- if (Copy(UpperCase(s),1, Length(Code1))<>Code1) and
- (Copy(UpperCase(s),1, Length(Code2))<>Code2) then
- exit;
- s := GetFieldCommandValue(s);
- if s='' then
- exit;
- while true do begin
- p := pos('\', s);
- if p=0 then break;
- Delete(s,p, 1);
- end;
- if (BasePath<>'') and (BasePath[Length(BasePath)] in ['', '/']) and
- (s<>'') and (s[1] in ['', '/']) then
- s := Copy(s, 2, Length(s)-1);
- try
- if Pos(':', s)=0 then
- s := BasePath+s;
- //RV_ReplaceStr(s, '/', '');
- gr := LoadGraphic(s, Invalid);
- if (gr=nil) or Invalid then begin
- s2 := RV_DecodeURL(s);
- //RV_ReplaceStr(s2, '', '/');
- if s2<>s then begin
- s := s2;
- gr2 := LoadGraphic(s, Invalid);
- if gr2<>nil then begin
- gr.Free;
- gr := gr2;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if gr<>nil then begin
- if Invalid then
- FRTFState.FInvalidFieldPicture := gr
- else begin
- FRTFState.ParaProps.Finalize;
- RV_AfterImportGraphic(gr);
- FOnNewPicture(Self, nil, gr, Position, s, Inserted);
- Position := rtf_ts_ContinuePara;
- FRTFState.FFieldPictureIncluded := True;
- end;
- end;
- except
- ;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReader.InsertSymbol: TRVRTFErrorCode;
- const Code = 'SYMBOL';
- var s: String;
- p: Integer;
- ch: Char;
- FontName: String;
- OldFontSize, FontSize: Integer;
- begin
- Result := rtf_ec_OK;
- OldFontSize := RTFState.CharProps.FSize;
- s := Trim(FRTFState.FFieldCode);
- if Copy(UpperCase(s),1, Length(Code))<>Code then
- exit;
- s := Copy(s,Length(Code)+2,Length(s)+1);
- p := Pos(' ', s);
- if p=0 then
- exit;
- ch := Chr(StrToInt(Copy(s, 1, p-1)));
- p := Pos('f', s);
- if p=0 then
- exit;
- FontName := Copy(s, p+3, Length(s));
- if s='' then
- exit;
- if FontName[1]<>'"' then
- exit;
- FontName := Copy(FontName, 2,Length(FontName));
- p := Pos('"', FontName);
- if p=0 then
- exit;
- FontName := Copy(FontName, 1, p-1);
- p := Pos('s', s);
- if p=0 then
- exit;
- s := Copy(s, p+3, Length(s));
- p := Pos(' ',s);
- if p>0 then
- s := Copy(s, 1, p-1);
- FontSize := StrToInt(s);
- RTFState.CharProps.FFontName := FontName;
- RTFState.CharProps.FSize := FontSize;
- OutputChar(ch, False, False);
- OutputChar(#0, False, False);
- RTFState.CharProps.FSize := OldFontSize;
- RTFState.CharProps.FFontName := '';
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- type
- PBitmap = ^TBitmap;
- function RVEnhMetaFileProc(DC: THandle; PHTable: PHandleTable;
- PEMFR: PENHMetaRecord; Obj: Integer; Data: Pointer): Integer; export; stdcall;
- var PEMRSDIB: PEMRStretchDIBits;
- bi: PBitmapInfo;
- begin
- case PEMFR.iType of
- 1, 9..11, 14, 17, 21, 24, 25, 33, 34, 37, 48, 70, 75:
- Result := 1;
- begin
- if Assigned(PBitmap(Data)^) then begin
- (PBitmap(Data)^).Free;
- PBitmap(Data)^ := nil;
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- PBitmap(Data)^ := TBitmap.Create;
- bi := PBitmapInfo(PChar(PEMRSDIBTD)+PEMRSDIBTD.offBmiSrc);
- PBitmap(Data)^.Handle := CreateDIBitmap(DC, bi.bmiHeader,
- bi^, PEMRSDIBTD.iUsageSrc);
- Result := 1;
- end;
- begin
- if Assigned(PBitmap(Data)^) then begin
- (PBitmap(Data)^).Free;
- PBitmap(Data)^ := nil;
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- PBitmap(Data)^ := TBitmap.Create;
- bi := PBitmapInfo(PChar(PEMRSDIB)+PEMRSDIB.offBmiSrc);
- PBitmap(Data)^.Handle := CreateDIBitmap(DC, bi.bmiHeader,
- bi^, PEMRSDIB.iUsageSrc);
- Result := 1;
- end;
- else begin
- (PBitmap(Data)^).Free;
- PBitmap(Data)^ := nil;
- Result := 0;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function ConvertMetafileToBitmap(wmf: TMetafile): TBitmap;
- var bmp: TBitmap;
- DC: THandle;
- begin
- bmp := nil;
- DC := GetDC(0);
- try
- EnumEnhMetaFile(DC, wmf.Handle, @RVEnhMetaFileProc, @bmp,
- Bounds(0, 0, wmf.Width, wmf.Height));
- finally
- ReleaseDC(0, DC);
- end;
- Result := bmp;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- // The destination specified by rds is coming to a close.
- // If there's any cleanup that needs to be done, do it now.
- function TRVRTFReader.EndGroupAction(rds: TRTFrds): TRVRTFErrorCode;
- {.........................................}
- procedure FinalizeDIB;
- var header: TBitmapFileHeader;
- begin
- header.bfType := 19778; // 'BM'
- header.bfSize := FPicture.FData.Size;
- header.bfReserved1 := 0;
- header.bfReserved2 := 0;
- header.bfOffBits := 0; // ignored by TBitmap.LoadFromStream
- FPicture.FData.Position := 0;
- FPicture.FData.WriteBuffer(header, sizeof(Header));
- end;
- {.........................................}
- function CreateGraphic: TGraphic;
- begin
- case FPicture.FType of
- rtf_pict_EMF:
- begin
- Result := TMetafile.Create;
- TMetafile(Result).Enhanced := True;
- end;
- rtf_pict_WMF:
- begin
- Result := TMetafile.Create;
- TMetafile(Result).Enhanced := False;
- end;
- rtf_pict_DIB:
- begin
- FinalizeDIB;
- Result := TBitmap.Create;
- end;
- rtf_pict_DDB:
- begin
- Result := TBitmap.Create;
- end;
- rtf_pict_PNG:
- begin
- if RVPngGraphiClass<>nil then
- Result := RV_CreateGraphics(RVPngGraphiClass)
- else
- Result := nil;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- rtf_pict_JPEG:
- Result := TJpegImage.Create;
- {$ENDIF}
- else
- Result := nil;
- end;
- end;
- {.........................................}
- procedure LoadGraphic(var gr: TGraphic);
- var HM: HMetafile;
- MFP: TMetaFilePict;
- wmf: TMetafile;
- //HM2: HMetafile;
- //gr2: TMetafile;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- case FPicture.FType of
- rtf_pict_WMF:
- begin
- with MFP do begin
- mm := FPicture.FMetafileMapMode;
- xExt := FPicture.FPicW;
- yExt := FPicture.FPicH;
- hMF := 0;
- end;
- if (FPicture.FPicW>0) and (FPicture.FPicH>0) and
- ((FPicture.FMetafileMapMode=MM_ISOTROPIC) or (FPicture.FMetafileMapMode=MM_ANISOTROPIC))then begin
- FPicture.SuggestedWidth := Round(FPicture.FPicW/2540*PixelsPerInch);
- FPicture.SuggestedHeight := Round(FPicture.FPicH/2540*PixelsPerInch);
- end;
- HM := SetWinMetaFileBits(FPicture.FData.Size, FPicture.FData.Memory, 0, MFP);
- if (HM=0) then
- Exception.Create('Invalid metafile');
- TMetafile(gr).Handle := HM;
- // black magic starts...
- {
- with MFP do begin
- mm := FPicture.FMetafileMapMode;
- xExt := 0;
- yExt := 0;
- hMF := 0;
- end;
- HM2 := SetWinMetaFileBits(FPicture.FData.Size, FPicture.FData.Memory, 0, MFP);
- gr2 := TMetafile.Create;
- gr2.Handle := HM2;
- if (gr.Width<>gr2.Width) or
- (gr.Height<>gr2.Height) then
- TMetafile(gr).Inch := PixelsPerInch*100;
- gr2.Free;
- }
- // black magic ends...
