- {*******************************************************}
- { }
- { RichView }
- { Assistant classes for drag & drop. }
- { TRVDropTarget: implements IDropTarget }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) Sergey Tkachenko }
- { svt@trichview.com }
- { http://www.trichview.com }
- { }
- {*******************************************************}
- unit RVDragDrop;
- interface
- {$I RV_Defs.inc}
- uses SysUtils, Windows, ActiveX, Classes, Graphics,
- RVStr, RVUni, RVScroll, ShlObj;
- {$ENDIF}
- type
- { ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TRVDropTarget: implementation of IDropTarget.
- Used as TCustomRichViewEdit.FDropTarget
- }
- TRVDropTarget = class(TRVScrollerInternalIfcObject, IDropTarget)
- private
- FAccepted: Boolean;
- function HasAcceptableFormats(const DataObj: IDataObject): Boolean;
- function AllowMoving(KeyState: LongInt; Effect: LongInt): Boolean;
- function GetEffect(KeyState: LongInt; Effect: LongInt): LongInt;
- procedure FillFormatEtc(var FmtEtc: TFormatEtc; Format: Word);
- function GetFiles(const Handle: HGlobal; Files: TStrings): Boolean;
- public
- { IDropTarget }
- function DragEnter(const DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint;
- pt: TPoint; var Effect: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
- function DragOver(KeyState: Longint; pt: TPoint;
- var Effect: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
- function DragLeave: HResult; stdcall;
- function Drop(const DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; pt: TPoint;
- var Effect: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
- { Get data as ... }
- function GetMedium(const DataObj: IDataObject; Format: Word;
- var StgMedium: TStgMedium): Boolean;
- function GetAsStream(const DataObj: IDataObject; Format: Word): TMemoryStream;
- function GetAsText(const DataObj: IDataObject; Format: Word;
- var s: String): Boolean;
- function GetAsTextW(const DataObj: IDataObject; var s: String): Boolean;
- {$ENDIF}
- function GetAsBitmap(const DataObj: IDataObject; TryDIBFirst: Boolean): TBitmap;
- function GetAsMetafile(const DataObj: IDataObject): TMetafile;
- function GetAsFiles(const DataObj: IDataObject): TStringList;
- function HasFormat(const DataObj: IDataObject; Format: Word): Boolean;
- { Other methods }
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function RegisterDragDropForOwner: Boolean;
- procedure UnRegisterDragDropForOwner;
- end;
- { ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TRVEnumFormatEtc: implementation of IEnumFormatEtc
- }
- TRVEnumFormatEtc = class(TInterfacedObject, IEnumFormatEtc)
- private
- FGraphic: TGraphic;
- FIndex: Integer;
- function GetCurFormat: Word;
- public
- constructor Create(Graphic: TGraphic; Index: Integer);
- { IEnumFormatEtc }
- function Next(Celt: LongInt; out Elt; PCeltFetched: PLongInt): HResult; stdcall;
- function Skip(Celt: LongInt): HResult; stdcall;
- function Reset: HResult; stdcall;
- function Clone(out Enum: IEnumFormatEtc): HResult; stdcall;
- end;
- { ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TRVDropSource: implementation of IDropSource and IDataObject.
- Used as TCustomRichView.FDropSource.
