- unit Demo6Frm;
- interface
- {$I}
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- StdCtrls, RVScroll, RichView, ExtCtrls,
- ImgList,
- {$ENDIF}
- RVStyle;
- type
- TfrmDemo6 = class(TForm)
- Close: TButton;
- rvs: TRVStyle;
- tmr: TTimer;
- rv: TRichView;
- il: TImageList;
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure tmrTimer(Sender: TObject);
- private
- { Private declarations }
- Red: Byte;
- DRed: Shortint;
- ImageIndex: Integer;
- public
- { Public declarations }
- end;
- var
- frmDemo6: TfrmDemo6;
- implementation
- {$R *.DFM}
- procedure TfrmDemo6.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- const crlf:String = chr(13)+chr(10);
- begin
- ImageIndex := 0;
- Red := 150;
- DRed := 5;
- rvs.TextStyles[rvsHeading].Color := RGB(Red,0,0);
- // How many items the following statements adds? (adding string with 10 crlfs?)
- // Answer: 11! (since RichView 1.1) because it is considered like
- // ''+crlf+''+crlf+''+crlf+''+crlf+''+crlf+''+crlf+''+crlf+''+crlf+''+crlf+''+crlf+''
- rv.AddTextNL(
- crlf+crlf+crlf+crlf+crlf+crlf+crlf+crlf+crlf+crlf, 0,0,0);
- // And since v1.1 you can use TopMargin and BottomMargin properties instead of
- // adding empty lines!
- rv.AddBulletEx('',0,il,1);
- rv.Add('Credits Demo', 1);
- rv.AddTextNL(
- 'Roberto Nelson'+crlf+
- 'Bruce Young'+crlf+
- 'Kim Lambert'+crlf+
- 'Leslie Johnson'+crlf+
- 'Phil Forest'+crlf+
- 'K.J. Weston'+crlf+
- 'Lee Terry'+crlf+
- 'Stewart Hall'+crlf+
- 'Katherine Young'+crlf+
- 'Chris Papadopulos'+crlf+
- 'Pete Fisher'+crlf+
- 'Ann Bennet'+crlf+
- 'Roger De Sousa'+crlf+
- 'Janet Boldwin'+crlf+
- 'Roger Reeves'+crlf+
- 'Willie Stansbury'+crlf+
- 'Leslie Phong'+crlf+
- 'Ashok Ramanathan',0,0,0);
- rv.AddNL('and other people from Employee.db',2,0);
- rv.AddTextNL(crlf+crlf+crlf+crlf+crlf+crlf+
- crlf+crlf+crlf+crlf+crlf,0,0,0);
- rv.VSmallStep := 1;
- rv.Format;
- end;
- procedure TfrmDemo6.tmrTimer(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if rv.VScrollPos<>rv.VScrollMax then
- rv.VScrollPos := rv.VScrollPos+1
- else
- rv.VScrollPos := 0;
- inc(Red, DRed);
- rvs.TextStyles[rvsHeading].Color := RGB(Red,0,0);
- if (Red=255) or (Red=100) then DRed := -DRed;
- inc(ImageIndex);
- if ImageIndex=il.Count then
- ImageIndex := 0;
- rv.SetBulletInfo(11,'',ImageIndex,nil,0);
- end;
- end.