- {$ENDIF}
- TMetafile(gr).Enhanced := True;
- if FExtractMetafileBitmaps then begin
- wmf := TMetafile(gr);
- gr := ConvertMetafileToBitmap(wmf);
- if gr=nil then
- gr := wmf
- else
- wmf.Free;
- end;
- end;
- rtf_pict_DDB:
- begin
- TBitmap(gr).Handle := CreateBitmap(FPicture.FPicW, FPicture.FPicH,
- FPicture.FWBMPlanes, FPicture.FWBMBitsPixel, FPicture.FData.Memory);
- end;
- else
- begin
- FPicture.FData.Position := 0;
- gr.LoadFromStream(FPicture.FData);
- end;
- end;
- if (FPicture.FPicWGoalTw<>0) and (FPicture.FPicHGoalTw<>0) then begin
- FPicture.SuggestedWidth := Round(FPicture.FPicWGoalTw * PixelsPerInch / (72*20));
- FPicture.SuggestedHeight := Round(FPicture.FPicHGoalTw * PixelsPerInch / (72*20));
- end;
- end;
- {.........................................}
- var gr: TGraphic;
- s: String;
- ws: WideString;
- {$ELSE}
- ws: String;
- {$ENDIF}
- Inserted: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := rtf_ec_OK;
- case rds of
- rdsFontTable:
- FFontTable.RemoveChasetFromNames;
- rdsFldInst:
- begin
- InsertExternalPicture;
- InsertSymbol;
- end;
- rdsField:
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnNewPicture) and (RTFState.FInvalidFieldPicture<>nil) then begin
- FRTFState.ParaProps.Finalize;
- RV_AfterImportGraphic(RTFState.FInvalidFieldPicture);
- FOnNewPicture(Self, nil, RTFState.FInvalidFieldPicture, Position, '', Inserted);
- if Inserted then
- RTFState.FInvalidFieldPicture := nil;
- Position := rtf_ts_ContinuePara;
- end;
- FRTFState.FFieldCode := '';
- FRTFState.FFieldPictureIncluded := False;
- FRTFState.FInvalidFieldPicture.Free;
- FRTFState.FInvalidFieldPicture := nil;
- end;
- rdsObjData:
- begin
- Result := OutputChar(#0,False,True);
- if Result<>rtf_ec_OK then
- exit;
- Result := DoNewObject;
- end;
- rdsObject:
- begin
- FObject.Free;
- FObject := nil;
- end;
- rdsPict:
- begin
- Result := OutputChar(#0,False,True);
- if Result<>rtf_ec_OK then
- exit;
- if not FRTFState.FFieldPictureIncluded then begin
- if (FPicture=nil) then begin
- if Assigned(FOnNewPicture) then
- Result := rtf_ec_InvalidPicture;
- exit;
- end;
- gr := CreateGraphic;
- if gr<>nil then begin
- try
- LoadGraphic(gr);
- except
- gr.Free;
- gr := nil;
- Result := rtf_ec_InvalidPicture;
- end;
- end;
- if gr<>nil then
- RV_AfterImportGraphic(gr);
- Inserted := False;
- if Result = rtf_ec_OK then
- Result := DoNewPicture(gr, Inserted);
- if (Result=rtf_ec_OK) and not Inserted and Assigned(FOnNewPicture) and
- (RTFState.FInvalidFieldPicture<>nil) then begin
- FRTFState.ParaProps.Finalize;
- RV_AfterImportGraphic(RTFState.FInvalidFieldPicture);
- FOnNewPicture(Self, nil, RTFState.FInvalidFieldPicture, Position, '', Inserted);
- if Inserted then
- RTFState.FInvalidFieldPicture := nil;
- Position := rtf_ts_ContinuePara;
- end;
- end;
- FPicture.Free;
- FPicture := nil;
- RTFState.FInvalidFieldPicture.Free;
- RTFState.FInvalidFieldPicture := nil;
- end;
- rdsListLevelText:
- begin
- s := FListTable.GetLastList.GetLastLevel.Text;
- if (Length(s)>0) then begin
- s := Copy(s,1, ord(s[1])+1);
- FListTable.GetLastList.GetLastLevel.FText := s;
- end;
- ws := FListTable.GetLastList.GetLastLevel.TextW;
- if (Length(ws)>0) then begin
- ws := Copy(ws,1, Word(ws[1])+1);
- FListTable.GetLastList.GetLastLevel.FTextW := ws;
- //FListTable.GetLastList.GetLastLevel.FText := UnicodeToAnsi(ws);
- end;
- end;
- rdsListLevelNumbers:
- begin
- s := FListTable.GetLastList.GetLastLevel.Numbers;
- if (Length(s)>0) then begin
- s := Copy(s,1, ord(s[1])+1);
- FListTable.GetLastList.GetLastLevel.FNumbers := s;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReader.DoNewPicture(gr: TGraphic; var Inserted: Boolean): TRVRTFErrorCode;
- begin
- Inserted := False;
- try
- if Assigned(FOnNewPicture) then begin
- FRTFState.ParaProps.Finalize;
- FPicture.FData.Position := 0;
- FOnNewPicture(Self, FPicture, gr, Position, '', Inserted);
- if FPicture.ShpPict then
- ShpPictInserted := Inserted;
- if Inserted then
- Position := rtf_ts_ContinuePara;
- end;
- Result := rtf_ec_OK;
- except
- Result := rtf_ec_Aborted;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReader.DoNewObject: TRVRTFErrorCode;
- begin
- try
- if Assigned(FOnNewObject) then begin
- FRTFState.ParaProps.Finalize;
- FObject.FData.Position := 0;
- FOnNewObject(Self, FObject, Position, ObjectInserted);
- Position := rtf_ts_ContinuePara;
- end;
- Result := rtf_ec_OK;
- except
- Result := rtf_ec_Aborted;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReader.DoTable(WhatHappens: TRVRTFTableEventKind);
- begin
- UpdateMarker;
- if WhatHappens=rvf_tbl_TableStart then
- FTableAlignmentDefined := False;
- if Assigned(FOnTable) then
- FOnTable(Self, WhatHappens);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReader.CheckTable(AllowEnd: Boolean);
- var i, lev,newlev: Integer;
- begin
- if FRTFState.ParaProps.NoTableEv then
- AllowEnd := False;
- newlev := CurrentNestingLevel;
- if FRTFState.ParaProps.InTable then
- lev := FRTFState.ParaProps.NestingLevel
- else
- lev := 0;
- if CurrentNestingLevel<lev then begin
- for i := CurrentNestingLevel to lev-1 do
- DoTable(rvf_tbl_TableStart);
- newlev := lev;
- end;
- if AllowEnd and (CurrentNestingLevel>lev) then begin
- for i := CurrentNestingLevel downto lev+1 do
- DoTable(rvf_tbl_TableEnd);
- newlev := lev;
- end;
- CurrentNestingLevel := newlev;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- // Evaluate an RTF control that needs special processing.
- function TRVRTFReader.ParseSpecialKeyword(ipfn:TRTFIPFN): TRVRTFErrorCode;
- begin
- Result := rtf_ec_OK;
- if (FRTFState.rds = rdsSkip) and (ipfn <> ipfnBin) then // if we're skipping, and it's not
- exit; // the bin keyword, ignore it.
- case ipfn of
- ipfnBin:
- begin
- FRTFState.ris := risBin;
- cbBin := lParam;
- end;
- ipfnSkipDest:
- {if rds<>rdsStyleSheet then } fSkipDestIfUnk := True;
- ipfnHex:
- FRTFState.ris := risHex;
- else
- Result := rtf_ec_BadTable;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReader.ParseWordDocFile(const AFileName: String): TRVRTFErrorCode;
- var
- InitResult: TRVDOCErrorCode;
- Res : TRVRTFErrorCode;
- OutStruct : TOutPutStruct;
- ListDescStruc : TListDescStruc;
- ParseRes : Char;
- iTab : Integer;
- bFirstRunPass : Boolean;
- i : Integer;
- a : TRVRTFList97;
- b : TRVRTFListLevel97;
- pic : TPictStruc;
- gr: TGraphic;
- begin
- Clear;
- FFontTable.Add(0);
- FFontTable.Items[0].Name := 'Arial';
- RTFState.CharProps.FSize := 24;
- GetPicture(pic);
- FPicture := TRVRTFPicture.Create;
- FPicture.FPicWGoalTw := pic.dxaGoal;
- FPicture.FPicHGoalTw := pic.dyaGoal;
- FPicture.FPicScaleX := pic.mx;
- FPicture.FPicScaleY := pic.my;
- //FPicture.FMetafileMapMode := 8;
- FPicture.FPicW := 447;
- FPicture.FPicH := 419;
- FPicture.FType := TRVRTFPictureType(pic.picType);
- FPicture.FData.Position := 0;
- FPicture.FData.WriteBuffer(pic.pPicBytes^, pic.picSize);
- Res := EndGroupAction(rdsPict);
- OnNewText(Self, 'Hello', rtf_ts_NewPara);
- Result := rtf_ec_OK;
- {$ELSE}
- {$R-}
- Clear;
- bFirstRunPass := false; // in the case table is in the beginning of the document
- iTab := sizeof(TFontProps);
- iTab := sizeof(OutStruct.ParaProps);
- FFontTable.Add(0);
- InitResult := InitializeWordDocument(AFileName, OutStruct);
- if InitResult = doc_ec_OK then
- begin
- FListTable.AddNew;
- //FListOverrideTable.AddNew;
- //i := 0;
- while GetNextListDesc(ListDescStruc) do begin
- FListTable.GetLastList.AddNew;
- with FListTable.GetLastList.GetLastLevel do begin
- FStart := ListDescStruc.FStart;
- FListType := RVRTF.TRVRTFParaListType(ListDescStruc.FListType And 7);
- FAlignment := RVRTF.TRVRTFAlignment(ListDescStruc.FListType shr 3);
- FColor := ListDescStruc.FColor;
- FFontIndex := 0;//ListDescStruc.FFontIndex;
- if ListDescStruc.FFontSize <> 0 then
- begin
- FFontSize := ListDescStruc.FFontSize;
- FFontSizeDefined := True;
- end;
- FFontStyle := ListDescStruc.FFontStyle;
- FLeftIndentTw := ListDescStruc.FLeftIndentTw;
- FFirstIndentTw := ListDescStruc.FFirstIndentTw;
- FTabPosTw := ListDescStruc.FTabPosTw;
- FTextW := ListDescStruc.FTextW;
- end;
- FListOverrideTable.AddNew;