- }
- TRVDropSource = class(TRVScrollerInternalIfcObject, IDropSource, IDataObject)
- private
- FMedium: TStgMedium;
- FUseMedium: Boolean;
- function IsAvailableFormat(Format: Word): Boolean;
- function GetAsStream(Format: Word): TMemoryStream;
- function GetAsHandle(Format: Word; var Handle: HGlobal): HResult;
- function SaveToHandle(Format: Word; Handle: HGlobal): HResult;
- public
- { IDropSource }
- function QueryContinueDrag(FEscapePressed: Bool;
- KeyState: LongInt): HResult; stdcall;
- function GiveFeedback(Effect: LongInt): HResult; stdcall;
- { IDataObject }
- function GetData(const FormatEtcIn: TFormatEtc;
- out Medium: TStgMedium): HResult; stdcall;
- function GetDataHere(const FormatEtcIn: TFormatEtc;
- out Medium: TStgMedium): HResult; stdcall;
- function QueryGetData(const FormatEtc: TFormatEtc): HResult; stdcall;
- function GetCanonicalFormatEtc(const FormatEtc: TFormatEtc;
- out FormatEtcOut: TFormatEtc): HResult; stdcall;
- function SetData(const FormatEtc: TFormatEtc; var Medium: TStgMedium;
- FRelease: Bool): HResult; stdcall;
- function EnumFormatEtc(Direction: LongInt;
- out EnumFormatEtc: IEnumFormatEtc): HResult; stdcall;
- function DAdvise(const FormatEtc: TFormatEtc; advf: LongInt;
- const advsink: IAdviseSink; out Connection: LongInt): HResult; stdcall;
- function DUnadvise(Connection: LongInt): HResult; stdcall;
- function EnumDAdvise(out EnumAdvise: IEnumStatData): HResult; stdcall;
- { Other methods }
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function StoreData(Format: Word): Boolean;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- implementation
- uses RichView, RVRVData, CRVData;
- {=============================== TRVDropTarget ================================}
- destructor TRVDropTarget.Destroy;
- begin
- OwnerReleaseDropTargetObject;
- inherited;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { DROPEFFECT_MOVE is possible }
- function TRVDropTarget.AllowMoving(KeyState, Effect: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := ((KeyState and MK_CONTROL)=0) and ((Effect and DROPEFFECT_MOVE)<>0)
- and TCustomRichView(FOwner).RVData.IsDragging;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVDropTarget.GetEffect(KeyState: LongInt; Effect: LongInt): LongInt;
- begin
- if AllowMoving(KeyState, Effect) then
- else if (Effect and DROPEFFECT_COPY)<>0 then
- else
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { IDropTarget.DragEnter }
- function TRVDropTarget.DragEnter(const DataObj: IDataObject;
- KeyState: Integer; pt: TPoint; var Effect: Integer): HResult;
- var PossibleEffect: Integer;
- begin
- PossibleEffect := Effect;
- pt := FOwner.ScreenToClient(pt);
- FAccepted := False;
- if HasAcceptableFormats(DataObj) then
- Effect := GetEffect(KeyState, Effect)
- else
- CallOwnerDragEnterEvent(DataObj, KeyState, pt, PossibleEffect, Effect);
- if Effect<>DROPEFFECT_NONE then begin
- FAccepted := OwnerDragEnter(pt.X, pt.Y);
- if not FAccepted then
- end;
- Result := S_OK;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { IDropTarget.DragOver }
- function TRVDropTarget.DragOver(KeyState: Integer; pt: TPoint;
- var Effect: Integer): HResult;
- var PossibleEffect: Integer;
- begin
- PossibleEffect := Effect;
- pt := FOwner.ScreenToClient(pt);
- if FAccepted and OwnerDragOver(pt.X, pt.Y) then begin
- Effect := GetEffect(KeyState, Effect);
- CallOwnerDragOverEvent(KeyState, pt, PossibleEffect, Effect);
- end
- else
- Result := S_OK;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- // IDropTarget.DragOver
