- {*******************************************************}
- { }
- { RichView }
- { TRVRTFReaderProperties: }
- { - property of TRichView }
- { (RichView.RTFReadProperties) }
- { - intermediate class between RichView and }
- { RTF parser (TRVRTFReader) }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) Sergey Tkachenko }
- { svt@trichview.com }
- { http://www.trichview.com }
- { }
- {*******************************************************}
- unit RVRTFProps;
- interface
- {$I RV_Defs.inc}
- uses SysUtils, Windows, Classes, Forms, Math,
- {$ENDIF}
- RVMarker,
- {$ENDIF}
- (*
- OleCtnrs, ActiveX, ComObj,
- *)
- {$ENDIF}
- RVScroll, CRVData, CRVFData, RVStyle, Graphics, RVRTFErr, RVUni, RVItem,
- RVMapWht, RVFuncs,
- RVClasses;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- const
- RV_TableGridEps: Integer = 1;
- type
- TRVAllowUseStyleEvent = procedure (StyleNo: Integer; TextStyle: Boolean;
- var Allow: Boolean) of object;
- TRVCustomImageItemEvent = procedure (RVData: TCustomRVData;
- Graphic: TGraphic; Hypertext: Boolean; var item: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- var FreeGraphic: Boolean; RTFPicture: TRVRTFPicture;
- var Name: String) of object;
- {$ENDIF}
- TRVRTFReaderProperties = class (TPersistent)
- private
- FUnicodeMode: TRVReaderUnicode;
- FTextStyleMode: TRVReaderStyleMode;
- FParaStyleMode: TRVReaderStyleMode;
- FIgnorePictures, FIgnoreTables: Boolean;
- FUseHypertextStyles: Boolean;
- FParaNo: Integer;
- FStyleNo: Integer;
- //FAdjustVisibleBorders: Boolean;
- FExplicitTableWidth: Boolean;
- FSkipHiddenText: Boolean;
- FHideTableGridLines: Boolean;
- FLineBreaksAsParagraphs: Boolean;
- FEmptyPara: Integer;
- RVData, CurrentRVData: TCustomRVData;
- RVStyle: TRVStyle;
- PageBreak: Boolean;
- PageBreakRVData: TCustomRVData;
- PixelsPerTwip: Double;
- Reader: TRVRTFReader;
- FirstTime: Boolean;
- InsertPoint, CurrentRow, CurrentCol: Integer;
- Tables: TRVList;
- FHeaderRVData, FFooterRVData: TCustomRVData;
- FHeaderYMM, FFooterYMM: Integer;
- FConvertHighlight: TRVRTFHighlight;
- HFType: TRVRTFHeaderFooterType;
- FBasePath: String;
- FExtractMetafileBitmaps: Boolean;
- IgnoreLists: Boolean;
- LastMarkerIndex: Integer;
- IsLastMarkerWord97: Boolean;
- LevelToListNo: TRVIntegerList;
- ListTableMap97: TRVIntegerList;
- ListStylesCountBefore: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- FStoreImagesFileNames: Boolean;
- procedure InitReader;
- procedure DoneReader;
- function ReturnParaNo(Position: TRVRTFPosition): Integer;
- function CreateTextItem(const Text: String;
- {$IFDEF RICHVIEWCBDEF3}const WideText: WideString;{$ENDIF}
- StyleNo, ParaNo: Integer; UseUnicode: Boolean;
- var ResText: String): TRVTextItemInfo;
- function GetMarkerIndex(RTFMarker: TRVRTFMarkerProperties): Integer;
- function InsertMarker(ParaNo: Integer): Boolean;
- procedure InsertMarker97(ParaNo: Integer);
- procedure ReaderUpdateMarker(Sender: TObject);
- procedure MergeListTable97;
- function AreListStylesEqual97(RVList: TRVListInfo;
- RTFList: TRVRTFList97): Boolean;
- function FindListStyle97(RTFList: TRVRTFList97;
- ForbiddenStyles: TRVIntegerList): Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure InsertItem(var Text: String; item: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- Position: TRVRTFPosition);
- procedure CurrentBorder(var RVBorderStyle: TRVBorderStyle;
- var RVBorderWidth, RVBorderIntWidth: Integer; var RVBorderColor: TColor;
- var RVBorderOffs: TRVRect);
- function FindParaNo(RVBorderStyle: TRVBorderStyle;
- RVBorderWidth, RVBorderIntWidth: Integer; RVBorderColor: TColor;
- RVBorderOffs: TRVRect): Integer;
- function GetEmptyParaNo(Alignment: TRVAlignment): Integer;
- function GetEmptyStyleNo: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- function FindBestParaNo: Integer;
- function FindStyleNo(AUnicode, AHypertext: Boolean): Integer;
- function FindBestStyleNo(AUnicode, AHypertext: Boolean): Integer;
- procedure AddPara(RVBorderStyle: TRVBorderStyle;
- RVBorderWidth, RVBorderIntWidth: Integer; RVBorderColor: TColor;
- RVBorderOffs: TRVRect);
- procedure AddStyle(AUnicode, AHypertext: Boolean);
- function ReturnParaNo_: Integer;
- function ReturnStyleNo(AUnicode: Boolean): Integer;
- function IsHypertext_: Boolean;
- function IsHypertext(var Target, Hint, Extras: String): Boolean;
- function AllowUseStyle(StyleNo: Integer; TextStyle: Boolean): Boolean;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure SetParaNo(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetStyleNo(const Value: Integer);
- protected
- procedure ReaderProgress(Sender: TRVRTFReader; Stage: TRVRTFProgressStage;
- PercentDone: Byte);
- procedure NewReaderText(Sender: TRVRTFReader; const Text: String;
- Position: TRVRTFPosition);
- procedure ReaderEndParsing(Sender: TObject);
- procedure NewReaderUnicodeText(Sender: TRVRTFReader;
- const Text: WideString; Position: TRVRTFPosition);
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure NewReaderPicture(Sender: TRVRTFReader; RTFPicture: TRVRTFPicture;
- Graphic: TGraphic; Position: TRVRTFPosition; const FileName: String;
- var Inserted: Boolean);
- procedure ReaderImportPicture(Sender: TRVRTFReader; const Location: String;
- var Graphic: TGraphic; var Invalid: Boolean);
- (*
- procedure NewReaderObject(Sender: TRVRTFReader; RTFObject: TRVRTFObject;
- Position: TRVRTFPosition; var Inserted: Boolean);
- *)
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure AssignRowProperties;
- procedure ReaderTable(Sender: TRVRTFReader; WhatHappens: TRVRTFTableEventKind);
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure ReaderPageBreak(Sender: TObject);
- procedure ReaderHeaderFooter(Sender: TRVRTFReader; HFType: TRVRTFHeaderFooterType;
- Starting: Boolean; var Supported: Boolean);
- {$ENDIF}
- public
- EditFlag: Boolean;
- ErrorCode: TRVRTFErrorCode;
- FailedBecauseOfProtect, FullReformat: Boolean;
- NonFirstItemsAdded: Integer;
- AllowNewPara: Boolean;
- OnAllowUseStyle: TRVAllowUseStyleEvent;
- OnCustomImageItem: TRVCustomImageItemEvent;
- {$ENDIF}
- Index: Integer;
- constructor Create;
- procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
- function ReadFromFile(const AFileName: String; ARVData: TCustomRVData): TRVRTFErrorCode;
- function ReadFromWordDocFile(const AFileName: String; ARVData: TCustomRVData): TRVRTFErrorCode;
- {$ENDIF}
- function ReadFromStream(AStream: TStream; ARVData: TCustomRVData): TRVRTFErrorCode;
- function InsertFromStreamEd(AStream: TStream; ARVData: TCustomRVData; var AIndex: Integer): TRVRTFErrorCode;
- //property AdjustVisibleBorders: Boolean read FAdjustVisibleBorders write FAdjustVisibleBorders;
- property ExplicitTableWidth: Boolean read FExplicitTableWidth write FExplicitTableWidth default False;
- procedure SetHeader(RVData: TCustomRVData);
- procedure SetFooter(RVData: TCustomRVData);
- property HeaderYMM: Integer read FHeaderYMM;
- property FooterYMM: Integer read FFooterYMM;
- property BasePath: String read FBasePath write FBasePath;
- {$ENDIF}
- published
- property UnicodeMode: TRVReaderUnicode read FUnicodeMode write FUnicodeMode default rvruNoUnicode;
- property TextStyleMode: TRVReaderStyleMode read FTextStyleMode write FTextStyleMode default rvrsUseClosest;
- property ParaStyleMode: TRVReaderStyleMode read FParaStyleMode write FParaStyleMode default rvrsUseClosest;
- property IgnorePictures: Boolean read FIgnorePictures write FIgnorePictures default False;
- property IgnoreTables: Boolean read FIgnoreTables write FIgnoreTables default False;
- property UseHypertextStyles: Boolean read FUseHypertextStyles write FUseHypertextStyles default False;
- property TextStyleNo: Integer read FStyleNo write SetStyleNo default 0;
- property ParaStyleNo: Integer read FParaNo write SetParaNo default 0;
- property SkipHiddenText: Boolean read FSkipHiddenText write FSkipHiddenText default True;
- property AutoHideTableGridLines: Boolean read FHideTableGridLines write FHideTableGridLines default False;
- property LineBreaksAsParagraphs: Boolean read FLineBreaksAsParagraphs write FLineBreaksAsParagraphs default False;
- property ExtractMetafileBitmaps: Boolean read FExtractMetafileBitmaps write FExtractMetafileBitmaps default True;
- property ConvertHighlight: TRVRTFHighlight read FConvertHighlight write FConvertHighlight default rtfhlColorTable;
- property StoreImagesFileNames: Boolean read FStoreImagesFileNames write FStoreImagesFileNames default False;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- implementation
- uses RVStr
- , RVTable
- {$ENDIF}
- ;
- {=============================== TTableInfo ===================================}
- type
- TTableInfo = class
- public
- HRules: TRVIntegerList;
- ParentRow, ParentCol, PrevColCount: Integer;
- table, lastrow: TRVTableItemInfo;
- VSpacingTw, VBorderSpacing1Tw,VBorderSpacing2Tw: Integer;
- HSpacingTw, CellPaddingTw, CellPaddingCount, BestWidth: Integer;
- BorderWidthTw, CellBorderWidthTw, CellCount, BorderCount, CellBorderCount: Integer;
- UseHSpacing, UseVSpacing, Word2000, CellFlatBorder, RichViewSpecial: Boolean;
- RowFinished: Boolean;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Finalize(PixelsPerTwip: Double; {AdjustVisibleBorders: Boolean; }
- DefStyleNo, DefParaNo: Integer; ExplicitTableWidth, AutoHideGridLines: Boolean);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- constructor TTableInfo.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- HRules := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- CellFlatBorder := True;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TTableInfo.Destroy;
- begin
- lastrow.Free;
- HRules.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TTableInfo.Finalize(PixelsPerTwip: Double; {AdjustVisibleBorders: Boolean; }
- DefStyleNo, DefParaNo: Integer; ExplicitTableWidth, AutoHideGridLines: Boolean);
- var r,c: Integer;
- //r2,c2: Integer;
- Cell1: TRVTableCellData;
- //Cell2: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- if CellFlatBorder then
- table.CellBorderStyle := rvtbColor;
- if table.BorderColor=table.BorderLightColor then
- table.BorderStyle := rvtbColor;
- if CellPaddingCount>0 then
- table.CellPadding := Round(PixelsPerTwip*CellPaddingTw / CellPaddingCount)
- else
- table.CellPadding := 0;
- for r := 0 to table.Rows.Count-1 do
- for c := 0 to table.Rows[r].Count-1 do begin
- Cell1 := table.Cells[r,c];
- if (Cell1<>nil) then begin
- if not RichViewSpecial and (Cell1.BestWidth>table.CellPadding*2) then
- Cell1.BestWidth := Cell1.BestWidth-table.CellPadding*2;
- if (Cell1.Items.Count=0) then
- Cell1.AddNL('', DefStyleNo, DefParaNo);
- end;
- end;
- {
- if (not UseVSpacing or not UseHSpacing) and AdjustVisibleBorders then
- for r := 0 to table.Rows.Count-1 do
- for c := 0 to table.Rows[r].Count-1 do begin
- Cell1 := table.Cells[r,c];
- if (Cell1<>nil) and Cell1.VisibleBorders.Left and not UseHSpacing and (c>0) then begin
- Cell2 := table.Rows.GetMainCell(r,c-1,r2,c2);
- if Cell2.VisibleBorders.Right then
- Cell1.VisibleBorders.Left := False;
- end;
- if (Cell1<>nil) and Cell1.VisibleBorders.Top and not UseVSpacing and (r>0) then begin
- Cell2 := table.Rows.GetMainCell(r-1,c,r2,c2);
- if Cell2.VisibleBorders.Bottom then
- Cell1.VisibleBorders.Top := False;
- end;
- end;
- }
- if UseVSpacing then begin
- if table.Rows.Count>1 then
- table.CellVSpacing := Round(PixelsPerTwip*VSpacingTw / (table.Rows.Count-1));
- table.BorderVSpacing := Round(PixelsPerTwip*(VBorderSpacing1Tw+VBorderSpacing2Tw));
- end
- else begin
- table.CellVSpacing := -1;
- table.BorderVSpacing := -1;
- end;
- if UseHSpacing then
- table.CellHSpacing := Round(PixelsPerTwip*HSpacingTw / table.Rows.Count)
- else begin
- table.CellHSpacing := -1;
- end;
- table.BorderHSpacing := table.CellHSpacing;
- if RichViewSpecial then
- table.BestWidth := BestWidth
- else
- if BestWidth>0 then begin
- if BorderCount>0 then
- table.BestWidth := Round(PixelsPerTwip*(BestWidth-BorderWidthTw/BorderCount))