- with FListOverrideTable.GetLastListOverride do begin
- FListIndex := 0;
- AddNew;
- GetLastLevel.FUseStart := False;
- GetLastLevel.FStart := 1;
- end;
- //Inc(i);
- end;
- while true do begin
- //OutStruct.Text;
- ParseRes := ParseWordDocument(OutStruct);
- if (ParseRes = #255) then break;
- //i := Integer(OutStruct.TableFlags);
- // in the case the first character on the beginning of the row is the carry return
- // the following to ifs should correct the situation, otherwise the carry is just disappear
- if ((not bFirstRunPass) and (OutStruct.TableFlags=1) and (OutStruct.Text[0]='')) or ((OutStruct.TableFlags=1) and (OutStruct.Text[0]='') and (ParseRes=#10)) then
- begin
- OnTable(Self, rvf_tbl_TableStart);
- OutStruct.TableFlags := 0;
- end;
- if (OutStruct.TableFlags=3) and (OutStruct.Text[0]='') and (ParseRes=#10) then
- begin
- TGetRowProperties;
- CheckTable(True);
- Position := rtf_ts_NewPara;
- OnTable(Self, rvf_tbl_RowEnd);
- OutStruct.TableFlags := 0;
- end;
- bFirstRunPass := true;
- FFontTable.Items[0].Name := OutStruct.FontProps.FontName;
- RTFState.CharProps.FSize := OutStruct.FontProps.FontSize;
- RTFState.CharProps.FStyle := []; // clear all styles
- RTFState.CharProps.FStyle := OutStruct.FontProps.FontStyle;
- RTFState.CharProps.FColor := OutStruct.FontProps.FontColor;
- RTFState.CharProps.FCharSpacingTw := OutStruct.FontProps.FCharSpacingTw;
- RTFState.CharProps.FCharScaleX := OutStruct.FontProps.FCharScaleX;
- RTFState.CharProps.FBackColor := OutStruct.FontProps.FBackColor;
- RTFState.CharProps.FSScriptType:= TRVRTFSScriptType(OutStruct.FontProps.FSScriptType);
- if OutStruct.ParaProps.bIsInList = 1 then
- begin
- RTFState.FParaProps.FListOverrideIndex := OutStruct.ParaProps.FListIndex;
- b := FListTable[0].Items[OutStruct.ParaProps.FListIndex];//Reader.ListTable[i].Items[j]
- //b := a.Items[OutStruct.ParaProps.FListIndex];
- b.FFontSizeDefined := True;
- b.FFontSize := 72;
- end;
- RTFState.FParaProps.FAlignment := RVRTF.TRVRTFAlignment(OutStruct.ParaProps.ParaAlignment);
- RTFState.FParaProps.FFirstIndentTw := OutStruct.ParaProps.FFirstIndentTw;
- RTFState.FParaProps.FLeftIndentTw := OutStruct.ParaProps.FLeftIndentTw;
- RTFState.FParaProps.FRightIndentTw := OutStruct.ParaProps.FRightIndentTw;
- RTFState.FParaProps.FSpaceBeforeTw := OutStruct.ParaProps.FSpaceBeforeTw;
- RTFState.FParaProps.FSpaceAfterTw := OutStruct.ParaProps.FSpaceAfterTw;
- RTFState.FParaProps.FLineSpacing := OutStruct.ParaProps.FLineSpacing;
- RTFState.FParaProps.FColor := OutStruct.ParaProps.FColor;
- RTFState.FParaProps.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Left].FBorderType := TRVRTFBorderType(OutStruct.ParaProps.FBorders.BrLeft.FBorderType);
- RTFState.FParaProps.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Left].FWidthTw := OutStruct.ParaProps.FBorders.BrLeft.FWidthTw;
- RTFState.FParaProps.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Left].FColor := OutStruct.ParaProps.FBorders.BrLeft.FColor;
- RTFState.FParaProps.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Left].FSpaceTw := OutStruct.ParaProps.FBorders.BrLeft.FSpaceTw;
- RTFState.FParaProps.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Right].FBorderType:= TRVRTFBorderType(OutStruct.ParaProps.FBorders.BrRight.FBorderType);
- RTFState.FParaProps.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Right].FWidthTw := OutStruct.ParaProps.FBorders.BrRight.FWidthTw;
- RTFState.FParaProps.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Right].FColor := OutStruct.ParaProps.FBorders.BrRight.FColor;
- RTFState.FParaProps.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Right].FSpaceTw := OutStruct.ParaProps.FBorders.BrRight.FSpaceTw;
- RTFState.FParaProps.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Top].FBorderType := TRVRTFBorderType(OutStruct.ParaProps.FBorders.BrTop.FBorderType);
- RTFState.FParaProps.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Top].FWidthTw := OutStruct.ParaProps.FBorders.BrTop.FWidthTw;
- RTFState.FParaProps.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Top].FColor := OutStruct.ParaProps.FBorders.BrTop.FColor;
- RTFState.FParaProps.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Top].FSpaceTw := OutStruct.ParaProps.FBorders.BrTop.FSpaceTw;
- RTFState.FParaProps.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Bottom].FBorderType:= TRVRTFBorderType(OutStruct.ParaProps.FBorders.BrBottom.FBorderType);
- RTFState.FParaProps.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Bottom].FWidthTw := OutStruct.ParaProps.FBorders.BrBottom.FWidthTw;
- RTFState.FParaProps.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Bottom].FColor := OutStruct.ParaProps.FBorders.BrBottom.FColor;
- RTFState.FParaProps.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Bottom].FSpaceTw := OutStruct.ParaProps.FBorders.BrBottom.FSpaceTw;
- // add some tabs if any
- if (iTab = 0) and (OutStruct.ParaProps.FTabsCount>0) then begin
- // make sure we have an empty tabs for this paragraph
- if RTFState.FParaProps.FTabs <> nil then begin
- RTFState.FParaProps.FTabs.Free;
- RTFState.FParaProps.FTabs := nil;
- end;
- RTFState.FParaProps.FTabs := TRVRTFTabList.Create;
- for i:=0 to OutStruct.ParaProps.FTabsCount-1 do begin
- RTFState.FParaProps.FTabs.AddNew;
- RTFState.FParaProps.FTabs.GetLastTab.FPositionTW := OutStruct.ParaProps.FTabsDescPtr[i].FPositionTW;
- RTFState.FParaProps.FTabs.GetLastTab.FAlign := TRVRTFTabAlign(OutStruct.ParaProps.FTabsDescPtr[i].FAlign);
- end;
- RTFState.FParaProps.FTabs.AddNew;
- end;
- if (iTab >= OutStruct.ParaProps.FTabsCount) and (ParseRes=#09) then begin
- if RTFState.FParaProps.FTabs = nil then
- RTFState.FParaProps.FTabs := TRVRTFTabList.Create;
- RTFState.FParaProps.FTabs.AddNew;
- RTFState.FParaProps.FTabs.GetLastTab.FPositionTW := 720;
- RTFState.FParaProps.FTabs.GetLastTab.FAlign := rtf_tab_Left;
- RTFState.FParaProps.FTabs.AddNew;
- end;
- if (OutStruct.FontProps.SpChar<>'') then begin
- TextW := OutStruct.FontProps.SpChar;
- OutputChar(#0, False, True);
- end
- else begin
- TextW := OutStruct.Text;
- if (ParseRes = #12) then
- begin
- OutputChar(#10, True, True);
- FOnRequiredPageBreak(Self);
- end
- else
- OutputChar(ParseRes, False, False);
- if ParseRes=#10 then
- iTab := 0;
- if ParseRes=#9 then
- Inc(iTab);
- end;
- case TRVDOCTableEventKind(OutStruct.TableFlags) of
- doc_tbl_TableStart:
- begin
- Position := rtf_ts_NewPara;
- OnTable(Self, rvf_tbl_TableStart);
- end;
- doc_tbl_TableEnd:
- begin
- TGetRowProperties;
- Position := rtf_ts_NewPara;
- OnTable(Self, rvf_tbl_RowEnd);
- OnTable(Self, rvf_tbl_TableEnd);
- end;
- doc_tbl_RowEnd:
- begin
- TGetRowProperties;
- CheckTable(True);
- Position := rtf_ts_NewPara;
- OnTable(Self, rvf_tbl_RowEnd);
- end;
- doc_tbl_CellEnd:
- begin
- CheckTable(True);
- OutputChar(ParseRes, True, True);
- Position := rtf_ts_NewPara;
- OnTable(Self, rvf_tbl_CellEnd);
- end;
- end;
- end; // while...
- WordDocumentFree(OutStruct);
- end;
- asm
- mov al, InitResult
- neg al
- mov Result, al
- end;
- {$R+}
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- // Isolate RTF keywords and send them to ParseRtfKeyword;
- // Push and pop state at the start and end of RTF groups;
- // Send text to ParseChar for further processing.
- function TRVRTFReader.Parse: TRVRTFErrorCode;
- var
- cNibble,b,i: Integer;
- ch: Char;
- begin
- cNibble := 2;
- b := 0;
- while not IsEOF do begin
- ch := GetC;
- if (cGroup < 0) then begin
- Result := rtf_ec_StackUnderflow;
- exit;
- end;
- if (FRTFState.ris = risBin) then begin // if we're parsing binary data, handle it directly
- Result := ParseChar(ch);
- if (Result <> rtf_ec_OK) then
- exit;
- end
- else begin
- case (ch) of
- '{':
- begin
- SkipNext := 0;
- Result := PushRtfState;
- if (Result <> rtf_ec_OK) then
- exit;
- end;
- '}':
- begin
- SkipNext := 0;
- Result := PopRtfState;
- if (Result <> rtf_ec_OK) then
- exit;
- if (cGroup=0) then
- break;
- end;
- '':
- begin
- Result := ParseRtfKeyword;
- if (Result <> rtf_ec_OK) then
- exit;
- end;
- #$0d, #$0a: // cr and lf are noise characters...