- function TRVDropTarget.DragLeave: HResult;
- begin
- OwnerDragLeave;
- Result := S_OK;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- // IDropTarget.Drop
- function TRVDropTarget.Drop(const DataObj: IDataObject;
- KeyState: Integer; pt: TPoint; var Effect: Integer): HResult;
- var NewEffect: LongInt;
- begin
- pt := FOwner.ScreenToClient(pt);
- NewEffect := OwnerDrop(DataObj, AllowMoving(KeyState, Effect),
- KeyState, pt, Effect);
- if (NewEffect=DROPEFFECT_COPY) and ((Effect and DROPEFFECT_COPY)=0) then
- else
- Effect := NewEffect;
- Result := S_OK;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns true if DataObj contains one of: text, RVF, RTF, Bitmap... }
- function TRVDropTarget.HasAcceptableFormats(const DataObj: IDataObject): Boolean;
- var FormatEtc : IEnumFormatEtc;
- Fmt : TFormatEtc;
- s: String;
- l: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if DataObj.EnumFormatEtc(DATADIR_GET, FormatEtc) = S_OK then
- while FormatEtc.Next(1, Fmt, nil) = S_OK do begin
- SetLength(s, 1000);
- l := GetClipboardFormatName(Fmt.cfFormat, PChar(s), 1000);
- SetLength(s, l);
- if OwnerCanAcceptFormat(Fmt.cfFormat) then begin
- Result := True;
- //exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns tymed value for the data format }
- function GetTymed(Format: Word): LongInt;
- begin
- case Format of
- Result := TYMED_GDI;
- Result := TYMED_ENHMF;
- Result := TYMED_MFPICT;
- else
- Result := TYMED_HGLOBAL;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Fills TFormatEtc for the given Format. }
- procedure TRVDropTarget.FillFormatEtc(var FmtEtc: TFormatEtc; Format: Word);
- begin
- FillChar(FmtEtc, sizeof(FmtEtc), 0);
- FmtEtc.cfFormat := Format;
- FmtEtc.dwAspect := DVASPECT_CONTENT;
- FmtEtc.lindex := -1;
- FmtEtc.tymed := GetTymed(Format);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns true if DataObj contains Format }
- function TRVDropTarget.HasFormat(const DataObj: IDataObject;
- Format: Word): Boolean;
- var FmtEtc: TFormatEtc;
- begin
- FillFormatEtc(FmtEtc, Format);
- Result := DataObj.QueryGetData(FmtEtc)=S_OK;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns StgMedium. The caller must call ReleaseStgMedium }
- function TRVDropTarget.GetMedium(const DataObj: IDataObject; Format: Word;
- var StgMedium: TStgMedium): Boolean;
- var FmtEtc: TFormatEtc;
- begin
- FillChar(StgMedium, sizeof(StgMedium), 0);
- FillFormatEtc(FmtEtc, Format);
- Result := DataObj.GetData(FmtEtc, StgMedium)=S_OK;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Creates stream, copies data to it. Returns nil if failed. }
- function TRVDropTarget.GetAsStream(const DataObj: IDataObject;
- Format: Word): TMemoryStream;
- var FmtEtc: TFormatEtc;
- StgMedium: TStgMedium;
- ptr: Pointer;
- Size: Integer;
- begin
- FillChar(StgMedium, sizeof(StgMedium), 0);
- FillFormatEtc(FmtEtc, Format);
- Result := nil;
- if DataObj.GetData(FmtEtc, StgMedium)<>S_OK then
- exit;
- if StgMedium.tymed=GetTymed(Format) then begin
- ptr := GlobalLock(StgMedium.HGlobal);
- Result := TMemoryStream.Create;
- if Format<>CFRV_RVF then
- Result.WriteBuffer(ptr^, GlobalSize(StgMedium.HGlobal))
- else begin
- if GlobalSize(StgMedium.HGlobal)<4 then
- exit;
- Size := PInteger(ptr)^;
- Result.WriteBuffer((PChar(ptr)+sizeof(Integer))^, Size);
- end;
- Result.Position := 0;
- GlobalUnlock(StgMedium.HGlobal);
- end;
- ReleaseStgMedium(StgMedium);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns data as string. }
- function TRVDropTarget.GetAsText(const DataObj: IDataObject;
- Format: Word; var s: String): Boolean;