- else
- table.BestWidth := Round(PixelsPerTwip*BestWidth);
- end
- else if BestWidth<0 then
- table.BestWidth := BestWidth div 50
- else if ExplicitTableWidth then
- table.BestWidth := Round((HRules[HRules.Count-1]-HRules[0])*PixelsPerTwip);
- if CellBorderCount>0 then begin
- table.CellBorderWidth := Round(PixelsPerTwip*CellBorderWidthTw/CellBorderCount);
- if (table.CellBorderWidth=0) and (Round(CellBorderWidthTw/CellBorderCount)>=5) then
- table.CellBorderWidth := 1;
- end;
- if BorderCount>0 then begin
- table.BorderWidth := Round(PixelsPerTwip*BorderWidthTw/BorderCount);
- if (table.BorderWidth=0) and (Round(BorderWidthTw/BorderCount)>=5) then
- table.BorderWidth := 1;
- end;
- if not UseVSpacing and not UseHSpacing and (table.BorderWidth=table.CellBorderWidth) then begin
- table.BorderWidth := 0;
- table.BorderHSpacing := 0;
- table.BorderVSpacing := 0;
- end;
- if AutoHideGridLines then
- table.Options := table.Options + [rvtoHideGridLines];
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {==============================================================================}
- procedure BorderRTF2RV(StyleRTF:TRVRTFBorderType; WidthRTF: Integer;
- var StyleRV: TRVBorderStyle; var WidthRV, IntWidthRV: Integer;
- PixelPerTwips: Double; InvertSides: Boolean);
- begin
- IntWidthRV := 0;
- case StyleRTF of
- rtf_brdr_None:
- begin
- StyleRV := rvbNone;
- WidthRV := 0;
- end;
- rtf_brdr_SingleThickness,
- rtf_brdr_Inset, rtf_brdr_Outset, rtf_brdr_Shadow,
- rtf_brdr_Dot, rtf_brdr_Dash, rtf_brdr_DashSmall,
- rtf_brdr_DotDash, rtf_brdr_DotDotDash,
- rtf_brdr_Wavy, rtf_brdr_Striped,
- rtf_brdr_Emboss, rtf_brdr_Engrave:
- begin
- // WidthRTF = width of line
- StyleRV := rvbSingle;
- WidthRV := Round(WidthRTF*PixelPerTwips);
- end;
- rtf_brdr_DoubleThickness:
- begin
- // WidthRTF = width of line / 2
- StyleRV := rvbSingle;
- WidthRV := Round(WidthRTF*PixelPerTwips*2);
- end;
- rtf_brdr_Double, rtf_brdr_DoubleWavy:
- begin
- // WidthRTF = width of line = width of space
- StyleRV := rvbDouble;
- WidthRV := Round(WidthRTF*PixelPerTwips);
- IntWidthRV := WidthRV*2-1;
- end;
- rtf_brdr_Triple:
- begin
- // WidthRTF = width of line = width of space
- StyleRV := rvbTriple;
- WidthRV := Round(WidthRTF*PixelPerTwips);
- IntWidthRV := WidthRV*2-1;
- end;
- rtf_brdr_Hairline:
- begin
- StyleRV := rvbSingle;
- WidthRV := 1;
- end;
- rtf_brdr_ThickThinSmall:
- begin
- // original: one-pixel thin line, one-pixel space, WidthRTF thick line
- if InvertSides then
- StyleRV := rvbThickInside
- else
- StyleRV := rvbThickOutside;
- WidthRV := Round(WidthRTF*PixelPerTwips/2);
- IntWidthRV := WidthRV+(WidthRV+1) div 2;
- end;
- rtf_brdr_ThickThinMed:
- begin
- // original: WidthRTF thick line, thin line - half (?), space = thin line,
- if InvertSides then
- StyleRV := rvbThickInside
- else
- StyleRV := rvbThickOutside;
- WidthRV := Round(WidthRTF*PixelPerTwips/2);
- IntWidthRV := WidthRV*2+(WidthRV+1) div 2;
- end;
- rtf_brdr_ThickThinLarge:
- begin
- // original: one-pixel thin line, two-pixel thick line (?), WidthRTF space
- if InvertSides then
- StyleRV := rvbThickInside
- else
- StyleRV := rvbThickOutside;
- WidthRV := 1;
- IntWidthRV := Round(WidthRTF*PixelPerTwips)+1;
- end;
- rtf_brdr_ThinThickSmall:
- begin
- if not InvertSides then
- StyleRV := rvbThickInside
- else
- StyleRV := rvbThickOutside;
- IntWidthRV := 1+Round(WidthRTF*PixelPerTwips*3/8);
- IntWidthRV := WidthRV+(WidthRV+1) div 2;
- end;
- rtf_brdr_ThinThickMed:
- begin
- if not InvertSides then
- StyleRV := rvbThickInside
- else
- StyleRV := rvbThickOutside;
- WidthRV := Round(WidthRTF*PixelPerTwips/2);
- IntWidthRV := WidthRV*2+(WidthRV+1) div 2;
- end;
- rtf_brdr_ThinThickLarge:
- begin
- if not InvertSides then
- StyleRV := rvbThickInside
- else
- StyleRV := rvbThickOutside;
- WidthRV := 1;
- IntWidthRV := Round(WidthRTF*PixelPerTwips)+1;
- end;
- rtf_brdr_ThinThickThinSmall:
- begin
- StyleRV := rvbTriple;
- WidthRV := Round(WidthRTF*PixelPerTwips/3);
- IntWidthRV := WidthRV*2-1;;
- end;
- rtf_brdr_ThinThickThinMed:
- begin
- StyleRV := rvbTriple;
- WidthRV := Round(WidthRTF*PixelPerTwips/2);
- IntWidthRV := WidthRV*3-1;
- end;
- rtf_brdr_ThinThickThinLarge:
- begin
- StyleRV := rvbTriple;
- WidthRV := 1;
- IntWidthRV := Round(WidthRTF*PixelPerTwips);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function GetStyleSSType(VShift: Integer): TRVRTFSScriptType;
- begin
- if VShift=0 then
- Result := rtf_ss_Normal
- else if VShift<0 then
- Result := rtf_ss_Subscript
- else
- Result := rtf_ss_Superscript;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {=========================== TRVRTFReaderProperties ===========================}
- constructor TRVRTFReaderProperties.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FUnicodeMode := rvruNoUnicode;
- FTextStyleMode := rvrsUseClosest;
- FParaStyleMode := rvrsUseClosest;
- FSkipHiddenText := True;
- //AdjustVisibleBorders := True;
- FHideTableGridLines := False;
- AllowNewPara := True;
- FConvertHighlight := rtfhlColorTable;
- FExtractMetafileBitmaps := True;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- begin
- if Source is TRVRTFReaderProperties then begin
- FUnicodeMode := TRVRTFReaderProperties(Source).FUnicodeMode;
- FTextStyleMode := TRVRTFReaderProperties(Source).FTextStyleMode;
- FParaStyleMode := TRVRTFReaderProperties(Source).FParaStyleMode;
- FIgnorePictures := TRVRTFReaderProperties(Source).FIgnorePictures;
- FIgnoreTables := TRVRTFReaderProperties(Source).FIgnoreTables;
- FSkipHiddenText := TRVRTFReaderProperties(Source).FSkipHiddenText;
- FParaNo := TRVRTFReaderProperties(Source).FParaNo;
- FStyleNo := TRVRTFReaderProperties(Source).FStyleNo;
- FUseHypertextStyles := TRVRTFReaderProperties(Source).FUseHypertextStyles;
- FLineBreaksAsParagraphs := TRVRTFReaderProperties(Source).FLineBreaksAsParagraphs;
- FExtractMetafileBitmaps := TRVRTFReaderProperties(Source).FExtractMetafileBitmaps;
- FConvertHighlight := TRVRTFReaderProperties(Source).FConvertHighlight;
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- else
- inherited Assign(Source);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.ReadFromFile(const AFileName: String;
- ARVData: TCustomRVData): TRVRTFErrorCode;
- begin
- try
- RVData := ARVData;
- EditFlag := False;
- InsertPoint := RVData.Items.Count;
- Index := -1;
- Reader := TRVRTFReader.Create(nil);
- try
- InitReader;
- Result := Reader.ReadFromFile(AFileName);
- ErrorCode := Result;
- finally
- DoneReader;
- Reader.Free;
- end;
- except
- Result := rtf_ec_Exception;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- Result := rtf_ec_OK;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.ReadFromWordDocFile(const AFileName: String; ARVData: TCustomRVData): TRVRTFErrorCode;
- begin
- try
- RVData := ARVData;
- EditFlag := False;
- InsertPoint := RVData.Items.Count;
- Index := -1;
- Reader := TRVRTFReader.Create(nil);
- try
- InitReader;
- Result := Reader.ReadFromWordDocFile(AFileName);
- ErrorCode := Result;
- finally
- DoneReader;
- Reader.Free;
- end;
- except
- Result := rtf_ec_Exception;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- Result := rtf_ec_OK;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.ReadFromStream(AStream: TStream;
- ARVData: TCustomRVData): TRVRTFErrorCode;
- begin
- try
- RVData := ARVData;
- Reader := TRVRTFReader.Create(nil);
- EditFlag := False;
- InsertPoint := RVData.Items.Count;
- Index := -1;
- try
- InitReader;
- Result := Reader.ReadFromStream(AStream);
- ErrorCode := Result;
- finally
- DoneReader;
- Reader.Free;
- end;
- except
- Result := rtf_ec_Exception;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- Result := rtf_ec_OK;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.InsertFromStreamEd(AStream: TStream;
- ARVData: TCustomRVData; var AIndex: Integer): TRVRTFErrorCode;
- begin
- RVData := ARVData;
- Reader := TRVRTFReader.Create(nil);
- EditFlag := True;
- InsertPoint := AIndex;
- Index := -1;
- try
- InitReader;
- Result := Reader.ReadFromStream(AStream);
- ErrorCode := Result;
- finally
- Reader.Free;
- DoneReader;
- AIndex := Index;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- Result := rtf_ec_OK;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.SetParaNo(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if Value<0 then
- raise Exception.Create(errRVNegative);
- FParaNo := Value;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.SetStyleNo(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if Value<0 then
- raise Exception.Create(errRVNegative);
- FStyleNo := Value;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.SetFooter(RVData: TCustomRVData);
- begin
- FFooterRVData := RVData;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.SetHeader(RVData: TCustomRVData);
- begin
- FHeaderRVData := RVData;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.NewReaderPicture(Sender: TRVRTFReader;
- RTFPicture: TRVRTFPicture; Graphic: TGraphic; Position: TRVRTFPosition;
- const FileName: String; var Inserted: Boolean);
- var item: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- Target, Hint, Extras: String;
- StyleNo, ItemTag,v: Integer;
- ItemName: String;
- Hyp, FreeGraphic: Boolean;
- begin
- Inserted := False;
- ItemName := '';
- Hint := '';
- if Assigned(OnCustomImageItem) then begin
- Hyp := IsHypertext(Target, Hint, Extras);
- item := nil;
- FreeGraphic := False;
- OnCustomImageItem(CurrentRVData, Graphic, Hyp, item, FreeGraphic, RTFPicture,
- ItemName);
- if FreeGraphic then
- Graphic.Free;
- if item<>nil then
- RVData.ReadHyperlink(Target, Extras, rvlfRTF, item.StyleNo, item.Tag, ItemName);
- end
- else begin
- if Graphic=nil then begin
- if RTFPicture.ShpPict then
- exit;
- Graphic := RV_CreateGraphics(TGraphicClass(RVStyle.InvalidPicture.Graphic.ClassType));
- Graphic.Assign(RVStyle.InvalidPicture.Graphic);
- end;
- StyleNo := rvsPicture;
- ItemTag := 0;
- if IsHypertext(Target, Hint, Extras) then begin
- RVData.ReadHyperlink(Target, Extras, rvlfRTF, StyleNo, ItemTag, ItemName);
- item := CreateRichViewItem(StyleNo,RVData) as TRVGraphicItemInfo;
- TRVGraphicItemInfo(item).Image := Graphic;
- TRVGraphicItemInfo(item).Tag := ItemTag;
- end
- else
- item := TRVGraphicItemInfo.CreateEx(CurrentRVData, Graphic, rvvaBaseline);
- end;
- if item<>nil then begin
- if (item is TRVGraphicItemInfo) and (RTFPicture<>nil) then begin
- if (TRVGraphicItemInfo(item).Image is TMetafile) or (RTFPicture.PicScaleX<>100) then begin
- if RTFPicture.SuggestedWidth>0 then
- v := RTFPicture.SuggestedWidth
- else
- v := TRVGraphicItemInfo(item).Image.Width;
- TRVGraphicItemInfo(item).ImageWidth := Round(v/100*RTFPicture.PicScaleX);
- end;
- if (TRVGraphicItemInfo(item).Image is TMetafile) or (RTFPicture.PicScaleY<>100) then begin
- if RTFPicture.SuggestedHeight>0 then
- v := RTFPicture.SuggestedHeight
- else
- v := TRVGraphicItemInfo(item).Image.Height;
- TRVGraphicItemInfo(item).ImageHeight := Round(v/100*RTFPicture.PicScaleY);
- end;
- end;
- item.ParaNo := ReturnParaNo(Position);
- item.Hint := Hint;
- {$ENDIF}
- if StoreImagesFileNames then
- item.SetExtraStrProperty(rvespImageFileName, FileName);
- item.BeforeLoading(rvlfRTF);
- InsertItem(ItemName, item, Position);
- Inserted := True;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.ReaderImportPicture(Sender: TRVRTFReader;
- const Location: String; var Graphic: TGraphic; var Invalid: Boolean);
- begin
- Graphic := CurrentRVData.ImportPicture(Location, 0, 0, Invalid);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- (*
- type
- TStreamHeader = record
- case Integer of
- 0: ( { New }
- Signature: Integer;
- DrawAspect: Integer;
- DataSize: Integer);
- 1: ( { Old }
- PartRect: TSmallRect);
- end;
- TRTFObjectHeader = record
- Signature: Integer;
- DrawAspect: Integer;
- ProgIdSize: Integer;
- end;
- const
- StreamSignature = $434F4442; {'BDOC'}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.NewReaderObject(Sender: TRVRTFReader;
