- /*=============================================================================}
- { RichView Printing Demo. }
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Note: }
- { This demo does not show how to create user interface to setup margins. }
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Note: }
- { This demo does not show how to implement custom scaling of print preview. }
- { Look at example of RichViewEdit based editor. }
- {=============================================================================*/
- #include <vclvcl.h>
- #pragma hdrstop
- #include "Unit1.h"
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #pragma link "RichView"
- #pragma link "RVScroll"
- #pragma link "RVPP"
- #pragma link "CRVPP"
- #pragma link "RVStyle"
- #pragma link "PtblRV"
- #pragma link "CtrlImg"
- #pragma resource "*.dfm"
- TForm1 *Form1;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- __fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
- {
- const char* longtext = "A simple way of describing Delphi is a sophisticated Pascal compiler."
- " Delphi抯 roots lie in Borland抯 Turbo Pascal, introduced in the mid-1980s."
- " This view of Delphi, however, doesn抰 capture the real power of Delphi."
- " Object Pascal, the object-oriented extensions to Pascal, is the underlying"
- " language of Delphi. The Visual Component Library, or VCL, is a hierarchy of "
- "Object Pascal objects that allow you to design programs. A better way of describing "
- "Delphi is an Object Pascal-based visual development environment.n"
- "The VCL is intimately tied to the Delphi IDE, and is what gives you the ability "
- "to quickly develop applications. The Component palette and Object Inspector allow "
- "you to drop VCL components on forms and then manipulate the properties and events of "
- "those controls without having to write a single line of code.n"
- "Despite its name, the VCL is not entirely made up of visual components. "
- "In fact, of the over 600 objects in the VCL, most are not visual. "
- "The Delphi IDE allows you to visually add some nonvisual components to "
- "your programs. For example, if you wanted to write a database application "
- "that connected to a table, you would drop a TDataSource component on your "
- "form. TDataSource is a nonvisual component, but is represented on the form by "
- "an icon (which doesn抰 show up at runtime), and you can manipulate the properties "
- "and events of TDataSource in the Object Inspector just as you would a visual control.n"
- "All VCL objects, and in fact all objects in Object Pascal, are derived from TObject. "
- "TObject is unique in that it is an abstract object that has no properties or events, "
- "only methods that allow you to derive objects from this base class. Use TObject as the "
- "immediate base class when writing simple objects that are not components. Components are "
- "objects that you can manipulate at design time. All components in the VCL are derived "
- "from the abstract component type TComponent. The VCL components you will likely use the "
- "most are the VCL抯 controls, such as TForm or TSpeedButton. Controls are visual components"
- " derived from the abstract component type TControl.n"
- "You can use Delphi to create Object Pascal objects without using the VCL, "
- "although by creating any objects in Object Pascal, both your objects and VCL "
- "objects will share a common ancestor in TObject. However, by deriving new objects "
- "from VCL object, much of the work in designing applications is done for you by Delphi. "
- "For example, if you wanted to use a progress bar in your application but didn抰 like "
- "TProgressBar, Delphi抯 control that creates a progress bar, you could create a new "
- "object based on TProgressBar and override its properties, events, or methods.";
- // Creating sample document
- RichView1->AddNL("Printing Demo",1,2);
- RichView1->AddTextNL(longtext,0,0,0);
- RichView1->AddBreak();
- RichView1->AddTextNL(longtext,0,1,1);
- RichView1->AddBreak();
- RichView1->AddTextNL(longtext,0,2,2);
- RichView1->AddBreak();
- RichView1->AddTextNL(longtext,0,3,3);
- RichView1->AddBreak();
- RichView1->AddTextNL(longtext,0,4,4);
- RichView1->AddBreak();
- RichView1->AddTextNL(longtext,0,5,5);
- RichView1->AddBreak();
- RichView1->AddTextNL(longtext,0,7,7);
- RichView1->AddControlEx("", Panel2, 2, rvvaBaseline);
- TGraphic * gr = new TIcon;
- gr->Assign(Image1->Picture);
- RichView1->AddPictureEx("", gr, -1, rvvaBaseline);
- gr = new TMetafile;
- gr->Assign(Image2->Picture);
- RichView1->AddPictureEx("", gr, -1, rvvaBaseline);
- // Created...
- RichView1->Format();
- // Assigning margins: 20 mm.
- RVPrint1->LeftMarginMM = 20;
- RVPrint1->RightMarginMM = 20;
- RVPrint1->BottomMarginMM = 20;
- // Top margin: 25 mm.
- RVPrint1->TopMarginMM = 25;
- // Making printable area on preview visible...