- begin
- end;
- else
- begin
- if (FRTFState.ris = risNorm) then begin
- if SkipNext=0 then
- Result := ParseChar(ch)
- else begin
- dec(SkipNext);
- Result := rtf_ec_OK;
- end;
- if (Result <> rtf_ec_OK) then
- exit;
- end
- else begin // parsing hex data
- if (FRTFState.ris <> risHex) then begin
- Result := rtf_ec_Assertion;
- exit;
- end;
- b := b shl 4;
- if (ch in ['0'..'9']) then
- b := b + (ord(ch) - ord('0'))
- else begin
- if (ch in ['a'..'z']) then begin
- if not (ch in ['a'..'f']) then begin
- Result := rtf_ec_InvalidHex;
- exit;
- end;
- b := b + 10+(ord(ch) - ord('a'));
- end
- else begin
- if not (ch in ['A'..'F']) then begin
- Result := rtf_ec_InvalidHex;
- exit;
- end;
- b := b + 10+(ord(ch) - ord('A'));
- end;
- end;
- dec(cNibble);
- if (cNibble=0) then begin
- if SkipNext=0 then
- Result := ParseChar(Char(b))
- else begin
- dec(SkipNext);
- Result := rtf_ec_OK;
- end;
- if (Result <> rtf_ec_OK) then
- exit;
- cNibble := 2;
- b := 0;
- FRTFState.ris := risNorm;
- end;
- end // end else (ris != risNorm)
- end;
- end; // case
- end; // else (ris != risBin)
- end; // while
- UpdateMarker;
- for i := CurrentNestingLevel downto 1 do
- DoTable(rvf_tbl_TableEnd);
- FColorTable.Finalize;
- if (cGroup < 0) then
- Result := rtf_ec_StackUnderflow
- else if (cGroup > 0) then
- Result := rtf_ec_UnmatchedBrace
- else begin
- if Text<>'' then
- Result := OutputChar(#0,True,True)
- else
- Result := rtf_ec_OK;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- // Save relevant info on a linked list of SAVE structures.
- function TRVRTFReader.PushRtfState: TRVRTFErrorCode;
- var SaveItem: TRVRTFReaderState;
- begin
- try
- SaveItem := TRVRTFReaderState.Create;
- except
- SaveItem := nil;
- end;
- if (SaveItem=nil) then begin
- Result := rtf_ec_StackOverflow;
- exit;
- end;
- SaveItem.Assign(FRTFState);
- SaveList.Add(SaveItem);
- FRTFState.ris := risNorm;
- inc(cGroup);
- case FRTFState.rds of
- rdsStyleSheet:
- begin
- FStyleSheet.AddPara(0);
- FRTFState.rds := rdsStyleSheetEntry;
- end;
- end;
- Result := rtf_ec_OK;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- // If we're ending a destination (that is, the destination is changing),
- // call ecEndGroupAction.
- // Always restore relevant info from the top of the SAVE list.
- function TRVRTFReader.PopRtfState: TRVRTFErrorCode;
- var SaveItem: TRVRTFReaderState;
- CurRds: TRTFrds;
- b: Boolean;
- begin
- if (SaveList.Count=0) then begin
- Result := rtf_ec_StackUnderflow;
- exit;
- end;
- if (SaveList.Count=1) then begin
- UpdateMarker;
- if Assigned(OnEndParsing) then
- OnEndParsing(Self);
- end;
- SaveItem := TRVRTFReaderState(SaveList.Items[SaveList.Count-1]);
- if (FRTFState.rds=rdsStyleSheetEntry) and (SaveItem.rds=rdsStyleSheet) then
- FStyleSheet[FStyleSheet.Count-1].Assign(FRTFState);
- if FRTFState.rds=rdsNorm then begin
- Result := OutputChar(#0,False,False);
- if Result<>rtf_ec_OK then
- exit;
- end;
- CurRds := FRTFState.rds;
- if CurRds <> SaveItem.rds then begin
- Result := EndGroupAction(FRTFState.rds);
- if (Result <> rtf_ec_OK) then
- exit;
- end;
- if (FRTFState.FHFType<>SaveItem.FHFType) and
- (FRTFState.FHFType in [rtf_hf_Header,rtf_hf_Footer]) and
- Assigned(FOnHeaderFooter) then
- FOnHeaderFooter(Self, FRTFState.FHFType, False, b);
- FRTFState.Assign(SaveItem);
- if (CurRds=rdsPN) and (FRTFState.rds<>rdsPN) and (FMarkerProps<>nil) then begin
- FRTFState.ParaProps.MarkerProps.Assign(FMarkerProps, False);
- FMarkerProps.Free;
- FMarkerProps := nil;
- end;
- SaveList.Delete(SaveList.Count-1);
- dec(cGroup);
- Result := rtf_ec_OK;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- // get a control word (and its associated value) and
- // call TranslateKeyword to dispatch the control.
- function TRVRTFReader.ParseRtfKeyword: TRVRTFErrorCode;
- var ch: Char;
- fParam, fNeg: Boolean;
- Keyword, szParameter: String;
- footnotetext : String;
- footkeyword : String;
- isym : Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- fParam := False;
- fNeg := False;
- lParam := 0;
- //char *pch;
- Keyword := '';
- szParameter := '';
- if IsEOF then begin
- Result := rtf_ec_EndOfFile;
- exit;
- end;
- ch := GetC;
- if (not (ch in ['a'..'z','A'..'Z'])) then begin
- // a control symbol; no delimiter.
- Keyword := ch;
- Result := TranslateKeyword(Keyword, 0, fParam);
- exit;
- end;
- repeat
- Keyword := Keyword + ch;
- ch := GetC;
- until (not (ch in ['a'..'z','A'..'Z'])) or IsEOF ;
- if (ch = '-') then begin
- fNeg := True;
- ch := GetC;
- end;
- if (ch in ['0'..'9']) then begin
- fParam := True; // a digit after the control means we have a parameter
- repeat
- szParameter := szParameter + ch;
- ch := GetC;
- until (not (ch in ['0'..'9'])) or IsEOF ;
- lParam := StrToInt(szParameter);
- if (fNeg) then
- lParam := -lParam;
- end;
- if keyword='footnote' then begin
- repeat
- ch := GetC;
- until (ch=' ') or (ch='}');
- footnotetext := '';
- if ch <> '}' then begin
- repeat
- //need to parse any special characters out.
- if ch = '' then begin
- footKeyWord:='';
- ch :=' ';
- repeat
- footKeyword := footKeyword + ch;
- ch := GetC;
- until (not (ch in ['a'..'z','A'..'Z'])) or IsEOF ;
- isym := FindKeyword(trim(footKeyword));
- ch := chr(rgsymRtf[isym].idx);
- end;
- footnotetext := footnotetext + ch;
- ch := GetC;
- until ch = '}';
- trim(footnotetext);
- end;
- UngetC;
- FRTFState.FCharProps.FFootnote:=footnotetext;
- param:=1;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- if (ch <> ' ') then
- UngetC;
- Result := TranslateKeyword(Keyword, lParam, fParam)
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- // Route the character to the appropriate destination stream.
- function TRVRTFReader.ParseChar(ch: Char): TRVRTFErrorCode;
- {..............................................}
- function AddChar(Stream: TMemoryStream; ch: Char): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- PicHexVal := PicHexVal shl 4;
- if (ch in ['0'..'9']) then
- PicHexVal := PicHexVal + (ord(ch) - ord('0'))
- else begin
- if (ch in ['a'..'z']) then begin
- if not (ch in ['a'..'f']) then
- exit;
- PicHexVal := PicHexVal + 10+(ord(ch) - ord('a'));
- end
- else begin
- if not (ch in ['A'..'F']) then
- exit;
- PicHexVal := PicHexVal + 10+(ord(ch) - ord('A'));
- end;
- end;
- if not PicHexStrt then begin
- Stream.WriteBuffer(PicHexVal,1);
- PicHexVal := 0;
- end;
- PicHexStrt := not PicHexStrt;
- Result := True;
- end;
- {..............................................}
- begin
- Result := rtf_ec_OK;
- case (FRTFState.rds) of
- rdsSkip:
- ;
- rdsStyleSheetEntry:
- begin
- if ch<>';' then
- FStyleSheet[FStyleSheet.Count-1].FName := FStyleSheet[FStyleSheet.Count-1].Name+ch;
- end;
- rdsNorm:
- begin
- if (ch in [#$0a, #$0d]) and Assigned(FOnUpdateMarker) then
- UpdateMarker;
- Result := OutputChar(ch,True,True);
- if (ch in [#$0a, #$0d]) and Assigned(FOnUpdateMarker) then
- UpdateMarker;
- end;
- rdsFontTable:
- begin
- if ch<>';' then
- FFontTable[FFontTable.Count-1].Name := FFontTable[FFontTable.Count-1].Name+ch;
- end;
- rdsColorTable:
- begin
- if ch=';' then
- FColorTable.Add;
- end;
- rdsObjData:
- begin
- if FObject<>nil then
- if FRTFState.ris = risBin then
- FObject.FData.WriteBuffer(ch,1)
- else if not AddChar(FObject.FData, ch) then
- Result := rtf_ec_InvalidPicture;
- end;
- rdsPict:
- begin
- if FPicture<>nil then
- if FRTFState.ris = risBin then
- FPicture.FData.WriteBuffer(ch,1)
- else if not AddChar(FPicture.FData, ch) then
- Result := rtf_ec_InvalidPicture;
- end;
- rdsFldInst:
- FRTFState.FFieldCode := FRTFState.FFieldCode+ch;
- rdsPNTextAfter:
- FMarkerProps.FTextAfter := FMarkerProps.FTextAfter+ch;
- rdsPNTextBefore:
- FMarkerProps.FTextBefore := FMarkerProps.FTextBefore+ch;
- rdsListName:
- FListTable.GetLastList.FName := FListTable.GetLastList.FName+ch;
- rdsListLevelText:
- with FListTable.GetLastList.GetLastLevel do begin
- FText := FText+ch;
- if FTextW<>'' then
- FTextW := FTextW+AnsiToUnicode(ch, FCodePage);
- {$ELSE}
- FTextW := FTextW+ch;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- rdsListLevelNumbers:
- FListTable.GetLastList.GetLastLevel.FNumbers := FListTable.GetLastList.GetLastLevel.FNumbers+ch;
- end;
- if (FRTFState.ris = risBin) then begin
- dec(cbBin);
- if cbBin <= 0 then
- FRTFState.ris := risNorm;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReader.UpdateMarker;
- begin
- if not Assigned(FOnUpdateMarker) then
- exit;
- if RTFState.ParaProps.HasMarker then
- RTFState.ParaProps.MarkerProps.UpdateFrom(RTFState.CharProps);
- FOnUpdateMarker(Self);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReader.FlushOutput(var NextPosition: TRVRTFPosition): TRVRTFErrorCode;
- begin
- if Length(TextW)>0 then
- OutputWideChar(#0);
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := DoNewText(Position, NextPosition);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReader.OutputWideChar(ch: WideChar): TRVRTFErrorCode;
- begin
- Result := rtf_ec_OK;
- case RTFState.rds of
- rdsNorm:
- begin
- CheckTable(True);
- if Assigned(FOnNewUnicodeText) then begin
- if Text<>'' then
- OutputChar(#0, False, False);
- if ord(ch)>0 then begin
- TextW := TextW+WideString(ch);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- rdsListLevelText:
- begin
- if FListTable.GetLastList.GetLastLevel.TextW='' then
- FListTable.GetLastList.GetLastLevel.FTextW := AnsiToUnicode(FListTable.GetLastList.GetLastLevel.FText, FCodePage);