- RTFObject: TRVRTFObject; Position: TRVRTFPosition; var Inserted: Boolean);
- var ole: TOLEContainer;
- item: TRVControlItemInfo;
- s: String;
- Size: Integer;
- Stream: TStream;
- header: TStreamHeader;
- rtfheader: TRTFObjectHeader;
- StreamAdapter: TStreamAdapter;
- OleObject: IOleObject;
- TempLockBytes: ILockBytes;
- TempStorage: IStorage;
- DataHandle: HGlobal;
- Buffer: Pointer;
- begin
- case RTFObject.ObjType of
- rtf_obj_Emb:
- begin
- ole := TOLEContainer.Create(nil);
- try
- ole.Visible := False;
- ole.Parent := RVData.GetParentControl;
- ole.Width := Round(RTFObject.WidthTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- ole.Height := Round(RTFObject.HeightTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- RTFObject.Data.ReadBuffer(rtfheader, sizeof(rtfheader));
- RTFObject.Data.Seek(rtfheader.ProgIdSize+12, soFromCurrent);
- header.Signature := StreamSignature;
- header.DrawAspect := 1;//rtfheader.DrawAspect;
- Header.DataSize := RTFObject.Data.Size-RTFObject.Data.Position;
- Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(header, sizeof(header));
- Stream.CopyFrom(RTFObject.Data, Header.DataSize);
- Stream.Position := 0;
- ole.LoadFromStream(Stream);
- Stream.Free;
- item := TRVControlItemInfo.CreateEx(CurrentRVData, ole, rvvaBaseline);
- s := '';
- InsertItem(s, item, Position);
- Inserted := True;
- except
- ole.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- *)
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function GetIndex(List: TRVIntegerList; Value: Integer): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to List.Count-1 do
- if List[i]>=Value then begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := List.Count;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure MergeCol(table: TRVTableItemInfo; c: Integer);
- var r: Integer;
- begin
- if c>=table.Rows[0].Count-2 then
- exit;
- for r := 0 to table.Rows.Count-2 do
- if table.Cells[r,c]<>nil then
- table.Cells[r,c].Clear;
- for r := 0 to table.Rows.Count-2 do
- if (table.Cells[r,c]<>nil) and (table.Cells[r,c+1]<>nil) then begin
- table.Cells[r,c].AssignAttributesFrom(table.Cells[r,c+1], True,1,1);
- table.Rows.MergeCells(r,c, table.Cells[r,c+1].ColSpan+1,table.Cells[r,c+1].RowSpan,True,False);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure GetBorderColors(Border: TRVRTFParaBorder; var c1, c2: TColor);
- begin
- c1 := clNone;
- c2 := clNone;
- if Border.Sides[rtf_side_Left].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None then
- c1 := Border.Sides[rtf_side_Left].Color
- else if Border.Sides[rtf_side_Top].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None then
- c1 := Border.Sides[rtf_side_Top].Color;
- if Border.Sides[rtf_side_Right].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None then
- c2 := Border.Sides[rtf_side_Right].Color
- else if Border.Sides[rtf_side_Bottom].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None then
- c2 := Border.Sides[rtf_side_Bottom].Color;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.AssignRowProperties;
- var info: TTableInfo;
- i,span,r,c,idx,val,strt: Integer;
- RowProps: TRVRTFRowProperties;
- side: TRVRTFSide;
- c1,c2: TColor;
- {............................................................}
- procedure AssignCellProperties(Cell: TRVTableCellData; Props: TRVRTFCellProperties; RuleIndex1,RuleIndex2: Integer);
- var side: TRVRTFSide;
- w: Integer;
- c1, c2: TColor;
- begin
- inc(info.CellCount);
- Cell.Color := Props.Color;
- if RowProps.RichViewSpecial then
- Cell.BestHeight := Props.BestHeight
- else if RowProps.HeightTw>0 then
- Cell.BestHeight := Round(RowProps.HeightTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- for side := Low(TRVRTFSide) to High(TRVRTFSide) do begin
- if Props.Border.Sides[side].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None then begin
- inc(info.CellBorderCount);
- inc(info.CellBorderWidthTw, Props.Border.Sides[side].WidthTw);
- end;
- end;
- Cell.VisibleBorders.Left := Props.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Left].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None;
- Cell.VisibleBorders.Top := Props.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Top].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None;
- Cell.VisibleBorders.Right := Props.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Right].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None;
- Cell.VisibleBorders.Bottom := Props.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Bottom].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None;
- GetBorderColors(Props.Border,c1,c2);
- Cell.BorderColor := c1;
- Cell.BorderLightColor := c2;
- info.CellFlatBorder := info.CellFlatBorder and ((c1=c2) or (c1=clNone) or (c2=clNone));
- if RowProps.RichViewSpecial then
- Cell.BestWidth := Props.BestWidth
- else begin
- info.Word2000 := info.Word2000 or (Props.BestWidth<>0);
- if not info.Word2000 then begin
- w := info.HRules[RuleIndex2]-info.HRules[RuleIndex1];
- Cell.BestWidth := Round(w*PixelsPerTwip)
- end
- else
- if Props.BestWidth>0 then begin
- w := Props.BestWidth;
- Cell.BestWidth := Round(w*PixelsPerTwip)
- end
- else
- Cell.BestWidth := Props.BestWidth div 50;
- end;
- case Props.VAlign of
- rtf_val_Top:
- Cell.VAlign := rvcTop;
- rtf_val_Bottom:
- Cell.VAlign := rvcBottom;
- rtf_val_Center:
- Cell.VAlign := rvcMiddle;
- end;
- end;
- {............................................................}
- procedure HideBorders(Row,Col: Integer);
- var Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- Cell := info.table.Cells[Row,Col];
- if Cell<>nil then begin
- Cell.VisibleBorders.SetAll(False);
- Cell.Clear;
- Cell.AddNL('',GetEmptyStyleNo,GetEmptyParaNo(rvaLeft));
- end;
- end;
- {............................................................}
- begin
- info := TTableInfo(Tables[Tables.Count-1]);
- info.table.InsertRows(info.table.Rows.Count,1,-1);
- if info.table.Rows[0].Count<info.lastrow.Rows[0].Count then begin
- c := info.table.Rows[0].Count;
- span := info.lastrow.Rows[0].Count-info.table.Rows[0].Count+1;
- info.table.InsertCols(c,span,-1);
- if CurrentRow>1 then begin
- info.table.MergeCells(0,c,span,info.table.Rows.Count,True);
- HideBorders(0,c);
- end;
- end;
- RowProps := Reader.RTFState.RowProps;
- if RowProps.Heading then
- info.table.HeadingRowCount := info.table.Rows.Count;
- //assigning table attributes
- if RowProps.UseSpacing[rtf_side_Top] then
- if CurrentRow=0 then begin
- info.VBorderSpacing1Tw := RowProps.SpacingTw[rtf_side_Top];
- info.table.VisibleBorders.Top :=
- (RowProps.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Top].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None);
- info.table.VisibleBorders.Left :=
- (RowProps.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Left].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None);
- info.table.VisibleBorders.Right :=
- (RowProps.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Right].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None);
- end
- else
- inc(info.VSpacingTw, RowProps.SpacingTw[rtf_side_Top]);
- info.table.VisibleBorders.Bottom :=
- (RowProps.Border.Sides[rtf_side_Bottom].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None);
- inc(info.VSpacingTw, info.VBorderSpacing2Tw);
- info.UseHSpacing := info.UseHSpacing or
- (RowProps.UseSpacing[rtf_side_Left] and (RowProps.SpacingTw[rtf_side_Left]>0)) or
- (RowProps.UseSpacing[rtf_side_Right] and (RowProps.SpacingTw[rtf_side_Right]>0));
- info.UseVSpacing := info.UseVSpacing or
- (RowProps.UseSpacing[rtf_side_Top] and (RowProps.SpacingTw[rtf_side_Top]>0)) or
- (RowProps.UseSpacing[rtf_side_Bottom] and (RowProps.SpacingTw[rtf_side_Bottom]>0));
- for side := Low(TRVRTFSide) to High(TRVRTFSide) do
- if RowProps.SpacingTw[side]<0 then
- RowProps.FUseSpacing[side] := False;
- if RowProps.UseSpacing[rtf_side_Bottom] then
- info.VBorderSpacing2Tw := RowProps.SpacingTw[rtf_side_Bottom];
- if RowProps.UseSpacing[rtf_side_Left] then
- inc(info.HSpacingTw, RowProps.SpacingTw[rtf_side_Left])
- else begin
- inc(info.HSpacingTw, RowProps.GapHTw);
- if RowProps.UsePadding[rtf_side_Left] then
- dec(info.HSpacingTw, RowProps.PaddingTw[rtf_side_Left]);
- end;
- if RowProps.UseSpacing[rtf_side_Right] then
- inc(info.HSpacingTw, RowProps.SpacingTw[rtf_side_Right])
- else begin
- inc(info.HSpacingTw, RowProps.GapHTw);
- if RowProps.UsePadding[rtf_side_Right] then
- dec(info.HSpacingTw, RowProps.PaddingTw[rtf_side_Right]);
- end;
- for side := Low(TRVRTFSide) to High(TRVRTFSide) do begin
- if RowProps.Border.Sides[side].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None then begin
- inc(info.BorderWidthTw, RowProps.Border.Sides[side].WidthTw);
- inc(info.BorderCount);
- end;
- if RowProps.UsePadding[side] then
- inc(info.CellPaddingTw, RowProps.PaddingTw[side]);
- inc(info.CellPaddingCount);
- end;
- if RowProps.RichViewSpecial then begin
- info.BestWidth := RowProps.BestWidth;
- info.RichViewSpecial := True;
- end
- else
- if ((info.BestWidth<=0) and (RowProps.BestWidth<info.BestWidth)) or
- ((info.BestWidth>=0) and (RowProps.BestWidth>info.BestWidth)) then
- info.BestWidth := RowProps.BestWidth;
- GetBorderColors(RowProps.Border,c1,c2);
- if c1<>clNone then
- info.table.BorderLightColor := c1;
- if c2<>clNone then
- info.table.BorderColor := c2;
- // assigning cells
- if CurrentRow=0 then begin
- info.HRules.Add(RowProps.LeftTw);
- for i := 0 to RowProps.CellProps.Count-1 do
- info.HRules.Add(RowProps.CellProps[i].RightBoundaryTw);
- end;
- strt := 0;
- if CurrentRow>0 then begin
- val := RowProps.LeftTw;
- idx := GetIndex(info.HRules, val);
- if idx=0 then begin
- if abs(info.HRules[idx]-val)>RV_TableGridEps then begin
- info.HRules.Insert(0, val);
- info.table.InsertCols(0,1,-1);
- info.table.Cells[CurrentRow,0].Clear;
- info.table.Cells[CurrentRow,0].AssignAttributesFrom(info.table.Cells[CurrentRow,1],True,1,1);
- info.table.Rows.MergeCells(0,0,1,CurrentRow,True,False);
- HideBorders(0,0);
- strt := 0;
- end;
- end
- else if idx=info.HRules.Count then begin
- info.HRules.Add(val);
- info.table.InsertCols(idx-1,2,-1);
- info.table.Rows.MergeCells(0,idx,1,CurrentRow,True,False);
- HideBorders(0,idx);
- MergeCol(info.table,idx-1);
- info.table.Rows.MergeCells(CurrentRow,0,idx,1,True,False);
- HideBorders(CurrentRow,0);
- if info.table.Cells[CurrentRow,0]<>nil then
- info.table.Cells[CurrentRow,0].BestWidth := Round((info.HRules[idx]-info.HRules[0]-RowProps.GapHTw*2)*PixelsPerTwip);
- strt := idx;
- end
- else begin
- if abs(info.HRules[idx]-val)>RV_TableGridEps then begin
- info.HRules.Insert(idx, val);
- info.HRules.Sort;
- info.table.InsertCols(idx-1,1,-1);
- HideBorders(CurrentRow,idx-1);
- MergeCol(info.table,idx-1);
- end;
- info.table.Rows.MergeCells(CurrentRow,0,idx,1,True,False);
- if idx>0 then
- HideBorders(CurrentRow,0);
- strt := idx;
- end;
- for i := 0 to RowProps.CellProps.Count-1 do begin
- val := RowProps.CellProps[i].RightBoundaryTw;
- if RowProps.CellProps[i].HMerge=rtf_cm_First then
- if strt<info.HRules.Count-1 then begin
- val := info.HRules[strt+1];
- if val>RowProps.CellProps[i+1].RightBoundaryTw then
- val := RowProps.CellProps[i+1].RightBoundaryTw;
- end
- else
- val := RowProps.CellProps[i+1].RightBoundaryTw;
- idx := GetIndex(info.HRules, val);
- if (idx=info.HRules.Count) then begin
- //if strt<info.HRules.Count-1 then begin
- info.table.InsertCols(idx-1,1,-1);
- //end;
- info.HRules.Add(val);
- info.table.Rows.MergeCells(0,idx-1,1,CurrentRow,True,False);
- HideBorders(0,idx-1);
- end
- else if abs(info.HRules[idx]-val)>RV_TableGridEps then begin
- info.HRules.Insert(idx, val);
- info.HRules.Sort;
- info.table.InsertCols(idx-1,1,-1);
- MergeCol(info.table,idx-1);
- end;
- info.table.Rows.MergeCells(CurrentRow,strt,idx-strt,1,True,False);
- if (strt>0) and (RowProps.CellProps[i].HMerge=rtf_cm_Merged) then begin
- info.table.Rows.GetMainCell(CurrentRow,strt-1,r,c);