- var Stream: TMemoryStream;
- begin
- Stream := GetAsStream(DataObj, Format);
- Result := Stream<>nil;
- if Result then begin
- s := StrPas(Stream.Memory);
- Stream.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns CF_UNICODETEXT data as "raw unicode" string. }
- function TRVDropTarget.GetAsTextW(const DataObj: IDataObject;
- var s: String): Boolean;
- var Stream: TMemoryStream;
- Len: Integer;
- Ptr: Pointer;
- begin
- Stream := GetAsStream(DataObj, CF_UNICODETEXT);
- Result := Stream<>nil;
- if Result then begin
- Len := Stream.Size;
- SetLength(s, Len);
- Stream.ReadBuffer(PChar(s)^, Len);
- Stream.Free;
- ptr := RVU_StrScanW(Pointer(s), 0, Length(s) div 2);
- if ptr<>nil then
- SetLength(s, PChar(ptr)-PChar(s));
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns a number of colors in TBitmapInfoHeader }
- function GetDInColors(BitCount: Word): Integer;
- begin
- case BitCount of
- 1, 4, 8: Result := 1 shl BitCount;
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns data as a bitmap. First tries to read CF_DIB. If failed, tries
- CF_BITMAP. If failed, returns nil. }
- function TRVDropTarget.GetAsBitmap(const DataObj: IDataObject;
- TryDIBFirst: Boolean): TBitmap;
- var FmtEtc: TFormatEtc;
- StgMedium: TStgMedium;
- ColorCount: Integer;
- bits:Pointer;
- BI: PBitmapInfoHeader;
- Handle: HBitmap;
- DC: HDC;
- begin
- // 1. CF_DIB
- FillFormatEtc(FmtEtc, CF_DIB);
- Result := nil;
- if TryDIBFirst then begin
- if DataObj.GetData(FmtEtc, StgMedium)<>S_OK then
- exit;
- if StgMedium.tymed=GetTymed(CF_DIB) then begin
- BI := GlobalLock(StgMedium.hGlobal);
- ColorCount := GetDInColors(BI.biBitCount);
- Bits := Pointer(Longint(BI) + SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader) + ColorCount * SizeOf(TRGBQuad));
- try
- DC := GetDC(0);
- try
- Handle := CreateDIBitmap(DC, BI^, CBM_INIT, Bits, PBitmapInfo(BI)^, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
- if Handle<>0 then begin
- Result := TBitmap.Create;
- Result.Handle := Handle;
- end;
- finally
- ReleaseDC(0, DC);
- end;
- finally
- GlobalUnlock(StgMedium.hGlobal);
- end;
- end;
- ReleaseStgMedium(StgMedium);
- end;
- // 2. CF_BITMAP
- if Result=nil then begin
- FillFormatEtc(FmtEtc, CF_BITMAP);
- Result := nil;
- if DataObj.GetData(FmtEtc, StgMedium)<>S_OK then
- exit;
- if StgMedium.tymed=GetTymed(CF_BITMAP) then begin
- Result := TBitmap.Create;
- // Palette?
- Result.LoadFromClipboardFormat(CF_BITMAP, StgMedium.hBitmap, 0);
- end;
- ReleaseStgMedium(StgMedium);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns data as a metafile (CF_ENHMETAFILE).
- CF_METAFILEPICT is not supported yet. }
- function TRVDropTarget.GetAsMetafile(const DataObj: IDataObject): TMetafile;
- var FmtEtc: TFormatEtc;
- StgMedium: TStgMedium;
- Handle: HEnhMetafile;
- begin
- FillFormatEtc(FmtEtc, CF_ENHMETAFILE);
- Result := nil;
- if DataObj.GetData(FmtEtc, StgMedium)<>S_OK then
- exit;
- if StgMedium.tymed=GetTymed(CF_ENHMETAFILE) then begin
- Handle := CopyEnhMetaFile(StgMedium.hEnhMetaFile, nil);
- if Handle<>0 then begin
- Result := TMetafile.Create;
- Result.Handle := Handle;
- end;
- end;
- ReleaseStgMedium(StgMedium);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns a list of files from the Handle of CF_HDROP format }
- function TRVDropTarget.GetFiles(const Handle: HGlobal;
- Files: TStrings): Boolean;
- var
- DropFiles: PDropFiles;
- FileName: PChar;
- begin
- Files.Clear;
- DropFiles := PDropFiles(GlobalLock(Handle));
- try
- FileName := PChar(DropFiles) + DropFiles^.pFiles;