- FListTable.GetLastList.GetLastLevel.FTextW := FListTable.GetLastList.GetLastLevel.FTextW+WideString(ch);
- FListTable.GetLastList.GetLastLevel.FText := FListTable.GetLastList.GetLastLevel.FText+UnicodeToAnsi(ch);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReader.OutputChar(ch: Char; ACheckTableEnd, ACheckTable: Boolean): TRVRTFErrorCode;
- var NextPosition: TRVRTFPosition;
- begin
- if AcheckTable then
- CheckTable(ACheckTableEnd);
- if TabAsSeparateChar and (ch=#09) then begin
- Result := OutputChar(#0, False, False);
- if Result<>rtf_ec_OK then
- exit;
- Text := Text+ch;
- Result := OutputChar(#0, False, False);
- exit;
- end;
- if ch in [#0,#10,#13]then begin
- case ch of
- #10:
- NextPosition := rtf_ts_NewPara;
- #13:
- NextPosition := rtf_ts_NewLine;
- else
- NextPosition := rtf_ts_ContinuePara;
- end;
- Result := FlushOutput(NextPosition);
- if Result<>rtf_ec_OK then
- exit;
- if NextPosition<>rtf_ts_ContinuePara then
- Position := NextPosition
- else
- case ch of
- #10:
- Position := rtf_ts_NewPara;
- #13:
- Position := rtf_ts_NewLine;
- else
- Position := rtf_ts_ContinuePara;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- if (TextW<>'') then begin
- OutputChar(#0, False, False);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- Text := Text+ch;
- end;
- Result := rtf_ec_OK;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReader.DoNewText(Position: TRVRTFPosition;
- var NextPosition: TRVRTFPosition): TRVRTFErrorCode;
- begin
- Result := rtf_ec_OK;
- if not ForceEvenEmptyNewLine and (Text='')
- and (TextW='')
- {$ENDIF}
- then begin
- if Position=rtf_ts_ContinuePara then
- exit;
- if NextPosition=rtf_ts_ContinuePara then begin
- NextPosition := Position;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- FRTFState.ParaProps.Finalize;
- try
- if Assigned(FOnNewUnicodeText) and (TextW<>'') then
- FOnNewUnicodeText(Self,TextW,Position)
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- if Assigned(FOnNewText) then
- FOnNewText(Self, Text, Position);
- except
- Result := rtf_ec_Aborted;
- end;
- Text := '';
- TextW := '';
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReader.ReadFromFile(const AFileName: String): TRVRTFErrorCode;
- var Stream: TFileStream;
- begin
- Result := rtf_ec_FileOpenError;
- try
- Stream := TFileStream.Create(AFileName, fmOpenRead);
- except
- Stream := nil;
- end;
- if Stream<>nil then begin
- Result := ReadFromStream(Stream);
- Stream.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReader.ReadFromWordDocFile(const AFileName: String): TRVRTFErrorCode;
- begin
- Result := ParseWordDocFile(AFileName);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- const BUFFERSIZE=4096;
- function TRVRTFReader.ReadFromStream(AStream: TStream): TRVRTFErrorCode;
- begin
- Stream := AStream;
- StreamSize := Stream.Size;
- Clear;
- SetLength(InputString, BUFFERSIZE);
- InputStringIndex := BUFFERSIZE+1;
- FCallProgress := (StreamSize>BUFFERSIZE*5) and Assigned(FOnProgress);
- if FCallProgress then
- FOnProgress(Self, rvprtfprStarting, 0);
- try
- Result := Parse;
- except
- Result := rtf_ec_Exception;
- end;
- InputString := '';
- if FCallProgress then
- FOnProgress(Self, rvprtfprEnding, 0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReader.GetC: Char;
- begin
- if UseLastChar then begin
- Result := LastChar;
- UseLastChar := False;
- exit;
- end;
- if InputStringIndex>Length(InputString) then begin
- if FCallProgress then
- FOnProgress(Self, rvprtfprRunning,
- MulDiv(Stream.Position, 100, StreamSize));
- if StreamSize-Stream.Position>=BUFFERSIZE then
- Stream.ReadBuffer(PChar(InputString)^, BUFFERSIZE)
- else begin
- SetLength(InputString,StreamSize-Stream.Position);
- Stream.ReadBuffer(PChar(InputString)^, Length(InputString))
- end;
- InputStringIndex := 1;
- end;
- Result := InputString[InputStringIndex];
- LastChar := Result;
- inc(InputStringIndex);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReader.UngetC;
- begin
- UseLastChar := True;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReader.IsEOF: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := not UseLastChar and (InputStringIndex>Length(InputString)) and (Stream.Position>=StreamSize);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReader.AnsiToUnicode(const s: String; CodePage: Cardinal): WideString;
- var l: Integer;
- begin
- if Length(s)=0 then begin
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- l := MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage,MB_PRECOMPOSED or MB_USEGLYPHCHARS, PChar(s), Length(s),
- nil, 0);
- if (l=0) and (CodePage<>CP_ACP) then begin
- CodePage := CP_ACP;
- l := MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage, MB_PRECOMPOSED or MB_USEGLYPHCHARS, PChar(s), Length(s),
- nil, 0);
- end;
- if l<>0 then begin
- SetLength(Result, l);
- MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage, MB_PRECOMPOSED or MB_USEGLYPHCHARS, PChar(s), Length(s),
- Pointer(Result), l);
- end
- else begin
- SetLength(Result, Length(s));
- for l := 0 to Length(s)-1 do
- Result[l] := '?';
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReader.UnicodeToAnsi(const s: WideString): String;
- var l: Integer;
- DefChar: Char;
- Flags: Integer;
- Len: Integer;
- CodePage: Cardinal;
- begin
- if Length(s)=0 then begin
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- CodePage := FCodePage;
- DefChar := '?';
- Len := Length(s);
- l := WideCharToMultiByte(CodePage, Flags, Pointer(s), Len, nil, 0, @DefChar, nil);
- if (l=0) and (CodePage<>CP_ACP) then begin
- CodePage := CP_ACP;
- l := WideCharToMultiByte(CodePage, Flags, Pointer(s), Len, nil, 0, @DefChar, nil);
- end;
- if l<>0 then begin
- SetLength(Result, l);
- WideCharToMultiByte(CodePage, Flags, Pointer(s), Len, PChar(Result), l, @DefChar, nil);
- end
- else begin
- SetLength(Result, Len);
- FillChar(PChar(Result)^, Len, '?');
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {============================ TRVRTFColorList =================================}
- procedure TRVRTFColorList.Add;
- begin
- inherited Add(Pointer(clWindowText));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFColorList.Finalize;
- begin
- if Count>0 then
- Delete(Count-1);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFColorList.Get(Index: Integer): TColor;
- begin
- Result := TColor(inherited Get(Index));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFColorList.Put(Index: Integer; const Value: TColor);
- begin
- inherited Put(Index, Pointer(Value));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFColorList.ResetLast;
- begin
- if Items[Count-1]=clWindowText then
- Items[Count-1] := 0;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFColorList.SetLastBlue(Value: Integer);
- begin
- ResetLast;
- Items[Count-1] := Items[Count-1] or (Value shl 16);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFColorList.SetLastGreen(Value: Integer);
- begin
- ResetLast;
- Items[Count-1] := Items[Count-1] or (Value shl 8);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFColorList.SetLastRed(Value: Integer);
- begin
- ResetLast;
- Items[Count-1] := Items[Count-1] or Value;
- end;
- {============================= TRVRTFFontList =================================}
- function TRVRTFFontList.Get(Index: Integer): TRVRTFFont;
- begin
- Result := TRVRTFFont(inherited Get(Index));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFFontList.Put(Index: Integer; const Value: TRVRTFFont);
- begin
- inherited Put(Index, Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFFontList.RemoveChasetFromNames;
- var i: Integer;
- fontname,csname: String;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- csname := '';
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do begin
- case Items[i].Charset of
- csname := 'cyr';
- csname := 'ce';
- csname := 'greek';
- csname := 'tur';
- csname := 'baltic';
- else
- continue;
- end;
- fontname := Items[i].Name;
- if Length(fontname)<=Length(csname) then
- continue;
- if AnsiLowerCase(Copy(fontname, Length(fontname)-Length(csname), Length(csname)+1))=' '+csname then
- Items[i].Name := Copy(fontname, 1, Length(fontname)-Length(csname)-1);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFFontList.GetFontIndex(Number, Default: Integer): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if Items[i].Number=Number then begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- if Number<>Default then
- Result := GetFontIndex(Default, Default);
- if Result<0 then
- Result := 0;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFFontList.Add(Number: Integer);
- var Item:TRVRTFFont;
- begin
- Item := TRVRTFFont.Create;
- Item.Number := Number;
- inherited Add(Item);
- end;
- {========================= TRVRTFTextProperties ================================}
- constructor TRVRTFCharProperties.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- Reset(0,0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFCharProperties.Assign(Source: TRVRTFCharProperties);
- begin
- FSize := Source.Size;
- FColor := Source.Color;
- FBackColor := Source.BackColor;
- FFontIndex := Source.FontIndex;
- FStyle := Source.Style;
- FStyleEx := Source.StyleEx;
- FCharScaleX := Source.CharScaleX;
- FSScriptType := Source.SScriptType;
- FCharSpacingTw := Source.CharSpacingTw;
- FHidden := Source.Hidden;
- FFootNote := Source.FootNote;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFCharProperties.Reset(DefLanguage: Cardinal; DefFontIndex: Integer);