- info.table.Rows.MergeCells(r,c,idx-c,CurrentRow-r+1,True,False);
- end;
- if RowProps.CellProps[i].VMerge=rtf_cm_Merged then begin
- info.table.Rows.GetMainCell(CurrentRow-1,strt,r,c);
- span := idx-c;
- if info.table.Cells[r,c].ColSpan>span then
- span := info.table.Cells[r,c].ColSpan;
- info.table.Rows.MergeCells(r,c,span,CurrentRow-r+1,True,False);
- end;
- if info.table.Cells[CurrentRow,strt]<>nil then begin
- AssignCellProperties(info.table.Cells[CurrentRow,strt],RowProps.CellProps[i],strt,idx);
- info.table.Cells[CurrentRow,strt].Clear;
- info.table.Cells[CurrentRow,strt].DrainFrom(info.lastrow.Cells[0,i]);
- end;
- strt := idx;
- //if strt>=info.table.Rows.Count then
- // dec(strt);
- end;
- for i := strt to info.table.Rows[CurrentRow].Count-1 do
- HideBorders(CurrentRow,i);
- end
- else // CurrentRow=0
- for i := 0 to RowProps.CellProps.Count-1 do begin
- if RowProps.CellProps[i].HMerge=rtf_cm_Merged then begin
- info.table.Rows.GetMainCell(CurrentRow,i-1,r,c);
- info.table.Rows.MergeCells(r,c,i-c+1,1,True,False);
- end;
- if info.table.Cells[CurrentRow,i]<>nil then begin
- AssignCellProperties(info.table.Cells[CurrentRow,i], RowProps.CellProps[i],i,i+1);
- info.table.Cells[CurrentRow,i].Clear;
- info.table.Cells[CurrentRow,i].DrainFrom(info.lastrow.Cells[0,i]);
- end;
- end;
- info.PrevColCount := info.table.Rows[0].Count-1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.ReaderTable(Sender: TRVRTFReader;
- WhatHappens: TRVRTFTableEventKind);
- var info: TTableInfo;
- i: Integer;
- PrevRVData:TCustomRVData;
- s: String;
- APageBreak: Boolean;
- APageBreakRVData: TCustomRVData;
- Alignment: TRVAlignment;
- begin
- case WhatHappens of
- rvf_tbl_TableStart:
- begin
- if Tables=nil then
- Tables := TRVList.Create;
- info := TTableInfo.Create;
- info.table := TRVTableItemInfo.CreateEx(0,0,CurrentRVData);
- if PageBreak and (PageBreakRVData=CurrentRVData) then begin
- info.table.PageBreakBefore := True;
- PageBreak := False;
- PageBreakRVData := nil;
- end;
- info.table.BeforeLoading(rvlfRTF);
- info.table.Color := clNone;
- info.table.BorderStyle := rvtbRaisedColor;
- info.table.CellBorderStyle := rvtbLoweredColor;
- info.table.CellBorderColor := clWindowText;
- info.table.BorderColor := clWindowText;
- info.table.BorderLightColor := clWindowText;
- info.table.CellBorderLightColor := clWindowText;
- info.lastrow := TRVTableItemInfo.CreateEx(1,1,CurrentRVData);
- info.lastrow.BeforeLoading(rvlfRTF);
- info.ParentRow := CurrentRow;
- info.ParentCol := CurrentCol;
- CurrentRow := 0;
- CurrentCol := 0;
- CurrentRVData := info.lastrow.Cells[0,0];
- CurrentRVData.Clear;
- Tables.Add(info);
- end;
- rvf_tbl_TableEnd:
- begin
- info := TTableInfo(Tables[Tables.Count-1]);
- if Tables.Count=1 then
- case HFType of
- rtf_hf_Header:
- PrevRVData := FHeaderRVData;
- rtf_hf_Footer:
- PrevRVData := FFooterRVData;
- else
- PrevRVData := RVData;
- end
- else
- PrevRVData := TTableInfo(Tables[Tables.Count-2]).lastrow.Cells[0,info.ParentCol];
- info.Finalize(PixelsPerTwip, {AdjustVisibleBorders, }
- GetEmptyStyleNo, GetEmptyParaNo(rvaLeft), ExplicitTableWidth,
- AutoHideTableGridLines);
- if PageBreak and (PageBreakRVData=CurrentRVData) then
- PageBreakRVData := PrevRVData;
- APageBreak := PageBreak;
- APageBreakRVData := PageBreakRVData;
- PageBreak := False;
- PageBreakRVData := nil;
- CurrentRVData := PrevRVData;
- CurrentRow := info.ParentRow;
- CurrentCol := info.ParentCol;
- info.table.DeleteCols(info.HRules.Count-1,info.table.Rows[0].Count-info.HRules.Count+1,False);
- if Reader.FTableAlignmentDefined then
- Alignment := TRVAlignment(ord(Reader.FTableAlignment))
- else
- Alignment := rvaLeft; //TRVAlignment(ord(Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.Alignment));
- info.table.ParaNo := GetEmptyParaNo(Alignment);
- s := '';
- if (info.table.Rows.Count=0) or (info.table.Rows[0].Count=0) then begin
- info.table.Free;
- info.table := nil
- end
- else begin
- info.table.DeleteEmptyRows;
- InsertItem(s, info.table, rtf_ts_NewPara);
- end;
- if not info.RowFinished then begin
- IgnoreLists := True;
- {$ENDIF}
- try
- for i := 0 to info.lastrow.Cells[0,0].Items.Count-1 do begin
- s := info.lastrow.Cells[0,0].Items[i];
- InsertItem(s, info.lastrow.Cells[0,0].GetItem(i), rtf_ts_NewPara);
- info.lastrow.Cells[0,0].Items.Objects[i] := nil;
- end;
- finally
- IgnoreLists := False;
- LastMarkerIndex := -1;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- Tables.Delete(Tables.Count-1);
- PageBreak := APageBreak;
- PageBreakRVData := APageBreakRVData;
- end;
- rvf_tbl_CellEnd:
- begin
- info := TTableInfo(Tables[Tables.Count-1]);
- if info.lastrow.Cells[0,CurrentCol].Items.Count=0 then begin
- NewReaderText(Sender,'',rtf_ts_NewPara);
- ReaderUpdateMarker(Sender);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- inc(CurrentCol);
- if CurrentCol=info.lastrow.Rows[0].Count then
- info.lastrow.InsertCols(CurrentCol,1,-1);
- CurrentRVData := info.lastrow.Cells[0,CurrentCol];
- CurrentRVData.Clear;
- end;
- rvf_tbl_RowEnd:
- begin
- AssignRowProperties;
- info := TTableInfo(Tables[Tables.Count-1]);
- info.RowFinished := True;
- inc(CurrentRow);
- CurrentCol := 0;
- info.lastrow.Rows.Reset(1,1);;
- CurrentRVData := info.lastrow.Cells[0,CurrentCol];
- CurrentRVData.Clear;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.CreateTextItem(const Text: String;
- const WideText: WideString;
- {$ENDIF}
- StyleNo, ParaNo: Integer;
- UseUnicode: Boolean;
- var ResText: String): TRVTextItemInfo;
- var
- Target, Hint, Extras: String;
- AStyleNo,ItemTag: Integer;
- begin
- Hint := '';
- Result := RichViewTextItemClass.Create(CurrentRVData);
- Result.BeforeLoading(rvlfRTF);
- if RVStyle.TextStyles[StyleNo].Unicode then
- Include(Result.ItemOptions, rvioUnicode);
- if not UseUnicode then
- if RVStyle.TextStyles[StyleNo].Unicode then
- ResText := RVU_AnsiToUnicode(
- RVU_Charset2CodePage(
- Reader.FontTable[Reader.RTFState.CharProps.FontIndex].Charset), Text)
- else
- ResText := Text
- else
- if RVStyle.TextStyles[StyleNo].Unicode then begin
- SetLength(ResText, Length(WideText)*2);
- Move(Pointer(WideText)^, PChar(ResText)^, Length(ResText));
- end
- else
- ResText := Reader.UnicodeToAnsi(WideText);
- {$ELSE}
- ResText := Text;
- {$ENDIF}
- ResText := CurrentRVData.ReplaceTabs(ResText, StyleNo, False);
- ItemTag := 0;
- if IsHypertext(Target, Hint, Extras) then begin
- AStyleNo := StyleNo;
- CurrentRVData.ReadHyperlink(Target, Extras, rvlfRTF, AStyleNo, ItemTag, ResText);
- if AStyleNo>=0 then
- StyleNo := AStyleNo;
- end;
- Result.StyleNo := StyleNo;
- Result.ParaNo := ParaNo;
- Result.Tag := ItemTag;
- Result.Hint := Hint;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.InsertItem(var Text: String;
- item: TCustomRVItemInfo; Position: TRVRTFPosition);
- var Dummy: Integer;
- begin
- case Position of
- rtf_ts_ContinuePara:
- item.SameAsPrev := True;
- rtf_ts_NewLine,
- rtf_ts_NewPara:
- begin
- if (Position = rtf_ts_NewLine) and not LineBreaksAsParagraphs then
- item.BR := True
- else begin
- if not AllowNewPara then
- item.BR := True
- else begin
- if (item.StyleNo<>rvsListMarker) and not IgnoreLists {$IFNDEF RVDONOTUSETABLES} and (item.StyleNo<>rvsTable){$ENDIF} then
- if InsertMarker(item.ParaNo) then
- item.SameAsPrev := True;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if PageBreak and (PageBreakRVData=CurrentRVData) then begin
- item.PageBreakBefore := True;
- PageBreak := False;
- PageBreakRVData := nil;
- end;
- if RVData=CurrentRVData then begin
- if FirstTime then begin
- FirstTime := False;
- if not EditFlag and ((InsertPoint=0) or
- (CurrentRVData.GetItem(InsertPoint-1).GetBoolValue(rvbpFullWidth))) then
- item.SameAsPrev := False;
- if not RVData.InsertFirstRVFItem(InsertPoint, Text, Item, EditFlag, FullReformat, Dummy) then begin
- FailedBecauseOfProtect := True;
- abort;
- end;
- if item<>nil then begin
- Item.AfterLoading(rvlfRTF);
- inc(InsertPoint);
- Index := InsertPoint-1;
- end
- else
- FirstTime := True;
- if (item<>nil) and (item.StyleNo=rvsListMarker) then
- LastMarkerIndex := Index;
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- else begin
- if (InsertPoint=0) or
- (CurrentRVData.GetItem(InsertPoint-1).GetBoolValue(rvbpFullWidth)) then
- item.SameAsPrev := False;
- Item.Inserting(RVData, Text, False);
- RVData.Items.InsertObject(InsertPoint, Text, Item);
- Item.Inserted(RVData, InsertPoint);
- Item.AfterLoading(rvlfRTF);
- RVData.AddMarkerInList(InsertPoint);
- if item.StyleNo=rvsListMarker then
- LastMarkerIndex := InsertPoint;
- {$ENDIF}
- inc(InsertPoint);
- inc(NonFirstItemsAdded);
- end;
- end
- else begin
- if (CurrentRVData.Items.Count=0) or
- (CurrentRVData.GetItem(CurrentRVData.Items.Count-1).GetBoolValue(rvbpFullWidth)) then
- item.SameAsPrev := False;
- Item.Inserting(CurrentRVData, Text, False);
- CurrentRVData.Items.AddObject(Text, Item);
- Item.Inserted(CurrentRVData, CurrentRVData.Items.Count-1);
- if (CurrentRVData=FHeaderRVData) or (CurrentRVData=FFooterRVData) then
- Item.AfterLoading(rvlfRTF);
- CurrentRVData.AddMarkerInList(CurrentRVData.Items.Count-1);
- if item.StyleNo=rvsListMarker then
- LastMarkerIndex := CurrentRVData.Items.Count-1;
- {$ENDIF}
- if (CurrentRVData<>FHeaderRVData) and (CurrentRVData<>FFooterRVData) then
- TTableInfo(Tables[Tables.Count-1]).RowFinished := False;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure ConvMarker(RTFMarker: TRVRTFMarkerProperties;
- var RVType: TRVListType;
- var FormatStr1,FormatStr2: String);
- begin
- if (RTFMarker.Level=11) or
- ((RTFMarker.Level=10) and (RTFMarker.ListType=rtf_pn_Default)) then begin
- RVType := rvlstBullet;
- FormatStr1 := RTFMarker.TextBefore;
- FormatStr2 := RTFMarker.TextBefore;
- end
- else begin
- case RTFMarker.ListType of
- rtf_pn_Default, rtf_pn_Decimal:
- RVType := rvlstDecimal;
- rtf_pn_LowerLetter:
- RVType := rvlstLowerAlpha;
- rtf_pn_UpperLetter:
- RVType := rvlstUpperAlpha;
- rtf_pn_LowerRoman:
- RVType := rvlstLowerRoman;
- rtf_pn_UpperRoman:
- RVType := rvlstUpperRoman;
- end;
- FormatStr1 := RTFMarker.TextBefore+'%s'+RTFMarker.TextAfter;
- FormatStr2 := RTFMarker.TextBefore+'%0:s'+RTFMarker.TextAfter;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function GetMarkerFontName(Reader: TRVRTFReader;
- RTFMarker: TRVRTFCustomMarkerProperties): String;
- begin
- if RTFMarker.FontIndex<0 then
- Result := Reader.FontTable[0].Name//RVFONT_SYMBOL
- else
- Result := Reader.FontTable[RTFMarker.FontIndex].Name;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function GetMarkerCharset(Reader: TRVRTFReader;
- RTFMarker: TRVRTFCustomMarkerProperties): TFontCharset;
- begin
- if RTFMarker.FontIndex<0 then
- Result := Reader.FontTable[0].Charset// SYMBOL_CHARSET
- else
- Result := Reader.FontTable[RTFMarker.FontIndex].Charset;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function max(a,b:Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if a>b then
- Result := a
- else
- Result := b;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.GetMarkerIndex(RTFMarker: TRVRTFMarkerProperties): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- Level : TRVListLevel;
- FormatStr1,FormatStr2, FontName: String;
- ListType: TRVListType;
- FirstIndent, LeftIndent, PNIndent, PNSpace: Integer;
- MarkerAlign: TRVRTFAlignment;
- {..............................................}
- function IsEqualIndents(Level : TRVListLevel): Boolean;
- begin
- if RTFMarker.Hanging then
- Result :=
- (Level.LeftIndent=LeftIndent) and
- (Level.FirstIndent=max(PNSpace, FirstIndent+PNIndent))
- else
- Result :=
- (Level.LeftIndent=LeftIndent) and
- (Level.FirstIndent= max(0, FirstIndent+max(PNIndent,PNSpace)));
- if not Result then
- exit;
- case MarkerAlign of
- rtf_al_Left:
- Result := Level.MarkerIndent=LeftIndent+FirstIndent;
- rtf_al_Right:
- Result := Level.MarkerIndent=Level.FirstIndent+Level.LeftIndent;
- rtf_al_Center:
- Result := Level.MarkerIndent=(LeftIndent+FirstIndent+Level.FirstIndent+Level.LeftIndent) div 2;