- while (FileName^ <> #0) do begin
- if (DropFiles^.fWide) then begin
- Files.Add(PWideChar(FileName));
- inc(FileName, (Length(PWideChar(FileName)) + 1) * 2);
- end else
- begin
- Files.Add(Filename);
- inc(FileName, Length(FileName) + 1);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- GlobalUnlock(Handle);
- end;
- Result := Files.count>0;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVDropTarget.GetAsFiles(const DataObj: IDataObject): TStringList;
- var FmtEtc: TFormatEtc;
- StgMedium: TStgMedium;
- begin
- FillFormatEtc(FmtEtc, CF_HDROP);
- Result := nil;
- if DataObj.GetData(FmtEtc, StgMedium)<>S_OK then
- exit;
- if StgMedium.tymed=GetTymed(CF_HDROP) then begin
- Result := TStringList.Create;
- GetFiles(StgMedium.hGlobal, Result);
- end;
- ReleaseStgMedium(StgMedium);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Allows owner to be a drop targer. }
- function TRVDropTarget.RegisterDragDropForOwner: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := FOwner.HandleAllocated and
- (RegisterDragDrop(FOwner.Handle, Self as IDropTarget)=S_OK);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Reverse to RegisterDragDropForOwner. }
- procedure TRVDropTarget.UnRegisterDragDropForOwner;
- begin
- if FOwner.HandleAllocated then
- RevokeDragDrop(FOwner.Handle);
- end;
- {============================ TRVEnumFormatEtc ================================}
- function GetTymeds(Format: Word): LongInt;
- begin
- case Format of
- Result := TYMED_GDI;
- Result := TYMED_ENHMF;
- Result := TYMED_MFPICT;
- {$ENDIF}
- else
- if (Format=CFRV_RVF) then
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- if (Format=CFRV_RTF) then
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := 0;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- constructor TRVEnumFormatEtc.Create(Graphic: TGraphic; Index: Integer);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FGraphic := Graphic;
- FIndex := Index;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVEnumFormatEtc.GetCurFormat: Word;
- begin
- case FIndex of
- 0:
- Result := CFRV_RVF;
- {$ELSE}
- Result := CF_TEXT;
- {$ENDIF}
- 1:
- Result := CFRV_RTF;
- {$ELSE}
- Result := CF_TEXT;
- {$ENDIF}
- 2:
- Result := CF_TEXT;
- 3:
- 4:
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if FGraphic=nil then
- Result := 0
- else if FGraphic is TBitmap then
- Result := CF_BITMAP
- else if FGraphic is TMetafile then
- else
- Result := 0;
- end
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- type
- TFormatList = array[0..255] of TFormatEtc;
- PFormatList = ^TFormatList;
- { IEnumFormatEtc.Next }
- function TRVEnumFormatEtc.Next(Celt: Integer; out Elt;
- PCeltFetched: PLongInt): HResult;
- var
- i: Integer;
- Format: Word;
- List: TFormatList absolute Elt;
- begin
- i := 0;
- while (i<Celt) do begin
- Format := GetCurFormat;
- if Format=0 then
- break;
- List[i].cfFormat := Format;
- List[i].ptd := nil;
- List[i].dwAspect := DVASPECT_CONTENT;
- List[i].lindex := -1;
- List[i].tymed := GetTymeds(Format);
- Inc(FIndex);
- Inc(i);
- end;
- if PCeltFetched<>nil then
- PCeltFetched^ := i;
- if i = Celt then
- Result := S_OK
- else
- Result := S_FALSE;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { IEnumFormatEtc.Skip }
- function TRVEnumFormatEtc.Skip(Celt: Integer): HResult;
- var
- i: Integer;
- Format: Word;
- begin
- i := 0;
- while (i<Celt) do begin
- Format := GetCurFormat;
- if Format=0 then
- break;
- Inc(FIndex);
- Inc(i);
- end;
- if i = Celt then
- Result := S_OK
- else
