- Control.Visible := False;
- Control.Parent := TCustomRVData(RVData).GetParentControl;
- end;
- else
- begin
- SetExtraPropertyFromRVFStr(s);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- else // read from file
- begin
- if LineNo=0 then
- Name := s
- else if LineNo=1 then begin
- ControlClass := TControlClass(GetClass(s));
- if ControlClass<>nil then begin
- Control := ControlClass.Create(nil);
- Control.Visible := False;
- Control.Parent := TCustomRVData(RVData).GetParentControl;
- end;
- end
- else if LineNo=LineCount-1 then begin
- if ReadType=2 then
- RVFLoadControlBinary(s, TComponent(Control), '', TCustomRVData(RVData).GetParentControl)
- else
- Result := RVFLoadControl(s, TComponent(Control), '', TCustomRVData(RVData).GetParentControl);
- if Result then
- if Control=nil then begin
- TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFWarnings := TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFWarnings + [rvfwUnknownCtrls];
- if not (rvfoIgnoreUnknownCtrls in TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFOptions) then
- Result := False;
- end;
- ReadState := rstSkip;
- end
- else
- SetExtraPropertyFromRVFStr(s);
- if (ReadType=2) and (LineNo=LineCount-2) then
- ReadMode := rmBeforeBinary;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVControlItemInfo.GetBoolValue(Prop: TRVItemBoolProperty): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvbpValid:
- Result := Control<>nil;
- rvbpDisplayActiveState,rvbpImmediateControlOwner:
- Result := True;
- rvbpResizable:
- Result := FResizable and (PercentWidth=0);
- rvbpResizeHandlesOutside:
- Result := True;
- else
- Result := inherited GetBoolValue(Prop);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVControlItemInfo.GetBoolValueEx(Prop: TRVItemBoolPropertyEx; RVStyle: TRVStyle): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvbpAllowsFocus:
- Result := (Control<>nil) and (Control is TWinControl) and
- TWinControl(Control).TabStop and
- TWinControl(Control).CanFocus;
- rvbpActualPrintSize:
- Result := (PercentWidth>0) and (PercentWidth<=100);
- rvbpXORFocus:
- Result := False;
- else
- Result := inherited GetBoolValueEx(Prop, RVStyle);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVControlItemInfo.AsText(LineWidth: Integer;
- RVData: TPersistent;
- const Text, Path: String;
- TextOnly,Unicode: Boolean): String;
- begin
- Result := TCustomRVData(RVData).SaveComponentToFile(Path, Control, rvsfText);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVControlItemInfo.SaveRTF(Stream: TStream; const Path: String;
- RVData: TPersistent; ItemNo: Integer; const Name: String; TwipsPerPixel: Double;
- Level: Integer; ColorList: TRVColorList;
- StyleToFont, ListOverrideOffsetsList1, ListOverrideOffsetsList2: TRVIntegerList;
- FontTable: TRVList);
- var s: String;
- begin
- s := TCustomRVData(RVData).SaveComponentToFile('', Control, rvsfRTF);
- if s<>'' then
- RVWrite(Stream,s);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function RVFGetItemOptions(ItemOptions: TRVItemOptions; ForceSameAsPrev: Boolean): TRVItemOptions;
- begin
- Result := ItemOptions;
- if ForceSameAsPrev then begin
- Include(Result, rvioSameAsPrev);
- Exclude(Result, rvioBR);
- Exclude(Result, rvioPageBreakBefore);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVControlItemInfo.GetRVFExtraPropertyCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := inherited GetRVFExtraPropertyCount;
- if MinHeightOnPage>0 then
- inc(Result);
- if FResizable then
- inc(Result);
- if not FVisible then
- inc(Result);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVControlItemInfo.SaveRVFExtraProperties(Stream: TStream);
- begin
- inherited SaveRVFExtraProperties(Stream);
- if MinHeightOnPage>0 then
- WriteRVFExtraIntPropertyStr(Stream, rvepMinHeightOnPage, MinHeightOnPage);
- if FResizable then
- WriteRVFExtraIntPropertyStr(Stream, rvepResizable, ord(FResizable));
- if not FVisible then
- WriteRVFExtraIntPropertyStr(Stream, rvepResizable, ord(FVisible));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVControlItemInfo.SetExtraIntProperty(Prop: TRVExtraItemProperty; Value: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvepResizable:
- begin
- FResizable := Value<>0;
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvepVisible:
- begin
- FVisible := Value<>0;
- if (Control<>nil) and (Control.Parent<>nil) then
- Control.Visible := FVisible;
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvepMinHeightOnPage:
- begin
- MinHeightOnPage := Value;
- Result := True;
- end;
- else
- Result := inherited SetExtraIntProperty(Prop, Value);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVControlItemInfo.GetExtraIntProperty(Prop: TRVExtraItemProperty; var Value: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvepResizable:
- begin
- Value := ord(FResizable);
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvepVisible:
- begin
- Value := ord(FVisible);
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvepMinHeightOnPage:
- begin
- Value := MinHeightOnPage;
- Result := True;
- end;
- else
- Result := inherited GetExtraIntProperty(Prop, Value);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVControlItemInfo.SaveRVF(Stream: TStream;
- RVData: TPersistent;
- ItemNo, ParaNo: Integer;
- const Name: String;
- Part: TRVMultiDrawItemPart;
- ForceSameAsPrev: Boolean);
- var SaveType, LineCount: Integer;
- begin
- if rvfoSaveControlsBody in TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFOptions then begin
- if rvfoSaveBinary in TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFOptions then
- SaveType := 2 // save binary
- else
- SaveType := 0; // save hex dump
- LineCount := 3+GetRVFExtraPropertyCount;
- end
- else begin
- SaveType := 1; // do not save
- LineCount := 1+GetRVFExtraPropertyCount;
- end;
- RVFWriteLine(Stream,
- Format('%d %d %s %d %d %s %s',
- [StyleNo, LineCount,
- RVFItemSavePara(ParaNo, TCustomRVData(RVData), ForceSameAsPrev),
- Byte(RVFGetItemOptions(ItemOptions, ForceSameAsPrev)) and RVItemOptionsMask,
- SaveType,
- RVFSaveTag(rvoTagsArePChars in TCustomRVData(RVData).Options,Tag),
- SaveRVFHeaderTail(RVData)]));
- RVFWriteLine(Stream, Name);
- if SaveType<>1 then begin
- RVFWriteLine(Stream, Control.ClassName);
- SaveRVFExtraProperties(Stream);
- TCustomRVData(RVData).ControlAction(rvcaBeforeRVFSave, ItemNo, Self);
- if rvfoSaveBinary in TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFOptions then
- RVFSaveControlBinary(Stream, Control)
- else
- RVFWriteLine(Stream, RVFSaveControl(Control));
- TCustomRVData(RVData).ControlAction(rvcaAfterRVFSave, ItemNo, Self);
- end
- else
- SaveRVFExtraProperties(Stream);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVControlItemInfo.MovingToUndoList(ItemNo: Integer; RVData, AContainerUndoItem: TObject);
- begin
- Control.Parent := nil;
- TCustomRVData(RVData).ControlAction(rvcaMoveToUndoList, ItemNo, Self);
- inherited MovingToUndoList(ItemNo, RVData, AContainerUndoItem);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVControlItemInfo.MovingFromUndoList(ItemNo: Integer; RVData: TObject);
- begin
- TCustomRVData(RVData).ControlAction(rvcaMoveFromUndoList, ItemNo, Self);
- Control.Parent := TCustomRVData(RVData).GetParentControl;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVControlItemInfo.Inserting(RVData: TObject; var Text: String; Safe: Boolean);
- begin
- Control.Visible := False;
- if not Safe and (RVData<>nil) then
- Control.Parent := TCustomRVData(RVData).GetParentControl
- else
- Control.Parent := nil;
- inherited Inserting(RVData, Text, Safe);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVControlItemInfo.Focusing;
- begin
- if Control is TWinControl then
- TWinControl(Control).SetFocus;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVControlItemInfo.OnDocWidthChange(DocWidth: Integer;
- dli: TRVDrawLineInfo; Printing: Boolean; Canvas: TCanvas;
- RVData: TPersistent; sad: PRVScreenAndDevice;
- var HShift, Desc: Integer; NoCaching, Reformatting: Boolean);
- begin
- HShift := 0;
- if (PercentWidth>0) and (PercentWidth<=100) then begin
- if not Printing then
- Control.Width := DocWidth * PercentWidth div 100-Spacing*2;
- dli.Width := DocWidth * PercentWidth div 100;
- dli.Height := RV_YToDevice(Control.Height+Spacing*2, sad^);
- Desc := RV_YToDevice(GetDescent, sad^);
- end
- else
- Desc := GetDescent;
- end;
- {============================ TRVGraphicItemInfo ==============================}
- constructor TRVGraphicItemInfo.CreateEx(RVData: TPersistent; AImage: TGraphic; AVAlign: TRVVAlign);
- begin
- inherited Create(RVData);
- StyleNo := rvsPicture;
- Image := AImage;
- VAlign := AVAlign;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TRVGraphicItemInfo.Destroy;
- begin
- Image.Free;
- ImageCopy.Free;
- FAnimator.Free;
- {$ENDIF}
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVGraphicItemInfo.Assign(Source: TCustomRVItemInfo);
- var grclass: TGraphicClass;
- begin
- if Source is TRVGraphicItemInfo then begin
- Alt := TRVGraphicItemInfo(Source).Alt;
- ImageFileName := TRVGraphicItemInfo(Source).ImageFileName;
- ImageWidth := TRVGraphicItemInfo(Source).ImageWidth;
- ImageHeight := TRVGraphicItemInfo(Source).ImageHeight;
- NoHTMLImageSize := TRVGraphicItemInfo(Source).NoHTMLImageSize;
- Image.Free;
- ImageCopy.Free;
- grclass := TGraphicClass(TRVGraphicItemInfo(Source).Image.ClassType);
- Image := RV_CreateGraphics(grclass);
- Image.Assign(TRVGraphicItemInfo(Source).Image);
- if TRVGraphicItemInfo(Source).ImageCopy<>nil then begin
- grclass := TGraphicClass(TRVGraphicItemInfo(Source).ImageCopy.ClassType);
- ImageCopy := RV_CreateGraphics(grclass);
- ImageCopy.Assign(TRVGraphicItemInfo(Source).ImageCopy);
- end
- else
- ImageCopy := nil;
- end;
- inherited Assign(Source);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVGraphicItemInfo.TransferProperties(Source: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- RVData: TPersistent);
- begin
- if (FAnimator=nil) and (Source is TRVGraphicItemInfo) then begin