- end;
- end;
- {..............................................}
- begin
- Result := -1;
- if ParaStyleMode<>rvrsAddIfNeeded then
- exit;
- if (RTFMarker=nil) or (RTFMarker.FontIndex>=Reader.FontTable.Count) or (RTFMarker.Level<=0) then
- exit;
- if LevelToListNo.Count=0 then
- LevelToListNo.InitWith(-1, 11);
- if (RTFMarker.Level<11) and (LevelToListNo[RTFMarker.Level-1]>=0) then begin
- Result := LevelToListNo[RTFMarker.Level-1];
- exit;
- end;
- FontName := GetMarkerFontName(Reader, RTFMarker);
- ConvMarker(RTFMarker, ListType, FormatStr1,FormatStr2);
- MarkerAlign := RTFMarker.Alignment;
- if RTFMarker.Level=11 then
- MarkerAlign := rtf_al_Left;
- LeftIndent := Round(Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.LeftIndentTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- FirstIndent := Round(Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.FirstIndentTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- PNIndent := Round(RTFMarker.IndentTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- PNSpace := Round(RTFMarker.SpaceTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- for i := 0 to RVStyle.ListStyles.Count-1 do begin
- if RVStyle.ListStyles[i].Levels.Count=0 then
- continue;
- Level := RVStyle.ListStyles[i].Levels[0];
- if (Level.ListType=ListType) and
- (Level.MarkerAlignment=TRVMarkerAlignment(MarkerAlign)) and
- IsEqualIndents(Level) and
- (Level.Font.Size=RTFMarker.FontSize) and
- (Level.Font.Style=RTFMarker.FontStyle) and
- (Level.Font.Color=RTFMarker.Color) and
- (AnsiCompareText(Level.Font.Name,FontName)=0) and
- ((Level.FormatString=FormatStr1) or (Level.FormatString=FormatStr2)) then begin
- Result := i;
- LevelToListNo[RTFMarker.Level-1] := Result;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := RVStyle.ListStyles.Count;
- Level := RVStyle.ListStyles.Add.Levels.Add;
- RVStyle.ListStyles[RVStyle.ListStyles.Count-1].Standard := False;
- Level.ListType := ListType;
- Level.LeftIndent := LeftIndent;
- Level.MarkerIndent := LeftIndent+FirstIndent;
- if RTFMarker.Hanging then
- Level.FirstIndent := max(PNSpace, FirstIndent+PNIndent)
- else
- Level.FirstIndent := max(0, FirstIndent+max(PNIndent,PNSpace));
- Level.MarkerAlignment := TRVMarkerAlignment(MarkerAlign);
- case MarkerAlign of
- rtf_al_Right:
- begin
- Level.MarkerIndent := Level.FirstIndent+Level.LeftIndent;
- end;
- rtf_al_Center:
- begin
- Level.MarkerIndent := (Level.FirstIndent+Level.LeftIndent+Level.MarkerIndent) div 2;
- end;
- end;
- Level.Font.Size := RTFMarker.FontSize;
- Level.Font.Style := RTFMarker.FontStyle;
- Level.Font.Color := RTFMarker.Color;
- Level.Font.Name := FontName;
- Level.FormatString := FormatStr1;
- LevelToListNo[RTFMarker.Level-1] := Result;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- // Old-style numbering has higher priority
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.InsertMarker(ParaNo: Integer): Boolean;
- var marker: TRVMarkerItemInfo;
- s: String;
- begin
- if ParaStyleMode<>rvrsAddIfNeeded then begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- if not Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.HasMarker then
- LevelToListNo.Clear;
- Result := Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.HasMarker and
- (Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.MarkerProps.Level>0);
- if not Result then begin
- if Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.ListOverrideIndex>=0 then begin
- MergeListTable97;
- InsertMarker97(ParaNo);
- Result := True;
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- if LevelToListNo.Count=0 then
- LevelToListNo.InitWith(-1, 11);
- marker := TRVMarkerItemInfo.CreateEx(CurrentRVData,
- -1, -1, Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.MarkerProps.Start,
- LevelToListNo[Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.MarkerProps.Level-1]<0);
- marker.ParaNo := ParaNo;
- marker.BeforeLoading(rvlfRTF);
- s := '';
- InsertItem(s, marker, rtf_ts_NewPara);
- IsLastMarkerWord97 := False;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.InsertMarker97(ParaNo: Integer);
- var marker: TRVMarkerItemInfo;
- s: String;
- ListLevel, ListNo, ListMappedNo: Integer;
- ListOverride: TRVRTFListOverride97;
- Start: Integer;
- UseStart: Boolean;
- begin
- if ParaStyleMode<>rvrsAddIfNeeded then
- exit;
- ListLevel := Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.ListLevel;
- ListOverride := Reader.ListOverrideTable[Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.ListOverrideIndex];
- if ListLevel<ListOverride.Count then begin
- Start := ListOverride[ListLevel].Start;
- UseStart := ListOverride[ListLevel].UseStart;
- end
- else begin
- Start := 1;
- UseStart := False;
- end;
- ListNo := ListOverride.ListIndex;
- ListMappedNo := ListTableMap97[ListNo];
- marker := TRVMarkerItemInfo.CreateEx(CurrentRVData,
- ListMappedNo, Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.ListLevel, Start, UseStart);
- marker.ParaNo := ParaNo;
- marker.BeforeLoading(rvlfRTF);
- s := '';
- InsertItem(s, marker, rtf_ts_NewPara);
- IsLastMarkerWord97 := True;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.ReaderUpdateMarker(Sender: TObject);
- var Marker: TRVMarkerItemInfo;
- ListLevel, ListNo, FIDif: Integer;
- ListOverride: TRVRTFListOverride97;
- Level: TRVListLevel;
- begin
- if ParaStyleMode<>rvrsAddIfNeeded then
- exit;
- if LastMarkerIndex>=0 then begin
- if not IsLastMarkerWord97 then begin
- Marker := CurrentRVData.GetItem(LastMarkerIndex) as TRVMarkerItemInfo;
- Marker.ListNo := GetMarkerIndex(Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.MarkerProps);
- if Marker.ListNo>=0 then begin
- Marker.Level := 0;
- CurrentRVData.RecalcMarker(LastMarkerIndex, True);
- end;
- end
- else begin
- ListLevel := Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.ListLevel;
- if Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.ListOverrideIndex>=0 then begin
- ListOverride := Reader.ListOverrideTable[Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.ListOverrideIndex];
- ListNo := ListOverride.ListIndex;
- if not Reader.ListTable[ListNo].Items[ListLevel].FIndentsUpdated then begin
- Marker := CurrentRVData.GetItem(LastMarkerIndex) as TRVMarkerItemInfo;
- Level := RVStyle.ListStyles[Marker.ListNo].Levels[Marker.Level];
- if (Marker.ListNo>=ListStylesCountBefore) then begin
- FIDif := Level.LeftIndent+Level.FirstIndent-Level.MarkerIndent;
- Level.MarkerIndent := Round(
- (Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.LeftIndentTw+Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.FirstIndentTw)*PixelsPerTwip);
- Level.LeftIndent :=
- Round(Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.LeftIndentTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- Level.FirstIndent := Level.MarkerIndent-Level.LeftIndent+FIDif;
- end;
- Reader.ListTable[ListNo].Items[ListLevel].FIndentsUpdated := True;
- end;
- if not Reader.ListTable[ListNo].Items[ListLevel].FFontSizeDefined then begin
- Marker := CurrentRVData.GetItem(LastMarkerIndex) as TRVMarkerItemInfo;
- if (Marker.ListNo>=ListStylesCountBefore) then begin
- RVStyle.ListStyles[Marker.ListNo].Levels[Marker.Level].Font.Size :=
- Reader.RTFState.CharProps.Size;
- Reader.ListTable[ListNo].Items[ListLevel].FFontSize :=
- Reader.RTFState.CharProps.Size;
- Reader.ListTable[ListNo].Items[ListLevel].FFontSizeDefined :=
- True;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- LastMarkerIndex := -1;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure ConvMarker97(Reader: TRVRTFReader;
- RTFMarker: TRVRTFListLevel97;
- var RVType: TRVListType;
- var FormatStr1,FormatStr2: String;
- var FormatStrW:
- );
- var i: Integer;
- s1,s2: String;
- FontName: String;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- case RTFMarker.ListType of
- rtf_pn_Decimal, rtf_pn_Default:
- RVType := rvlstDecimal;
- rtf_pn_LowerLetter:
- RVType := rvlstLowerAlpha;
- rtf_pn_UpperLetter:
- RVType := rvlstUpperAlpha;
- rtf_pn_LowerRoman:
- RVType := rvlstLowerRoman;
- rtf_pn_UpperRoman:
- RVType := rvlstUpperRoman;
- rtf_pn_Bullet:
- RVType := rvlstBullet;
- end;
- FormatStr1 := Copy(RTFMarker.Text, 2, Length(RTFMarker.Text)-1);
- FormatStr2 := FormatStr1;
- for i := Length(FormatStr1) downto 1 do
- if FormatStr1[i] in [#0..#9] then begin
- s2 := '%'+IntToStr(ord(FormatStr1[i]))+':s';
- if FormatStr1[i]=#0 then
- s1 := '%s'
- else
- s1 := s2;
- Delete(FormatStr1,i,1);
- Insert(s1, FormatStr1, i);
- Delete(FormatStr2,i,1);
- Insert(s2, FormatStr2, i);
- end;
- FormatStrW := '';
- if (RTFMarker.TextW<>'') and (RTFMarker.ListType=rtf_pn_Bullet) then begin
- RVType := rvlstUnicodeBullet;
- FormatStrW := Copy(RTFMarker.TextW, 2, Length(RTFMarker.TextW)-1);
- if (Length(FormatStrW)=1) then begin
- FontName := GetMarkerFontName(Reader, RTFMarker);
- if (Word(FormatStrW[1])>=61601) and (Word(FormatStrW[1])<=61694) and
- (CompareText(FontName, RVFONT_SYMBOL)=0) then begin
- FormatStr1 := chr(Word(FormatStrW[1])-61601+161);
- FormatStr2 := FormatStr1;
- RVType := rvlstBullet;
- end;
- if (Word(FormatStrW[1])>=61473) and (Word(FormatStrW[1])<=61695) and
- (CompareText(FontName, RVFONT_WINGDINGS)=0) then begin
- FormatStr1 := chr(Word(FormatStrW[1])-61473+33);
- FormatStr2 := FormatStr1;
- RVType := rvlstBullet;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function AreLevelsEqual97(RVLevel: TRVListLevel; RTFLevel: TRVRTFListLevel97;
- RVType: TRVListType;
- const FontName, FormatStr1, FormatStr2: String;
- const FormatStrW: {$IFDEF RICHVIEWCBDEF3}WideString{$ELSE}String{$ENDIF};
- PixelsPerTwip: Double): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (RVLevel.ListType = RVType) and
- (RVLevel.StartFrom = RTFLevel.Start) and
- (RVLevel.MarkerAlignment = TRVMarkerAlignment(RTFLevel.Alignment)) and
- (RVLevel.LeftIndent = Round(RTFLevel.LeftIndentTw*PixelsPerTwip)) and
- (RVLevel.MarkerIndent = Round(RTFLevel.FirstIndentTw*PixelsPerTwip)+RVLevel.LeftIndent) and
- (RVLevel.FirstIndent = Round(RTFLevel.TabPosTw*PixelsPerTwip)-RVLevel.LeftIndent) and
- (RTFLevel.NoRestart = not (rvloLevelReset in RVLevel.Options)) and
- (RTFLevel.Legal = (rvloLegalStyleNumbering in RVLevel.Options)) and
- (RVLevel.Font.Style = RTFLevel.FontStyle) and
- (RVLevel.Font.Color = RTFLevel.Color) and
- (RVLevel.Font.Size = RTFLevel.FontSize) and
- (CompareText(RVLevel.Font.Name, FontName) = 0);
- if not Result then
- exit;
- case RVType of
- rvlstDecimal,rvlstLowerAlpha,
- rvlstUpperAlpha,rvlstLowerRoman,
- rvlstUpperRoman,rvlstBullet:
- Result := (RVLevel.FormatString=FormatStr1) or
- (RVLevel.FormatString=FormatStr2);
- rvlstUnicodeBullet:
- Result := (RVLevel.FormatStringW=FormatStrW);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.AreListStylesEqual97(RVList: TRVListInfo; RTFList: TRVRTFList97): Boolean;
- var
- RVType: TRVListType;
- FontName, FormatStr1, FormatStr2: String;
- FormatStrW: {$IFDEF RICHVIEWCBDEF3}WideString{$ELSE}String{$ENDIF};
- RTFLevel: TRVRTFListLevel97;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := RVList.Levels.Count>=RTFList.Count;
- if not Result then
- exit;
- for i := 0 to RTFList.Count-1 do begin
- RTFLevel := RTFList.Items[i];
- ConvMarker97(Reader, RTFLevel, RVType, FormatStr1, FormatStr2, FormatStrW);
- FontName := GetMarkerFontName(Reader, RTFLevel);
- Result := AreLevelsEqual97(RVList.Levels[i], RTFLevel, RVType,
- FontName,FormatStr1,FormatStr2,FormatStrW,PixelsPerTwip);
- if not Result then
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.FindListStyle97(RTFList: TRVRTFList97;
- ForbiddenStyles: TRVIntegerList): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if ParaStyleMode=rvrsAddIfNeeded then
- for i := 0 to RVStyle.ListStyles.Count-1 do
- if (ForbiddenStyles.IndexOf(Pointer(i))<0) and
- AreListStylesEqual97(RVStyle.ListStyles[i], RTFList) then begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.MergeListTable97;
- var i,j: Integer;
- RVLevel : TRVListLevel;
- RTFLevel: TRVRTFListLevel97;
