- {*******************************************************}
- { }
- { RichView }
- { TRVWordEnumThread: thread for word enumeration. }
- { Used for live spelling check. }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) Sergey Tkachenko }
- { svt@trichview.com }
- { http://www.trichview.com }
- { }
- {*******************************************************}
- unit RVThread;
- {$I RV_Defs.inc}
- interface
- uses Windows, Classes,
- RVScroll, CRVData;
- type
- { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TRVWordEnumThread: thread for enumeration of word in TCustomRichView
- (used for live spelling check).
- Fields:
- - FRichView - the component to check;
- - CurRVData, CurItem - item being checked;
- - CurItemCheckStarted - true, if current item checking is already started;
- - CurText - text of curent item;
- - CurTextStartPtr = CurText;
- - CurTextPtr - current position in CurText;
- - StopWorking is used to stop the thread at a safe place. Possible values:
- 0 - working;
- 1 - is set from the main process; the thread must stop at the safe place
- and set StopWorking to 2;
- 2 - thread is ready to stop;
- 3 - thread's Execute is finished.
- - WordOffs, WordLen - current word position, used in AddMisspelling;
- - NextRVData, NextItemNo, NextOffs - used to set the spell checking position
- when the thread will be ready to resume.
- - HasModifiedWord - there is a word (in area that's already checked) that
- was modified and should be checked later.
- - CheckUnchecked - the thread must check an item containing modified word.
- Except for this word, this item was checked, and may already contain
- marked misspellings.
- - Delaying - is set to True in ContinueCheck. Instructs the thread to sleep for
- some time.
- - EditedWhileDelayed - is set to True in ContinueCheck. If the tread is sleeping,
- it will be put asleep again when it will wake up.
- }
- TRVWordEnumThread = class (TThread)
- private
- NextItemNo, NextOffs: Integer;
- StopWorking: Integer;
- CurText: String;
- CurTextPtr, CurTextStartPtr: PChar;
- FRichView: TRVScroller;
- CurItemNo, WordOffs, WordLen: Integer;
- CurItemCheckStarted: Boolean;
- NextRVData, CurRVData: TCustomRVData;
- FForceSetBack: Boolean;
- Delaying, EditedWhileDelayed: Boolean;
- procedure AddMisspelling;
- procedure SyncProc;
- function GetNextWord: String;
- procedure GetMisspellingDrawItems(var DItemNo1, DItemNo2: Integer);
- procedure SetBack;
- protected
- procedure Execute; override;
- procedure DoTerminate; override;
- public
- HasModifiedWord, CheckUnchecked: Boolean;
- constructor Create;
- procedure Reset(RichView: TRVScroller);
- procedure LaterSetBackTo(RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo, Offs: Integer);
- procedure SetBackToCurItem(RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo: Integer);
- function IsChecked(RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo: Integer): Boolean;
- procedure RemoveRVData(RVData: TCustomRVData);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Stop(ResetNexts: Boolean);
- procedure ContinueCheck;
- procedure Finish;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- implementation
- uses RichView, CRVFData, RVItem, RVFuncs, Forms;
- {================================= TRVWordEnumThread ==========================}
- { Constructor. }
- constructor TRVWordEnumThread.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create(True);
- FreeOnTerminate := True;
- Priority := tpLowest;
- //MessageBox(0, 'Live spelling thread is created', 'LS', 0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Destructor. }
- destructor TRVWordEnumThread.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TRVWordEnumThread.DoTerminate;
- begin
- inherited;
- //MessageBox(Application.Handle, 'Live spelling thread is destroyed', 'LS', 0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { If RichView<>nil, restarts the thread for RichView.
- If RichView=nil, prepares for detaching this thread. }
- procedure TRVWordEnumThread.Reset(RichView: TRVScroller);
- begin
- FRichView := RichView;
- if RichView<>nil then begin
- CurRVData := TCustomRichView(RichView).RVData;
- CurItemNo := 0;
- CurItemCheckStarted := False;
- FForceSetBack := False;
- CheckUnchecked := False;
- HasModifiedWord := False;
- NextRVData := nil;
- NextItemNo := -1;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Waits while finishing processing the current item and suspends the thread.
- if ResetNexts, (NextRVData,NextItemNo,NextOffs) are set to "undefined".
- ResetNexts=False is used only before resuming stopped thread (for any case -
- it must already be stopped).
- Important case: if the tread is sleeping (Delaying=True), it will not be stopped.