- FAnimator := TRVGraphicItemInfo(Source).FAnimator;
- TRVGraphicItemInfo(Source).FAnimator := nil;
- if FAnimator<>nil then
- TRVAnimator(FAnimator).Update(nil, Self);
- UpdateAnimator(RVData);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVGraphicItemInfo.GetHeight: Integer;
- begin
- if (ImageHeight>0) then
- Result := ImageHeight
- else
- Result := Image.Height;
- inc(Result,Spacing*2);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVGraphicItemInfo.GetImageHeight(RVStyle: TRVStyle): Integer;
- begin
- if (ImageHeight>0) then
- Result := ImageHeight
- else
- Result := Image.Height;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVGraphicItemInfo.GetWidth: Integer;
- begin
- if (ImageWidth>0) then
- Result := ImageWidth
- else
- Result := Image.Width;
- inc(Result, Spacing*2);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVGraphicItemInfo.GetImageWidth(RVStyle: TRVStyle): Integer;
- begin
- if (ImageWidth>0) then
- Result := ImageWidth
- else
- Result := Image.Width;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVGraphicItemInfo.GetMinWidth(sad: PRVScreenAndDevice; Canvas: TCanvas;
- RVData: TPersistent): Integer;
- begin
- if (ImageWidth>0) then
- Result := ImageWidth
- else
- Result := Image.Width;
- inc(Result, Spacing*2);
- if sad<>nil then
- Result := MulDiv(Result, sad.ppixDevice, sad.ppixScreen);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVGraphicItemInfo.UpdateAnimator(RVData: TObject);
- begin
- if RVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then begin
- if not TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).AllowAnimation then begin
- FAnimator.Free;
- FAnimator := nil;
- end
- else
- RV_MakeAnimator(Self, TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData), TRVAnimator(FAnimator));
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVGraphicItemInfo.Paint(x, y: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas;
- State: TRVItemDrawStates; Style: TRVStyle; dli: TRVDrawLineInfo);
- var w,h: Integer;
- {...............................................}
- procedure DrawBmp;
- begin
- if (ImageWidth=0) and (ImageHeight=0) then
- BitBlt(Canvas.Handle, x, y,
- ImageCopy.Width, ImageCopy.Height,
- TBitmap(ImageCopy).Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, SRCCOPY)
- else
- StretchBlt(Canvas.Handle, x, y, w, h,
- TBitmap(ImageCopy).Canvas.Handle, 0, 0,
- ImageCopy.Width, ImageCopy.Height, SRCCOPY);
- end;
- {...............................................}
- procedure DrawImage(Image: TGraphic);
- var DCState: Integer;
- begin
- DCState := 0;
- try
- if (ImageWidth=0) and (ImageHeight=0) then begin
- if Image is TMetafile then begin
- DCState := SaveDC(Canvas.Handle);
- IntersectClipRect(Canvas.Handle, x, y, x+Image.Width, y+Image.Height);
- end;
- try
- Canvas.Draw(x, y, Image);
- except
- end;
- end
- else begin
- if Image is TMetafile then begin
- DCState := SaveDC(Canvas.Handle);
- IntersectClipRect(Canvas.Handle, x, y, x+w, y+h);
- end;
- try
- Canvas.StretchDraw(Bounds(x, y, w, h), Image);
- except
- end;
- end;
- finally
- if DCState<>0 then
- RestoreDC(Canvas.Handle, DCState);
- end;
- end;
- {...............................................}
- begin
- w := GetImageWidth(Style);
- h := GetImageHeight(Style);
- inc(x, Spacing); inc(y, Spacing);
- if FAnimator<>nil then
- TRVAnimator(FAnimator).Draw(x,y,Canvas, False)
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- if ImageCopy<>nil then
- if ImageCopy is TBitmap then
- DrawBmp
- else
- DrawImage(ImageCopy)
- else
- DrawImage(Image);
- if (rvidsCurrent in State) and (Style.CurrentItemColor<>clNone) then begin
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- Canvas.Pen.Color := Style.CurrentItemColor;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- Canvas.Rectangle(x-Spacing-1,y-Spacing-1, x+w+Spacing+1, y+h+Spacing+1);
- end;
- if (rvidsSelected in State) then begin
- if rvidsControlFocused in State then
- Canvas.Pen.Color := Style.SelColor
- else
- Canvas.Pen.Color := Style.InactiveSelColor;
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- if Canvas.Pen.Color<>clNone then begin
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- Canvas.Rectangle(x-Spacing,y-Spacing, x+w+Spacing, y+h+Spacing);
- end;
- end
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVGraphicItemInfo.AsImage: TGraphic;
- begin
- Result := Image;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVGraphicItemInfo.MovingToUndoList(ItemNo: Integer; RVData, AContainerUndoItem: TObject);
- begin
- ImageCopy.Free;
- ImageCopy := nil;
- if FAnimator<>nil then begin
- FAnimator.Free;
- FAnimator := nil;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- inherited MovingToUndoList(ItemNo, RVData, AContainerUndoItem);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVGraphicItemInfo.UpdatePaletteInfo(PaletteAction: TRVPaletteAction;
- ForceRecreateCopy: Boolean;
- Palette: HPALETTE;
- LogPalette: PLogPalette);
- begin
- if not (PaletteAction in [rvpaCreateCopies,rvpaCreateCopiesEx]) or ForceRecreateCopy or
- (Palette=0) then begin
- ImageCopy.Free;
- ImageCopy := nil;
- end;
- // if ImageCopy=nil then
- // ImageCopy := TBitmap.Create;
- // ImageCopy.Width := Image.Width;
- // ImageCopy.Height := Image.Height;
- // TBitmap(ImageCopy).Canvas.Draw(0,0,Image);
- case PaletteAction of
- {*} rvpaAssignPalette:
- begin
- if LogPalette<>nil then
- RV_SetPaletteToPicture(Image,LogPalette);
- end;
- {*} rvpaCreateCopies,rvpaCreateCopiesEx:
- begin
- if (LogPalette<>nil) and (ImageCopy=nil) then begin
- if (PaletteAction=rvpaCreateCopiesEx) and
- (Image is TJpegImage) then
- ImageCopy := TBitmap.Create
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- ImageCopy := RV_CreateGraphics(TGraphicClass(Image.ClassType));
- ImageCopy.Assign(Image);
- RV_SetPaletteToPicture(ImageCopy,LogPalette);
- if ImageCopy is TBitmap then
- TBitmap(ImageCopy).IgnorePalette := True;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVGraphicItemInfo.GetBoolValue(Prop: TRVItemBoolProperty): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvbpResizable:
- Result := (Image<>nil) and not (Image is TIcon);
- rvbpValid:
- Result := Image<>nil;
- rvbpResizeHandlesOutside:
- Result := FAnimator<>nil;
- {$ELSE}
- Result := False;
- {$ENDIF}
- rvbpDisplayActiveState, rvbpDrawingChangesFont:
- Result := True;
- else
- Result := inherited GetBoolValue(Prop);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVGraphicItemInfo.GetBoolValueEx(Prop: TRVItemBoolPropertyEx; RVStyle: TRVStyle): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvbpPrintToBMP:
- Result := not (Image is TMetafile);
- else
- Result := inherited GetBoolValueEx(Prop, RVStyle);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function RV_GetExtraIMGStr(SaveOptions: TRVSaveOptions; Width, Height: Integer;
- NoHTMLImageSize: Boolean): String;
- begin
- if rvsoNoHypertextImageBorders in SaveOptions then
- Result := ' border=0 '
- else
- Result := ' ';
- if (rvsoImageSizes in SaveOptions) and not NoHTMLImageSize then
- Result := Result+Format('width=%d height=%d ',[Width, Height]);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVGraphicItemInfo.SaveToHTML(Stream: TStream; RVData: TPersistent;
- ItemNo: Integer; const Text, Path: String; const imgSavePrefix: String;
- var imgSaveNo: Integer; CurrentFileColor: TColor;
- SaveOptions: TRVSaveOptions; UseCSS: Boolean; Bullets: TRVList);
- {.................................................................}
- function GetExtraIMGStr: String;
- var s: String;
- RVStyle: TRVStyle;
- begin
- Result := '';
- if rvsoNoHypertextImageBorders in SaveOptions then
- RV_AddStr(Result, Format('border=%s',[RV_HTMLGetIntAttrVal(0, SaveOptions)]));
- RVStyle := TCustomRVData(RVData).GetRVStyle;
- if ((rvsoImageSizes in SaveOptions) and not NoHTMLImageSize) or
- (ImageWidth>0) or (ImageHeight>0) then
- RV_AddStr(Result,
- Format('width=%s height=%s', [
- RV_HTMLGetIntAttrVal(GetImageWidth(RVStyle), SaveOptions),
- RV_HTMLGetIntAttrVal(GetImageHeight(RVStyle), SaveOptions)]));
- if (Alt<>'') or UseCSS then begin
- if rvsoUTF8 in SaveOptions then
- s := RVU_AnsiToUTF8(RVStyle.DefCodePage, Alt)
- else
- s := Alt;
- RV_AddStr(Result, 'alt="'+s+'"');
- end;
- if Spacing>0 then
- RV_AddStr(Result, Format('hspace=%s vspace=%s', [
- RV_HTMLGetIntAttrVal(Spacing, SaveOptions),
- RV_HTMLGetIntAttrVal(Spacing, SaveOptions)]));
- if Hint<>'' then begin
- s := RV_GetHintStr(rvsfHTML, Hint);
- if rvsoUTF8 in SaveOptions then
- s := RVU_AnsiToUTF8(RVStyle.DefCodePage, s);
- RV_AddStr(Result, s);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- if UseCSS then begin
- s := GetVShiftCSS(RVStyle);
- if s<>'' then
- RV_AddStr(Result, Format('style="{%s}"',[s]));
- end;
- if Result<>'' then
- Result := ' '+Result+' '
- else
- Result := ' ';
- end;
- {.................................................................}
- var Location: String;
- DoDefault: Boolean;
- begin
- if (ImageFileName<>'') and (rvsoUseItemImageFileNames in SaveOptions) then
- Location := ExtractRelativePath(Path, ImageFileName)
- else
- Location := '';
- TCustomRVData(RVData).HTMLSaveImage(TCustomRVData(RVData), ItemNo, Path, CurrentFileColor, Location, DoDefault);
- if DoDefault then
- if (ImageFileName<>'') and (rvsoUseItemImageFileNames in SaveOptions) then
- Location := ExtractRelativePath(Path, ImageFileName)
- else
- Location := TCustomRVData(RVData).DoSavePicture(rvsfHTML, imgSavePrefix, Path,
- imgSaveNo, rvsoOverrideImages in SaveOptions, CurrentFileColor, Image);
- if Location<>'' then
- RVWrite(Stream, Format('<img%s%ssrc="%s"%s>',
- [GetHTMLImageAlign(VAlign, SaveOptions, UseCSS), GetExtraIMGStr,
- RV_GetHTMLPath(Location, SaveOptions, TCustomRVData(RVData).GetRVStyle.DefCodePage),
- RV_HTMLGetEndingSlash(SaveOptions)]));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVGraphicItemInfo.ReadRVFLine(const s: String;
- RVData: TPersistent;
- ReadType, LineNo, LineCount: Integer;
- var Name: String;
