- /*==============================================================================
- This demo shows how to work with tables, mouse events, GetItemAt method
- ==============================================================================*/
- #include <vclvcl.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <mmsystem.h>
- #pragma hdrstop
- #include "Unit1.h"
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #pragma link "RichView"
- #pragma link "RVScroll"
- #pragma link "RVStyle"
- #pragma resource "*.dfm"
- TForm1 *Form1;
- #define ANSWERCOUNT 9
- // Sorted array of answers.
- const AnsiString Answers[QUESTIONCOUNT][ANSWERCOUNT] =
- {
- {"Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune", "Pluto"},
- {"Pluto", "Neptune", "Uranus", "Saturn", "Jupiter", "Mars", "Earth", "Venus", "Mercury"},
- {"Pluto", "Mercury", "Mars", "Venus", "Earth", "Neptune", "Uranus", "Saturn", "Jupiter"},
- {"Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune", "Earth", "Venus", "Mars", "Mercury", "Pluto"}
- };
- // Array of questions
- const AnsiString Questions[QUESTIONCOUNT] =
- {
- "Which of these planets is closest to the Sun?",
- "Which of these planets is the most distant from the Sun?",
- "Which of these planets is the smallest?",
- "Which of these planets is the largest?"
- };
- #define TABLECOLOR (TColor)0xCCFFFF
- #define HEADCOLOR (TColor)0x990033
- #define HLTCOLOR (TColor)0x66CCFF
- #define SELCOLOR (TColor)0x3399CC
- #define PASSCOLOR (TColor)0x00FF33
- #define FAILCOLOR (TColor)0x0033FF
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- __fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
- {
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Filling RichView. Preparing the quiz
- void TForm1::BuildQuiz()
- {
- int CorrectAnswer;
- RichView1->Clear();
- AnsweredCount = 0;
- TStringList* sl = new TStringList;
- for (int i = 0; i<QUESTIONCOUNT; i++)
- {
- // adding questions. one question is one table
- FillQuestion(sl, Answers[i], CorrectAnswer);
- AddTable(Questions[i], sl, CorrectAnswer);
- RichView1->AddNL("",0,0);
- }
- delete sl;
- // adding hypertext "button"
- RichView1->AddNL("Ready!", 2, 1);
- RichView1->Format();
- Ready = false;
- RVStyle1->TextStyles->Items[2]->HoverBackColor = FAILCOLOR;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This function chooses 3 answers from ARR and add them in SL.
- // Index of the correct answer is returned in CORRECTANSWER
- #define OPTIONCOUNT 3
- void TForm1::FillQuestion(TStringList* sl, const AnsiString arr[], int& CorrectAnswer)
- {
- int Options[OPTIONCOUNT], i, j, v;
- sl->Clear();
- // Choosing 3 different random answers
- for (i = 0; i<OPTIONCOUNT; i++)
- do
- {
- v = random(ANSWERCOUNT);
- for (j = 0; j<i; j++)
- if (Options[j]==v)
- {
- v = -1;
- break;
- }
- if (v>=0)
- {
- Options[i] = v;
- sl->Add(arr[v]);
- }
- }
- while (v<0);
- // Finding the correct answer. arr is sorted so that the correct answer
- // is an answer with smaller index
- CorrectAnswer = -1;
- for (i = 0; i<OPTIONCOUNT; i++)
- if (Options[i]<j)
- {
- j = Options[i];
- CorrectAnswer = i;
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Adding one question
- // The 0-th table row will contain the question. Other rows - answers.
- // Index of the correct answer is stored in invisible table caption
- void TForm1::AddTable(const AnsiString Question, TStringList* Answers,
- int CorrectAnswer)
- {
- TRVTableItemInfo* table = new TRVTableItemInfo(Answers->Count+1, 1, RichView1->RVData);
- table->BestWidth = -80;
- table->ParaNo = 1;
- table->Color = TABLECOLOR;
- table->Cells[0][0]->Clear();
- table->Cells[0][0]->AddNL(Question,1,0);
- table->Cells[0][0]->Color = HEADCOLOR;
- for (int i=0; i<Answers->Count; i++)
- {
- table->Cells[i+1][0]->Clear();
- table->Cells[i+1][0]->AddNL(Answers->Strings[i],0,0);
- }
- table->BorderVSpacing = 5;
- table->BorderHSpacing = 10;
- table->CellPadding = 4;
- table->BorderWidth = 2;
- table->CellBorderWidth = 0;
- table->BorderStyle = rvtbColor;
- table->CellBorderStyle = rvtbColor;
- RichView1->AddItem(IntToStr(CorrectAnswer), table);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // If RVData is a table cell, this function highlights this cell.