- begin
- FSize := 12;
- FColor := clWindowText;
- FBackColor := clNone;
- FFontIndex := DefFontIndex;
- FStyle := [];
- FStyleEx := [];
- FCharScaleX := 100;
- FSScriptType := rtf_ss_Normal;
- FCharSpacingTw := 0;
- FHidden := False;
- FFontName := '';
- FLanguage := DefLanguage;
- FFootNote := '';
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {========================== TRVRTFParaProperties ==============================}
- constructor TRVRTFParaProperties.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- Reset;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TRVRTFParaProperties.Destroy;
- begin
- FBorder.Free;
- FMarkerProps.Free;
- FTabs.Free;
- {$ENDIF}
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFParaProperties.Assign(Source: TRVRTFParaProperties);
- begin
- FLeftIndentTw := Source.LeftIndentTw;
- FRightIndentTw := Source.RightIndentTw;
- FFirstIndentTw := Source.FirstIndentTw;
- FSpaceBeforeTw := Source.SpaceBeforeTw;
- FSpaceAfterTw := Source.SpaceAfterTw;
- FAlignment := Source.Alignment;
- FColor := Source.Color;
- FLineSpacing := Source.LineSpacing;
- FLineSpacingMulti := Source.LineSpacingMulti;
- if Source.FBorder<>nil then
- Border.Assign(Source.FBorder)
- else begin
- FBorder.Free;
- FBorder := nil;
- end;
- if Source.FMarkerProps<>nil then
- MarkerProps.Assign(Source.FMarkerProps, False)
- else begin
- FMarkerProps.Free;
- FMarkerProps := nil;
- end;
- FCurBorderSide := Source.FCurBorderSide;
- FNestingLevel := Source.NestingLevel;
- FInTable := Source.InTable;
- NoTableEv := Source.NoTableEv;
- NoResetLev := Source.NoResetLev;
- FListOverrideIndex := Source.ListOverrideIndex;
- FListLevel := Source.ListLevel;
- Shading := Source.Shading;
- ForeColor := Source.ForeColor;
- FKeepLinesTogether := Source.KeepLinesTogether;
- FKeepWithNext := Source.KeepWithNext;
- if Source.HasTabs then
- Tabs.Assign(Source.FTabs)
- else begin
- FTabs.Free;
- FTabs := nil;
- end;
- FTabsReady := Source.FTabsReady;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFParaProperties.Reset;
- begin
- FLeftIndentTw := 0;
- FRightIndentTw := 0;
- FFirstIndentTw := 0;
- FSpaceBeforeTw := 0;
- FSpaceAfterTw := 0;
- FAlignment := rtf_al_Left;
- FBorder.Free;
- FBorder := nil;
- FMarkerProps.Free;
- FMarkerProps := nil;
- FCurBorderSide := rtf_side_Left;
- FColor := clNone;
- FLineSpacing := 240; // single
- FLineSpacingMulti := True; // / spacing
- if not NoResetLev then begin
- FNestingLevel := 1;
- FInTable := False;
- end;
- NoTableEv := False;
- NoResetLev := False;
- FListOverrideIndex := -1;
- FListLevel := 0;
- Shading := 0;
- ForeColor := clBlack;
- FKeepLinesTogether := False;
- FKeepWithNext := False;
- FTabs.Free;
- FTabs := nil;
- FTabsReady := False;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFParaProperties.GetTabs: TRVRTFTabList;
- begin
- if FTabs=nil then
- FTabs := TRVRTFTabList.Create;
- Result := FTabs;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFParaProperties.HasTabs: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (FTabs<>nil) and (FTabs.Count>0);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFParaProperties.GetBorder: TRVRTFParaBorder;
- begin
- if FBorder=nil then
- FBorder := TRVRTFParaBorder.Create;
- Result := FBorder;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFParaProperties.GetMarkerProps: TRVRTFMarkerProperties;
- begin
- if FMarkerProps=nil then
- FMarkerProps := TRVRTFMarkerProperties.Create;
- Result := FMarkerProps;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFParaProperties.Finalize;
- var i: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if Shading<>0 then begin
- if (FColor=clNone) then
- FColor := clWhite;
- FColor := ShadeColor(ColorToRGB(Color), ColorToRGB(ForeColor), Shading);
- Shading := 0;
- end;
- if HasTabs and not FTabsReady then begin
- Tabs.Delete(Tabs.Count-1);
- for i := Tabs.Count-1 downto 0 do
- if Tabs[i].IsListTab then
- Tabs.Delete(i);
- FTabsReady := True;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFParaProperties.HasBorder: Boolean;
- var i: TRVRTFSide;
- begin
- Result := (FBorder<>nil);
- if Result then begin
- Result := False;
- for i := Low(TRVRTFSide) to High(TRVRTFSide) do
- if (FBorder.FSides[i]<>nil) and (FBorder.FSides[i].FBorderType<>rtf_brdr_None) then begin
- Result := True;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFParaProperties.HasMarker: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (FMarkerProps<>nil);
- end;
- {========================== TRVRTFSectionProperties ===========================}
- constructor TRVRTFSectionProperties.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- Reset;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TRVRTFSectionProperties.Destroy;
- begin
- FDefMarkerPropsList.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFSectionProperties.InitListDefaults;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if FDefMarkerPropsList= nil then begin
- FDefMarkerPropsList := TRVList.Create;
- for i := 1 to 11 do
- FDefMarkerPropsList.Add(TRVRTFMarkerProperties.Create);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFSectionProperties.Assign(Source: TRVRTFSectionProperties);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- FColumnCount := Source.FColumnCount;
- FPageNumberXTw := Source.FPageNumberXTw;
- FPageNumberYTw := Source.FPageNumberYTw;
- FPageNumberFormat := Source.FPageNumberFormat;
- FSectionBreakType := Source.FSectionBreakType;
- if Source.FDefMarkerPropsList=nil then begin
- FDefMarkerPropsList.Free;
- FDefMarkerPropsList := nil;
- end
- else begin
- InitListDefaults;
- for i := 1 to 11 do
- TRVRTFMarkerProperties(FDefMarkerPropsList[i-1]).Assign(TRVRTFMarkerProperties(Source.FDefMarkerPropsList[i-1]), False);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFSectionProperties.Reset;
- begin
- FColumnCount := 1;
- FPageNumberXTw := 720;
- FPageNumberYTw := 720;
- FPageNumberFormat := rtf_pg_Decimal;
- FSectionBreakType := rtf_sbk_Page;
- FFooterYTw := 720;
- FHeaderYTw := 720;
- FDefMarkerPropsList.Free;
- FDefMarkerPropsList := nil;
- end;
- {=========================== TRVRTFDocProperties ==============================}
- constructor TRVRTFDocProperties.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- Reset;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFDocProperties.Assign(Source: TRVRTFDocProperties);
- begin
- FPaperWidthTw := Source.FPaperWidthTw;
- FPaperHeightTw := Source.FPaperHeightTw;
- FLeftMarginTw := Source.FLeftMarginTw;
- FRightMarginTw := Source.FRightMarginTw;
- FTopMarginTw := Source.FTopMarginTw;
- FBottomMarginTw := Source.FBottomMarginTw;
- FPageNumberStart := Source.FPageNumberStart;
- FFacingPages := Source.FFacingPages;
- FLandscape := Source.FLandscape;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFDocProperties.Reset;
- begin
- FPaperWidthTw := 12240;
- FPaperHeightTw := 15480;
- FLeftMarginTw := 1800;
- FRightMarginTw := 1800;
- FTopMarginTw := 1440;
- FBottomMarginTw := 1440;
- FPageNumberStart := 1;
- FFacingPages := False;
- FLandscape := False;
- end;
- {============================ TRVRTFStyleSheetEntry ============================}
- constructor TRVRTFStyleSheetEntry.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FParaProps := TRVRTFParaProperties.Create;
- FCharProps := TRVRTFCharProperties.Create;
- FAdditive := False;
- FHidden := False;
- FStyleType := rtf_sst_Char;
- FNumber := 0;
- FBasedOn := nil;
- FNext := Self;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TRVRTFStyleSheetEntry.Destroy;
- begin
- FParaProps.Free;
- FCharProps.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFStyleSheetEntry.Assign(Source: TRVRTFReaderState);
- begin
- FParaProps.Assign(Source.ParaProps);
- FCharProps.Assign(Source.CharProps);
- end;
- {============================ TRVRTFStyleSheet ================================}
- procedure TRVRTFStyleSheet.AddPara(Number: Integer);
- var item: TRVRTFStyleSheetEntry;
- begin
- item := TRVRTFStyleSheetEntry.Create;
- item.FNumber := Number;
- item.FStyleType := rtf_sst_Par;
- Add(item);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFStyleSheet.Get(Index: Integer): TRVRTFStyleSheetEntry;
- begin
- Result := TRVRTFStyleSheetEntry(inherited Get(Index));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFStyleSheet.GetEntry(Number: Integer): TRVRTFStyleSheetEntry;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if Items[i].Number = Number then begin
- Result := Items[i];
- break;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFStyleSheet.Put(Index: Integer;
- const Value: TRVRTFStyleSheetEntry);
- begin
- inherited Put(Index, Value);
- end;
- {========================= TRVRTFReaderState ==================================}
- constructor TRVRTFReaderState.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FParaProps := TRVRTFParaProperties.Create;
- FCharProps := TRVRTFCharProperties.Create;
- FSectProps := TRVRTFSectionProperties.Create;
- FDocProps := TRVRTFDocProperties.Create;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TRVRTFReaderState.Destroy;
- begin
- FParaProps.Free;
- FCharProps.Free;
- FSectProps.Free;
- FDocProps.Free;
- FRowProps.Free;
- FInvalidFieldPicture.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderState.Assign(Source: TRVRTFReaderState);
- begin
- ParaProps.Assign(Source.ParaProps);
- CharProps.Assign(Source.CharProps);