- Result := S_FALSE;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { IEnumFormatEtc.Reset }
- function TRVEnumFormatEtc.Reset: HResult;
- begin
- FIndex := 0;
- Result := S_OK;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { IEnumFormatEtc.Clone }
- function TRVEnumFormatEtc.Clone(out Enum: IEnumFormatEtc): HResult;
- begin
- Enum := TRVEnumFormatEtc.Create(FGraphic, FIndex);
- Result := S_OK;
- end;
- {============================== TRVDropSource =================================}
- destructor TRVDropSource.Destroy;
- begin
- TRichViewRVData(TCustomRichView(FOwner).RVData).FDropSource := nil;
- if FUseMedium then
- ReleaseStgMedium(FMedium);
- inherited;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVDropSource.IsAvailableFormat(Format: Word): Boolean;
- var Graphic: TGraphic;
- begin
- Result :=
- (Format=CF_TEXT)
- or (Format=CF_UNICODETEXT)
- {$ENDIF}
- or (Format=CFRV_RVF)
- {$ENDIF}
- or (Format=CFRV_RTF)
- {$ENDIF};
- if not Result then begin
- Graphic := TCustomRichView(FOwner).GetSelectedImage;
- if Graphic is TBitmap then
- Result := Format=CF_BITMAP
- else if Graphic is TMetafile then
- Result := Format=CF_ENHMETAFILE
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVDropSource.GetAsStream(Format: Word): TMemoryStream;
- var Size: Integer;
- begin
- Result := TMemoryStream.Create;
- case Format of
- begin
- TCustomRichView(FOwner).SaveTextToStream('', Result, 80, True, True);
- Size := 0;
- Result.WriteBuffer(Size, 1);
- end;
- begin
- TCustomRichView(FOwner).SaveTextToStreamW('', Result, 80, True, True);
- Size := 0;
- Result.WriteBuffer(Size, 2);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- else
- begin
- if Format=CFRV_RVF then begin
- Size := 0;
- Result.WriteBuffer(Size, sizeof(Size));
- TCustomRichView(FOwner).SaveRVFToStream(Result, True);
- Size := Result.Size-sizeof(Size);
- Result.Position := 0;
- Result.WriteBuffer(Size, sizeof(Size));
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- if Format=CFRV_RTF then
- TCustomRichView(FOwner).SaveRTFToStream(Result, True)
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- Result.Free;
- Result := nil;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if Result<>nil then
- Result.Position := 0;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVDropSource.GetAsHandle(Format: Word; var Handle: HGlobal): HResult;
- var Stream: TMemoryStream;
- ptr: Pointer;
- begin
- Handle := 0;
- Stream := GetAsStream(Format);
- if Stream=nil then begin
- Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
- exit;
- end;
- Handle := GlobalAlloc(GMEM_SHARE or GMEM_ZEROINIT, Stream.Size);
- if Handle=0 then begin
- Result := E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- Stream.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- ptr := GlobalLock(Handle);
- Stream.ReadBuffer(ptr^, Stream.Size);
- GlobalUnlock(Handle);
- Stream.Free;
- Result := S_OK;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVDropSource.SaveToHandle(Format: Word; Handle: HGlobal): HResult;
- var Stream: TMemoryStream;
- ptr: Pointer;
- begin
- Stream := GetAsStream(Format);
- if Stream=nil then begin
- Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
- exit;
- end;
- if GlobalSize(Handle)<DWORD(Stream.Size) then begin
- Stream.Free;
- exit;
- end;
- ptr := GlobalLock(Handle);
- Stream.ReadBuffer(ptr^, Stream.Size);
- GlobalUnlock(Handle);
- Stream.Free;
- Result := S_OK;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {
- function TRVDropSource.SaveToStream(Format: Word; const Stream: IStream): HResult;
- var LStream: TMemoryStream;