- FormatStr1,FormatStr2,FontName: String;
- FormatStrW: {$IFDEF RICHVIEWCBDEF3}WideString{$ELSE}String{$ENDIF};
- Charset: TFontCharset;
- {$ENDIF}
- RVType: TRVListType;
- ListNo: Integer;
- ForbiddenStyles: TRVIntegerList;
- begin
- if ParaStyleMode<>rvrsAddIfNeeded then
- exit;
- if ListTableMap97<>nil then
- exit;
- ListStylesCountBefore := RVStyle.ListStyles.Count;
- ForbiddenStyles := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- try
- ListTableMap97 := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- for i := 0 to Reader.ListTable.Count-1 do begin
- ListNo := FindListStyle97(Reader.ListTable[i], ForbiddenStyles);
- if ListNo>=0 then begin
- ListTableMap97.Add(ListNo);
- ForbiddenStyles.Add(ListNo);
- end
- else begin
- RVStyle.ListStyles.Add;
- RVStyle.ListStyles[RVStyle.ListStyles.Count-1].Standard := False;
- ListTableMap97.Add(RVStyle.ListStyles.Count-1);
- ForbiddenStyles.Add(RVStyle.ListStyles.Count-1);
- for j := 0 to Reader.ListTable[i].Count-1 do begin
- RTFLevel := Reader.ListTable[i].Items[j];
- ConvMarker97(Reader, RTFLevel, RVType, FormatStr1, FormatStr2, FormatStrW);
- FontName := GetMarkerFontName(Reader, RTFLevel);
- Charset := GetMarkerCharset(Reader, RTFLevel);
- {$ENDIF}
- RVLevel := RVStyle.ListStyles[RVStyle.ListStyles.Count-1].Levels.Add;
- RVLevel.ListType := RVType;
- RVLevel.FormatString := FormatStr1;
- RVLevel.FormatStringW := FormatStrW;
- {$ENDIF}
- RVLevel.MarkerAlignment := TRVMarkerAlignment(RTFLevel.Alignment);
- RVLevel.Font.Name := FontName;
- RVLevel.Font.Charset := Charset;
- {$ENDIF}
- RVLevel.Font.Style := RTFLevel.FontStyle;
- RVLevel.Font.Color := RTFLevel.Color;
- RVLevel.Font.Size := RTFLevel.FontSize;
- RVLevel.LeftIndent := Round(RTFLevel.LeftIndentTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- RVLevel.MarkerIndent := Round(RTFLevel.FirstIndentTw*PixelsPerTwip)+RVLevel.LeftIndent;
- RVLevel.FirstIndent := Round(RTFLevel.TabPosTw*PixelsPerTwip)-RVLevel.LeftIndent;
- RVLevel.StartFrom := RTFLevel.Start;
- if RTFLevel.NoRestart then
- RVLevel.Options := RVLevel.Options - [rvloLevelReset];
- if RTFLevel.Legal then
- RVLevel.Options := RVLevel.Options + [rvloLegalStyleNumbering];
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- ForbiddenStyles.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.ReaderProgress(Sender: TRVRTFReader;
- Stage: TRVRTFProgressStage; PercentDone: Byte);
- begin
- RVData.DoProgress(rvloLoading, TRVProgressStage(Stage), PercentDone);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.NewReaderText(Sender: TRVRTFReader;
- const Text: String; Position: TRVRTFPosition);
- var StyleNo : Integer;
- item : TCustomRVItemInfo;
- s: String;
- begin
- if FSkipHiddenText and Reader.RTFState.CharProps.Hidden then
- exit;
- if LineBreaksAsParagraphs and (Position=rtf_ts_NewLine) then
- Position := rtf_ts_NewPara;
- StyleNo := ReturnStyleNo(UnicodeMode=rvruOnlyUnicode);
- if (RVStyle.SpacesInTab=0) and (Text=#09) then begin
- item := TRVTabItemInfo.Create(CurrentRVData);
- item.StyleNo := rvsTab;
- TRVTabItemInfo(item).TextStyleNo := StyleNo;
- TRVTabItemInfo(item).ParaNo := ReturnParaNo(Position);
- s := '';
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- item := CreateTextItem(Text, {$IFDEF RICHVIEWCBDEF3} '',{$ENDIF}
- StyleNo, ReturnParaNo(Position), False, s);
- InsertItem(s, item, Position);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.ReaderEndParsing(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if not EditFlag then begin
- if Reader.RTFState.DocProps.LeftMarginTw>0 then
- RVData.GetAbsoluteRootData.GetDocProperties.Values['LeftMarginMM'] :=
- IntToStr(Round(Reader.RTFState.DocProps.LeftMarginTw*127/(1440*5)));
- if Reader.RTFState.DocProps.TopMarginTw>0 then
- RVData.GetAbsoluteRootData.GetDocProperties.Values['TopMarginMM'] :=
- IntToStr(Round(Reader.RTFState.DocProps.TopMarginTw*127/(1440*5)));
- if Reader.RTFState.DocProps.RightMarginTw>0 then
- RVData.GetAbsoluteRootData.GetDocProperties.Values['RightMarginMM'] :=
- IntToStr(Round(Reader.RTFState.DocProps.RightMarginTw*127/(1440*5)));
- if Reader.RTFState.DocProps.BottomMarginTw>0 then
- RVData.GetAbsoluteRootData.GetDocProperties.Values['BottomMarginMM'] :=
- IntToStr(Round(Reader.RTFState.DocProps.BottomMarginTw*127/(1440*5)));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.NewReaderUnicodeText(Sender: TRVRTFReader;
- const Text: WideString; Position: TRVRTFPosition);
- var StyleNo : Integer;
- item : TCustomRVItemInfo;
- s,s2: String;
- CodePage: TRVCodePage;
- Unicode: Boolean;
- FontIndex: Integer;
- begin
- if FSkipHiddenText and Reader.RTFState.CharProps.Hidden then
- exit;
- if LineBreaksAsParagraphs and (Position=rtf_ts_NewLine) then
- Position := rtf_ts_NewPara;
- s2 := '';
- Unicode := UnicodeMode in [rvruOnlyUnicode, rvruMixed];
- if UnicodeMode = rvruMixed then begin
- FontIndex := Reader.RTFState.CharProps.FontIndex;
- if (FontIndex>=0) and (FontIndex<Reader.FontTable.Count) then begin
- CodePage := RVU_Charset2CodePage(Reader.FontTable[FontIndex].Charset);
- if CodePage=CP_ACP then
- CodePage := Reader.CodePage;
- s2 := RVU_GetRawUnicode(Text);
- if (CodePage<>CP_ACP) and RVU_CanBeConvertedToAnsi(CodePage, s2) then begin
- s2 := RVU_UnicodeToAnsi(CodePage, s2);
- Unicode := False;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- StyleNo := ReturnStyleNo(Unicode);
- if (RVStyle.SpacesInTab=0) and (Text=#09) then begin
- item := TRVTabItemInfo.Create(CurrentRVData);
- item.StyleNo := rvsTab;
- TRVTabItemInfo(item).TextStyleNo := StyleNo;
- TRVTabItemInfo(item).ParaNo := ReturnParaNo(Position);
- s := '';
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if Unicode then
- item := CreateTextItem('', Text, StyleNo, ReturnParaNo(Position), True, s)
- else
- item := CreateTextItem(s2, '', StyleNo, ReturnParaNo(Position), False, s)
- end;
- InsertItem(s, item, Position);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.ReaderHeaderFooter(Sender: TRVRTFReader;
- HFType: TRVRTFHeaderFooterType; Starting: Boolean;
- var Supported: Boolean);
- begin
- // 1 twip = 20 points = 1/1440 inch
- Supported := False;
- if Starting then begin
- case HFType of
- rtf_hf_Header:
- if FHeaderRVData<>nil then begin
- CurrentRVData := FHeaderRVData;
- CurrentRVData.Clear;
- FHeaderYMM := Round(Reader.RTFState.SectProps.HeaderYTw*127/(1440*5));
- Supported := True;
- Self.HFType := HFType;
- end;
- rtf_hf_Footer:
- if FFooterRVData<>nil then begin
- CurrentRVData := FFooterRVData;
- CurrentRVData.Clear;
- FFooterYMM := Round(Reader.RTFState.SectProps.FooterYTw*127/(1440*5));
- Supported := True;
- Self.HFType := HFType;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- CurrentRVData := RVData;
- Self.HFType := rtf_hf_MainText;
- end;
- RVStyle := CurrentRVData.GetRVStyle;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.ReaderPageBreak(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- PageBreakRVData := CurrentRVData;
- PageBreak := True;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.InitReader;
- begin
- PixelsPerTwip := RV_GetPixelsPerInch / (72*20);
- RVStyle := RVData.GetRVStyle;
- Reader.PixelsPerInch := RV_GetPixelsPerInch;
- Reader.ConvertHighlight := TRVRTFHighlightConvert(ConvertHighlight);
- Reader.BasePath := BasePath;
- Reader.ExtractMetafileBitmaps := ExtractMetafileBitmaps;
- HFType := rtf_hf_MainText;
- Reader.OnUpdateMarker := ReaderUpdateMarker;
- LastMarkerIndex := -1;
- LevelToListNo := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- {$ENDIF}
- Reader.OnNewText := NewReaderText;
- if UnicodeMode in [rvruMixed, rvruOnlyUnicode] then
- Reader.OnNewUnicodeText := NewReaderUnicodeText;
- {$ENDIF}
- if not IgnorePictures then begin
- Reader.OnNewPicture := NewReaderPicture;
- Reader.OnImportPicture := ReaderImportPicture;
- end;
- if RVData.IsAssignedOnProgress then
- Reader.OnProgress := ReaderProgress
- else
- Reader.OnProgress := nil;
- (*
- Reader.OnNewObject := NewReaderObject;
- *)
- {$ENDIF}
- Reader.DefCodePage := RVData.GetDefaultCodePage;
- Reader.OnRequiredPageBreak := ReaderPageBreak;
- Reader.TabAsSeparateChar := RVStyle.SpacesInTab=0;
- Reader.OnEndParsing := ReaderEndParsing;
- if not FIgnoreTables then
- Reader.OnTable := ReaderTable;
- {$ENDIF}
- PageBreak := False;
- PageBreakRVData := nil;
- NonFirstItemsAdded := 0;
- FirstTime := True;
- FailedBecauseOfProtect := False;
- FullReformat := False;
- Tables := nil;
- CurrentRVData := RVData;
- CurrentRow := -1;
- CurrentCol := -1;
- FEmptyPara := -1;
- FHeaderYMM := -1;
- FFooterYMM := -1;
- if (FHeaderRVData<>nil) or (FFooterRVData<>nil) then
- Reader.OnHeaderFooter := ReaderHeaderFooter;
- if (FHeaderRVData<>nil) then
- FHeaderRVData.Clear;
- if (FFooterRVData<>nil) then
- FFooterRVData.Clear;
- ListStylesCountBefore := 0;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.DoneReader;
- begin
- ReaderUpdateMarker(nil);
- {$ENDIF}
- Tables.Free;
- Tables := nil;
- LevelToListNo.Free;
- LevelToListNo := nil;
- ListTableMap97.Free;
- ListTableMap97 := nil;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.CurrentBorder(
- var RVBorderStyle: TRVBorderStyle; var RVBorderWidth,
- RVBorderIntWidth: Integer; var RVBorderColor: TColor;
- var RVBorderOffs: TRVRect);
- var side: TRVRTFSide;
- begin
- with Reader.RTFState.ParaProps do begin
- if HasBorder then
- with Border do begin
- RVBorderOffs := TRVRect.Create;
- RVBorderOffs.Left := Round(Sides[rtf_side_Left ].SpaceTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- RVBorderOffs.Top := Round(Sides[rtf_side_Top ].SpaceTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- RVBorderOffs.Right := Round(Sides[rtf_side_Right ].SpaceTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- RVBorderOffs.Bottom := Round(Sides[rtf_side_Bottom].SpaceTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- if Sides[rtf_side_Top].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None then
- side := rtf_side_Top
- else if Sides[rtf_side_Left].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None then
- side := rtf_side_Left
- else if Sides[rtf_side_Bottom].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None then
- side := rtf_side_Bottom
- else
- side := rtf_side_Right;
- RVBorderColor := Sides[side].Color;
- BorderRTF2RV(Sides[side].BorderType, Sides[side].WidthTw,
- RVBorderStyle, RVBorderWidth, RVBorderIntWidth,
- PixelsPerTwip, side in [rtf_side_Bottom, rtf_side_Right]);
- end
- else begin
- RVBorderStyle := rvbNone;
- RVBorderWidth := 0;
- RVBorderIntWidth := 0;
- RVBorderColor := clNone;
- RVBorderOffs := nil;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function GetTabLeaderChar(RTFLeader: TRVRTFTabLeader): String;
- begin
- case RTFLeader of
- rtf_tl_Dot: Result := '.';
- rtf_tl_MiddleDot: Result := #$B7;
- rtf_tl_Hyphen: Result := '-';
- rtf_tl_Underline: Result := '_';
- rtf_tl_EqualSign: Result := '=';
- else Result := '';
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function GetRVTabAlign(Align: TRVRTFTabAlign): TRVTabAlign;
- begin
- case Align of
- rtf_tab_Right, rtf_tab_Decimal: Result := rvtaRight;
- rtf_tab_Center: Result := rvtaCenter;
- else Result := rvtaLeft;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.FindBestParaNo: Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- Para: TParaInfo;
- LeftIndent, RightIndent, FirstIndent, SpaceBefore, SpaceAfter: Integer;
- w, bw, maxw,LS: Integer;
- RVBorderStyle: TRVBorderStyle; RVBorderWidth, RVBorderIntWidth: Integer;
- RVBorderOffs: TRVRect;
- {..........................................................}
- function CompareBorderSide( RVBorder:TRVBorder;
- RVBorderStyle: TRVBorderStyle; RVBorderWidth,RVBorderIntWidth: Integer;
- RVBorderColor: TColor; SideVisible: Boolean): Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- with Reader.RTFState.ParaProps do
- if HasBorder and (RVBorderStyle<>rvbNone) then begin
- if (RVBorder.Style=rvbNone) or not SideVisible then
- exit;