- var ReadMode: TRVFReadMode;
- var ReadState: TRVFReadState): Boolean;
- var grcls : TGraphicClass;
- ifn: String;
- begin
- Result := True;
- case ReadType of
- 1: // ask user
- begin
- case LineNo of
- 0:
- begin
- Image := TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFPictureNeeded(s, Tag);
- Name := s;
- end;
- else
- begin
- ifn := ImageFileName;
- SetExtraPropertyFromRVFStr(s);
- if (ifn<>ImageFileName) and (ImageFileName<>'') and (Image=nil) then
- Image := TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFPictureNeeded(ImageFileName, Tag);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- else // load picture from file
- begin
- if LineNo=0 then
- Name := s
- else if LineNo=1 then begin
- grcls := TGraphicClass(GetClass(s));
- if grcls=nil then begin
- TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFWarnings := TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFWarnings + [rvfwUnknownPicFmt];
- if not (rvfoIgnoreUnknownPicFmt in TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFOptions) then
- Result := False;
- end
- else begin
- Image := RV_CreateGraphics(grcls);
- end;
- end
- else if LineNo=LineCount-1 then begin
- if Image<>nil then begin
- try
- if ReadType=2 then
- RVFLoadPictureBinary(s, Image)
- else
- Result := RVFLoadPicture(s, Image);
- if (Image is TMetafile) {$IFNDEF RVCORRECTWMFSCALE2} and not TMetafile(Image).Enhanced{$ENDIF} and (TMetafile(Image).Inch=0) then
- TMetafile(Image).Inch := 1440;
- {$ENDIF}
- except
- Image.Free;
- Image := RV_CreateGraphics(TGraphicClass(TCustomRVData(RVData).GetRVStyle.InvalidPicture.Graphic.ClassType));
- Image.Assign(TCustomRVData(RVData).GetRVStyle.InvalidPicture.Graphic);
- TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFWarnings := TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFWarnings+[rvfwInvalidPicture];
- end;
- end;
- ReadState := rstSkip;
- end
- else
- SetExtraPropertyFromRVFStr(s);
- if (ReadType=2) and (LineNo=LineCount-2) then
- ReadMode := rmBeforeBinary;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVGraphicItemInfo.GetRVFExtraPropertyCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := inherited GetRVFExtraPropertyCount;
- if ImageWidth>0 then
- inc(Result);
- if ImageHeight>0 then
- inc(Result);
- if MinHeightOnPage>0 then
- inc(Result);
- if NoHTMLImageSize then
- inc(Result);
- if Interval>0 then
- inc(Result);
- if (Image<>nil) and (Image is TBitmap) and TBitmap(Image).Transparent then begin
- inc(Result,2);
- if TBitmap(Image).TransparentMode=tmFixed then
- inc(Result);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- if ImageFileName<>'' then
- inc(Result);
- if Alt<>'' then
- inc(Result);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVGraphicItemInfo.SaveRVFExtraProperties(Stream: TStream);
- begin
- inherited SaveRVFExtraProperties(Stream);
- if ImageWidth>0 then
- WriteRVFExtraIntPropertyStr(Stream, rvepImageWidth, ImageWidth);
- if ImageHeight>0 then
- WriteRVFExtraIntPropertyStr(Stream, rvepImageHeight, ImageHeight);
- if MinHeightOnPage>0 then
- WriteRVFExtraIntPropertyStr(Stream, rvepMinHeightOnPage, MinHeightOnPage);
- if NoHTMLImageSize then
- WriteRVFExtraIntPropertyStr(Stream, rvepNoHTMLImageSize, 1);
- if Interval>0 then
- WriteRVFExtraIntPropertyStr(Stream, rvepAnimationInterval, Interval);
- if (Image<>nil) and (Image is TBitmap) and TBitmap(Image).Transparent then begin
- WriteRVFExtraIntPropertyStr(Stream, rvepTransparent, 1);
- WriteRVFExtraIntPropertyStr(Stream, rvepTransparentMode, ord(TBitmap(Image).TransparentMode));
- if TBitmap(Image).TransparentMode=tmFixed then
- WriteRVFExtraIntPropertyStr(Stream, rvepTransparentColor, TBitmap(Image).TransparentColor);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- if ImageFileName<>'' then
- WriteRVFExtraStrPropertyStr(Stream, rvespImageFileName, ImageFileName);
- if Alt<>'' then
- WriteRVFExtraStrPropertyStr(Stream, rvespAlt, Alt);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVGraphicItemInfo.SetExtraIntProperty(Prop: TRVExtraItemProperty; Value: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- case Prop of
- rvepImageWidth:
- begin
- ImageWidth := Value;
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvepImageHeight:
- begin
- ImageHeight := Value;
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvepMinHeightOnPage:
- begin
- MinHeightOnPage := Value;
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvepNoHTMLImageSize:
- begin
- NoHTMLImageSize := Value<>0;
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvepAnimationInterval:
- begin
- Interval := Value;
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvepTransparent:
- if (Image<>nil) and (Image is TBitmap) then begin
- TBitmap(Image).Transparent := Value<>0;
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvepTransparentMode:
- if (Image<>nil) and (Image is TBitmap) then begin
- TBitmap(Image).TransparentMode := TTransparentMode(Value);
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvepTransparentColor:
- begin
- if (Image<>nil) and (Image is TBitmap) then begin
- TBitmap(Image).TransparentColor := TColor(Value);
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- else
- Result := inherited SetExtraIntProperty(Prop, Value);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVGraphicItemInfo.GetExtraIntProperty(Prop: TRVExtraItemProperty; var Value: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- case Prop of
- rvepImageWidth:
- begin
- Value := ImageWidth;
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvepImageHeight:
- begin
- Value := ImageHeight;
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvepMinHeightOnPage:
- begin
- Value := MinHeightOnPage;
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvepNoHTMLImageSize:
- begin
- Value := ord(NoHTMLImageSize);
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvepAnimationInterval:
- begin
- Value := Interval;
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvepTransparent:
- if (Image<>nil) and (Image is TBitmap) then begin
- Value := ord(TBitmap(Image).Transparent);
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvepTransparentMode:
- if (Image<>nil) and (Image is TBitmap) then begin
- Value := ord(TBitmap(Image).TransparentMode);
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvepTransparentColor:
- begin
- if (Image<>nil) and (Image is TBitmap) then begin
- Value := Integer(TBitmap(Image).TransparentColor);
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- else
- Result := inherited GetExtraIntProperty(Prop, Value);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVGraphicItemInfo.GetExtraStrProperty(
- Prop: TRVExtraItemStrProperty; var Value: String): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvespImageFileName:
- begin
- Value := ImageFileName;
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvespAlt:
- begin
- Value := Alt;
- Result := True;
- end;
- else
- Result := inherited GetExtraStrProperty(Prop, Value);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVGraphicItemInfo.SetExtraStrProperty(
- Prop: TRVExtraItemStrProperty; const Value: String): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvespImageFileName:
- begin
- ImageFileName := Value;
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvespAlt:
- begin
- Alt := Value;
- Result := True;
- end;
- else
- Result := inherited SetExtraStrProperty(Prop, Value);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVGraphicItemInfo.SaveRVF(Stream: TStream;
- RVData: TPersistent; ItemNo, ParaNo: Integer;
- const Name: String; Part: TRVMultiDrawItemPart;
- ForceSameAsPrev: Boolean);
- var SaveType, LineCount: Integer;
- begin
- if rvfoSavePicturesBody in TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFOptions then begin
- if rvfoSaveBinary in TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFOptions then
- SaveType := 2 // save binary
- else
- SaveType := 0; // save hex dump
- LineCount := 3+GetRVFExtraPropertyCount;
- end
- else begin
- SaveType := 1; // do not save
- LineCount := 1+GetRVFExtraPropertyCount;
- end;
- RVFWriteLine(Stream,
- Format('%d %d %s %d %d %s %s',
- [StyleNo, LineCount,
- RVFItemSavePara(ParaNo, TCustomRVData(RVData), ForceSameAsPrev),
- Byte(RVFGetItemOptions(ItemOptions,ForceSameAsPrev)) and RVItemOptionsMask,
- SaveType,
- RVFSaveTag(rvoTagsArePChars in TCustomRVData(RVData).Options, Tag),
- SaveRVFHeaderTail(RVData)]));
- RVFWriteLine(Stream, Name);
- if SaveType<>1 then begin
- RVFWriteLine(Stream, Image.ClassName);
- SaveRVFExtraProperties(Stream);
- if rvfoSaveBinary in TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFOptions then
- RVFSavePictureBinary(Stream, Image)
- else
- RVFWriteLine(Stream, RVFSavePicture(Image));
- end
- else
- SaveRVFExtraProperties(Stream);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure RVSaveImageToRTF(Stream: TStream; TwipsPerPixel: Double;
- Image: TGraphic; ImageWidth, ImageHeight: Integer;
- Options: TRVRTFOptions);
- var s: String;
- wmf: TMetafile;
- FreeWMF: Boolean;
- bmp: TBitmap;
- slw: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- picw, pich: Integer;
- begin
- if Image=nil then
- exit;
- RVFWrite(Stream,'{pict');
- if (ImageWidth>0) and (Image.Width>0) then begin
- if (Image is TMetafile) and (TMetafile(Image).MMWidth>0) and
- (not TMetafile(Image).Enhanced or (rvrtfSaveEMFAsWMF in Options)) then
- picw := Round(TMetafile(Image).MMWidth*72/(127*TwipsPerPixel))
- else
- picw := Image.Width;
- RVFWrite(Stream,Format('picscalex%d', [Round(ImageWidth*100/picw)]));
- end;
- if (ImageHeight>0) and (Image.Height>0) then begin
- if (Image is TMetafile) and (TMetafile(Image).MMHeight>0) and
- (not TMetafile(Image).Enhanced or (rvrtfSaveEMFAsWMF in Options)) then
- pich := Round(TMetafile(Image).MMHeight*72/(127*TwipsPerPixel))
- else
- pich := Image.Height;
- RVFWrite(Stream,Format('picscaley%d', [Round(ImageHeight*100/pich)]));
- end;
- {$IFDEF RICHVIEWCBDEF3} // requires ScanLine property...