- FSectProps.Assign(Source.SectProps);
- FDocProps.Assign(Source.DocProps);
- FDefLanguage := Source.FDefLanguage;
- if Source.FRowProps<>nil then begin
- if FRowProps=nil then
- FRowProps := TRVRTFRowProperties.Create;
- FRowProps.Assign(Source.FRowProps);
- end
- else begin
- FRowProps.Free;
- FRowProps := nil;
- end;
- rds := Source.rds;
- ris := Source.ris;
- FCurrentBorderType := Source.FCurrentBorderType;
- FHFType := Source.FHFType;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderState.ChangeFontStyle(fs: TFontStyle; Val: Integer);
- begin
- if Val=0 then
- Exclude(CharProps.FStyle, fs)
- else
- Include(CharProps.FStyle, fs);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderState.ChangeFontStyleEx(fs: TRVRTFFontStyleEx;
- Val: Integer);
- begin
- if Val=0 then
- Exclude(CharProps.FStyleEx, fs)
- else
- Include(CharProps.FStyleEx, fs);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderState.Reset;
- begin
- FDefLanguage := 0;
- CharProps.Reset(DefLanguage, 0);
- ParaProps.Reset;
- SectProps.Reset;
- DocProps.Reset;
- FRowProps.Free;
- FRowProps := nil;
- FFieldCode := '';
- FFieldPictureIncluded := False;
- FCurrentBorderType := rtf_bt_Para;
- DefFontNumber := 0;
- DefFontIndex := -1;
- FHFType := rtf_hf_MainText;
- FInvalidFieldPicture.Free;
- FInvalidFieldPicture := nil;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderState.GetRowProps: TRVRTFRowProperties;
- begin
- if FRowProps=nil then
- FRowProps := TRVRTFRowProperties.Create;
- Result := FRowProps;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderState.GetCurrentBorderSide: TRVRTFBorderSide;
- begin
- case FCurrentBorderType of
- rtf_bt_Row:
- Result := RowProps.Border.Sides[RowProps.FCurBorderSide];
- rtf_bt_Cell:
- Result := RowProps.GetLastCellProp.Border.Sides[RowProps.GetLastCellProp.FCurBorderSide];
- else
- Result := ParaProps.Border.Sides[ParaProps.FCurBorderSide];
- end;
- end;
- {============================== TRVRTFBorderSide ==============================}
- procedure TRVRTFBorderSide.Assign(Source: TRVRTFBorderSide);
- begin
- FBorderType := Source.BorderType;
- FWidthTw := Source.WidthTw;
- FColor := Source.Color;
- FSpaceTw := Source.SpaceTw;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFBorderSide.Reset;
- begin
- FBorderType := rtf_brdr_None;
- FWidthTw := 0;
- FColor := clNone;
- FSpaceTw := 0;
- end;
- {============================== TRVRTFParaBorder ==============================}
- destructor TRVRTFParaBorder.Destroy;
- var i: TRVRTFSide;
- begin
- for i := Low(TRVRTFSide) to High(TRVRTFSide) do
- FSides[i].Free;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFParaBorder.Assign(Source: TRVRTFParaBorder);
- var i: TRVRTFSide;
- begin
- for i := Low(TRVRTFSide) to High(TRVRTFSide) do
- if Source.FSides[i]=nil then begin
- FSides[i].Free;
- FSides[i] := nil;
- end
- else
- Sides[i].Assign(Source.FSides[i]);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFParaBorder.Reset;
- var i: TRVRTFSide;
- begin
- for i := Low(TRVRTFSide) to High(TRVRTFSide) do
- if FSides[i]<>nil then
- FSides[i].Reset;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFParaBorder.GetSides(Index: TRVRTFSide): TRVRTFBorderSide;
- begin
- if FSides[Index]=nil then
- FSides[Index] := TRVRTFBorderSide.Create;
- Result := FSides[Index];
- end;
- {============================= TRVRTFPicture ==================================}
- constructor TRVRTFPicture.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FData := TMemoryStream.Create;
- FPicScaleX := 100;
- FPicScaleY := 100;
- FWBMBitsPixel := 1;
- FWBMPlanes := 1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TRVRTFPicture.Destroy;
- begin
- FData.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {============================== TRVRTFObject ==================================}
- constructor TRVRTFObject.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- FData := TMemoryStream.Create;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TRVRTFObject.Destroy;
- begin
- FData.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- {============================ TRVRTFRowProperties =============================}
- constructor TRVRTFRowProperties.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FBorder := TRVRTFParaBorder.Create;
- FCellProps := TRVRTFCellPropsList.Create;
- Reset;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TRVRTFRowProperties.Destroy;
- begin
- FBorder.Free;
- CellProps.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFRowProperties.Reset;
- var side: TRVRTFSide;
- begin
- FGapHTw := 0;
- FLeftTw := 0;
- FHeightTw := 0;
- FBestWidth := 0;
- for side := Low(TRVRTFSide) to High(TRVRTFSide) do begin
- FPaddingTw[side] := 0;
- FSpacingTw[side] := 0;
- FUsePadding[side] := False;
- FUseSpacing[side] := False;
- end;
- FCurBorderSide := rtf_side_Left;
- FBorder.Reset;
- FCellProps.Clear;
- FCellProps.AddNew;
- NewCellProps := True;
- AssumedLastCell := True;
- FHeading := False;
- RichViewSpecial := False;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFRowProperties.Assign(Source: TRVRTFRowProperties);
- var side: TRVRTFSide;
- begin
- FGapHTw := Source.FGapHTw;
- FLeftTw := Source.FLeftTw;
- FHeightTw := Source.FHeightTw;
- FBestWidth := Source.FBestWidth;
- FCurBorderSide := Source.FCurBorderSide;
- for side := Low(TRVRTFSide) to High(TRVRTFSide) do begin
- FPaddingTw[side] := Source.FPaddingTw[side];
- FSpacingTw[side] := Source.FSpacingTw[side];
- FUsePadding[side] := Source.FUsePadding[side];
- FUseSpacing[side] := Source.FUseSpacing[side];
- end;
- NewCellProps := Source.NewCellProps;
- AssumedLastCell := Source.AssumedLastCell;
- FBorder.Assign(Source.FBorder);
- FCellProps.AssignItems(Source.FCellProps);
- RichViewSpecial := Source.RichViewSpecial;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFRowProperties.Finalize;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if AssumedLastCell then begin
- CellProps.Delete(CellProps.Count-1);
- AssumedLastCell := False;
- end;
- if NewCellProps then begin
- for i := 0 to CellProps.Count-1 do
- CellProps[i].Finalize;
- NewCellProps := False;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFRowProperties.GetPaddingTw(Index: TRVRTFSide): Integer;
- begin
- Result := FPaddingTW[Index];
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFRowProperties.GetSpacingTw(Index: TRVRTFSide): Integer;
- begin
- Result := FSpacingTW[Index];
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFRowProperties.GetUsePadding(Index: TRVRTFSide): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := FUsePadding[Index];
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFRowProperties.GetUseSpacing(Index: TRVRTFSide): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := FUseSpacing[Index];
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFRowProperties.GetLastCellProp: TRVRTFCellProperties;
- begin
- //AssumedLastCell := False;
- Result := CellProps[CellProps.Count-1];
- end;
- {============================ TRVRTFCellProperties ============================}
- constructor TRVRTFCellProperties.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FBorder := TRVRTFParaBorder.Create;
- Reset;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TRVRTFCellProperties.Destroy;
- begin
- FBorder.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFCellProperties.Reset;
- begin
- FHMerge := rtf_cm_None;
- FVMerge := rtf_cm_None;
- FBestWidth := 0;
- FColor := clNone;
- FVAlign := rtf_val_Top;
- FCurBorderSide := rtf_side_Left;
- FRightBoundaryTw := 0;
- ForeColor := clBlack;
- Shading := 0;
- FBorder.Reset;
- BestHeight := 0;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFCellProperties.Assign(Source: TRVRTFCellProperties);
- begin
- FHMerge := Source.FHMerge;
- FVMerge := Source.FVMerge;
- FBestWidth := Source.FBestWidth;
- FColor := Source.FColor;
- FVAlign := Source.FVAlign;
- FCurBorderSide := Source.FCurBorderSide;
- FRightBoundaryTw := Source.FRightBoundaryTw;
- ForeColor := Source.ForeColor;
- Shading := Source.Shading;
- FBorder.Assign(Source.FBorder);
- BestHeight := Source.BestHeight;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFCellProperties.Finalize;
- begin
- if (Shading>0) then begin
- if (FColor=clNone) then
- FColor := clWhite;
- FColor := ShadeColor(ColorToRGB(Color), ColorToRGB(ForeColor), Shading);
- Shading := 0;
- end;
- end;
- {=========================== TRVRTFCellPropsList ==============================}
- procedure TRVRTFCellPropsList.AddNew;
- var item: TRVRTFCellProperties;
- begin
- item := TRVRTFCellProperties.Create;
- Add(item);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFCellPropsList.AssignItems(Source: TRVRTFCellPropsList);
- var i: Integer;
- item: TRVRTFCellProperties;
- begin
- Clear;
- Capacity := Source.Count;
- for i := 0 to Source.Count-1 do begin
- item := TRVRTFCellProperties.Create;
- item.Assign(Source[i]);
- Add(item);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFCellPropsList.Get(Index: Integer): TRVRTFCellProperties;
- begin
- Result := TRVRTFCellProperties(inherited Get(Index));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFCellPropsList.Put(Index: Integer;
- const Value: TRVRTFCellProperties);
- begin
- inherited Put(Index, Value);
- end;
- {============================ TRVRTFCustomMarkerProperties ====================}