- inc(Result, RVSMW_BORDERSIDE);
- inc(Result, RV_CompareInts(RVBorderWidth, RVBorder.Width, RVSMW_WIDTH));
- inc(Result, RV_CompareInts(RVBorderIntWidth, RVBorder.InternalWidth, RVSMW_WIDTH));
- inc(Result, RV_CompareColors(RVBorder.Color, RVBorderColor, RVSMW_EACHRGBCOLOR, RVSMW_COLORSET));
- if RVBorderStyle=RVBorder.Style then
- end
- else
- if (RVBorder.Style=rvbNone) or not SideVisible then
- end;
- {..........................................................}
- function CompareLS: Integer;
- var v: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if not Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.LineSpacingMulti then
- exit;
- if Para.LineSpacingType=rvlsSpaceBetween then begin
- if Para.LineSpacing>1 then
- else if (LS<=100) then
- exit;
- end;
- v := Para.LineSpacing;
- if v<100 then
- v := 100;
- Result := RV_CompareInts(LS, v, RVSMW_LINESPACING);
- end;
- {..........................................................}
- function CompareTabs(RVTabs: TRVTabInfos; RTFTabs: TRVRTFTabList): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- RVTab: TRVTabInfo;
- MinCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if RVStyle.SpacesInTab>0 then
- exit;
- if RVTabs.Count<RTFTabs.Count then
- MinCount := RVTabs.Count
- else
- MinCount := RTFTabs.Count;
- for i := 0 to MinCount-1 do begin
- RVTab := RVTabs[i];
- RTFTab := RTFTabs[i];
- inc(Result, RV_CompareInts(Round(RTFTab.PositionTW*PixelsPerTwip), RVTab.Position, RVSMW_TABPOS));
- if GetRVTabAlign(RTFTab.Align) = RVTab.Align then
- inc(Result, RVSMW_TABALIGN);
- if GetTabLeaderChar(RTFTab.Leader) = RVTab.Leader then
- inc(Result, RVSMW_LEADER);
- end;
- dec(Result, (RVTabs.Count-MinCount)*RVSMW_NOTAB);
- dec(Result, (RTFTabs.Count-MinCount)*RVSMW_NOTAB);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {..........................................................}
- begin
- Result := 0;
- maxw := 0;
- with Reader.RTFState.ParaProps do begin
- LeftIndent := Round(LeftIndentTw *PixelsPerTwip);
- RightIndent := Round(RightIndentTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- FirstIndent := Round(FirstIndentTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- SpaceBefore := Round(SpaceBeforeTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- SpaceAfter := Round(SpaceAfterTw *PixelsPerTwip);
- LS := abs(LineSpacing) * 100 div 240;
- if LS<100 then
- LS := 100;
- if HasBorder then begin
- RVBorderOffs := TRVRect.Create;
- RVBorderOffs.Left := Round(Border.Sides[rtf_side_Left ].SpaceTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- RVBorderOffs.Top := Round(Border.Sides[rtf_side_Top ].SpaceTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- RVBorderOffs.Right := Round(Border.Sides[rtf_side_Right ].SpaceTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- RVBorderOffs.Bottom := Round(Border.Sides[rtf_side_Bottom].SpaceTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- end
- else
- RVBorderOffs := nil;
- for i := 0 to RVStyle.ParaStyles.Count-1 do begin
- if not AllowUseStyle(i, False) then
- continue;
- Para := RVStyle.ParaStyles[i];
- bw := Para.Border.GetTotalWidth;
- w := 0;
- if ord(Para.Alignment)=ord(Alignment) then
- inc(w, RV_CompareInts(LeftIndent+bw, Para.LeftIndent, RVSMW_INDENT));
- inc(w, RV_CompareInts(RightIndent+bw, Para.RightIndent, RVSMW_INDENT));
- inc(w, RV_CompareInts(FirstIndent, Para.FirstIndent, RVSMW_INDENT));
- inc(w, RV_CompareInts(SpaceBefore+bw, Para.SpaceBefore, RVSMW_INDENT));
- inc(w, RV_CompareInts(SpaceAfter+bw, Para.SpaceAfter, RVSMW_INDENT));
- inc(w, RV_CompareColors(Para.Background.Color, Color, RVSMW_EACHRGBBCOLOR, RVSMW_BCOLORSET));
- if (rvpaoKeepLinesTogether in Para.Options) = KeepLinesTogether then
- if (rvpaoKeepWithNext in Para.Options) = KeepWithNext then
- inc(w, CompareLS);
- if HasBorder then begin
- inc(w, RV_CompareInts(RVBorderOffs.Left, Para.Border.BorderOffsets.Left, RVSMW_INDENT));
- inc(w, RV_CompareInts(RVBorderOffs.Top, Para.Border.BorderOffsets.Top, RVSMW_INDENT));
- inc(w, RV_CompareInts(RVBorderOffs.Right, Para.Border.BorderOffsets.Right, RVSMW_INDENT));
- inc(w, RV_CompareInts(RVBorderOffs.Bottom, Para.Border.BorderOffsets.Bottom, RVSMW_INDENT));
- BorderRTF2RV(Border.Sides[rtf_side_Left].BorderType, Border.Sides[rtf_side_Left].WidthTw,
- RVBorderStyle, RVBorderWidth, RVBorderIntWidth,
- PixelsPerTwip, False);
- inc(w, CompareBorderSide(Para.Border, RVBorderStyle, RVBorderWidth,
- RVBorderIntWidth,
- Border.Sides[rtf_side_Left].Color,
- Para.Border.VisibleBorders.Left));
- BorderRTF2RV(Border.Sides[rtf_side_Top].BorderType, Border.Sides[rtf_side_Top].WidthTw,
- RVBorderStyle, RVBorderWidth, RVBorderIntWidth,
- PixelsPerTwip, False);
- inc(w, CompareBorderSide(Para.Border, RVBorderStyle, RVBorderWidth,
- RVBorderIntWidth,
- Border.Sides[rtf_side_Top].Color,
- Para.Border.VisibleBorders.Top));
- BorderRTF2RV(Border.Sides[rtf_side_Right].BorderType, Border.Sides[rtf_side_Right].WidthTw,
- RVBorderStyle, RVBorderWidth, RVBorderIntWidth,
- PixelsPerTwip, True);
- inc(w, CompareBorderSide(Para.Border, RVBorderStyle, RVBorderWidth,
- RVBorderIntWidth,
- Border.Sides[rtf_side_Right].Color,
- Para.Border.VisibleBorders.Right));
- BorderRTF2RV(Border.Sides[rtf_side_Bottom].BorderType, Border.Sides[rtf_side_Bottom].WidthTw,
- RVBorderStyle, RVBorderWidth, RVBorderIntWidth,
- PixelsPerTwip, True);
- inc(w, CompareBorderSide(Para.Border, RVBorderStyle, RVBorderWidth,
- RVBorderIntWidth,
- Border.Sides[rtf_side_Bottom].Color,
- Para.Border.VisibleBorders.Bottom));
- inc(w, CompareTabs(Para.Tabs, Tabs));
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- else
- if Para.Border.Style=rvbNone then
- if w>maxw then begin
- Result := i;
- maxw := w;
- end;
- end;
- RVBorderOffs.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function GetRVBorderTotalWidth(RVBorderStyle: TRVBorderStyle;
- RVBorderWidth, RVBorderIntWidth: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- case RVBorderStyle of
- rvbSingle:
- Result := RVBorderWidth;
- rvbDouble:
- Result := 2*RVBorderWidth+RVBorderIntWidth;
- rvbTriple:
- Result := 3*RVBorderWidth+2*RVBorderIntWidth;
- rvbThickInside, rvbThickOutside:
- Result := 3*RVBorderWidth+RVBorderIntWidth;
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure AdjustIndents(RVBorderStyle: TRVBorderStyle;
- RVBorderWidth, RVBorderIntWidth: Integer; RVBorderOffs: TRVRect;
- var LeftIndent, RightIndent, SpaceBefore, SpaceAfter: Integer);
- var w: Integer;
- begin
- if RVBorderOffs<>nil then begin
- w := GetRVBorderTotalWidth(RVBorderStyle, RVBorderWidth, RVBorderIntWidth)-1;
- if LeftIndent<RVBorderOffs.Left+w then
- LeftIndent := RVBorderOffs.Left+w;
- if SpaceBefore<RVBorderOffs.Top+w then
- SpaceBefore := RVBorderOffs.Top+w;
- if RightIndent<RVBorderOffs.Right+w then
- RightIndent := RVBorderOffs.Right+w;
- if SpaceAfter<RVBorderOffs.Bottom+w then
- SpaceAfter := RVBorderOffs.Bottom+w;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.FindParaNo(RVBorderStyle: TRVBorderStyle;
- RVBorderWidth, RVBorderIntWidth: Integer; RVBorderColor: TColor;
- RVBorderOffs: TRVRect): Integer;
- {..........................................................}
- function EqualBorders(RVBorder:TRVBorder; RVBorderStyle: TRVBorderStyle;
- RVBorderWidth,RVBorderIntWidth: Integer; RVBorderColor: TColor;
- RVBorderOffs: TRVRect):Boolean;
- begin
- with Reader.RTFState.ParaProps do
- if HasBorder then
- Result := (RVBorder.Style=RVBorderStyle) and
- (RVBorder.Width=RVBorderWidth) and
- ((RVBorder.InternalWidth=RVBorderIntWidth) or (RVBorderStyle=rvbSingle)) and
- (RVBorder.Color=RVBorderColor) and
- (RVBorder.VisibleBorders.Left = (Border.Sides[rtf_side_Left].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None)) and
- (RVBorder.VisibleBorders.Top = (Border.Sides[rtf_side_Top].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None)) and
- (RVBorder.VisibleBorders.Right = (Border.Sides[rtf_side_Right].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None)) and
- (RVBorder.VisibleBorders.Bottom = (Border.Sides[rtf_side_Bottom].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None)) and
- (RVBorderOffs<>nil) and RVBorder.BorderOffsets.IsEqual(RVBorderOffs)
- else
- Result := RVBorder.Style=rvbNone;
- end;
- {..........................................................}
- function EqualLS(Para: TParaInfo; LS: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- if not Reader.RTFState.ParaProps.LineSpacingMulti then begin
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end;
- if (Para.LineSpacingType=rvlsSpaceBetween) then begin
- if (Para.LineSpacing>1) then begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := LS<=100;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := (LS = Para.LineSpacing) or
- ((LS<100) and (Para.LineSpacing<100));
- end;
- {..........................................................}
- function EqualTabs(RVTabs: TRVTabInfos; RTFTabs: TRVRTFTabList): Boolean;
- var i: Integer;
- RVTab: TRVTabInfo;
- begin
- if RVStyle.SpacesInTab>0 then begin
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := RVTabs.Count=RTFTabs.Count;
- if not Result then
- exit;
- for i := 0 to RTFTabs.Count-1 do begin
- RVTab := RVTabs[i];
- RTFTab := RTFTabs[i];
- Result :=
- (Round(RTFTab.PositionTW*PixelsPerTwip) = RVTab.Position) and
- (GetRVTabAlign(RTFTab.Align) = RVTab.Align) and
- (GetTabLeaderChar(RTFTab.Leader) = RVTab.Leader);
- if not Result then
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {..........................................................}
- var i: Integer;
- Para: TParaInfo;
- LeftIndent, RightIndent, FirstIndent, SpaceBefore, SpaceAfter, LS: Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- with Reader.RTFState.ParaProps do begin
- LeftIndent := Round(LeftIndentTw *PixelsPerTwip);
- RightIndent := Round(RightIndentTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- FirstIndent := Round(FirstIndentTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- SpaceBefore := Round(SpaceBeforeTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- SpaceAfter := Round(SpaceAfterTw *PixelsPerTwip);
- AdjustIndents(RVBorderStyle, RVBorderWidth, RVBorderIntWidth, RVBorderOffs,
- LeftIndent, RightIndent, SpaceBefore, SpaceAfter);
- LS := abs(LineSpacing) * 100 div 240;
- for i := 0 to RVStyle.ParaStyles.Count-1 do begin
- Para := RVStyle.ParaStyles[i];
- if (ord(Para.Alignment)=ord(Alignment)) and
- (Para.LeftIndent = LeftIndent) and
- (Para.RightIndent = RightIndent) and
- (Para.FirstIndent = FirstIndent) and
- (Para.SpaceBefore = SpaceBefore) and
- (Para.SpaceAfter = SpaceAfter) and
- (Para.Background.Color = Color) and
- ((rvpaoKeepLinesTogether in Para.Options) = KeepLinesTogether) and
- ((rvpaoKeepWithNext in Para.Options) = KeepWithNext) and
- EqualLS(Para,LS) and
- EqualTabs(Para.Tabs, Tabs) and
- {$ENDIF}
- EqualBorders(Para.Border, RVBorderStyle, RVBorderWidth,
- RVBorderIntWidth, RVBorderColor, RVBorderOffs)
- then begin
- Result := i;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.GetEmptyStyleNo: Integer;
- begin
- case TextStyleMode of
- rvrsUseSpecified:
- Result := TextStyleNo;
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.GetEmptyParaNo(Alignment: TRVAlignment): Integer;
- var pi: TParaInfo;
- begin
- if (Alignment=rvaLeft) and (FEmptyPara>=0) then begin
- Result := FEmptyPara;
- exit;
- end;
- case ParaStyleMode of
- rvrsUseSpecified:
- Result := ParaStyleNo;
- rvrsUseClosest:
- Result := 0;
- else
- begin
- pi := RVStyle.ParaStyles[0];
- if (pi.LeftIndent=0) and
- (pi.RightIndent=0) and
- (pi.FirstIndent=0) and
- (pi.Alignment=Alignment) then
- Result := 0
- else begin
- pi := TParaInfo.Create(nil);
- try
- pi.Assign(RVStyle.ParaStyles[0]);
- pi.LeftIndent := 0;
- pi.RightIndent := 0;
- pi.FirstIndent := 0;
- pi.Alignment := Alignment;
- Result := RVStyle.ParaStyles.FindSuchStyle(0,pi,RVAllParaInfoProperties);
- if Result=-1 then begin
- RVStyle.ParaStyles.Add.Assign(pi);