- But, if it will wake up, it will do nothing because StopWorking=1.
- Context: main process (caller). }
- procedure TRVWordEnumThread.Stop(ResetNexts: Boolean);
- var Msg: TMsg;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if (StopWorking=3) then
- exit;
- if ResetNexts then begin
- NextRVData := nil;
- NextItemNo := -1;
- NextOffs := -1;
- end;
- if Suspended then
- exit;
- StopWorking := 1;
- if not Delaying then begin
- Priority := tpNormal;
- while (StopWorking=1) and not Suspended do
- {$IFDEF RICHVIEWDEF6}CheckSynchronize;{$ELSE}
- if PeekMessage(Msg, 0, $8FFF, $8FFF, PM_REMOVE) then
- DispatchMessage(Msg);
- {$ENDIF};
- if not Suspended then
- Suspend;
- end;
- if ResetNexts and (CurRVData<>nil) and (CurItemNo>=0) and
- (CurItemNo<CurRVData.GetRVData.ItemCount) then
- CurRVData.GetRVData.GetItem(CurItemNo).ClearLiveSpellingResult;
- CurItemCheckStarted := False;
- Priority := tpLowest;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Resumes the thread stopped with Stop.
- If (NextRVData,NextItemNo,NextOffs) are defined, calls SetBackTo("undefined").
- Context: main process (caller). }
- procedure TRVWordEnumThread.ContinueCheck;
- begin
- if NextItemNo>=0 then
- SetBack;
- Delaying := True;
- EditedWhileDelayed := True;
- StopWorking := 0;
- if Suspended then
- Resume;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Waits while finishing processing the current item and closes the tread.
- Context: main process (caller) }
- procedure TRVWordEnumThread.Finish;
- var Msg: TMsg;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if StopWorking=3 then
- exit;
- StopWorking := 1;
- Priority := tpNormal;
- while (StopWorking=1) and not Suspended do
- {$IFDEF RICHVIEWDEF6}CheckSynchronize;{$ELSE}
- if PeekMessage(Msg, 0, $8FFF, $8FFF, PM_REMOVE) then
- TranslateMessage(Msg);
- {$ENDIF};
- if Suspended then
- Resume;
- Terminate;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Adds info about misspelling for CurRVData.GetRVData.GetItem(CurItemNo).
- WordOffs, WordLen defines the misspelled word.
- DItemNo1..DItemNo2 - range of draw items displaying this word.
- Context: main process (Synchronize). }
- procedure TRVWordEnumThread.AddMisspelling;
- var i: Integer;
- DItemNo1, DItemNo2: Integer;
- begin
- with TCustomRVFormattedData(CurRVData.GetRVData) do begin
- GetItem(CurItemNo).AddMisspelling(WordOffs, WordLen);
- GetMisspellingDrawItems(DItemNo1, DItemNo2);
- if DItemNo1>=0 then
- for i := DItemNo1 to DItemNo2 do
- InvalidateDrawItem(i, 3);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { This procedure is called using Synchronize before suspending the thread when
- all work is complete. It prevents suspending the thread while calling
- Stop or Finish (ony inside CheckSynchronize). }
- procedure TRVWordEnumThread.SyncProc;
- begin
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns (NextRVData,NextItemNo,NextOffs) if they are undefined or
- if they define a position after the position specified in parameters.
- It's assumed that if (NextItemNo,NextOffs) are defined they are
- inside the same RVData, or, if RVDatas are different, the parameters define
- the position before (NextRVData,NextItemNo,NextOffs) }
- procedure TRVWordEnumThread.LaterSetBackTo(RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo, Offs: Integer);
- begin
- if (RVData<>NextRVData) or (NextItemNo<0) or
- ((ItemNo<NextItemNo) or ((NextItemNo=ItemNo) and (Offs<NextOffs))) then begin
- NextRVData := RVData;
- NextItemNo := ItemNo;
- NextOffs := Offs;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { If HasModifiedWord, sets (NextRVData,NextItemNo,NextOffs) to the beginning
- of (RVData, ItemNo) (if this position is before the current position).