- // Saving bitmaps ...
- if Image is TBitmap then begin
- s := RVFSavePicture(Image);
- if TBitmap(Image).Height>1 then
- slw := abs(PChar(TBitmap(Image).ScanLine[1])-PChar(TBitmap(Image).ScanLine[0]))
- else
- slw := Image.Width;
- RVFWrite(Stream,
- Format('dibitmap0wbmwidthbytes%dpicw%dpich%dpicwgoal%dpichgoal%d ',
- [ slw, Image.Width, Image.Height, Image.Width*15, Image.Height*15]));
- RVFWrite(Stream, PChar(s)+sizeof(TBitmapFileHeader)*2);
- end
- // Saving metafiles ...
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- if Image is TMetafile then begin
- if TMetafile(Image).Enhanced then
- if not (rvrtfSaveEMFAsWMF in Options) then begin
- s := RVFSavePicture(Image);
- RVFWrite(Stream,Format('emfblippicw%dpich%d ',
- [TMetafile(Image).MMWidth, TMetafile(Image).MMHeight]));
- RVFWrite(Stream,PChar(s));
- wmf := nil;
- FreeWMF := False;
- end
- else begin
- wmf := TMetafile.Create;
- wmf.Assign(Image);
- wmf.Enhanced := False;
- FreeWMF := True;
- end
- else begin
- wmf := TMetafile(Image);
- FreeWMF := False;
- end;
- if wmf<>nil then begin
- s := RVFSavePicture(wmf);
- RVFWrite(Stream,Format('wmetafile8picw%dpich%d ',
- [wmf.MMWidth, wmf.MMHeight]));
- RVFWrite(Stream,PChar(s)+22*2); // sizeof(TMetafileHeader)=22
- if FreeWMF then
- wmf.Free;
- end;
- end
- else
- // Saving Jpegs ...
- if (Image is TJpegImage) and (rvrtfSaveJpegAsJpeg in Options) then begin
- s := RVFSavePicture(Image);
- RVFWrite(Stream,Format('jpegblippicw%dpich%d ',
- [Image.Width, Image.Height]));
- RVFWrite(Stream,PChar(s));
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- // Saving PNG...
- if (RVPngGraphiClass<>nil) and (Image is RVPngGraphiClass) then begin
- s := RVFSavePicture(Image);
- RVFWrite(Stream,Format('pngblippicw%dpich%d ',
- [Image.Width, Image.Height]));
- RVFWrite(Stream,PChar(s));
- end
- else
- if rvrtfSaveBitmapDefault in Options then begin
- // Saving other image formats, such as icons, as bitmaps
- bmp := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- bmp.Assign(Image);
- except
- bmp.Width := Image.Width;
- bmp.Height := Image.Height;
- bmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite;
- bmp.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0,0,bmp.Width,bmp.Height));
- bmp.Canvas.Draw(0,0,Image);
- end;
- s := RVFSavePicture(bmp);
- if bmp.Height>1 then
- slw := abs(PChar(bmp.ScanLine[1])-PChar(bmp.ScanLine[0]))
- else
- slw := bmp.Width;
- RVFWrite(Stream,Format('dibitmap0wbmwidthbytes%dpicw%dpich%dpicwgoal%dpichgoal%d ',
- [ slw, bmp.Width, bmp.Height, bmp.Width*15, bmp.Height*15]));
- RVFWrite(Stream, PChar(s)+sizeof(TBitmapFileHeader)*2);
- bmp.Free;
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- // Saving other image formats, such as icons, as metafiles
- wmf := TMetafile.Create;
- wmf.Enhanced := False;
- wmf.Width := Image.Width;
- wmf.Height := Image.Height;
- with TMetafileCanvas.Create(wmf, 0) do begin
- Draw(0,0, Image);
- Free;
- end;
- if rvrtfSaveEMFDefault in Options then begin
- wmf.Enhanced := True;
- s := RVFSavePicture(wmf);
- RVFWrite(Stream,Format('emfblippicw%dpich%d ',
- [TMetafile(wmf).MMWidth, TMetafile(wmf).MMHeight]));
- RVFWrite(Stream,PChar(s));
- end
- else begin
- s := RVFSavePicture(wmf);
- // Unfortunately, some RTF readers can read only wmetafile8 (for ex., WordPad).
- // MS Word reads all correctly
- // (there are some problems with picture size when saving wmetafile8)
- // May be it will be better to store unknown formats as bitmaps,
- // but it's not recommended, and some quality losing is possible.
- RVFWrite(Stream,Format('wmetafile1picw%dpich%d ',
- [wmf.Width, wmf.Height]));
- RVFWrite(Stream,PChar(s)+22*2); // sizeof(TMetafileHeader)=22
- end;
- wmf.Free;
- end;
- RVFWrite(Stream,'}');
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVGraphicItemInfo.SaveRTF(Stream: TStream; const Path: String;
- RVData: TPersistent; ItemNo: Integer; const Name: String; TwipsPerPixel: Double;
- Level: Integer; ColorList: TRVColorList;
- StyleToFont, ListOverrideOffsetsList1, ListOverrideOffsetsList2: TRVIntegerList;
- FontTable: TRVList);
- begin
- RVSaveImageToRTF(Stream, TwipsPerPixel, Image, ImageWidth, ImageHeight,
- TCustomRVData(RVData).RTFOptions);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVGraphicItemInfo.PrintToBitmap(Bkgnd: TBitmap; Preview: Boolean;
- RichView: TRVScroller; dli: TRVDrawLineInfo; Part: Integer;
- ColorMode: TRVColorMode):Boolean;
- var Top: Integer;
- tmp: TBitmap;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- Result := True;
- if (dli is TRVMultiImagePrintInfo) and (Part>=0) then
- Top := -TRVImagePrintPart(TRVMultiImagePrintInfo(dli).PartsList[Part]).ImgTop
- else
- Top := 0;
- if (ImageWidth<=0) and (ImageHeight<=0) then
- if Preview and (ImageCopy<>nil) then
- Bkgnd.Canvas.Draw(0,Top, ImageCopy)
- else
- Bkgnd.Canvas.Draw(0,Top, Image)
- else
- if Preview and (ImageCopy<>nil) then
- Bkgnd.Canvas.StretchDraw(Bounds(0,Top, Bkgnd.Width,Bkgnd.Height), ImageCopy)
- else begin
- if ((ImageWidth<=0) or (ImageWidth=Image.Width)) and ((ImageHeight<=0) or (ImageHeight=Image.Height)) then
- Bkgnd.Canvas.StretchDraw(Bounds(0,Top, Bkgnd.Width,Bkgnd.Height), Image)
- else begin
- tmp := nil;
- if Image.Transparent then begin
- tmp := TBitmap.Create;
- tmp.Assign(bkgnd);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- bkgnd.Width := Image.Width;
- if Part<0 then
- bkgnd.Height := Image.Height;
- if Image.Transparent then begin
- bkgnd.Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(0,0,bkgnd.Width,bkgnd.Height), tmp);
- tmp.Free
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- Bkgnd.Canvas.Draw(0, Top, Image)
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVGraphicItemInfo.Print(Canvas: TCanvas; x, y, x2: Integer;
- Preview, Correction: Boolean; const sad: TRVScreenAndDevice;
- RichView: TRVScroller; dli: TRVDrawLineInfo;
- Part: Integer; ColorMode: TRVColorMode; RVData: TPersistent);
- var DCState: Integer;
- R: TRect;
- begin
- // will be called only for metafiles
- DCState := SaveDC(Canvas.Handle);
- try
- R := Bounds(x+MulDiv(Spacing, sad.ppixDevice, sad.ppixScreen),
- y+MulDiv(Spacing, sad.ppiyDevice, sad.ppiyScreen),
- MulDiv(GetImageWidth(TCustomRichView(RichView).Style), sad.ppixDevice, sad.ppixScreen),
- MulDiv(GetImageHeight(TCustomRichView(RichView).Style), sad.ppiyDevice, sad.ppiyScreen));
- with R do
- IntersectClipRect(Canvas.Handle, Left, Top, Right, Bottom);
- Canvas.StretchDraw(r, Image);
- finally
- RestoreDC(Canvas.Handle, DCState);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVGraphicItemInfo.CreatePrintingDrawItem(RVData: TObject;
- const sad: TRVScreenAndDevice): TRVDrawLineInfo;
- begin
- if not GetBoolValueEx(rvbpPrintToBMP, nil) or (MinHeightOnPage=0) or
- ((ImageHeight>0) and (ImageHeight<>Image.Height)) then begin
- Result := TRVDrawLineInfo.Create;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := TRVMultiImagePrintInfo.Create(Self);
- Result.Width := MulDiv(GetWidth, sad.ppixDevice, sad.ppixScreen);
- Result.Height := MulDiv(GetHeight, sad.ppiyDevice, sad.ppiyScreen);
- TRVMultiImagePrintInfo(Result).sad := sad;
- end;
- {============================ TRVHotGraphicItemInfo ===========================}
- constructor TRVHotGraphicItemInfo.CreateEx(RVData: TPersistent;
- AImage: TGraphic; AVAlign: TRVVAlign);
- begin
- inherited CreateEx(RVData, AImage, AVAlign);
- StyleNo := rvsHotPicture;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVHotGraphicItemInfo.GetBoolValueEx(Prop: TRVItemBoolPropertyEx;
- RVStyle: TRVStyle): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvbpJump, rvbpAllowsFocus, rvbpXORFocus:
- Result := True;
- else
- Result := inherited GetBoolValueEx(Prop, RVStyle);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVHotGraphicItemInfo.Execute(RVData:TPersistent);
- begin
- if RVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).DoJump(JumpID+
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).FirstJumpNo)
- end;
- {============================== TRVBulletItemInfo =============================}
- constructor TRVBulletItemInfo.CreateEx(RVData: TPersistent; AImageIndex: Integer; AImageList: TCustomImageList; AVAlign: TRVVAlign);
- begin
- inherited Create(RVData);
- StyleNo := rvsBullet;
