- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include <vclvcl.h>
- #pragma hdrstop
- #include "Unit1.h"
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #pragma link "RVEdit"
- #pragma link "RichView"
- #pragma link "RVScroll"
- #pragma link "RVStyle"
- #pragma resource "*.dfm"
- TForm1 *Form1;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- __fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
- {
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int TForm1::GetListNo(TCustomRichViewEdit* rve, int ItemNo)
- {
- int Level, StartFrom, Result;
- bool Reset;
- rve->GetListMarkerInfo(ItemNo, Result, Level, StartFrom, Reset);
- return Result;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Returns index of bulleted list style. Creates it, if necessary.
- int TForm1::CreateBullets()
- {
- // 1. Creating desired list style
- TRVListInfo* ListStyle = new TRVListInfo(NULL);
- TRVListLevel* Level = ListStyle->Levels->Add();
- Level->ListType = rvlstBullet;
- Level->Font->Name = "Symbol";
- #if __BORLANDC__ > 0x520
- Level->Font->Charset = SYMBOL_CHARSET;
- #endif
- Level->Font->Size = 12;
- Level->FirstIndent = 0;
- Level->LeftIndent = 24;
- // 2. Searching for existing style with these properties. Creating it, if not found
- int Result = RVStyle1->ListStyles->FindSuchStyle(ListStyle, true);
- delete ListStyle;
- return Result;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int TForm1::CreateNumbering()
- {
- int Result = -1;
- // 1. Creating desired list style
- TRVListInfo* ListStyle = new TRVListInfo(NULL);
- TRVListLevel* Level = ListStyle->Levels->Add();
- Level->ListType = rvlstDecimal;
- Level->Font->Name = "Arial";
- Level->Font->Size = 12;
- Level->FirstIndent = 0;
- Level->LeftIndent = 24;
- Level->FormatString = "%0:s.";
- // 2. Searching for such style in the selected paragraphs, the paragraph before,
- // and the paragraph after. If found, using it.
- int StartNo, EndNo, a, b;
- TCustomRichViewEdit* rve = RichViewEdit1->TopLevelEditor;
- rve->GetSelectionBounds(StartNo, a, EndNo, b, True);
- if (StartNo<0)
- {
- StartNo = rve->CurItemNo;
- EndNo = StartNo;
- }
- // ExpandToPara is an undocumented method that changes item range StartNo..EndNo
- // so that it completely includes paragraphs containing StartNo..EndNo
- rve->RVData->ExpandToPara(StartNo, EndNo, StartNo, EndNo);
- if (StartNo>0)
- StartNo--;
- if (EndNo<rve->ItemCount-1)
- EndNo++;
- rve->RVData->ExpandToPara(StartNo, EndNo, StartNo, EndNo);
- for (int i=StartNo; i<=EndNo; i++)
- if (rve->IsParaStart(i) && rve->GetItemStyle(i)==rvsListMarker)
- {
- int ListNo = GetListNo(rve, i);
- if (RVStyle1->ListStyles->Items[ListNo]->IsSimpleEqual(ListStyle, true,true))
- {
- Result = ListNo;
- break;
- }
- }
- // 3. Idea for improving. You can try to reuse existing list style with the
- // given properties, which is not used in the document. If you want to do it,
- // you need to iterate through all items in the document, and check all markers.
- // 4. If not found, creating it
- if (Result<0)
- {
- RVStyle1->ListStyles->Add()->Assign(ListStyle);
- Result = RVStyle1->ListStyles->Count-1;
- RVStyle1->ListStyles->Items[Result]->Standard = false;
- }
- delete ListStyle;
- return Result;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // CARET WAS MOVED: updating buttons
- void __fastcall TForm1::RichViewEdit1CaretMove(TObject *Sender)
- {
- TCustomRichViewEdit* rve = RichViewEdit1->TopLevelEditor;
- int FirstParaItemNo = rve->CurItemNo;
- if (FirstParaItemNo<0) // document is cleared
- return;
- while (!rve->IsParaStart(FirstParaItemNo))
- FirstParaItemNo--;
- if (rve->GetItemStyle(FirstParaItemNo)==rvsListMarker)
- {
- int ListNo = GetListNo(rve, FirstParaItemNo);
- btnBullets->Down = ! RVStyle1->ListStyles->Items[ListNo]->HasNumbering();
- btnNumbering->Down = RVStyle1->ListStyles->Items[ListNo]->AllNumbered();
- }
- else
- {
- btnBullets->Down = false;
- btnNumbering->Down = false;
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::btnBulletsClick(TObject *Sender)
- {
- if (!btnBullets->Down)
- RichViewEdit1->RemoveLists(false);
- else
- RichViewEdit1->ApplyListStyle(CreateBullets(),0,0,false,false);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::btnNumberingClick(TObject *Sender)
- {
- if (!btnNumbering->Down)
- RichViewEdit1->RemoveLists(false);
- else
- RichViewEdit1->ApplyListStyle(CreateNumbering(),0,0,false,false);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------