- This procedure is called at the beginning of all editing operations (except
- for typing), the caret position is passed in parameters. }
- procedure TRVWordEnumThread.SetBackToCurItem(RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo: Integer);
- var r: Integer;
- begin
- if not HasModifiedWord then
- exit;
- HasModifiedWord := False;
- r := RVCompareLocations(CurRVData, CurItemNo, RVData, ItemNo);
- if r>=0 then begin
- if r>0 then
- RVData.GetRVData.GetItem(ItemNo).ClearLiveSpellingResult
- else
- CheckUnchecked := True;
- NextRVData := RVData;
- NextItemNo := ItemNo;
- NextOffs := 0;
- CheckUnchecked := False;
- SetBack;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { This method is called when RVData becomes invalid (for example, table cell is
- deleted. If this RVData=CurRVData, we set FForceSetBack flag.
- This flag prevents calling RVCompareLocations() in the SetBackMethod. }
- procedure TRVWordEnumThread.RemoveRVData(RVData: TCustomRVData);
- begin
- if RVData = CurRVData then
- FForceSetBack := True;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Set the current position to (NextRVData,NextItemNo, NextOffs),
- if this position is before the current position.
- Context: main process (caller), the thread is suspended. }
- procedure TRVWordEnumThread.SetBack;
- var r: Integer;
- RVData : TCustomRVData;
- ItemNo, Offs: Integer;
- begin
- if NextItemNo<0 then begin
- if FForceSetBack then
- Reset(FRichView);
- exit;
- end;
- RVData := NextRVData;
- ItemNo := NextItemNo;
- Offs := NextOffs;
- NextItemNo := -1;
- NextOffs := -1;
- NextRVData := nil;
- if FForceSetBack then
- r := 1
- else
- r := RVCompareLocations(CurRVData, CurItemNo, RVData, ItemNo);
- if r>=0 then begin
- CurRVData := RVData;
- CurItemNo := ItemNo;
- if r>0 then begin
- CurItemCheckStarted := Offs>1;
- if Offs>1 then begin
- CurText := CurRVData.GetRVData.GetItemTextA(CurItemNo);
- CurTextStartPtr := PChar(CurText);
- CurTextPtr := CurTextStartPtr+Offs-1;
- if CurTextPtr>CurTextStartPtr then
- dec(CurTextPtr);
- while (CurTextPtr>CurTextStartPtr) and
- not CurRVData.IsDelimiterA(CurTextPtr^) do
- dec(CurTextPtr);
- end;
- end
- else if r=0 then begin
- if not CheckUnchecked then
- CurRVData.GetRVData.GetItem(CurItemNo).ClearLiveSpellingResult;
- CurItemCheckStarted := False;
- end
- end;
- FForceSetBack := False;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Was this item already checked? }
- function TRVWordEnumThread.IsChecked(RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := RVCompareLocations(CurRVData, CurItemNo, RVData, ItemNo)>=0;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns the next word for for the current text item.
- Item text is stored in CurText,
- pointer to the start of CurText - in CurTextStartPtr,
- pointer to the current position in text - in CurTextPtr.
- Returns '' if the item is completely processed.
- Context: thread. }
- function TRVWordEnumThread.GetNextWord: String;
- var StartPtr: PChar;
- CM: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := '';
- CM := True;
- while True do begin
- if CurTextPtr^=#0 then begin
- CheckUnchecked := False;
- exit;
- end;
- if (CurTextPtr^<>'''') and not CurRVData.IsDelimiterA(CurTextPtr^) then begin
- if CM and (not CheckUnchecked or
- not CurRVData.GetRVData.GetItem(CurItemNo).IsMisspelled(CurTextPtr-CurTextStartPtr+1)) then
- break
- else
- CM := False;
- end
- else
- CM := True;
- inc(CurTextPtr);
- end;
- StartPtr := CurTextPtr;
- while (CurTextPtr^<>#0) and not CurRVData.IsDelimiterA(CurTextPtr^) do
- inc(CurTextPtr);
- while (CurTextPtr-1)^='''' do
- dec(CurTextPtr);
- WordOffs := StartPtr-CurTextStartPtr+1;
- WordLen := CurTextPtr-StartPtr;
- Result := Copy(CurText, WordOffs, WordLen);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns a range of drawing items used to display misspelling
- in (DItemNo1, DItemNo2).
- Misspelling is defined by CurRVData, CurItemNo, WordOffs, WordLen.