- cb: LongInt;
- begin
- LStream := GetAsStream(Format);
- if LStream=nil then begin
- Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := Stream.Write(LStream.Memory, LStream.Size, @cb);
- LStream.Free;
- end;
- }
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { IDropSource.GiveFeedback }
- function TRVDropSource.GiveFeedback(Effect: Integer): HResult;
- begin
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { IDropSource.QueryContinueDrag }
- function TRVDropSource.QueryContinueDrag(FEscapePressed: Bool;
- KeyState: Integer): HResult;
- begin
- if (MK_LBUTTON and KeyState)<>0 then
- TCustomRichView(FOwner).RVData.State :=
- TCustomRichView(FOwner).RVData.State-[rvstDragDropCursorNotMoved];
- if FEscapePressed then
- else if (MK_LBUTTON and KeyState)=0 then
- else
- Result := S_OK;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { IDataObject.EnumFormatEtc }
- function TRVDropSource.EnumFormatEtc(Direction: Integer;
- out EnumFormatEtc: IEnumFormatEtc): HResult;
- begin
- case Direction of
- begin
- EnumFormatEtc := TRVEnumFormatEtc.Create(
- TCustomRichView(FOwner).GetSelectedImage, 0) as IEnumFormatEtc;
- Result := S_OK;
- end;
- Result := E_NOTIMPL;
- else
- Result := E_INVALIDARG;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Stores data as Format in FMedium. This medium will be used in the next call
- of GetData. This method is used when dropping data to itself. }
- function TRVDropSource.StoreData(Format: Word): Boolean;
- var FmtEtc: TFormatEtc;
- begin
- FillChar(FmtEtc, sizeof(FmtEtc), 0);
- FmtEtc.cfFormat := Format;
- FmtEtc.dwAspect := DVASPECT_CONTENT;
- FmtEtc.lindex := -1;
- FmtEtc.tymed := GetTymed(Format);
- FUseMedium := GetData(FmtEtc, FMedium)=S_OK;
- Result := FUseMedium;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { IDataObject.GetData }
- function TRVDropSource.GetData(const FormatEtcIn: TFormatEtc;
- out Medium: TStgMedium): HResult;
- var {StreamAdapter : TStreamAdapter;
- Stream : TStream;}
- Format: Word;
- Palette: HPalette;
- Handle: THandle;
- begin
- Medium.tymed := 0;
- Medium.UnkForRelease := nil;
- Medium.hGlobal := 0;
- Medium.hBitmap := 0;
- Medium.hMetaFilePict := 0;
- Medium.hEnhMetaFile := 0;
- Medium.stm := nil;
- if FUseMedium then begin
- Medium := FMedium;
- FUseMedium := False;
- Result := S_OK;
- exit;
- end;
- if IsAvailableFormat(FormatEtcIn.cfFormat) then
- if FormatEtcIn.dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT then
- if (FormatEtcIn.tymed and GetTymeds(FormatEtcIn.cfFormat))<>0 then begin
- if (FormatEtcIn.cfFormat=CF_TEXT)
- or (FormatEtcIn.cfFormat=CF_UNICODETEXT)
- {$ENDIF}
- or (FormatEtcIn.cfFormat=CFRV_RVF)
- {$ENDIF}
- or (FormatEtcIn.cfFormat=CFRV_RTF)
- {$ENDIF} then begin
- if ((FormatEtcIn.tymed and TYMED_HGLOBAL)=TYMED_HGLOBAL) then begin
- Result := GetAsHandle(FormatEtcIn.cfFormat, Medium.HGlobal);
- Medium.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL;
- end
- {else if (FormatEtcIn.tymed and TYMED_ISTREAM)=TYMED_ISTREAM then begin
- Stream := GetAsStream(FormatEtcIn.cfFormat);
- StreamAdapter := TStreamAdapter.Create(Stream, soOwned);
- Medium.stm := Pointer(StreamAdapter as IStream);
- Medium.tymed := TYMED_ISTREAM;
- Medium.unkForRelease := Pointer(StreamAdapter as IUnknown);
- Result := S_OK;
- end}
- else
- Result := DV_E_TYMED;
- end
- else begin
- case FormatEtcIn.cfFormat of
- begin
- if TRichView(FOwner).GetSelectedImage is TBitmap then begin
- Format := 0;
- Handle := 0;
- TRichView(FOwner).GetSelectedImage.SaveToClipboardFormat(