- ImageIndex := AImageIndex;
- ImageList := AImageList;
- VAlign := AVAlign;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVBulletItemInfo.Assign(Source: TCustomRVItemInfo);
- begin
- if Source is TRVBulletItemInfo then begin
- ImageList := TRVBulletItemInfo(Source).ImageList;
- ImageIndex := TRVBulletItemInfo(Source).ImageIndex;
- NoHTMLImageSize := TRVBulletItemInfo(Source).NoHTMLImageSize;
- end;
- inherited Assign(Source);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBulletItemInfo.GetHeight: Integer;
- begin
- Result := TImageList(ImageList).Height+Spacing*2;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBulletItemInfo.GetImageHeight(RVStyle: TRVStyle): Integer;
- begin
- Result := TImageList(ImageList).Height;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBulletItemInfo.GetWidth: Integer;
- begin
- Result := TImageList(ImageList).Width+Spacing*2;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBulletItemInfo.GetImageWidth(RVStyle: TRVStyle): Integer;
- begin
- Result := TImageList(ImageList).Width;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBulletItemInfo.GetMinWidth(sad: PRVScreenAndDevice; Canvas: TCanvas;
- RVData: TPersistent): Integer;
- begin
- Result := TImageList(ImageList).Width+Spacing*2;
- if sad<>nil then
- Result := MulDiv(Result, sad.ppixDevice, sad.ppixScreen);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBulletItemInfo.GetImageIndex(Hot: Boolean): Integer;
- begin
- Result := ImageIndex;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBulletItemInfo.GetBoolValue(Prop: TRVItemBoolProperty): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvbpValid:
- Result := ImageList<>nil;
- rvbpDisplayActiveState:
- Result := True;
- else
- Result := inherited GetBoolValue(Prop);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBulletItemInfo.GetExtraIntProperty(Prop: TRVExtraItemProperty;
- var Value: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvepNoHTMLImageSize:
- begin
- Value := ord(NoHTMLImageSize);
- Result := True;
- end;
- else
- Result := inherited GetExtraIntProperty(Prop, Value);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBulletItemInfo.SetExtraIntProperty(Prop: TRVExtraItemProperty;
- Value: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvepNoHTMLImageSize:
- begin
- NoHTMLImageSize := Value<>0;
- Result := True;
- end;
- else
- Result := inherited SetExtraIntProperty(Prop, Value);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBulletItemInfo.GetExtraStrProperty(
- Prop: TRVExtraItemStrProperty; var Value: String): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvespAlt:
- begin
- Value := Alt;
- Result := True;
- end;
- else
- Result := inherited GetExtraStrProperty(Prop, Value);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBulletItemInfo.SetExtraStrProperty(
- Prop: TRVExtraItemStrProperty; const Value: String): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvespAlt:
- begin
- Alt := Value;
- Result := True;
- end;
- else
- Result := inherited SetExtraStrProperty(Prop, Value);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBulletItemInfo.GetRVFExtraPropertyCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := inherited GetRVFExtraPropertyCount;
- if NoHTMLImageSize then
- inc(Result);
- if Alt<>'' then
- inc(Result);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVBulletItemInfo.SaveRVFExtraProperties(Stream: TStream);
- begin
- inherited SaveRVFExtraProperties(Stream);
- if NoHTMLImageSize then
- WriteRVFExtraIntPropertyStr(Stream, rvepNoHTMLImageSize, 1);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBulletItemInfo.PrintToBitmap(Bkgnd: TBitmap; Preview: Boolean;
- RichView: TRVScroller; dli: TRVDrawLineInfo; Part: Integer;
- ColorMode: TRVColorMode): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := True;
- ImageList.Draw(Bkgnd.Canvas,0,0, ImageIndex);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVBulletItemInfo.Paint(x, y: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas;
- State: TRVItemDrawStates; Style: TRVStyle; dli: TRVDrawLineInfo);
- var SelColor: TColor;
- BlendColor: TColorRef;
- ILDrawOptions: Integer;
- begin
- if (rvidsSelected in State) then begin
- if rvidsControlFocused in State then
- SelColor := Style.SelColor
- else
- SelColor := Style.InactiveSelColor;
- end
- else
- SelColor := clNone;
- if SelColor<clNone then begin
- BlendColor := ColorToRGB(SelColor);
- end
- else begin
- BlendColor := CLR_NONE;
- end;
- ImageList_DrawEx(ImageList.Handle, GetImageIndex(rvidsHover in State),
- Canvas.Handle, x+Spacing, y+Spacing,
- TImageList(ImageList).Width, TImageList(ImageList).Height,
- CLR_NONE, BlendColor, ILDrawOptions);
- if (rvidsCurrent in State) and (Style.CurrentItemColor<>clNone) then begin
- Canvas.Pen.Color := Style.CurrentItemColor;
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- Canvas.Rectangle(x,y, x+TImageList(ImageList).Width+Spacing*2, y+TImageList(ImageList).Height+Spacing*2);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBulletItemInfo.ReadRVFHeader(var P: PChar; RVData: TPersistent): Boolean;
- var ImageListNo: Integer;
- begin
- Result := (RVFReadInteger(P,ImageListNo) and
- RVFReadInteger(P,ImageIndex));
- if not Result then exit;
- ImageList := TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFImageListNeeded(ImageListNo);
- if ImageList<>nil then
- if ImageList.Count<=ImageIndex then begin
- TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFWarnings := TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFWarnings+[rvfwConvLargeImageIdx];
- if rvfoConvLargeImageIdxToZero in TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFOptions then
- ImageIndex := 0
- else
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBulletItemInfo.ReadRVFLine(const s: String;
- RVData: TPersistent;
- ReadType, LineNo, LineCount: Integer;
- var Name: String;
- var ReadMode: TRVFReadMode;
- var ReadState: TRVFReadState): Boolean;
- begin
- if (LineNo=0) then
- Name := s
- else
- SetExtraPropertyFromRVFStr(s);
- Result := True;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBulletItemInfo.SaveRVFHeaderTail(RVData: TPersistent): String;
- begin
- Result := Format('%d %d', [ImageList.Tag, ImageIndex]);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVBulletItemInfo.SaveRVF(Stream: TStream; RVData: TPersistent;
- ItemNo,ParaNo: Integer; const Name: String;
- Part: TRVMultiDrawItemPart;
- ForceSameAsPrev: Boolean);
- begin
- RVFWriteLine(Stream,
- Format('%d %d %s %d %d %s %s',
- [StyleNo, 1+GetRVFExtraPropertyCount,
- RVFItemSavePara(ParaNo,TCustomRVData(RVData), ForceSameAsPrev),
- Byte(RVFGetItemOptions(ItemOptions, ForceSameAsPrev)) and RVItemOptionsMask,
- 0, RVFSaveTag(rvoTagsArePChars in TCustomRVData(RVData).Options, Tag),
- SaveRVFHeaderTail(RVData)]));
- RVFWriteLine(Stream, Name);
- SaveRVFExtraProperties(Stream);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure RVSaveImageListImageToRTF(Stream: TStream;
- TwipsPerPixel: Double;
- ImageList: TCustomImageList;
- ImageIndex: Integer;
- RTFOptions: TRVRTFOptions);
- var s: String;
- wmf: TMetafile;
- bmp: TBitmap;
- slw: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- Canvas: TMetafileCanvas;
- begin
- if (ImageList=nil) or (ImageIndex<0) or
- (ImageIndex>=ImageList.Count) then
- exit;
- RVFWrite(Stream,'{pict');
- if rvrtfSaveBitmapDefault in RTFOptions then begin
- bmp := TBitmap.Create;
- ImageList.GetBitmap(ImageIndex, bmp);
- s := RVFSavePicture(bmp);
- if bmp.Height>1 then
- slw := abs(PChar(bmp.ScanLine[1])-PChar(bmp.ScanLine[0]))
- else
- slw := bmp.Width;
- RVFWrite(Stream,Format('dibitmap0wbmwidthbytes%dpicw%dpich%dpicwgoal%dpichgoal%d ',
- [slw, bmp.Width, bmp.Height, bmp.Width*15, bmp.Height*15]));
- RVFWrite(Stream, PChar(s)+sizeof(TBitmapFileHeader)*2);
- bmp.Free;
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- wmf := TMetafile.Create;
- wmf.Enhanced := False;
- wmf.Width := TImageList(ImageList).Width;
- wmf.Height := TImageList(ImageList).Height;
- Canvas := TMetafileCanvas.Create(wmf, 0);
- ImageList.Draw(Canvas, 0, 0, ImageIndex);
- Canvas.Free;
- s := RVFSavePicture(wmf);
- RVFWrite(Stream,Format('wmetafile1picw%dpich%d ',
- [wmf.Width, wmf.Height]));
- RVFWrite(Stream,PChar(s)+22*2); // sizeof(TMetafileHeader)=22