- Context: main process (Synchronize). }
- procedure TRVWordEnumThread.GetMisspellingDrawItems(var DItemNo1, DItemNo2: Integer);
- var offs: Integer;
- begin
- if TCustomRVFormattedData(CurRVData.GetRVData).DrawItems.Count=0 then begin
- DItemNo1 := -1;
- DItemNo2 := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- try
- TCustomRVFormattedData(CurRVData.GetRVData).Item2DrawItem(CurItemNo, WordOffs, DItemNo1, Offs);
- TCustomRVFormattedData(CurRVData.GetRVData).Item2DrawItem(CurItemNo, WordOffs+WordLen, DItemNo2, Offs);
- except
- DItemNo1 := -1;
- DItemNo2 := -1;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Main thread procedure. }
- procedure TRVWordEnumThread.Execute;
- var CurWord: String;
- StoreSub: TRVStoreSubRVData;
- TempRVData: TCustomRVData;
- Misspelled: Boolean;
- begin
- while not Terminated do begin
- if Delaying then begin
- EditedWhileDelayed := False;
- Windows.Sleep(50);
- Delaying := EditedWhileDelayed;
- continue;
- end;
- case StopWorking of
- 0:
- begin
- if Assigned(FRichView) then
- if CurItemNo>=CurRVData.GetRVData.ItemCount then begin
- if (CurRVData=TCustomRichView(FRichView).RVData) then begin
- // spelling check is complete
- if not Terminated then begin
- Synchronize(SyncProc);
- if StopWorking=0 then
- Suspend;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- // spelling check of cell is complete
- CurRVData.GetParentInfo(CurItemNo, StoreSub);
- TempRVData :=
- TCustomRVData(CurRVData.GetAbsoluteParentData.GetItem(CurItemNo).GetSubRVData(StoreSub, rvdNext));
- if TempRVData<>nil then begin
- // going to the next cell
- CurRVData := TempRVData;
- CurItemNo := 0;
- end
- else begin
- // continuing after the table
- CurRVData := CurRVData.GetAbsoluteParentData;
- inc(CurItemNo);
- end;
- CurRVData := CurRVData.GetSourceRVData;
- StoreSub.Free;
- StoreSub := nil;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- if (CurRVData.GetRVData.GetItemStyle(CurItemNo)>=0) and
- (CheckUnchecked or
- not (rvisSpellChecked in CurRVData.GetRVData.GetItem(CurItemNo).ItemState)) then begin
- // checking a text item
- if not CurItemCheckStarted then begin
- CurText := CurRVData.GetRVData.GetItemTextA(CurItemNo);
- if (CurRVData.GetRVStyle<>nil) and
- (
- CurRVData.GetRVStyle.TextStyles[CurRVData.GetRVData.GetItemStyle(CurItemNo)].Jump and
- (RVIsURL(CurText) or RVIsEmail(CurText))
- )
- or
- (CurRVData.GetRVStyle.TextStyles[CurRVData.GetRVData.GetItemStyle(CurItemNo)].Charset=SYMBOL_CHARSET)
- {$ENDIF}
- then begin
- CurRVData.GetRVData.GetItem(CurItemNo).ClearLiveSpellingResult;
- CurText := '';
- end
- else if not CheckUnchecked then
- CurRVData.GetRVData.GetItem(CurItemNo).ClearLiveSpellingResult;
- CurTextStartPtr := PChar(CurText);
- CurTextPtr := CurTextStartPtr;
- CurItemCheckStarted := True;
- end;
- CurWord := GetNextWord;
- if CurWord='' then begin
- Include(CurRVData.GetRVData.GetItem(CurItemNo).ItemState, rvisSpellChecked);
- inc(CurItemNo);
- CurItemCheckStarted := False;
- end
- else begin
- Misspelled := False;
- if Assigned(TCustomRichView(FRichView).OnSpellingCheckEx) then
- TCustomRichView(FRichView).OnSpellingCheckEx(TCustomRichView(FRichView), CurWord,
- CurRVData, CurItemNo, Misspelled)
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- if Assigned(TCustomRichView(FRichView).OnSpellingCheck) then
- TCustomRichView(FRichView).OnSpellingCheck(TCustomRichView(FRichView), CurWord,
- CurRVData.GetRVData.GetItemStyle(CurItemNo), Misspelled);
- if Misspelled then
- Synchronize(AddMisspelling);
- end;
- end
- else begin
- TempRVData := TCustomRVData(CurRVData.GetRVData.GetItem(CurItemNo).GetSubRVData(StoreSub, rvdFirst));
- if TempRVData<>nil then begin
- // entering table
- CurRVData := TempRVData;
- CurItemNo := 0;
- StoreSub.Free;
- StoreSub := nil;
- end
- else
- inc(CurItemNo);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- 1:
- begin
- StopWorking := 2;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- StopWorking := 3;
- CurText := '';
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end.