- constructor TRVRTFCustomMarkerProperties.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- Reset;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFCustomMarkerProperties.Assign(Source: TRVRTFCustomMarkerProperties; FromDefaults: Boolean);
- procedure UpdateStyle(Fixed: TRVRTFMarkerProp; Style: TFontStyle);
- begin
- if not (Fixed in Source.FFixedProperties) then
- if Style in Source.FontStyle then
- Include(FFontStyle, Style)
- else
- Exclude(FFontStyle, Style);
- end;
- begin
- FListType := Source.FListType;
- FAlignment := Source.FAlignment;
- FIndentTw := Source.FIndentTw;
- FSpaceTw := Source.FSpaceTw;
- FStart := Source.FStart;
- FFixedProperties := Source.FFixedProperties;
- if not FromDefaults then begin
- FFontIndex := Source.FFontIndex;
- FFontStyle := Source.FFontStyle;
- FColor := Source.FColor;
- FFontSize := Source.FFontSize;
- end
- else begin
- if not (rtfmp_Color in FFixedProperties) then
- FColor := Source.Color;
- if not (rtfmp_FontIndex in FFixedProperties) then
- FFontIndex := Source.FontIndex;
- if not (rtfmp_Size in FFixedProperties) then
- FFontSize := Source.FontSize;
- UpdateStyle(rtfmp_Bold, fsBold);
- UpdateStyle(rtfmp_Italic, fsItalic);
- UpdateStyle(rtfmp_Underline, fsUnderline);
- UpdateStyle(rtfmp_StrikeOut, fsStrikeOut);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFCustomMarkerProperties.Reset;
- begin
- FListType := rtf_pn_Default;
- FFontIndex := -1;
- FFontStyle := [];
- FColor := clWindowText;
- FFontSize := 12;
- FAlignment := rtf_al_Left;
- FIndentTw := 0;
- FSpaceTw := 0;
- FStart := 0;
- FFixedProperties := [];
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFCustomMarkerProperties.UpdateFrom(
- CharProps: TRVRTFCharProperties);
- procedure UpdateStyle(Fixed: TRVRTFMarkerProp; Style: TFontStyle);
- begin
- if not (Fixed in FFixedProperties) then
- if Style in CharProps.Style then
- Include(FFontStyle, Style)
- else
- Exclude(FFontStyle, Style);
- end;
- begin
- if not (rtfmp_Color in FFixedProperties) then
- FColor := CharProps.Color;
- if not (rtfmp_FontIndex in FFixedProperties) then
- FFontIndex := CharProps.FontIndex;
- if not (rtfmp_Size in FFixedProperties) then
- FFontSize := CharProps.Size;
- UpdateStyle(rtfmp_Bold, fsBold);
- UpdateStyle(rtfmp_Italic, fsItalic);
- UpdateStyle(rtfmp_StrikeOut, fsStrikeOut);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFCustomMarkerProperties.ChangeFontStyle(fs: TFontStyle;
- Val: Integer);
- begin
- if Val=0 then
- Exclude(FFontStyle, fs)
- else
- Include(FFontStyle, fs);
- end;
- {=========================== TRVRTFMarkerProperties ===========================}
- procedure TRVRTFMarkerProperties.Assign(Source: TRVRTFMarkerProperties; FromDefaults: Boolean);
- begin
- inherited Assign(Source, FromDefaults);
- FTextAfter := Source.FTextAfter;
- FTextBefore := Source.FTextBefore;
- FHanging := Source.FHanging;
- if not FromDefaults then
- FLevel := Source.FLevel;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFMarkerProperties.Reset;
- begin
- inherited Reset;
- FLevel := 0;
- FTextAfter := '';
- FTextBefore := '';
- FHanging := False;
- end;
- {============================== TRVRTFListLevel97 =============================}
- procedure TRVRTFListLevel97.Assign(Source: TRVRTFListLevel97);
- begin
- inherited Assign(Source, False);
- FOldStyle := Source.FOldStyle;
- FLegal := Source.FLegal;
- FNoRestart:= Source.FNoRestart;
- FText := Source.FText;
- FNumbers := Source.FNumbers;
- FFollow := Source.FFollow;
- FIndentsUpdated := Source.FIndentsUpdated;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFListLevel97.Reset;
- begin
- inherited;
- FOldStyle := False;
- FLegal := False;
- FNoRestart:= False;
- FText := '';
- FNumbers := '';
- FFollow := rtf_lf_Tab;
- FFontSizeDefined := False;
- FIndentsUpdated := False;
- end;
- {============================== TRVRTFList97 ==================================}
- procedure TRVRTFList97.AddNew;
- begin
- Add(TRVRTFListLevel97.Create);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFList97.Get(Index: Integer): TRVRTFListLevel97;
- begin
- Result := TRVRTFListLevel97(inherited Get(Index));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFList97.GetLastLevel: TRVRTFListLevel97;
- begin
- Result := Items[Count-1];
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFList97.Put(Index: Integer; const Value: TRVRTFListLevel97);
- begin
- inherited Put(Index, Value);
- end;
- {============================== TRVRTFListTable97 =============================}
- procedure TRVRTFListTable97.AddNew;
- begin
- Add(TRVRTFList97.Create);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFListTable97.FindList(ID: Integer): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if Items[i].Id = ID then begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFListTable97.Get(Index: Integer): TRVRTFList97;
- begin
- Result := TRVRTFList97(inherited Get(Index));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFListTable97.GetLastList: TRVRTFList97;
- begin
- Result := Items[Count-1];
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFListTable97.Put(Index: Integer; const Value: TRVRTFList97);
- begin
- inherited Put(Index, Value);
- end;
- {============================ TRVRTFListOverrideLevel =========================}
- constructor TRVRTFListOverrideLevel97.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FStart := 1;
- end;
- {============================= TRVRTFListOverride97 ===========================}
- procedure TRVRTFListOverride97.AddNew;
- begin
- Add(TRVRTFListOverrideLevel97.Create);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFListOverride97.GetLastLevel: TRVRTFListOverrideLevel97;
- begin
- Result := Items[Count-1];
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFListOverride97.Get(Index: Integer): TRVRTFListOverrideLevel97;
- begin
- Result := TRVRTFListOverrideLevel97(inherited Get(Index));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFListOverride97.Put(Index: Integer;
- const Value: TRVRTFListOverrideLevel97);
- begin
- inherited Put(Index, Value);
- end;
- {=========================== TRVRTFListOverrideTable97 ========================}
- procedure TRVRTFListOverrideTable97.AddNew;
- begin
- Add(TRVRTFListOverride97.Create);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFListOverrideTable97.FindListOverride(Number: Integer): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if Items[i].Number = Number then begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFListOverrideTable97.Get(
- Index: Integer): TRVRTFListOverride97;
- begin
- Result := TRVRTFListOverride97(inherited Get(Index));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFListOverrideTable97.GetLastListOverride: TRVRTFListOverride97;
- begin
- Result := Items[Count-1];
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFListOverrideTable97.Put(Index: Integer;
- const Value: TRVRTFListOverride97);
- begin
- inherited Put(Index, Value);
- end;
- {================================== TRVRTFFont ================================}
- constructor TRVRTFFont.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {================================ TRVRTFTab ===================================}
- procedure TRVRTFTab.Assign(Source: TRVRTFTab);
- begin
- FPositionTW := Source.PositionTW;
- FAlign := Source.Align;
- FLeader := Source.Leader;
- FIsListTab := Source.IsListTab;
- end;
- {============================== TRVRTFTabList =================================}
- procedure TRVRTFTabList.AddNew;
- var Item: TRVRTFTab;
- begin
- Item := TRVRTFTab.Create;
- Add(Item);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFTabList.GetLastTab: TRVRTFTab;
- begin
- Result := Items[Count-1];
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFTabList.Get(Index: Integer): TRVRTFTab;
- begin
- Result := TRVRTFTab(inherited Get(Index));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFTabList.Put(Index: Integer; const Value: TRVRTFTab);
- begin
- inherited Put(Index, Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFTabList.Assign(Source: TRVRTFTabList);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Clear;
- if Source=nil then
- exit;
- Capacity := Source.Count;
- for i := 0 to Source.Count-1 do begin
- AddNew;
- Items[i].Assign(Source[i]);
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {==============================================================================}
- procedure QSort(L, R: Integer);
- var
- I, J: Integer;
- P: TRVRTFsymbol;
- T: TRVRTFsymbol;
- begin
- repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- P := rgsymRtf[(L + R) shr 1];
- repeat
- while rgsymRtf[I].Keyword < P.Keyword do
- inc(I);
- while rgsymRtf[J].Keyword > P.Keyword do
- dec(J);
- if I <= J then begin
- T := rgsymRtf[I];
- rgsymRtf[I] := rgsymRtf[J];
- rgsymRtf[J] := T;
- inc(I);
- dec(J);
- end;
- until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QSort(L, J);
- L := I;
- until I >= R;
- end;
- const KWSorted: Boolean = False;
- procedure SortKeywords;
- begin
- if KWSorted then
- exit;
- KWSorted := True;
- QSort(0,isymMax);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function RV_CreateGraphicsDefault(GraphicClass: TGraphicClass): TGraphic;
- begin
- Result := GraphicClass.Create;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure RV_AfterImportGraphicDefault(Graphic: TGraphic);
- begin
- end;
- initialization
- RV_CreateGraphics := RV_CreateGraphicsDefault;
- RV_AfterImportGraphic := RV_AfterImportGraphicDefault;
- {$ENDIF}
- end.