- Result := RVStyle.ParaStyles.Count-1;
- RVStyle.ParaStyles[Result].Standard := False;
- end;
- finally
- pi.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if (Alignment=rvaLeft) then
- FEmptyPara := Result;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.AddPara(RVBorderStyle: TRVBorderStyle;
- RVBorderWidth, RVBorderIntWidth: Integer; RVBorderColor: TColor;
- RVBorderOffs: TRVRect);
- var Para: TParaInfo;
- LeftIndent, RightIndent, SpaceBefore, SpaceAfter: Integer;
- i: Integer;
- RVTab: TRVTabInfo;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- Para := TParaInfo(RVStyle.ParaStyles.Add);
- Para.Standard := False;
- with Reader.RTFState.ParaProps do begin
- Para.Alignment := TRVAlignment(Alignment);
- Para.FirstIndent := Round(FirstIndentTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- LeftIndent := Round(LeftIndentTw *PixelsPerTwip);
- RightIndent := Round(RightIndentTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- SpaceBefore := Round(SpaceBeforeTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- SpaceAfter := Round(SpaceAfterTw *PixelsPerTwip);
- AdjustIndents(RVBorderStyle, RVBorderWidth, RVBorderIntWidth, RVBorderOffs,
- LeftIndent, RightIndent, SpaceBefore, SpaceAfter);
- Para.LeftIndent := LeftIndent;
- Para.RightIndent := RightIndent;
- Para.SpaceBefore := SpaceBefore;
- Para.SpaceAfter := SpaceAfter;
- if LineSpacingMulti then begin
- Para.LineSpacing := LineSpacing*100 div 240;
- end;
- Para.Background.Color := Color;
- if KeepLinesTogether then
- Para.Options := Para.Options + [rvpaoKeepLinesTogether];
- if KeepWithNext then
- Para.Options := Para.Options + [rvpaoKeepWithNext];
- if HasTabs then
- for i := 0 to Tabs.Count-1 do begin
- RVTab := Para.Tabs.Add;
- RVTab.Position := Round(Tabs[i].PositionTW*PixelsPerTwip);
- RVTab.Leader := GetTabLeaderChar(Tabs[i].Leader);
- RVTab.Align := GetRVTabAlign(Tabs[i].Align);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- if HasBorder then begin
- Para.Border.Style := RVBorderStyle;
- Para.Border.Width := RVBorderWidth;
- Para.Border.InternalWidth := RVBorderIntWidth;
- with Border do begin
- Para.Border.Color := RVBorderColor;
- Para.Border.VisibleBorders.Left := Sides[rtf_side_Left].BorderType <>rtf_brdr_None;
- Para.Border.VisibleBorders.Top := Sides[rtf_side_Top].BorderType <>rtf_brdr_None;
- Para.Border.VisibleBorders.Right := Sides[rtf_side_Right].BorderType <>rtf_brdr_None;
- Para.Border.VisibleBorders.Bottom := Sides[rtf_side_Bottom].BorderType<>rtf_brdr_None;
- end;
- if RVBorderOffs<>nil then
- Para.Border.BorderOffsets.Assign(RVBorderOffs);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.ReturnParaNo_: Integer;
- var RVBorderStyle: TRVBorderStyle;
- RVBorderWidth, RVBorderIntWidth: Integer;
- RVBorderColor: TColor;
- RVBorderOffs: TRVRect;
- begin
- case ParaStyleMode of
- rvrsUseSpecified:
- Result := ParaStyleNo;
- rvrsUseClosest:
- Result := FindBestParaNo;
- else
- begin
- CurrentBorder(RVBorderStyle, RVBorderWidth, RVBorderIntWidth, RVBorderColor,
- RVBorderOffs);
- Result := FindParaNo(RVBorderStyle, RVBorderWidth, RVBorderIntWidth,
- RVBorderColor, RVBorderOffs);
- if Result<0 then begin
- AddPara(RVBorderStyle, RVBorderWidth, RVBorderIntWidth, RVBorderColor,
- RVBorderOffs);
- Result := RVStyle.ParaStyles.Count-1;
- end;
- RVBorderOffs.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.ReturnParaNo(Position: TRVRTFPosition): Integer;
- begin
- case Position of
- rtf_ts_NewPara:
- begin
- Result := ReturnParaNo_;
- end;
- else
- begin
- if CurrentRVData=RVData then begin
- if (InsertPoint-1<RVData.Items.Count) and (InsertPoint>0) then begin
- Result := RVData.GetItemPara(InsertPoint-1);
- end
- else
- Result := 0;
- end
- else begin
- if CurrentRVData.Items.Count=0 then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := CurrentRVData.GetItemPara(CurrentRVData.Items.Count-1);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.FindBestStyleNo(AUnicode, AHypertext: Boolean): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- FontStyle: TFontInfo;
- FN: String;
- Charset: TFontCharset;
- {$ENDIF}
- w, maxw, FontSize: Integer;
- fs: TFontStyle;
- CharSpacing: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- maxw := 0;
- with Reader.RTFState.CharProps do begin
- if FontName='' then
- FN := AnsiLowerCase(Reader.FontTable[FontIndex].Name)
- else
- FN := AnsiLowerCase(FontName);
- Charset := Reader.FontTable[FontIndex].Charset;
- if (FontName=RVFONT_SYMBOL) or (FontName=RVFONT_WINGDINGS) then
- Charset := SYMBOL_CHARSET;
- {$ENDIF}
- CharSpacing := Round(CharSpacingTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- if SScriptType = rtf_ss_Normal then
- FontSize := Size
- else
- FontSize := Round(Size/2);
- for i := 0 to RVStyle.TextStyles.Count-1 do begin
- if not AllowUseStyle(i, True) then
- continue;
- FontStyle := RVStyle.TextStyles[i];
- w := 0;
- (FontStyle.Unicode = AUnicode) and
- {$ENDIF}
- ((AHypertext and FontStyle.Jump) or
- (not AHypertext and (UseHypertextStyles or not FontStyle.Jump))) then begin
- if (AnsiLowerCase(FontStyle.FontName)=FN) then
- if Charset=FontStyle.Charset then
- else
- if (Charset=DEFAULT_CHARSET) or
- (FontStyle.Charset=DEFAULT_CHARSET) then
- inc(w, RVSMW_FONTCHARSET div 4);
- {$ENDIF}
- if Language = FontStyle.Language then
- {$ENDIF}
- inc(w, RV_CompareInts(FontSize, FontStyle.Size, RVSMW_FONTSIZE));
- inc(w, RV_CompareColors(FontStyle.Color, Color, RVSMW_EACHRGBCOLOR, RVSMW_COLORSET));
- inc(w, RV_CompareColors(FontStyle.BackColor, BackColor, RVSMW_EACHRGBBCOLOR, RVSMW_BCOLORSET));
- if (rvfsAllCaps in FontStyle.StyleEx) = (rtf_fs_AllCaps in StyleEx) then
- inc(w, RVSMW_ALLCAPS);
- for fs := Low(TFontStyle) to High(TFontStyle) do
- if (fs in FontStyle.Style) = (fs in Style) then
- if (FontStyle.Style=[])=(Style=[]) then
- inc(w, Round((1 - abs(FontStyle.CharScale-CharScaleX) / 100)*RVSMW_CHARSCALE));
- inc(w, RV_CompareInts(CharSpacing, FontStyle.CharSpacing, RVSMW_FONTSIZE));
- if GetStyleSSType(FontStyle.VShift)=SScriptType then
- inc(w, RVSMW_VSHIFT);
- if FontStyle.StyleEx<>[] then
- w := w div 4;
- if w>maxw then begin
- maxw := w;
- Result := i;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.FindStyleNo(AUnicode, AHypertext: Boolean): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- FontStyle: TFontInfo;
- FontSize: Integer;
- FN: String;
- CharSpacing: Integer;
- Charset: TFontCharset;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- Result := -1;
- if Reader.RTFState.CharProps.FootNote<>'' then
- exit;
- {$ENDIF}
- with Reader.RTFState.CharProps do begin
- if Reader.FontTable.Count=0 then begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- if FontName='' then
- FN := AnsiLowerCase(Reader.FontTable[FontIndex].Name)
- else
- FN := AnsiLowerCase(FontName);
- Charset := Reader.FontTable[FontIndex].Charset;
- if (FontName=RVFONT_SYMBOL) or (FontName=RVFONT_WINGDINGS) then
- Charset := SYMBOL_CHARSET;
- {$ENDIF}
- CharSpacing := Round(CharSpacingTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- if SScriptType = rtf_ss_Normal then
- FontSize := Size
- else
- FontSize := Round(Size/2);
- for i := 0 to RVStyle.TextStyles.Count-1 do begin
- FontStyle := RVStyle.TextStyles[i];
- if (AnsiLowerCase(FontStyle.FontName)=FN) and
- (FontStyle.Size=FontSize) and
- (FontStyle.Color=Color) and
- (FontStyle.BackColor=BackColor) and
- (FontStyle.Style=Style) and
- (FontStyle.Language = Language) and
- {$ENDIF}
- ((FontStyle.Charset=Charset)
- or (FontStyle.Charset=DEFAULT_CHARSET)) // <-- not very good solution
- and
- {$ENDIF}
- (FontStyle.CharScale=CharScaleX) and
- (FontStyle.CharSpacing=CharSpacing) and
- ((rvfsAllCaps in FontStyle.StyleEx)=(rtf_fs_AllCaps in StyleEx)) and
- (GetStyleSSType(FontStyle.VShift)=SScriptType) and
- (FontStyle.Unicode=AUnicode) and
- {$ENDIF}
- (FontStyle.StyleEx = []) and
- ((AHypertext and FontStyle.Jump) or
- (not AHypertext and (UseHypertextStyles or not FontStyle.Jump))) then begin
- Result := i;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVRTFReaderProperties.AddStyle(AUnicode, AHypertext: Boolean);
- var FontStyle: TFontInfo;
- begin
- FontStyle := TFontInfo(RVStyle.TextStyles.Add);
- FontStyle.Standard := False;
- with Reader.RTFState.CharProps do begin
- FontStyle.Jump := AHypertext;
- FontStyle.Unicode := AUnicode;
- {$ENDIF}
- FontStyle.Style := Style;
- if SScriptType = rtf_ss_Normal then
- FontStyle.Size := Size
- else
- FontStyle.Size := Round(Size/2);
- FontStyle.Color := Color;
- FontStyle.BackColor := BackColor;
- if FontName='' then
- FontStyle.FontName := Reader.FontTable[FontIndex].Name
- else begin
- FontStyle.FontName := FontName;
- // FontStyle.Protection := FontStyle.Protection+[rvprStyleProtect,rvprDoNotAutoSwitch];
- end;
- FontStyle.Charset := Reader.FontTable[FontIndex].Charset;
- if (FontName=RVFONT_SYMBOL) or (FontName=RVFONT_WINGDINGS) then
- FontStyle.Charset := SYMBOL_CHARSET;
- {$ENDIF}
- FontStyle.CharScale := CharScaleX;
- FontStyle.CharSpacing := Round(CharSpacingTw*PixelsPerTwip);
- case SScriptType of
- rtf_ss_Normal:
- FontStyle.VShift := 0;
- rtf_ss_Superscript:
- FontStyle.VShift := 45;
- rtf_ss_Subscript:
- FontStyle.VShift := -25;
- end;
- if rtf_fs_AllCaps in StyleEx then
- FontStyle.StyleEx := FontStyle.StyleEx+[rvfsAllCaps];
- FontStyle.Language := Language;
- {$ENDIF}
- if rtf_fs_FootNote in StyleEX then begin
- FontStyle.StyleEx := FontStyle.StyleEx+[rvfsFootNotes];
- FontStyle.FootNote := FootNote;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.ReturnStyleNo(AUnicode: Boolean): Integer;
- var ht: Boolean;
- begin
- case TextStyleMode of
- rvrsUseSpecified:
- Result := TextStyleNo;
- rvrsUseClosest:
- Result := FindBestStyleNo(AUnicode, IsHypertext_);
- else
- begin
- ht := IsHypertext_;
- Result := FindStyleNo(AUnicode, ht);
- if Result<0 then begin
- AddStyle(AUnicode, ht);
- Result := RVStyle.TextStyles.Count-1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.IsHypertext(var Target, Hint,
- Extras: String): Boolean;
- var p: Integer;
- s: String;
- removed, quoted: Boolean;
- i, state: Integer;
- begin
- if Reader.RTFState.FieldCode='' then begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- s := Trim(Reader.RTFState.FieldCode);
- if s[1]='' then
- s := Copy(s, 2, Length(s));
- p := Pos(HYPERLINK, UpperCase(s));
- Result := p=1;
- if not Result then
- exit;
- Target := Reader.GetFieldCommandValueEx(s, p);
- if p<=Length(s) then
- Extras := Copy(s, p, Length(s)-p+1)
- else
- Extras := '';
- removed := False;
- for p := Length(Target) downto 2 do begin
- removed := not removed and (Target[p]='') and (Target[p-1]='');
- if removed then
- Delete(Target, p, 1);
- end;
- quoted := False;
- state := 0;
- Hint := '';
- for i := 1 to Length(Extras) do
- case state of
- 0:
- begin
- if not quoted then begin
- if Extras[i]='' then
- state := 1
- else if Extras[i]='"' then
- quoted := True;
- end
- else if Extras[i]='"' then
- quoted := False;
- end;
- 1:
- if Extras[i]='o' then
- state := 2
- else
- state := 0;
- 2:
- if Extras[i]=' ' then
- state := 3
- else
- state := 0;
- 3:
- begin
- if Extras[i]='"' then
- quoted := True
- else
- Hint := Hint+Extras[i];
- state := 4;
- end;
- 4:
- begin
- if (quoted and (Extras[i]='"')) or
- (not quoted and (Extras[i]=' ')) then
- break;
- Hint := Hint+Extras[i];
- end;
- end;
- Target := RV_DecodeURL(Target);
- if (BasePath<>'') and (Pos(':', Target)=0) then
- Target := BasePath+Target;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.IsHypertext_: Boolean;
- begin
- if Reader.RTFState.FieldCode='' then
- Result := False
- else
- Result := Pos(HYPERLINK, Reader.RTFState.FieldCode)>0;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVRTFReaderProperties.AllowUseStyle(StyleNo: Integer; TextStyle: Boolean): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if Assigned(OnAllowUseStyle) then
- OnAllowUseStyle(StyleNo, TextStyle, Result);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end.