- // Removes highlighting from the previously highlighted cell (stored in HighlightedRVData)
- // Updates HighlightedRVData
- // Highlighted cell has color = HLTCOLOR, others - clNone.
- void TForm1::HighlightCell(TCustomRVFormattedData* RVData)
- {
- if (HighlightedRVData==RVData)
- return;
- if (HighlightedRVData)
- {
- ((TRVTableCellData*)HighlightedRVData)->Color = clNone;
- HighlightedRVData->Invalidate();
- HighlightedRVData = NULL;
- }
- if (!RVData->InheritsFrom(__classid(TRVTableCellData)) ||
- ((TRVTableCellData*)RVData)->Color==SELCOLOR)
- return;
- int r,c;
- ((TRVTableCellData*)RVData)->GetTable()->GetCellPosition((TRVTableCellData*)RVData,r,c);
- if (r==0)
- return;
- ((TRVTableCellData*)RVData)->Color = HLTCOLOR;
- RVData->Invalidate();
- HighlightedRVData = RVData;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // If RVData is a table cell, this function selects this cell.
- // Selected cell has color = SELCOLOR.
- // Updates number of answered questions (AnsweredCount).
- // If all questions are answered, changes highlight of hypertext jump from
- // red to green.
- void TForm1::SelectCell(TCustomRVFormattedData* RVData)
- {
- if (!RVData->InheritsFrom(__classid(TRVTableCellData)))
- return;
- TRVTableItemInfo* table = ((TRVTableCellData*)RVData)->GetTable();
- int r,c;
- table->GetCellPosition((TRVTableCellData*)RVData,r,c);
- if (r==0)
- return;
- for (r=1; r<table->Rows->Count; r++)
- {
- if (table->Cells[r][0]->Color==SELCOLOR)
- AnsweredCount--;
- table->Cells[r][0]->Color = clNone;
- }
- ((TRVTableCellData*)RVData)->Color = SELCOLOR;
- AnsweredCount++;
- RVData->Invalidate();
- if (HighlightedRVData==RVData)
- HighlightedRVData = NULL;
- if (AnsweredCount==QUESTIONCOUNT)
- RVStyle1->TextStyles->Items[2]->HoverBackColor = PASSCOLOR;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)
- {
- randomize();
- BuildQuiz();
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // OnMouseMove event - highlighting cell
- void __fastcall TForm1::RichView1MouseMove(TObject *Sender, TShiftState Shift,
- int X, int Y)
- {
- TCustomRVFormattedData* RVData;
- int a,b;
- if (Ready)
- return;
- X += RichView1->HScrollPos;
- Y += RichView1->VScrollPos*RichView1->VSmallStep;
- RichView1->GetItemAt(X, Y, RVData, a, b, false);
- HighlightCell(RVData);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // OnRVMouseUp event - selecting cell
- void __fastcall TForm1::RichView1RVMouseUp(TCustomRichView *Sender,
- TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int ItemNo, int X, int Y)
- {
- TCustomRVFormattedData* RVData;
- int a,b;
- if (Ready)
- return;
- X += RichView1->HScrollPos;
- Y += RichView1->VScrollPos*RichView1->VSmallStep;
- RichView1->GetItemAt(X, Y, RVData, a, b, false);
- SelectCell(RVData);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // On hyperlink click.
- void __fastcall TForm1::RichView1Jump(TObject *Sender, int id)
- {
- if (!Ready)
- { // clicking on "Ready!"
- if (AnsweredCount<QUESTIONCOUNT)
- {
- MessageBeep(0);
- return;
- }
- Ready = true;
- HighlightCell(RichView1->RVData);
- int Score = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i< RichView1->ItemCount; i++)
- if (RichView1->GetItemStyle(i)==rvsTable)
- {
- TRVTableItemInfo* table = (TRVTableItemInfo*)(RichView1->GetItem(i));
- for (int r=1; r<table->Rows->Count; r++)
- if (table->Cells[r][0]->Color==SELCOLOR)
- {
- if (IntToStr(r-1)==RichView1->GetItemTextA(i))
- {
- table->Cells[0][0]->AddNL(" (passed)", 1,-1);
- table->Cells[r][0]->Color = PASSCOLOR;
- Score++;
- }
- else
- {
- table->Cells[0][0]->AddNL(" (failed)", 1,-1);
- table->Cells[r][0]->Color = FAILCOLOR;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- RichView1->SetItemTextA(RichView1->ItemCount-1, "Try again");
- Caption = Format("PlanetQuiz : %d of %d", ARRAYOFCONST((Score, QUESTIONCOUNT)));
- RichView1->Format();
- RichView1->Update();
- else
- }
- else
- { // clicking on "Try Again"
- BuildQuiz();
- RichView1->ScrollTo(0);
- Caption = "PlanetQuiz";
- }
- }