- wmf.Free;
- end;
- RVFWrite(Stream,'}');
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVBulletItemInfo.SaveRTF(Stream: TStream; const Path: String;
- RVData: TPersistent; ItemNo: Integer; const Name: String; TwipsPerPixel: Double;
- Level: Integer; ColorList: TRVColorList;
- StyleToFont, ListOverrideOffsetsList1, ListOverrideOffsetsList2: TRVIntegerList;
- FontTable: TRVList);
- begin
- RVSaveImageListImageToRTF(Stream, TwipsPerPixel,
- ImageList, ImageIndex, TCustomRVData(RVData).RTFOptions);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure RVSaveImageSharedImageInHTML(ImageList: TCustomImageList;
- ImageIndex: Integer; Graphic: TGraphic;
- var Location: String;
- RVData: TPersistent; const Path,
- imgSavePrefix: String; var imgSaveNo: Integer; CurrentFileColor: TColor;
- SaveOptions: TRVSaveOptions;
- Bullets: TRVList);
- var j: Integer;
- bmp: TBitmap;
- bi : TRVHTMLBulletInfo;
- begin
- Location := '';
- for j:=0 to Bullets.Count-1 do begin
- bi := TRVHTMLBulletInfo(Bullets[j]);
- if (ImageList = bi.ImageList) and
- (ImageIndex = bi.ImageIndex) and
- (Graphic = bi.Graphic) and
- (CurrentFileColor = bi.BackColor) then begin
- Location := bi.FileName;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if Location='' then begin
- bmp := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- if ImageList<>nil then begin
- bmp.Width := TImageList(ImageList).Width;
- bmp.Height := TImageList(ImageList).Height;
- bmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := CurrentFileColor;
- bmp.Canvas.Pen.Color := CurrentFileColor;
- bmp.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0,0,bmp.Width,bmp.Height));
- ImageList.Draw(bmp.Canvas, 0, 0, ImageIndex);
- end
- else begin
- bmp.Width := Graphic.Width;
- bmp.Height := Graphic.Width;
- bmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := CurrentFileColor;
- bmp.Canvas.Pen.Color := CurrentFileColor;
- bmp.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0,0,bmp.Width,bmp.Height));
- bmp.Canvas.Draw(0,0, Graphic);
- end;
- Location := TCustomRVData(RVData).DoSavePicture(rvsfHTML, imgSavePrefix, Path,
- imgSaveNo, rvsoOverrideImages in SaveOptions,
- CurrentFileColor, bmp);
- Location := RV_GetHTMLPath(Location, SaveOptions, TCustomRVData(RVData).GetRVStyle.DefCodePage);
- bi := TRVHTMLBulletInfo.Create;
- bi.FileName := Location;
- bi.BackColor := CurrentFileColor;
- bi.ImageList := ImageList;
- bi.ImageIndex := ImageIndex;
- bi.Graphic := Graphic;
- Bullets.Add(bi);
- finally
- bmp.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVBulletItemInfo.SaveToHTML(Stream: TStream;
- RVData: TPersistent; ItemNo: Integer; const Text, Path,
- imgSavePrefix: String; var imgSaveNo: Integer; CurrentFileColor: TColor;
- SaveOptions: TRVSaveOptions;
- UseCSS: Boolean; Bullets: TRVList);
- var
- Location: String;
- DoDefault: Boolean;
- {....................................................}
- function GetCSS: String;
- var s: String;
- begin
- Result := '';
- if UseCSS then begin
- Result := GetVShiftCSS(TCustomRVData(RVData).GetRVStyle);
- if Result<>'' then
- RV_AddStr(Result, Format('style="{%s}"',[Result]));
- end;
- if (Alt<>'') or UseCSS then begin
- if rvsoUTF8 in SaveOptions then
- s := RVU_AnsiToUTF8(TCustomRVData(RVData).GetRVStyle.DefCodePage, Alt)
- else
- s := Alt;
- RV_AddStr(Result, 'alt="'+s+'"');
- end;
- if Hint<>'' then begin
- s := RV_GetHintStr(rvsfHTML, Hint);
- if rvsoUTF8 in SaveOptions then
- s := RVU_AnsiToUTF8(TCustomRVData(RVData).GetRVStyle.DefCodePage, s);
- RV_AddStr(Result, s);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- if Spacing>0 then
- RV_AddStr(Result, Format('hspace=%s vspace=%s', [
- RV_HTMLGetIntAttrVal(Spacing, SaveOptions),
- RV_HTMLGetIntAttrVal(Spacing, SaveOptions)]));
- if Result<>'' then
- Result := ' '+Result+' ';
- end;
- {....................................................}
- begin
- TCustomRVData(RVData).HTMLSaveImage(TCustomRVData(RVData), ItemNo, Path, CurrentFileColor, Location, DoDefault);
- if DoDefault then
- RVSaveImageSharedImageInHTML(ImageList, ImageIndex, nil, Location, RVData, Path,
- imgSavePrefix, imgSaveNo, CurrentFileColor, SaveOptions, Bullets);
- RVWrite(Stream,Format('<img%s%ssrc="'+Location+'"%s>',
- [RV_GetExtraIMGStr(SaveOptions, TImageList(ImageList).Width,
- TImageList(ImageList).Height, NoHTMLImageSize), GetCSS,
- RV_HTMLGetEndingSlash(SaveOptions)]));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {============================= TRVHotspotItemInfo =============================}
- constructor TRVHotspotItemInfo.CreateEx(RVData: TPersistent; AImageIndex, AHotImageIndex: Integer;
- AImageList: TCustomImageList; AVAlign: TRVVAlign);
- begin
- inherited CreateEx(RVData, AImageIndex, AImageList, AVAlign);
- StyleNo := rvsHotspot;
- HotImageIndex := AHotImageIndex;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVHotspotItemInfo.Assign(Source: TCustomRVItemInfo);
- begin
- if Source is TRVHotspotItemInfo then
- HotImageIndex := TRVHotspotItemInfo(Source).HotImageIndex;
- inherited Assign(Source);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVHotspotItemInfo.GetImageIndex(Hot: Boolean): Integer;
- begin
- if Hot then
- Result := HotImageIndex
- else
- Result := ImageIndex;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVHotspotItemInfo.ReadRVFHeader(var P: PChar;
- RVData: TPersistent): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (inherited ReadRVFHeader(P, RVData));
- if not Result then
- exit;
- if not (P^ in [#0, #10, #13]) then begin
- Result := RVFReadInteger(P,HotImageIndex);
- if not Result then
- exit;
- end
- else
- HotImageIndex := ImageIndex;
- if ImageList<>nil then
- if ImageList.Count<=HotImageIndex then begin
- TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFWarnings := TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFWarnings+[rvfwConvLargeImageIdx];
- if rvfoConvLargeImageIdxToZero in TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFOptions then
- HotImageIndex := 0
- else
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVHotspotItemInfo.SaveRVFHeaderTail(RVData: TPersistent): String;
- begin
- Result := Format('%s %d', [inherited SaveRVFHeaderTail(RVData), HotImageIndex]);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVHotspotItemInfo.SaveRVF(Stream: TStream; RVData: TPersistent;
- ItemNo,ParaNo: Integer; const Name: String;
- Part: TRVMultiDrawItemPart;
- ForceSameAsPrev: Boolean);
- begin
- RVFWriteLine(Stream,
- Format('%d %d %s %d %d %s %s',
- [StyleNo, 1,
- RVFItemSavePara(ParaNo,TCustomRVData(RVData),ForceSameAsPrev),
- Byte(RVFGetItemOptions(ItemOptions,ForceSameAsPrev)) and RVItemOptionsMask,
- 0, RVFSaveTag(rvoTagsArePChars in TCustomRVData(RVData).Options, Tag),
- SaveRVFHeaderTail(RVData)]));
- RVFWriteLine(Stream, Name);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVHotspotItemInfo.GetBoolValueEx(Prop: TRVItemBoolPropertyEx;
- RVStyle: TRVStyle): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvbpJump, rvbpAllowsFocus,rvbpXORFocus:
- Result := True;
- rvbpHotColdJump:
- Result := ImageIndex<>HotImageIndex;
- else
- Result := inherited GetBoolValueEx(Prop, RVStyle);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVHotspotItemInfo.Execute(RVData: TPersistent);
- begin
- if RVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).DoJump(JumpID+
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).FirstJumpNo)
- end;
- {============================ TRVBreakItemInfo ================================}
- constructor TRVBreakItemInfo.CreateEx(RVData: TPersistent; ALineWidth: Byte; AStyle: TRVBreakStyle; AColor: TColor);
- begin
- inherited Create(RVData);
- StyleNo := rvsBreak;
- LineWidth := ALineWidth;
- Style := AStyle;
- Color := AColor;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVBreakItemInfo.Assign(Source: TCustomRVItemInfo);
- begin
- if Source is TRVBreakItemInfo then begin
- LineWidth := TRVBreakItemInfo(Source).LineWidth;
- Color := TRVBreakItemInfo(Source).Color;
- Style := TRVBreakItemInfo(Source).Style;
- end;
- inherited Assign(Source);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Drawing 3d edge with colors TopLeftColor, BottomRightColor.
- r - outer rectangle (right bottom coordinates inclusive).