- Format, Handle, Palette);
- if Format=CF_BITMAP then begin
- Medium.hBitmap := Handle;
- if (Palette <> 0) and (Palette <> SystemPalette16) then
- DeleteObject(Palette);
- Medium.tymed := TYMED_GDI;
- Result := S_OK;
- end
- else
- Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
- end
- else
- Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
- end;
- begin
- if TRichView(FOwner).GetSelectedImage is TMetafile then begin
- Format := 0;
- Handle := 0;
- TRichView(FOwner).GetSelectedImage.SaveToClipboardFormat(
- Format, Handle, Palette);
- if Format=CF_ENHMETAFILE then begin
- Medium.hEnhMetaFile := Handle;
- Medium.tymed := TYMED_ENHMF;
- Result := S_OK;
- end
- else
- Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
- end
- else
- Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
- end;
- else
- Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
- end;
- end
- end
- else
- Result := DV_E_TYMED
- else
- Result := DV_E_DVASPECT
- else
- Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { IDataObject.GetDataHere }
- function TRVDropSource.GetDataHere(const FormatEtcIn: TFormatEtc;
- out Medium: TStgMedium): HResult;
- begin
- if IsAvailableFormat(FormatEtcIn.cfFormat) then
- if FormatEtcIn.dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT then
- if (FormatEtcIn.tymed and GetTymeds(FormatEtcIn.cfFormat))<>0 then begin
- if (FormatEtcIn.cfFormat=CF_TEXT)
- or (FormatEtcIn.cfFormat=CFRV_RVF)
- {$ENDIF}
- or (FormatEtcIn.cfFormat=CFRV_RTF)
- {$ENDIF} then begin
- if (FormatEtcIn.tymed and TYMED_HGLOBAL)=TYMED_HGLOBAL then
- Result := SaveToHandle(FormatEtcIn.cfFormat, Medium.HGlobal)
- {else if (FormatEtcIn.tymed and TYMED_ISTREAM)=TYMED_ISTREAM then
- Result := SaveToStream(FormatEtcIn.cfFormat, IStream(Medium.stm))}
- else
- Result := DV_E_TYMED;
- end
- else begin
- Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
- end
- end
- else
- Result := DV_E_TYMED
- else
- Result := DV_E_DVASPECT
- else
- Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { IDataObject.QueryGetData }
- function TRVDropSource.QueryGetData(const FormatEtc: TFormatEtc): HResult;
- begin
- if FUseMedium then begin
- Result := S_OK;
- exit;
- end;
- if IsAvailableFormat(FormatEtc.cfFormat) then
- if FormatEtc.dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT then
- if (FormatEtc.tymed and GetTymeds(FormatEtc.cfFormat))<>0 then
- Result := S_OK
- else
- Result := DV_E_TYMED
- else
- Result := DV_E_DVASPECT
- else
- Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { IDataObject.GetCanonicalFormatEtc }
- function TRVDropSource.GetCanonicalFormatEtc(const FormatEtc: TFormatEtc;
- out FormatEtcOut: TFormatEtc): HResult;
- begin
- FormatEtcOut.ptd := nil;
- Result := E_NOTIMPL;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { IDataObject.SetData }
- function TRVDropSource.SetData(const FormatEtc: TFormatEtc;
- var Medium: TStgMedium; FRelease: Bool): HResult;
- begin
- Result := E_NOTIMPL;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { IDataObject.dAdvise }
- function TRVDropSource.DAdvise(const FormatEtc: TFormatEtc; advf: Integer;
- const advsink: IAdviseSink; out Connection: Integer): HResult;
- begin
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { IDataObject.dUnadvise }
- function TRVDropSource.DUnadvise(Connection: Integer): HResult;
- begin
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { IDataObject.EnumdAdvise }
- function TRVDropSource.EnumDAdvise(out EnumAdvise: IEnumStatData): HResult;
- begin
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end.