- RVPrintPreview1->MarginsPen->Style = psDot;
- // Assigning OnPrintComponent at run time - there is a problem specifying Graphics::TBitmap
- // in event handlers
- RVPrint1->OnPrintComponent = RVPrint1PrintComponent;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Switching page to "Preview"
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::PageControl1Change(TObject *Sender)
- {
- if (PageControl1->ActivePage->PageIndex==1 && !PreviewCreated)
- {
- PreviewCreated = true;
- UpdatePreview();
- }
- RVPrintPreview1->ZoomMode = rvzmFullPage;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void TForm1::UpdatePreview()
- {
- Screen->Cursor = crHourGlass;
- // Assigning document for printing:
- RVPrint1->AssignSource(RichView1);
- // Formatting pages:
- RVPrint1->FormatPages(TRVDisplayOptions());
- // Updating user interface for preview:
- ScrollBar1->Min = 1;
- ScrollBar1->Position = 1;
- Scrollbar1.PageSize = 1;
- #endif
- ScrollBar1->Max = RVPrint1->PagesCount;
- // Preview will show full page:
- RVPrintPreview1->ZoomMode = rvzmFullPage;
- // Preview will show 1st page:
- RVPrintPreview1->First();
- Screen->Cursor = crDefault;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Page turning:
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::ScrollBar1Change(TObject *Sender)
- {
- if (ScrollBar1->Position>0)
- {
- RVPrintPreview1->PageNo = ScrollBar1->Position;
- StatusBar1->SimpleText = Format("Page %d of %d",
- ARRAYOFCONST((RVPrintPreview1->PageNo, RVPrint1->PagesCount)));
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Event: printing inserted components.
- // We need to create bitmap, draw component onto it,
- // and assign this bitmap to ComponentImage parameter.
- // Bitmap should have the same size as component. (if not, it will be scaled)
- // CtrlImg.pas from RichView package has useful function DrawControl.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::RVPrint1PrintComponent(TCustomRVPrint *Sender,
- TControl *PrintMe, Graphics::TBitmap *&ComponentImage)
- {
- ComponentImage = DrawControl(PrintMe);
- // actually, DrawControl is used by default. You need to process this
- // event only if you are not satisfied with its results.
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Printing...
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::btnPrintClick(TObject *Sender)
- {
- if (!PreviewCreated)
- {
- PreviewCreated = true;
- UpdatePreview();
- }
- // do not print empty document!
- if (RichView1->ItemCount==0)
- return;
- PrintDialog1->MinPage = 1;
- PrintDialog1->MaxPage = RVPrint1->PagesCount;
- PrintDialog1->FromPage = 1;
- PrintDialog1->ToPage = RVPrint1->PagesCount;
- // we can print a whole document or specified pages:
- if (PrintDialog1->Execute())
- {
- // it's possible that current printer was changed.
- // so we need to reformat document and update preview:
- UpdatePreview();
- switch (PrintDialog1->PrintRange)
- {
- case prAllPages:
- RVPrint1->Print( "Test", PrintDialog1->Copies, PrintDialog1->Collate);
- break;
- case prPageNums:
- RVPrint1->PrintPages(PrintDialog1->FromPage, PrintDialog1->ToPage,
- "Test", PrintDialog1->Copies, PrintDialog1->Collate);
- }
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Event: displaying formatting progress...
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::RVPrint1Formatting(TCustomRichView *Sender,
- int PageCompleted, TRVPrintingStep Step)
- {
- switch (Step)
- {
- case rvpsStarting:
- StatusBar1->SimpleText = "Repaginating...";
- break;
- case rvpsProceeding:
- StatusBar1->SimpleText = Format("Repaginating (%d)", ARRAYOFCONST((PageCompleted)));
- break;
- case rvpsFinished:
- StatusBar1->SimpleText = "";
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Event: displaying printing (spooling) progress...
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::RVPrint1SendingToPrinter(TCustomRichView *Sender,
- int PageCompleted, TRVPrintingStep Step)
- {
- switch (Step)
- {
- case rvpsStarting:
- StatusBar1->SimpleText = "Starting...";
- break;
- case rvpsProceeding:
- StatusBar1->SimpleText = Format("Printing (%d)", ARRAYOFCONST((PageCompleted)));
- break;
- case rvpsFinished:
- StatusBar1->SimpleText = "";
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Event: prepaint on page
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::RVPrint1PagePrepaint(TRVPrint *Sender, int PageNo,
- TCanvas *Canvas, bool Preview, TRect &PageRect, TRect &PrintAreaRect)
- {
- // This is a temporary solution for drawing page numbers and similalar stuff
- // This example outputs string just above RichView contents
- AnsiString s = Format ("-- Page %d of %d --", ARRAYOFCONST((PageNo, Sender->PagesCount)));
- Canvas->Brush->Style = bsClear;
- Canvas->Font->Assign(RVStyle1->TextStyles->Items[0]);
- int w = Canvas->TextWidth(s);
- int h = Canvas->TextHeight(s);
- TextOut(Canvas->Handle, (PrintAreaRect.Right+PrintAreaRect.Left-w) / 2,
- PrintAreaRect.Top - h - 10, s.c_str(), s.Length());
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::Panel3Resize(TObject *Sender)
- {
- // In earlier versions of C++Builder scrollbars do not have Align property...
- // Aligning to the right side of panel
- ScrollBar1->SetBounds(Panel3->ClientWidth-ScrollBar1->Width, 0,
- ScrollBar1->Width, Panel3->ClientHeight);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------