- LineWidth - width of edge. }
- procedure DrawEdge(Canvas: TCanvas; r: TRect;
- TopLeftColor, BottomRightColor: TColor; LineWidth: Integer);
- var i: Integer;
- DrawBottom: Boolean;
- begin
- if LineWidth<=0 then
- LineWidth := 1;
- DrawBottom := r.Bottom-r.Top>=LineWidth;
- for i := LineWidth-1 downto 0 do begin
- Canvas.Pen.Color := TopLeftColor;
- Canvas.MoveTo(r.Left, r.Bottom);
- Canvas.LineTo(r.Left, r.Top);
- Canvas.LineTo(r.Right, r.Top);
- if DrawBottom then begin
- Canvas.Pen.Color := BottomRightColor;
- Canvas.LineTo(r.Right, r.Bottom);
- Canvas.LineTo(r.Left, r.Bottom);
- InflateRect(r, -1, -1);
- end
- else
- InflateRect(r, 0, -1);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVBreakItemInfo.PaintFullWidth(Left, Right, Top: Integer;
- Canvas: TCanvas; State: TRVItemDrawStates; Style: TRVStyle;
- const ClipRect: TRect; dli: TRVDrawLineInfo);
- begin
- inc(Left,5);
- dec(Right,5);
- inc(Top,5);
- if Color = clNone then
- Canvas.Pen.Color := Style.TextStyles[0].Color
- else
- Canvas.Pen.Color := Color;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psInsideFrame;
- case Self.Style of
- rvbsLine:
- begin
- Canvas.Pen.Width := LineWidth;
- Canvas.MoveTo(Left, Top);
- Canvas.LineTo(Right, Top);
- end;
- rvbsRectangle:
- begin
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- Canvas.Rectangle(Left, Top-LineWidth div 2,
- Right, Top-LineWidth div 2+LineWidth);
- end;
- rvbs3d:
- begin
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- DrawEdge(Canvas,
- Rect(Left, Top-LineWidth div 2, Right-1, Top-LineWidth div 2+LineWidth-1),
- clBtnShadow, clBtnFace, 1);
- end;
- end;
- if rvidsSelected in State then begin
- if rvidsControlFocused in State then
- Canvas.Pen.Color := Style.SelColor
- else
- Canvas.Pen.Color := Style.InactiveSelColor;
- if Canvas.Pen.Color<>clNone then begin
- Canvas.Pen.Width := LineWidth;
- Canvas.MoveTo(Left, Top);
- Canvas.LineTo(Right, Top);
- end;
- end;
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVBreakItemInfo.Print(Canvas: TCanvas; x, y, x2: Integer;
- Preview, Correction: Boolean; const sad: TRVScreenAndDevice; RichView: TRVScroller;
- dli: TRVDrawLineInfo;Part: Integer; ColorMode: TRVColorMode; RVData: TPersistent);
- var x5, y5, w: Integer;
- clr: TColor;
- begin
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psInsideFrame;
- Canvas.Pen.Mode := pmCopy;
- if Color = clNone then
- clr := TCustomRichView(RichView).Style.TextStyles[0].Color
- else
- clr := Color;
- Canvas.Pen.Color := RV_GetColor(clr, ColorMode);;
- y5 := (5 * sad.ppiyDevice) div sad.ppiyScreen;
- x5 := (5 * sad.ppixDevice) div sad.ppixScreen;
- case Style of
- rvbsLine:
- begin
- Canvas.Pen.Width := (LineWidth * sad.ppiyDevice) div sad.ppiyScreen;
- Canvas.MoveTo(x+x5, y+y5);
- Canvas.LineTo(x2-x5, y+y5);
- end;
- rvbsRectangle:
- begin
- w := (LineWidth * sad.ppiyDevice) div sad.ppiyScreen;
- Canvas.Pen.Width := Round(sad.ppiyDevice/sad.ppiyScreen);
- Canvas.Rectangle(x+x5, y+y5-(w div 2), x2-x5, y+y5-(w div 2)+w);
- end;
- rvbs3d:
- begin
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- w := (LineWidth * sad.ppiyDevice) div sad.ppiyScreen;
- DrawEdge(Canvas,
- Rect(x+x5, y+y5-(w div 2), x2-x5-1, y+y5-(w div 2)+w-1),
- RV_GetColor(clBtnShadow, ColorMode),
- RV_GetColor(clBtnFace, ColorMode),
- Round(sad.ppiyDevice/sad.ppiyScreen));
- end;
- end;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBreakItemInfo.AsText(LineWidth: Integer; RVData: TPersistent;
- const Text, Path: String; TextOnly,Unicode: Boolean): String;
- var c: Char;
- begin
- if Self.LineWidth>1 then
- c := '='
- else
- c := '-';
- if LineWidth<1 then
- LineWidth := 1;
- SetLength(Result, LineWidth);
- FillChar(PChar(Result)^, LineWidth, ord(c));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVBreakItemInfo.SaveToHTML(Stream: TStream; RVData: TPersistent;
- ItemNo: Integer; const Text, Path: String; const imgSavePrefix: String;
- var imgSaveNo: Integer; CurrentFileColor: TColor;
- SaveOptions: TRVSaveOptions; UseCSS: Boolean; Bullets: TRVList);
- var title: String;
- begin
- if rvsoForceNonTextCSS in SaveOptions then
- UseCSS := True;
- title := '';
- if Hint<>'' then begin
- title := RV_GetHintStr(rvsfHTML, Hint)+' ';;
- if rvsoUTF8 in SaveOptions then
- title := RVU_AnsiToUTF8(TCustomRVData(RVData).GetRVStyle.DefCodePage, title);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- if UseCSS and (Color<>clNone) then
- RVWrite(Stream, Format('<hr %s size=%s %sstyle="{color : %s}"%s>',
- [RV_HTMLGetNoValueAttribute('noshade', SaveOptions),
- RV_HTMLGetIntAttrVal(LineWidth, SaveOptions),
- title, RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(Color, False),
- RV_HTMLGetEndingSlash(SaveOptions)]))
- else if (Color<>clNone) then
- RVWrite(Stream, Format('<hr %s size=%s color=%s %s%s>',
- [RV_HTMLGetNoValueAttribute('noshade', SaveOptions),
- RV_HTMLGetIntAttrVal(LineWidth, SaveOptions),
- RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(Color, True), title,
- RV_HTMLGetEndingSlash(SaveOptions)]))
- else
- RVWrite(Stream, Format('<hr %s size=%s %s%s>',
- [RV_HTMLGetNoValueAttribute('noshade', SaveOptions),
- RV_HTMLGetIntAttrVal(LineWidth, SaveOptions),
- title, RV_HTMLGetEndingSlash(SaveOptions)]));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBreakItemInfo.ReadRVFHeader(var P: PChar;
- RVData: TPersistent): Boolean;
- var bc, bs,bw: Integer;
- begin
- if not (P^ in [#0, #10, #13]) then begin
- Result := (RVFReadInteger(P,bc) and
- RVFReadInteger(P,bs) and
- RVFReadInteger(P,bw));
- if Result then begin
- LineWidth := Byte(bw);
- Style := TRVBreakStyle(bs);
- Color := bc;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- Color := clNone;
- Style := rvbsLine;
- LineWidth := 1;
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBreakItemInfo.SaveRVFHeaderTail(RVData: TPersistent): String;
- begin
- Result := Format('%d %d %d', [Integer(Color), Integer(Style), Integer(LineWidth)]);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVBreakItemInfo.SaveRVF(Stream: TStream; RVData: TPersistent;
- ItemNo, ParaNo: Integer; const Name: String;
- Part: TRVMultiDrawItemPart;
- ForceSameAsPrev: Boolean);
- begin
- RVFWriteLine(Stream,
- Format('%d %d %s %d %d %s %s',
- [StyleNo, 0,
- RVFItemSavePara(ParaNo, TCustomRVData(RVData), False),
- Byte(ItemOptions) and RVItemOptionsMask,
- 0, RVFSaveTag(rvoTagsArePChars in TCustomRVData(RVData).Options,Tag),
- SaveRVFHeaderTail(RVData)]));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVBreakItemInfo.FillRTFTables(ColorList: TRVColorList;
- ListOverrideCountList: TRVIntegerList; RVData: TPersistent);
- begin
- ColorList.AddUnique(Color);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVBreakItemInfo.SaveRTF(Stream: TStream; const Path: String;
- RVData: TPersistent; ItemNo: Integer; const Name: String; TwipsPerPixel: Double;
- Level: Integer; ColorList: TRVColorList;
- StyleToFont, ListOverrideOffsetsList1, ListOverrideOffsetsList2: TRVIntegerList;
- FontTable: TRVList);
- var ColorIdx: Integer;
- tbl: String;
- begin
- if Color = clNone then
- ColorIdx := 0
- else
- ColorIdx := ColorList.IndexOf(Pointer(Color));
- case Level of
- 0:
- tbl := '';
- 1:
- tbl := 'intblitap1';
- else
- tbl := Format('itap%d',[Level]);
- end;
- RVWrite(Stream, Format('pard%splainfs6brdrbbrdrsbrdrw%dbrdrcf%dparpard%s',
- [tbl, Round(LineWidth*TwipsPerPixel), ColorIdx, tbl]));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBreakItemInfo.GetBoolValue(Prop: TRVItemBoolProperty): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvbpRequiresRVFLines:
- Result := False;
- else
- Result := inherited GetBoolValue(Prop);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVBreakItemInfo.GetBoolValueEx(Prop: TRVItemBoolPropertyEx; RVStyle: TRVStyle): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvbpPrintToBMP:
- Result := False;
- else
- Result := inherited GetBoolValueEx(Prop, RVStyle);
- end;
- end;
- {================================ TRVTextItemInfo =============================}
- procedure TRVTextItemInfo.Execute(RVData: TPersistent);
- begin
- if RVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then begin
- if GetBoolValueEx(rvbpJump, TCustomRVData(RVData).GetRVStyle) then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).DoJump(JumpID+
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).FirstJumpNo)
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTextItemInfo.GetBoolValueEx(Prop: TRVItemBoolPropertyEx;
- RVStyle: TRVStyle): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvbpJump, rvbpAllowsFocus,rvbpXORFocus:
- Result := RVStyle.TextStyles[GetActualStyleNo(RVStyle)].Jump;
- rvbpHotColdJump:
- Result := RVStyle.TextStyles[GetActualStyleNo(RVStyle)].Jump and
- RVStyle.StyleHoverSensitive(GetActualStyleNo(RVStyle));
- else
- Result := inherited GetBoolValueEx(Prop, RVStyle);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTextItemInfo.MarkStylesInUse(Data: TRVDeleteUnusedStylesData);
- begin
- inherited MarkStylesInUse(Data);
- if StyleNo<>rvsDefStyle then
- Data.UsedTextStyles[StyleNo] := 1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTextItemInfo.ReadRVFHeader(var P: PChar;
- RVData: TPersistent): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if P^<>#0 then
- Hint := AnsiExtractQuotedStr(P, '"');
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTextItemInfo.UpdateStyles(Data: TRVDeleteUnusedStylesData);
- begin
- inherited UpdateStyles(Data);
- if StyleNo<>rvsDefStyle then
- dec(StyleNo, Data.UsedTextStyles[StyleNo]-1);
- end;
- {=========================== TRVStoreSubRVData ================================}
- { Must be overriden to return a copy of itself. }
- function TRVStoreSubRVData.Duplicate: TRVStoreSubRVData;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Compares itself with StoreSub. Self and StoreSub must be of the same item.
