;
- Area: TRVHTMLSaveArea; CSSVersion: Boolean; var HTMLCode: String);
- begin
- case Area of
HTMLCode := '<script></script>';
HTMLCode := 'alink=#ff0000';
HTMLCode := 'This document was generated by '+
'<A href="http://www.trichview.com">RichView</A><BR>';
- end.