- Return value: 0 if the same subdocument, <0 if Self is before StoreSub,
- > 0 if Self is after StoreSub. }
- function TRVStoreSubRVData.Compare(StoreSub: TRVStoreSubRVData): Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- end;
- {=========================== TRVMultiDrawItemPart =============================}
- function TRVMultiDrawItemPart.GetSoftPageBreakInfo: Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- end;
- {============================== TRVTabItemInfo ================================}
- procedure TRVTabItemInfo.MarkStylesInUse(Data: TRVDeleteUnusedStylesData);
- begin
- inherited MarkStylesInUse(Data);
- Data.UsedTextStyles[TextStyleNo] := 1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTabItemInfo.UpdateStyles(Data: TRVDeleteUnusedStylesData);
- begin
- inherited UpdateStyles(Data);
- dec(TextStyleNo, Data.UsedTextStyles[TextStyleNo]-1)
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTabItemInfo.ApplyStyleConversion(RVData: TPersistent;
- ItemNo, UserData: Integer);
- begin
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).DoCurrentTextStyleConversion(TextStyleNo, ParaNo,
- ItemNo, UserData, False);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTabItemInfo.GetBoolValueEx(Prop: TRVItemBoolPropertyEx; RVStyle: TRVStyle): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvbpPrintToBMP:
- Result := False;
- rvbpActualPrintSize:
- Result := True;
- else
- Result := inherited GetBoolValueEx(Prop, RVStyle);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTabItemInfo.GetBoolValue(Prop: TRVItemBoolProperty): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvbpDrawingChangesFont, rvbpAlwaysInText, rvbpSwitchToAssStyleNo:
- Result := True;
- else
- Result := inherited GetBoolValue(Prop);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTabItemInfo.OnDocWidthChange(DocWidth: Integer;
- dli: TRVDrawLineInfo; Printing: Boolean; Canvas: TCanvas;
- RVData: TPersistent; sad: PRVScreenAndDevice; var HShift, Desc: Integer;
- NoCaching, Reformatting: Boolean);
- var TextMetric: TTextMetric;
- begin
- TCustomRVData(RVData).GetRVStyle.ApplyStyle(Canvas, TextStyleNo, rvbdUnspecified,
- rvflCanUseCustomPPI in TCustomRVData(RVData).Flags);
- FillChar(TextMetric, sizeof(TextMetric), 0);
- GetTextMetrics(Canvas.Handle, TextMetric);
- Desc := TextMetric.tmDescent;
- dli.Height := TextMetric.tmHeight;
- dli.Width := 0;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTabItemInfo.SaveRVF(Stream: TStream; RVData: TPersistent;
- ItemNo, ParaNo: Integer; const Name: String; Part: TRVMultiDrawItemPart;
- ForceSameAsPrev: Boolean);
- begin
- RVFWriteLine(Stream,
- Format('%d %d %s %d %d %s %s',
- [StyleNo, 0, RVFItemSavePara(ParaNo, TCustomRVData(RVData), False),
- Byte(ItemOptions) and RVItemOptionsMask,
- 0, RVFSaveTag(rvoTagsArePChars in TCustomRVData(RVData).Options,Tag),
- SaveRVFHeaderTail(RVData)]));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTabItemInfo.SaveRVFHeaderTail(RVData: TPersistent): String;
- begin
- Result := IntToStr(TextStyleNo);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTabItemInfo.ReadRVFHeader(var P: PChar;
- RVData: TPersistent): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if not (P^ in [#0, #10, #13]) then begin
- Result := RVFReadInteger(P, TextStyleNo);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTabItemInfo.DrawTab(Canvas: TCanvas; x, y: Integer;
- dli: TRVDrawLineInfo; Style: TRVStyle; TextDrawState: TRVTextDrawStates;
- CanUseCustomPPI, RTL, SpecialChars, Printing: Boolean;
- ColorMode: TRVColorMode);
- {.........................................}
- procedure DrawArrow(const r: TRect);
- var x,y,len: Integer;
- begin
- len := r.Right-r.Left;
- if len<5 then
- len := 5;
- if len>10 then
- len := 10;
- Canvas.Pen.Color := Canvas.Font.Color;
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- x := (R.Right+R.Left+len) div 2;
- y := (R.Top+R.Bottom) div 2;
- Canvas.MoveTo(x,y);
- Canvas.LineTo(x-len-1,y);
- if RTL then begin
- x := x-len+1;
- Canvas.MoveTo(x,y-1);
- Canvas.LineTo(x,y+2);
- inc(x);
- Canvas.MoveTo(x,y-2);
- Canvas.LineTo(x,y+3);
- inc(x);
- Canvas.MoveTo(x,y-2);
- Canvas.LineTo(x,y+3);
- end
- else begin
- dec(x);
- Canvas.MoveTo(x,y-1);
- Canvas.LineTo(x,y+2);
- dec(x);
- Canvas.MoveTo(x,y-2);
- Canvas.LineTo(x,y+3);
- dec(x);
- Canvas.MoveTo(x,y-2);
- Canvas.LineTo(x,y+3);
- end;
- end;
- {.........................................}
- var w,r: Integer;
- potm: POutlineTextMetric;
- sz: Integer;
- begin
- Style.ApplyStyleColor(Canvas, TextStyleNo, TextDrawState, Printing, ColorMode);
- Style.ApplyStyle(Canvas, TextStyleNo, rvbdUnspecified, CanUseCustomPPI);
- {
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- Canvas.Pen.Color := clRed;
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- Canvas.Rectangle(x, y, x+dli.Width, y+dli.Height);
- }
- if Canvas.Brush.Color<>clNone then
- Canvas.FillRect(Bounds(x, y, dli.Width, dli.Height));
- if fsUnderline in Canvas.Font.Style then begin
- sz := GetOutlineTextMetrics(Canvas.Handle,0,nil);
- if sz>0 then begin
- GetMem(potm, sz);
- FillChar(potm^, sz, 0);
- sz := GetOutlineTextMetrics(Canvas.Handle,sz,potm);
- if sz>0 then begin
- Canvas.Pen.Color := Canvas.Font.Color;
- Canvas.Pen.Width := potm.otmsUnderscoreSize;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psInsideFrame;
- w := y-potm.otmsUnderscorePosition+potm.otmTextMetrics.tmAscent+
- potm.otmsUnderscoreSize div 2;
- Canvas.MoveTo(x-1, w);
- Canvas.LineTo(x+dli.Width+1, w);
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if SpecialChars then
- DrawArrow(Bounds(x, y, dli.Width, dli.Height));
- if Leader<>'' then begin
- Style.ApplyStyle(Canvas, TextStyleNo, rvbdUnspecified, CanUseCustomPPI);
- w := Canvas.TextWidth(Leader);
- if w=0 then
- exit;
- r := x+dli.Width-w;
- inc(x, w);
- while x+w<=r do begin
- Canvas.TextOut(x, y, Leader);
- inc(x, w);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTabItemInfo.Paint(x, y: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas;
- State: TRVItemDrawStates; Style: TRVStyle; dli: TRVDrawLineInfo);
- var TextDrawState: TRVTextDrawStates;
- begin
- TextDrawState := [];
- if rvidsSelected in State then
- include(TextDrawState, rvtsSelected);
- if rvidsControlFocused in State then
- include(TextDrawState, rvtsControlFocused);
- if rvidsHover in State then
- include(TextDrawState, rvtsHover);
- DrawTab(Canvas, x, y, dli, Style, TextDrawState, rvidsCanUseCustomPPI in State,
- rvidsRTL in State, rvidsShowSpecialCharacters in State, False, rvcmColor);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTabItemInfo.Print(Canvas: TCanvas; x, y, x2: Integer; Preview,
- Correction: Boolean; const sad: TRVScreenAndDevice;
- RichView: TRVScroller; dli: TRVDrawLineInfo; Part: Integer;
- ColorMode: TRVColorMode; RVData: TPersistent);
- begin
- DrawTab(Canvas, x, y, dli, TCustomRVData(RVData).GetRVStyle, [],
- rvflCanUseCustomPPI in TCustomRVData(RVData).Flags, False, False, True,
- ColorMode);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTabItemInfo.GetAssociatedTextStyleNo: Integer;
- begin
- Result := TextStyleNo;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTabItemInfo.SetAssociatedTextStyleNo(Value: Integer);
- begin
- TextStyleNo := Value;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTabItemInfo.SaveRTF(Stream: TStream; const Path: String;
- RVData: TPersistent; ItemNo: Integer; const Name: String; TwipsPerPixel: Double;
- Level: Integer; ColorList: TRVColorList; StyleToFont,
- ListOverrideOffsetsList1, ListOverrideOffsetsList2: TRVIntegerList;
- FontTable: TRVList);
- begin
- RVWrite(Stream, 'tab ');
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTabItemInfo.SaveToHTML(Stream: TStream; RVData: TPersistent;
- ItemNo: Integer; const Text, Path, imgSavePrefix: String;
- var imgSaveNo: Integer; CurrentFileColor: TColor;
- SaveOptions: TRVSaveOptions; UseCSS: Boolean; Bullets: TRVList);
- var SpacesInTab: Integer;
- Filler: String;
- Len: Integer;
- begin
- SpacesInTab := TCustomRVData(RVData).GetRVStyle.SpacesInTab;
- if SpacesInTab<=0 then
- SpacesInTab := 8;
- if Leader='' then begin
- Filler := ' ';
- Len := 2;
- end
- else begin
- Filler := RV_MakeHTMLStr(Leader, False);
- Len := Length(Leader);
- end;
- SpacesInTab := (SpacesInTab+Len-1) div Len;
- while SpacesInTab<>0 do begin
- RVFWrite(Stream, Filler);
- dec(SpacesInTab);
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTabItemInfo.AsText(LineWidth: Integer; RVData: TPersistent;
- const Text, Path: String; TextOnly, Unicode: Boolean): String;
- begin
- Result := #09;
- end;
- {==============================================================================}
- initialization
- RichView_InitializeList;
- RichViewTextItemClass := TRVTextItemInfo;
- finalization
- RichView_FinalizeList;
- end.